Read online every Tuesday ... Home delivered 20,000 Wednesday & Thursday THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2015 “Hornsby Council has turned its back on us ... we now turn our backs on them” story page 3 INSIDE BOB DOBSON IS AT THE SUB BRANCH HELM AGAIN LAUGHTER CLUB IN HORNSBY PARK BUSH TELE ABROAD GOES WORLDWIDE VALENTINES ROMANTIC LIAISONS LOCALLY JUST FOR KIDS FEATURE LOTS OF GREAT LOCAL LETTERS Photo: Mariko Smith IDEAL BATHROOM CENTRE PH: 02 9446 7033 Unit 1/144 George St. HORNSBY ONLY Narrow vanity with slim ceramic top 600*360mm.. $350 750*360.. $400 900*360.. $450 ONLY $350 ONLY $380 Full Ceramic Wall Faced Toilet ONLY $320 Square 7 Bar Heated Towel Rail Square 2 in 1 Shower Set -DPHV ONLY ONLY Pencil/Bevel Edge Shaving Cabinet 600*720*150mm.. $130 750*750*150mm.. $150 900*750*150mm.. $170 1200*750*150mm.. $240 All tapware sold separately. ONLY $550 Frameless Shower Screen 900*900*1950mm Polyurethane Vanity with Ceaserstone Bench Top 750*640mm..$700 900*460mm.. $800 1200*460mm.. $900 1500*460mm.. $1200 ONLY Polyurethane Vanity With Ceramic Top Available in: 600*460mm.. $300 750*460mm.. $350 900*460mm.. $400 1200*460mm.. $550 &DPSEHOO :KHQORRNLQJIRUDQ DJHQWWRVHOO\RXU KRPH\RXVKRXOG EHORRNLQJIRUD WHDPWKDWZLOO XQGHUVWDQG\RXU QHHGVDQG H[FHHGDOO\RXU H[SHFWDWLRQV -DPHVDQG+HQVRQ ZLOOJHW\RXWKHUH FDOOWKHPWRGD\IRU DOO\RXUUHDOHVWDWH QHHGV ^ĞĞ^ŽĂŵĞƐĨŽƌ,ŽŵĞƐ +HQVRQ =KDQJ 495 $ Panadol Osteo 96 Caplets (Contains Paracetamol)* 3 $ ea Organic Road Coconut Virgin Oil 1L (See in store for BEST PRICE on Organic Road) 95 ea $ ea Naprogesic 275mg 24 Tablets* 2695 $ $ ea ea 1995 Normacol Plus 500g* ea 495 $ ea BEST price Lovingearth Kale Chips 40g (All flavours in stock) 1795 $ 895 $ ea Combantrin Chocolate Squares 24 Squares* 1695 $ 1295 $ ea Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil 237ml* 4595 ea 2595 $ ea Biogenic Apple Cider Vinegar 500ml $ 795 ea BEST price Melrose Omega 8/12 Fish Oil 500ml*‡ $ Vital Greens 300g*‡ 995 Billie Goat Shampoo or Conditioner 250ml (See in store for BEST PRICE on Billie Goat)>> 2495 $ 795 $ ea ea ea Natural Secrets Goatsmilk Shower & Bath Gel 500ml (See in store for BEST PRICE on Natural Secrets)>> $ 595 ea Olive Leaf Extract 500ml*‡ 2195 $ $ ea Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant 30ml>> 375 $ Dr. Organic Tea Tree Toothpaste 100g ea 375 ea Kenkay Sorbolene with Glycerin Jar 500g or Pump 500ml (See in store for BEST PRICE on Kenkay)>> GIFT SALE CLEARANCE >> Jojoba 100% Natural Australian Jojoba 85ml Steradent Active Plus Denture Cleansing 48 Tablets (See in store for BEST PRICE on Steradent) Carefree Longs Original Liners 30 Liners (See in store for the BEST PRICE on Carefree) Gift Clearance - Huge savings on Gifts & Gift Packs Savings are off Manufacturer’s Recommended Retail Price (RRP) *Always read label, use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional. Continuous or incorrect use may be harmful. ¶ Breastfeeding is best for infants. ‡ Vitamins may only be of assistance if dietary intake is not adequate. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. >> External use only. ^ Does not include PBS prescriptions. Prices are stated in good faith, we reserve the right to amend pricing due to printing errors or manufacturer price rises. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Quality use of medicine limits apply. We reserve the right to limit quantities. VALID UNTIL 28 FEBRUARY 2015 OR WHILE STOCKS LAST. 2 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Bob is back at the Helm of Berowra RSL Sub Branch for Gallipoli Centenary Year At the January meeting of the Berowra RSL Sub-Branch, outgoing President Mal Nearmy, tendered his resignation due to work and family commitments. The Sub-Branch accepted his decision with regret and acknowledges his important contribution over the past two years. In a by-election for the position, the Immediate Past President of the SubBranch, Mr Bob Dobson AFSM OAM JP (pictured above) was nominated and after accepting the nomination he was elected unanimously. The 5HWXUQLQJ2I¿FHUZDVMr John Diews, Secretary of the Northern Metropolitan District Council. front cover story The Berowra Sub-Branch has engaged local tradesmen for the building of an Anzac Commemorative Wall at the site of the Memorial (pictured below - Remembrance Day 2014) near the Community Centre off The Gully Road Berowra. The imminent closure of the Asquith Nursery & Pre School and Asquith Leisure and Lifestyle Centre and Seniors centre has created confusion and distress with some in the community as people displaced from user groups VWUXJJOHWR¿QGDOWHUQDWHYHQXHV$OWKRXJKWKHVHSHRSOHNQRZWKDWWKH\ KDYHRQO\DPLQRULW\RIFRXQFLOORUVXSSRUWWKLVGRHVQRWGHWHUWKHPIURP UDLVLQJWKHLUYRLFHVDQGGHPDQGLQJWKDW+RUQVE\&RXQFLOKHDUVWKHPE\ VSHDNLQJDW3XEOLF)RUXPDGGUHVVLQJD5HVFLVVLRQ0RWLRQRQWKHVDOHDQG UHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKLVODQGXVHGIRUFRPPXQLW\XVHLQ$VTXLWK CONSTRUCTION STARTS FOR BEROWRA’S ANZAC COMMEMORATIVE WALL “Why We are Turning our Back on Hornsby Council ...” Asquith resident Joanna Beeston writes: Work has commenced on the Wall which will be unveiled and dedicated on Anzac Day, Saturday 25th April, 2015. The Federal Member for Berowra, Hon. Philip Ruddock MHR and the State Member for Hornsby, Matt Kean have been invited to participate. Grants towards the cost of the Wall and maintenance to the Memorial and surrounds were received from the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs and the NSDW State Government. Watch editions of The Bush Tele Weekly for regular updates on the Dedication of the Wall of Remembrance. Philip Ruddock MP “At the conclusion of the Hornsby Council Meeting in December 2014, the three Independent Councillors moved a Rescission Motion which stalled Council’s ability to take any further action in relation to the closure of Asquith Nursery & Pre School and the privatisation of the remaining three Council-run childcare centres. This motion was made after the majority of councillor’s voted to close Asquith and seek formal tenders from three private operators for the remaining three childcare centres. As a result of the Rescission Motion the matter is again up for decision at the Council meeting on Wednesday 11 February 2015. A stronghold of community members would like a new motion to include an amendment to allow Asquith Nursery & Pre School to operate a further 12 months to help families and staff to transitionout. Additionally they want the proposed Storey Park Asquith Community Centre to include space for a child care facility as was included in Council’s original Strategic Plan. People Power If you would like to add your voice to speak to this issue at the Council Meeting on 11 February 2015 from 6pm, you can register by phoning Hornsby Council: 9847 6666. We had over 20 speakers appear at the December Council Meeting so let’s try and better that this time. By signing the Petition and sharing with family, friends and community members, the harder it will be for those elected to represent you to ignore you. A link to the petition can be found here: https://www.communityrun. org/petitions/stop-privatisatonof-horsnby-child-care-centres To contact your elected representatives: www.hornsby. councillors” Assured Conveyancing Nikki Summerhayes Licensed Conveyancer /LFHQFH1R Ph: (02) 9456-0390 or 0414 847 886 7am-7pm 7 DAYS A WEEK Federal Member for Berowra As your Federal representative I can: • Represent constituents and make personal representations to the appropriate Federal Minister in Canberra on Federal matters including: Centrelink, the Child Support Agency, Foreign Affairs, Television and Broadcasting, Trade, Postal and Telephone Services, Defence, Immigration, Taxation, Passports, Employment & Training, Veterans’ Affairs, Medicare, Health, Higher Education and Agriculture and Export/Imports. • Arrange Congratulatory Messages for 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries and 90th and 100th birthdays. • Attend local functions, meet constituents on local Federal issues. Level 7, 423 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Telephone 02 9980 1822 Facsimile 02 9980 1833 This material has been produced by Philip Ruddock MP using his printing and communications entitlement. %X\LQJRU6HOOLQJ )ODWFRQYH\DQFLQJIHH 0RELOH6HUYLFH ZHFRPHWR\RX )DVWDQGHIILFLHQW &DOO1LNNLDWDQ\WLPHWRGLVFXVV \RXUVDOHRUSXUFKDVH Thursday 5 February 2015 3 Laughter in the Park Laughter in the Park Story & photo by Mick Gallagher of Mt Colah Laughter Yoga is held every Saturday at 9am in Hornsby Park (near Aquatic Centre) and it’s free. Story & photo by Mick Gallagher of Mt Colah Laughter Yoga is held every Saturday at 9am in Hornsby Park (near Hornsby Aquatic Centre & Cafe) and it’s free. “Anyone is welcome to join us for a half hour of laughter and light stretching, followed by a cuppa,” said volunteer teacher Maria Keeler of Hornsby Heights. Laughter Yoga is practiced in a group setting, and is extremely effective – because laughter is contagious! As participants interact, the exercises stimulate laughter from all members of the group. One of the objectives of Laughter Yoga is to cultivate childlike playfulness, which KHOSVSDUWLFLSDQWVWRODXJKZLWKRXWUHDVRQ3HRSOHRIDQ\¿WQHVVOHYHODQG age group are able to participate. Laughter Yoga is based on the principles developed by its founder Dr Madan Kataria, (The ‘Guru of Giggling’), a medical doctor from Mumbai, India. It combines laughter-based activities, clapping and breathing into an exercise routine. It is based on the body’s inability to distinguish between real and fake laughter – both provide the same wonderful physical and SV\FKRORJLFDOEHQH¿WV7KHODXJKWHULVVLPXODWHGDW¿UVWEXWLWYHU\TXLFNO\ turns into real, spontaneous laughter. In our busy world we often miss the opportunity to really stop and just laugh uproariously the way we did when we were children. Laughter Yoga creates a space for people to have fun and release pent up stress and tension through a good deep belly laugh. Laughter is nature’s antidote to VWUHVVDQGVFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFKKDVVKRZQWKDWVXVWDLQHGODXJKWHUUHGXFHV the levels of stress hormones in the body and lowers blood pressure, leading to improved health and wellbeing. The Hornsby Laughter Club was established in May 2002 by Jan and Ian Mitchell. For further information contact volunteer teacher Maria Keeler ph: 9482 2488. Photo above: Laughter Club devotees in Hornsby Park with the Hornsby Aquatic Centre & Cafe in the background. Maria Keeler (rear right) & friends, welcome you to the Hornsby Laughter Club in 2015. Hornsby Lions Host Beaut 1100 Snag Aussie Day BBQ Story by Graham Hosking The weather could not dampen the spirits of an excellent crowd all wanting to partake of the Hornsby Council ‘s Australia Day celebrations in Hornsby Park. The famous Hornsby Lions BBQ, expertly organised by Lion Ted Henebery, fed the Australia Day crowd in Hornsby Park as they were entertained by Lion Bill Bradley’s production of a four hour concert. Thanks to Laing and Simmons Real Estate who provided a marquee and sausage slicers extraordinaire! Laing and Simmons also sponsored the all-important bread and onions. This was a great community contribution, so thanks Karen Hardy and her Laing and Simmons team which included Matt Effenberg, and Karen’s husband Josh and son Jacko! Thanks equally to Tender Gourmet Meats Florence Street Hornsby who supplied the sausages and 4 GRQDWHGDPHDWKDPSHUIRUUDIÀH Included in the helpers were Council Volunteers Allan Hills, Kourosh Shaban, Mehrnaz Nourbakhsh, Daniel Lee, Steven Yuan, Shirin Shaban, Linda Brammer, Steven Su, Lyndon Yeung and Yanxia Feng. Thank you all our did an amazing job! Good to have the Leo representation of Olivia and Georgia Appleby, Yunzhe Tan, Heather Munro and Sergi THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Pavlenko. Congratulations to all Hornsby Lions and families who worked on the production line which prepared, cooked and distributed over 1100 sausage sandwiches! The Hornsby Lions BBQ team included Barry Thompson, Allen Fraser, Hamideh Akbarian, Maureen Flanagan, Ted and Pauline Henebery, Graham and Toni Hosking, Jane Li, Pat Mason, Keith Murray, Bill Newbold, Elena, Sergei and Vitaly Pavlenko, Marc Rondeau, Andrew and Kevin Tasik, and Pearl Lin from West Pennant Hills/Cherrybrook Lions Club. Proceeds for the day are to go to the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter. With the gold coin donation for the VDXVDJHVDQGZLFKHVDQGSUR¿WIURP drinks the overall contribution to the Women’s Shelter will be $1651.95, a fantastic result. Photo left: Lovely photo of the team Barry, Bill, Maureen, Marc, Ted, Allen, Pearl, Hamideh and Elena. Look at all those sausages to be cooked! Photo below: A good line up for a sausage sandwich!! Elena and Vitaly on the serving line. Brooklyn Students Visit WW1 Parramatta Story & photo by LCDR Mick Gallagher RAN/RANR Rtd With students back at school for 2015, Brooklyn PS students still remember their last school days of 2014. On Monday 15 December students were given a pre Christmas holiday treat with a cruise on the Hawkesbury River to visit the wreck of Australia’s ¿UVWZDUVKLS, the WW1 River Class Torpedo Boat Destroyer (TBD) HMAS Parramatta 1 (D55). Welcoming them aboard MV Bay Runner were the ship’s Master, Justin Pigneguy (ex Mooney Mooney / Brooklyn) & wife Catherine ‘the Admiral’ (both now of Sunny Corner, Hawkesbury River), and $GDP0LOZDUG Leading Deck Hand / trainee 4th Mate (ex Brooklyn). The wreck now lies on the northern shore of the Hawkesbury River below Cascade Gully opposite Milson’s Island, and is still visible even at high tide. 7KHERZDQG VWHUQVHFWLRQVZHUHFXWRIIby my fellow members of the Naval Historical Society in the 1970s. The sections are now erected as monuments on the shores at Garden Island, Sydney Harbour (bow); and on the Parramatta River at Parramatta (stern). Her WW1 sister ship +0$66ZDQ (D61) lies downstream below water off Tumbledown / Little Wobby, opposite Dangar Island. I joined the Brooklyn PS cruise with ART WORKSHOPS … for Over 55s 3pm. It will cover use of brushes, canvas preparation and planning an effective composition, with tuition and basic materials provided free of charge. Students will need to supply their own pencils, graphite, extra tracing paper, cleaning rags and palette. There will also be a printmaking ZRUNVKRSVHULHV, running over 5 weeks on Mondays 2, 9, 16, 23 February and 2 March, 1pm3pm, with materials provided. This workshop will cover how to safely use a press, dry point etching, transfer of images, using waterbased inks, suitable papers for printing, using collage, mixed media and embossing. For more information or to book into either workshop, call Kim on 9847 6531. Seniors aged over 55 years old can improve their art skills at a FREE acrylic painting and printmaking workshop series being held at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre. The DFU\OLFSDLQWLQJZRUNVKRS will run over 6 weeks with 2 hour classes on Thursdays 12, 19, 26 February and 5, 12, 19 March, 1pm- LESSONS ON COMPUTERS/TABLETS/ IPADS/SMARTPHONES With Computer Pals for Seniors Hornsby (Inc.) at Asquith Learning and Leisure Centre CONTACT 9476 1973 fellow members of the Brooklyn RSL Sub Branch. President Ken Shadie gave the students a brief history of the famous ship, and a one minute’s silence was held at the wreck site. RSL members then cast ÀRZHUVRQWKHZDWHUIROORZHGE\WKH students also casting their tributes. On completion of the ceremony the students were then landed at Milson’s Island for an afternoon of activities with NSW Sport & Recreation staff. The students were accompanied on the day by teachers: Joel Iles, Penny Broome, Lauren Williams, Jenny Sistrom, and relieving Principal Paul Teunis of Patonga. )RUPHU3ULQFLSDO-HDQLH%URZQ has now taken a new appointment as Principal of the new Riverbank PS (a new estate near Kellyville). “A thank you to Principal Paul Teunis for involving the students in our local Navy history. I would also like to thank the RSL members including RXUDI¿OLDWHODG\PHPEHUVIRUWKHLU assistance on such a memorable day,” said President Ken. In 2015 (the Centenary of ANZAC) we welcome Diana Aitken, as the QHZ3ULQFLSDORI%URRNO\Q36 Diana was previously the principal of Dee Why PS. Photo above: Brooklyn PS students & Brooklyn RSL SB members, visit the wreck of WW1 HMAS Parramatta 1 (D55) off Milson’s Island, Hawkesbury River, Mon 15 Dec 2014. It’s a great credit card rate. But it’s bigger than that. It’s putting you in control. It’s a credit card with all the things you want – and none of the things you don’t. Drop into your nearest branch at Shop 9, 1C Turner Road, Berowra Heights or phone 9456 2265 or apply now at Credit provided by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879, The Bendigo Centre, Bendigo, VIC, 3550. Terms, conditions, fee and charges apply. All information is correct as at 03/03/2014 and is subject to change. Full details available on application. Lending criteria apply. (S48172-1) (237046_v1) (28/01/2015) Thursday 5 February 2015 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Bush Tele, I was also disappointed that the front cover of The Bush Tele Christmas edition, (18/12/14), carefully omitted any mention of the word “Christmas”(ref Charles Rawson 15/1/15 and Robin Roberts 22/1/15). Magazines, schools, shopping centres etc are always worried about offending people of other religions, and of no religion, but it saddens me to see how it is apparently OK to offend Christians, by removing all references to everything connected to Jesus. In the past when Jesus was allowed in our schools, our workplace, our shopping centres, our country – everyone seemed to get on with each other a whole lot better than we do today. Getting rid of Jesus is not making the world a better place. Yvonne Graham, Berowra Heights You can’t judge a Bush Tele by its cover! Ed Dear Bush Tele, Surely we are not the only ones to feel this way? Dear Dog walker/s … Getting very frustrated at encountering other people’s doggy do-do from our red bin… and the footpath on occasion… please be advised that this particular family does not want your dog poo lurking in the bottom of the red bin for a whole week especially when you haven’t got the decency to bag it! See photo. After all, the Berowra dog park is just across the road. Take it with you and dispose of it there! Please also note there is a public bin right outside the Berowra Vet!!! Smithies@BH, online Dear Bush Tele, I would like to publish a plea to the parents of teenage boys in Berowra to ask where their young sons are on Saturday nights. On a recent night around midnight we were woken by a small group of obviously drunken young boys, shouting, swearing and when they discovered a garbage bin left out, they proceeded to roll the bin down the street and then kick it about. They then returned a short time later and did it all again. This happened in the Gwandalan Crescent area of Berowra. It used to be a safe, pleasant place to live. It’s becoming anything but. Parents need to exercise some SDUHQWLQJVNLOOVDQG¿QGRXWH[DFWO\ where their sons are when they are out late at night. Local Resident, Berowra. Dear Bush Tele, The article “New Campaign to get Drivers & Cyclists Travelling in Sync” TBTW 22/1/15, has merit if all obey WKHURDGUXOHVDVVSHFL¿HG7KH Amy Gillett Foundation has a great aim, but the awareness of many DVWRWKHWUDI¿FFRQGLWLRQVDQGWKH common road rules is lacking. I cite a recent occurrence which could have resulted in not only road rage, but a serious accident: ,ZDVGULYLQJVRXWKERXQGRQ3DFL¿F Highway where a group of cyclists were riding legally in the left lane. :KHQWKHWUDI¿FVWRSSHGEHIRUHWKH intersection at Kissing Point Road Turramurra, a number of these cyclists deviated across the two southbound lanes and also the two northbound lanes! I was waiting to turn right into Kissing Point Road from the Highway and had two cyclists ahead of me who were joined by two more cyclists. I do respect the right of all to use the roads, but I do ask the respect of all to obey the road rules, and also be aware of the potential for not only injury, but also the effects of trauma on all victims. The Amy Gillett story should not be repeated if we become more aware of the implications of our actions on the roads. Local Motorist Our readers tell us that the Letters page is their favourite part of The Bush Tele Weekly. “You never know what might pop up!” Did you know that The Bush Tele Weekly is published online every TUESDAY and letterboxed delivered (20,000) every WEDNESDAY THURSDAY? ... The Bush Tele has got the local community COVERED! Send your letters & local news to 6 THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY YOUR COMMUNITY DIARY DATES Proudly sponsored by BEROWRA RSL CLUB ph: 9456 1844 Thursday, 5 February BUSH TELE DELIVERED TODAY Mt Colah Group Embroiderers’ Guild NSW Ind. meets Asquith Leisure Centre, Lords Ave.10am 2pm. Enq 9987 4438 Probus Club Berowra meeting 10am, Morning Tea, Speakers. Uniting Church, Alan Rd, Berowra Hts. Enq John 9456 0288 Hornsby-Berowra Men’s Shed 7 Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 8am-1pm. Enq Paul Woodage 9456 2793 Friday, 6 February Berowra Breakfast Group meets networking, discuss business. Enq Wayne 0411 514 913 English Conversation Classes Performing Arts Centre Edgeworth David Ave. Hornsby/Waitara. 1-2.30pm. “Gold” coin ($1/$2) donation. All welcome. Enq.Pia Horan 0422 695 458 Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Parkinsons Support Group Turramurra Uniting Church, Turramurra Ave, 10am – 12md. Speaker Ray 'DJLXG)LUH0LWLJDWLRQ2I¿FHU Rural Fire Service, Terry Hills. Friday Fellowship St Pauls Anglican Church, Pierces Cnr, Wahroonga. Church Service 10:30am followed by guest speaker/Fellowship Luncheon. Saturday, 7 February Berowra Wallabies Rugby League Registration Day 10am - 2pm Village Green at the Roundabout. www. Beecroft Dance Live Band Australian Dances old/new called Beecroft Community Centre 7.3011.30pm. Enq. Wilma 9489 5594 or 0413 673 339 Berowra Community Markets 4-6 Alan Rd Berowra Hts 9am2pm. Fresh fruit & veg, stalls, morning tea, BBQ.jewellery, cards, EULFDEUDFSODQWVÀRZHUVERRNV and more. Enq Leslie 9456 6312. Monday, 9 February NSW Justices Assoc Hornsby 7pm Asquith Rugby League Club opp Waitara station. JP’s welcome. Training, speakers. Enq John Tibbitts 9875 1383. Dance Workshop all ages. Australian Dances. We teach you! Wilma 9489 5594, 0413 673339 Free “ Learn To Meditate Experience Peace of Mind & Mental Silence” Hornsby -Willow Community Centre - Leisure & Learning Centre 7:30-9pm Ph: 9476 3323 or 0458 498 550 U3A In Berowra “Affairs of Interest” Speaker Ian Thompson Iconic Australian Inventions of Our Time. Balcony Room, Berowra Community Centre 10am-12md. Tuesday, 10 February BUSH TELE ONLINE TODAY! Pennant Hills VIEW Club lunch at Pennant Hills Golf Club 11am. First meeting for 2015 & Election RI2I¿FH%HDUHUVIRUSOXV Trivia Quiz. Visitors very welcome. Bookings: Cindy - 8094 1600 Women’s Interfaith Sharing Hornsby(WISH) All women of good will welcome to our group of various faith backgrounds to learn more about each other, 7.15-8.45pm Hornsby Library. More info:Amelia 0414 998 349 or Thursday, 12 February BUSH TELE DELIVERED TODAY! Berowra Toastmasters meets at 7:30pm Balcony Room, Berowra Community Centre, The Gully Road, Berowra. http://berowra. Enq Kate 9488 9900. Carers Support Group If you care for a relative or friend join us to access information and support. Facilitator - Barbara Lewis, Manager Carer Support Service Northern Sydney Local Health District. 2.30pm Berowra Community Health Centre. Hornsby-Berowra Men’s Shed – 7 Alicia Rd Mt Kuring-gai 8am- 1pm. Enq Paul Woodage 9456 2793 Send your Diary DATES for 2015 to support@thebushtele. PO Box 80 Berowra Hts 2082 Planning a Function or Event? We are conveniently located opposite Berowra train station & have off street parking *FREE ROOM HIRE* Caters for all party sizes, Enquiries contact Arlene &RQGLWLRQVDSSO\ 8th - Lianna Rose 15th - Bernie Segedin BUSH TELE ABROAD Readers LOVE to send their Bush Tele Abroad photos to us for publication, and as a result we have a bit of a ‘backlog’ ... so here are a few! Cheryl Gurney writes: Dennis & I enjoyed a much-needed 17 day cruise on Radiance of the Seas around the Top of Australia and over to Benoa, then down the West coast to Freemantle, WA. This photo above was taken onboard as we sailed between Port Headland and Geraldton. Trevor Piper of Berowra writes: “In September last year Brenton, Glenn and myself explored the Himalayas on a15 day trek to Mt Everest base camp (5500 metres), Nepal. Travelling with 10 like-minded expeditioners from around the world, we experienced the challenges of trekking at altitude on a once in a life trip, with awesome panoramic views of several of the highest mountains in the world. We hiked many ancient yak tracks whilst under the guidance of the nepalese sherpas from Mountain Monarch Trekking.” Photo above: From left to right - Glenn Robinson of Asquith, Trevor Piper of Berowra and Brenton Piper of Asquith. Gabe and Ann Lomas of Berowra took a Bush Tele with them when they travelled to England in late 2014. Ann says, “Here we can see Gabe (pictured above) standing in front of the Grammar School that he attended in Steyning, West Sussex. If you look carefully you’ll see the date 1614! Yes, Steyning Grammar School celebrated 400 years in 2014. In fact its history goes even further back into the mists of time..... “ The Bush Tele travelled to Cardiff, Wales, UK with long time Berowra Heights resident, Marilyn Smith on her visit to her son, Sean Smith, daughter-in-law, Rachael and her two Grandchildren, Jessica and Katie (photo above). “Sean grew up in Elizabeth Street Berowra Heights but for the past 16 years been living in Cardiff, Wales.” The photo was taken in front of the entrance to Cardiff Castle. Here ia a photo (right) of our much loved granddaughter Brie McWhirter (of Anne Martin and the late John Martin and Chris and Ian McWhirter) in Luang Prabang, Laos in January 2015 with her copy of The Bush Tele! Do YOU have a Bush Tele Abroad photo? Email to: Thursday 5 February 2015 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Bush Tele, :HOLYHDWQXPEHU*RRUDZD\ 3ODFH%HURZUD+HLJKWV :HDUHZULWLQJWR\RXWROHW\RX NQRZZKDWKDSSHQHGODVWQLJKW DSSUR[LPDWHO\SPWK -DQXDU\ We have had some one toss up onto our deck, a packet of Rat Sak. :HKDYHDshiba inuZKRVXEVHTXHQWO\DWH WKHSRLVRQRXV5DW6DNWe assume this has happened because someone hates our dog. 7KLVKDVWREHORZHVWIRUP RIEDVWDUGU\,KDYHHYHU HQFRXQWHUHGDQGEHOLHYHWKH LQGLYLGXDOVKRXOGEHEURXJKWWR MXVWLFH :HZDQWWROHWDOORIRXU QHLJKERXUVNQRZVRWKDWQRRQH HOVHKDVWRHQFRXQWHUVXFKDQ DFW :HDUHMXVWIRUWXQDWHWKDWRXU NLGVGLGQRWJHWWKH5DW6DN RUWKLVFRXOGKDYHEHHQDORW ZRUVH Both the Police and the 563&$KDVEHHQQRWL¿HGDQG both authorities would love any information from any one that may have seen some one lurking around lately. Berowra Author Publishes his Latest Books Berowra resident Geoff Plunkett has published two more books. 7KH¿UVWDeath By Mustard GasGHVFULEHV WKHDUULYDO WR$XVWUDOLD LQRID OHDNLQJFRQVLJQPHQW RIGHDGO\PXVWDUGJDV ZHDSRQV Geoff says: Despite knowledge of the spill military authorities, in the interests of secrecy, sent unprotected and unsuspecting wharf labourers into a lethal The Newnam Family environment. The result was catastrophic: permanent disability and death. Mustard gas weapons have been retrieved as recently as 2012 and more may lie in shallow graves waiting to be uncovered. Featured on the ABC 7 pm News on 28 November, the book is published by Big Sky Publications on behalf of the Army History Unit. For a complete change of tack, WKHVHFRQGERRNLet The Bums BurnGHWDLOV$XVWUDOLD¶VGHDGOLHVW EXLOGLQJ¿UH,QD¿UHULSSHG through a Salvation Army Men’s Home for destitute and alcoholic men. Although it remains Australia’s ZRUVWEXLOGLQJ¿UHLW is, like the 30 men ZKRGLHGLQWKDW¿UH forgotten. Since this ¿UHSHRSOHKDYH GLHGLQEXLOGLQJ¿UHVLQ Australia, the latest in the Quakers Hill Nursing Home in 2011 where 14 perished. To this day the main lesson has not been learnt. A lifesaving device, available before the invention of the light bulb, is still absent in many buildings. Although there is a rightful emphasis on the GDQJHURIEXVK¿UHVWKHGDQJHU RIDQLQWHUQDOEXLOGLQJ¿UHVKRXOG never be underestimated. The book will be available on Amazon and The Book Depository. More information:KWWSZZZDEF QHWDXQHZVERRNUHYHDOV GHWDLOVRIWR[LFJDVWULDOVDV KWWSZZZPXVWDUGJDVRUJ6HFUHWV )URP7KH3DVWSGI KWWSZZZDPD]RQFRP/HW%XPV%XUQ $XVWUDOLDVGHDGOLHVWGSUH I VUBB"LH 87)TLG VU NH\ZRUGV OHWWKHEXPVEXUQ Doggie Rescue Pet of the Week Meet little … Indy ,QG\D3RPHUDQLDQFURVV3XJLVD VZHHWKDSS\OLWWOH\HDUROGJLUOZKR LVYHU\VRFLDOZLWKRWKHUGRJVDQG YHU\DIIHFWLRQDWH 0RQLND%LHUQDFNL'RJJLH5HVFXHU H[WUDRUGLQDLUHVDLGRI,QG\³6KHKDV DQLQTXLVLWLYHQDWXUH6KHFDQFOLPE PFKDLQZLUHIHQFLQJLIOHIWDORQH 6KHZRXOGEHEHVWVXLWHGWRDIDPLO\ ZKHUHVRPHRQHLVKRPHDORWRIWKH WLPH´ ,QG\KDVDÀXII\FRDWDQGZHLJKV NJ6KHFRPHVGHVH[HG& YDFFLQDWHGKHDUWZRUPIUHHDQG PLFURFKLSSHG+HUDGRSWLRQFRVWLV )RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVFDOO'RJJLH5HVFXH RQRUHPDLO0RQLND# 'RJJLH5HVFXHFRP9LVLWZZZ 'RJJLH5HVFXHFRPWRPHHWPRUH WKDQKRPHOHVVGRJV The Bush Tele Weekly is a proud sponsor of Doggie Rescue Pet of the Week adverts. ADAM DARKE S O L I C I T O R HOME VISITS BEROWRA, BEROWRA HTS, MOUNT COLAH & MT KURING-GAI CONVEYANCING SERVICE - BUYING & SELLING PROPERTY CONVEYANCING - REFINANCING OF PROPERTY POWERS OF ATTORNEY 9456 1496 LEASES WILLS - USUALLY $120 0407 499 931 PROBATE APPLICATIONS Suites 20-21 The Madison 25-29 Hunter St HORNSBY 8 %8<0( HORNSBY S O L I C I T O R S Offering friendly and professional service /' 62 9476 2788 8 CORONATION STREET, HORNSBY S O L I C I T O R S ROBERT NAPOLI & CO. Ph: 9485 3400 Fax: 9485 3499 COLLINS & THOMPSON maree garrett & associates MGA )256$/( CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ZZZSMUHFRPDX THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY Deceased Estates, Wills, Powers of Attorney & Guardianship Appointments Sale and Purchase of Homes, Businesses, Commercial & Industrial Properties Leasing of Shops & Factories Family Law/De Facto Property Settlements, PreNuptial & Domestic Relationship Agreements Employment Law Suite 24, Level 1 The Madison 25-29 Hunter Street HORNSBY 9477 5077 VALENTINES DAY 14th February Whisk your Special Some One away for a Romantic Liaison ... you You know how I adore rs yea Have felt this way for you w So now I want to sho nd cheers! With food and wine a ay! Happy Valentines D LOCALLY! FALLING HEAD OVER HEELS THIS VALENTINE’S DAY 4 COURSE MENU . A GLASS OF BUBBLES ON ARRIVAL A RED ROSE PRESENTED TO ALL LADIES $120 PP MT COLAH PIZZERIA & GRILL ake Away + Deliv e in. T ery Din BYO S AT U R D A Y 1 4 TH F E B R U A R Y 9477 5000 ENJOY VALENTINE’S DAY AT THE SPRINGS & GO IN THE DRAW TO WIN DINNER FOR 2 AT THE SITTING DUCK + A NIGHT AT THE LUXURIOUS NOONAWEENA SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS. Open Tuesday To Sunday Free complementary cherry chocolate cupcakes by "Le Belle Cupcakes for dine-in couples on Valentines Peats Ridge (02) 4373 1522 springsgolfclub Large Groups Welcome (order online available) 5/599 Pacific H’wy, Mt Colah Parking at rear RESTAURANT & BISTRO OPEN 7 DAYS ȷɀɃșɃȶȲȼȷȲɄɅȣɆȿȴȹ țȺȿȿȶɃȝɃȺȪȲɅ Valentine’s Day SPECIAL (QMR\D&RPSOLPHQWDU\ *ODVVRI&KDPSDJQH &KRFRODWHV 286 Pacific Highway HORNSBY &RPLQJ8SSAT 14th FEB IURPSP*DU\5REHUWVRQ JXLWDULVWYRFDOLVW'DYH¶V IDYRXULWHVPHQX Sat 21st Feb...The Monkeys & Hermans Hermits Show Dinner & Show only $50 bookings essential Sat 7th March...Slam Tango Duo – great dance, rock band show bookings essential Every Sat night Gary Robertson on the veranda & live music every Sunday BOOKINGS 9985 7860 Open 7 days a week 11:00AM-10:30PM 216 BROOKLYN RD BROOKLYN Join Us this Valentines Day 11-37 Alexandria Parade Waitara 9487 1066 Thursday 5 February 2015 9 HEALTH AND BEAUTY PRICELESS PEARLS By Ralph Estherby I always surprises me when I find out that Hollywood has plans to remake what I consider to be classic movies. This week I came across announcements that the new “Ghostbusters” is going to feature an all female cast, “The Fantastic 4” is being given a ‘reboot’ with a twist and that Harrison Ford has been replaced in the renewal of the classic “Indiana Jones”. I am not sure why the movie studios have this passion for remaking these classics – it would seem to me that they were fine as they were and that they should concentrate on new ideas and new stories but they don’t – it is obvious that they want to stick with a winning story, something tried and tested – they want to recreate something that already has had success - they want people to come to the cinema, pay for their ticket and then buy the Blue Ray but I think that there is more to it as well. Perhaps it is that people desire familiarity; that new ideas are harder to sell than old trusted ones; perhaps it points to the truth that Solomon pointed out “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 Big stories always seem to get retold and refreshed for each subsequent generation. We are probably overdue for a new ‘Titanic’ or ‘Conan the Barbarian’, I know for a fact that ‘Batman’ is again in production and probably a lot more that I don’t even know about… it will be interesting to see if this trend continues in the coming years. I love new stories, new concepts and new ideas but I have learned something – men and women are always striving for something new: new discoveries; new understandings and new philosophies. But no matter how hard they try they cannot ignore the ‘old truths’ and the ‘old stories’. They may need ‘refreshing’ as a new generation looks at them with new eyes but the old truth is still truth… A lot of people discount the message of Christ because it is old…it has a lot of old tradition attached and occasionally looks like it is out of date – but just like the movies made for a new set of eyes, the story behind the packaging is still valid and worthy of a fresh look. I don’t know when the last time was that you had a look at the Gospel – the message of Christ – but perhaps it is time for some fresh eyes? DO YOU HAVE A COMMENT OR A QUESTION? ‘Breakthrough Church’, meets at 9.30am Sundays at the Performing Arts Centre (Old Bowling Club) - Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby 9477 7222 10 BEROWRA COMMUNITY MARKETS Saturday 7th February 4-6 Alan Road, Berowra Heights 9am - 2pm We are back for our eighth year of supporting local and wider charities and organizations and new this year we are thrilled to team up with Harvest Hub to provide fresh fruit and vegetables. Harvest Hub is committed to supporting farmers and provides fresh, seasonal produce - most produce is grown or manufactured in the Sydney basin. There is a range of mainstream, chemical-free and organic produce and groceries. Buy local and eat great food that doesn’t cost the earth. Also all of your favourite stalls will be back including our delicious morning tea with slices and great BBQ run by Berowra Girl Guides (who we are supporting this month) to tempt your tastebuds as well as cards, jewellery, bric-a-brac, plants, flowers, books and many others. Enq: Lesley 9456 6312 HORNSBY AND DISTRICT LANTERN CLUB The results of our Christmas raffle were as follows: 1st prize:- M Supple of Hornsby 2nd prize:- U Gymer of Cowan 3rd prize:M Atkins of Berowra 4th prize:A Ahn of Pennant Hills Thank you to everyone who supported our raffle. All money’s raised went directly to the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children. AGLOW INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA HORNSBY You are invited to come and be refreshed in the Spirit at the Uniting Church Worship and Activities Centre, Southern Auditorium, 24 William Street, Hornsby at 7pm . Cost $10, includes Supper. Our next meeting takes place on Thursday 12th February. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY SPORT & REC WORKERS ENLIST MATT KEAN MP TO HELP WITH DEERUBBIN CLEAN-UP LOCAL RESIDENTS JOINED MILSON ISLAND SPORT AND RECREATION CENTRE STAFF LAST WEEK TO CLEAN UP MOONEY MOONEY’S DEERUBBIN RESERVE. The reserve is a popular boat launching site with locals and visitors but become a dumping ground over recent years and was in a heavily polluted state when the camp’s staff invited Hornsby State Liberal MP Matt Kean to join them for a mass clean-up effort. “It’s appalling to see so much litter and dumping going on at this normally beautiful spot next to the Hawkesbury River,” Matt Kean said. Matt Kean thanked the staff at Milson Island Sport and Recreation for taking the initiative by rolling up their sleeves and organising a clean-up day to remove the bags of rubbish which we collected. Staff organisers are hoping to make the clean up an annual event and are calling on interested members of the community to volunteer their time to help rehabilitate the surrounding local bushland. Anybody who spots illegal dumping is encouraged to contact local councils, the Environment Line on 131 555 or NSW Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. ACUPUNCTURE & HERBAL CLINIC William Zhang Yu Hui Acupuncturist & Herbalist Graduated in TCM (Uni Guang Zhou) Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (UTS) 460 Pacific Hwy ASQUITH Ph/fax: 9987 2938 your ad here 9456 2880 ȟȦȩȥȪșȰ Assessments Behaviour Anxiety & more Preschool to High School ages 0HO·V+DLU%HDXW\ Specialising in all areas of HAIR AND BEAUTY EARS, NOSE & NAVEL PIERCING 9456 2188 6KRS%HURZUD9LOODJH7XUQHU5RDG SOCIAL SNIPPETS t Jusr fo s kid IN MEMORY Ashley Joy Lambooy - 28/6/89 to 7/2/95 CLUB NEWS C Time has been and now has passed Our hearts still yearn for our little girl We remember her smile and the joys she gave us So many years ago now But the pain is forever in our hearts We think of a life that was taken short And the years we will never know The memories of her are all we have We hold them dear forever more Annette, Martin, Harrison & Max Lambooy KYB WHO IS JESUS OF NAZARETH? This term at KYB will be studying to find out who the Bible says Jesus is. Nazareth was hardly the place you would expect an important person to come from but it would seem that God does not work within the confines of social norms or expectations. We are looking forward to discovering for ourselves just exactly who Jesus is. KYB is a non-denominational women’s Bible study which meets every Thursday during term at St Mark’s Berowra from 10.30am -12.00 a crèche is available and we would love to meet you there. Just drop in. Emoji Back to School Costs a financial burden for many families With students heading back to school for 2015, many families who are already struggling with cost of living pressures, especially after the Christmas and New Year period, will be feeling the pinch of school costs. Major Bruce Harmer of The Salvation Army says it is understandable parents want the best for their children when it comes to education. “Most parents understand the importance of education and the benefits it brings not only to their children, but also society at large,” Major Harmer said. “As they say, education is one of the great equalisers in society; it can literally bring people out of poverty.” SENIOR FUTSAL IS ABOUT START. We are running competitions for seniors on a Monday and Thursday Night starting at 7:30pm all levels and abilities welcome. Futsal is a variant of Football and is played on a smaller field and mainly played indoors. It can be considered a version of five-a-side football. It was developed in Brazil and Uruguay in the 1930s and 1940s. In Brazil futsal is played by more people than football but does not attract as many spectators as the outdoor sport. Several futsal players have moved on to careers as successful professional football players. For more information please contact Michael 9477 2310 or LEARN MUSIC WITH THE HORNSBY CONCERT BAND The Golden Kangaroos Hornsby Concert Band is set to leap into a busy year of music in the Hornsby Shire with community concerts, Baby Proms, parades and street performances. It is a dynamic community band and new members of all ages and abilities are welcome in our beginner, intermediate and advanced concert bands, marching band, stage band and several small ensembles. A new Discovery Band for beginners will start 16th February. Past years have seen retired people and teens, grandparents, parents and younger family members all learning together. The Golden Kangaroos new Associate Conductor, Jeanne Hope, said, “I would like a dollar for every time someone has said to me – ‘I used to play such and such...’ or ‘I gave up playing and really regret it....’, or ‘I’ve always wanted to play an instrument.....’ Well, the Discovery Band is an opportunity to learn with us!”. “The rewards are many - learning an instrument is a stress buster, it improves your mental, physical and emotional health, and by pushing yourself you become a stronger happier person,” said Jeanne. The band has some instruments available for hire and this is a great chance to learn in an encouraging environment. And for those who used to play and had to give up for whatever reason, this is a way to get back to the pleasure of playing music with others. The bands rehearse at Beecroft Community Centre on Mondays and Tuesdays. To register visit, ring Paul on 9868 3289 or email The Economic and Social Impact Survey, commissioned by The Salvation Army, shows a significant number of its clients found their limited economic resources had a negative impact on their children’s wellbeing. 42% of Salvation Army clients could not afford up-to-date schoolbooks, equipment and new school clothing; 38% were unable to afford for their children to participate in school activities and outings; and 56% could not afford for their child to participate in out-ofschool activities (e.g. sports). Major Bruce Harmer says the costs associated with the start of the school year can mean the difference between a good education and a not so good education. “We all recognise school is a place of learning,” Major Harmer said. “However, the educational experience of students from a low socioeconomic background can be seriously impeded if their parents are unable to afford the basics such as new school uniforms, books, pencils, pens and backpacks, which not only contribute to their learning, but also self-worth and esteem.” Parents who are in need of back to school assistance at this time are encouraged to contact their local Salvation Army for assistance. Local contact details are available from This column is proudly sponsored by helloworld, Hornsby please ring 9476 5544 for all you travel needs. <Y]YdUTSXY\TSQbU `_cYdY_^cQfQY\QR\U V_b" !% &DOORUFRPHLQIRUDYLVLW ZZZNLGVLQWKHVN\FRPDX Thursday 5 February 2015 11 YOUR LOCAL SERVICES & TRADES GUIDE AIR CONDITIONING WASHING MACHINE & DRYER REPAIRS Jesse Morris 0424 528 106 ,QVWDOODWLRQ5HSDLU0DLQWHQDQFH )UHHLQVWDOODWLRQTXRWHV ALL MAJOR BRANDS Graeme Shepherdson Ben Miller (02) 9476 5555 ĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐOƵĚŝƚ OdĂdžOƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĚǀŝĐĞ O e: LICENSED PLUMBING Lic. 191933c BUILDING SIMON CADDY ELECTRICAL Pty Ltd CUSTOM DESIGN BUILDING HIA AWARD WINNER 5A84=3;H ?4AB>=0;8B43 B4AE824 *ALTERATIONS *EXTENSIONS *RENOVATIONS *KITCHENS *WALLS REMOVED *DECKS *GYPROCKING *CARPENTRY *ROOFING *PLUMBING *ELECTRICALS *PLANS J. Rosser ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C ‘Your local specialist’ 0416 018 421 STUART: 0420 666 781 9477 3535 - 126 George St Hornsby AERIALS FREE QUOTES AUSTRALIAN made Lic. 167463C Solar Panels Power Points, Lighting, Phone, Data, TV Cabling Ceiling Fans, Smoke Detectors, House Rewire, Switchboards Sales, Service & Repairs Gas & Wood Heaters & Fireplaces Mantelpiece’s - Marble & Wood Jetmaster Agent Elgas Refiller & Swap Station Full Range of natural gas & BBQ fittings DIGITAL ANTENNA SPECIALIST TIGER ANTENNAS 0435 713 790 Millington ELECTRICAL YOUR LOCAL BBQ & HEATING CENTRE OUTDOOR FURNITURE 8 Wattle Street, Asquith (opposite Coles) 0435 713 790 Blocked Drains Cleared, CCTV Inspections, Burst Pipes, Hot Water, Gasfitting, Renovations & New Installations ABN: 45 286 102 520 | Lic #: 254024C SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS Chartered Accountant Local, Prompt & Professional BBQ & HEATING ACCOUNTANTS All TV antenna and satellite work, 3G/4G reception, interference investigations, free quotes, fully insured. BEROWRA PLUMBING 24 HR Emergency Service All Electrical work, Phone & data, TV & Satellite, fully insured. 9457 9162 0418 679 596 Authorisation No: AU32411 ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS ELECTRICAL & ANTENNAS Authorised KLEENMAID Agent NORTHSIDE WASHER SERVICE Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Services PLUMBERS LicNo.17899C Domestic - Commercial - Industrial TV Antenna, phone and data, ovens & hotplates, rewires, lighting, data cabling and communications, main and switchboard upgrades, PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE AND COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. 24 hour 7 day emergency service. 9457 8742 Mob 0418 204 197 Ph: 0400110081 CARPENTRY GARDENING Chris Evans Lic. 139559C 683(5 &2/' ELECTRICIANS Locally owned & operated Lawn mowing, edging Lawn care and weeding Garden clear outs Hedging, pruning & trimming Residential, strata & commercial CARPENTER & HANDYMAN >_Z_Rd__c]Q\\ Friendly Service - Obligation free quotes Fully Licenced and Insured - All work guaranteed Residential home repairs and additions, carports, decks/pergolas eave and facia work and more. 9943 1080 0416 099 186 0404 047 456 Lic: 215276c APPLIANCE REPAIRS CLADDING Call 0438 579 668 Fully insured HANDYMAN Cladding Plumber Drainer Gasfitter Blocked drain specialist Hot Water The local plumber you can rely on. Backflow, TMV $0 Call out. Pensioner discount Call Simon: 0412 41 45 41 Lic #230704c Scott & Sons Plumbers Plumbing, Drainage & Gasfitting Blocked Drains Hot Water Heaters CCTV - Water Jetter Domestic, Commerical Industrial 24 hrs - 7 days 9482 9199 Lic. No: 141840c email: POOLS PARAMOUNT 3RRO&HQWUH Regular Pool Cleaning Service Liquid Chlorine Delivery Service Free Home Deliveries Maintenance And Installations Filters, Pumps, Heaters, Salt Chlorinators Liquid Chlorinators (Ask For Pink Addative) Pump And Motor Repairs All Repairs To Liquid And Salt Chlorinators Pool Cleaners*Legend, Truck, Baracuda-MX8, Jet Vac, Polaris and Marlin Sydney’s Best Prices... We Come To You Or Vinyl, Aluminium and Brick Cladding experts Drive A Little Save A Lot 9^X_ecU9^dUb^Ud@bYSUc #)'2\Qh\Q^TBTBiTU 4U^Ycd_^U5Qcd Call Mel 9807 3600 APPLIANCE COMPUTER SERVICES PLASTIC Cut Acrylic Sheet to Size Plastic Fabrication CNC Routing Point of Sale Displays Customised Enclosures REPAIRS WASHERS O FRIDGES D/WASHERS O STOVES O O HAMILTON APPLIANCE SERVICE E^Yd!&':UbcUiCd 9456 5777 !#*%((&"## 8QLW/HLJKWRQ3ODFH+RUQVE\16: LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION HOOVER SERVICE * SPARES * REPAIRS WASHERS - DRYERS VACUUM - D/WASHERS HORNSBY 9476 5094 ~ 9476 6848 MOST BRANDS SPECIALIST 12 HVWDEOLVKHGLQ 'LVFRXQWHG3RRO6SD&KHPLFDOV 3XPSV)LOWHUV&KORULQDWRUV 0DLQWHQDQFHDQG5HSDLUV3RRO&OHDQLQJ 3RRO+HDWLQJ3RRO5HQRYDWLRQ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The extension and renovation experts. For a complimentary initial discussion call Chris O’Neill 0411 88 88 22 or 9457 8783. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY +RUQVE\ X_b^cRi0`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ggg`__\Q^Tc`QgQbUX_ecUS_]Qe ROOFING BEROWRA ROOFING Lic: 12312c Roof Repairs Re-Ridging Replace Valley Irons Repairs to Metal Roofing Ph: 9456 2383 or 0417 412 225 Services and Trades... cont’d TREE SERVICE SKIP BINS HORNSBY TREE SERVICE VIKING SKIP BINS WASTE REMOVAL & CRANE HIRE SPECIALIST FOR RESIDENTIAL, TRADE AND BUSINESS CUSTOMERS. Fully Insured PETER O’SULLIVAN 0413 808 615 RELIABLE & AFFORDABLE SERVICE. PLEASE PHONE FOR QUOTE PH: 0403 259 822 ([SHUWKLJKFOLPEHU 3UHFLVHURSHZRUN \HDUVH[SHULHQFH )HOOLQJUHPRYDO PUMPS TILING VARIOUS BIN SIZES. CREDIT CARD ACCEPTED. NEW WORLD PUMPS Sales O Service O Repairs ALL BRANDS O POOL O FIREFIGHTING O SUBMERSIBLE 5/1 MARINA CL, MT KURING-GAI 9457 6699 KU-RING-GAI TILING O O O Full bathroom renovations Leaking showers O Kitchens Patios O All general repairs QUALITY WORK 9457 8444 Lic. No. 177868C HORNSBY BEROWRA EAGLES WHIP … BLOW … MOW … and AWAY I GO! JOSH BROUGHTON of Asquith knows that his customers want a lawn and garden service that’s fast, efficient and on time every time. Fully insured, Josh’s lawn and garden service includes gutter cleaning, tree lopping and hedge trimming. He even has a ride-on mower for those bigger jobs. “I like to keep the locals happy with my reliable service and reasonable prices,” said Josh (pictured). Whip Blow Mow and Away I Go services domestic and commercial clients. For a free quote, phone Josh 0431 904 765. J 31 W tfi ld H Play Footy with your Mates and Train with the Greats AFL season is getting closer, so now is the time to register your child to play with Hornsby-Berowra Eagles. Boys and girls who play AFL with the Eagles develop new skills, make more friends and can even train with the Sydney Swans. For parents and players, every AFL season is brimming with proud moments. Like the magical thrill when your son or daughter kicks their first goal. As proud father David recalls, “We couldn’t wipe the beaming smile off Tim’s face for days”. With Hornsby-Berowra Eagles every child discovers the power of working as a team. And as manager Paul Stafford explains, “… that means they share the glory that comes with a game well-played.” One of the many highlights of the season is when the Sydney Swans turn up to Eagles games. The children’s faces light up when their sporting heroes offer game-changing advice. There are many special moments in every child’s AFL season, but 9-year-old Harry has a favourite, “I kicked a ball with Adam Goodes at the SCG!” If your son or daughter is aged 5 or over and would love to join the thrill of AFL in 2015, register with Hornsby-Berowra Eagles now to avoid missing out. Photo: Harry and Tim with Mike Pyke. Berowra mates Harry and Tim get tips from Sydney Swans ruckman Mike Pyke. b 10 2 2 REGO DATES: Jan 31 Westfield Hornsby 10 -2 Feb 7 Berowra RSL 12 - 3 Feb 15 Rofe Park 10 - 2 or register online @ Thursday 5 February 2015 13 FOR SALE MOVIE-FILM-VIDEOTAPE TO DVD/DIGITAL CONVERSION Ph 9456 2851 or 0412 472 901 www. ASQUITH QUALITY BEDS -ALL SIZES Queen Matts from $270, Ensembles $390, Double matts from $250, Ensembles for $370, Single & King Singles call for price 9940 3961 GIRLS UNIFORMS AGHS AND HNPS Various sizes. Winter, summer, senior and sport. Some pieces are new. HNPS bag. Nothing over $25. Hornsby. Ph: 0438768410 GARAGE SALES SAT 7 FEB 100 Woodcourt Rd, Berowra Hghts. 9am Household BUILDING DESIGN & PLANS BUILDING PLANS additions, commercial, homes, BDA accredited. 9456 3848 spoonerdesign@kets. PLANS for Alterations & Additions, new homes, etc. Phone Warren Jenkins (retired architect) on 9456 4032. WANTED GARAGE, CARPORT OR CAR SPACE in Berowra area. Call Sara 0408 771 600 WANTED KNOWN BUSHBAND for all occasions, weddings, birthdays, social parties. Call Mick 0418 112 675 NEED SHORT OR LONG TERM STORAGE? Double garage to rent 10mins walk Hornsby Station. Avail 5 Feb. Please call Jan 0450 873 937 SEWING MACHINES Repairs to all brands of sewing machines & overlockers. Work done in your home for your convenience. 0412 584 145 COMPUTER SERVICES A1 EXCALIBUR COMPUTER SUPPORT ALL Hardware, Software, Internet & Network issues Fixed. Call Tim: 9456 7932 or 0420 524 885 ALL COMPUTER ISSUES Internet, Hardware,Software, Networking. In home service. John 9456 1964 or 0414 400 401 Berowra PC Services Giving You An Extra Hand Is my wireless network secure? What’s Wrong With My PC? My Network Is Not Working I Think I Have A Virus! Call Lloyd 9456 0292 or 0411 541 007 HORNSBY IT – In home and office PC repairs. All hardware & software problems. Internet access, wired & wireless networking. Web and email hosting, Ph 9457 8100 14 REPAIRS AT HOME OR IN-SHOP TV, Electricals, PCs, Laptops, Macs. Software, Hardware, Networking, Viruses, VHS conversion, security installations, photocopying, scanning, laminating all with expert advise. Plus 1000s of items for sale including PCS, Laptops, cabling, gadgets, gaming, Ink, monitors, new and used items. 25 years in the business + International Online seller. 9446-0744, EM:sales@, Wattle St, Asquith (Opp Coles) WORK WANTED A1 LAWN MOWING & BUSH FIRE PREPARATION 0407 775 895 ALL FLOOR & WALL TILING Indoor & outdoor, waterproofing & repairs. 20yrs Experience. Free Quotes. Lic: 70973C. Call Craig 0450 007 885 ALL LANDSCAPING Steelscapes Landscaping - Landscape Consultation, garden renovations, sandstone work, paving, retaining walls, decking, maintenance, hedging Tim Steel 0410 895 065 ALL LAWNS & GARDEN SERVICE Ride on Mowing, Edging, Hedging, Rubbish Removal, Chainsaw & Trees, Gutter Clean Pressure Washing, Landscaping. Professional 0477 207 649. BRT SERVICES - HANDYMAN Ex Handyman Trainer. Work Guaranteed. One stop shop for all work needs. No job too small. Lic:249022c. Michael 0451 164 106 CARPENTER -Landscape, Decks, pergolas, gates,repairs.Small jobs ok. Lic. R95282. Ph Frank 9456 3028. CARPENTRY & HOME REPAIRS Free Quotes. Ph Mark 0408 200 816. Lic #123316c. CLOCKS & INSTRUMENTS Prof. repairs, home visits, instrument maker. Ph 9476 5778 / 0409 131 808. FLOOR SANDING & POLISHING Free quotes, 20yrs experience. All areasMichael Boyle 9456 1735 or 0419 574 263 GARDEN & LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, weeding, hedging, pruning, rubbish removal. Fully insured, reasonable rates, Hammou 0421 166 762 GARDENING Beautify your garden by certified horticulturist for $37/hr. Call Norman Ph 0412 196 268 LAWPRA MOWING & MAINTENANCE SERV Local, reg’d insurance Ph 0403 775 567 LOCKS fitted, repaired, rekeyed. Secy Lic. 408561901. Nigel 0411 303785 NAT’S GARDENING AID Your local,friendly,garden service. Lawns,garden clean up, hedging and more. Call Natalie on 0407 670 889 for a free quote. THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY PIANO TUNER - Technician professionally trained. All work guaranteed. Ray Clothier 9456 4632 or 0412 354 632 ROOF REPAIRS - 35 years experience 0428 563 282 UPHOLSTERY Over 30 yrs exp. Ph Bryan 9476 6835 / 0414 913 883 TELE SALES Gosford Publishing Co seeks confident Sales Person for advertising sales. Salary + commissions. No limits on earnings. Mon-Fri 9-5pm. Training provided. To apply email WORKER RQD For gardening position. Call 0412 196 268 BEROWRA & HORNSBY CLEANING Berowra to Hornsby. Ph Jan 9456 3834. BY GEORGE WINDOW CLEANING Reasonable rates, free quotes. Call George 0410 332 354 KATRINA’S CLEANING Need a cleaner that can make your home shine? For a quote call 0424 443 317 LOCAL MAN-WINDOW CLEANING Free quotes. Water blasting available. Ph Simon 0414 225 057 SQUEEGEE PETE WINDOW CLEANING Call Peter for a quote. Professional results at affordable prices 0416 179 213 or 9987 2659 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE of Achievement. MATHEMATICS 7-12, Ph 9456 3459. MATHEMATICS Home tuition from a qualified teacher & experienced tutor. Ph 0418 448 759 or chrishav2001@ MATHS, PHYSICS TUITION Experienced teacher/tutor, in your home, Ph Rob - 0433 068 941 CLEANING CEMENT RENDERING/ GYPROCK SERVICES CEMENT RENDERING SERVICES Professional advice, quality work, any size house or project, all finishes & repair work. Since 1980 – call PLASTERFORCE 0418 286 567 or 9456 7800. PLASTERER/GYPROCK No Job Too Small. Ph Ray 0412 285 601 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME WE EARN $2000 per week.Info pack Ph Jenni 0414 777 072 DRIVING INSTRUCTION ALL DAY DRIVING SCHOOL For local professional tuition in man & auto. Lic 012893. Phone Richard 0425 317 684. MARQUES DRIVING SCHOOL Servicing Berowra since 1984. Debbie the Local Professional. Booking office Ph 9477 5802, Lic. 006488. SUZANNE 0425 277 689 for professional driving tuition Lic 10394 PAINTER SAM SUNG PAINTING & DECORATING New & repaint, int/ ext, free quotes, all work guaranteed Lic 223324c call now 0403 102 933 POSITIONS VACANT CARPENTER REQUIRED For small but solid Building Company with a reputation for providing top quality work. You’ll need to be hard working, have attention to detail & pride in your work. You’ll be rewarded with top pay/ appreciation/ respect and a fun environment that’s good to work in on the Hawkesbury River and Berowra Creek areas. We’re on a fast track and looking for runners. If this is you call 0411 332 743 before 5pm. ELECTRICAL APPRENTICESHIP Miles Astley Electrical Services is a local family run small business looking for a reliable and enthusiastic 1st year electrical apprentice. Must have driver’s licence. Immediate start. Please call Miles on 9456 4586 EDUCATION MUSIC TUITION E.J.H.MUSIC Lessons in Flute,Fife, Music Theory & HSC Music. $25/ half hour, $50/hour. Located in Wahroonga Contact Edward Ph:0466 303 886 Email:edd_happer@hotmail. com HALF PRICE GUITAR, BASS & SINGING LESSONS Recording studio avail. EXP. PRO. near Mt Kuring-gai Station. 9940 4470 www. HALF PRICE PIANO LESSONS For new students in yrs 3-6 Term 1. Exp. Qualified teacher, beginners to advanced. Sue Norrington 9456 3752 PIANO & THEORY HORNSBY Exp. & qualified teacher. All ages, all syllabuses . Ph 9477 1379. PIANO LESSONS $18 CALL ANDREA ph 99404083 or mob : 0416 768 845 PIANO, KEYBOARD, ORGAN & THEORY LESSONS Near Normanhurst Stat. 2 Vacancies Term 1. 9489 5594 SINGING LESSONS New Diamond Music, Boasting Best Industry Results! POP, R&B , Funk, Soul, Gospel Ph: 9482 1535 VIOLIN , PIANO & Musicianship. Professional tuition, All levels. Ph Lorraine Samuel (Piano) 9456 2088 Anne Samuel (Violin) 0429 235 923 WEDDINGS WEDDING DUO and band available to suit your budget. Call Mick 0418 112 675 HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY BLUE MOON REMEDIAL MASSAGE for tense, stressed muscles, 10-7.30, Mon-Sat. H/F 41 Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby. Ph 9482 9962 BOWEN, THE ORIGINAL, back, frozen shoulder, knee, ankle, sciatica. Fund Rebate. ATMS Ph Lindy 9456 0488. HEALTH NATURALLY Dietary & lifestyle advice & support for many conditions. Robyn 0418 890 045 HERBALIFE Products Ph 0425 252 364 / QIGONG TAI CHI FIRST CLASS FREE Term 1 28th Jan - 20th March Ring Anne 9985 9046. aemotty@ REBECCA CHRISTENSEN CHIROPRACTIC Gentle & caring treatment in our Berowra based clinic, Mon-Sat. Freecall 1300 790 889 TAEKWONDO Self Defence & Boxing. Mick & Janelle Marr 9456 3934 TIMBER DAY BOAT Government PETS AAA DOG BEHAVIOUR & TRAINING Private lessons. 20 Yrs Exp. Helen 0423 533 986 ALL DAY CARE FOR SMALL DOGS & puppies in our indoor play centre. Petite Paws Doggy Daycare experienced - fully insured - free pet taxi service. 0468 847 822 ANIMAL WALKING & MINDING Tailored care. Jess 0433 957 248. ARATAH DOG TRAINING Puppy & adult dog classes. Obedience & agility for beginners. Behaviour management.9456 4157 or 0421 028 219 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES Pet Minding Services. Colleen 0423 135 070. &RDVWQ&DQLQHV 0RELOH'RJ*URRPLQJ6DORQ +HDWHG+\GUR%DWK 6KDPSRR:DVK )XOOFXWJURRP DESIGNER DOGS GROOMING Serving Hornsby area since 1995.Unit 5/113 Hunter St Hornsby (prev located Edgeworth David Ave)Ph 9482 5119 GREENRIDGE CATTERY Cat boarding.17 Northumberland Ave, Mt Colah. Ph 9477 3033 HAPPYDOGZ PET GROOMING Alison 0410 529 550 KAT ‘N’ KAPOODLE DOG GROOMING Friendly & prof. service. All breeds, local. Kathryn 0423 737 732 MOBILE DOG WASH & CLIPPING SERVICE Purpose built trailer, warm hydrobath, shampoo/flea rinse, blow dry, deodorise, clip & groom. Call Barry 9481 0490, 0402 062 316. SHANNY THE NANNY Call Shannon Ph 9457 9162 FORD FOCUS LOW KMS 2003 Ford Focus CL only 78,000 Kms Manual Very clean reliable & economical. $6250.00 Contact Edward 0466 303 886 2008 REGAL CUB CAMPER XTD KIA SPECTRA 2002 auto green, rego 07/15, 98,300km, $3500 Ph 0431 363 756 TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 manual. 9000kms. As new, gen Toyota accessories. Fog lights, headlight protectors, weathershields, roofbars, full McCarroll history. One owner, Silver pearl, Haines manual, $13,000 the lot. 9456 3619 or 0435 823 111. HOLDEN BERLINA VY 2003 AUTO 152,000 km.Rego 30/06/2015. Lather seats. Reverse parking sensors. Excellent one owner vehicle. $5950. Mount Colah 0407 948 248. VS HOLDEN ACCLAIM 1997 Auto,189,563km original mileage. Good condition & reliable. $2,750 o.n.o 0416 211 432 FOR RENT MT KURING-GAI - 3/4 BR HOUSE Large, modern, clean, renovated home. Dble lock-up garage, big kitchen, neat garden, lge bathroom w spa, ducted aircon throughout. Walking distance to trains/primary school. Available now. $650/week. Ph: 0437 810 898. PUNT-40ft x 13ft Double bottom, 5 millimetre aluminium plate, located on Hawkesbury River $16,000 ono Ph 0450 347 641 HORNSBY SLOT CAR RACEWAY ESTABLISHED 1964 Fun 126A James Lane, Hornsby for t e whole fahm ily! Birthday Parties (cost $12.50 per person 1/2 hr) Air Conditioned Corporate & Group Bookings premises Race Nights Friday & Saturday (airconditioned premises) Lots of fun, for both kids & adults alike Golden Kangaroos Hornsby Concert Band FOUND DRESS RING at Lonsdale Ave, Berowra Hghts 9456 2876 READING GLASSES Found KFC carpark Asquith on 29/1 Ph 0478 368 716 2009 deluxe off-road campertrailer. Excellent conditions, many extras included such as LED lighting, additional stretchers, TV. Never been off-road. $9,000 Ph: 0421 383 075 SPECIALISING IN ... PARTY LIGHTING - 9477 6666. We come to you FAIRY FLOSS, POPCORN & SNO CONES Parties, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, School Fetes Call now 0406 012 344 CUSTOMLINE CAMPERTRAILER Mfr’s show exhibit until 2012. Special 40th anniversary edition, awning, double bed, 3 way fridge, 2 burner stove c/w griller, wash basin & water tank, winch, batt pack, spare tyre, jack, rego 7/10/15, like new $14,690 ono. Ph: 9456 4087. 9489 5816 FOR HIRE PARTY FLYING CRUISER C German built 18’ (5.4m) sail boat. Enclosed cabin can sleep 4. Not registered in Aus - needs work. Set of sails includes spinnaker, roller reef main sale, chrome sea railing. Needs keel and trailer. Best offer. Call 02 9456 4087 (leave message) Built/copper sheathed Hull. Mech. perfect Perkins 4 cyld 60hp diesel with velvet drive gearbox. Comes with Heaps & Heaps of extras. Get Out and enjoy your backyard now !! $13,250 9985 1525 2005 LEXUS IS200 200,000 kms, Auto, Silver, Sun-roof, Fog Lights, Rear Parking Sensors, Leather/Suede Seats, Lowered Rear. Reg Exp - Feb 17 2015. $6,000 ono. Ph: 0405-637-999 welcomes new players Concert, Marching and Stage Bands All ages, all abilities HAINES HUNTER 445C Mercury 75HP. Search for all details. Ph:9456 5569. 6SRQVRUHGE\(SSLQJ&OXEDQG(SSLQJ56/VXSSRUWHGE\+RUQVE\6KLUH&RXQFLO Thursday 5 February 2015 15 DW&RDVWDO'LQLQJ Saturday 14 February 2015 The perfect setting for a romantic dinner for two. 2 Course Menu $50 per person 3 Course Menu $65 per person Each guest will receive a glass of sparkling wine on arrival. Bookings are essential. Call 9985 9199. 9985 9244 | | 5 Kowan Road, Mooney Mooney THE BUSH TELEGRAPH WEEKLY 20,000 letterbox delivered every Thursday Published online every Tuesday. Delivered to Waitara, Hornsby, Hornsby Hts, Asquith, Mt Colah, Mt Kuring-gai, Berowra, Berowra Hts, Cowan, Brooklyn, Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Dangar Island, Riverboat Postman, Berowra Waters and beyond. DISCLAIMER: All responsibility for information, advertisements and opinions appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly is entirely that of the contributor or advertiser and not of the Publisher, Employees or Contractors of The Bush Telegraph Weekly. PRINTED: by SpotPress Pty Ltd 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place Marrickville 2204 NSW Australia (02) 9549 1111 www.spotpress. PUBLISHED: by The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd READ ONLINE: PLACE ADS ONLINE: CONTACT US: The Bush Tele Shop, Marketplace Shopping Centre 19 Turner Rd Berowra Hts NSW 2082. PO Box 80 Berowra Hts 2082. Ph: 02 9456 2880 COPYRIGHT: Stories, artwork and photographs appearing in The Bush Telegraph Weekly are subject to copyright and may not be reprinted in any media without written permission of The Bushland Shire Telegraph Pty Ltd. Kathie Comb, Managing Editor. HAPPY NEW YEAR … from the Mighty Berowra Wallabies! As the new clubhouse takes shape at Berowra’s Warrina Street Oval, people are getting excited about the upcoming 2015 rugby league season. Berowra Wallaby Bill Turner said, “We are strong as a Club with a well balanced committee plus we are dedicated as a playing group with a large turn out of senior players who have committed to the upcoming season.” REGO DAYS If you are interested in playing or you’re a parent of a budding NRL star, Rego days are: Saturday 7th February 2015 10.00am - 2.00pm (Village Green at the roundabout) Sunday 15th February 2015 10.00am - 2.00pm (Warrina Street Oval) For the young ones: U6-U8 $100 for the season For the big kids: U9-U17 $135 for the season Playing siblings receive a $5 discount. Rego costs include shorts, socks, jersey, club polo shirt plus a sausage sandwich and drink for players at home games. All coaching staff are qualified and registered with the NRL and apart from teaching the basics of rugby league the emphasis is on enjoying the greatest game of all. SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE We are always looking for new sponsors so if would like to get behind your local Rugby League side there are a host of packages that are sure to suit. LETTERBOX DELIVERED TO 20,000 HOMES AND BUSINESSES AND PUBLISHED ONLINE HOME DELIVERED WEEKLY FROM HORNSBY TO THE HAWKESBURY, WAITARA, HORNSBY, HORNSBY HEIGHTS, ASQUITH, MOUNT COLAH, MOUNT KURING-GAI, BEROWRA, BEROWRA HEIGHTS, BEROWRA WATERS, COWAN, BROOKLYN, DANGAR ISLAND, HAWKESBURY RIVER ON THE RIVERBOAT POSTMAN, MOONEY MOONEY, CHEERO POINT. PHONE: 02 9456 2880 PO Box 80, Berowra Hts 2082
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