FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES SESSIONAL INSTRUCTORS – SUMMER 2015 The Faculty of Health Sciences requires Sessional Instructors to teach the following courses during the Summer Term 2015. *LOCATION CODES: BBY=Burnaby, HC=Harbour Centre, SUR=Surrey, DIST=Distance Ed COURSE # & CAMPUS* COURSE TITLE HSCI 215-3 BBY HSCI 826-3 HC Perspectives on Disability & Injury Program Planning & Evaluation Seminar LECTURE/SEMINAR TIME/CLASSROOM ADDITIONAL TUTORIAL (if applicable) CLOSING DATE Thurs. 2:30 - 5:20 pm, SSC B9201 Inquire Feb. 6, 2015 Wed. 2:30 - 5:20 pm, HCC 1525 N/A Feb. 6, 2015 Interested applicants should send, by the closing date shown above one PDF document containing (1) a covering letter and (2) a C.V. to: Sessional Applications c/o Dr. Margo Moore, Associate Dean, Education Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University Blusson Hall 11320, 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Email: fhs_sessional@sfu.ca Qualifications: Graduate degree or equivalent qualifications in the field of assignment, evidence of teaching ability commensurate with the responsibility of teaching the assigned credit course and of carrying out the duties related to the effective conduct of that course. Ph.D. preferred. Information is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468, s27(4)(a), and the University’s policy of Collection of Personal Information, (I 10-05). The information is directly related to processing your application for a sessional instructor appointment and for offers of employment for successful applicants. If you have any questions about the collection and use of the information please contact Linda Hegland at (778)782-8488. Salary and conditions are determined by the TSSU Collective Bargaining Agreement. Simon Fraser University is committed to the principle of equity in employment. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement if directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Course offerings are subject to budgetary approval and enrolment figures. Sample Course Outline for Reference: HSCI 215-3 FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES HSCI 215-3 Perspectives on Disability and Injury section semester Lectures: Professor: Office: Email: Office Hours: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides students an interdisciplinary overview of injury and disability. Review of global distribution and risk factors. Examination of disability and injury across multiple levels of analysis. COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to provide students with an overview of various causes and risk factors of injuries and disabilities. Students will also learn about control strategies, early prevention and health promotion. By course end, students should be able to: - Identify leading causes of injury and disability at regional and global level - Understand the role of various risk factors that may cause different forms of injury and disability - Describe science-based approaches to prevention of many types of disability and injury - Understand musculoskeletal injury mechanism, risk factors at workplaces, development of certain occupational related injuries and suggest control strategies - Illustrate tips on disability etiquette PREREQUISITES: HSCI 100 or BISC 101, HSCI 130 TEACHING FORMAT: There will be three hours of lecture and one hour of tutorial per week. Attendance at tutorial is required. Tutorial format will vary from week to week and will include: weekly quizzes, recap of lecture material, student presentations and other activities. You MUST attend your correct tutorial group. REQUIRED READINGS: Various textbooks and online sources will be used. All of the lecture notes will be posted on canvas in a pdf version and on-line links will be provided if applicable. They will be organized by week. CANVAS: Course-related information and materials will be available on SFU’s canvas at: http://canvas.sfu.ca including weekly lecture presentations, links to on-line materials, announcements and other course information. . GRADING: Weekly quizzes Midterm Examination I Midterm Examination II Group Presentation Final Examination 10% 20% 20% 15% 35% Sample Course Outline for Reference: HSCI 826-3 FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES HSCI 826-3 Program Planning and Evaluation section semester Lecture: Instructor: Office: Email: Phone: Office Hours: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide an overview of the main frameworks, processes, and tools used in planning and evaluating public health interventions. Topics covered will include: developing program and evaluation plans, engaging stakeholders, developing data collection strategies, analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, developing reporting strategies, and facilitating use. We will also explore a variety of evaluation theories and approaches and discuss standards of practice, ethical considerations, systems approaches to evaluation, culturally competency, and continuous learning in evaluation. By the end of the course students will have been exposed to an assortment of approaches and tools that they can draw on to design programs and evaluations that best meet stakeholder needs. Instructional techniques will include lectures, group discussions, in-class exercises, and student presentations. Notes from lectures will be provided as PowerPoint presentations. REQUIRED READING: Patton, M. Q. (2008). Utilization-Focused Evaluation 4th ed. Sage Publications. A limited number of additional readings will be assigned throughout the course. GRADING: Evaluation Plan Evaluation Approach Demonstration and Reflection Facilitation Technique 65% 20% 15% PREREQUISITE: Admission to the graduate program or permission of the instructor. EXPECTATIONS / IMPORTANT NOTES: The professor may make changes to the syllabus if necessary, within Faculty / University regulations.
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