للتحميل هنا

‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
‫أن اهلل حيب إذا عمل أحدكم عمال أن يتقنه‬
‫‪For starters‬‬
‫‪Lesson plans‬‬
‫‪Units 13-14-15‬‬
‫ تحضير دروس ( لمساعدة المعلمين و المعلمات الجدد )‬‫ مجموعة أفكار ألنشطة صفية سهلة ‪..‬بسيطة و مميزة‬‫مرفقة بجميع الوسائل الالزمة النجازها‬
‫‪ -‬اوراق عمل‬
‫‪Prepared by :‬‬
‫‪T. Ghaidaa Al Faris‬‬
‫العام الدراسي ‪2015 – 2014‬‬
‫‪T. Ghaidaa Al Faris‬‬
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫احب ان اشير الى بعض المالحظات ‪:‬‬
‫الملف يحتوي على تحضير اربع حصص تغطي دروس الوحدة ‪ 31‬مرفقة بجميع اوراق العمل الالزمة و الوسائل من صور و بطاقات‬
‫ منهاج الصف الخامس من النوع الثقيل جدا و الممل ‪...‬‬‫(كان هللا في عون من سيقوم بتدريسه و التعامل معه )‬
‫اسعى من خالل اوراق التحضير هذه ان اجعل من هذا المنهاج مادة سهلة ‪...‬سلسة ‪...‬فيها الكثير من التنويع البسيط الذي اليثقل كاهل‬
‫المعلم او الطالب‬
‫نتذكر دوما أن المعلم هو سيد الكتاب و ليس العكس‬
‫ يجب عدم اهمال االنشطة التي تساعد الطالب على ممارسة المهارات او التقليل من وقت انجازها داخل الحصة مثل‬‫ االستماع للكاسيت ‪.....‬يساعد التلميذ في التركيز و سماع لفظ الكلمات من متحدث اصلي‬‫ الحديث عن الصور ‪ ....‬فرصة مناسبة لزيادة قدرة الطالب على الكالم و التحدث مستخدما المفردات التي تعلمها‬‫ االهتمام بتمارين التحدث و عدم اهمالها بدعوى ضيق الوقت ‪ ....‬هذه من اهم المهارات التي يكتسبها التلميذ و تساعده في استعمال اللغة‬‫خارج المدرسة بطالقة‬
‫ اعطاء الفرصة للتالميذ للقراءة سواء بصوت عال امام التالميذ او فيما بينهم‬‫يمكن اختيار على االقل ‪ 4‬او ‪ 5‬كل حصة لقراءة ولو جملة واحدة ‪ ...‬مراقبة اخطائهم مع عدم التنبيه عليها بشكل مباشر‪...‬‬
‫ تهيئة التلميذ لتمارين الكتابة بشكل جيد قبل ان يفتح الطالب كتابه و يقوم بالحل‬‫عدم كتابة أي حل على السبورة اال في حاالت نادرة ( عندما يكون التمرين صعب جدا و هنا افضل لو يتم استبداله بتمرين ابسط مع‬
‫المحافظة على نفس االهداف )‬
‫ممكن نعطي نصف المنهاج فقط لكن نكون قد اكتسبنا طالب يستمع ‪..‬يتحدث ‪...‬يقرأ ‪...‬يكتب بشكل مميز‬
‫ قد يجد المعلم نفسه امام طالب من ذوي المستوى الضعيف او غير مؤسسين جيدا في المراحل‬‫االربع السابقة‬
‫لذلك يجب ان يكون لدى المعلم خطة عالجية تمكنه من السير معهم قدما نحو االمام…‬
‫قد يضطر خالل تطبيق الخطة العالجية الى استبدال بعض التمارين في الكتاب بأنشطة و تمارين اكثر بساطة و متناسبة مع مستوى التالميذ‬
‫اكثر ‪....‬‬
‫ بالنسبة لالمالء ‪....‬حددت خالل تحضيري للدروس متى و ماهي الكلمات لإلمالء‬‫أحب ان أشير الى أهمية اإلمالء في هذه المرحلة‬
‫تساعد اإلمالء كثيرا في التدريب على مهارتي القراءة و الكتابة و الخط و يمكنك كمعلم ان تتعرف على األخطاء الشائعة عند الطالب و‬
‫تعمل على التغلب عليها‬
‫باإلضافة إلى إن اإلمالء تعطيك فكرة عن مستوى الطالب و مدى اهتمام االهل و اذا كان يوجد هناك متابعة في البيت أم ال ‪...‬‬
‫عند تصحيح االمالء يمكنك عمل جدول لألخطاء و من قام بها و تحاول خالل الحصة التركيز على هذه االخطاء و التنبيه لها ‪...‬مع الوقت‬
‫ستختفي هذه األخطاء‬
‫‪T. Ghaidaa Al Faris‬‬
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
‫ انا لست مع ان يكون عند التلميذ دفتر للنسخ و إتعاب يده في الكتابة لمجرد النسخ‬‫حسب خبرتي و برأي المتواضع الكتابين باالضافة الى اوراق العمل التي تركز على مهارات معينة تكفي‬
‫يمكن استخدام الدفتر بشكل قليل و محدود جدا‬
‫ بالنسبة الستخدام الكمبيوتر ‪....‬سيكون بشكل محدود و عند الضرورة و لمدة خمس دقائق فقط ضمن سياق الحصة‬‫الهدف من استخدامه هو تسهيل العملية التعليمية و جذب الطالب باستخدام وسيلة جديدة‬
‫ عند الطلب من التالميذ انجاز اي نشاط من المهم جدا تحديد وقت معين بحيث يعمل التالميذ ضمنه دون لعب‬‫او تاخير‪ ......‬قد يتأخر البعض في انهاء المطلوب منه ‪...‬التعطيه وقت زيادة ‪ ...‬و مرة بعد مرة سيحاول ان يسرع‬
‫و ينجز المطلوب ضمن الوقت المحدد ( تعتبر طريقة لتدريب التالميذ على االلتزام و انجاز المطلوب بسرعة (‬
‫مع أطيب التمنيات بالتوفيق‬
‫جزيل الشكر لالخ مدير الموقع ( أ‪ .‬سعد الدين المحاميد ) لمساعدتي و توفير جميع مايلزم النجاز هذه الملفات‬
‫المعلمة غيداء الفارس‬
‫في حال وجود أي خطأ أو لالستفسار الرجاء المراسلة على العنوان التالي‬
‫‪T. Ghaidaa Al Faris‬‬
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
: ‫اشرح لكم هنا الطريقة المعروفة في شرح و تقديم بعض المهارات االساسية للتالميذ‬
Introducing new vocabulary .
- showing the word card …. Reading … asking pupils to read … putting the card on the left side
of the board ..drawing two lines …. writing the word ….very slowly… paying pupil`s attention
to each letter ( the movement of the hand and the shape of the letter . asking a pupil to
come and re- write or you can ask them to rewrite on their own boards or in their notebooks .
Asking pupils to spell .. to repeat … explaining the meaning using the suitable method .
Listening and reading activities .
Telling pupils that they are going to listen to a dialogue / a story / a passage / a text
( never give them any other information about it )
Giving them a pre-listening question ( In this step pupils listen to give the general idea only )
playing the cassette … pupils listen … .eliciting the answer
Notice .
( when pupils can`t answer …play the cassette again and help them by giving some choices )
Asking them to open their books …asking them about the characters and the pictures .
encouraging them to talk as much as they can . ….helping them with some questions .
Asking pupils to listen again ( … .pausing to clarify unfamiliar vocabulary where necessary .
Asking pupils to listen…. pausing after each sentence ..asking them to repeat .
Asking them to read silently …writing some comprehension questions on the board .
In this step pupils read for details. Giving them 5 minutes for reading silently .
Asking some pupils to read the question …asking others to answer .
Asking some pupils to read aloud .
For dialogues ..asking pupils to role play the dialogue ( open pairs ) then in ( closed pairs )
Walking around …helping pupils to find their partners ..listening and checking their reading ..
Telling pupils to make a similar dialogue talking about their holidays ..demonstrating this
then asking them to do a similar one .
For stories : asking pupils to re-tell the story .
Asking and answering activities .
Before asking pupils to ask and answer .. you must prepare them for this step .
-After introducing new voc. Make oral practice of the same question and answer .
Beginning by asking the pupils the question … eliciting the answers … writing the question and
the answer on the board or showing cards and putting them on the board .
Asking the class to answer me then asking some individuals to ask me and I answer .
Choosing a good pupil to come and take my turn and be the young teacher …
Asking a pair to come and ask and answer in front of the pupils
Asking them to change roles …. Now pupils are ready to ask and answer in closed pairs …
Walking around … listening but never correcting mistakes … giving them a time to practice
then paying their attention to their mistakes in general without pointing to those whom do
these mistakes .
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Talking about pictures
Helping them by asking many questions ( Yes / No questions … miming ,,, giving them many
choices ………using all body parts to explain the meaning of you questions ….etc .
Teaching songs .
After introducing new voc . giving pupils a pre – listening question
It is always about a general information ( What is the song about ? )
Asking them to listen and answer .
Asking them to listen again and answer another questions about specific information .
Asking them to listen and repeat ( playing the tape and pausing it after each sentence )
………doing this many times till feeling that pupils can sing without the cassette .
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Unit 13 lesson 1
Pupil`s book exe1
Activity book exe. 1 @ 2
Aims .
To read for specific information .
To name some animals.
To express obligation.
To write obout endangered animals
To value protecting wildlife .
Warming up activities :
- Greeting the pupils .
- Asking about the date … writing it on the board .
- Showing pupils a picture of a dinosaur .asking them …
Are there any dinosaurs these days? Why?
What do you think …..How did all dinosaurs die?
Are all animals safe nowadays ? eliciting the answer that some kinds of animals are in danger.
What countries do to protect animals ………eliciting the answer …opening animal reserves.
Showing some pictures of some reserves in Syria …
if possible making a school trip to these reserves.
Making a discussion about reserves …which kinds of animals live there ??why??
Or we can prepare a short film/power point show about reserves and animals which are in
Materials ( teaching aids ) :
Cassette – pupil`s book – f.c.s - activity book – context – pictures or computer .
Presentation .
- Presenting new vocabularies ( deer – donkey – birds – lizard –wolves – hyenas – foxes –
parrots – monkey - tiger ) using pictures. Placing cards in different parts of the board ,
drawing a narrow path …drawing some rocks….and a bus .
Writing the suitable words while drawing ..
At the end …the board will be like the picture in the next page .
Note……..the only kind of donkeys which is in danger it is zebra ..
I prefer to point out to this during the lesson and show a picture of zebra..
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Through these drawings and the discussion pupils can learn the meaning of these
words(rocky-leave-shout-dry-protect-feed – danger – wild- nature reserve)
and these sentences (you must stay in the bus . you mustn't open the window-be quiet-don’t
- Pointing out that deer takes no 's' ..the plural form of wolf is wolves.
- Asking pupils to open their books . Asking them to talk about the pictures.
Helping them by some questions such as ……….
Where are the pupils ??at school or outside school? What do you think where are they ? How
many boys/girls can you see? Which kind of animals do you see? Is it dangerous ? Can you
feed it ?Why ?Look at the bus …Windows are closed or opened? Why? What do you think
about the roads ….Do they seem wide or narrow ? Can you see any rocks? Then the road is
-Asking pupils to listen and follow on their books.
-Asking pupils to listen again and read . pausing after each sentence ..asking them to repeat .
-Asking pupils to read silently …writing some comprehension questions on the board
1- How many animal words are in the text ?
2- What are they ?
3- What are pupils going to learn about in Al Badia ?
4-Why must we protect animals in the reserve?
5-What must the pupils do ?
Asking some pupils to read the question …asking others to answer .
Asking some pupils to read aloud .
- Encouraging pupils to give three or four sentences about the lesson .
The pictures, the words and the phrases on the board will help them to talk .
In the next lesson we are going to practise the structures ( must – mustn't ) so don`t be
worried …
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Exe 1 activity book
-Giving pupils three minutes to do the exe.
( You can revise the names of the animals using the pictures quickly)
-Going around …..helping…checking.
b- tiger
c- monkey
d- fox
e- lizard
f- bird
Exe 2 activity book .
- giving pupils three minutes to do the exe.
Note: introduce the word 'feed ' miming the action using the previous pictures of the
- Going around…helping ..checking.
c- danger
d- protect
e- feed
f- wild
Evaluation .
You can consider exe.1 and 2 as an evaluation activity .
Or ….you can give pupils a worksheet. (classify)
Homework .
Asking pupils to write the name of any other animals that are endangered.
‫يتبع ورقة العمل ( يمكنكم اختيار احد التمرينين ) و الصور و البطاقات‬
5th primary /------
Unit 13 Lesson 1
deer – horse - lizard – duck- cow- giraffe
tiger- fox -wolves –monkey –dogs- hyenas
Fish – fox – horse – lizard -
Farm animals
Wild animals
Animals in danger
Name:----------------------Unit 13 Lesson 1
Read and tick ( √ ) or ( ×) .
- Al Talila Nature Reserve is ten kilometres east of Palmyra. (
- Al Badia is very dry and rocky. ( )
- They are going to learn about sports. (
- All animals are in danger. (
- They mustn’t open the window. (
5th primary /-----)
Answer .
How many animal words are there in the text ? Name them ?
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Unit 13 lesson 2
Pupil`s book exe. 2,3@4
Activity book exe. 3@4
Aims .
listen for specific information.
use (must – mustn't) .
talk about animals.
value following warning signs.
Warming up activities :
- Asking about the date … writing it on the board .
-Playing ( hangman - animals vocabularies )
-Asking pupils about the reserves and what must/mustn't do there.
Materials ( teaching aids ) :
Cassette – pupil`s book – sentence cards - activity book – pictures - realia / pictures ( cap
– sun cream )
Presentation .
- Drawing a narrow path ,rocks and a bus …writing ( Al Talila Nature reserve )
- Reminding pupils of the sentences in lesson 1 (must and mustn't) drawing a path and a bus
to help them say the sentences …- you must stay in the bus
-You mustn't shout.
-You mustn't open the window.
-You mustn't leave the bus.
-You mustn't feed the animals.
-Introducing the words ( caps – sun cream – path )
- Asking pupils to open their books on page 40.
Asking them to talk about the pictures …
Writing the questions : What must I do ? What I mustn't do ? on the board .
-Asking them to look at the pictures and answer then telling them that they are going to
listen to the recorder …asking them to listen and say the answer.
- playing the tape recorder. Pausing after each sentence…..asking pupils to choose the
suitable picture ..repeat the sentence .
- Using sentence cards and pictures …putting them on the board ..asking pupils to read and
match .
- Or in groups …giving each group a set of picture cards and sentence cards .
Asking them to read and match .
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
With more advanced pupils you can give them a sheet with some pictures ..asking them to
write the suitable expression about the pictures .
Exe 3 pupil's book .
Asking pupils to look at the pictures in exe, 3 …asking them to guess what do these signs
Asking several different pupils to give answers.
- Asking them to listen and point to the suitable picture. Listening again and repeating.
Exe 4 pupil's book .
We can ignore this exercise …or ask pupils quickly to answer the question.
Evaluation .
Worksheet .
Re order to make correct sentences ar sentences with gaps ( the same sentences in
Homework .
Exe 3 @ 4 activity book
-Showing pictures ( COMPUTER …TABLET…PICTURE CARDS ) that represent the
sentences in the two exercises helping them to give sentences about the pictures using (must
and mustn't)
Answers ………….
Exe. 3
5- must
2- must
6- must
3- mustn’t
7- mustn't
4- mustn’t
8- must
Exe. 4
2- You mustn't eat.
3- You must listen to your teacher.
4- You must arrive at 7.45.
Dictation …the next lesson … three sentences
You must stay in the bus. You mustn't shout . We must protect the animals.
‫ بطاقات االنشطة الجماعية‬....... ‫الصور‬.... ‫يتبع بطاقات‬
‫جاهزة للطباعة و القص و االستخدام‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
You must
wear your
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
You must
wear good
You must
put on
sun cream.
You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't
leave the
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Look and write …(You must/mustn't………………………….)
Look and write …(You must/mustn't………………………….)
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Unit 13 lesson 3
Pupil`s book exe.5
Aims .
- To read for specific information .
To write about an animal .
To revise some (months …seasons…numbers ) .
To answer questions begin with ( How many ..Where …What )
To value protecting animals
Warming up activities :
- Greeting the pupils .
- Asking about the date … writing it on the board .
- Asking pupils about weather …opening a discussion about birds which migrate in winter .
OR…saying some puzzles ( describing animals) pupils have to guess the name of the animal. .
Materials ( teaching aids ) :
- pictures – f.c.s - pupil`s book – activity book – context
Presentation .
- Dictating pupils the three sentences .. making a QUICK revision before asking pupils to
write in the notebooks . (asking some pupils to write the sentences on the board )
-Using a calendar …revising months .
Drawing a circle ..dividing it into four parts ..writing the months .. three months in
each part (three months that make a season )
Asking pupils to name the seasons ..writing them in the circle..drawing some pictures to
help them to remember the name of the seasons
(snow –Winter …rain – spring ..sun – summer …wind –Autumn )
- Showing a picture of The Northern Bold Ibes .
Asking pupils to describe it. Helping by asking some questions …What is it?? Is it a
lion..a donkey ..a bird …? Can it fly ? How many legs it have ?.....etc
Introducing new voc. (insects..deserts..mountains..400 hundred years ago).by showing
some pictures or drawing.
-Making a table on the board.
-Asking pupils to read silently and try to find the suitable information to complete the
table…encouraging them to read quietly never be worried about the unknown words .
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
It is ---------------It eats-------------How many? World / Syria
In summer, it lives in -------In winter, it lives-------------Answers ( big and black. It has a red head / insects/ 300 in the world-13 in Syria/
Syria /Africa )
Walking around…observing …helping .. ( 5 minutes )
-Encouraging some pupils to come and write the answers on the table… Asking some
others to correct the spelling mistakes.
Asking pupils to look at the information in the table and answer the questions.
Reading the text …pausing to explain unfamiliar words .
Asking some pupils to read aloud.
Evaluation .
Observing …..checking …….worksheet
Homework .
Searching the net to get some information about an animal . writing there notes ..
These notes will help in the next lesson ( exe.5 activity book )
‫يتبع ورقة العمل و الصور‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
Name -------------------------------
Read and circle.
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
5th primary/--------
Unit 13 lesson 3
1- Northern Bald Ibis is a --------- bird.
a- small
b- short
2- It eats -------------.
a- fish
b- insects
c- big
c- table
3- There are -------------- Northern Bald Ibis in Syria.
a- four hundred
b- three hundred
c- thirteen
4- They live in ---------------- in the winter.
a- Palmyra
b- Africa
c- Europe
5- They return to Palmyra in ----------.
a- April
b- December
c- Junuary
Read and match .
Northern Bald Ibis
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
Unit 13 lesson 4
Activity book exe 5
Aims .
To answer questions begin with (What –Where-How many).
To talk about animals .
To write about an animal.
To value taking care of animals and protecting them .
Warming up activities :
- Asking about the date … writing it on the board .
- walking around ..
- Asking them about the weather today and yesterday .
- Where do you live? /What do you usually eat?
Or saying some puzzles ..about animals …pupils have to name the animal.
Materials ( teaching aids ) :
activity book – drawing - pictures - board
Presentation .
Writing on the board ......
1- Its name is a ---------.
2- It's ----------------.
3- It's ------------------.
4- It eats -------------------.
5- It usually lives in the -----------------.
6- There are ------------ in the world.
6- It usually lives in the ----------------.
7- It lives in the summer in ----------8- It lives in the winter in ------------------.
-Asking pupils about their homework ( what notes they wrote about animals)
Choosing one animal to write about ……asking pupils the same questions in exe. 5 in the
activity book .Completing the sentences on the board …
Choosing another one……. doing the same.
Giving each group the worksheet in the next page…..asking them to work together and
complete the sentences .
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
Group ------------
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
5th primary
Read about the Northern Bald Ibis, and complete about the fox.
-Its name is the Northern Bald Ibis
- Northern Bald Ibis is a big bird.
- Its colour is black.
- It eats insects.
- It usually lives in the deserts.
- There are 300 in the world.
- It lives in summer in Syria
- It lives in winter in Africa..
1- Its name is a ---------.
2- It's ----------------.
3- It's ------------------.
4- It eats -------------------.
5- It usually lives in the -----------------.
6- There are ------------ in the world.
6- It usually lives in the ----------------.
7- It lives in the summer in ----------8- It lives in the winter in ------------------.
Asking the same question about the fox …Writing the answers on the board .
Re writing the sentences in a form of a pargraph …showing pupils How we can arrange the
sentences and build a paragraph . showing a picture of another animal asking questions about
it ..writing answers …
Giving each group a piece of paper …asking them to write a paragraph about this animal.
Walking around …observing …checking …helping.
Asking pupils to open their books and answer the questions in the project ( in pairs ).
Evaluation .
Observing and Checking
Homework .
Asking pupils to write the paragraph and draw or glue a picture of the animal in the box.
T. Ghaidaa Al Faris
‫مدرسة سوريا االلكترونية‬
‫مالحظة ‪:‬‬
‫يفضل تخصيص حصة لكتابة ‪paragraph‬‬
‫قد يحدث خالل االنشطة الجماعية ضجيج و خالفات بين التالميذ لذلك‬
‫ اصرف قليل من الوقت بداية العام على تنظيم التالميذ و تقسيمهم الى مجموعات و اختيار رئيس لكل مجموعة يكون‬‫بمثابة المساعد لك في الصف و يجب ان يكون من التالميذ المتفوقين في الصف‬
‫ تدريب التالميذ على كيفية الجلوس في مجموعات خالل دقيقة فقط‬‫ تدريبهم على العمل و المشاركة معا ‪....‬لذلك نعطيهم ورقة عمل واحدة لكل المجموعة‬‫ اليصيبك الملل ان فشلت في دمجهم في عمل جماعي ‪...‬كل ماعليك هو اعادة المحاولة و قليل من الصرامة و الصبر و‬‫عدم اليأس ‪.....‬و هللا الموفق‬
‫اتمنى االستفادة للجميع‬
‫الرجاء التنبيه في حال وجود اي خطأ‬
‫‪T. Ghaidaa Al Faris‬‬