FOR THE SUMMER OF A LIFETIME 2015 Summer Camp Guide YMCA CAMP TAKODAH SHARE THIS BROCHURE WITH A FRIEND MORE THAN A SUMMER CAMP best in children—helping Camp Takodah exists to bring out the t they can achieve. them discover who they are and wha an environment built We teach children to thrive by creating they can be themselves, around their needs—a place where enduring character meet wonderful role models, develop fidence, foster lifelong and skills, cultivate courage and con best days of their lives. friendships, and spend some of the campus, rich traditions, Set apart by a first-rate staff, scenic to All” way of life, Takodah impressive activities, and a “Friendly p that offers classic is a premier New England summer cam s and girls ages 7-17. single-gender programs for both boy BRING A FRIE ND Please encourag e your family/f riends to enroll their child ren in summer ca mp. When you refer someo ne to camp, th ey ’ll $100 discount earn a for trying us ou t. As a thank you, we’ll also give you $100 off your final payment. Refe rrals must be ne w to Takodah, so siblings do not qualify. ANNUAL GIV ING Did you know that 1 in 5 Tako dah campers could not attend summer camp without financial assist ance? In 2014, we aw arded more th an $118,000 in Camperships to local childre n from disadvantaged families. We ne ed your support so we can continue pr oviding these important expe riences to thos e who need it the most. Will you donate to give childre n lifechanging Tako dah experience s? Your gift will make a wor ld of difference . We promise. “There is something special about Takodah. You can feel it in the air. It’s the joy of all the children and staff who have attended camp for the past 100 years. The Takodah spirit—that’s the best thing about camp.” – Lava, Mom of 1-Week Camper THE TAKOD A DIFFER H ENCE “Takodah is the quintessential summer camp for kids, like you see in the movies—only better! When we picked up our daughter, all the kids seemed like they’d known each other for years. It’s a wonderful, lifeenriching, wholesome experience. Campers are completely unplugged and engaged in wonderful activities.” – Christine, Mom of Girls Camper FRIENDSHIP n E ELLENeCrican Camp Assochiarteioview C X E M A he Am oroug PROGh R ited by t undergone a th antees is accred ve CA guar eA e ha Takoda g that w tnership with th n in an in n a e m r (ACA), . Our pa e growth and fu peration c of our o mpers experien a c safety. r o u t itted that o m m o c t en environm S ores of Cass Pond inintsh,ea U P M A b C SCENhIisCnestled along thaedsnhock Region. Copzyrocgaram areas n Takoda ning Mo pressive the stun ing hall, and im f o t r a e h din tting. the-art atural se fn o r u e o t a o t s int autifully blend be PROFESSION AL ROLE MOD Our camp staf ELS f is the most im portant part of who are caring bringing summ , mature, and w er camp to life. ell-trained role campers—givi We recruit cabi models. Nearly ng Takodah a gr n leaders all of our cabin eat sense of tr leaders are form adition and co mmunity. er FRIENDLY-TO -ALL COMMUN Much more than ITY our motto, “Fri endl our campers, an d they take grea y to All” is our way of life. Ta kodah is a hom t pride in welco e away from ho ming newcomer me for s to our camp family. CHARACTER D EVELOPMENT In addition to he lping children gr ow in FRIENDSH we instill the YM IPS, CONFIDEN CA values of ca CE, CHARACTER ring, honesty, respect, and re , and ACHIEVEM sponsibility in ENT, all campers. E C N E D I F N O C BOYS CAMP & GIRLS CAMP Ages 7-16 • 2-Week Sess ions $1,400 (per se ssion) Session 1: Bo ys (South Cam p) Session 2: Bo ys (South Cam p) Session 3: G irls (South Cam p) Session 4: G irls (South Cam p) Girls (North Ca mp) Girls (North Ca mp) Boys (North Ca mp) Boys (North Ca mp) LEAR N AB SOUT OUT NORT H AND H Visit http:/ CAMP /go S pHgT G “My son has grown this week (in terms of maturity) like we never would’ve imagined. His selfconfidence is amazing, and he has become more of his own boy.“ – Tracy, Mom of 1-Week Camper HORSEBACK RIDING Session 4 Girls Camp Only Ages 12-16 $275 (additional fee for one week of riding) Perfect for riders of all abilities, our horseback riding program gives campers the joy and responsibility of having their own horses through daily activities such as grooming, tacking, and riding lessons. STAY LONGER gh. Campers two weeks just isn’t enou For many of our campers, discount 00 $2 a eight weeks receive who stay for four, six, or n. sio each additional ses from our regular rates for and making g character, in p o el ev d e children g skills, kodah, wher bout learnin a Ta d is s a p l m ia ca ec ependent an as sp Summer be more ind nments are to ro vi w o r en h fo w th ve o Fe lo friends. they learn b lf-reliance, a mmunity as h teaches se practices a d d n ko a Ta . es become a co p d u u a gro of attit to t le te en u m ib p o tr n el mpfires, bug e dev how to co oors, and th the fun of ca td st u o id e m a th ll s. d a n ip nature a leadership— ful relationsh aracter and and meaning s, w o sh t n that build ch le ta nce ng, archery, ood experie calls, canoei unded childh ro lel w a e h ms provid ents. Takoda ender progra -ed environm behaviors, and co f o s re Our single-g u ss ges, positive all of the pre s. by relieving tive self-ima si o p ips and bond se ea cr s in per friendsh ee d g in rt helps camper o p all while sup confidence— MnsPS• $725 (per session) EE1-KWeeCkA 1-W Sessio 7-12 • Ages 21 – 27 Session 1A: June 27 – July 3 Session 1B: June e not ready or able for children who ar e nc rie pe ex r te ar the right amount of the perfect st Campers have just h. da the ko One-Week Camp is Ta at n io e, and experience two-week sess develop confidenc s, st re to spend an entire te in w ne e s. mp friends, explor favorite summer ca time to make new of New England’s e on h da ko Ta ke traditions that ma “The character development at camp is outstanding. The feeling is kind and supportive and relaxed and amped-up and masculine and sensitive and accepting—all at the same time. Amazing! The leaders are well trained and attentive. I’m so pleased to be able to send my son to Takodah.“ – Eric, Dad of Boys Camper CHARACTE R S IP mePntRProOgraGmRis deAsigM DEdeRrshSipH LEA ned to Develop ah’s Lea Takod theoretical 10th and 11th grades a give campers finishing the ve them ser l wil in leadership, which and practical foundation ily leadDa . its rsu p or in their own pu well in staff roles at cam d great an s, trip s, s-on apprenticeship . This ership workshops, hand ms gra pro ve of these progressi friendships are highlights ly. on ion cat pli ip program is by ap resume-worthy leadersh more information. Please call the office for LEADER CORP•S2-Week Sessions Completed Grade 10 Boys Camp: Girls Camp: • $1,400 (per session) Choose Session 1 or 2 Choose Session 3 or 4 RAINING (LIT) ,500 LEADERS-IN-T • 4-Week Sessions • $1 Completed Grade 11 (per 1-month program) Boys (South Camp) Session 1 and 2: Girls (South Camp) Session 3 and 4: Girls (North Camp) Boys (North Camp) T N E M E V E I ACH ughter absolutely p! I notice when home that her spirits lf-esteem is up, and es her bed without being f 1-Week Camper DAILY SCHEDU LE 2015 DATES 2-Week Camps Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: June 21 – July 3 July 5 – 17 July 19 – 31 August 2 – 14 1-Week Camps Session 1A: Session 1B: Boys (South Camp) Boys (South Camp) Girls (South Camp) Girls (South Camp) Girls (North Camp) Girls (North Camp) Boys (North Camp) Boys (North Camp) June 21 – 27 Boys (South Camp) Gir ls (North Camp) June 27 – July 3 Boys (South Camp) Girls (North Camp) 7:00 Good Morning 7:25 Flag Raising 7:30 Breakfast 8:30 Kaper s (Camp Cleanu p) 9:00 Skill D evelopment Cl ass 1 10:00 Skill D evelopment Cl ass 2 11:00 Skill D evelopment Cl ass 3 12:00 Cabin Cleanup and In spection 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Siesta (Rest H our) 2:30 Camp er Choice (Fre e Time) 4:00 Cabin Activity 5:25 Flag Lo wering 5:30 Dinne r 6:30 Free Time 7:00 Even ing Program 9:00 Cabin Reflections 9:30 Taps and Good Nig ht FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ? WHO SUPERVISES MY CHILD world based on their and professionals from around the We recruit wonderful college students highest priority, all of our k with children. Because safety is our character and proven abilities to wor criminal background checks. ions, interviews, and reference and staff members pass rigorous applicat pers arrive. Our staff to k of specialized training before cam They also also attend more than a wee camper ratio is 1 to 3. WHAT WILL MY CHILD EAT? a menu reviewed annually dly meals and snacks each day, from Our chef serves wholesome, kid-frien d options for all campers, to ensure that our menu provides goo by a certified dietician. We work hard “nut free” environment. If tarian options. Takodah maintains a including extensive salad bars and vege mmodations are available. please contact us to ensure that acco your child has special dietary needs, EP? WHERE WILL MY CHILD SLE mmodate 10 campers, 2 cabin -appropriate cabins. Most cabins acco Campers are placed into gender/age room/shower facilities are cabins have electricity, and shared rest leaders, and 1 Leader-in-Training. All per child. e to honor one cabin-mate request conveniently located nearby. We striv K? WHAT IF MY CHILD GETS SIC We also contract the ed nurses and EMTs 24 hours a day. The Health Lodge is staffed by register sick, you’ll be notified and emergency care. If your child gets Cheshire Medical Center for clinical administer any medications the care they need. Our nurses also immediately, while your child receives that your child needs at camp. E AVAILABLE? IS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCthe the office for more summer of a lifetime. Please contact We believe that every child deserves the application process. information about Camperships and FAMILY CAMP ALL AGES • AUGUST 16 - 22 Rates: Free (ages 0-4); $200 (age s 5-10); $375 (ages 11-17); $475 (ages 18+) Please call the office for reservations and/or information about half-week rates. Spend quality time with your family, whil e enjoying a fun and relaxing week at camp. With a peaceful outdoor setting, cozy accommodations, delicious meals, fun activities for all ages, and wonderful new friends, Family Camp is an affordable vacation to strengthen family relationships and create memories that will last a lifetime. While the week will be bursting with activ ities, you get to choose your own pace and activities. Some fam ilies keep themselves busy running from activity to activity, while other families spend their time reading or swapping stories in rocking chairs overlooking Cass Pond. Recent highlights from Family Camp inclu de trips to Mount Monadnock, swims around Cass Pond, daily bask etball pick-up games, the annual mini triathlon, and the campers versus staff softball game. Of course, you’ll have chances to enjoy all of your camp favorites, such as canoeing, archery, rock climbing, craf ts, and much more. Your family will enjoy the comfort and privacy of your own cabin, and all of your meals will be provided in our dining hall. Family Camp always has a waiting list— call the office to reserve a cabin today. Shirt Size &KLOG 6 M / $GXOW 6 M / ;/ ;;/ Session(s) 6HVVLRQ 6HVVLRQ 6HVVLRQ 6HVVLRQ :HHN&DPSV 6HVVLRQ$ 6HVVLRQ% Shirt Size &KLOG 6 M / $GXOW 6 M / ;/ ;;/ Session(s) 6HVVLRQ 6HVVLRQ 6HVVLRQ 6HVVLRQ :HHN&DPSV 6HVVLRQ$ 6HVVLRQ% ( ( PLEASE CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE Yes 1R Are you a Takodah Alum? Maiden Name (if applicable) Yes 1R Maiden Name (if applicable) ) Are you a Takodah Alum? ( Work Phone Legal Restrictions Regarding Contact? (attach details) Yes 1R ) Legal Restrictions Regarding Does camper(s) reside Contact? (attach details) with you? Yes 1R Yes 1R ( Best Way to Contact +RPH :RUN Cell Does camper(s) reside with you? Yes 1R ) Work Phone Cell Phone ) Employer Best Way to Contact +RPH :RUN Cell Employer Cell Phone Name/Relationship Name/Relationship Parent / Guardian 2 Home Phone ( ) Email Parent / Guardian 1 City, State, ZIP Street Address Contact Information How did you hear about Camp Takodah? )ULHQG ,QWHUQHW &DPS )DLU ACA 2WKHU Been to Takodah Before? Yes 1R Date of Birth / / Camper 2 Grade Completed Prior to Camp Male Female Name How did you hear about Camp Takodah? )ULHQG ,QWHUQHW &DPS )DLU ACA 2WKHU Been to Takodah Before? Yes 1R Date of Birth / / Camper 1 Grade Completed Prior to Camp Male Female Name &KHVKLUH<0&$/DNH6WUHHW1RUWK6ZDQ]H\ LQIR#FKHVKLUH\PFDRUJ YMCA CAMP TAKODAH — 2015 REGISTRATION CARD Parent / Guardian Authorization &DPS7DNRGDKµVJRDOLVWRSURYLGHDVXFFHVVIXOFDPSLQJH[SHULHQFHIRUHYHU\FKLOG,DJUHHWRLQIRUP&DPS7DNRGDKRIDQ\ GLVDELOLWLHVPHGLFDOFRQGLWLRQVDQGEHKDYLRUDOLVVXHVWRHQVXUHWKDWDFFRPPRGDWLRQVIRUP\FKLOGUHQDUHDYDLODEOH ,DJUHHWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKH&DPS7DNRGDKOHDGHUVKLSWHDPWRZDUGWKHSRVLWLYHUHVROXWLRQRIDQ\FKDOOHQJHV,XQGHUVWDQG WKDWLQVRPHFDVHVWKLVPD\UHVXOWLQDFKLOGµVGLVPLVVDOIURPWKHFDPSSURJUDP ,DWWHVWWKDWP\FKLOGUHQPD\SDUWLFLSDWHLQDOOFDPSDFWLYLWLHVH[FHSWDVQRWHGRQWKHLU+HDOWK+LVWRU\([DPLQDWLRQ )RUPV,JLYHSHUPLVVLRQWR&DPS7DNRGDKWRWUDQVSRUWP\FKLOGUHQWRIURPFDPSIRU¾HOGWULSVDQGPHGLFDOWUHDWPHQW ,XQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQGHSRVLWLVQRWUHIXQGDEOHDIWHU)HEUXDU\$OORWKHUWXLWLRQSD\PHQWVDUHUHIXQGDEOHXQWLO 0D\7KHUHDUHQRUHIXQGVDIWHU-XQHIRUDQ\UHDVRQ1RUHIXQGVRUDGMXVWPHQWVDUHPDGHIRUFDPSHUVZKRDUULYH ODWHGHSDUWHDUO\RUDUHGLVPLVVHGIURPWKHSURJUDP ,DXWKRUL]HWKH&KHVKLUH<0&$WRXVHSKRWRVYLGHRVRUOLNHQHVVHVRIP\FKLOGUHQWDNHQLQWKH<0&$µVFDPSLQJSURJUDPIRU EXVLQHVVDQGSURPRWLRQDOSXUSRVHV,XQGHUVWDQGWKDWP\FKLOGUHQµVQDPHVZLOODSSHDURQWKHFDPSDGGUHVVOLVW +($/7+$1'$&&,'(17',6&/$,0(5)253$5(17*8$5',$1$77(17,217KH&KHVKLUH<0&$GRHVQRWFDUU\DQ\IRUP RIDFFLGHQWLOOQHVVRUGLVPHPEHUPHQWLQVXUDQFHRQDQ\FDPSHU,WLVWKH<0&$µVSRVLWLRQWKDWHDFKFDPSHUµVKHDOWKPHGLFDO FDUHDQGPHGLFDWLRQVDUHWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIWKHUHVSHFWLYHSDUHQWV)RUDOOPHGLFDOFDUHSDUHQWVZLOOEHLQYRLFHGGLUHFWO\ RUWKHFRVWZLOOEHDGGHGWRWKHFDPSHUµVVWRUHDFFRXQW &DPSHU)HHV &DPSHU)HHV $ $ $ Payment Information Date Automatic Deductions (MC/VISA card users only) :HDVNWKDWIDPLOLHVXVLQJ&UHGLW&DUGVEXWQRWSD\LQJLQ IXOOWRDXWKRUL]HWKHDXWRPDWLFSD\PHQWRSWLRQEHORZ 6LJQDWXUH $PRXQW &9& ([SLUDWLRQ'DWH &DUG 0DVWHU&DUG 9,6$ Credit Card Information Payment Method I have read and agreed to all policies and procedures in the Parent/Guardian Authorization, the Camp Brochure, and the Parent Handbook. Parent/Guardian Signature Party Responsible for Payment: &DPSHU6WRUH'HSRVLW $ Non-refundable Deposit(s) Enclosed ($125 per camper per session) or Full Payment &DPSHU6WRUH'HSRVLW $ $ 'RQDWLRQ,ZRXOGOLNHWRPDNHDQ DGGLWLRQDOFRQWULEXWLRQWR7DNRGDK WRVXSSRUWFDPSHUVFKRODUVKLSV DQGIDFLOLW\LPSURYHPHQWV 7RWDO <HV,DXWKRUL]HWKH&KHVKLUH<0&$WRDXWRPDWLFDOO\ FKDUJHWKHDERYHFUHGLWFDUGIRUDGGLWLRQDOSD\PHQWVRQ $SULODQG0D\,IVHOHFWLQJWKLVRSWLRQSOHDVHEH VXUH\RXUFDUGµVH[SLUDWLRQGDWHLVDIWHU-XQH Signature: FOR REGISTRATION TO BE PROCESSED, THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY, SIGNED, AND ACCOMPANIED BY A NON-REFUNDABLE $125 REGISTRATION DEPOSIT. THANK YOU! RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY WHERE EVERYONE BELONGS CAMPER WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Takodah strives to accommodate children with special needs. Before enrolling a child with special medical, mental, or psychological needs, please contact the Camping Services Director to ensure appropriate accommodations. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE We are committed to giving young people the resources they need to reach their potential by providing their families with access and support to attend Takodah programs. Please contact our office for more information about Camperships and the application process. REGISTRATION DEADLINE PAYMENTS As one of New England’s premier camps, sessions usually fill quickly. We accept registrations in the order we receive them, without regard to race, color, national origin, or religious affiliation. Program rates include all costs of summer camp, except transportation to/ from camp and Camp Store accounts. We accept payment by cash, check, MasterCard, and Visa. Families may pay in full during registration or make payments according to the schedule below. We ask families who do not pay in full to authorize automatic debit/credit payments. REGISTRATION Please enroll your child by completing online registration, mailing the enclosed registration card, or making your reservation over the phone. All registrations must be accompanied by a $125 deposit per child per session. EARLY BIRDS Early Bird registration is a VERY big deal at Takodah! Campers enrolled no later than February 14 are recognized with a special limited edition tee-shirt awarded during their summer camp sessions. PAYMENT SCHEDULE 1. Deposit of $125 per session due upon registration 2. 50% of the balance is due on April 15 3. Remaining balance is due on May 31 CANCELLATION & REFUND The deposit is fully refundable until February 1 at 5:00 PM. All other payments are refundable until May 31 at 5:00 PM. There are no refunds after June 1 for any reason, even for campers who arrive late, depart early, cancel, or are dismissed from the program. YMCA CAMP TAKODAH CHESHIRE YMCA 32 Lake Street North Swanzey, NH 03431 T: 603-352-0447 F: 603-352-0516 E: W: SUMMER CAMP OPEN HOUSE May 10, 2015 2:00-4:00 PM Camp Takodah See for yourself what makes Takodah so special! Join us for an Open House to learn more about summer camp. Staff members and Leaders-in-Training will be available to offer tours and answer questions. If you can’t make the Open House, please call us to arrange a private tour that’s convenient for you. Non Profit Org US Postage PAID Permit 183 Greenfield, MA ME NH MONTPELIER HANOVER VT NY Southwest NH’s Beautiful Monadnock Region • 30 minutes from Keene and Brattleboro • Just about 90 minutes from Boston, Providence, Concord, Manchester, and Nashua CONCORD MANCHESTER BRATTLEBORO ALBANY TAKODAH MA SPRINGFIELD BOSTON WORCESTER PROVIDENCE HARTFORD CT NYC RI WHERE IS CAMP TAKODAH
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