SANT T GAD DGE B BABA AMR RAVAT TI UNIIVERS SITY OFFIICE OF F THE BOAR RD OF P PHY.ED DU.& R REC. TEL LE : 26659 903 email :avinash hasnare@ NO.SGB BAU-12/ /1429/2 2014 DATED : 30.12.22014 To, The e Princip pal of all a conce erning colleges, as per p list a attached d Sub b : Sant Gadge Baba B Am mravati Universit U ty Cricke et (Women) team m 2014-2 2015. Dea ar Sir, This is i to infform you u that the t play yers in the listt are pro ovisiona ally sele ected to represe ent Santt Gadge Baba Amravati A i Univers sity in C Cricket (Wome en) tea am subje ect to th he AIU E Eligibility y Rules. In case e of any y playerr from th he origin nal tea am is not able to o join tthe team m then n the pla ayer of the sam me posittion shall be substitu uted from m the Sttandbye players s. West Zone Inter Univers sity Tou urnament is sc cheduled d to be held at Barkattullah U Universitty, Bhop pal from m 27th Januarry, 2015 5 to 04 4th Feb bruary, 2 2015. The coachin ng cam mp for the p players is prroposed to be at M Matoshrri Vimala abai Deshmukh h Mahav vidyalay ya, Amra avati from 15th to held 24tth Janu uary, 2015. Th he playerrs inclu uding sta andbye are dire ected to report to Shrri.Rahul Radk ke (Mbll.No.942 218218 871) of Smt.S Shakunta alabai Dhabek kar Ma ahavidya alaya, Ka aranja L Lad on 15th Jan nuary, 20 015 at 03.00 0 p.m m. The co oaching camp shall be b condu ucted as a per th he proviisions la aid dow wn in Ru ule No.2/2004 o of this Universit U ty. The pllayers m must brin ng with them t th he following origiinal doc cuments. 01.College Identity y Card. 02.Pla aying Kitt. 03.O One pas ssport sizze photo ograph. 04.S.S.C.& & H.S.C.B Board C Certificatte or equ uivalent Examin nation ce ertificate e. You arre there efore re equested d to dirrect the players of your college to atte end the e coachiing cam mp at Matoshri M i Vimala abai De eshmukh h Maha avidyalay ya, Am mravati. The college ha ave to make m the e lodging g and Boarding B g arrang gements of the eir playe ers. Th he copy y of thiis letterr is also o placed at un niversity y websiite in the clu uster of o Boarrd of Physica al Educ cation & Rec creation n underr the tittle Inte er Unive ersity T Tournam ment Prrogramm me 201 14201 15. This may please p brring to th he notic ce of the concern ns. Team will lea ave from m Amrav vati station on 26th J January y, 2015 to urnamen nt. parrticipate in Interr Univerrsity Tou Thank king you u, You urs faithffully, (Dr.Aviinash A Asanare)) Directorr, Physical Edu ucation & Recreation, Sant Gadge Ba aba Amrravati Un niversity y Sr. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Players Ku.Bharti Fulmali Ku.Arpana Lepcha Ku.Gayatri Khushbu Ku.Nikita Salunke Ku.Shruti Mahajan Ku.Minakshi Dwivedi Ku.Shraddha Dwivedi Ku.Arti Yedshikar Ku.Pooja Laddha Ku.Vaishnavi Choukade Ku.Ashwini Ingale Ku.Priyanka Dubey Ku.Priyanka Pundkar Ku.Gokula Warghat Ku.Pooja Wankhade Ku.Kalyani Mankar College Vidyabharti Mahavidyalaya, Amravati. Degree College of Phy.Edu.Amravati. Degree College of Phy.Edu.Amravati. Janta Kala Vanijya Mah.Malkapur Dr.B.N.C.P.E.Yavatmal Degree College of Phy.Edu.Amravati. Degree College of Phy.Edu.Amravati. Babasaheb Dhabekar Mah.Risod S.S.G.M.C.E.Shegaon P.R.M.C.O.E.& M.Badnera Smt.S.R.Mohata Mahila Mah.Khamgaon Matoshri Vimalabai Deshmukh Mah.Amt Sipna College of Engg.Amravati. Shakuntalabai Dhabekar Mah.Karanja L. Dr.R.G.Rathod Mah.Murtizapur Smt.S.R.Mohata Mahila Mah.Khamgaon STAND BYES 01 02 03 04 Ku.Bhagyashri Kadu Ku.Farheen Patel Ku.Preshika Dethe Ku.Nisha Sharma Sipna Colleg of Engg.Amravati Degree College of Phy.Edu.Amravati. Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Mah.Amravati Degree College of Phy.Edu.Amravati. *IMPORTANT : As per the provision of Rule No.2/2004 "No person, if otherwise eligible shall be awarded a fresh Blazer unless a period of 5 years has elapsed from the date of the previous allotment of the Blazer to him". Copy to: 01. The Principal of all concerning colleges. 02. Shri.Rahul Radke, Smt.Shakuntalabai Dhabekar Mahavidyalaya, Karanja Lad with a request to conduct the coaching camp of Sant Gadge Baba Amravti University Cricket (Women) team at Matoshri Vimalabai Deshmukh Mahavidyalaya, Amravati from 15th to 24th January, 2015. 03. The Principal, Smt.Shakuntalabai Dhabekar Mahavidyalaya, Karanja Lad with a request to spare the services of Shri.Rahul Radke to conduct the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Cricket (Women) team at Matoshri Vimalabai Deshmukh Mahavidyalaya, Amravati from 15th to 24th January, 2015. 04. The Principal, Matoshri Vimalabai Deshmukh Mahavidyalaya, Amravati with a request to spare the Cricket ground of your college to conduct the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Cricket (Women) team from 15th to 24th January, 2015. 05. The Asstt.Registrar(Store),Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati with a request to inform to the selected supplier of Colour Coat, Track-Suit Players Kit & Mono to take measurements and to supply the same to this office on 23rd January, 2015. 06. M/s.Vijay Tailors, Balaji Market Shop No.40, in front of Cosmos Bank, Saroj Chowk, Jawahar Road, Amravati (9370581616,9923022033) ( with a request to take the measurement of players for colour blazer and supply to this office on 23rd January, 2015. 07. M/s.See You See, near Ambadevi Temple, Amravati. ( With a request to take the measurement of players for these items which has been ordered to you. Further you are requested to supply these items to this office only 23rd January, 2015. 08. The Chairman, Board of Physical Education & Recreation, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. (Dr.Avinash Asanare) Director, Physical Education & Recreation, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
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