SANT T GAD DGE B BABA AMR RAVAT TI UNIIVERS SITY OFFIICE OF F THE BOAR RD OF P PHY.ED DU.& R REC. TEL LE : 26659 903 email :avinash hasnare@ NO.SGB BAU-12/ /1456/2 2015 DATED : 16.02.22015 To, The e Princip pal of all a conce erning colleges, as per p list a attached d Sub b : Santt Gadge Baba A Amravatti Unive ersity T Taekwon ndo (Men&Wom men) tea am 2014 4-2015. Dea ar Sir, This is i to infform you u that the t play yers in the listt are pro ovisiona ally ected to o repres sent Sa ant Gad dge Bab ba Amra avati Un niversity y in Ta aekwond do sele (Me en&Wom men) tea am subjject to the AIU Eligibiliity Rules s. In ca ase of any a play yer from m the o original team t is not ablle to jo oin the team then tthe play yer of the t sam me posittion sha all be su ubstitute ed from the t Stan ndbye pllayers. All Ind dia Interr Unive ersity Tournam T ment is schedule s ed at A Anna Un niversity y, Chenn nai from m 13th to o 17th M March, 2015. to be he eld The coachin ng cam mp for the p players is prroposed to be held at T Takshas sheela M Mahavid dyalaya, Amrava ati from m 28th F February y, 2015 to 09tth Marc ch, 2015 5. The players s includ ding sta andbye are a dire ected to report to Shrri.Atul R Rathod (Mbl.No o.9595928740), Amravati on 28th Fe ebruary,, 2015 at 03.00 p.m.. The co oaching camp shall be b condu ucted as a per th he proviisions la aid dow wn in Ru ule No.2/2004 o of this Universit U ty. The pllayers m must brin ng with them t th he following origiinal doc cuments. 01.College Identity y Card. 02.Pla aying Kitt. 03.O One pas ssport sizze photo ograph. 04.S.S.C.& & H.S.C.B Board C Certificatte or equ uivalent Examin nation ce ertificate e. You arre there efore re equested d to dirrect the players of your college to atte end the coachin ng camp at Taks shasheella Maha avidyalay ya, Amra avati. The T colle ege hav ve to ma ake the lodging and Boarding arrangem a ments of their p players. The copy of this lettter is also a plac ced at universi u ity webs site in the cluster of Board of Physical Educatio on & Re ecreatio on unde er the title t Intter Uniiversity y Tournament P Program mme 20 014-2015. This s may please brring to the t nottice of th he conce erns. Team will lea ave from m Amra avati sta ation on n 10th March,, 2015 to parrticipate in Interr Univerrsity Tou urnamen nt. Thank king you u, You urs faithffully, (Dr.Aviinash A Asanare)) Directorr, Physical Edu ucation & Recreation, Sant Ga adge Ba aba Amra avati Un niversity y. Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 Name of Players College MEN TEAM Sh.Kishan Mahale Sh.Shubham Tathe Degree College of Physical Education Amravati Vidyabhavan College of Mgt.Yavatmal. Sh.Vikram Singh Bhadauriya Degree College of Physical Education Amravati. Sh.Balwant Bobade Smt.K.L. Mahavidyalaya, Amravati. Sh.Gaurav Sarvatkar Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Mah., Amravati Sh.Shubham Dhoke Babaji Date Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal. Sh.Tejas More Bhartiya Mahavidyalaya, Amravati Sh.Ab.Shahzad Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Mah., Amravati STAND BYES Sh.Sumit Mahulkar J.D.P.S. Mahavidyalaya, Daryapur Sh.Ujwal Deshmukh Sh.R.L.T.Sci.College, Akola WOMEN TEAM Ku.Koyal Deogirkar C.O.Mgt & Comp.Sci.Yavatmal Ku.Apurva Mohod L.B.Ane Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal Ku.Megha Alone Vidyabharti Mahavidyalaya, Amravati Ku.Poonam Chhapani Vidyabharti Mahavidyalaya, Amravati Ku.Rupali Sengar P.D.Jain Mahavidyalaya, Ansing Ku.Prashika Dethe Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Mah., Amravati Ku.Ankita Dakare Br.R.D.I.K. Mahavidyalaya, Badnera Rly Ku.Vaishnavi Marodkar Br.R.D.I.K. Mahavidyalaya, Badnera Rly STAND BYES Ku.Aarti Bansod Takshasheela Mah.Amravati Ku.Dhanashri Lonkar Shankarlal Khandelwal Mah.Akola *IMPORTANT : As per the provision of Rule No.2/2004 "No person, if otherwise eligible shall be awarded a fresh Blazer unless a period of 5 years has elapsed from the date of the previous allotment of the Blazer to him". Copy to: 01. The Principal of all concerning colleges. 02. Shri.Atul Rathod, Amravati with a request to conduct the coaching camp of Sant Gadge Baba Amravti University Taekwondo (Men&Women) team at Takshasheela Mahavidyalaya, Amravati from to 28th February, 2015 to 09th March, 2015. 03. The Principal, Takshasheela Mahavidyalaya, Amravati with a request to spare the Taekwondo Hall of your college to conduct the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Taekwondo (Men & Women) team coaching camp from 28th February, 2015 to 09th March, 2015. 05. The Asstt.Registrar(Store),Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati with a request to inform to the selected supplier of Colour Coat, Track-Suit Players Kit & Mono to take measurements and to supply the same to this office on 07th March, 2015. 06. M/s.Vijay Tailors, Balaji Market Shop No.40, in front of Cosmos Bank, Saroj Chowk, Jawahar Road, Amravati (9370581616, 9923022033) ( with a request to take the measurement of players for colour blazer and supply to this office on 07th March, 2015. 07. M/s.See You See, near Ambadevi Temple, Amravati. ( With a request to take the measurement of players for these items which has been ordered to you. Further you are requested to supply these items to this office only 07th March, 2015. 08. The Chairman, Board of Physical Education & Recreation, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. (Dr.Avinash Asanare) Director, Physical Education & Recreation, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
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