Principal: Mrs Geraldine Donnelly, BA, PGCE, PQH Tel: (028) 8776

Principal: Mrs Geraldine Donnelly, BA, PGCE, PQH
Tel: (028) 8776 1227 ● E-mail:
January 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian
As you know we are all under a multiplicity of pressures in our daily lives and sometimes feel at the
mercy of forces beyond our control. Our young people too often experience similar pressures and
have not the maturity and expertise to cope with them. Mental health issues are very common and
many young people and their parents are struggling to cope with these issues. Therefore I would like
to invite you to a Parents’ Awareness Programme ‘Suicide prevention Skills for Parents’ which will
take place on two evenings - Thursday 22nd January and Monday 26th January, 2015 at 7.00pm
in the school Assembly Hall.
This suicide prevention training programme will be delivered by PIPS and is based around the
LookListenLink model and helps parents identify the signs that their child may be distressed. It
teaches them an effective way of communicating with a young person who is distressed and how to
ensure their child gets the help and support they need.
If you are interested in attending the programme please complete the reply slip below and return to
your son/daughter’s Form Teacher by Thursday 15th January.
Yours sincerely,
Annette Mc Gleenan
I will be attending the “Suicide prevention Skills for Parents” Awareness evening on Thursday 22nd
and Monday 26th January, 2015 at 7.00pm.
Signed: ____________________________________________ Date:________________________
St. Joseph’s Grammar School, 58 Castlecaulfield Road, Donaghmore, Co Tyrone, BT70 3HE
Scoil Ghramadaí Naomh Iósaef, 58 Bóthar Bhaile Uí Dhonnaile, Domhnach Mór, Co Thír Eoghain, BT70 3HE
Web:  Fax: (028) 8776 7124