Bulletin 1/25/2015 - St. Augustine Catholic Church

Served by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood
January 25, 2015
48 N. Hanover St., PO Box 93
02441 State Route 364
Minster, OH 45865
Minster, OH 45865
St Augustine Mass Schedule
St Joseph Mass Schedule
5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 am
Holyday Vigil:
8:45 am
7:00 pm
Communion Service
6:30 pm
8:00 am, 6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Mission Statement
The Mission of St Augustine/St Joseph Cluster is to provide a spiritual environment and resources where people
may gather to hear the Word proclaimed. As a cluster, we celebrate the Eucharist, the sacraments, and provide
the members of all ages the opportunity to grow in the practice of their faith, learning how to fully keep God’s
commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbors.
Contact Us
St. Joseph Staff
Cluster Office 419-628-2614 Fax 419-628-1078
Parish Center Office 419-628-3434
Website www.staugie.com
Pastor: Rev Rick Nieberding, C.PP.S. rick@staugie.com
Deacon: Hal Belcher
John Schmiesing
Roger Klosterman
Administrators: Dan & Sue Wehrman
Sacristan: Rose Schmiesing
Parish Hall Rental: Roger Hoying
St. Augustine: Jim & Beth Hinker
St. Joseph: Steve Albers
MaC Sommer
Pastoral Assoc: Sr Marla Gipson srmarla@staugie.com
Director of Music: Amy Noykos
Admin Assistant: Cindy Wuebker cindy@staugie.com
Business Manager: Leslie Tyler finances@staugie.com
Rel Ed Secretary: Carol McMaster
Please have announcements to the Cluster Office by
2:00 pm Monday. Announcements can be emailed to
K-6th CRE: Therese Brown
7th –12th CRE: Barb Blanco
Youth Minister: Alex Clune
Like us on Facebook
St Augustine/St Joseph Cluster. Minster, OH
St Augustine/St Joseph Youth Ministry. Minster, OH
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are celebrated at the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday
or Sunday at 1:00 pm outside of Mass. Baptismal preparation class for parents is offered the fourth Tuesday during
the months of January, March, May, July, September, and
November. You must register no later than the Monday
before class. The class is held in the Parish Center at 7:30
pm and aCendance is required before a child can be baptized. Baptisms are not performed during Lent.
Wed 1/28 8:00 am
Brendan Bornhorst, Austin Brown
Sat 1/31
Drew Ripploh, Sara Ripploh,
Savanah Luthman
Sun 2/1
8:00 am
Alison Borgerding, Claire Borgerding,
Peter Falk
10:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays from 4:00–4:30 pm at St. Augustine Church
Sacrament of Marriage
Congratulations on your engagement! A premarital preparation program is required by the Archdiocese. It is important to contact the rectory office at least six months in
advance of a wedding date. A tentative date can be set after the first appointment, but will become final only after
marriage preparation is completed .
5:00 pm
Presley Byers, Noah Enneking, Courtney
11:30 am
Jordan Brackman, Ben Butler, Grace Butler
Eucharistic Ministers
Sat 1/31
5:00 pm
Jenny Ripploh, Amy Luthman, Marissa
Luthman, Tricia Pohl, Marlene Rutschilling,
Jon Werling, Pat Roetgerman
Sun 2/1
8:00 am
Judy Winner, Ken Thieman, Julia
Slonkosky, Sue Siegel, Jenna Sekas, Hannah
Schmitmeyer, Christine Schmidt
10:00 am
Minister to the Sick
Jim Saluke
Sherman, Kathleen Prenger, Doug Prenger,
11:30 am
Anointing of the Sick: Those weakened by age, afflicted by
a serious illness or preparing for a serious operation
should receive this sacrament. Call the cluster office for
A Bereavement Minister is assigned soon after a death to
offer prayerful support and to provide an opportunity for
those grieving, and to do so in a supportive atmosphere
Radio Maria—88.7 FM
Programs: Fr Rick
Rich Stein & Susan Bernhold
Kris & Bob Poeppelman
Caring Ministry
A priest or another minister will be happy to bring Holy
Communion to the ill or those confined to their homes.
Communion is brought on the First Friday of the month.
Prayer Line Requests
Cindy Vondenhuevel
Deb Knapke
Shirley Olding
*Bonnie Trzaska, Karla Thobe, Jannis
Kathy Brackman, Cortney Thien, Kayla
Thien, April Slane, Jason SchulK, Lauren
Roetgerman, Kristen Phlipot
Sat 1/31
5:00 pm
Kellie Gehret
Sun 2/1
8:00 am
Kevin Steinemann
10:00 am
Greg Oen
11:30 am
James Geiger
5:00 pm
Keith & Tricia Pohl, Juliana Brown, Jenni
Sat 1/31
Francis, Marlene Rutschilling
Sun 2/1
8:00 am
Ellen Pleiman, Mindy Stueve, Karen
Schulze, Bob & Kathy Winner, Amy
10:00 am
Finance CommiCee
11:30 am
James & Martha Geiger, Bonnie Buschur,
Dick & Elaine Huber
Sun 2/1
Mondays 9:30 am
second Monday 9:30 am
10:00 am
Jamie Koverman & Stef Kohne
Alexis Bishop, Emily Moeller, Harley
Third Sunday ~ Sunday, January 25, 2015
Daily Masses and Intentions
8:00 am Communion Service
8:00 am Carl & Leona Steinemann
1:30 pm
8:00 am Marv Monnin
5:00 pm For the Parish
8:00 am Maureen Meiring
8:00 am Carl & Leona Steinemann
10:00 am
8:00 am Shirley Oldiges
11:30 am All Souls
Friday Morning Faith Series
Collection – The Sunday, January 18th offerings were $7510. There was
$6495 in 302 envelopes, $985 loose and $30 in children’s
envelopes. Thank you for your generosity!
Step Restoration – steps on the Hanover Street entrance are being
repaired and restored. Due to this construction there will be NO SALT
application in January. Please be advised steps may be slick. Please limit
traffic through these entrances during this time period. Thank you.
Feb 6, 13, 20th
Aer the 8:00 am Mass
Hanover Street Entrance
Finance Commi>ee Meeting - Tuesday, January 27th at 7:00 pm in the
Rectory Conference Room.
Fr. Tom Brenberger will “break
open the Word” on the
Sunday scriptures much like
he does in his homilies.
Each session will last
about an hour.
Coffee & donuts are provided
Building & Maintenance Meeting - Tuesday, January 27th at 8:00 pm in
the Rectory Basement.
Did You Know ...
Schoensta> Classes - Tuesday, January 27th, 9:00—11:00 am. Contact
Marlene Rutschilling at 419-628-2262.
Baptism Prep Class - Tuesday, January 27th at 7:00 pm in the Parish
Center. Please RSVP by calling the Parish Office at 419-628-2614.
First Saturday Communion Service - Saturday, February 7th at 8:00 am.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) - This is an option for you to make
contributions to the Sunday weekly collection through automatic
withdraw. Funds are withdrawn on the 29th of each month. If interested
please call Rectory Office at 419-628-2614.
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) - Every registered parish
household should receive a CMA mailing from Archbishop Schnurr.
Please prayerfully complete your pledge card and return it in the
envelope provided, or bring your completed pledge card to Mass for
offertory. Your participation is vital to reaching our parish goal. For more
information, please visit CatholicAppeal.info.
St. Augustine has a
Men’s Prayer Group?
Group meets in the Rectory
Basement on the 2nd & 4th
Saturday of the month at 7:30 am.
For more information please
contact Jeff Stammen
at 419-628-3889.
For the Parish
Gift Bearer
Henry Schmiesing
Bill Bornhorst
Eucharistic Ministers
Rachel Wehrman
Sean Wehrman
Rose Ann Wendeln
Grant Wendeln
Deb Albers
Nicole Will
CHURCH CLEANING: February, 2015 - Jennifer Hoying*, Kay Hoying, Teresa Meyer and Marge KiKmiller
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline to submit anything on the Egypt section of the bulletin will be
Mondayʹs by noon due to the new format. Please contact Dan or Sue Wehrman at 419-628-4081 or e-mail
CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL (CMA): Next weekend is Commitment Weekend for the 2015 Catholic
Ministries Appeal. Your pledge makes a tremendous difference to the ministries supported by the CMA. Please
send directly or drop in collection basket. For more information about this yearʹs appeal, please visit
CatholicAppeal.info. Our parish goal for 2015 is $2,507.00.
By Rev Rick Nieberding, C.PP.S.
Over the years I have been blessed to minister in many parishes. I have been privileged to be with folds in their hopes and hardships, dreams and difficulties, triumphs
and tragedies. I have witnessed God’s goodness and grace in weddings, wakes and the
wonders of weekend worship.
Half of my priesthood has been spent ministering in towns of less than 5000 people.
Small town ministry has its own built in blessings. People know each other by name.
There is a natural sense of community and connectedness. There is a connection between the Church and the public school system that benefits both. High School ball
games and weekend Masses are the largest community gatherings.
Small town values are often Gospel values. Interactions are not limited to just one hour in Church once a
week. Opportunity for building up the body of believers abounds in small town USA. Our CPPS parishes in
Mercer, Putnam, and Auglaize counties have been served by us for over 150 years. My service in these parishes
has enriched my life.
A decade ago and for nearly a decade Br. Bernie Barga, CPPS, and I did youth work in and around Maria
Stein Spiritual Center. Our efforts were enhanced by the God Squad of high school students who collaborated
with us. A song we frequently sang was “Saul, Saul, the apostle Paul meanest Pharisee of the all. Damascus was
his course when the Lord knocked him off his horse.” To be continued ...
A Time of Joy … Please welcome Madelyn Johanna Orr, daughter of
Geoff & Brandi (Sherman) Orr, Alayna Nichol Mummey, daughter of
Ryan & Jamie (Heckman) Mummey, Nora Elizabeth Heckman, daughter
of Caey & Megan (Phlipot) Heckman who were baptized recently.
Tuesday Social
A Time to Heal…Please pray for our parish members who are sick,
especially, Doris Prenger, John Oldiges, Harold & BeCy Thieman, Sue
Kremer, Merlin Bernard.
Eucharistic Adoration— Monday, January 26th at St. Augustine Church.
Opening begins at 9:00 am. Regnum Christi will lead rosary at 8:00 pm
with benediction concluding by 9:00 pm. For more information please call
Brenda Spieles at 419-305-5894.
How do I know if God is calling me to consecrated life? Online Vocation
Discernment Retreat (email, Skype or phone) available for women ages 2040 during Lent. A woman who makes this retreat is paired with a trained
Spiritual Director. For more information or to register, please email Cathy
Bauer, at bauerosb@yahoo.com; text at 859.468.60407.
I Believe: Unfolding The Creed— Sunday, January 25th, 2:00-4:00 pm, at
the Shrine of the Holy Relics: Dr. Anne McGuire for “Jesus Incarnate,
Christ Redeemer.” $5 per session or $15 for series. For info or to register:
419.925.4532 or a.mcguire@mariasteinshrine.org
Blood Drive—Monday, January 26th, Noon—6:00 pm ,K of C Hall,
Minster. Make an appointment by visiting: redcrossblood.org. Walk-ins
welcome! Sponsored by Auglaize County Farm Bureau.
American Legion Meeting—Monday, January 26th. Lunch at 6:30 pm with
meeting to follow.
Spirituality of Aging—Tuesday, January 27th, 12:00 – 2:00pm at the Shrine
of Holy Relics. Biblical and contemporary spirituality for an aging
population interested in preserving and celebrating their Catholic
faith. Light lunch, presentation by Anne McGuire, and discussion by
participants. For info or to register: a.mcguire@mariasteinshrine.org
Catholic Adult Singles— Sunday, February 1st, Benediction a& Supper,
Maria Stein. For more information, call Eileen Lamm at 419-678-8691.
Theology on Tap—Sunday, February 1st at 7:00 pm; Spiritual Center,
Maria Stein. The panel consists of a cradle catholic, a convert, a revert, and
a priest and will speak on why they chose to be Catholic. Snacks
provided, BYOB/drinks, all are welcome! If you have any questions please
contact Samantha Kremer at samkremer@hotmail.com.
Armchair Pilgrimage to the Holy Land—Tuesday, February 3rd at 2:00pm
and again at 7:00pm, Shrine of the Holy Relics. Unique pilgrimage to the
land of scripture; Prayer, artifacts, and refreshments will complete your
Journey. For more information: 419-925-4532.
The Pope From The New World
January 27th
After the 8:00 am Mass
In the Parish Center
This film explores the abiding
compassion and unwavering resolve of a priest, a bishop and now
Pope seeking to bring the Church
to the frontiers of society.
“Come Li0le Children” An opportunity to serve our li0le ones
and their parents. Our Babysi2ng
program serves at the 10 am Sunday
Mass, helping our young parents have
a peaceful and prayerful experience
and their young ones to enjoy play
6me with other children in a safe
environment in our Babysi2ng room
in the Rectory Basement. If
interested in helping with this
ministry please contact
We must have 2 adults each Sunday
High School Movie Night
Monday, January 26th
7:00 pm
Parish Center
Jan 28 5A Sandy Fortman
Feb 4 4B Laura Becker
Feb 11 3B Karla Larger
Needed - Kindergarten Religion Teacher to finish the school year on
Thursdays from 2:15-2:55 pm. IF interested please email or call Therese,
therese@staugie.com or 419-628-3434.
Church History Class - Tuesday, January 27th from 12:30—3:00 pm in the
Parish Center. Registrations are still being accepted. Please call the Parish
Center at 419-628-3434 to RSVP.
High School Lector Training – Second Session: Tuesday, January 27th at
5:30 pm in the church. If you did not aCend the last session and are
interested in becoming a Lector, please contact Deacon Roger Klosterman
at 419.628.3726.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Breakfast Club - Wednesday, January
28th at 7:30 am at McDonald’s.
Edge Youth Group Grades 4-6 – Wednesday, January 28th at the Parish
Center. Church bus will transport at 3:15 with parent pick up at 5:00 pm.
Junior High Bible Study – Sunday, February 1st from 7 – 8:30 pm in the
Parish Center.
Freshman Class Fieldtrip - Sunday, February 8th. Remember to arrive at
9:20 am. Busses will depart at 9:30am for the Relic Chapel
Eucharistic Minister Training - Sunday, February 8th immediately after
11:00 am Mass. Students who signed up for Eucharistic Ministry Training
should aCend and will be added to the rotation beginning in March.
High School Bible Study - Sunday, February 8th at 7:00—9:00 pm in the
Parish Center.
Grace Unplugged
Grace is a Christian teen who is
struggling to find her own way in
life. Against the wishes of her overly protective father, she runs away
to chase her music dreams. While
her father puts his faith in God to
watch over his daughter, only
Grace can decide the path in life
she wants to take.
Parish Center Library - All are Welcome! Library hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Sunday 9:30 am to 11:15 am. Search library catalog
from home, visit the St. Augustine/St. Joseph Website www.staugie.com ,
on the right side of page click, “parish library, search the catalog”. From
here you can put in a word, title, or author to search what we have. Then,
email Therese at therese@staugie.com with your request and will have it
ready for you at the Religious Education Center.
Minster Elementary Kindergarten Registration for 2015-2016 - All
children turning 5 years old before August 1, 2015 are eligible to aCend
kindergarten next fall. Parents of prospective kindergarteners are asked
to call the elementary school office at 419-628-4174 or email
jenny.ripploh@minsterschools.org. Screening dates are March 24 & 25.
A very special thanks Bishop
Joseph Binzer, Fr. Rick and Fr.
Don Thieman for presiding.
Thank you to our Sophomore
Catechists: Lisa Heid, Steve
Ei6ng, Sandra Schulze and
Emma Sawin for their hard
work and dedica6on to our
students. As with all Liturgical
Celebra6ons, there’s much
prepara6on happening
behind the scenes to help
create the perfect
Thank you to an amazing
Parish Staff Team: Deacon
Hal, Carol McMaster, Therese
Brown, Alex Clune, Cindy
Wuebker, Amy Noykos, Leslie
Tyler, Sr. Marla, Do2e
Dickman & all those who
were involved in helping
create a holy experience.
Join us in congratula6ng the following students who have received the Sacrament of
Confirma6on. We are extremely proud of their efforts and dedica6on! Our sincerest
gra6tude to parents and sponsors of our Confirmands. Your dedica6on and faithfulness to
our Catholic faith is inspiring. Thank you for encouraging your child throughout the
prepara6on process and diligently working with the Religious Educa6on staff. Please pray
for the Lord’s con6nued blessing upon our students; that they use their God-given talents
to the service of the Church and His Greater Glory!
Carly Marie Barhorst
Zoe Bonita Heid
Kyle Edward Prenger
Hayley Margaret Baumer
Jordyn Rene Heitbrink
Paige Josephine Purdy
Alison Paige Borgerding
Carter David Hogenkamp
Sara Agnes Ripploh
Lisa Marie Borges
Sarah Marie Huwer
Lindsay Ann Roetgerman
Sarah Isabel Bertke
Colleen Elizabeth Ju0e
Cody Joseph Schlater
Alejandro deJesus Blanco
Aaron Kenneth Kitzmiller
Bryce Robert Schmiesing
Jordan Andrew Brackman
Morgan Elizabeth Koverman
Nathan Thomas Schwieterman
Leah Kathryn Brandewie
Savanah Grace Luthman
Hallie Chris6ne Sherman
Luke Cur6s DeLoye
Dezerae Dawn Miller
Anthony Benedict Slonkosky
Samuel Thomas Dircksen
Jonathan Thomas Niemeyer
Maddison Nicole Stewart
Lacey Mae Dirksen
Jordan Michelle Nolan
Benjamin Michael Stubbs
Isaac Robert Dorsten
Natalie Renee Oakley
Jennifer Elizabeth Trzaska
Aaron Michael Ernst
Alex John Oldiges
Amanda Catherine Winner
Caleb Gregory Francis
Noah James Poeppelman
Anthony Ma0hew Winner
Morgan Lee Pohl
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time ~ Jan 24-25
Reading I : Jonah 3:1-5, 10
They believed in God and proclaimed a fast.
• The Book of Jonah illustrates the power of God’s mercy and the possibility of conversion for all people.
• Jonah had trouble believing that God wanted him to preach in Nineveh because they were Gentiles.
• After Jonah is rescued from the belly of a great fish, he preaches Godʹs message of repentance to the people
of Nineveh and they respond fully.
Reading II : 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
The time is short.
• Early in his ministry, Paul expected the second coming of Jesus at any moment.
• Paul points out in todayʹs reading that happiness and security can not be found in material things.
• All other things are subordinate to life in Jesus.
Gospel : Mark 1:14-20
Come, follow me.
• Markʹs Gospel reveals Jesus to be the fulfillment of the promised Messiah.
• Jesus is the Good News.
• In todayʹs passage, the first disciples respond immediately to Jesus call to have faith in the good news.
Question for Children: What do you think it was like for the people in todayʹs Gospel to be called by Jesus?
Question for Adults: If someone asked you, ʺTo what work has Jesus called you?ʺ how would you answer?