St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church 25 Ocean Avenue Center Moriches, New York 11934-3698 Serving the Moriches, Mastic, Shirley, Eastport, Speonk and Remsenburg Visit Our Website: January 18, 2015 ~ Second Sunday In Ordinary Time Mass Schedule: Mass on the Lord’s Day: Saturday: 5PM (Sunday Vigil) 7:30PM (Spanish Mass) Sundays: 7:30 AM, 9AM (Children) 10:30 AM, 12Noon, 5:30PM (Life Teen) Weekday Masses: Mon.-Wed.: 7AM, 8AM (Latin) Thurs.-Fri.: 7AM, 8AM Saturday: 8AM Confessions We celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation every day: After 7AM Mass Mon.-Wed.; After 7AM & 8AM Mass Thurs.-Fri.; Saturdays After the 8AM Mass & from 4PM to 5PM; and Also Sundays from 4:30PM to 5PM. We Celebrate Baptisms All parents who wish to have their children baptized must participate in the baptism class which is held on the first Wednesday of the month in the barn. Parents must call the rectory to register. Dates are given at the class. We Celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage after couples have contacted the rectory at least 6 months in advance to making arrangements. Pre-Cana marriage preparation is required of all couples. We comfort the sick through prayer and the Sacraments. Please contact the rectory for a priest to celebrate the Sacraments with the seriously ill. Parish Clergy & Staff Rectory: 631-878-0009 Fax: 631-874-2466 Faith Formation 631-878-4141 Suzan Fitzpatrick, Director Pastor Rev. Walter F. Kedjierski Youth Ministry Pastor Emeritus Rev. John J. Corcoran Mr. Michael Clauberg, Youth Minister Parochial Vicars Rev. Nestor Watin Rev. Felix Akpabio Permanent Deacon Dcn. John Pettorino 631-874-4910 Music Ministry Jane Delassalle, Director Parish Outreach 631-874-3617 Sr. Ann Berendes, IHM, Coordinator Monday Night Devotions 7:30PM to 8:15PM: Devotions begin with the Novena to Our Blessed Mother, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday, 12 Noon-8:30PM First Saturday Devotions Confessions begin at 7:30AM, followed by Mass and devotions at 8AM. Afterwards there is a continental breakfast in the cafeteria. Our Lady Queen of Apostles School 631-878-1033 Mrs. Stacie Stueber, Principal —————————————–--————————————————————- Rectory Office Hours: Monday 9AM- 4PM & 7PM-9PM Tuesday 9AM - 4PM Wednesday 9AM- 3PM & 7PM-9PM Thursday: 9AM - 4PM Friday: 9AM - 3PM Saturday: 1PM - 3PM The Diocesan Office for the Protection of Children and Young People was created to ensure the safety of our youth and can be reached at 516-678-5800 ext. 216 or 573 Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. The hotline to report sexual abuse is 516-594-9063. ———————————Family, Marriage & Individual Therapy provided by licensed therapists is available to our parish. Contact Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at 631-243-2503. January 18, 2015 Hymns For January 18, 2015 Second Sunday In Ordinary Time Readings for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B ) Begin on #1113 / HYMNS: Through baptism we have been joined to the Lord who calls us to be His disciples. How well do we listen to His voice? How willing are we to do His will? Processional: Offertory: Communion: Recessional: “Here I Am, Lord” “Seek Ye First” “Pescador de Hombres” “You Walk Along Our Shoreland” *Note: The Ordinary Parts of the Mass begin on #202 (the end of the pages are red in color) Masses for the Week St. John’s invites family members of those for whom the Mass is being offered to bring up the gifts of bread and wine at that Mass. (On the weekend, please inform any of the ushers 10 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass.) Saturday, January 17 5:00 PM Howard Ostermeyer 7:30 PM Spanish Mass Intention Sunday, January 18 7:30 AM Special Intentions of the Mitchell Family 9:00 AM Ralph Marrantino 10:30 AM People of the Parish 12:00 Nn Donald Boyd 5:30 PM Albania Gehao Monday, January 19 7:00 AM Special Intentions of Jian Mark Roschke 8:00 AM Thomas O’Keefe (LATIN) Tuesday, January 20 7:00 AM Priest’s Intention 8:00 AM Special Intentions of Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn (LATIN) Wednesday, January 21 7:00 AM Special Intentions Jing Wen Chen 8:00 AM Anthony Lubrino, Sr. (LATIN) Thursdsay, January 22 7:00 AM Martin & Itala Picinich 8:00 AM Charles McKean Friday, January 23 7:00 AM Priest’s Intention 8:00 AM Loretta McGure Saturday, January 24 8:00 AM Priest’s Intention 5:00 PM Mark Boyd 7:30 PM Spanish Mass Intention Sunday, January 25 7:30 AM People of the Parish 9:00 AM Dora O’Neill 10:30 AM Grace DeVerna 12:00 Nn Kathleen Abersano 5:30 PM Eleanor Giardiello #783 #663 #760 #766 ~Welcome~ Newly Baptized Ryan John Russo, Nicholas Pesci Please Pray for the Deceased Joseph Fratello, Patricia Gill, Richard Herbert, Joan Gagliano Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Sandy K. Fabricatore, Paul Prebish, Kenneth Rosenman, Martha Santiago, Nicholas A., Maryann Kern, Barbara Resnick, Katy Dyer, Nicholas Stoia, Terry Seng, Stanley Kiewra, Baby “Catoo” Juliet, Al & Joan Turpin, Andrea Duggan, Ed Parent, Kevin Kret Please submit names by telephoning the rectory. Names will be removed after four weeks. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Speak, for your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19). Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you? (1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20). Gospel — Andrew found his brother Simon and brought him to Jesus (John 1:35-42). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.\ Readings for the week can be found at: Stewardship Sunday Collection 1/11/15: $13,119 Sunday Collection 1/12/14: $13,666 Parish Families registered: 6818 # Envelopes Mailed: 2916 # Envelopes Used: 546 The Bread and Wine offering for the month of January for the Special Intentions of Thomas & Margaret Blomberg 2 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal Amount: $95,600 Total Pledged: $99,448 (104% of Goal!) Total Money Received: $96,135 Total # of pledges: 264 Thanks to your generosity we have exceeded our goal! St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church 25 Ocean Avenue Center Moriches New York 11934 Office of the Pastor “None of us lives to himself and none of us dies to himself. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” ~Romans 14:7-8 My dear Brothers and Sisters, This past week I received the news that my predecessor, Father Joseph Coschignano, whom many of you remember happily, announced to his parish of St. Barnabas in Bellmore that he has come to retirement age and has decided this June to retire from the active ministry. I hope that you will join me in praying that almighty God will reward him for his years of generous service to the Church. Father Joe was a tremendous blessing to this parish. When Father Joe arrived the parish faced a huge debt but he left this parish without any debt. Not many parishes can say that there is no debt – just like most families have mortgages so do most parishes. We may not have a million dollars in the bank like parishes in affluent areas, but we do have some money in our savings accounts to help with emergencies in our buildings which was started by Father Joe. I have been able to add funds to our savings in the same spirit of responsible stewardship he had. Yet to not have to worry too much about the financial needs of the parish is a sign of both your commitment to contributing to the parish and the momentum of responsible stewardship to which Father Joe devoted himself. I have tried my best to continue that spirit while also spending funds to meet necessary ministerial and temporal needs. Father Joe did a lot of good for this parish – more good than many people might even know because he is not about fanfare nor does he want to call attention to himself. I would like to encourage you to drop Father Joe a line of thanks and best wishes on his retirement. You can write to him at: Father Joseph Coschignano St. Barnabas the Apostle Parish 2320 Bedford Ave. Bellmore, NY 11710 As Father Joe moves on I think about a few other people who have “moved on” lately – Pat Cooke from the Children’s Choir and Corinne Bernath from our Welcome Home Group especially come to mind among others. If it were not for all of these outstanding people in our past where would our parish be? Yet God called them for service at a particular time. I am very happy to see, however, that the Holy Spirit is at work and is calling others to pick up the slack right from where others have left off. Sometimes the Holy Spirit might call some people to move on so that other people, LIKE YOURSELF, might be able to fill in and serve. Why not think about it? Yours in Jesus through Mary, Rev. Walter F. Kedjierski, Pastor OFFICES CLOSED: MONDAY, 1/19 OLQA OPEN HOUSE Our Lady Queen of Apostles Regional Catholic School will be having an open house on Sunday January 25, from 10 am to 1 pm. We welcome you and your family to take a tour of our school, meet our Faculty and Staff, hear information about our curriculum and extracurricular activities, meet some of our current students and their families, and see what we have to offer your child/children for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information contact the school office at 878-1033. In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Church offices will be closed on Monday, January 19. Catholics for Freedom of Religion National Religious Freedom Day JANUARY 16 Catholics For Freedom of Religion" remembers National Religious Freedom Day, celebrated on Jan.16 with a Proclamation from Pres. Obama, and with "Free to Speak" guidelines for students and teachers continued: * You may be able to go off campus to have religious studies during school hours. * You can express your faith at a school event. * You can express your faith at your graduation ceremony. (For the complete document explaining students' religious liberties, visit www.Ed.Gov). OLQA Italian Dinner Night: 1/24 Event: Our Lady Queen of Apostles Annual Italian Dinner Night Fundraiser Date: Saturday, January 24 Time: 5:00PM-7:30PM Location: OLQA School Auditorium Cost: Adults-$10.00 Seniors & Children 14 and under-$8.00 Please call the school at 878-1033 for tickets. ATTENTION: MARRIED COUPLES MARCH FOR LIFE: 1/22/15 The March for Life in Washington DC will be held on Thursday, January 22, 2015. Those interested in taking a bus to the March for Life may contact Our Lady of the Snow parish in Blue Point. Call 472-0033 to make a reservation or for more information. The Pre-Cana ministry is looking to expand the number of lead couples that host sessions for engaged couples. This is your opportunity to share your marriage experiences. There are always at least two lead couples at every session and there are 4 to 6 sessions per year. Lead couples are only expected to sign up for at least one session per year. If you are interested, you can call George Della Ratta at 871-2491 or Cara McCarthy at 874-4364. RESPECT LIFE “Sweeter even than to have had the joy of caring for children of my own has it been to me to help bring about a better state of things for mothers generally, so their unborn little ones could not be killed away from them.” ~Susan B. Anthony “Tweet Inspiration” NO PRO-LIFE MEETING IN JANUARY (St. John’s Pro-Life Group normally meets on the fourth Thursday of the month. Their next meeting will be on March 26.) 4 Are you “overwhelmed by excessive sorrow” (2 Cor 2:7)? If so, run into the arms of “excessive Love” (Lk 15:20). #BlessedAreThoseWhoMourn Our Family Members in the Military Serving Abroad in a Hostile Theater of Operations *Starting February 1, 2015 we will begin a new list for our service men and women. If you would like them to remain on the list below, please contact the office, prior to January 27. Adult Choir Update Thank you for the complements on our first appearance of our newly formed choir. We are hoping that more people will be encouraged to join us. We will resume practices on Tuesday evening, January 20 in the Church. We need altos, and basses especially, but will welcome any person who enjoys singing. Our next celebration will be for Holy Week: Holy Thursday evening Mass of the Last Supper (7:30 p.m.), Good Friday (3:00 p.m.), and the Easter Vigil (7:30 p.m.) Please consider joining the choir by contacting Sister Ann at 874-3617. In your generosity, please pray for our parish family members serving abroad in the military. Family members, please call the rectory to add or update your loved one’s status if they have returned. US Army Sgt. Bill Altman Pfc. Christopher Campbell Christopher Chernis Capt. Jeffrey Costa Sgt. Robert Finiguerra, Jr. SSgt Frank Fowlston E5 Sgt. Steven Gabrielli, Jr. Pfc. Billy Mills Garrigan Spc. Nicholas Guerin Lt. Kevin W.F. Johnston Robert Kayton Pfc Mary Beth Kerstein Robert Kerstein Spc. Andrew Kuroski Spc. James Patrick Lenahan Sgt. Cassandra Marienthal Sgt. Stephan Marienthal Capt. Donald C. Mills IV William Morrison Warrant Officer Juan Nazareth Pvt Dianna Nicosia Pvt Justen Planty PFC Travis Ruggiero Edward James Russo Spc. Justin Sikorski Spc. John Tamm Roger Titmus III J.P. Vogel Spc. Shane Wade US Army National Guard SPC Howard I. Miller John Najdzion Joseph Rubino US Army Reserve SRA Sean Browning Sgt. Steven Graham Capt. Chris Norton Outreach Needs: Can You Volunteer @ Our Office? We are in desperate need of people to work in the Outreach Office in “The Barn.” Give us a call or stop by “The Barn” Office or call 874-3617. Scripture Study Scripture study is alive and well the parish! Fr. Walter leads a Scripture study group on Tuesday mornings from 9:30AM-11:30AM in the Red Barn. New members are welcome. A knowledge of Scripture enriches our prayers and deepens our faith. Holy Hour For Priests Mondays after the 7:30PM Novena in the Church, please come to pray for: The sanctification of our Priests and Religious and an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. US Air Force Paul Cange 1st Lt Ryan Davis MSgt Stephen DeLena Cpt. Jonathan Florsz SSgt. Jason Michael Hermes Brian Kennedy Johnston SSgt. Kevin C. Planz Robert Sekulski Cpt. Salvatore Sferrazza, Jr. Airman Michael Sinclair MSgt. Thomas A. Verga US Navy Anthony Dellapenna STGCS Brian Holzmacher CS2 Kenneth Horsky PO2 Eric Jordan Jordan J. Knoppert Nicholas L. Kosloski BSMS Patricia Quaglino US Marine Corps LCpl Elias Afzali Pfc Mark Barone LCpl Anthony Cicero Brian Dolan Maj. Jason Grancagnolo Lt. Col. Robert K. Maldonado Pfc Francis Patrick McDermott LCpl Nick Meyer Pfc Quentin Montemarano Pfc Kevin Oettinger 1st Lt. Nicholas Schepps Capt. Matthew Tweed Sgt. Tony Tweed US Merchant Marine USMMA Eric Kennedy US Coast Guard Robert J. Doskoez, 3rd Class CMS MK3 Linnea & Bailey Neff Monday Night Devotions Meals On Wheels The Moriches Nutrition Program offers services to all adults age 60 and older. They provide hot, nutritious meals delivered to your door five days a week. For more information, call 874-3856. 5 Our parish clergy support and encourage the tradition of Monday Night Devotions to Our Blessed Mother. Our Savior Jesus wants us to entrust ourselves to His Blessed Mother so she can lead us to Him in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Please come on Monday evening from 7:30PM to 8:15PM. FAITH FORMATION NEWS Website: Office Hours: M-TH 10:00AM-3:00PM SAT 11:30AM-1:30PM No Classes January 19 In observation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, there will be no Religious Education classes on Monday, January 19. Level 2 Parent Meeting There will be a Level 2 Parent Meeting during class times on January 26, 27 & 28 (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) at 4:45PM, and Saturday, January 31 at 9:30AM. Agenda: 1st Reconciliation. Parents of Home Study students may attend any one meeting. Schedule of Events Sunday, January 18 A/A A/A Men’s Meeting Youth Ministry (Life Teen) Spanish Prayer Group 6:45-7:45AM-Barn 8:00-9:00AM-Barn 7:00-8:30PM-Auditorium 7:30PM-Church Monday, January 19 A/A Faith Formation Classes Novena Holy Hour for Priests 6:45-7:45AM-Barn No Classes (MLK Day) 7:30PM-Church *Following the Novena Tuesday, January 20 A/A Bible Study Faith Formation Classes Children’s Choir Practice Divine Will Are You Ready To Be Inspired? Life Teen meets every Sunday after the 5:30PM Life Teen Mass, from 7PM-8:30PM in the school gym. All teenagers in high school are welcome! Enjoy food, fellowship, games and more while growing in your faith! Adult Volunteers Needed! Call Youth Want to learn more about the Catholic faith? Why not stop by the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in the back of the church and take home one of the many inspiring CD titles? We ask for a donation of only $3 per CD to help us keep this program going. 6 6:45-7:45AM & 7:30-8:30PM-Barn 9:30AM-11:30AM-Barn 4:45-5:45PM & 7:30-8:30PM-School 6:00-7:00PM-Auditorium 7:00PM-Faculty Room Wednesday, January 21 A/A 6:45-7:45AM-Barn Thrift Shop Hours 9:30AM-12:30PM Faith Formation Classes 4:45-5:45PM-School Life Teen Band Practice 7:00PM-Church Boy Scout Troop 800 7:00PM-Cafeteria Thursday, January 22 A/A Adoration Legion of Mary 6:45-7:45 AM-Barn 12 Noon-8:30PM-Church 4:00PM-Barn Friday, January 23 A/A Holy Face of Jesus 6:45-7:45AM-Barn 8:30-9:30AM-Chapel Saturday, January 24 A/A Faith Formation Classes OLQA Italian Dinner 6:45-7:45AM-Barn 9:30-10:30AM-School 5:00-7:30PM-Auditorium Invitation to Holy Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available every Thursday from 12 Noon to 8:30PM. We need to cover each hour during adoration so that the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone. If you would like more information about becoming a “captain,” please call Ernie Vigliotta at 878-0086. MASS BOOK OPEN FOR 2015 The entire Mass book for 2015 is open. Those wishing to have a Mass said for a loved one may stop by the rectory.
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