720 Providence Road, Suite 100 | Malvern, PA 19355-3433 | (610) 644-2100 | F (610) 640-9576 | www.TheInstitutes.org
Troubleshooting IEEAG5 and Exam Administration
If errors are encountered, review the possible solutions within this
document. If you are unable to resolve the issues after performing
the checks, please contact The Institutes at (610) 644-2100, ext.
7313 or assessments@theinstitutes.org.
2. Add the line below to config.xml file after the line
starting with <option id = “location”. Edit the line
to include your information for host, port, user,
password, and realm.
Add this line if your proxy server requires a realm
(domain name).
<option id = “proxypassword” host=”My
Proxy IP Address” port =”My Proxy port”
realm=”My Domain” user=”MyProxyUserName”
password=”MyProxyPassword” />
Does your network use a proxy server?
If so, consult with your IT support staff and
reconfigure IEEAG5; see below for instructions.
If not, continue to the next page.
If you have a proxy server, you must reconfigure IEEAG5 to work
with your proxy.
Instructions assume installation program file default directory is
used: C:\Program Files\AICPCU\IEEAG5
<option id = “proxypassword” host=””
port =”8011” realm=”aidomain” user=”test”
password=”password” />
3. Save file
Add a rule to your firewall to allow direct access to our server:
(IP Address 1)
(IP Address 2)
A) If using a proxy server to connect to the Internet, then edit
all.js file:
1. Edit all.js file located in folder:
C:\Program Files\AICPCU\IEEAG5\bin\greprefs directory
2. Open all.js file in a text editor and edit network.proxy
setting as follows:
Change this setting from 5 to 1
Change this setting to your proxy server IP address
Change this setting to your proxy server port
Example shows IP address and proxy server
port 3120:
3. Save file.
B) If Basic Authentication is used, then edit config.xml:
1. Edit config.xml file located in:
C:\Program Files\AICPCU\IEEAG5\bin directory
720 Providence Road, Suite 100 | Malvern, PA 19355-3433 | (610) 644-2100 | F (610) 640-9576 | www.TheInstitutes.org
ERROR: Invalid Password
ERROR: Initialization Failed
Have you Initialized the testing computer(s)
with new password?
1. Password
Correct Center ID
To ensure that you are using the current password used
to initialize and launch exams, log in with your company’s
Center ID and PIN at the following link. When logged in,
click on Password.
2. Initialize IEEAG5
Incorrect Center ID showing when logged
in to IEEAG5
Testing computers must be initialized using new/valid
password (above)
1) Verify that the Center ID was entered properly during
(default location C:\Program Files\AICPCU\IEEAG5\bin)
2) Locate the config.xml file in the bin folder
3) Right-click with mouse on top of the config.xml file and
select “edit”
4) Check Center ID in the line that reads: <option id =
“location” l=“WXX##” />
Go to: Start menu  Programs  IEEAG5  Initialize
5) If the Center ID is incorrect, edit the file so that it reads the
correct Center ID
Enter password; click OK
6) Save and close
You should receive a Successful Download message.
If not, continue with checks on this list.
7) After changes are made, follow steps to INITIALIZE IEEAG5
ERROR: Initialization Failed
ERROR: Initialization Failed
Error Retrieving Exam Manifest or Lic ID Error
1) Ensure that all IEEAG5 users have full permissions (read
and write) in the two folders (default locations):
You must be able to connect to https://eea2.aicpcu.org server
using SSL (port 443) for both of the following addresses:
(IP Address 1)
(IP Address 2)
C:\Program Files\AICPCU
Add a rule to their firewall to allow direct access to our server.
To check permissions, open C:\AICPCU
Right click with mouse and select Properties
Click the Security Tab
Click on Users
Read and Write need to be selected in the Allow
column (Full Control is acceptable)
If Read or Write is not selected, select missing
permission and click “apply”’ and then “ok”
Repeat steps for C:\Program Files\AICPCU
2) After changes are made, follow steps to INITIALIZE IEEAG5
720 Providence Road, Suite 100 | Malvern, PA 19355-3433 | (610) 644-2100 | F (610) 640-9576 | www.TheInstitutes.org
ERROR: Print issue with the IEEAG5 exam software hanging at the end of
the exam
ERROR: Initialization Failed
Correct IEEAG5 Icons
Trouble Printing Grade Report and IEEAG5
Hanging at End of Exam
It may be related to printer connected to exam computer
sending a prompt to the screen that user cannot click on.
Please follow these steps to correct this problem:
Could not initialize the XPCOM. Perhaps
the GRE is not installed
This may indicate that the old version of IEEAG5 was installed
over the new IEEAG5.
The new IEEAG5 icons (all three icons will be in color) should be
visible from the Start menu.
1. Run a configuration test and see whether you can
duplicate the printing issue. If still having an issue, try this.
2.Locate all.js file In this folder C:\Program Files\AICPCU\
3. Edit file the all.js file in a text editor like WordPad.
Locate: pref(“print.show_print_progress”, true);
Change setting from true to false: pref(“print.show_print_progress”, false);
Add an additional setting:
pref(“print.always_print_silent”, true);
Incorrect IEEAG5 Icons
If you see the old IEEAG5 and Initialize icons (below), these
must be deleted from the Start menu.
To delete old IEEAG5 icon, go to Start menu► Programs
 IEEAG5 and right-click on top of old black/white box
icon and select “delete.”
Repeat steps for deleting the Initialize icon.
4. Save the file.
5. Run a configuration test and see whether you can
duplicate the printing issue.
If you still get an “Initialization failed” or “Could not initialize
XPCOM. Perhaps the GRE” message, ensure all old shortcuts
(black/white box icon) from IEEAG5 have been removed from
the desktop, temp folders, etc.
If problem persists, perform a search for ieeag5.exe on to
ensure all old components and icons have been deleted. Any old
black/white icons, shortcuts, etc., should be deleted.
If problem still persists, you can either uninstall IEEAG5 and
reinstall or go through checks on next page.
720 Providence Road, Suite 100 | Malvern, PA 19355-3433 | (610) 644-2100 | F (610) 640-9576 | www.TheInstitutes.org
ERROR: Initialization Failed
Could not initialize the XPCOM. Perhaps
the GRE is not installed
Target and “Start In” Location
1) Verify that the Target (ieeag5.exe) and Start in location are
the same by checking the properties of ieeag5.exe.
IEEAG5 Installation Version
2) The properties are found by going to Start  Program 
1) Check install version ( of ieeag5.exe.
3) Right-click on IEEAG5 (see below).
2) Version is checked by going to C:\Program Files\AICPCU\
4) If the Target and Start in don’t match, edit location of
ieeag5.exe so that both the target and start in are pointing
to the same place. (ieeag5.exe should always show in the
3) Right-click on ieeag5.exe and select Properties and then
Version tab.
4) If you don’t have the correct version, you need to uninstall
the old version and reinstall the new version.
5) If version is correct (, continue with final check on
next page.
720 Providence Road, Suite 100 | Malvern, PA 19355-3433 | (610) 644-2100 | F (610) 640-9576 | www.TheInstitutes.org
Possible Situations/Errors During or After Computer
Exams IEEAG5
“Error Retrieving Exam Manifest” or “XML
Parsings Error” message displays when
launching exam
1. Read and Write permissions are needed in the working
directories (default locations):
C:\Program Files\AICPCU and C:\AICPCU
2. Make and apply necessary changes.
3. Launch IEEAG5 with the password and start exam.
Emergency/Fire Alarm
1. If time permits, instruct candidate to click the Emergency
Shutdown button (bottom-left corner of computer screen).
This function will stop the clock from running and will safely
shut down the exam while saving all answered questions.
2. Launch IEEAG5 with the password on the same computer
candidate was testing on before the emergency.
3. After selecting candidate’s name, “An unfinished exam has
been detected” message will appear. Click OK and then YesStart Test.
4. Candidate will be presented with the Rules of Conduct and
the Tutorial. Exam will default to Question 1. Last question
attempted may be resumed by clicking the Question
Summary button.
Power Failure/System Shutdown
1. Launch IEEAG5 with the password on same computer
candidate was using before the power failure.
2. After selecting candidate’s name, “An unfinished exam has
been detected” message will appear. Click OK and then YesStart Test.
3. Candidate will be presented with the Rules of Conduct and
the Tutorial. Exam will default to Question 1. Last question
attempted may be resumed by clicking the Question
Summary button.
Frozen Computer Screen/Computer Malfunction
1.Press Ctrl+Shift+F12 to display an exam recovery screen.
2.Select Return to exam. Candidate may resume exam.
3. If problem persists, press Ctrl+Shift+F12 and select Exit
exam. This process will safely shut down the program, and
the exam may be restarted without losing any answers.
4. Launch IEEAG5 with the password on same computer
candidate was using before the malfunction.
5. After selecting candidate’s name, ”An unfinished exam has
been detected” message will appear. Click OK and then YesStart Test.
6. Candidate will be presented with the Rules of Conduct and
the Tutorial. Exam will default to Question 1. Last question
attempted may be resumed by clicking the Question
Summary button.
Restarting exam without an Internet connection
1. Launch IEEAG5 with the password.
2.The Restart an Exam screen will prompt you for the
Confirmation ID. Enter the candidate’s Confirmation ID in the
space provided, and then click Restart.
3. If an Internet connection is not restored when the candidate
completes the exam, contact The Institutes at (610) 644-2100
or assessments@theinstitutes.org
Missing Answer Files
1. To alleviate the possibility of missing results, check the Data
folder of each testing computer for any answer files that
may not have been returned. You can perform this check by
viewing (default location): C:\AICPCU\IEEA\Data
2. You should only see a backup and shared folder. If you see any
folders with a numerical name within the Data folder (i.e. C:\
AICPCU\IEEA\Data\1), launch a Configuration/Demo Test on
that computer.
Configuration/Demo Test
1. Click on the Start button in the lower-left corner of the
computer screen.
2. Click on Programs from the Start menu.
3. Click on IEEAG5 and IEEAG5 again. This will launch the
IEEAG5 program.
4. When the password screen appears, enter the password for
your testing center in the blocks provided.
5. Click in the box to accept the Test Administrator’s Agreement,
then click Continue.
6. If your center is unapproved, click on the Yes-Start Test
button. It may take a few minutes to download the files.
If your center is approved, the top of the screen will display
Open Registrations. Select the radio button next to Objective
Demo Test or the Essay Demo Test and then click Continue. It
may take a few minutes to download the files.
7. At the Welcome to Your Examination screen, click the
Continue button.
720 Providence Road, Suite 100 | Malvern, PA 19355-3433 | (610) 644-2100 | F (610) 640-9576 | www.TheInstitutes.org
8. At the Rules of Conduct screen, click Yes. The computer is
now ready to administer the configuration/demo test.
9. At the Tutorial Welcome screen, click Continue. Then click
Continue on the Tutorial Introduction screen.
10. You are now in the Tutorial. Click the Next Tutorial Screen
button until you come to the end of the Tutorial. Then click
Start Exam.
11. At the Welcome to Your Exam screen, click Continue.
12. You are now at Question 1 of the demo exam. You do not need
to answer the question.
13. Exit the exam by clicking Submit Exam for Grading at the
bottom of your screen and click No the survey. A successful
test will display the following message: Answer File
Successfully Transmitted.
14. If you require verification that the file was transmitted properly,
please send a message to assessments@theinstitutes.org.
720 Providence Road, Suite 100 | Malvern, PA 19355-3433 | (610) 644-2100 | F (610) 640-9576 | www.TheInstitutes.org