Blue Sky Balanced Fund plc B-Class Fund Description The investment objective of the Blue Sky Balanced Fund is to generate long-term cap- ital appreciation through investment in a well diversified portfolio providing exposure primarily to government, corporate and convertible bonds. The remaining part of the portfolio may be invested directly or indirectly in equity, equity related instruments and gold. Financial derivatives may be used in order to reduce risk and/or enhance returns. The investment process aims to exploit opportunities through dynamic asset allocation. Performance since inception: +5.04 % p.a.* KEY FIGURES as of 15/01/2015 123 % 118 % 11,77% 114 % 109 % 105 % 100 % 4,88% 3,56% 0% -0,76% 96 % 91 % 87 % 2010 *YTD 2011 2012 1.69 % *1 year 2013 6.37 % *3 years p.a. 2014 2015 9.69 % 122.50 EUR 114.97 EUR 2.65 -7.99 % 4.88 % 3.56 % 11.77 % FUND DATA Management Company Investment Manager Custodian of the fund Others 7-10 Distribution policy ISIN code Bloomberg Fund currency Inception date Subscription fee Management fee 0-1 1-2 5-7 72 % 63 % 54 % 45 % 36 % 27 % 18 % 9% 0% 2-5 48 % 42 % 36 % 30 % 24 % 18 % 12 % 6% 0% Others as of 31/12/2014 7-10 as of 31/12/2014 5-7 Allocation by Yield 2-5 Allocation by Maturities 1-2 122.50 EUR 239.57 m EUR 6.58 % *since incept. 22.50 % Past performance figures are not a reliable indicator of an investment fund’s future development and do not guarantee any similar or equivalent future performance. Every capital investment bears a risk. Prices may rise as well as fall. Issue and redemption fees have not been taken into account when calculating performance. Performance data have been calculated using the OeKB (Österreichische Kontrollbank) calculation method. *Calculation provided by Cyberfinancials Datenkommunikation GmbH. 0-1 NAV as of 15/01/2015 Fund size Volatility (since inception) 12m high 12m low Mod. sharpe ratio (since inception) Max. drawdown (since inception) Performance 2014 Performance 2013 Performance 2012 Hurdle Rate Legal form Financial year end Registered for sale in C-QUADRAT Asset Management (UK) LLP UBS Luxembourg SA (Dublin Branch) reinvesting IE00B3PM2G14 BLSKBBE ID EUR 01/12/2010 0.35 % (+ 10 % performance fee 3 months-Euribor (Hurdle Rate) - high-watermark) 3m Euribor Irish QIF 31.12. - advertisement This information is exclusively intended for professional investors and not for retail clients. 1/3 Asset Allocation Summary Fund Statistics as of 31/12/2014 as of 31/12/2014 90 % 80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Number of Holdings BBB+ Weighted Modified Duration 4.63 Weighted YTM 3.87 Weighted ASW Spread 239 Commodities Equity Funds Fiexed Income Avg Credit Rating 49 Top 5 Positions by Weight Top 5 Positions by Yield as of 31/12/2014 as of 31/12/2014 GE 7 1/8 12/15/49 A (New York) 2.97 % BMPS FLOAT 12/99 ITALY 6 7/8 09/27/23 (LN) 2.88 % ISPIM 6.4 02/12/15 (IM) 8.95 % WELLS FARGO 7.98 02/28/49 (New York) 2.87 % C 5.8 C (OTC) 6.18 % ISPA 2 1/4 07/31/19 CPI (LX) 2.54 % ENELIM 8 3/4 09/24/73 144A (ID) 6.13 % BANESP 0 24/01/2015 2.20 % PETBRA 4 3/4 01/14/25 (NM) 6.12 % Top 5 Positions by Duration Top 5 Funds by Weight as of 31/12/2014 as of 31/12/2014 13.31 % C 5.8 C (OTC) 15.93 C-QUADRAT STAR PICKER FUND A SERIES 15.80 % ENELIM 6.8 09/15/37 REGS (New York) 12.64 DUEMME SICAV GLOBAL CONVERTIBL 9.70 % ISPIM 3.928 09/15/26 EMTN (LX) 9.19 DUEMME SICAV EURO INVESTMENTS 7.30 % AXASA 5.453 1/29/49 EMTN 8.12 DUEMME-C-QUADRAT ASIAN BD-I (LX) 2.60 % ALVGR 3 3/8 09/29/49 (LX) 8.09 BCM HIGH YIELD FS PLC-I EUR 1.80 % These portfolio data are gross numbers and based on the most recently available information sources and may therefore deviate from the portfolio data indicated in the fund’s accounting (legal/factual inventory). Opportunities / Advantages Well diversified portfolio across geographical areas, issuers, sectors and maturities Long-credit and interest rate bias Additional diversification provided through equity and gold exposures Low leverage levels Dynamic asset allocation Combines a top-down thematic approach with a bottom-up selection of single investment ideas Highly experienced portfolio management team Risks Market risk: The risk which is linked to the daily mark-to-market price fluctuations of the fund’s investments Credit risk: Refers to the risk that a borrower will default on any type of debt by failing to make payments which it is obliged to do Liquidity risk: The risk that a given security or asset cannot be traded quickly enough in the market to prevent a loss (or make the required profit) Counterparty risk: Also known as a default risk, is the risk that a counterparty will not pay what it is obligated to do on a transaction Operational risk: The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events advertisement 2/3 Managers comment as of 31/12/2014 The last month of 2014 has been a negative one as the most volatile asset classes exhibited negative returns due to the weakness in the emerging markets and the continued drop in oil prices: the main equity indices were down, while European government bond rates declined further reaching new lows. Credit spreads widened across the rating spectrum with the Emerging Markets underperforming the most, especially in Latin America. This increase of risk aversion in the markets has been the result of a combination of factors among which the drop in the oil prices, the Russian crisis and the generalized fears that emerging economies could be impacted by the Fed’s hiking cycle; at the same time renewed statements from ECB’s officials have strengthened the expectations for additional measures to be announced in January. In December the Fund was quite resilient and exhibited very limited negative returns: notwithstanding the turbulent markets, the portfolio benefitted from the long US dollar exposure whose performance was able to offset almost completely the weakness of both credit and equity markets. During the month the Fund increased its exposure to specific event driven single stocks as well as it exposure to the greenback. KEY FIGURES NAV as of 31/12/2014 Performance 1 Month A: B: C: A: B: C: 116.42 EUR 120.47 EUR 111.65 EUR 0.11 % 0.12 % 0.04 % This document has been prepared by C-QUADRAT Asset Management (UK) LLP, 1 Vine Street, London W1J 0AH, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA"). This document is provided for information purposes only, and does not represent an offering or invitation to purchase or sell units in a Fund, and nor should it be deemed an invitation to submit an offer for conclusion of any contract on investment services or other services. This document cannot replace the advice of your personal investment advisor. Any decision by an investor to buy shares in the Fund or a compartment of the Fund must be made solely on the basis of the information and terms contained in the Fund’s prospectus. This document is only provided for information purposes, does not provide any reliable indication of future trends and entirely excludes any liability in relation to the accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness of the information contained herein and the views expressed. Performance data for the Fund or Fund’s compartments is not based on audited financial data. Past performance may not necessarily be repeated and is no guarantee or projection of future results. Currency risk: Due to the Fund’s quotation in a specific currency, investors purchasing units in a different currency may suffer losses due to general currency fluctuation. Opinions expressed herein may not necessarily be shared by all employees or partners of C-QUADRAT Asset Management (UK) LLP and are subject to change without notice. The securities referenced in this document have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 (the ‘1933 Act’) or any other securities laws of any other U.S. jurisdiction. Such securities may not be sold or transferred to U.S. persons unless such sale or transfer is registered under the 1933 Act or exempt from such registration. This information does not constitute tax advice. Investors should consult their own independent advisors with regard to their tax situation. © C-QUADRAT Asset Management (UK) LLP. All rights reserved. CONTACT INFORMATION Info-hotline: e-mail: Internet: +44 207 925 8707 advertisement 3/3
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