C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Bond Fund Description Flexible Investment Guidelines - C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Bond has flexible in- vestment guidelines. It may invest up to 100 % of its assets in both bond and (near-)money market funds as well as bank deposits. To implement this investment policy, the fund management makes increased use of a total return approach. Technical Trading System - The fund’s management uses a technical trading program developed by ARTS Asset Management with a short- to medium-term trend-following orientation. Funds showing upward movement in the short to medium term are given the highest weighting in the portfolio. The investment strategy does not follow a benchmark and instead seeks to realize long-term absolute growth in all market phases. Performance since inception: +5.97 % p.a.* KEY FIGURES as of 02/13/2015 NAV as of 02/13/2015 205 % 190 % 175 % 160 % 145 % 28,02% 130 % 115 % 5,79% 100 % 1,57% 85 % 70 % 2003 2004 *YTD 2005 7,39% 2,73% -2,88% -4,12% 2007 2008 2006 5.36 % *1 year 2009 2010 15.26 % *5 years 2,75% 2011 10,89% 2012 2,04% 2013 43.01 % *5 years p.a. 10,08% 2014 2015 Fund size Volatility (since inception) 12m high 12m low Mod. sharpe ratio (since inception) Max. drawdown (since inception) Performance 2014 Performance 2013 Performance 2012 177.42 EUR 148.42 EUR 183.91 EUR 66.45 m EUR 3.85 % 178.78 EUR 153.93 EUR 1.60 -9.24 % 10.08 % 2.04 % 10.89 % 7.41 % Past performance figures are not a reliable indicator of an investment fund’s future development and do not guarantee any similar or equivalent future performance. Every capital investment bears a risk. Prices may rise as well as fall. Issue and redemption fees have not been taken into account when calculating performance. Performance data have been calculated using the OeKB (Österreichische Kontrollbank) calculation method. *Calculation provided by Cyberfinancials Datenkommunikation GmbH. FUND DATA Investment company Manager Custodian of the fund Distribution policy Ratings T: A: VTA: as of December 2014 ISIN code WKN Fund currency Inception date Subscription fee Management fee Lipper Rating (5=highest) Financial year Registered for sale in C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG ARTS Asset Management GmbH Raiffeisen Bank International AG T: reinvesting A: distributing VTA: fully reinvesting (outside of Austria) T: AT0000634720 A: AT0000634712 VTA: AT0000A08ET0 T: A0B6WZ A: A0B6WY VTA: A0NFHH EUR 11/24/2003 Up to 5.00 % 1.10 % p.a. (+ 10.00 % performance fee - highwater-mark) 01.01. - 31.12. AT/DE advertisement 1/2 Risk return profile 6,30% 6,30% 6,20% 6,00% 6,10% 5,70% CQ ARTS TR Bond 6,00% 5,90% MSCI World EUR 5,80% 5,70% 0,00% 4,00% 8,00% 12,00% 16,00% 20,00% Risk (Volatility p.a.) As component of equities portfolio (MSCI World EUR) Return ( p.a.) Return ( p.a.) (11/24/2003 - 02/13/2015) CQ ARTS TR Bond 5,40% 5,10% JPM GBI EUR 4,80% 4,50% 4,20% 2,70% 3,60% 4,50% 5,40% 6,30% 7,20% 8,10% Risk (Volatility p.a.) As component of bond portfolio (JPM GBI EUR) The above diagrams show the changes in the risk/return profile where C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Bond is included as a component of an equities portfolio (diagram on left) or a bond portfolio (diagram on right) in increments of 10. Calculation provided by Cyberfinancials Datenkommunikation GmbH. Allocation by Region Best Positions as of 12/31/2014 last 6 months by holding performance 10,2 % 3,5 % 3,3 % 10,5 % 11,3 % 61,2 % European Union World China Deutsche Invest I China Bonds A2 (. August - February China 19.96 % Fidelity Funds - Asian Bond Fund A. August - February Far East 19.30 % KBC Renta Swissrenta (CHF) Acc November - February Europe 19.15 % Parvest Bond Asia ex-Japan C(lassi. August - February Far East ex Japan 18.77 % JPMorgan Funds - Global Corporate. August - February World 18.56 % These portfolio data are gross numbers and based on the most recently available information sources and may therefore deviate from the portfolio data indicated in the fund’s accounting (legal/factual inventory). Flexible investment strategy: Bond or money market investments are made according to market trends and investment policies. The aim of the portfolio management is to invest your money in the most promising asset classes. Avoidance of long-term drawdowns: Systematic risk management is embedded in the total-returnmodel - acting free of human emotions – and trying to avoid long-term drawdowns. The basis for the purchase of investment units is the presently valid prospectus, the annual report and, if older than eight months, the semi-annual report. Potential investors may obtain the current German-language versions of the key investor document ("KID" or "KIID") and the published prospectus (including fund regulations) for the C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Bond free-of-charge from C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG, Schottenfeldgasse 20, A-1070 Vienna, Austria, as well as from the registered seat of the paying agent and information office in Germany, Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers KGaA, Kaiserstrasse 24, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. They are also available at www.c-quadrat.com. The income-retaining tranche of the C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Bond may only be purchased or held by unit holders who are either not subject to Austrian income or corporate income tax or who fulfill the requirements for exemption pursuant to § 94 of the Austrian Personal Income Tax Act or for exemption from Austrian investment income tax. Accordingly, other categories of investors may not be invited to subscribe for this investment fund. Fund-based investments are exposed to general economic risks as well as fluctuations in value. Trends may change and lead to negative return developments. Trend-following trading software may overweight or underweight trends. Notice to the end investor: Your bank or investment adviser can obtain the subscription fee. The management fee can include a distribution remuneration that your bank or investment adviser could (also partially) receive. The products are obtainable at your bank or savings bank or through your investment adviser. Licence of C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG: Management of investment funds in accordance with the Austrian Investment Fund Act (Investmentfondsgesetz, InvFG) as well as investment advice and portfolio management in accordance with the Austrian Securities Supervision Act (Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz, WAG). Europe Emerging Markets Others Opportunities / Advantages This marketing document is provided for information purposes only and does not represent any offering or invitation to purchase or sell units in an investment fund, and nor should it be deemed an invitation to submit an offer for conclusion of any contract on investment services or collateral performance. This document cannot replace the advice of your personal investment advisor. Risks If the fund invests in an asset class based on a present upward trend, this development nevertheless may give way to a downward trend. Upward trends can only be profitable upon investment in the relevant asset class. Downward trends can only be avoided, upon disinvestment. We wish to inform our clients that the scale of normal market fees charged by investment firms can be viewed on the website of the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) (www.fma.gv.at). C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG is not permitted to accept client funds for performing its investment services. C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG incorporates products of the C-QUADRAT Group in the range of services which it offers you. This includes, in particular, the investment funds of C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG and the structured products of C-QUADRAT Investment AG. ©2015 Morningstar. All rights reserved. Please find details of the Morningstar Rating at www.morningstar.de. CONTACT INFORMATION Info-hotline: e-mail: Internet: +43 1 515 66-0 sales@c-quadrat.com www.c-quadrat.com, www.arts.co.at advertisement 2/2
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