Central America Drought - Situation Report #2 12 December 2014 Central America Drought: Restoring Food Security and Livelihoods Through Assistance for Vulnerable Groups Affected by Recurrent Shocks In Numbers Over 2 million people affected and in need of food assistance. 4 Countries affected: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras & Nicaragua. Over 500,000 beneficiaries already reached by WFP. US$20 million shortfall for the next 3 months. Highlights Of the 2 million people affected, WFP as- sessments indicated that more than 1.6 million people are suffering from severe or moderate food insecurity in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. While no assessment was conducted in Nicaragua, initial analysis of secondary data indicated an estimated 460,000 people may have been affected. The drought disproportionately impacted the dry corridor where many farmers are only able to harvest during the primary cropping season. Furthermore, all four countries have suf- fered from coffee rust which has affected 55 percent of land cultivated with coffee, seriously endangering the livelihoods of almost two million people (of which 715,000 are food insecure) who depend on coffee production as a primary source of income. The assessments concluded that the re- gion was affected by both a delayed arrival of the rains (April-May) and pronounced deficits during the most sensitive crop development stages (July). All four governments have launched sub- stantial feeding programmes in response to the drought. Situation Update Central America and northern areas of South America have suffered significant rainfall deficits in 2014 with serious impacts on crop production and the food security of vulnerable households in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras. Compared to baseline data, the assessment results reflected a deteriorating food consumption and dietary diversity, a reduced consumption of micronutrient-rich foods, poor access to food and a notable uptake of negative coping strategies. Throughout the region, the critical hunger gap for vulnerable populations will last until the second harvest, while the 2015 lean season will begin earlier and is likely to be more severe. Maize losses are estimated at 50 to 70 percent for the first cropping season, which accounts for the bulk of the annual production. The bean harvest suffered similar levels of losses, although most of the yearly production arises during the second cropping season. Migration is a coping strategy employed by many: 5 to 12 percent of households reported at least one member migrating in search of work opportunities over the past two months. Governments are supporting drought-affected populations through their own relief and safety net programmes. The governments of Guatemala and Honduras have launched an international call for humanitarian assistance. WFP Response WFP conducted emergency food security assessments (EFSA’s) in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and they largely confirmed government declarations that the drought has resulted in negative impacts on household food security in the affected areas. Central America Drought - Situation Report #2 12 December 2014 Market assessments coupled with an anal- ysis of lead times of in-kind procurement and existing stocks, suggested that market -based transfers were feasible and preferable. These were also balanced with the need to link WFP interventions with broader government responses in each country to ensure alignment when determining transfer modalities. The vast majority of WFP assistance in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador is being provided by cash and vouchers transfers through cash for assets and vouchers for assets. The response in Nicaragua is solely through in-kind assistance. WFP is supporting the rehabilitation of crops and food production in family gardens through food-for-assets programs. In Nicaragua: WFP has assisted 276,000 droughtaffected beneficiaries that depend on subsistence farming, daily wage labour and families with small children in the dry corridor of Nicaragua. In Guatemala: WFP is assisting 150,000 people and has resources to cover less than half of the 6 months of planned recovery assistance. The government has requested WFP to scale this up to 350,000 people. In Honduras: WFP is currently assisting 56,000 people out of the 700,000 in need of food assistance. There remains a major gap for the coming months for those not targeted by WFP. In El Salvador: Clusters The Food Security Cluster has been acti- vated in Guatemala. Partnerships WFP is working closely with the National Governments of all four countries. For rapid assessments, WFP continues to work with specific government ministries, inter-institutional committees, NGOs such as Save the Children, World Vision, Care and other UN agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Technical Unit for Food and Nutrition Security. WFP is working with the UN Country teams in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras and have prepared response plans and submitted requests to CERF. Resourcing Update The total cost of the initial 6 month drought response is estimated at US$35 million . WFP has an urgent shortfall of US$20million for the next 3 months to provide essential food assistance. In order to absorb the drought response into the regional PRRO a budget revision is currently in process. The value of the PRRO is expected to increase to US$92 million. WFP is grateful for critical support provided by multilateral funds in response to the drought as well as that of the United States, Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea, the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Switzerland. WFP is currently assisting 37,000 people out of the 480,000 in need of food assistance. There remains a major gap for the coming months for those not targeted by WFP. Food Assistance Contacts WFP will provide assistance through the Alan Brown, Regional Donor Relations Officer regional Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) to meet the immediate food needs of vulnerable households for at least 90 days, and depending on the rainfall conditions, rehabilitate the agriculture during the second cropping season. WFP Regional Bureau for Latin America Tel. (+507) 3173900 ext. 3984 Alan.brown@wfp.org Central America: Restoring Food Security and Livelihoods Through Assistance for Vulnerable Groups Affected by Recurrent Shocks wfp.org/es
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