Company Presentation 22 January 2015 Disclaimer These materials do not constitute or form any part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue or purchase or subscribe for any shares in Faroe Petroleum plc (the “Company”) nor shall they or any part of them, or the fact of their distribution, form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract with the Company relating to any securities. Any decision regarding any proposed acquisition of shares in the Company must be made solely on the basis of public information on the Company. These materials are not intended to be distributed or passed on, directly or indirectly, to any other persons. They are available to you solely for your information and may not be reproduced, forwarded to any other person or published, in whole or in part, for any other purpose. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained in these materials or on their completeness. Any reliance thereon could potentially expose you to a significant risk of losing all of the property invested by you or the incurring by you of additional liability. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by the Company, its directors or employees, or their professional advisers as to the accuracy, fairness, sufficiency or completeness of the information, opinions or beliefs contained in these materials. Save in the case of fraud, no liability is accepted for any loss, cost or damage suffered or incurred as a result of the reliance on such information, opinions or beliefs. Certain statements and graphs throughout these materials are “forward-looking statements” and represent the Company’s expectations or beliefs concerning, among other things, future operating results and various components thereof, including financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives and estimates (including resource estimates), the Company’s anticipated future cash-flow and expenditure and the Company’s future economic performance. These statements, which may contain the words “anticipate”, “believe”, “intend”, “estimate”, “expect” and words of similar meaning, reflect the directors’ beliefs and expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties as they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of these materials and no representation is made that any of these statements or forecasts will come to pass or that any forecast results will be achieved. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in these materials, whether as a result of new information or future events. If you are considering buying shares in the Company, you should consult a person authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority who specialises in advising on securities of companies such as Faroe Petroleum plc. 2 Faroe overview Faroe’s exploration-led and production-backed strategy is delivering exceptional results Significant recent exploration successes in Norway: Snilehorn and Pil Substantial potential being realised across portfolio Faroe has built an outstanding portfolio One of the largest acreage position in Norway of any quoted independent Balanced portfolio of assets Ongoing multi-well drilling programme funded from cash flow Material, well balanced, tax efficient production Faroe’s world class sub-surface competence is at the heart of its success Faroe is on track to become the preeminent E&P player in Norway and the UK 3 Faroe’s growth model – building core value and scale Maintain significant portfolio of Prospective Resources Participate in Licence Rounds – excellent track record of awards Proactive approach to farm-ins Grow Contingent Resources (2C) Emphasis on quality – drill up to 5 E&A wells per year Optimum working interests and better than 1 in 3 success rate Grow 2P Reserves Progress discoveries to FDP sanction Participate selectively in development projects Swap contingent for 2P reserves where appropriate Grow Production Exploit market opportunities through acquisitions & swaps Invest in our producing fields Faroe on track to become preeminent E&P player in the wider North Sea 4 Faroe well positioned in lower oil price environment Financially robust Uncommitted cash on the balance sheet (£92.5m at 31 Dec-14 unaudited) Significant head-room in existing debt facilities Low gearing level and low cost of debt Complementary nature of the RBL and EFF Production generating strong free cash-flow even at much lower oil price levels 2015 forecast production 8-10,000 boepd (approx. 58% liquids and 42% gas) 2015 forecast opex of the producing fields averaging approximately US$30/boe Oil hedges in place at $90/bbl to Q4’15, gas hedges to H2 2016 at 50p/therm Production balanced between oil and gas and between Norway and the UK No large capital commitments ahead No significant development costs in 2015 - expected capex £16m – mostly infill drilling Glenlivet divested in a timely manner - £10m consideration (in part deferred) PLUS £55m capex saved E&A programme remains solid with potential for significant value creation 4 - 5 well E&A programme for 2015 is on track and fully funded - expected to be approximately £25m net Faroe has strong balance sheet, near-term upside, real growth potential 5 Exploration and appraisal Drilling programme: current outlook Prospect 2015 Equity Q1 Shango (Skirne East) * Blink (Pil follow up well) * Boomerang (Pil follow up well) * Bister Kvalross * Dazzler * Q2 Q3 2016 Q4 Q1 Q2 20.0% 25.0% 25.0% 7.5% 40.0% 20.0% * committed All wells being drilled in Norway – benefiting from State tax incentives Several prospects identified for possible 2016 drilling, both operated and non-operated Screening work ongoing with emphasis on economic robustness ahead of drilling decisions Very active programme ahead – fully funded with significant upside potential 6 Exploration and appraisal Significant Pil discovery – 2 follow-up wells in 2015 2014 discovery Significant success - March 2014 - Faroe 25% Gross columns ca 135m of oil and 91m of gas Well test flowed at a stable rate of 6,710 bopd of 37° API oil, 56/64” choke Prolific reservoir - very high net:gross ratio Preliminary Pil and Bue estimated range of gross recoverable resource of 80-200 mmboe* Blink Boomerang 2015 follow-up programme Draugen field Two significant follow-up wells to the Pil discovery: Blink and Boomerang Transocean Arctic on contract Targeting estimated additional unrisked prospective resources of 93 - 490 mmboe (gross) Njord field Pil discovery * Source: Operator / NPD 7 Exploration/appraisal Shango: near-field exploration well in 2015 PL627, Total operator, Faroe 20% Located on the northern part of prolific Utsira High Large undrilled Jurassic structure Shango prospect de-risked by Skirne production performance, possible spill-over from Shango to Skirne If successful, will be target for fast-track tie-back development Leif Eiriksson drilling rig on contract for drilling in H1 2015 Targeting estimated unrisked prospective resources of 30 - 110 mmboe (gross) 8 HC Spillroute Shango well Translate 2C Contingent Resources to 2P Reserves Current 2C Contingent Resource Estimate summary Maximise project values through relatively low-cost pre-development activities Field WI Estimated Net Resources 2C Lowlander/Perth (UK) >50% 35 mmboe Pil (Norway) 25% 13-42 mmboe Fogelberg (Norway) 15% 9 mmboe Butch (Norway) 15% 7 mmboe Snilehorn (Norway) 7.5% 4 mmboe Rodriguez / Solberg (Norway) 20% 2-13 mmboe 2C Resources (mid case est.) Faroe Observations Operator Faroe/Parkmead • • • • • • • VNG Centrica 2011 / 2013 acquisitions Technical definition maturing Commercial framework for joint development being agreed ahead of FDP 2014 discovery Prolific reservoir Tie-back or stand-alone Significant additional prospectivity targeted • • • 2010 discovery Proximity to infrastructure Awaiting export capacity Centrica • • • 2011 discovery Concept selection underway Tie back development options being assessed Statoil • • • 2013 discovery Tie-back to Njord likely Further prospectivity being targeted: Bister Wintershall • • • 2013 / 2014 discoveries Lower Cretaceous Lange Channel system extends across several licences 9 Snilehorn Other 5 4 Butch 7 Pil 28 Rodriguez / Solberg 7 Fogelberg 9 Perth 14 Lowlander 21 Total: 95 mmboe Build production base and grow reserves Producing assets Diversified production base with infill and near-field upside potential to boost production Brage (Faroe: 14.25%) Oil field in Norwegian Sea - Wintershall operated Infill programme – two-well programme for 2015 underway Further targets being matured Blane (Faroe: 18.0%) Oilfield in Central Graben UK, Talisman operated Low operating cost, stable production Njord (Faroe: 7.5%) Glenlivet (Dev) 5.2 Other 2.1 Njord Area 9.7 Blane 2.2 Infill well in the planning phase Ringhorne East (Faroe: 7.8%) 2P Reserves (01/01/14) Oilfield in Norwegian North Sea, Exxon operated Low operating cost, stable production Prolific oil and gas field in the Norwegian Sea – Statoil-operated Possible hub for Greater Njord Area – Snilehorn and potentially Pil Hyme subsea satellite performing above expectations Schooner & Ketch (Faroe: 60%) Acquired operated interest in Schooner (53.1%) and Ketch (60%) in April 2014 Other Production Smaller interests in non-operated assets in the Norwegian and UK North Sea Completed transaction and took over as operator in October 2014 Started planning possible investments for upside case Operators: Exxon, BP, Tullow and GdF Suez Strong balanced production, low opex of $30/boe; low capex near-term 10 Ringhorne East 3.7 Brage 4.3 Schooner & Ketch 5.9 Production Schooner & Ketch gas fields Acquisition deal in 2014 grows production and 2P reserves Diversifies production portfolio Introduces financial gearing at a modest level Faroe has successfully taken over operatorship Use of carried forward losses allows rapid payback of consideration – est. 2016 Provides tax shelter for future investments in the UK sector Acquisition financed from existing RBL debt facility 60% operated interests in two good quality producing gas fields developed by Shell/Esso Improved balance between oil and gas – approximately 50:50 Improves tax efficiency 2014 average annual production 3,300 boepd Added 5.9 million boe of 2P reserves at 1 Jan-14 Good potential to further boost production, grow reserves and extend field life Initial consideration of £23.1m paid at completion Small increase in staff level Operating model based on “duty holder” principle continuing Plans maturing to increase reserves and production through investment programme Phase 1: operational efficiencies, and Phase 2: infill well drilling programme Approximately half of Faroe’s production is now gas 11 Production Njord and Hyme – on line and performing well The project to strengthen Njord A facility deck structure completed on time Njord and Hyme brought back on-stream in July 2014 as planned Performing well Draugen Snilehorn Hyme Njord Operator’s plan is for a two year production period until mid-2016 while planning as a base case to take Njord A facility back to shore for hull repair Possible extension to production period to mid- 2017 being evaluated Partnership focus on long-term value proposition from Greater Njord Area which had considerable recent exploration success – Snilehorn and Pil/Bue Overall remaining 2P Reserves and 2C Resources in excess of 170 mmboe (gross) in Njord, Hyme and Snilehorn Pil and Bue estimated 80-200 million boe (gross) Bister and the Pil follow-up wells offer potential for significant further exploration success Faroe very well positioned across the area Faroe has outstanding position in Greater Njord Area 12 Pil Key financials Revenues 2014 economic production* approximately 9,100 boepd 2015 production expected to be 8-10,000 boepd (approx 58% liquids and 42% gas) 2015 hedging: 268,000 bbls of oil, $90 puts and 52.6 mm therms (approx 835,000 boe) 50p/therm puts Liquidity Cash at 31 Dec-14 of £92.5m (unaudited) $250m Reserve Based Lending facility (RBL) – approx. $35.7m drawn at 31 Dec-14 Exploration Financing Facility (EFF) of approx £150m (NOK 1.5 bn) (plus NOK 500 million accordion) Capex 2014 exploration and appraisal programme of approx. £85m or £23m post-tax (actual Faroe cost) 2015 expected exploration and appraisal programme of approx. £95m or £25m post-tax 2015 expected development and production capex approx. £16m (2014 £23m) Tax efficiency UK tax losses of £75.0m (June 14); production provides tax shield for UK exploration Norway: utilisation of 78% exploration tax rebate; EFF funds 75% of net exploration expenditure Strong balance sheet, low gearing, good hedging, robust cash flow - headroom 13 * Economic production for 2014 includes Schooner and Ketch, where Faroe received the economic benefit from the associated production from 1 Jan-14 but can only account for it from the completion Summary and outlook Solid and proven business model delivering sustainable value growth, through drill-bit and transactions Exploration-led strategy continues to deliver material success, underpinned by strong cash flow Balanced portfolio World-class technical team Financially robust and operationally strong - even at low oil prices Strong balance sheet Uncommitted cash on the balance sheet; significant head-room in existing debt facilities Low gearing level and low cost of debt ; complementary nature of the RBL and EFF facilities Strong cash flow Production guidance for 2015 is 8–10,000 boe/d* 2015 forecast opex of the producing fields averaging approximately US$30/boe Revenue supported by hedging programme Production balanced between oil and gas and between Norway and the UK Forward programme is material yet relatively low cost and benefits from Norwegian State refund 4-5 well high impact E&A programme in Norway for 2015 on track, fully funded - net post-tax cost estimated at around £25m Modest production and development capex in 2015 - expected £16m Planned growth in fundamentals is on track Progressing 2C to 2P transitions positively, with limited capex commitments Actively focused on growth through deals - constantly monitoring UK/Norwegian assets markets for opportunities * Economic production for 2014 includes Schooner and Ketch, where Faroe received the economic benefit from the associated production from 1 Jan-14 but can only account for it from the completion of the acquisition on 9 Oct-14 Strength at low oil price, high upside, funded 2015 programme, growth planned 14 Differentiators Excellent exploration track record Experienced management & clear strategy Financial strength Sustainable multi-well drilling programme Excellent monetisation track record Strong Norway position 15 Executive team Graham Stewart – Chief Executive Officer Instrumental in founding Faroe Petroleum in 1998 Over 25 years’ experience in oil and gas technical and commercial affairs Previously finance director and commercial director at Dana Petroleum from 1997 to 2002 Experience with Schlumberger, DNV Technica, Petroleum Science & Technology Institute Offshore Engineering degree (Heriot-Watt University) and MBA (University of Edinburgh) Helge Hammer – Chief Operating Officer Joined Faroe Petroleum in 2006 Over 25 years’ technical & business experience, incl. Shell (Norway, Oman, Australia and Holland) Managing Director of wholly owned Norwegian subsidiary, Faroe Petroleum Norge AS Previously Asset Manager and Deputy Managing Director at Paladin Resources Economics degree (Institut Français du Pétrole, Paris) Petroleum Engineering degree (NTH University of Trondheim) Jonathan Cooper – Chief Financial Officer Joined Faroe Petroleum as Chief Financial Officer in July 2013 Former Finance Director of Gulf Keystone Petroleum and Sterling Energy and CFO of Lamprell plc Former Director of the Oil and Gas Corporate Finance Team of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Broad range of experience from mergers and acquisitions, public offerings and financing Chartered accountant by training having qualified with KPMG PhD Mechanical Engineering (University of Leeds) 16 Appendices Exploration/appraisal Bister – near field exploration well in 2015 PL348, Statoil operator, Faroe 7.5% Building on Snilehorn success from late 2013, (Snilehorn gross recoverable resource range estimate of 57-101 mmboe) Bister prospect being planned for drilling in H1 2015 Evidence of a pressure barrier between Snilehorn and Hyme contributes towards de-risking of the Bister prospect Seismic amplitude anomaly on Bister of similar character to the anomalies on Snilehorn and Hyme Targeting estimated unrisked prospective resources of 20 - 90 mmboe (gross) Bister Snilehorn Hyme Draugen Njord Important opportunity to add further reserves for development in Greater Njord Area 18 Exploration/appraisal Kvalross – Frontier exploration well in 2015 PL611, Wintershall operator, Faroe 40% Awarded in May 2011 in the Norwegian 21st Licensing Round Located in the Barents Sea to the south of OMV’s significant Wisting discovery The well is planned to test two targets: the Lower Triassic Kvalross prospect with very significant gas resources potential in Klappmyss clinoform reservoirs within a megaclosure the Early Triassic Kvaltann prospect, a Snadd Formation sandstone channel sitting directly above the Kvalross Prospect with substantial oil potential as proven in the Wisting shallow discovery to the north Scheduled to be drilled with the Transocean Arctic drilling rig in H2 2015 Targeting estimated unrisked prospective resources of 50 580 mmboe (gross) Kvalross/Kvaltann well Very significant opportunity, as Barents Sea is shaping up well 19 Move 2C Contingent Resources to 2P Reserves Perth, Dolphin & Lowlander – significant upside HOA enabling future joint development of Perth (Faroe 34.6%), Dolphin (34.6%) and Lowlander (100%) Lowlander, Dolphin and Perth estimated to contain 270 mmboe of oil place, - ready appraised, 80 mmboe recoverable (100%). Previous barrier to development - no existing facilities in area for production of sour crude oil1 Rig and contracting markets offer opportunity for improved economics Work underway towards preparing the joint FDP. 1 Tartan is able to handle only limited amount of low-H2S crude Unlocking the assets has potential to generate exceptional return 20
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