Local/Area News Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015 • pAge 3 Report from Rep. Pat Grassley Statehouse Rep for north Hardin Tobacco and all its kindred products come under local law enforcement scrutiny Taking the pledge “The Grassley Bulletin” From Pat Grassley, 50th district represenative, representing north Hardin county. Can be reached at 515-281-3221. (Edited for space available) I will be chairing the Ag committee. I also will be serving on Ways and Means, Economic Growth, and Commerce Committees. Feel free to keep in touch with me, whether it is in response to my newsletter or any issues facing the Iowa Legislature Governor’s Budget Proposal The Governor’s budget spends $7.3 billion in FY 2016, an increase of 4.95%. Each of the past four years, the budget passed by the legislature has spent less than what the Governor proposed. The FY 2016 budget will continue this trend. 90 percent of Iowa’s budget goes to three areas - school aid ($2.9 billion), wages and benefits for state employees ($2.1 billion), and Medicaid ($1.6 billion). Over the past decade, state revenue has grown by 4.1% annually, state spending on K-12 education grew by 4.2%, and Medicaid grew by 11.7 %. 55% of the Governor’s FY 2016 budget proposal is targeted to education. Education Funding State Aid to Schools over the last four years (FY 11-15) has increased 16.28%- to 21.74% (depending on progframs included.) This is a tremendous investment considering statewide enrollment has been relatively flat. The state’s share of education funding is at its highest level in the last 30 years. Increases of $84.8 million raises State school aid funding to $3.0086 billion. For community colleges, the Governor increases community college general aid funding by 1.75 percent. For Iowa’s private colleges, the Governor increases funding increases 8.26% over the FY 2015 level. The tuition grant for students at for-profit colleges is increased by 10.1 percent. Medicaid To address the continual growth in Medicaid ($200 million in FY ’16), the Governor is proposing major reforms. He wants to lower state expenditures by $70.2 million in FY 2016. The Governor funds the rebasing of Medicaid rates for hospitals, nursing homes, and home health agencies. The Governor is not recommending a supplemental appropriation for Medicaid in FY 2015. Medicaid is the second biggest program in state government, and without major reform it will continue to take funding away from other priorities such as schools. In addition to my Listening Posts, I have produced this newsletter “The Grassley Bulletin” distributed to local newspapers and interested constituents By Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – The Hardin County’s Sheriff’s department is signing on to the state of Iowa tobacco and – what with new technology nowadays – alternative nicotine and vapor products enforcement effort. The Sheriff’s people have taken the pledge to keep tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products out of the hands of young people. It’s an old, old project, but due to change in Iowa law, alternative nicotine and vapor products are now also considered age-restricted products. The project not only involves enforcement authorities, but retailers who sell the products, and who are encouraged to have their clerks successfully complete on online training course deigned to impress upon them the need, and ways to insure they don’t sell to under aged customers. There re penalties for the clerk, the store where the sale is made, and authorities regularly test for compliance be sending in designated underage youth to attempt to make the purchase If a store does have its clerks successfully complete the online training it gives the store one free pass on civil penalties that are applicable to the store itself. The clerk is nonetheless fined But the stores efforts to educate its clerks are give some consideration in the enforcement effort. That is one free pas every four years. Criminal penalties for selling tobacco and the other related products include a hundred dollar fine for the first office and #250 fine for the second, and $500 fine for a third offenses. At the local Hy-Vee the computerconducted class is part of any new hire that involves a person working on the cash register and potentially making sales of cigarettes and alcohol and nowadays with vapor production products that mimic cigarettes. At any given time they could be put to the test. And it’s true that authorities do tend to find young people whose appearance leaves open some question about their age. The store says essentially, the word it to always error on the side of telling someone you think they are younger than they might actually be. Those who are beyond the restricted age will more often than not be flattered. The I-PLEDGE Retailer Training program is free of charge and completely online. The Iowa Pledge retailer training (I-PLEDGE), is developed by the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division, asks Iowa’s kids to pledge not to use tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products, Iowa’s retailers to pledge not to sell tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products to kids and Iowa’s law enforcement to pledge to enforce Iowa’s tobacco laws. The focus of the program is alerting and educating Iowa’s tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product retailers so they are more aware and informed of changes in laws in order to work with their employees to ensure illegal sales are not made. The overall goal of the program is voluntary compliance with the state’s tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product laws through education and enforcement. The I-PLEDGE retailer training covers Iowa’s tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product laws, valid forms of identification and how to spot altered and fake IDs. Participants will also learn techniques on how to refuse the sale of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products with minimal confrontation. Establishments that participate in the I-PLEDGE retailer training are granted an affirmative defense, which may be used once in a fouryear period. A business may avoid civil prosecution if a tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product sale-to-minor violation occurs in their establishment. In order for the business to take advantage of the affirmative defense, the employee guilty of the violation must have been I-PLEDGE certified at the time the offense occurred. Though a business may avoid a civil penalty, the guilty employee will still be subject to a fine. First violations for illegal sales of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product to minors include a $100 criminal fine to the clerk, as well as a $300 civil fine to the retail establishment. Subsequent violations result in higher fines, as well as temporary and permanent loss of the retail license. Minors under the age of 18 are also subject to fines and community service if found using, attempting to purchase or in possession of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products. The overall goal is to perform tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product compliance checks on each of Iowa’s approximately 3,400 holders at least once a year. The state says that 34 percent of Iowa teens report the use of tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor products. During FY14, 93 percent of Iowa retailers were in compliance with Iowa’s tobacco product sales laws – 7 percent of Iowa’s retailers sold tobacco products to minors during the last round of compliance checks. Move-in ready (continued from page 1) street from the original home site, you find something rare in Eldora these days – their new house – come on site with everything down to the door knobs affixed, arrived by truck last week, hoisted into place in a matter of hours, and now a home short only some last bits of interior finish work. Design Homes in Prairie du Chien Wisconsin dispatched the house all but done, but only after the couple spent a good deal of time going over construction options with the company designers and engineers. Kelly Kendall Construction of Eldora will be doing the finish work for the couple, Marvin says. The home builder company of almost 50 years has several construction factories, and although each specialized in certain sizes and types of homes, the process is basically the same, its web site says. Image a house being built all under roof, and though not exactly assembly line fashion, certainly in the step by step process of a factory where different tasks are designated to different shop floor areas, the house progressively taking shape along a route. “The home begins at the floor stage and progresses through the wall stage, roof stage, finish stage, and trim stage. At the floor stage, each section of the home is framed out with 2x10 joists (doubled on the long sides) and reinforced with 2x4 bridging. Then 3/4” T&G plywood is glued and nailed down for flooring (screws are used under vinyl flooring). “The floorcoverings are also put down and protected with a plastic film during floor construction. The walls are built on flat tables and lifted into place with overhead hoists. The exterior walls are 7” thick (2x6 studs and 7/16” wood sheathing on the HARDIN COUNTY LAND AUCTION 96.42 Acres, m/l, on SE Edge of Hubbard 89.4 crop acres with CSR2 of 80.9 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 10 a.m. Hubbard Library • 218 E. Maple St. • Hubbard, IA 50122 800-593-5263 • 415 S. 11th St., Nevada, IA 50201 • www.Hertz.ag 1/20, 2/3/15 2x2 outside--1/2” gypsum on the inside-screwed on--R 20). Interior walls are 2x4 studs with 1/2” gypsum-taped and plastered and sprayed with plaster texture & prime. “At this stage, some plumbing and wiring is also started, and the home begins to take shape. The roof is also built on a table and hoisted into position on top of the walls. By building the roof on flat tables, they say they are better able to keep them straight and square. The truss rafters on a standard ranch are 24” on-center with 16” of insulation for R-55! Story & 1/2 homes have rafters that are 16” on-center. Once the roof is on, the home is moved up to the finish stage where it will be sided and shingled; windows and doors will be installed, and the interior walls will be taped & plastered & sprayed with texture. “At this stage the home is structurally built, and finishing work begins. The last stage is called the trim stage. Here the kitchen cabinets, counter tops, and interior woodwork is installed completing the home. The floor plastic is also removed and the house is vacuumed and loaded with the furnace, duct work, and other materials which, by necessity, must be installed at the site. When everything is finished, an undercarriage is moved in, the home is bolted on, and moved outside to a staging area to await delivery,” the company says. A Time of Loss Eldora Library Losing a friend or relative is devastating. The sadness can truly overwhelm you. We can’t take away your pain, but we hope to make things a little easier for you. Our professional staff will be sensiby dan Gehring 10a.m.Preschoolstorytimeiseach needs. Librarian tive to all your Wednesdayat10a.m. Public Record Iowa Assessments Feb. 9-12 at SHHS Eldora – The Material Girls To commemorate Valentine’s Quilt Club enjoyed a meeting fea- Day the library will again offer a turingspeakerHeidiKaisandofthe blinddatewithabook.Wewillhave Hen and Chicks Studio in Conrad. wrappedavarietyofbooksselected TheMaterialGirlsQuiltClubisan bylibrarystaff.Youmaycheckone informalgroupofthoseinterestedin 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA out,andunwrapitathome.Youare quilting. are no membership ChadThere Johnson, Funeral Directorhonorboundtoreadthebook,orat feesandanyoneiswelcometoattend leastthefirst50pages.Afterall,you 641-858-2181 theprograms.Thenextprogramwill walk out on a blind date. www.abelsfuneralhomes.comwouldn’t“Professionals Who Care” be 7 p.m. Monday, Or would you? Feb.9,centeringon Blind date books gettingaquiltready will be available for your long arm startingWednesday. quilter. New Books: Cane Other events and Abe by James coming up at the Grippando and libraryareImaginaSaint Odd by Dean tion Library bridge Koontz. Check the game fundraiser 1 online catalog hot p.m. Monday, Jan. list for all new ti26,JoyFisher’sprotles. gram on her bodyRegularhours: building experience Monday, 2 p.m. February 8, Wednesday 9 a.m. and a Valentine’s to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Daypartyforfourth Thursday, Friday, 9 and fifth grade stua.m.to6p.m.;Satdents at noon on Heidi kaisand of the urday 9 a.m. to 3 February 14 (lunch Hen and Chicks Studio in p.m. and show, reserva- Conrad spoke at the Ma- TrIvIa QuEstions required, call terial Girls Quilt Club on TIon: According ahead 939-2173). Monday, Jan. 12. to my source the All events are free capacity of Iowa except for the Imagination Library State’sJackTriceStadiumis56,800 fundraiser that costs $5 going to- spectators.Isthatmoreorlessthan wards the purchase of books for U of I’s Kinnick Stadium? The anyoungchildrenintheEldoraarea. swer canbefound on theclassified Toddler time is each Tuesday at page. One thing for stressed students tokeepinmindistheIowaAssess- mentsdo nottesteverythingthatis important. While the Iowa Assessment results can compare reading levelsandmathandscienceknowledge,theresultsdonotreflectother skills that are equally important to a student’s success in school and in life. Creativity, problem solving, writing ability, speaking skills, listening skills, and relational skills cannotbeevaluatedbyapenciland papertest. Students should prepare for this weekbygettingagoodnight’ssleep, eatingahealthybreakfast,andcomingintothetestwitha“cando”attitudeeachday.Thiswouldalsobea goodweektoschedulefewerhours at work and to save the late night movie for the weekend. Teachers willaccommodatethestudents’need to focus on the tests by having the homework load be less challenging fortheweek. The following citations were issued in Hardin County. KeelaBunger,Wellsburg,failure toobeytrafficcontroldevice. Josephat Njoka, Charles City, speeding. RachelPick,MoundsView,MN, speeding. Cynthia Morgan, Union, speeding. David Yoder, Lincoln, CA, fail- uretomaintaincontrol. PaigeDoe,Melbourne,speeding. Brent Uitermarkt, Leighton, speeding. Librado Agullar Ahuacatitan, Ackley, fail to have valid driver’s license. BartHalvorsen,NewProvidence, speeding. ClareKerl,SpringBrkTwp,PA, speeding. ceivedtheMarthaEllenTyematch- programsonnoschooldaysorearly inggrant.Thisyearweareusingitto outs. Flyers will come home from improveourbasementmeetingarea. schoolandthroughyouremails. Wecanhavemeetingsfromtwoto Adulttravelprogrammingisnow 20 participants. New chairs will be in progress. This month we visited arriving.Thedeskandlightingarein BahamasthankstoDawnandShou905 Edgington, Eldora, IA lyBrekke.Monday,Feb.2,Iwillbe place.Andremember,wehavefree Chad Johnson, Funeral Director Wi-FiatthelibrarysobringyoulappresentingpicturesfrommyPanama 641-858-2181 topsortabletsforyourmeetingsor trip.Wewillkeepthepresentations www.abelsfuneralhomes.comtoanhour,sopleasecomeandjoin “Professionals Who Care” homework. FebruaryisValentine’sDay.Go- us.Thecoffeepotison. ingalongwiththatthemethelibrary We have our email list complete has a “Date With a Book” month. now where all patrons will be reLeah sets this up and we have fun ceivingourflyersandnewslettersby email.Ifyouknowofsomeonewho is not receiving these, please let us know. We are saying bye to Leah and Olivia this month. The Library BoardandIinparticularwouldlike to thankboth ofthese youngladies for the help they have given the library, myself and our patrons. We wish them both the best. Shouly Brekke,avolunteer,willbeworking Saturdayandsubbingwhenshecan. Pleasewelcomehertoourstaff. FOUR REMINDERS: 1) Come into the library Saturday mornings for coffee. 2) If you have pictures thatyouwouldliketoshare,please callandwewillarrangeatravelpro- Creps - Abels Funeral Home and Monuments #1 2x6 The Mystery of Life We never really know what lies ahead. Life’s twists and turns promise new challenges. Sometimes life’s mysteries by laura newby with your comments. I’ll send out leave us asking, “Why?” LibraryDirector a flyer that will explain how this We understand these struggles, and We are so excited to announce works.Tryit,youwilllikeit! We continue to planit. children’s that once again the library re- when we’re here tohas help you need During the week of February 9-12,theIowaAssessmentswillbe administered at South Hardin High School. Forsomestudents,testingcauses stress and anxiety, but testing is a normalandexpectedwayofassessing whether curriculum has been learned. In reality, children have always been assessed throughout the year to ensure they know the academiccontenttaughtintheclassroom. Testing once a year using a testmatchedtothestate’sstandards gives an independent insight into both the child’s and the school’s progress.Thiswaythestatewillensurethatchildrenaren’tleftbehind; it’sbettertoknowthisearly,before itistoolatetopreparechildrenfor therealtestsinlife. and Monuments #3 2x6 HARDIN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MINUTES – JANUARY 7, 2015 WEDNESDAY – 10:00 A.M. Chair Lance granzow called the meeting to order. also present were Supervisors Ronn Rickels and Reneé McClellan; and Cindy Litwiller, Jessica Lara, Tina Schlemme, Lee gallentine, Machel eichmeier, Lori Kadner, James Nehring, Matt Jones, Daryl albertson, Rick Dunn, Steve Pence and Nancy Lauver. The pledge of allegiance was recited by all in attendance. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the agenda as posted. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the minutes of January 2, 2015. Motion carried. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the January 7, 2015 claims for payment. Motion carried. at 10:02 a.m. the Chair opened the public hearing regarding the transfer of property to the City of Buckeye - Lot 6, Block 2, City of Buckeye. There being no oral or written comments or objections, the Chair then closed the public hearing and the following action was taken: McClellan moved, Rickels seconded that Resolution, No. 2015-03, Conveyance of Property to the City of Buckeye, be adopted. Roll Call Vote: “ayes” McClellan, Rickels and granzow. “Nays” None. Resolution No. 2015-03 is hereby adopted and on file in the auditor’s Office. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the hiring of Cheryl Lawrence as Deputy Recorder, effective 1/2/2015 at $39,803. Motion carried. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the auditor’s monthly report for December 2014. Motion carried. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to approve the contract with “Solutions” Inc. for the auditor’s Transfer Book. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the Sheriff’s quarterly report, quarter ending 12/31/2014. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to approve the hiring of Kim Lee Bruce, part-time dispatcher, Sheriff’s Office, effective 1/7/2015 at $12.36/hour. Motion carried. Rickels moved, McClellan seconded to table action on sending a letter to the DNR until a later date. Motion carried. Utility Permits: None. Secondary Roads Department: County engineer, Daryl albertson, discussed renting an excavator for cutting brush. No action was necessary; informational only. Other Business: None. McClellan moved, Rickels seconded to adjourn until January 14, 2015. Motion carried. /s/Lance granzow /s/Jessica Lara Lance granzow, Chair Jessica Lara Board Of SupervisorsHardin County auditor (Ledger – Jan. 20, 2015) STEAMBOAT ROCk CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION – JAN. 5, 6:30 P.M. The Steamboat Rock City Council met in regular session January 5, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Marvin Veld & the following Councilmembers: Kevin Pieters, Jeff Risius, Carol Williams, Cory Schurman. absent was eric Nielsen. also present was Craig Babcock Mayor Veld called the meeting to order. It Legals was moved, seconded and carried to approve the agenda as posted after deleting Janitorial Services under the Community Center report. It was moved, seconded and carried to approve minutes from the December meeting. It was moved, seconded and carried to approve payment of City bills as presented. It was moved, seconded and carried to approve payment of Community Center bills as presented. It was moved, seconded and carried to pay Brown-Hurst Insurance $200 annual premium for playground equipment insurance. It was moved, seconded and carried to accept a quote of $1984 from Winpump for a Franklin soft start. It was moved, seconded and carried to renew liquor license for Rock Stop. It was moved, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 pm. City of Steamboat Rock bills total $17,448.09: eFTPS-$446.99; Marcia Frerichs-$879.79; JJ Veld-$1790; IPeRS-$242.64; Blythe Sanitation-$1659.25; Kelly Haskin-$392.45; Hardin County Sheriff-$613.54; grundy National Bank-$2115; USPO-$103.40; Lisa Smith-$175; Kosanke Hardware-$233.45; Rock Stop-$321.44; Library-$1000; Mid-america Publishing-$271.89; Marvin Veld-$207.79; Kevin Pieters-$41.56; Cory Schurman-$13.85; Jeff Risius-$27.70; eric Nielsen-$41.56; Williams excavating-$1200; Department of Revenue-$519; Treasurer State of Iowa-$138; ackley Publishing-$45.40; alliant energy-$254.01; andy’s Paint & Decorate-$1100; Roto Rooter-$280; Hardin County Solid Waste-$2325; Farm Service-$85.38; Keystone Lab-$694.60; IMFOa-$40; Heart of Iowa-$114.61; NaPa-$73.99. December receipts for City of Steamboat Rock-$21,729.86. Steamboat Rock Community Center bills total $1936.87: Kosanke Hardware-$105.95; Rock Stop-$26.86; alliant energy-$1729.06; Deb McDowell-$75. December receipts for Steamboat Rock Community Center-$1847.20. (Ledger – Jan. 20, 2015) NEW PROVIDENCE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION – JAN. 12, 7 P.M. The New Providence City Council met in regular session on Monday, January 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Providence Township Hall. Council members present were Ron Reece, Jim Martin, Terry Beare, and Janine allbee. Chris Renihan was absent. Larry & June Balvanz and Steve Teske were also present. Mayor Lou Schafer called the meeting to order. We Care Obituaries During life’s difficult times, it’s nice to have friends who care. If you have important decisions to make and you need special information or assistance, we’re always here. Margaret Walters, 89 MargaretWalters, 89 passed away onThursday, Jan. 15, 2015 at ZearCreps - Abels Funeral Home ingHealthCareCenterinZearing,Iowa.Cremationriteshavebeenaccord- edandtherearecurrentlynoservicesscheduled.MitchellFamilyFuneral Homewasentrustedwitharrangements. 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA MargaretWalterswasborninEldora,IowatoGeorgeandFredaKlattFrerichsonJune8,1925.SheattendedcountyschoolandthenattendedOwasa Chad Johnson, Funeral Director SchoolsandlatergraduatedfromSteamboatRockHighSchoolin1943.She 641-858-2181 marriedGeorgeWaltersonMay10,1953.Theylivedonthefamilyfarmfor www.abelsfuneralhomes.com “Professionals Who Care” 18yearsandthenmovedtoZearing,Iowain1971wheretheysincehave resided.Margaretwasaverycaringpersonwholikedtovisitwithpeople. ShewasamemberofStJohn’sLutheranChurchofHubbard,Iowa. MargaretwassurvivedbyherhusbandGeorge,twosisterinlaws:Patand ElaineFrerichs,brotherinlaw:DonaldWaltersandthreenephews:Lonnie, KyleandShawnFrerichs. Shewasprecededindeathbyherparents,twobrothers:HarlanandWayne Frerichs,nephew:DennisFrerichsandasisterinlawDarleneWalters. and Monuments #2 2x6 Hardin County Magistrate January news at Union Public Library Creps - Abels Funeral Home Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015 • Page 5 ageNDa- Beare moved to approve the agenda, second Martin. MC MINUTeS- Reece moved to approve the December meeting minutes, second Martin. MC FINaNCIaL RePORTS- Reece moved to approve the financial reports, second Beare, MC CITIZeN’S CONCeRNS- 3 citizens approached the council with concerns on the treatment of animals. UTILITY RePORT- Martin moved to approve Northway bid to repair pump, second Reece. MC CITY IMPROVeMeNTS- New Providence Pride & Progress is beginning the process to start accepting donations on future city visioning improvements. BILLS SUBMITTeD FOR PaYMeNT-Martin moved to approve the following bills, second allbee. MC IRSeFTPS, Dec wages, 397.89; IPeRS, Dec wages, 223.30; Heart of Iowa, phone, 15.61; alliant energy, utilities, 751.62; Walmart, ink, 41.70; NP Fire Dept, burn 500.00; Keystone Labs, testing, 23.50; alliant energy, labor 431.61; Iowa One Call, phone request 22.00; Cathy Diedrich, Dec wages & mileage, 764.40; Rhonda guy, Dec. contract, 354.00, Hardin County Sheriff, contract 449.27;Daryl Schoppe Const., sewer, 1035.00; Daryl Schoppe Const., curb stops, 1263.20; Radcliffe Phone, phone, 46.42; NP Fire Dept, 1/2yr contribution, 3000.00; Providence trustees, building maintenance, 600.00; Larry Balvanz, wages & postage, 157.80; eldora Flowers, funeral, 55.95; Knight Sanitation, Jan monthly, 801.25; Brown Supply, supplies,895.00; Mid american Publishing, publishing, 40.73; Levi anderson, stump, 80.00; Steve Teske, wages, 457.02; total of bills 12407.27. December receipts general 2518.32; capital improvements 926.18; community service 926.18; garbage 1766.39; roads 828.46; sewer 1854.52; water 2705.09; vet memorial 350.00; NP Pride & Progress 2850.00, total receipts 14725.14. December expenses general 2494.60; garbage 2795.23; roads 1196.13; sewer 472.95; water 1509.00; vet memorial, 431.61; total expenses 8899.52. Reece moved to adjourn, second Beare. MC The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, February 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Providence Township Hall. Louis H. Schafer, Mayor attest: Cathy Diedrich, City Clerk (Ledger – Jan. 20, 2015) Eldora nEwspapErs a division of Mid-america publishing Corporation Eldora, Iowa official County newspaper (Publication No. 171-240) Offices at 1513 Edg. Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623 Published semi-weekly with the exception of Memorial Week, Labor Day Week, Christmas Week and New Year’s Week by Eldora Newspaper, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 506271623. Periodicals postage paid at Eldora, IA. Postmaster: send address changes to The Eldora Newspapers, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623. Clint Poock - Publisher; Scott Bierle - Sports Editor/Gen. Mgr. Rick Patrie - News Editor; Betty Gotto - Production Manager Brenda Abels - General Finance & Circulation; Pam Warren - Advertising Agent Subscription rate: $48.50 per year in Hardin and adjoining counties; $54.50 per year elsewhere in Iowa; and $59.50 per year out of state. (Hardin County Index and Eldora Herald-Ledger sold in combination.) Ph. 641-939-5051, Fax 641-939-5541 Email Ad: news@eldoranewspaper.com gram. We have the equipment; we just need your pictures. This does notneedtobeoutoftheUStraveling.Therearemanybeautifulplaces right here. Please share with us. 3) Our YoungAdult section is set up. We have books for ages ranging from12yearsto20yearsinthesection.However,manyadultsarefindingtheseverygoodbooks.4)Ifyou gotanewe-readerforChristmasand wanttolearnhow toborrow books fromhome,justcallus.Wearestill working one on one with our patrons,486-5561. The Power of Nature Nature’s power is beyond our control, but you can prepare yourself and your family for the unexpected. Getting your affairs in order before tragedy strikes is the best way. Call us today for more information. Creps - Abels Funeral Home and Monuments 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA Chad Johnson, Funeral Director 641-858-2181 www.abelsfuneralhomes.com #4 “Professionals Who Care”
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