Parshas Bo - Congregation Bais Yisroel

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Meir and Lilach Chodos
l’ilui nishmas Yechiel ben Dovid ‫ ע‘‘ה‬, Lilach’s father
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov & Shiiffy Mandelbaum on the birth of a son.
Mazel tov to the entire mishpacha. May the bris take place b’ito u’v’zimano. Shalom Zachor will be at their home 2621 Toledo after 7:45 PM.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Shragi & Basya Smith on the birth of a son. Mazel
tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Meir & Bella Smith, great grandmother
Mrs. Frances Smith & the entire mishpacha. May the bris take place b’ito u’v’zimano.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avner & Sema Sela on the bris of their son, Simcha
Binayahu. Mazel tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Reid & Bonny Wexler, great
grandparents Dr. & Mrs. Harold & Shellie Wexler & the entire mishpacha. May
he grow to Torah, Chupa and Ma’asim Tovim
The Kehilla extends condolences to Rabbi Yosef Heisler and family on the
passing of Rabbi Heisler's Mother, Chaya Sarah bas Elimelech a"h , Rabbi
Heisler will observe Shiva in Eretz Yisroel, 1410 Mishkilov, Har Nof, 011-972-2651-9954 until Sunday morning
The Kehilla extends condolences to Mrs. Chaya Zuckman, Mr. Elchanan Zuckman, Rabbi Benyamin Zuckman & siblings Marleen May, Edith Katz, Evan Zuckman and Andrea Zuckman and family on the passing of Dr. Michael Zuckman.
Funeral was held Thursday evening in Eretz Yisrael. Shiva will be observed in
Jerusalem at the home of Rabbi Benyamin Zuckman, 129B Sanhedria Murchevet, 02-540-9419. DSL 323-204-4063. Please call for times. Shiva in Minneapolis
Mon. eve.—Thurs. AM. Details TBA.
The kehilla is invited to a vort in honor of the engagement Ari Dorfman to Ilana
Yarmak Sun, Jan 25, 6:30-8:30 PM, 3115 Ottawa Ave 3rd Fl (Yeshiva of Mpls),
Hosted by Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem & Debbi Rabenstein.
No BNOS this week.
Azkara for Rabbi Barry Woolf: Bais Yisroel will host a tribute to Rabbi Barry
Woolf, R' Dov Ber Yisrael Ben Chaim Yaakov a”h Sun, Feb. 1,
10 AM. Speakers: Rabbi Greenberg, Rabbi Gibber & Mr.
Chaim Woolf
SHOVAVIM Classes for men & women beginning January
28th: See flyer inside.
Har Nof family seeks summer home rental (OR swap for
Chapter 5 Pgs. 64-69
their Har Nof apt.) in the SLP eruv July 15- Aug 10, Cont’d
Ongoings Goings-On
Frankel’s World of Judaica Hours
Sun & Fri 11- 1:30 pm & Mon- Thurs 12-6 pm
Torah Academy Store: Thurs 8:30—10:30 PM
Gemachim Info—call Bella Smith 952-927-9670
The Kollel Korner
 Minchas Chinuch –Sun 8 AM with Rabbi Chaim Gibber
 Class for Women on Nevi'imP:Sefer Yehoshua with
Rabbi Eliyahu Stern Tuesdays 2-2:45 PM @Kollel
 Partners in Torah Tues 8:15 PM @ Kollel
 Business Halacha: Ribbis in the workplace. Every
Wed 8-8:30 AM upstairs at the Kollel, by Rabbi Stern
Women’s Tehillim: Mons @ 8:15 AM at Perri
Kutoff's Home or 9:15 PM at Engelson’s home,
Tefilla Class-Birchos Krias Shema with Mrs.
Tzipora Greenberg-Wed. 12-12:45 PM at her home.
Shatnez Lab, 4201 Sunset Blvd. back door,
Yoel Menashe Jeff Kreps, 612-868-3330
Davening @ Yeshiva of Mpls
Shacharis is 7:40 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:05
Mussaf Minyan for boys grades 5-8
Mincha Program Grades 4-8
To add a name to the Mi Sheberach L'cholim list,
call 917-753-7057 or email
Jewish Library: Please circulate/donate children &
teens! Jewish books. Th 4-5 PM & Sun 10-11 AM @ the
Sherman home. Contact Juli Sherman 952.926-0334
Baby Gemach
Order a Shtender: Call the shul office. Cost: $250.
 Clothing Connection Gemach 952-929-9769
Tomchei Shabbos helps families w/ basic Shabbos necessities. Contact Rabbi Greenberg if you
know of anyone who could use this assistance, or
wants to sponsor. Sponsorship $35-week/ $150/ mo.
Fri Erev Shabbos Parshas Bo Jan 23
Shacharis 6:35 AM
Mincha 4:50 PM
Light Candles 4:50 PM
Shabbos Jan 24
Shabbos Jan 31
Laws of Shabbos 8:15-8:30 AM –R’ Weinberg
Shacharis 8:30 AM
Latest Shema (MG”A/GR”A) 9:24/10:00
Latest Shemona Esrei (GR”A) 10:49
Following Davening– Laws of Shabbos-R’ Weinberg
BNOS 2-3 PM / Pirchei 3:45 PM
Sifrei Chafetz Chaim, – Rabbi Roberts 4:15 PM
Mincha 4:45 PM
Shabbos Over 6:10 PM
Avos U’banim 7:15
Laws of Shabbos 8:15-8:30 AM –R’ Weinberg
Shacharis 8:30 AM
Latest Shema (MG”A/GR”A) 9:27/10:03
Latest Shemona Esrei (GR”A) 10:50
Following Davening– Laws of Shabbos-R’ Weinberg
NO BNOS / Pirchei 3:35 PM
Sifrei Chafetz Chaim, – Rabbi Roberts 4:05 PM
Mincha 4:35 PM
Shabbos Over 6:00 PM
Avos U’banim 7:05
Sunday Feb 1
Earliest Donning Tallis & Tefillin, Sun-Fri 6:21-6:15
Earliest Bracha on Tallis Sun-Fri 6:53 AM-6:47 AM
Shacharis 7:00 & 8:00 AM
Mincha 5:05 PM
Sunday Jan 25
Earliest Donning Tallis & Tefillin,Sun- Fri 6:28-6:23
Earliest Bracha on Tallis Sun-Fri 7:00-6:55 AM
Mon-Thurs Feb 2-5
Wednesday is Tu B’Shevat
Shacharis 6:30 AM
Mincha 5:05 PM
Shacharis 7:05 & 8:00 AM
Mincha 4:55 PM
Latest Kiddush Levana: Tues Feb 3 9:16 PM CST
Mon-Thurs Jan 26-29
Shacharis M-6:32, Tu 6:31
& W & Th-6:30
Mincha 4:55 PM
Fri Erev Shabbos
Parshas Yisro Feb 6
Shacharis 6:30 AM
Mincha 5:10 PM
Light Candles 5:10 PM
Fri Erev Shabbos
Parshas Beshalach Jan 30
Shacharis 6:30 AM
Mincha 5:00 PM
Light Candles 5:00 PM
Volume 10: Issue 12
Parshas Bo
4 Shevat, 5775
January 24, 2015
Parshas Bo
Amud Yomi
of Perek Kirah
at Prime Deli
Good Shabbos!
Schedule of Shiurim at Bais Yisroel
Likras Shabbos, BOYS 5-8
Fri 30 min before Mincha
Daf Yomi
Sun, after Maariv, M-F after 1st Shacharis & during Shalosh Seudos
Gemara Shiur-Mesechta Shabbos w/ Rabbi Weinberg M-F following 6:30 Shacharis
Amud Yomi with Rabbi Greenberg (see above)
Sun-Thurs 9:15-10 PM
Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Weinberg
½ hour before Shacharis Sun thru Fri
Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you
Divrei Torah on the weekly parsha & community events. To submit
items for publication please contact the Office by Thurs 11 AM, of
each week. For general information regarding activities, events or
membership please contact the shul office or HaRav Yechezkel Greenberg. To receive the BYSO by e-mail, please send an email to
HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Shlita, Founding Morah D’asra (1990-2009)
Arnie and Hindy Frishman: Founding BYSO Editors
Congregation Bais Yisroel
4221 Sunset Boulevard
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Phone: 952-926-7867
Hall Phone 952-926-0518 Ext 4
BO: Lunar Lessons
Revised and Expanded From BYSO Archives
The first Mitzva given to the Jews as a nation was ‫החודש הזה לכם ראש‬
‫חדשים‬, the control of the Jewish calendar. R’ Shamshon Rephael Hirsch
explains that up to this point, Moshe and Aharon had been given a mission to
perform Osos (signs) before Paroh and the Mitzrim, to restore for them and
instill in their hearts an understanding of their obligations to Hashem and
other people. Paroh’s heart, though, had been corrupt for so long that it was
too late to change him. Only out of fright did he relent, but that wasn’t permanent.
Hashem wanted to prevent this terrible state of mind from ever taking hold
of His nation – Bnei Yisroel. He accomplished this with a recurring sign that
would be a constant reminder to the Jews to be ‫מחדש‬, to rejuvenate
themselves from this state of corruption that they may have descended into.
‫ החודש הזה‬refers to this time of renewal of the moon; each monthly ‫ראש‬
‫ חדש‬renewal is our cue to begin our own moral renewal.
That is why this Mitzva is not just to figure the astronomical calculation. Of
course, Chazal were the pros at such calculations, but the consecration of the
new month depends not on calculations but on the testimony before Sanhedrin of witnesses who sighted the appearance of the new moon. Many of
the Halachos of the Mitzva of Kiddush Hachodesh attest that it’s not the
astronomical occurrence of the new moon that sets ‫ראש חדש‬, but rather
the act of sanctifying the month that is done by the Sanhedrin after they
accept testimony of the witnesses.
The appearance of the moon is only a symbol for this ‫ מועד‬this rendezvous
between Hashem and us. It is by our Sanhedrin’s own decision that any
given day becomes Rosh Chodesh. (A forced meeting shows nothing; Hashem wants us to want to meet Him on this day.)
This is why we keep ‫יום טוב שני של גליות‬, a second day of Yom Tov in the
Diaspora, despite the fact that today we are experts in the calendar and really have no doubt about the correct date. Having to rely on this astronomical
expertise is not a good thing; it’s a tragedy, since it is because we don’t have
a proper Sanhedrin. It’s not the ideal way, but Hillel Hakatan, out of necessity, created a perpetual calendar for the future. However, relying solely on
this, we might forget that the point really is not to rely on calculation, but
rather on our free determination.
The ‫ יום טוב שני של גליות‬keeps alive the memory of the original
circumstances, where sanctification was dependent on the Sanhedrin. The
second day came about because outlying communities wanted to keep connected to the Sanhedrin’s free decisions.
‫ החודש הזה לכם‬-- the renewal of the moon is for you a beginning of
renewal. Rosh Chodesh should inspire us to undertake a renewal within
ourselves, because without constant renewal, we would end up like Paroh,
sunk in darkness and unable to be swayed even by miracles (osos).
This idea of having the ability to cleanse ourselves and make a fresh start is
one of the foundations of Yiddishkeit and sets us apart from other nations.
(That’s why Kiddush Hachodesh is the first Mitzva given to us as a nation,
and why the first Rashi in Chumash Bereishis asks why the Torah didn’t
begin with this Mitzva.) Other nations don’t have this ability to renew. They
deny the concept of the monthly renewal of creation and man’s ability to
change his destiny through ‫חידוש‬.
In Mitzrayim, the seat of idolatry, Hashem said to Klal Yisrael, “You will be
like the moon; I will renew you, and you will be able to renew yourselves.”
The imperative to renew ourselves each month can be daunting because it
appears very difficult to achieve. The way to avoid despair is to take things
slowly, dividing the task into small steps. Every small step forward is a tremendous achievement and should be treasured as such because Hashem
treasures it.
We learn this week how far the ramifications of one act can go. The
Peninei Kedem quotes from the Medrash that since Paroh (in Parshas
Lech Lecha) accompanied Sarah for four Amos (cubits) as he returned her
to Avraham, he merited having her descendants as his slaves. The Gemara
(Sanhedrin) says that Nevuchadnetzar ran four Amos to retrieve the letter that
he had sent to King Chizkiyahu in order to properly honor Hashem, and for
that he merited to enslave Klal Yisrael for the 70 years between the first Bais
Hamikdash and the second.
Why, if they were rewarded for what was seemingly the same exact act, did
Paroh deserve to enslave us for 210 years while Nevuchadnetzar got us for only
70? The answer is based on the Gemara that says the length of the average person’s stride is one Amah, and Tosfos explain that it’s one third of his height,
which is three Amos for the average man. Chazal tell us that Paroh was a midget, and he was only one Amah tall. If so, his stride length was only a third of an
Amah. It follows that when Nevuchadnetzar went four Amos to retrieve the
letter, he took four strides, and for that he had us for 70 years in exile. For
Paroh to walk four Amos, he required three times as many, or twelve, strides.
He therefore merited having us under his rule for three times as long, or 210
Helpful Halacha Highlights (#27)
(Excerpted from Halacha at Mincha/Maariv)
1. The best time to daven the morning Shemona Esrei is at Hanetz
Hachama, as the sun rises. In cases of necessity, as long as one davens
after dawn (which is 72 minutes earlier than sunrise) he has fulfilled
his obligation. The latest time one may daven is four (proportional)
hours into the day. If one missed that time, he has lost the opportunity
to daven in the correct time but he may daven until midday.
2. One should ready himself to daven properly before he actually begins the Shemona Esrei. One should step back as he says “Tehilos
L’kel Elyon” and then take three steps forward before beginning the
Shemona Esrei.
3. No interruption at all should be made between completing the Bracha of Ga’al Yisrael and beginning Shemona Esrei. It is questionable
whether one should answer Amen to the Chazzan’s Bracha of Ga’al
Yisrael; therefore to avoid the issue it’s best for one to complete his
own Bracha simultaneous to the Chazzan completing his. At Maariv
(and also at Shacharis on Shabbos) this is not a problem.
4. One who is davening should envision himself as standing before
the Divine Presence. One should blot out all other thoughts from his
mind and focus only on the fact that he is talking to the King. One
should concentrate as he davens on the translation and meaning of
what he is saying, and be careful to pronounce and enunciate each
word properly. If one’s mind begins to wander, he should stop and
gather his thoughts before continuing, rather than continuing absentmindedly. We discussed different opinions about the severity of davening while one’s mind is elsewhere.
2015. Please contact Mrs. Susan Kagan in Israel at (248) 327-3186 or
Jewish Camp Scholarships Applications are Now Being Accepted
Please visit, then click on
“camp scholarships” for additional application links & info. All applications and accompanying information are due in HARD COPY by 5 pm
on Monday, March 30, 2015 to: Camp Scholarships Attn: Andrea
Nadel – Community Impact Department Minneapolis Jewish Federation 13100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 200, Minnetonka, MN 55305. Questions should be directed to or 952-4172334.
Please be aware that in order to qualify for scholarships for Camp
Ashira (currently in 1st -8th grade), Camp Achim (currently in 1st -4th
grade) and Camp Geshmak (currently in 5th -8th grade), you will need
to provide proof of application from Minneapolis Federation and JFCS
camp scholarship programs. Applications are also available on the Bais
Yisroel website.