Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Shmaryahu & Devora Abramczyk on the bris of their son, Dovid Gershon. Mazel tov to entire Abramczyk & Bender family. May he be zoche to Torah, Chupa and Ma’asim Tovim! Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avraham Yeshia & Leah Moskovitz on the birth of twin girls. Mazel tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov & Sari Waxman and the entire Waxman family. May they be zoche to grow to Torah,Chupa and Ma’asim Tovim! Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Moshe & Tali Grant on the birth of a son in Eretz Yisrael. Mazel tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel & Lisa Etziony and great grandmother Mrs. Tessy Oxman and the entire Etziony family. May the bris take place b’ito u’v’zimano. Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok & Bena Goldman on the birth of a son in Eretz Yisrael. Mazel tov to the grandparents Mr.& Mrs. Mark & Gitty Kutoff and great grandmother Mrs. Bertha Kutoff and the entire Kutoff family. May the bris take place b’ito u’v’zimano. Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Bentzion & Avigayil Turin on the marriage of their children, Benji & Yona Schwartz. Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Silverberg and the entire mishpacha. The Kehilla extends condolences to Mr. Irving Rosenblum and family in the passing of his sister, Shoshana bas Ephriam Fishel Levni a"h Hamakom Yenachem eschem B'soch shaar avelei tzion v'yerushalayim Mrs. Beena Sklare will now be running the Torah Academy Uniform Gemach. She can be reached at (651) 236-7044 regarding requests for or donations of clean items, free of stains or tears. Save the Date!!: The Sofer, Rabbi Yosef Heineman, will IY”H be coming to town Nov 23-25 to check Tefillin and Mezuzos. (Cont’d) Ongoings Goings-On The Kollel Korner Shacharis is 7:40 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:05 Mussaf Minyan for boys grades 5-8 Program Grades 4-8 Mincha To add a name to the Mi Sheberach L'cholim list, call 917-753-7057 or email Shabbos Nov 15 Laws of Shabbos 8:15-8:30 AM –Rabbi Weinberg Shacharis 8:30 AM Latest Shema (MG”A/GR”A) 8:58/9:34 Latest Shemona Esrei (GR”A) 10:22 Following Davening– Laws of Shabbos-R’ Weimnerg / R’ Stern -Parenting No BNOS / Pirchei 3:10 PM Tablecloth Gemach summer hrs. Mon only 12:301:30 PM call Ramie Delmoor 952-210-4545 Tomchei Shabbos helps families w/ basic Shabbos necessities. Contact Rabbi Greenberg if you know of anyone who could use this assistance, or wants to sponsor. Sponsorship $35-week/ $150/ mo. Volume 10: Issue 04 Parshas Chayei Sarah 22 Cheshvan, 5775 November 15, 2014 Parshas Chayei Sarah Sifrei Chafetz Chaim, – Rabbi Roberts 3:40 PM Mincha 4:10 PM Shabbos Over 5:35 PM Avos U’banim 6:40 PM Sunday Nov 16 Earliest Bracha on Tallis Sun-Fri 6:32-6:38 Shacharis 7:00 & 8:00 AM Mincha 4:25 PM Mon–Thurs Nov 17-20 Shacharis 6:30 AM Mincha 4:25 PM Friday Erev Shabbos Parshas Toldos, Nov 21 Shacharis 6:30 AM Mincha 4:25 PM Light Candles 4:21 PM The Minneapolis Community Kollel’s Shabbos Shel Chizuk culminated in an inspiring Melave Malka featuring Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Gershon Ribner and the Roshei Kollel, Rabbi Chaim Simcha Gibber and Rabbi Eliyahu Stern. Good Shabbos! Amud Yomi : Mesechta Shabbos- Sunday-Thursday– 35a-37a Schedule of Shiurim at Bais Yisroel Likras Shabbos, BOYS 5-8 Fri 30 min before Mincha Torah Academy Store Thursday 8:30—10:30 PM Minchas Chinuch –Sun 8 AM with Rabbi Chaim Gibber Gemachim Info—call Bella Smith 952-927-9670 Rabbi M. Kalatsky Thurs Shiur after 8:20 PM Parsha. Women’s Tehillim: Mons @ 8:15 AM at Perri Kutoff's Home or 9:15 PM at Engelson’s home, Perspectives @ Kollel Jewish Library: Please circulate/donate children & Partners in Torah Tues 8:15 PM @ Kollel teens! Jewish books. Th 4-5 PM & Sun 10-11 AM @ the Business Halacha: Ribbis in the workplace. Every Sherman home. Contact Juli Sherman 952.926-0334 Wed 8-8:30 AM upstairs at the Kollel, by Rabbi Stern. Baby Gemach Order a Shtender: Call the shul office. Cost: $250. Tefilla Class-Birchos Krias Shema with Mrs. Tzipora Shatnez Lab, 4201 Sunset Blvd. back door, Greenberg-Wed. 12-12:45 PM at her home. Yoel Menashe Jeff Kreps, 612-868-3330 Clothing Connection Gemach 952-929-9769 Davening @ Yeshiva of Mpls Jr. Friday Erev Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah, Nov 14 Shacharis 6:30 AM Mincha 4:30 PM Light Candles 4:27 PM Daf Yomi Sun, after Maariv, M-F after 1st Shacharis & during Shalosh Seudos Gemara Shiur-Mesechta Shabbos w/ Rabbi Weinberg M-F following 6:30 Shacharis Amud Yomi with Rabbi Greenberg (see above) Sun-Thurs 9:15-10 PM Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Weinberg ½ hour before Shacharis Sun thru Fri Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you Divrei Torah on the weekly parsha & community events. To submit items for publication please contact the Office by Thurs 11 AM, of each week. For general information regarding activities, events or membership please contact the shul office or HaRav Yechezkel Greenberg. To receive the BYSO by e-mail, please send an email to HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Shlita, Founding Morah D’asra (1990-2009) Arnie and Hindy Frishman: Founding BYSO Editors Congregation Bais Yisroel 4221 Sunset Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone: 952-926-7867 Hall Phone 952-926-0518 Ext 4 Webpage: THE FAITHFUL SERVANT The Torah recounts at length Eliezer's search for a wife for Yitzchak. When Eliezer enters the house of Lavan, he repeats the entire story. Rashi explains that every word of the Patriarch's servants is beloved in the eyes of Hashem. We find more than 50 differences between the way the story actually happened and the way Eliezer told it over to Besuel and Lavan. The commentaries expend much effort explaining each change made by Eliezer from the Torah’s first account of the events. Why is there such importance attached to Eliezer's slight deviations? The Gemara (Taanis 4a) states that Eliezer's request to Hashem for a Heavenly signal as to who was the right bride for Yitzchak was improper, since he left it open for any girl to meet his criteria, even one not befitting Yitzchak. Even so, Hashem answered his prayers with the proper girl. R' Itzel Vo- BYSO is sponsored by Mr. Edmund Gottlieb to thank all who provided food and visitation during his recent surgery lozhiner in his Sefer Peh Kadosh explains why he was deserving of this. Rashi tells us that Eliezer had a daughter whom he felt was fit to marry Yitzchak, but Avraham did not agree. Eliezer accepted this and faithfully carried out his mission to find a wife for Yitzchak, despite the underlying desire he might have had to sabotage the mission, hoping against hope that maybe his daughter would then end up becoming the lucky girl. This could be why the Torah repeats the story in its entirety, to drive home the fact that Hashem wants a person to act in a trustworthy and pure-hearted manner, just as Eliezer did. Perhaps this is the reason the commentaries delve so deeply into the different nuances between the story and its repetition, to teach us an eternal lesson. From every word that Eliezer changed, we learn yet another way that he was trying his utmost to bring his mission to the best possible conclusion. He used every bit of ingenuity at his disposal to be faithful to his mission and engineer its success. Eliezer refused to eat before he began to speak to Besuel and Lavan, and then his opening words were “Eved Avraham Anoci, I am the servant of Avraham.” The Netziv comments that Eliezer started by clarifying why he wouldn’t eat before he carried out his mission. He explained that he didn’t come to tend to his own affairs; rather he was there as a servant with a task, and he must fulfill his obligation to carry out his master’s orders before paying attention to himself. This is an attribute we should all learn from. When R’ Elchanan Wasserman eulogized the Chofetz Chaim (quoted by Rav Yaakov Galinsky), he said that it’s extremely difficult to eulogize someone as great as the Chofetz Chaim. It would seem impossible, just as it would seem impossible to eulogize Moshe Rabbeinu himself. There, though, the Torah does give a short eulogy, and says that Moshe “the servant of Hashem” passed away. That short epithet says it all! A proper servant is one who faithfully carries out his master’s wishes and completely subordinates his own wishes to his master’s will. A wealthy man was once traveling overseas with his attendant when he became seriously ill and realized his days were numbered. He was concerned that his servant would steal his fortune and never inform his family back home of his demise. So he called the servant in and said, “My days are numbered and I’d like to convey to you my final wishes. You’ve been very faithful all these years, so I’m leaving my entire fortune to you. But I don’t want to cut out my only son entirely, so the condition is you must travel back to my home and inform him of the news, and tell him I bequeath to him one item, whichever he chooses.” The elated servant dutifully arrived at the man’s home and presented the document to his son. The son could not believe it; how could his father disown him like that? He went straight to consult with his Rov. The Rov replied, “Your father was a wise man and used the only method at his disposal to preserve his fortune for you. It was the only way he could be sure the servant would come back to inform you of his death. Tell the servant you are choosing him as your one item, and whatever a servant owns belongs to his master!” This, said R’ Elchanan, is what an “Eved Hashem” is. He has nothing of his own; he is just an extension of Hashem. This is also an apt description of the Chofetz Chaim and is a goal we should all aspire to. There are certainly many levels of the attribute of subservience to Hashem, and we must endeavor to rise through them one step at a time. Helpful Halacha Highlights (Excerpted from Halacha at Mincha/Maariv) 1. We began learning about Pesukei D’zimra, which is the section of davening that begins with the Bracha of Boruch She’amar and ends with the Bracha of Yishtabach. Once one has begun Boruch She’amar he may not interrupt to speak out at all until after Shemona Esrei. It is especially important not to interrupt after Boruch She’amar before he has even begun the next paragraph. 2. If he completes Boruch She’amar earlier than the Chazzan, he may answer Amen to the Chazzan’s Bracha, but if he is still in the middle of his own Bracha when the Chazzan finishes his, or even if he finishes simultaneously with the Chazzan, he should not answer Amen. 3. Generally, if one completes a Bracha and hears someone else finishing the same Bracha simultaneously, he should not answer Amen. The three exceptions to this rule are Yishtabach, Hashkiveinu (in Maariv) and the final Bracha of Hallel. But, if one completes a Bracha and hears someone else finishing a different Bracha simultaneously, then he should answer Amen. 4. Although Shemone Esrei is the highlight of our davening, one can’t make light of the importance of Pesukei D’zimra. The Mishna Brura says there are Klipos (unholy forces) that attempt to block our tefillos from ascending to heaven, and the Pesukei D’zimra clears the way for the Shemona Esrei that follows. One who talks at that time causes the Klipos to return. Chayei Adam describes how the davening is divided into sections, and during each part one ascends to a higher level in his approach to Hashem, culminating in the Shemona Esrei during which he is before Hashem in the upper heavens. R’ Shimon Schwab in his introduction to his Sefer on tefillah compares the different parts of davening to the various courtyards and chambers of the Bais Hamikdash, and with each step of davening one slowly approaches the Kodesh Kadashim (Holy of Holies) at which time he recites the Shemona Esrei. 5. One should hold his (front) tzitzis as he says Boruch She’amar and kiss them when he completes the Bracha. Pesukei D’zimra should not be said hurriedly; rather one should say it slowly with concentration (as if he were counting money) and be careful to properly enunciate each word. Extra Kavana should be had at the Posuk of “Pose’ach Es Yadecha etc.” 6. One may interrupt for a Mitzva, but should try to be between paragraphs when doing so. This includes: answering Amen, reciting the first Posuk of Shema with the Tzibur, Kadish, Keduasha and Borchu. One should not answer Boruch Hu Uvaruch Shemo. Warming Food Chapter 2 Pgs.16-22
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