CONGREGATION BETH ABRAHAM 396 New Bridge Road, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 201-384-0434 • MORAH D’ASRAH ASSISTANT R ABBI PRESIDENT 1 ST VICE PRESIDENT 2 ND VICE P RESIDENT TREASURER SECRETARY GABBAI R ISHON SISTERHOOD YOUTH DIRECTOR B OARD OF Rav Yaakov Neuburger Rav Tanchum Cohen Daniel Kaminetsky Elie Konigsberg Josh Gelernter Simmy Friedman Jonathan Landa Adam Summers Chana Meyers Elana Kaplan Aryeh Morris DIRECTORS Dov Adler Yehuda Burns Naftali Fessel Ari Gellman Jerry Geyer Uri Jacobs 3 Yossi Kra Shana Schmidt Chaim Shulman Rena Strulowitz Miriam Warburg JOURNAL CHAIRS Yossi and Rachel Friedman Mendy and Rena Strulowitz DINNER CHAIR Aaron and Ora Kornbluth DINNER COMMITTEE Aviva Markowitz Miriam Sabo Sharon Wieder Meredith Yager Message From Our Rav Celebrating the twenty fifth, a relatively arbitrary point in our culture, points to the truth that the profound gratitude to which Peshi and I give expression to this evening, is rarely far from our hearts. Indeed, we are thankfully ever mindful of the blessings of being part of a community who treasures spiritual growth, appreciates the goodness of harmony and humility and continuously struggles to better balance our priorities. Moreover, we are so grateful that our family has always enjoyed your warmth and benefitted from your concern for our welfare and happiness. Interestingly, much of our feelings right now, mirror the thoughts articulated by Dovid Hamelech in his 25th as well. It is in that perek (according to Medrash Shochar Tov and Malbim) that He presents himself as a dedicated employee whose trust in Hashem gives him great comfort. He prays that he be judged favorably, that Hashem will grant him even greater insight and wisdom, and that his prayers on behalf of all those experiencing pain and difficulty will be accepted. We do not have the words to thank you all for these many years of your support in so many ways and for the life lessons that we have learned from you. But we do pray, always, that Hashem continues to bless our kehila, grant us all good health and "yishuv hada'as", resolve all that troubles us in a good way, and help us be worthy of prosperity of the spiritual and the material, of peaceful homes and meaningful, insightful and successful lives. So much work goes into these events. I thank you for giving Peshi and myself the venue to celebrate together. Thank you Daniel and the Board for convening the event, honoring and celebrating and patiently accepting our idiosyncracies. Thank you Ora and Aaron, Aviva, Miriam, Sharon and Meredith, a well practiced team that coordinated our evening with elegance and class, as we have come to expect. We know that it takes much time and planning and we are very grateful to you. Thank you Rachel and Yossi and Rena and Mendy and Ari all the way from Efrat, for organizing the very meaningful recollections. They will give us much chizuk going forward and your work has already raised substantial funding for our shul. We all know that with everyone's busy schedule, deadlines come and go making your work more pressured than often anticipated. Your patience and grace can teach us a lot. 4 Steve and Naftali, your efforts created all the visuals for this evening, shaping a cheerful and eloquent ambience. The memories you evoked will give us pause, and bring smiles and prayers to our lips. The watchful eyes of Daniel and Claire add thoughtfulness, sensitivity and efficiency to every shul event. It's a rare combination and we are so fortunate to have such unusual talent at our helm. We thank all of you for celebrating together this evening. 5 Message From Our President There are no words to truly describe the impact Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger have had on our Shul and the greater Bergen County community. Our Rav and Rebbetzin represent the rare breed of leadership that are somehow able to simultaneously act as role models and friends. They teach us how to act and model true service of the Almighty, while at the same time celebrate with us at our simchas and comfort us in more difficult times. In this way they are able to fuse the two personalities we are implored to acquire by Pirkei Avos, Perek Alef, Mishna Vav: Asei Lecha Rav Uknei Lecha Chaver. This remarkable ability is only one of many special attributes that define the Neuburgers. Our Rav is the definition of a Moreh D'asra and Talmud Chacham, evidenced by the scores of Talmidim that seek his counsel on halachik matters around the clock and his well-received drashas and shiurim in shul, at Yeshiva and on the web, that cover the spectrum of Torah SheBichtav and Toreh SheBaal Peh. Our Rebbetzin is a master educa- tor who has taught thousands of students, both through the scriptural texts she expounds and equally by the manner she carries herself in every endeavor. Our exemplary leaders are consummate and compassionate listeners who identify with the circumstances of those who seek their advice and are able to put a distressed soul at ease with their never-ending care and concern. The Rav and Rebbetzin are highly sought after by countless individuals in our community and around the globe, regularly staying up into the late hours of the evening and early hours of the morning returning phone calls, emails and texts from those requesting their guidance in every facet of life, always doing so with the utmost sensitivi- ty and respect (and the occasional touch of tasteful humor!). They are speakers in high demand who share their unique wisdom on a wide-ranging array of issues that are relevant to the Jewish Community and beyond. Yet, perhaps what stands out from all of the above, is the tremendous humility they exhibit in fulfilling all of these achievements We have been incredibly blessed with their leadership these past 25 years and it is our sincere prayer that we continue to be inspired and motivated towards spiritual growth and higher attainment of limud hatorah, yiras shamayim and gemilus chasadim as a result of their efforts. Tonight would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of our dinner chairs, Aaron and Ora Kornbluth and their devoted committee of Miriam Sabo, Meredith Yager, Aviva Markowitz and Sharon Wieder who ensured that everything leading up to the dinner ran smoothly. 6 I applaud our journal chairs, Mendy and Rena Strulowitz and Yossi and Rachel Friedman who, once again, went well beyond the call of duty, devoting countless hours leading to the tremendous success of our journal campaign and assuming many other tasks that helped make tonight a wonderful event. Ari Erdfarb continues to be an indispensable part of our volunteer community despite a distance of 6,000 miles. His handling of the Scroll of Honor and campaign tracking thermometer and his willingness to assist on any project is an invaluable asset to me, the dinner committees and the shul. I also want to thank Steve Fox for putting together a beautiful video tribute to the Rav and Rebbetzin in an extremely short time frame. Thanks to Naftali Fessel, as well, who helped with gathering the pictures and videos. Aaron Ross and Ari Gellman provided invaluable advice every step of the way. Finally, we are all indebted to Claire, who works tirelessly behind the scenes to make everything happen, no matter the time of day or night and always with her trademark upbeat attitude and smile. Thank you all for coming out tonight and participating in this exemplary celebration. It is my sincere hope that you enjoy the program and that we continue to celebrate together as a shul for many, many years to come. Sincerely, Daniel Kaminetsky 7 Message From Journal And Dinner Chairs We would like to take this opportunity to personally extend wishes of Mazel Tov to RABBI YAAKOV & PESHI NEUBURGER. Words cannot express the deep appreciation and affection we all feel towards the Rav and Rebbetzin. Their wisdom, humility and selfless dedication to the needs of each individual, the shul and community at large, is beyond measure and truly inspirational. Together, may you continue to lead and guide us in good health and good times for many years to come. We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to CLAIRE, DANIEL KAMINETSKY and our respective committee members for all that they did to make the Dinner such a success. Additionally, thank you to the team at Marketing Dynamics for contributing both your time and expense to assemble the Scroll of Honor. DINNER COMMITTEE Aviva Markowitz Miriam Sabo Sharon Wieder Meredith Yager DINNER CHAIR Aaron and Ora Kornbluth JOURNAL CHAIRS Yossi and Rachel Friedman Mendy and Rena Strulowitz 8 Builder Dear Rabbi and Peshi: We are so delighted to be celebrating this wonderful milestone together with you. Your friendship and guidance over thirty years means more to us and our children than we can ever express in words. May you be Zoche to many more years of contributing your wisdom, kindness and guidance to the entire Kehilla so that we may all continue to grow in Torah and Avodas Hashem. MAZEL TOV! The Kayes (Dena, Alex, Hillel, Aliza, Efrayim, Gavriel, Shira, Avi and Yonatan) Benefactor Mazel Tov to the Rabbi and Rebbetzin who have single handedly built this community into the makom Torah and chessed which it is today. Your devotion and dedication is second to none and it inspires others to try and emulate your ways. We wish you only health, happiness and the strength to continue ad 120. Azi & Rachel Mandel Patron We are so grateful and fortunate to have you in our lives as our Rav and Rebbetzin and as friends. We wish you the best of everything. May we continue to be zoche to benefit from your warmth wisdom and leadership ad meah v'esrim and continue to have you in our lives. Love, Tobah and Shea Farkas Patron Mazel Tov to the Rav and Peshi Thank you for all you do on behalf of our family and community. Looking forward to another 25 years together!! Eva and Mordy Rothberg Diamond Writing a journal ad for our beloved Rav and Peshi is proving to be very difficult for us. It reminds us of the gemorah in :ברכות( ֹלג, that recalls a שֹליח צבור who once added several additional praises of Hashem to the standard text of הֱקֹל הגִדוֹל הגובר והנוראthat we recite three times a day. רב חנינאwas extremely critical of him as any list of praises of Hashem is by definition incomplete since they are infinite. We feel similarly. What can we possibly say? Mere words can't describe the myriad ways the Rav and Peshi have shaped, guided, and inspired us; the milestones and trials when they laughed and cried with us; and the way in which they lead by example - showing us all the great heights human beings are capable of achieving. Our dear Rav and Peshi, our relationship with you is one of the greatest privileges of our lives. We are blessed and our children are blessed. Today we acknowledge and appreciate you. May HKBH bless you with strength and clarity so you may continue to inspire all of us, our children, this amazing community and all of Klal Yisrael. Aviva & Gershon Distenfeld Shoshana, Talia & Esther Diamond In Honor of and with much Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi Yaakov & Peshi Neuburger Rochelle, Howard & Menachem Gans Diamond In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzen Neuberger This page, and even this dedication journal, are too small to capture the volumes we wish to write to express the enormous hakarat hatov we have for the Rav and Peshi. Words do not sufficiently convey what you have both brought to the community, the shul and to our family. You have enriched our lives with the Torah you have taught us and our children, and you continually encourage us to achieve greater heights in mitzvot bein adam lamakom. But even more meaningful for us, are the many lessons you have taught us about mitzvot beyn adam l'chavero. The lessons are evident in every gesture and every action that you both take. The sensitivity, modesty and respect for others that you exude are true models for us, your congregants. We and our children are blessed to have you in our lives, and we hope that we will continue to be inspired by you. We pray that Hashem give you both much nachas from your children and grandchildren and many years together in health. Miriam & Alan Greenspan With respect and fondness I congratulate you both on this honor. You have greatly enriched the lives of all of us who have grown up in your shul. Ari Whether we are applying math calculations to a difficult gemarah or learning together for special occasions, your warmth and understanding have inspired us. Joshua and Shira I am so grateful that I was able to have Rebbetzen Neuburger as a teacher, and I love catching up after shul every Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Both the Rav and Peshi continue to inspire me with their humility and sensitivity. Michal Thank you Rabbi Neuburger for making time to learn with me. I enjoy being able to find the underlying reason for a halacha and because of that I am able to appreciate the laws. Rami Diamond In honor of our Rav and Rebbetzin Dedication and selflessness that has no limits Boundless energy and devotion that truly inspire Warmth and patience that are an example to us all You make yourselves available 25 hours a day You tirelessly guide us with wisdom and understanding. You are both our role models and our friends וכֹל מי שעוסֱקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה ...הֱקִדוש ברוך הוא ישֹלם שכרם וישֹלח ברכה והצֹלחה בכֹל מעשה יִדיכם Shani and Bruce Tager Yehuda, Aharon, Netanel and Sari Diamond To our esteemed Rav and Rebbetzin, Mazal tov on 25 years! We are so fortunate to have such leadership in our Shul. The Rav and Rebbetzin are remarkable in their devotion to the community and their depth of knowledge of Torah. We are constantly amazed at the level of ahavas yisrael exhibited by our esteemed leaders. We are so proud to be your congregants! May Hashem bless our Rav and rebbetzin with health, happiness, and nachas and may we be zoche to have your continued guidance and leadership for years to come. Michael and Jennifer Wiederkehr Emerald Mazal Tov to our Rav and Rebbetzin on this most well deserved honor. Sheva and I joined Beth Abraham in 2001. Over the years you have been with us through the physical and spiritual growth of our family, specifically our children Leora, Talia, Eitan and Noam, with guidance, leadership and inspiration. We can't thank you enough for everything you both do for our community and we hope that HKBH continues to bless you for many years to come. With Our Love and Appreciation Sheva and Dov Adler Emerald In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger and in recognition of all the work they do for the community. Annie and Yale Baron Emerald In Honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger Thank you for your herculean efforts on behalf of the community. May you be blessed with many more years of Mitzvos and Nachas Rina & Nahum Felman Ariel, Talia, Tamar, Yitzi, Yehonatan, Tova, Kayla & Elisheva Emerald Mazel Tov to our invaluable Rav and Rebbetzin on this most deserving honor. Your sensitivity, understanding, limitless time, and wise counsel are beyond expectations. We wish you continued strength, health and all of HaShem's Brachot to continue your immeasurable work on behalf of the Kehilla. Rochel Leah and Aryeh Glatter Emerald In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger We are indebted to you for so many things. For imparting your wisdom, guidance and constant support; for your mesiras nefesh & tireless commitment on behalf of the klal. For your steadfast chizuk and inspiration, and for providing a model that we all strive to emulate. You are the true 'Builders' of Bergenfield. May Hashem continue to bless you in all that you do. With our deepest respect and admiration, Rochel and Moshe Insel Emerald In Celebration of our Wonderful Shul and 25 years of Outstanding Leadership from our Beloved and Cherished (non-honorees!) Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger With deepest respect, admiration and Hakaras Hatov Heather and Daniel Kaminetsky Avigayil, Eva and Joe Emerald Mazel tov to our Rav and Rebbetzin Thank you for your leadership and guidance, and all you do for the community. Francine and Adam Mermelstein Emerald Thank you to Rav & Rebbetzin Neuburger for welcoming us to the community and for everything you have done and continue to do for our shul. Oshra & David Mogilensky Emerald Mazal tov Rav & Rebbetzin Neuburger on this wonderful milestone. We feel fortunate to be able to celebrate with you and even more fortunate to be part of your kehilla and benefit from your leadership and guidance. May Hashem grant you both continued good health and the strength to continue all the amazing things that you do. Elizabeth & Ofer Naor Yosef, Yehoshua, Yonatan, Tzvi & Eitan Emerald Thank you for making the concerns of each individual in the community your own. Faigy and Chesky Ort and Family Emerald We are privileged to have known the Rabbi and Peshi for most of our lives - from when we were college kids, to when we have college-age kids together. We can honestly say that throughout that time, our respect, appreciation, admiration and our close relationship gets stronger with every year. We feel blessed by what they have done for our community and certainly their impact on our family! Miriam and Allen Pfeiffer, Yoni, Binyamin, Elisheva, Eitan, Dani, and Tali Emerald Mazel tov Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger Since we met in 1987, you have helped us celebrate every milestone, mourn every loss, and have enhanced our lives in so many ways. Your contributions to our shul and community continue to be immeasurable. Suzanne and David Prince & Family Emerald In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger We are in awe for all you do for the shul, school and community. Tzivia, Yossie, Malkie, Miriam and Binyamin Rubin Emerald Our lives would not be the same without having benefitted from the wisdom, guidance and friendship of Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi. Our ahavat yisrael and ahavat eretz yisrael come from all the hours we have been zoche to spend together. Our gratitude is boundless. Dovid & Sharon Schild Emerald Our community Is so fortunate to be led, taught, impacted and influenced by Rav Yaakov and Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger Who indefatigably and selflessly give of themselves To address the needs of our shul and our greater Kehilla, With wisdom, sensitivity, grace and wit. May HKB”H grant the Neuburger family Long, healthy, meaningful And abundantly blessed lives Thank you for all that you do and inspire us to do. Respectfully, Yechiel , Nomi, Tzvi, Ezra, Benzion, Sariel and Tova Rotblat Emerald Mazal tov to Our Dear Mechutanim We have been blessed to share our children and grandchildren, but more importantly we have been blessed to have your loving friendship and to be inspired by you. Your kehilla has been blessed to have you as their rav and rebbetzin, and may that bracha continue ad mea v esrim in strength and good health. MazaL Tov on a very well deserved honor. May you always go from chayil ad chayil. Love Barbie and Yitzhchok Siegel and Family Emerald In honor of The Rav and Rebbetzin for all you have done for us personally as well as for your incredible work on behalf of the community and Klal Yisrael The Westrich Family Emerald To The Rav and Peshi אין מיֹלים Sharon, Ari, Tova, Yaakov and Akiva Wieder Emerald With admiration of your Torah leadership, appreciation for your constant guidance and support, and tremendous gratitude for our treasured friendship. Continued strength and good health Meredith and Kenny Yager Mordy, Daniel, Eli, Sarah and Aliza Emerald In Honor of Rabbi Yaakov and Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger On the occasion of your Silver Anniversary at Beth Abraham, we are grateful for the opportunity to thank you for your inspirational leadership and selfless devotion to the kehila, the entire community and Klal Yisrael. Your Wise Counsel has always been extremely beneficial and of immeasurable value in our lives. Your friendship, concern and sensitivity are greatly appreciated by our entire family. May HKB”H bless you with good health, much Yiddishe Nachas and the strength to continue ad meah vesrim shana. Bezras Hashem may we all be zocheh to celebrate your Golden Anniversary. Nechie & Heshie Schulhof and Family Emerald Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. We feel truly blessed to have you as role models for ourselves and our children. Thank you for creating a makom torah and a wonderful environment in which to raise our family. May Hashem continue to bless you with the strength and wisdom to lead Beth Abraham for another 25 years. David and Margi Saks and Family Emerald From Day 1 at Einstein to Year 25 at Beth Abraham it has been our tremendous and personal Bracha to have you as our Rav and Rebetzin, quintessential models of Torah true leaders. Thank you for being an important part of our lives. Judy and Ruby Silverman and Family Sapphire Mazel tov to our dear Rav & Rebbetzin on 25 years of community leadership. Words cannot express our gratitude, especially for the example you set for our family. Sara Leah & Nachum Barishansky Sapphire In gratitude for the leadership and guidance that the Rav and Rebbetzin have provided for our family and community Reuven and Leah Escott and Family Sapphire Rebbetzin Peshi and Rabbi Neuburger Mazel Tov on celebrating 25 years as greatly cherished and revered leaders not only at Beth Abraham but for the entire Bergenfield and Teaneck communities. It would be impossible to express in words adequate hakarat hatov for all that you do and for the kind of role models that you are for our family and the entire kehila! Wishing you I"YH many more years of bracha, health and happiness! Fondly, Dena & Michael Felsen & Family Sapphire With much hakoras hatov and admiration to our very special Rav and Rebbetzin. Fondly, Tsipi and Danny Gurell and Family Sapphire In Honor of Rav & Rebbetzin Neuburger, Thank you for your 25 years of devotion to our kehillah. Your leadership and dedication, along with your guidance and support is what has made our kehillah so much more than a makom tefillah, but a community that we feel privileged to live in. May Hashem grant you many years filled with bracha & simcha. Mayer, Miriam, Tzvi, Yael, Aryeh & Shai Sabo Sapphire Mazal tov on this extraordinary well deserved honor. Our community is very blessed to have had you as our morah d'asrah and rebbetzin for so many years. Despite being pulled in so many directions you are always so warm, patient and gracious when interacting with us and, of course, with our children. In a time when role models are not always easy to find you truly stand out as exemplary leaders and ovedei hashem. We feel very fortunate to have had you as our rav and rebbetzin for the last 10+ years and very much look forward to learning from you over the next 25 years (iy'h). Ira & Grunny Zlotnick Sapphire Yasher Kochachem on reaching 25! May the next 25 be just as blissful Evy & Shimmy Stein Sapphire Rabbi & Peshi We join the community in honoring and thanking you for the past 25 years that you have dedicated to our growing shul. You have enriched our lives and infused meaning and breathed life into our community. You are both wonderful role models and we know we can always count on you for guidance, inspiration and a good laugh. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for our family and for our community. With profound admiration, love and respect, Claire Strauss and Family Sapphire Mazel Tov to Rav Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger Your kindness, thoughtfulness, friendship and integrity are an inspiration to all. May you both be blessed with many more years of leadership and service for our shul and Klal Yisroel. Barbara & Jeff Teller and Family Sapphire The Beth Abraham Alumni (Graduating Aliyah Classes of 1995 – 2015) are delighted to participate in honoring Rav and Peshi Neuburger, two of the most wonderful, caring, sensitive and kind people in the Western Hemisphere. With love, admiration and gratitude, Michelle & Michael Aaron ('05), Rachel & Rafi Abraham ('14), Naomi & Howie Apfel ('05), Rena & Peter Berger ('98), Rachel & Michael Berman ('97), Malki & Eli Blaustein ('10), Fayge & Gedaliah Borvick ('03), Marcy & Michael Charish ('06), Gittel & Noam Cohen ('13), Jeni & Akiva Danto ('09), Michelle & Gil Elmaleh ('03), Ilana & Ari Erdfarb ('13), Aviva & Dovid Friedlander ('05), Tzippy & Sergio Geralnik ('05), Sharon & Ari Ginsberg ('04), Arona & Steven Gittleson ('08), Chaya & Mendel Gottesman ('06), Serena & Daniel Hartstein ('08), Tova & Noam Herrmann ('02), Tzippi & Dov Iskowitz ('95), Shoshana & Shai Jaskoll ('07), Naomi & Yehuda Kohn ('12), Tzippy & Roni Lebovitz ('04), Lesley & Josh Lipsitz ('03), Terry & Howie Mischel ('09), Rachael & Brian Platt ('12), Zippora & Ely Razin ('11), Beth & Marc Rosenbaum ('09), Pnina & Alex Salomon ('10), Lisa & Pinny Sanders ('05), Aviva & Menachem Schechter ('12), Miriam & Hillel Scheinfeld ('02), Lisa & David Schlussel ('10), Chani & Jason Schwartz ('08), Nancy & Dov Schwell ('04), Amy & Shimon Solnica ('09), Stephanie & Alan Strauss ('03), Yaffa & Baruch Swinkin ('07), Ora & Mark Watson ('09), Stefanie & Simon Wolf ('07), Ruthie & Gotch Yudin ('06), and Families versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S To our beloved Rav and Rebbetzin Yasher Kochachem for this well-deserved honor. Thank you for all the leadership and guidance you provide to the entire Kehillah. You are Marbitzei Torah and role models but what really sets you apart is the uniquely warm way you lead and inspire. Each of us feels like we are your primary focus. The personal welcomes when we move in, taking the effort to learn every child's name, the support you provide during happy and challenging times. Uri and Chaya Adler versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger for your amazing leadership, dedication and tireless efforts on behalf of Beth Abraham & the entire Bergenfield community Mindy & Jonathan Neiss & Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal tov to Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger Your selfless devotion and tireless dedication to Beth Abraham, the Bergenfield community and Klal Yisrael is unparalleled and a model for us all to emulate. Robin and Eric Aschkenasy versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With Admiration and Gratitude we wish you both a Heartfelt Mazel Tov! Shula and David Barnett versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of our esteemed Rav and Rebbetzin (Peshi) We are blessed to have you as our role models. Your dedication to the community and your unique sensitivity to each individual within, is truly remarkable. Your ability to lead by example has inspired us. May Hashem bless you with continued Hatzlachah in all your varied endeavors and may you go M'Chayil el Chayil. With utmost respect and admiration, Hillel and Mindy Becker and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel tov to our dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger! Many thanks for all you have done and continue to do for the multitudes of lives you touch by your teaching, counsel and example. May Hashem grant you the good health and wisdom to enjoy IY”H many years to come. With best wishes, Baruch and Sharona Benoff and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Your unwavering devotion to our shul and our community is a tremendous inspiration. Thank you for 25 years of support, strength, teaching, leadership and dedication. May Hashem grant you the z'chus to continue your avodas hakodesh on behalf of the shul and Klal Yisrael. Rachel and Mordechai Book versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to the Rav & Rebbetzin May you go MiChayil el Chayil. With gratitude and admiration, David & Suzanne Brandt versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov and best wishes on your 25th anniversary with Beth Abraham May Hashem bless you with continued Hatzlacha and Nachas. Shalom and Esther Buchbinder and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on your Silver Anniversary. No honor could properly express our appreciation for what you mean to our Shul and community. We are awed by your middos and dedication to avodas Hashem. It is truly our privilege to to follow your leadership. We wish you many more years as Rav and Rebbetzin, full of good health and nachas. Yael & Ari Burack versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger for their tireless efforts on behalf of the entire community. Tova and Noam Burack versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With tremendous admiration and Hakaras HaTov Aliza & Yehuda Burns versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of our Rav and Rebbetzin, Rav Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger: You have been an inspiriation to us and our family for decades. We thank you for your wisdom, advice, guidance and friendship and we pray that Hashem give you the strength to continue your sacred work on behalf of Klal Yisrael for decades to come! Suzanne and Mordechai Cohen versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With admiration and appreciation to our Rav and Rebbetzin, Mazal Tov on this honor. Elana and Yossi Cohn and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger Dafna & Yossie Davidovitch and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S We are humbled by your friendship and blessed with your guidance. It is a true privilege to have a role model who shows us first hand how to take the extra step in being medakdek in Mizvos: from picking our Lulav and Esrog to Matzah baking to starting a night Kollel. We are truly amazed how both of you can give so much time to enhance our community. It has been a great 25 years, leading up to the dinner. May Hashem grant you and your family happiness and health. Hannah & Elchanan Dulitz versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rav & Rebbetzin, Thank you for everything you do for us and our community. Dov & Rachel Erdfarb versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin Thank you for your inspirational devotion to our kehillah and personal connection to our family and so many others in the Beth Abraham family. Rachel & Jonathan Feldman Simcha, Malka, Esther, Yosef & Moshe versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With appreciation for all of the work that you do for our community, Rivkah and David Felman versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S To Rabbi Neuburger and Rebbetzin Peshi, Mazel Tov on this wonderful and well-deserved honor. Your extraordinary and tireless dedication to Beth Abraham is an inspiration. Thank you for everything you do for our family, Shul and community. Taaleh maaloh maaloh bemaalos hatorah vehayira. Pnina, Naftali, Avi, Orly and Rachel Fessel versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S עשה ֹלך רב וֱקנה ֹלך חבר To our beloved Rav and Rebbetzin, Mazal tov on your 25th anniversary. A tremendous hakarat hatov for all that you do for our family and the kehillah. May you continue מחיֹל אֹל חיֹל Jonathan and Yaffa Leah Field versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Nearly 25 years ago we met you not as the Rav and Rebbetzin of our shul but rather as the parents of our daughter's best friend. That relationship has continued to blossom and strengthen over these years. We admire your dedication to Klal Yisrael as well as the love that you exhibit to every member of our community. May we continue to call you the Rav and Rebbetzin of our shul as well as our friends for many years to come. Lori and Barry Frank versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov on 25 years at Beth Abraham! We are honored to be part of the community you helped cultivate. Though the Beth Abraham community has grown by leaps and bounds, you have managed to maintain close relationships with all of your congregants. May we be zocheh to having many more years of your leadership, and may you and your family continue to be an inspiration to us all. Jen and Simmy Friedman and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S We are privileged to be part of the CBA family sharing in the guidance, direction, erudition and warmth of our Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger May we merit continuing to celebrate such landmarks together in the future, Fran and Phil Friedman versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In Honor of Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger We thank you for all you have done for us and for our community. Mazal tov on this special occasion. Rebecca and Elly Gamss and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S We are truly fortunate to be members of the Beth Abraham community. The leadership and wisdom that the Rav and Peshi provide form the backbone of our entire kehilla. They are role models for us and our children as we strive to grow every day in our Avodas Hashem. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant you the health and strength to continue leading our shul for another 25 years and beyond. B'chvod rav, Courtney and Josh Gelernter versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S To our Dear Rav and Rebbetzin Thank you for all that you do for our community and our family. Words cannot describe how grateful we are for your guidance, wisdom, sensitivity and friendship. May you both be blessed with continued health and strength and receive only nachas and simcha from the entire community. With tremendous love and admiration, Ari, Tzippy, Avraham, Shlomo, Paya and Yoel Gellman versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on this well-deserved honor. Thank you for all that you do for us and the community at large. Your humility, humbleness, and genuine care for your fellow Jew is something we all aspire to emulate. Mazel tov! Shai and Tova Gerson versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With much gratitude and appreciation to Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger who tirelessly continue to give to our community and whose friendship, support, and spiritual guidance are a constant source of deep inspiration for us and our family May Hashem grant them the strength to continue their selfless deeds. Carol and Don Glaser and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin May HKB”H grant you the strength and wisdom to continue your Avodas HaKodesh for years to come. With gratitude and admiration, Deniera and Avi Goldenberg Nechama, Yaakov, Dani, Moshe and A.J. versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal tov on this milestone. Thank you for your leadership, dedication and guidance and role modeling of Torah values. We feel so fortunate to be a part of a community where the Rav and Rebbetzin are exemplars of Torah scholarship, kindness and humility. Thank you for always sharing in our personal smachot, taking a sincere interest in our lives and creating a community where we and so many others benefit from your warmth and deep concern. Yael & David Goldfischer versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, Mazel Tov on 25 Years!! We want to thank you so much for all that you do for our family, the Shul and the community. We feel so privileged to be a part of your kehilah. We look forward to celebrating many years to come. Adena, Dov, Yaniv, Shayna, Leora and Atara Goldman versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on this well deserved honor. Your dedication, devotion, and commitment to our community and all of klal yisrael is truly inspirational. We feel so fortunate and privileged to have you as outstanding role models and exemplary community leaders. May Hashem bless you with strength, mazal and bracha to continue all that you do, and may we continue to share in simchas together for many years to come. With much admiration, David and Shira Greenberg and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S IN THE YEAR "25"-"25” How can we forget the shofar you blew, Only to awaken us at Neilah, with time left so few. You'd pick Arba Minim, with all due diligence, And agree to have dinner with another, as Simcha Torah's recompense. Every Purim you'd party, and end with a Groman, While Peshi through her Mishloach Manos each year did summon. Something of poetic justice from current events, That I did respond to, which usually made more sense. While Pesach was usually filled with family and a time to reflect, th Oh how we couldn't wait until the 8 day pizza to disect. All night of Shavuos to the wee hours all would learn, As you would close with the final shiur, which by then no one was sure to discern. Then during the summer, those long trips to Mesorah, Which you used to make, for your kids to learn torah. That have now been replaced with a trip to L.A., Making sure to explain Tisha B'av's "Key Notes" along the way. And back full circle, you'd prepare for another year, Each one of the "25", which all of us did endear. So may Hashem grant you both, wisdom, good health, and cheer, for another "25", for all to celebrate again in the final year. MAZEL TOV & THANKS FOR 25 YEARS OF LOVE AND DEDICATION MAY IT CONTINUE TO FLOURISH FOR ANOTHER 25 CELEBRATION!! Barbara & Michael Lang, Edith & David, and David versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger, role models, spiritual guides and friends. Chavie and Chaim Hagler versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, For all that they do for the local community and the greater Kahal. May they continue mechayil el chayil. Yael and Yehuda Jacoby versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In Celebration of Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger and their 25th Anniversary with Congregation Beth Abraham. and In Honor of Our Esteemed Colleague President Daniel Kaminetsky Franklyn H. Snitow Snitow Kanfer & Holtzer, LLP versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to our esteemed Rav and Rebbetzin on 25 years of incredible dedication and commitment to the Beth Abraham community, as well as the entire Bergen County and beyond. It's amazing to see how much the Jewish population of Bergenfield has grown during this time, which is undoubtedly a result of your selflessness, warmth and ability to always be there for those in need. It is truly an honor to be a part of such a special kehilla. Fondly, Yitzi and Terri Karasick versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Le'Kovod our esteemed Rav and Rebbetzin, Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger. We want to express our thanks and hakaras hatov for the many years of dedicated service to our Kehilla. Your genuine interest and support over the years in helping us raise our families bederech hatov ve'hayashar has been most appreciated. May Hashem bless you and continue to give you the patience to serve our kehilla in good health and joy for many years to come. Goldie and Bob Kikin and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin. We are so grateful for all that you do. Chayim & Karen Kirschenbaum and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With immeasurable gratitude to our Rav and Rebbetzin for 25 years of caring, concern, leadership and friendship. Adina & Michael Kirshner versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S To Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger With Much Appreciation, Naftali & Yaffa Klar versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Thank you to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger. We are blessed by your dedication and commitment to our community. With gratitude, Rivky and Shocky Klar and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of our esteemed Rav and Rebbetzin, in recognition of everything you do for us, our kehillah, and our entire community. With appreciation and admiration, Leah and Jonathan Knapp and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi, with gratitude for your guidance and wisdom, which you share with compassion and warmth. The Torah and values you teach by lesson and by example are appreciated by all. Mazal Tov on 25 years at Beth Abraham! Naomi and Marc Knoller versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rav and Rebbetzin, Words can't convey the deep sense of emotion and gratitude we feel for the tremendous dedication, devotion, guidance, selflessness and friendship you provide on a continuous basis. We can honestly say that we are better people because of both of you. May Hashem grant you many years of happiness, joy, nachat, health and strength to continue to inspire us, guide us, and strengthen our connection to Hashem, Torah, and each other. Mazel Tov! Elie and Nechama Konigsberg versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi, When we moved into the community almost 20 years ago we were drawn to Beth Abraham largely by you. Even though our shul has grown by leaps and bounds in the intervening years, you have helped to keep the "small shul” feeling that brought us here in the first place. May you continue to lead and inspire our community for many more years to come in good health. Jamin & Shana Koslowe versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With deep appreciation and gratitude to our Rav and Rebbitzen, Thanks for: - Hosting me in your home when I first arrived in Teaneck in 1993; - Giving meaningful divrei Torah at all of our family smachot, from shlomei zachor to brissim to bnei mitzvah; - Providing inspiration and enjoyment at the Bas Mitzvah Oneg Shabbos program; - Answering all of our shailos, no matter how or when they come in; and - Being great role models for our family. Sincerely, Malkie & Dovid Kosowsky and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger. Thank you for the guidance you provide our family and your selfless dedication to our community. Amira and Yossi Kra versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to the Rav and Peshi on this well-deserved honor. Thank you for your unparalleled guidance, commitment to the community, warmth and most importantly, your friendship. Your discretion and ability to deal with everyone with a sense of humility and humor has had a tremendous impact on our entire family and you both serve as tremendous role models for the entire community. Jessica and Jonathan Landa and family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Words can not describe our admiration, respect and general Hakoras Hatov to this year's Guests of Honor RAV AND REBBETZIN NEUBURGER שֹליט"א May Hakodosh Boruch Hu grant them many more years of their unique brand of leadership in good health and in good times. שנה ועשרים מאה עִד Leah and Sam Levi versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of Rabbi Yaakov & Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger on their 25 years of leadership to Congregation Beth Abraham. Charles Levine versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin, Words cannot adequately express how special you are and how fortunate we are to have you. Chuck and Aviva Levner and Daughters versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor and great appreciation for Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger Thank you for your insight, clarity, guidance and your unwavering dedication to our Kehillah and to Klal Yisrael. Thank you for being there for us, all of us. Sharon and Avraham Lynn versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of our dear Rav and Rebbetzin on celebrating their Silver Anniversary. We are privileged and grateful to be a part of the Beth Abraham family. David and Aviva Markowitz versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov Rabbi and Peshi on this great milestone as the Rav and Rebbetzin of such a special Shul. The leadership, support and warmth is felt through each and every member and guest who enters Beth Abraham. Thank you for being such an intricate part of our children's lives. We wish you continued good health and strength to enjoy many great occasions and a great deal of Nachas from your lovely family. With great appreciation, Sara and Carl Markowitz versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S איֹלן איֹלן במה אברכך שיהו פירותיך מתוֱקין הרי פירותיך מתוֱקין שיהא צֹלך שיהא...נאה הרי צֹלך נאה אֹלא יהי רצון שכֹל נטיעות שנוטעים ממך יהיו כמותך .צאצאי מעיך כמותך All the ink in the world would not be sufficient to appropriately express the admiration and appreciation we have for our parents who have been the guiding forces in our lives from our very first moments. So we turn to the רבונו שֹל עוֹלםand ask that He help us provide you with the נחתthat you so deserve as we attempt to lead lives committed to the standards and values which have shaped yours, and strive to emulate your selfless dedication to כֹלֹל ישראֹל. We daven that הֱקב"הprovide you with the strength and wisdom to continue to lead our family and community מתוך הרחבת הנפש והרחבת .הִדעת עִד מאה ועשרים שנה ,באהבה יתירה עִד אין שיעור מעומֱק ֹלבינו Bruria and Jackie Avigayil and Motti Chaya and Aryeh Yechiel Rafi Dovi versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger! We are so happy to be honoring you. Thank you for everything you do for our family and community. It is more appreciated than words can express. We wish for you Arichas Yamim V'Shanim and that you will be able to continue to serve as such great role models in good health. Becky and Ari Neugroschl and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With appreciation to the Rav and Peshi, May you always have nachas from the Kehila. Your kindness and example are treasures for our community. Ezra and Miriam Lightman Meir, Lily and Kovi versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rav Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger, We have tremendous gratitude for your 25 years of mentorship, leadership and boundless appreciation for your personal advice and friendship during that period. We therefore wanted to express a Bracha that might sound familiar to you: We want to wish you many more years of service of our shul, b'Bracha She'Ta'alu Maaleh Maaleh B'Maalos HaTorah V'HaYiraah, that you will continue to help escalate our Shul in the rungs of Torah, always B'Tuv U'Neimos, with goodness and sweetness, from our family the Pfeiffers to the Neuburgers. Debby and Glenn Pfeiffer and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal tov to our dear Rav and Rebbetzin The dedication and concern for each of your congregants is unparalleled. We are so blessed to have you in our and in our children's lives Much gratitude and love, Seth, Sho, Ephraim, Dani And Aliza Poloner versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal tov to a very special Rav and Rebbetzin on this Silver Anniversary Celebration. Your warmth and charisma was a strong attraction to our family moving to this neighborhood and becoming part of your shul. May we celebrate many more simchas together. Debra and Dovi Popowitz and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With tremendous gratitude for all they do for our family and the community at large, we want to wish a Mazal Tov to Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well deserved honor. Sincerely, Moshe, Dena, Azarya, Yakir and Meira Rosenberg versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of our dear Rav and Rebbetzin for their abundant Torah, for their sensitive leadership, for their insightful guidance, and for their ever-present good humor. For all that and so much more, you have made our kehilla one to which we are proud to belong and honored to be raising our family. Thank you and kol hakavod. Aaron and Tzippy Ross and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S We are very grateful for the guidance and support that Rav and Rebbetzin Neuberger have provided to our family over the years. It is wonderful to be part of a community characterized by a premium on family values and legitimate emphasis on spiritual growth. We recognize the impact of the Rav and Rebbetzin in imparting these messages to our shul. Aliza and Benjy Rubin versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, We would like to personally express our Hakaros Hatov for the teaching and spiritual guidance that you have provided us for over twenty years. May Hashem give you the strength and good health to continue leading our community and klal yisroel for many years to come. Chanie and Barry Saffern versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S In honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin for the tremendous devotion with which they serve our kehilla, and the unparalleled kavod they demonstrate to all our mispallelim. With sincere admiration and gratitude, Roberta and Rafe Safier versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S To our esteemed Rav and Rebbetzin, Our family is so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community lead by such amazing role models. Your guidance and dedication to your congregants is an inspiration to us. May we only continue to share in many more simchas in the future. Rena & Mendy Strulowitz Moshe, Tani, Ayelet & Sari versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal tov and thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin for all that you do for our community. You are true role models for us all. Sheri and Lieber Schachter versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger on leading the Beth Abraham community for 25 years. We look forward to joining the kehilla and benefiting from your leadership in the near future. Rachel and Menachem Schechter and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S We join the Kehilla in honoring the Rav and Rebbetzin for all that they have done for the community and beyond. Thank You! Jonathan and Jodi Schmeltz & Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov! Beracha! Vehatzlacha! With Deep Affection and Gratitude, Pauline & Herb Schneider versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well-deserved honor. Thank you for everything you do for the shul and the entire community at large. Roni, Rivki, Akiva and Kaylie Schwartz versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S To our wonderful Machatanim, We feel so blessed to share children and grandchildren with you, as they reflect and exude your exceptional midos. May Hashem shower you with brius haguf and bless you in both ruchnious and gashmious so that you are able to continue your selfless avodas Hashem for decades and decades... caring for and leading His children. With fondness, love and admiration, Moishe and Gila Schwerd versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for our family and for the entire community. Your words of Torah and Chizuk are so inspirational and help guide us through the good times and the more difficult ones. Both of you serve as role models for our children as they grow up in this special community. We look forward to IY”H spending many more years together with you and your beautiful family. Mazal Tov on this very special honor! Sincerely, Yechiel and Sara Engel and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger Thank you for all that you do for our shul and our community. You are wonderful Torah role models for us and for our children. May you continue to infuse our community with your Torah wisdom and guide us with your warmth, kindness and caring devotion "Ad Meah V'Esrim" Yoni and Shawna Weber and family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S The Sisterhood of Beth Abraham expresses our הכרת הטוב and gratitude to the Rav and Rebbetzin for your inspirational guidance and boundless support for all of our projects and endeavors. Your model leadership has created a ֱקהיֹלהthat is respected and admired worldwide. We look forward to many future years of continued leadership and growth. versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to the Rabbi and Peshi on your honor tonight. Thank you for being such an integral part of our lives over the past 20 years. You lead by example and have been there for us in so many ways. May Hashem reward you both with good health and continued Nachas from your beautiful family, and the greater Teaneck/Bergenfield community should continue to benefit from your sage leadership for many years to come. Fondly, Suzanne and Avi Stokar versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rav Neuburger and Peshi We feel so proud and honored to be part of the shul and community that you two have built. From the day we moved to the community you always made us feel so welcome and comfortable. Your dedication knows no bounds and we are so lucky to be the beneficiaries of it. Thank you for everything that you have done in the last 25 years and for continuing to go above and beyond in every way imaginable. Stephanie, Adam, Shayna, Avi and Rebecca Summers versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on this well-deserved honor. The impact that the Rav and Rebbetzin have had on our Shul and the community at large are immeasurable. We feel privileged to benefit from their leadership and guidance on a regular basis. We thank the Rav and Rebbetzin for their endless dedication and we look forward to sharing many smachot with them for many years to come. Alissa & Asher Teigman and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov! Thank you for all that you do for our community. Laurie & Alan Teller and family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on this much deserved honor. We are happy and feel privileged to celebrate 25 wonderful years at Beth Abraham with you. Tami & Eric Teller and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, May you continue to be a source of inspiration to our community for many years to come Ruchi and Jonathan Tiger and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov to our Rav and Rebbetzin on this well deserved honor. We thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of each individual in our community. Your guidance, love and concern has touched our lives and that of countless others. May Hashem grant you many, many more years of health and happiness together with your family and our community. Debra & Glenn Tolchin versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Dear Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi, We want to thank you for your constant leadership, guidance, and commitment to our family, our shul and our wonderful community. We feel blessed to be a part of it. Mazel Tov on this 25th year milestone! Karen and David Wagner and Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, Words cannot express our hakarat hatov towards you both. Between surgery questions, kashrut questions, bikur cholim and overall eitzah on everything, we feel so blessed to not only be lucky to have you as our rav and rebbetzin, but we are more blessed to call you true friends. With continued bracha and hatzlacha. You both deserve this honor. We could not be happier to be a part of this wonderful kehilla. Mazel tov! Aliza, Roniel, Yonina, Sam and Alex Weinberg versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Rabbi and Peshi, Thank you for inspiring our family for the past 18 years. Susan and Larry Wiseman versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Mazel Tov To The Rav and Rebbetzin On the First 25 years !!!!עִד מאה ועשרים שנה Leah and Jackie Stromer versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S With Sincere Appreciation for Your Leadership, Friendship and Guidance Throughout the Years. Mazel Tov! Susan and Jake Blank versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of our family and Klal Yisrael. The Lewin Family versary Celebration i n n A Pa r e v l i ge S אשרינו שיש ֹלנו רבי כזה We join with the Beth Abraham community to pay tribute to our Rebbe, Rav Yaakov Neuburger, and Rebbetzin Peshi. We are grateful for all the years of . והִדרכה, עצה,תורה Hashem should bless both with the כחto continue having such an impact on .כֹלֹל ישראֹל With much הכרת הטוב, Lily and Michael Weichholz Kaitlyn and Aaron Schlusselberg תורת חסד על לשונם With ever-growing respect, admiration, and gratitude to מורינו Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger For the blessed opportunity to be inspired and instructed by regularly experiencing at close quarters your singular blend of loving sensitivity and penetrating wisdom both fueled by a remarkably rare humility in the presence of הקב"ה ,עמוקה בהכרה רבה ובהוקרה Yaffa and Tanchum and Family From Your "Uninvited" Guests: Peshi, we rely on you to write these ads so… FILL IN THE BLANK With much love, Your Siblings החיים והשלום וכל טוב לידידנו הדגול רב פעלים לתורה ולתעודה הרה"ג ר' יעקב נויבורגר שליט"א לעת הכבדו במסיבה השנתית של ק"ק בית אברהם כמלאות לו עשרים וחמש שנה בה הוא מכהן פאר כרב ופוסק ויועץ לכל מבקש דבר ה' כה יוסיף לו השי"ת ברכה והצלחה כהנה וכהנה להמשיך בעבודתו הקדושה יחד עם נוות ביתו הרבנית פעשא תחי' מתוך בריאות ושמחה והרחבת הדעת עד ביאת גוא"צ בב"א מאת מוקיריו וידידיו ראשי ישיבת רבנו יצחק אלחנן ומנהליה Mazel to the Rav & Rebbetzin With a profound sense of hakaros hatov, we thank you for all that you have done and continue to do on a daily basis for our shul and the entire community. Your wisdom, Torah learning, guidance, warmth and selfless devotion are the very foundation of our shul and treasured by all. May Hashem bless you and your entire family with good health, and happiness, and grant you the strength to continue your inspirational work. Bryan & Ora Alter Mazal tov Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger You are an outstanding couple in every way! Your leadership, sensitivity, chessed, guidance, generosity & ahavat אorah are a inspiration to all who come in contact with you. May Hashem grant you both good health & strength to continue your avodat kodesh on behalf of the Shul & klal Yisrael. May Hashem's light always shine on your wonderful family. Thank you & we are indebted to you. Mark & Debbie Apfel & Family Thank you Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger for all that you do for Klal Yisrael, our community, our shul and our family. We appreciate your hard work and dedication and especially your wise counsel. May you continue to enjoy much nachas from the community, shul and your own family. Yosifa & Chaim Book, Benjamin, AJ, Gavi, Meira and Eitan With much gratitude to our Rav & Rebbetzin May hashem continue to bless you with good health, happiness, and much nachas from your family and your Beth Abraham family Mazel tov! Scott & Rivki Chudnoff and Family In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, pillars of the community and role models to all. May Hashem grant you the strength to continue to lead and and inspire. Thanks for all that you do, Yair & Mindy Daar With much respect and appreciation for Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger and the wonderful kehilah they have built. Kenny and Odelia Danishefsky In honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin, Your thoughtfulness, modesty, warmth, scholarship and leadership are an aspirational model to all of us. With admiration and regard, Sara and Judah Diament Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this incredible milestone. May Hashem give you the strength to continue your great work for many years to come. Yehoshua and Chani Dym Congratulations to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well deserved honor. May you continue to be a source of strength and leadership to the entire community. Mazel Tov, Daniel & Miri Edell Choosing a community was easy knowing that we would have the privilege of raising our family in a Shul under the guidance of Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger. From the Rav's inspiring derashos and shiurim to the Rebbetzin's kindness and warmth we want to express our deep appreciation for all that you do for us personally and for the community as a whole. We should be zoche that we should continue to be inspired by you together in Yerushalayim. Pessie and Jason Finkelstein With gratitude to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger for your constant guidance for our entire family, especially our children. Mazel Tov on this wonderful milestone. Elissa and Barry Finkelstein and Family Mazel Tov to our dear Rav and Rebbetzin The example you set in how you live your lives continues to serve as an inspiration to all of us, and elevates our entire community. Lisa and Yosi Fishkin and Karen Zheutlin To our dear Rav and Rebbetzin, When we moved to this community, it was obvious to us that we would join Beth Abraham because of our deep respect for you. That respect and friendship has only grown stronger over the years and we are very grateful to be part of your Beth Abraham family. David and Malka Flamholz Mazel Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger You are two very special people whose efforts and dedication to Cong Beth Abraham and to the entire community are evident in all that you do. Wishing you many more happy and healthy years together with each other and with our community. Lisa and Jacky Fleischman We want to wish you both all of the Mazel in the world and want to thank you for all of your care for us and the entire congregation . I want to also thank you for helping the PTACH students in the community and last but not least for laughing at my jokes (at least most of them). May continue to have the strength to give us strength and guidance. All the best from Fox 5. Steve, Chary, Meir, Moshe and Aliza With tremendous HaKaras HaTov to our Rav and Rebbetzin Miriam and Ehud Fried and Family Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger. We are so appreciative for all that you have done for us and for our community. Thank you so very much for your guidance and for being exceptional role models that we can try to learn from. Nora & Sam Friedman Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor. We really appreciate all you have done on a personal level and for the entire community. Our children look forward to coming to your house every sukkos and the warm greetings you show them every shabbos morning. May we continue to have many more opportunities to share in simchas together. Rachel and Yossi Friedman and Family In honor of Rav Yaakov & Peshi Neuburger. Our community is so fortunate to have you as our spiritual leaders. May you continue to lead our community for many years to come. Elise & Zvi Ginsberg In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger Whose guidance and insight have shaped Bergenfield into the flourishing Orthodox community it now is. May their warm smiles and deep devotion inspire us for many years to come. Fondly, Rachel and Menachem Gold Mazal Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well-deserved honor. Thank you for that you have done for our family. We are so grateful to be a part of this community under your leadership. Davida and Josh Greenberg and Family To the Neuburgers, Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor! Meish especially is proud of all your remarkable accomplishments in the shul and community, despite his inability to be here full-time to guide you. Onward and upward! With much love, Chaya and Meish (Rosh HaYeshiva, Meish HaTorah) Mazel tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger Thank you for all you do on behalf of our shul and community. Tammy and Moshe Greenberg To our esteemed Rabbi and Rebbetzin: We are so lucky to have you both as leaders of our community. Thank you for your friendship and kindness towards our family over the many years. May we continue to celebrate together for many years to come. With Fondness, Devra & Uri-Shai, Moshe, Ora, Benjamin, and Aryeh Gutfreund Dear Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger, Beth Abraham is blessed to have your unbounded love and leadership. We thank you for your unwavering selfless dedication to Beth Abraham & Klal Yisrael. May Hashem continue to grant you both much bracha to continue gracing us with your abundant piety for much more than another 25 years. Carl & Gila Guzman Temima, Eitan, Ahuva, Aliza & Rephael Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, Thank you for everything you do for the community. Wishing you many more years of health, happiness and success in our community. Hertzberg Family With gratitude to the Rav & Rebbetzin for their tireless efforts on behalf of our Kehila. May you continue to go from strength to strength in good health and happiness. Your warmth and concern for every individual's issue is appreciated more than you will ever know. Mazel tov on reaching this milestone anniversary. Naomi & Michael Hoffman Yosef, Sonia, Chevy, Esti & Chaya Mazal Tov Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well deserved honor. Thank you so much for your many years of dedication to the Shul and our family. Avi, Stacey, Natan, Yael and Adira Horowitz Mazel tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin. May Hashem grant you many more years of brachah and hatzlachah as you continue to lead and inspire our community and Klal Yisrael. Yehuda and Shira Isenberg Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger on a most deserved honor. It's been our pleasure and honor to learn from you both for many years. Thank you and mazel tov! With love and appreciation, Michal and Ovi Jacob and Family Mazel Tov to our Rav and Rebbetzin The commitment, dedication and devotion that you have shown to our community is truly amazing!! With all of our gratitude, Janice and Steven Jacobs Daniella, Seth, Kaylie and Kira The Rav and Rebbetzin's constant devotion to the community makes our community special. Tamar and Josh Kahn Mazal Tov and best wishes to our beloved Rav and Rebbetzin upon receiving this most deserved honor and recognition. With tremendous hakaras hatov we pray that Hashem grant you good health and great wisdom to continue to lead us ad yimos hamashiach and beyond. Leah & Phil Kazlow and Family In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this wonderful milestone. Thank you for all you do for the community. May you have many many more years of continued hatzlacha and bracha in good health and with much nachas. Shira and Yitzi Kessock Mazal Tov to our favorite Rav and Rebbetzin! You are an inspiration to us all. Shari & Ron Koesterich In honor of Rav Yaakov & Peshi Neuburger. Your leadership, guidance, dedication and warmth have made our shul and community what they are today. May you continue to lead us in good health for many years to come. Aaron & Ora Kornbluth Hindi, Nicki & Talya Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor. We are grateful to live in your community, are glad of your advice on a daily basis, and we wish you many more wonderful years here. Wish very best wishes, Elizabeth and Alexander Kratz Mazel Tov to the Rabbi and Rebbetzin on this honor. The community is so fortunate to have you as its leaders. Risa and Moshe Lamm Mazal tov to our dear Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger. We are grateful for all that you do and represent for our shul. We are proud to be a part of the community that you lead. Tiffany and Seth Lebowitz Dear Rabbi and Peshi: It is impossible to put into words how much of an impact you both have had on us and our family. We feel very privileged to call you our Rav and Rebettzin. Thank you for your Torah, leadership, inspiration and friendship. May you both continue leading our community in its Avodas Hashem for many years to come. With heartfelt thanks and warm wishes. Adina and David Lederer Netanel, Sarah, Nachi and Dovi Mazel Tov on this wonderful occasion. We truly value your leadership, teaching and overall guidance for each of us as well as our community at large. We hope to have the z'chus to continue this relationship for many years to come. Cheryl, Yussie, Tzipora, Shayna, Rachel and Tamar Leiser Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger We are sorry we cannot be with you to celebrate this special occasion. When we moved here, frum Jews never heard of Bergenfield. Bergenfield was placed on the map, because of your tireless efforts, and compassion. May you both continue to go from strength to strength. Sharon, Fred, and Yehuda Lisker Mazel tov and best wishes to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well deserved honor. Your 25 years of tireless efforts and boundless חסד on behalf of our community and כלל ישראל are an inspiration to us all. With much admiration and gratitude, Shoshana and Chanan Liss To our dear Rav and Rebbetzin: Mazel Tov on this momentous occasion. Thanks for all you do for us, our shul, our community and Klal Yisroel. Warmest regards, Michelle, Adam, Abby, Talya and Kira Lowensteiner Mazel tov on 25 wonderful years. Your leadership has been inspirational in every possible way. May you both go from strength to strength. Cindy & Jerry Mallow SHIR HAMAALOS 15 Ma'alos of Rav Yaakov and Peshi (With apologies to Dave, "Top Ten" does not suffice for our Rav and Rebbetzin) 15 - "Black books" for Yomim Noraim 14 - Shalach manos that we finish eating before we get to the end of Peshi's Purim Poem 13 - B'ron Yachad - The Shavuos morning pre-vasikin song 12 - Tha Rav's terrific sense of humor 11 - A fire drill at a wedding 10 - Pre-Bat Mitzvah classes with Peshi 9 - Caring to know the name of every child in shul 8 - Neilas HaChag 7 - Thursday night post-Maariv Chumash chaburah 6 - Annual moving description of the Korban Pesach in the Beis HaMikdash 5 - Regal role models for children and adults 4 - Rav Charlop's visits 3 - Creating the first nightly beis medrash program in Bergen County 2 - Fostering a warm, spiritual shul for bakovidike davening 1 - And thank you for putting Bergenfield on the Jewish map! With heartfelt thanks for 25 years of inspiring leadership (and even longer friendship), Elozor and Batsheva Preil and Family To our Rav and Rebbetzin Thank you so much for all you have done for our family and the community as a whole. Your warmth both within the shul and outside have inspired us all and has provided an incredible chinuch for our families. May you and your family enjoy continued nachas for many more years to come. Laurie and Brian Gopin Shmuel, Daniel, Dovid, Baila, Miri, In honor of our Rav and Rebbetzin עשה לך רב וקנה לך חבר Thank you for all of the warmth, guidance and Torah knowledge that you continue to give to our family and community. Chana & Tsachi Meyers Atara, Ariana, Akiva, Talya and Gavriel Thank you very much for all you have done for our family. With our greatest admiration and our deepest affection. Ari & Shani Motechin and Family Rabbi and Peshi, Thank you for your modesty, your limitless understanding, your caring manner, your kindness, and your leadership. Barry and Janet Nash We are thankfully ever mindful of the blessings that we have received of being part of a community who treasures goodness and friendship, harmony and humility, davening and learning and above all spiritual growth. We are so grateful to all of you for the warmth that our family has always enjoyed and for your concern for our welfare and happiness. Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger Mazal tov to Rabbi Yaakov & Peshi Neuburger Henry & Mindy Orlinsky, Yonatan, Yael and the entire family To our Rav and Rebbetzin It is truly an honor and privilege to be members of your Kehilla and neighbors. May we be blessed to continue to share Smachot and milestones with you and your exemplary family! Fondly, Jeff and Shara Paley Netanel, Kira , Mimi and Gavriel In honor Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger with hakoros hatov for all you have done and IY"H will continue to do for Klal Yisrael, and for your guidance and a precious friendship. May you be blessed with nachas from your family and the community and may we share milestones for years to come, till 120, b'ezras Hashem. Steve and Ofra Parmett N N ew members are welcomed in their home for Shabos hospitality and "getting to know you" E E xhibit immense kindness at the most sensitive and needed times U U nbelievable gramen and festivities on Purim nightÂ… if you can squeeze in (312 Briarcliffe) B B ourbon or Scotch? A lichayim at Â"the RebbeÂ" on Purim, while picking up the cleverest mishloach manos poem in town, courtesy of Peshi U U sually found in the Bais Medrash every Monday night giving a fantastic Gemarah shiur, including trademark humor R R ousing, poignant, heaven-piercing Nieelah, and penetrating mayah kolos G G ives chidren privledge of Hafrashas Challah at Matzah baking, making their day E E nthusiastic “Good Shabbos, Shlomo!”, and honored him forever with serving as sandak R R emembers to wear safety sashes and cross at the corner of “Neub”ridge Road S S weetness and kindness...Vichol Nisievosayhem Shalom - loy”t With immeasurable Hakaras Hatov, Zvi and Ida Plotzker and Family Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, Mazel Tov on this wonderful acknowledgment. All the hard work and guidance you both give to our community is greatly appreciated. with sincere gratitude, Elana & Stephen Rabinowitz and Family Mazal Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this very special occasion. We are so honored to have you as our leaders. David and Shani Ratzker Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger, Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor. We feel so grateful to be members of your congregation and are constantly amazed at all that you do for your community on a daily basis. With much appreciation, Daniella and Jamie Stadtmauer Mazal Tov to Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well-deserved honor. We greatly appreciate everything you do for us personally, our shul and community, Etana and Chaim Berkowitz Rabbi and Peshi, We have tremendous thanks and appreciation for all that you do, in both words and deeds for our community. May Hashem bless you with the ability to continue your great work and inspire others to follow in your extraordinary paths. With much admiration for the both of you, Daniel, Orite and the Rubenstein Kinder Thank you to our Rav and Rebbetzin for all you do. B'vracha, Devorah & Jonathan Schloss For all you do, this Bud's for you.... (Murray made me write that !) No words can express how much you mean to our families and community. You are an inspiration to us all. Mazel Tov Renee & Murray Schneier & Family While looking for wise words to properly thank our Rav and Peshi, we came upon quotes that may have been spoken by our dear guests of honor. "Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours." "I never said half the things I said." "I guess I've got a smart wife." "If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be." "If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer." "I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question." "I just want to thank everyone who made this day necessary." (And to think that this genius actually comes from none other than Yogi Berra) With devotion and gratitude to all you have done for us communally and personally Yocheved and (Jefferson) Nathan Lindenbaum Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger, You have both devoted your lives to making Beth Abraham a place of serious torah study and mitzvot observance-focused on both our relationship with the Ribono Shel Olam and with people. The shul is a place of welcoming and openness where we come to find spirituality, friendship, and guidance. Thank you for 25 years of service to our community! Fondly, Naalla, Keith, Lena & Noam Schreiber In honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin, whose leadership in ruchnius and simchas hachaim are an inspiration to us all. B'kavod, Tamar and Aaron Sheffey תנו כבוד לתורה In honor of Rav Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger for all that they do for us, our family and the community. May you continue your Avodas Hakodesh for many years to come. Fondly, Rena & Chaim Shulman and Family Rabbi and Rebbetzin Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our shul and community throughout the years. We look forward to many years to come. Elana, Dov, Yakira, Ahuva, Ariella and Dalia Smilow To Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi, Thank you for always being there to guide us, inspire us and give us chizuk. Your dedication, warmth and insight have truly made our shul what it is today. Mazel Tov With Much Appreciation, Carol & Jeff Smilow Thank you for your guidance and leadership. We are always touched by your sincere interest and care in our family's life. We feel so blessed to have both of you as our mentors and neighbors. Danya and Aryeh Stechler Mazel Tov to Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi Lore and Jerry Stein To our Rav and Rebbetzin, Thank you for all you do for our family and the entire Kehilla. We are forever grateful for your care and concern and hadrachah. Wishing you good health, bracha and continued nachas from the Kehilla and your family. With much appreciation and respect, Yael and Donny Tuchman and Family Mazal tov to the Rabbi and Rebbetzin, and a special mazal tov to the kehilla for being zoche to have such a wonderful couple. A special yashar koach to the committee who twenty five years ago had the foresight, wisdom, and luck to pick such a perfect pair. That means you: Barbara teller, Steve Fox, Michael Kirshner, Ron Koesterich, and Yonky Berger. A shout out to Meish and Chaya, and while I am normally sorry to miss you, this time (as I am in Israel) I can't say the same. Yonky and Sara The Bergers of Bergenfield In honor of Rav and Rebbetzin Neuburger for your selfless devotion and tireless dedication to our family and the Beth Abraham community which is unparalleled. We thank you for all that you do. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant you Arichas yamim yishanim together in the best of health with joy and nachas. Miriam and Rafi Warburg and Family To our dear Rav and Rebbetzin, Thank you for all that you do for us on a personal and communal level. Your tireless efforts, care & concern are so greatly appreciated and a source of inspiration to our entire family. May you continue to have the strength to guide us in good health for many years to come! Moshe Tzvi and Alisa Weinberg & Family It is with great respect and admiration that we wish Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger who have served and continue to serve our community selflessly wtih an abundance of love. Adina and Ezra Wiener and Family Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger! Thank you for your years of guidance and leadership (and answers to our complicated and not-so-complicated questions). Cindy and Israel Wiesel Mazal Tov to the community for the privilege of having Rabbi and Mrs. Neuburger in their midst for 25 years. May we merit their continued inspirational leadership AD MEAH V'ESRIM SHANA Melvin and Florence Zelefsky June 2015 - Iyar 5775 In honor and appreciation of our colleague, Rabbi Yaakov Neurburger and his Rebbetzin Peshi. Your insightful Torah wisdom, your warm, perceptive, and caring Halachic and personal guidance, and your remarkable devotion to your Kehillah and to our entire community serve as an inspiration to us all. The Va’ad HarabbonimRabbinical Council of Bergen County Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Peshi Thank you for all you do! Best Wishes, Maddi & Bob Friedbauer Sue & Milt Rosenblatt Miriam & Leon Schenker FULLSERVICEACCOUNTING&TAXSERVICESFOR ALLCORPORATE&PERSONALNEEDS One University Plaza, Suite 311, Hackensack, NJ 07601 (201) 525 – 1222 696 Palisades Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666 (201) 692 – 8188 Inf o@srf In Honor of Rabbi Yaakov, Shlita, and Rebbitzen Peshi, Shetichye, Neuburger We thank you for the special friendship that we have shared for so many years and for all that you have done for our family and for the Teaneck/Bergenfield (OK, Bergenfield/Teaneck) Community May HKB'H grant you arichus yomim v'shonim with much nachas from your wonderful family. B'hokoroh, Manny and Helen Adler On behalf of Yeshiva University and the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, we are delighted to wish a mazal tov to Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuberger as they are honored at the Congregation Beth Abraham dinner, which marks their 25 years of service to the Bergenfield community. How fortunate is the Beth Abraham kehillah to benefit from the leadership, wisdom and chesed of their extraordinary Rabbi and Rebbetzin! For a quarter-century, the Neubergers have grown the Shul with their Yirat Shamayim, clarity of Torah vision and exceptional Ahavat Yisrael. While they consistently uplift the community with their shiurim and divrei Torah, they inspire primarily through the stellar example they set of kindness and Avodat Hashem. Rabbi Neuberger is a diamond of our Yeshiva, a devoted Rebbe and constant source of guidance for his talmidim. His halachic expertise and sage counsel is sought by our rabbanim both in the walls of the Yeshiva and by musmakhim serving Jewish communities around the world. Perhaps most importantly, Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi are "rodfei shalom" in a fractured world. Their ways are ways of pleasantness and most beautifully fulfill the promise of Chazal: "Talmidei Chachamim - marbim shalom ba'olam". We join the Beth Abraham kehillah in saluting and celebrating these unique manhigei Yisrael. Warm Regards, Richard M. Joel Rabbi Marc Penner Yasher Kochachem to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger or this most deserved honor. Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Rabbi Ari Zahtz, Rabbi Jason Finkelstein, The Executive Committee and Board In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger With our gratitude for your outstanding dedication and tireless efforts on behalf of Congregation Beth Abraham and the Teaneck Mikvah. We are blessed to be a part of this community that has grown under your leadership. Bryna & David Malitzky Shani & Aaron Malitzky Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neuburger: The extent of your contributions and efforts on behalf of the greater Teaneck and Bergenfield community, and klal yisrael beyond, knows no bounds. To be able to learn from you is a privilege and to interact with you is an inspiration. May you be blessed with many more years of success in all of your endeavors. Chazak Chazak Ve'nitchazek Shoshana and Yehuda Halpert With much gratitude for your boundless acts of kindness, sincerity and gentleness, your many years of warmth and leadership of our Shul, we wish you a hearty Mazel Tov for this earned Kibbud. May you continue your wonderful work in good health and may you continue to have much nachas from your beautiful family. Malka & David Hendlish Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger True community leaders are an unusual treasure. Their guidance and consistency are a model for us all. Thank you for all that you do. Janet & Phil Hyman Mazal tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger We are grateful for the guidance and wisdom you have shared with us. Rivka and Moshe Kahan To our rebbetzin and teacher, Thank you for being our role model as we reach Gil mitzvot. Thank you for your time, your insight, and of course , the yummy snacks. We hope to continue our relationship with you as we grow into nishei chayil The bnot mitzvah of 5775 (and their appreciative parents!) Dear Rebbie and Peshi l'oyt From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all the chasodim you have done for others and for us, now.... and for the last 25 years. Sincerely, and b'chavod rav u'veyididut raba Susie and Robert Katz With endless gratitude for all that you do, there are no words. May Hashem grant you and your family only blessings and health. With our love, Nancy and Tzvi Fishman and the Miller Children Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger on this well-deserved honor. With thanks and gratitude for sharing your wisdom and talents with our Rav, our shul, and our greater community over the years. May Hashem bless you and your family with good health and continued success in your ever-increasing impact on the strength and future of our community. With respect and admiration, Congregation Ohr HaTorah Rav Zvi Sobolofsky, Morah DÂ'Asrah Binny Baum, President Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger on this well deserved honor. Your dedication and commitment to the community has no boundaries. Deborah and Dwayne Pechet Aryeh, Amira and Crosby too!!!!! Mazal Tov Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger! May Hashem give you both the strength to continue your invaluable work and dedication to our community and to Klal Yisrael. Tovah and Daniel Reich We thank Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger for the gracious way they provide Torah, Chinuch and guidance for our family and the broader community. We pay respect to the Shul for being a true Makom Torah Tamar and Avi Retter To Rav Yaakov & Rebbetzin Peshi In appreciation & celebration By your shining example you have shown us the true derech on which to pattern our congratulations and high fives (you're not the only ones who can rhyme!) on this well deserved honor. May you go m'chayil l'chayil, from silver to gold, and may you see much nachas from your beautiful family and your appreciative kehilla family. Allan & Zecie Schiff We are very priveleged to have Rabbi Yaakov & Peshi Neuburger lead our kehilla with the upmost dedication and care. We have lived here for 13 years and don't know a life in Bergenfield without you. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We value your friendship as well as your guidance. Our sincerest gratitude for all you do- Shana & Jonah Schmidt & Family Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger Mazal Tov on this wonderful and well deserved honor. You have done so much for this shul and our community over the past 25 years. I remember the very first shabbos in our shul together all those years back. Hashem should bless you to continue His work in inspiring the shul, the community, and the jewish people. Pnina and Jason Suss To Rav & Rebbetzin Neuburger for your spectacular Chesed, tremendous Torah leadership, and sterling personal examples. May you continue to go me 'chayil el chayil and see nachas from your family and the entire community. Romy & Avrami Tabacznik and Family Wishing our dear mechutanim, Reb Yaakov and Peshi, continued success, good health and nachas in all of their endeavours. May our families share many more smachot together. With warmest regards from the Great White North. Nosson and Sara Westreich Toronto, Ontario Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger, a MOST deserving couple! Shlomo and Naomi Wohlberg In honor of, and with gratitude to, the Morah D'asrah and Rebbetzin, Rav Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger, for all they do for the community and for כבוִד שמים Lyle and Lydia Zuckier Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger on a well deserved honor. Paula and Howie Friedman To Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi It is because of you, that the shul has prospered as it has Lech Mechayil Lchayil Sybil and Jerry Geyer Serena and Paul Koppel and Family Mazel tov Rabbi and Peshi Neuburger on this well deserved honor Torah, Yirat Shamayim and Midot Tovot are the hallmarks of your leadership within the Jewish community. You are a true inspiration to all. Kudos to our children Rena and Mendy Strulowitz for a job well done! We are proud of you! Michelle and Michael Schwartz In honor of Rabbi Yaakov and Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger Your tireless dedication to Torah learning and the Jewish People are an invaluable asset to klal Yisrael. May Hashem bless you with strength and good health to continue your noble work for many many years to come. Alan and Rochel Feld In honor of In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Neubuger Harav Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger and their tireless devotion to our community. A true inspiration to us all! Fondly, Avraham Simcha and Aviva Adler Rabbi Neuburger and Peshi, Thank you for your kindness and guidance and always with a smile. Andrea and Michael Ferber Zvi and Chaya Bernstein and Family Mazal Tov to Rabbi Yaakov and Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger Thank you for everything you do for our community. Judith and Zevi Fischer L'chavod Rav and Rabbetzin Neuburger, We express our Hakaras HaTov for all you have done to develop our community into a makom Torah and a place of growth. We feel so lucky to have you as role models for our family. In honor of a couple who exemplify true attributes of Torah leadership, scholarship and Middos ans well as "menshlichkeit". Thank you for all you do for the Klal. With much gratitude, Aliza and Jonathan Frohlich and Family Susan Dworken Koss and Fred Koss In grateful appreciation to To Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi, for their 25 years of service to Beth Abraham. Your leadership inspires all of us and you are true role models for us and our children. Thank you so much for your friendship inspiration and guidance. Mazel Tov, Your presence changes the nature of our entire community and effects each of us profoundly and personally Amy and Eli Wolk and Family Benzion Scheinfeld IN MEMORY OF MRS SHIRLEY KOHN WHOSE ELEGANCE AND CHARM GRACED OUR SHUL WITH LOVE FOR MANY YEARS. MAY HER MEMORY BE A BLESSING Dear Mrs. Neuburger, We're so lucky to have had you as a teacher this year. Your class has given us a newfound appreciation for Tehillim and has taught us that each mizmor contains many valuable ideas, lessons, and themes about Dovid's life and how they apply to each of us. Thank you so much! Mazal tov! Rabbi Yaakov & Peshi Neuburger Love, Bruriah class of 2015 Mazel Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin from the Baidas We are a lucky community to have you both. Wishing you both many more years of good health and brocho. ---The Docks Mazal Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin on this honor. Fondly, Robyn and Yaakov Geffner With deep appreciation for Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger. Moshe and Shifra Shapiro Mazal tov and may Hashem continue to give you strength to lead our community! Yocheved Turk Thank you Rabbi and Rebbetzin Neuburger for your years of heartfelt caring of our community! The Unterman Family
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