Shabbos Toldos November 21 – November 22 /29 MarCheshvan

Shabbos Toldos
November 21st – November 22nd /29 MarCheshvan
Friday November 21st
6:28v/6:30/7:10 am
4:16 pm
4:20 pm
Main Shul (Poloner)
Bais Medrash
Repeat krias shema after 5:23 pm
Chumash Rashi at the Neuburger
home, 312 Briarcliffe Rd. at 7:45 pm
6:17 am
7:15 am
8:45 am
9:10 am
9:17 am
7:45am/9:30am/3:10 pm
2:30/4:10 pm
5:15 pm
Shabbos ends
5:23 pm
Zichron Avraham Shmuel MSL 6:20 pm
6:31v/6:50/8:00/8:45 am
6:20/6:32v/7:10 am
6:30/6:33v/7:10 am
6:30/6:34v/7:10 am
6:35v/6:50/8:00/8:45 am
Sun, Thurs
12:45, 4:20 pm
4:20 pm
4:12 pm
4:15 pm
Mon-Thurs. after mincha, 9:05,10:00 pm
L'chvodchem hayikarim loy"t – Shalom rav uveracha merubah.
As our Friday nights get longer, please increase your vigilance in
wearing the safety sashes and using the pedestrian crossings
on New Bridge Road.
The tragedies of the week, especially the brutal murder of
Jews peacefully davening have us welcoming Shabbos with the
thoughts of the injured and bereaved very much on our minds.
Following mncha we will say Tehilim on their behalf praying that
Hashem continues to protect the streets of Yerushalyim and the
cities of Israel.
We are grateful to Shimmy and Ora and our local police force
that have stepped up their presence around our shul and to Shimmy
and Ora for seeing to it that our grounds are safe and secure.
Mazel tov to Claire Strauss and family on the upcoming marriage
of Timi to Daniel Waltuch, son of Phyllis & Alan Waltuch of
Brooklyn. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Lucy Lang and Norbert &
Dorothy Strauss. Yaaleh hazivug yafeh veyivnu bayis ne’eman
Mazel tov to Nahum & Dr. Rina Felman on the upcoming marriage
of Talia to Yoni Weitz, son of Dasi and Moti Weitz of Woodmere.
Yaaleh hazivug yafeh veyivnu bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael.
Mazel tov to Helen & Joe Spiro on the recent marriage of Benjy to
Leah Lousky, daughter of Debie & Haim Lousky of California.
Yaaleh hazivug yafeh veyivnu bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael.
Mazel tov to Elise & Zvi Ginsberg on the engagement of Ari to
Alyssa Zaretsky, daughter of Elena Zaretsky and Aaron Zaretsky.
Yaaleh hazivug yafeh veyivnu bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael.
Mazel tov to Sho and Seth Poloner and family on the bar mitzvah
of Dani. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Judi & Stuart Poloner and
Pesh & Rabbi Simcha Katz. Mazel tov to the great grandmother,
Mrs. Mina Katz. Taaleh maaloh maaloh bemaalos hatorah vehayira.
Mazel tov to Pauline & Dr. Herb Schneider on the birth of a
granddaughter, born to Estee and Ariel Waintraub. Tegadluha
letorah lechupa ulemaasim tovim.
Mazel tov to Arielle & Oran Pachter on the birth of a daughter.
Tegadluha letora lechupa ulemaasim tovim.
This week after Motzai Shabbos Learning, Sinai and RYNJ invite
you to their Gala Chinese Auction at 8 pm at Keter Torah.
As the yomim tovim ebb away and we settle into our routine, we
consider when we will set time aside time for Torah study. Please
consider becoming a part of our thriving bais hamedrash - both
at night and in the early morning. Daf yomi, amud yomi, Monday
blatt shiur, Thursday blatt shiur, chaburos in halocho. machashovo
and chumash. If you have an idea for another venue please speak
to me, Rav Cohen, Brian Gopin or Seth Lebowitz. If you need a
chavrusa, please speak to me or Rav Elchanan Dulitz.
Please join the vibrant Bais HaMedrash as we welcome
Shabbos with a half hour of Torah study following kabolas
shabbos. There will be a second maariv at the conclusion of the
Please join us for the Chumash Rashi shiur on Friday night at
our home, 312 Briarcliffe Road at 7:45 pm.
{Toldos 2014-1}
Next Friday November 28th
6:30//6:36v/7:10/8:00/8:45 am
High School boys tisch led by Rav Tanchum Cohen at the
home of Rabbi Steven & Rachel Burg, 43 Frederick Place,
Bergenfield at 8 pm [sponsored by MTA; 8th grade boys
Following Hashkomo, everyone is invited to learn bechavruso,
attend daf yomi, participate in Rabbi Ross’s Ramban shiur, or
attend the new Minchas Chinuch chabura.
Daf Yomi (Yevamos 49): (i) 7:45 am (ii) after Hashkama minyan;
and (iii) one hour before regular Mincha.
Come study Sefas Emes at 8:25 am on Shabbos morning in the
main shul.
The shiur between mincha and maariv will discuss: The Dual
Aspect of Shmita.
The high school boys seuda shlishis with Rav Tanchum Cohen
will take place in 406.
Weekday Daf Yomi: S:7:35, M, Th: 5:30, T,W,F: 5:40 Night:9:15 pm
At the Monday megilah shiur (11ab) we will contintues to discuss
the introductory comments to the megillah.
The Tuesday chabura will use the comments of Rav Wolbe on the
parsha to discuss practical areas of growth at the home of
Elana & Stephen Rabinowitz, 85 Maiden Lane, Bergenfield.
The Thursday chaburos will not meet this week.
Thank you to the following for sponsoring the learning and
shiurim in shul for the upcoming week: Anonymous l’zecher
Nishmos the 3 Israeli boys who were killed: Eyal Yifrah, Gilad
Shaar and Yaakov Naftali Fraenkel and by Eva & Mordy
Rothberg in memory of Barbara Feintuch, Eva’s mother. For
future sponsorships, please email
The next shalosh seudos will be Nov. 29- contact Tsachi
Meyers if you are interested in sponsoring.
A visitation program is forming to visit senior members of our
community on Shabbos. If you would like to volunteer to visit or if
you know of someone who would like to receive a
visit on Shabbos , please be in touch with Renee
We are pleased to host the annual Yachad Shabbaton,
Shabbos Dec 5-6, Parshas Vayishlach. We are looking for (1)
community members to house and feed for Friday night dinner
(preferably members that live within a 10-15 minute walk from
shul), (2) families and high-schoolers to attend Shabbos lunch
in shul and (3) sponsors to help fund the cost of the Shabbaton.
In addition, there will be a Friday night Oneg at Shul, open to all,
which is a wonderful opportunity to meet some Yachad members
and staff in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. We encourage
everyone of all ages to get involved and participate in any way
they can! This is truly a unique experience in which we can
demonstrate hachnasas orchim to the special members of
Yachad and their staff. Families who have participated in the past
have all benefitted greatly. If you are able to help out in any of
these ways, please be in touch with Debby
The 22nd Annual Bergen County Chanukah Toy Drive is collecting new and
unwrapped toys and gifts for children and young adults. Please drop off your
donations at the Schild home, 21 Westminster Ave., Bergenfield,
by Tuesday, Dec. 9th. This is a wonderful collaborative community-wide effort
which gives to many worthy organizations located in Bergen County and
beyond. This is a terrific way to get your children involved in an amazing
chessed opportunity! Go to for more dropoff locations and
We are in the process of forming a group to meet under the leadership of
Rav Tanchum Cohen and study the Hakdama to the Rambam's Peirush
HaMishna. This is one of the Rambam's classic and essential works of Jewish
thought. Some preparation in advance of the meetings of the chabura will make
for the best learning experience, but we plan to tackle the work in small bites so
a large time commitment won't be required. It is hoped that the group would
move onto other works of the Rambam upon completion of this one. Anyone
who is, or who might be, interested in participating, please contact either
me ( or Elie Konigsberg
The Zichron Avraham Shmuel Motzei Shabbos Learning will take place in
the Social Hall, and will begin at 6:20 pm. Join us for the incredible learning,
delicious pizza, fun door prizes and, of course, the exciting raffle. This
week’s learning is sponsored anonymously in honor of Rav Yaakov and
Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger. To sponsor, please contact Zevi Fischer
The CBA Youth Minyan meets every Shabbat in the youth center at 9:15
and is designed to enhance our children’s appreciation of davening.
Currently, the minyan is geared for children in 4th and 5th grade. 9:15-9:30 –
Discussion on specific Tefilot, 9:30-10:10 – Davening, Dvar Torah delivered by
one of the children, 10:15-10:30 – Kiddush, 10:30-11:00 – Activity/Game. We
are strongly encouraging boys and girls in 4th and 5th grade to attend this
minyan as an alternative to spending the entire davening in the hallways and
lobby. Obviously, if a family prefers that their child daven with his or her parent
we are not suggesting to change that.
We have over 125 people signed up for Jewish Heritage Night at the Devils
on December 17th. The price is still only $22 a ticket. Please register before
all the seats are gone. We are running out of seats. You can fill it out the form
The CBA Youth Department has scheduled two nights of ice skating fun in
December at Fritz Dietl in Westwood. The price per skater is $10. The boys
will meet motsei shabbos December 6th from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Please register
at The girls will meet motsei shabbos December 13th
from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Please register at
Dance with Jodi Fall classes:
1st and 2nd grade: 10AM-11AM 3rd and 4th grade: 9AM-10AM.
It's time to sign up!! Meet the Members will take place on Motzei Shabbos
December 27, 2014. We look forward to everyone joining us for a fun night of
games, food (Carlos and Gabbys!!) and friends. To sign up or to help
sponsor the event, please click on the following link :
tcea06578f4. For additional information please email or
Teen Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos in 406 with Rav Cohen.
TeaneckShuls fundraiser beneficiary this year is Kosher Troops which
supports Jewish women & men in the US armed forces. Please join in this
mitzvah by supporting an American soldier. KosherTroops is run solely by
volunteers and your donation will be used entirely to ship packages and buy
food for our troops. Please make tax deductible checks payable to: Kosher
Troops & mail to: Debby Teicher, 1317 Hudson Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
for credit card donations($10 minimum) please go to:
A comprehensive county-wide Bikur Cholim website was recently launched.
Visit to find listings of the Bikur Cholim
services at all three major local hospitals, information on local medical
gemachs, and a place to share contact information to volunteer. Full listings of
community resources are also available to assist those visiting the local
hospitals from out of the area. For more information,
email One may also call 201-579-3066.
This Shabbat, at 3:10 pm at Keter Torah, Rabbi Moshe Taragin,
will speak on "Summer of 2014: Can a Settler be a Humanist?"
Following Mincha at 4:00pm, Rabbi Taragin will speak on "Two Passwords
of Zionism from Parshat Toldot."
*Zumba for girls grades K-5 continues at Rinat –ON SUNDAY MORNINGS
from 10:30-11:15AM. Sessions are $10, or purchase a $100 punch card for 10
sessions plus 1 free session.
*Ma'ayanot is pleased to present a shiur series by Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft,
on the topic: Ezra, Nechemya, Chagai & Zecharya: The Forgotten Neviim. The
series will take place on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Ma'ayanot library
through Thursday, November 20th. Ma'ayanot is located at 1650 Palisade
Avenue, Teaneck, NJ. For information on sponsorship opportunities, please
contact Pam Ennis at 201-833-4307, ext. 265. Men and women welcome.
*Yeshivat Noam invites the community to attend a weekly shiur on
Tuesdays at 9:45 AM in the Middle School Beit Knesset, 70 West Century
Road in Paramus, NJ. The shiur features a number of wonderful educators
presenting on varying topics throughout the year. The current series, "Torah
and Psychology" is presented by Rabbi Dr. Alex Mondrow, YN Middle
School psychologist, and will cover some of the areas in which Torah and
psychology overlap and integrate. Topics that will be covered include
parenting, anxiety, depression, faith in God, positive psychology and the
mitzvah to be joyful. For more information, email
*This Friday night, November 21st, at 8:00pm, there will be an Oneg Shabbat
with Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Leibowitz, Sgan Menahel and Ra"M of Yeshivat
Sha'alvim, at the home of Sandra & David Lerer, 543 Maitland Ave. in
Teaneck. For more information and for sponsorship opportunities, please email
Rabbi Reuven Ungar ( or Jacob Herenstein
*SINAI Schools and Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey Proudly
Present “Bright Futures” – A Gala Chinese Auction. Please join us for
an evening of fun, food, entertainment and amazing prizes at our third biennial
Chinese auction. The event will commence on Saturday evening, November 22,
2014 at 8:00 PM at Congregation Keter Torah in Teaneck. Auction to be held
at 11:00 PM. For more information and to purchase tickets go
*The Adult Education Committee of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun is pleased to
announce that it will be screening the NJ premiere of Beneath the Helmet, a
documentary from the producers of the acclaimed Israel Inside. The screening
will take place on Saturday night, November 22, 2014 at 8pm and will be
accompanied with a presentation by an IDF soldier and be followed by a
collation. The community is encouraged to attend, there is no charge.
*The Adult Education Committee of Cong. Rinat Yisrael presents David
Landes who will speak on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 27 after the
8:00 shacharit on the topic: Beyond Category: The Hybrid Character of Birkat
*YU is proud to announce an exciting semester of Women’s Beit Midrash.
This 6-week program will take place at the Yeshiva University Museum (15
West 16th Street) on Wednesdays, through December 3, from 10:30 a.m. to
12:45 p.m. For more information and to register for the courses, please
*Save the Date: Motsai Shabbos, Dec 6 at 8PM at the Jewish Educational
Center's Bruriah High School campus JEC Alumni Network presents Charlie
Harary in memory of beloved former principal of Bruriah, MRS. CHAYA
NEWMAN, A"H. Topic: Tapping Into Your Inner Greatness and is open to men
and women! Suggested couvert $10. Program followed by Melave Malka.
*RYNJ invites you to join us at the RYNJ Preschool Preview on Sunday
December 7th from 9:30-11:30 am. The morning will be a hands on, fun and
educational experience for prospective preschoolers and their parents who are
interested in learning more about RYNJ’s exceptional Early Childhood
Program. RSVP at
If you have an announcement to add to the Shabbos announcement sheet e-mail it by 10 AM Thursday to:
Important email addresses -;;;;;;
Beth Abraham Office Hours Mon, Tue, Thur 1-5 PM, Wed 9AM-1PM Tel: (201) 384-0434 / Fax: (201) 384-7407 Administrator– Claire Strauss
{Toldos 2014-1}