G o o d G o o d BNAI JACOB 24 Tishrei 5775 Y o m T o v ! S h a b b o s ! SHAAREI ZION CONGREGATION Shmini Atzeres /Simchas Torah/Shabbos October 15, 2014 Mishna Yomi Tamid 5:2-3 Daf Yomi Yevamos 11 YOM TOV SCHEDULE 5775 HOSHANA RABBA - WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 *Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin* Candle Lighting Mincha 6:09 pm 6:15pm SHEMINI ATZERES - THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 Daf Yomi Shacharis Seudas Leviasan Shiur in Shul Sukkah 8:00 am 8:45 am (Yizkor) 5:30 pm Mincha Auction 6:15 pm 6:35 pm Maariv/Hakafos 7:10 pm Candle Lighting Not before 7:10 pm Women’s Simchas Torah Shiur by Rabbi Hauer ~8:30 pm in the Schwartz Bais HaMedrash during 4th & 5th Hakafos Laining ~9:30 pm SIMCHAS TORAH - FRIDAY, October 17 Shacharis 8:15 am Hakafos ~9:30 am There will be Laining locations around the building for Aliyos from 9:45, while Hakofos continue. Shul Laining followed by Mussaf ~11:15 am Kiddush following davening Daf Yomi Candle Lighting Mincha Followed by Kabbolas Shabbos & Maariv ~1:00 pm 5:30 pm by 6:07 pm 6:10 pm SHABBOS - October 18 Daf Yomi Shacharis Rabbi Hauer’s Shabbos Afternoon Shiur Topic: Shemittah Mincha Shalosh Seudos/Ne’ilas HaChag Maariv 8:00 am 8:45 am 5:15 pm 5:55 pm ~7:05 pm Weekday Mincha ………………………..…… 6:05 pm Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Candle Lighting Next Shabbos ………………. 5:57 pm Friday Oct. 24 & Shabbos Oct. 25 Shacharis on Friday: 6:35, 7:45 am Mincha Next Erev Shabbos ……………..……….….6:30 pm BJSZ Simchas Torah 5775 Auction Our Simchas Torah Auction is always a fun and joyous time in shul, and an opportunity to both show honor for the Torah and support the shul. We hope you will join us! In recent years, we revised the Simchas Torah schedule in order to make the day work better for young and old. We eliminated the daytime auction and instead we will conduct the full auction for both night and day honors before Maariv on Simchas Torah night (Thursday). If you are going to be away for Yom Tov and would like to purchase a special Simchas Torah aliyah as a gift for a friend and/or to support the shul, please be in touch with the shul office, Yitzie Pretter or Ofer Lurman, who will make sure your interests are represented at the auction. Shiurim Sefer HaMitzvos Chaburah Sunday 11:00 AM Mitzvah # 72 "Korban Olah V'yored." led by R' Reuven Burkom Wednesday Night Parsha Shiur 9:00 PM given by Rabbi Hauer Location: Auxiliary Bais HaMedrash Men & Women Welcome! Shiur by HaRav Yankel Herskovitz Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00 - 9:00 PM in מסכת שביעית- תלמוד ירושלמי Location: Schwartz Bais HaMedrash Shiurim given by Rabbi Daniel Rose Monday Night Shiur 9:00 PM — The Halachos of Interest Sunday & Thursday Night Gemara Shiur at 9:00 PM Location: Schwartz Bais HaMedrash Welcome to all our members and their families, and to all guests who have joined us for Yom Tov & Shabbos! BJSZ wishes you a Chag Sameach! Our thanks to Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky for his 5 years of dedication to the Boy’s teen minyan. We welcome Avi Yudkowsky who will be taking over leadership of the teen minyan after Succos. YAHRZEITS Observed by: Date: Family Member: Linda Storch 24 Tishrei Father, Bernard Schwartz Sam Seidman 24 Tishrei Father, Harry Seidman Eva Raden 24 Tishrei Father, Moshe Rosenberg Nisa Felps 25 Tishrei Father, Martin Bazensky Ethan Dubin 27 Tishrei Mother, Charlotte Dubin Simeon Krumbein 27 Tishrei Daughter, Aliza Krumbein Frances Zywica 27 Tishrei Sister, Esther Rosenblatt Faye Brand 27 Tishrei Father, Ben Koval Marcel Blitz 28 Tishrei Father, Hirsh L. Blitz Ruth Hoffman 29 Tishrei Brother, Sidney Taub Avi Frydman 29 Tishrei Sister, Rosie Frydman Irvin Levin 29 Tishrei Mother, Esther Levin Youth Groups are upstairs beginning at 10:00 am & ending at Ein Kelokeinu. There will be groups on Shmini Atzeres & Shabbos, but not on Simchas Torah. Please be prompt to pick up your children. Sarah Malka Rosenberg, Yechezkel Leiter, Avigdor Greenwald, Chava Miriam Gryll, Noach Moshe Lurman, Yussi Perlman, Yitzchak Furman Youth Refreshments ($18) or Youth Minyan Cholent ($36). Our thanks to the following sponsors of our Simchas Torah Kiddush: Nathan & Beth Adler Isaac & Shula Ankri Efraim & Batsheva Backer Bella Balakirsky Jeff & Penina Berman Yeshaya & Shana Berzon Musia Bibliowicz Dr. Bernhard & Varda Birnbaum Rachmiel & Adiva Bloch Philip & Rivka Bogart Dov & Hyla Carey Shmuel & Feige Chernitzky Hal & Jody Crane Mrs. Naomi Daina Jack & Marlene Daniel Zvi & Faigie Danziger Drs. Ethan & Hinda Dubin Drs. Sam & Lorna Durso Max & Abby Eisenberg Lenny & Rochelle Esterson Dr. Louise Fink Dovid & Chaya Fink Stanley & Renee Fishkind Dov & Atara Frankel David Friedman David & Elizabeth Green Rabbi & Rebbetzin Hauer Dr. Norris & Gail Horwitz David Kaplan Rabbi Joseph & Mashie Katz Ami & Atara Klein Josh & Michal Kronick Yossie & Yocheved Kushner Pearl Labovitz Micha & Suri Lager Ben Tzion & Orlee Luchansky Ofer & Marcie Lurman Yakov & Shani Majeski Moshe & Adina Meister Mosheh & Devorah Nathan Yisroel & Leah Malka Pasch Eugene & Elisheva Paymar Shmuel & Shira Perlman Yitzie & Nancy Pretter Chuni & Leah Rappaport Dr. Lew, Betsy & Lila Romer Moshe & Pearl Rosensaft Chaim & Lisa Schecter Gail Schnitzer Addison & Stephanie Schonland Yohanan & Tamar Schulman George & Chava Schwartz Zecharia & Efrat Schwartz Dr. Netanel & Ina Schwob Pinchas & Lisa Seidel Yaakov & Meira Simanowitz Steve & Linda Storch Gregg & Rena Trestman Matt & Dr. Rina Walter Danny & Grace Weissmann Abe & Sylvia Zelcer The Ziman Family Thank you to Yaffa & Shula Ankri for donating the Simchas Torah candy bags. Parents please be aware that the candy bags have gumballs, which may be hazardous for small children. Thank you to Shmuel Chernitzky & Chuni Rappaport for organizing and preparing the beautiful Simchas Torah Kiddush.
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