CBY Weekly Shabbat Announcements Tishrei 21 - 30 5775 October 15-24 2014 Sukkot and Parashat Bereisheet Mevarchim Hachodesh Shabbat Schedule Oct. 17-18 Candles 5:52 PM Mincha 6:00 PM Minyanim: Hashkama 7:00 AM Old Main & Sefard 8:30 AM Moroccan 8:45 AM Main Shul 9:00 AM Young Members 9:00 AM Teen Minyan 9:00 AM Youth Groups 9:20 AM Shiurim: Ben Ish Chai Chaburah 8:00 AM After 8:30 AM Ashkenaz – Bava Metzia – Rabbi Frank Breslau and Dr. Joey Bench Daf Yomi 7:30 AM & 4:50 PM 5:20 PM Daniel Small will speak on “Shaveh L’Chol Nefesh” SHEMINI ATZERET SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 HOSHANAH RABBAH EREV SHEMINI ATZERET ERUV TAVSHILIN Candles: 5:55 PM Mincha: 6:05 PM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 שמיני עצרת YIZKOR GESHEM Shacharit: 7:00, 8:30, 9:00 AM 5:30 PM Yosef Weinberger will speak on “Finishing the Torah on Simchat Torah: Why?” 1:45 & 6:00 PM Mincha Rabbi Pruzansky will speak on “Kohelet” Maariv & Hakafot: 6:40 PM Candles after: 6:56 PM 7:15 PM Shiur for Women in the Old Main Mincha FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 Rabbi Pruzansky will speak on “Kohelet” שמחת תורה Hashkama 7:00 AM-Social Hall Shacharit in New Main and Old Main 8:15 AM Chatanim/Kol Hane’arim~10:45 AM Men’s Club Kiddush following Musaf Early Mincha: 1:45 PM Candles: 5:52 PM Mincha: 6:00 PM Ma’ariv & Shabbat ends שבת שלום חג שמח Mazal Tov to our Chattanim: MAIN SHUL SEFARD HASHKAMA MOROCCAN CHATAN TORAH Selwyn Levine Benyamin Kaminetzky Kenny Bander Michael Ryba CHATAN BEREISHEET David Miller Yitz Stern Henry Frisch Sammy Baron CHATAN MAFTIR Doron Katz Jonathan Rand Binny Kohn KOL HA'NEARIM Adam Hirsch Adam Becker Michael Naiman CHATAN MEONA 6:56 PM Weekday Schedule Oct. 19-24 Daf Yomi 7:00 AM (Sun), 5:30 AM (M – F) Shacharit: Sunday: 6:25, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:50, 9:15 AM Mon: 6:07, 6:20, 7:00, 7:20, 8:00, 8:50 AM Tues & Wed: 6:15, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:50 AM Thurs: 6:20, 7:00, 7:20, 8:00, 8:50 AM Friday – Rosh Chodesh 6:11, 6:45, 7:10, 8:00, 8:50 AM THE RABBIS, EXECUTIVE BOARD, BOARD OF DIRECTORS & THE OFFICE STAFF WISH EVERYONE HONOR 1:45 & 5:50 PM Daniel Gabbai Elior Dahan Earliest Tefillin Latest Shema Mincha Gedola 6:18 AM 9:56 AM 1:11 PM Mincha 5:55 PM Early Mincha Sun – 1:45 & 4:30 PM Early Mincha Mon – Tues 1:45 PM Late Ma’ariv Sun – Thurs 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:01, 10:45 PM Next Shabbat NOACH ROSH CHODESH Candles 5:42 PM Mincha 5:50 PM I.C.E., Inspirational College Events for post-seminary women – Rabbi & Mrs. Pruzansky invite all post seminary women to their home, 1390 Somerset Gate, for the next I.C.E. event, Shmini Atzeret afternoon, Thursday, Oct. 16 at 4:00 PM. Rabbi Pruzansky will be speaking on "The 'Punishment' of Chava". Mazal Tov: Alissa & Shimmie Horn and Marcia & David Kreinberg, on the engagement of their children Ari to Rivky Ruthie & Yossie Siev on the birth of a grandson, a son to Rena & Micky Siev, in Israel Resa & Ronnie Warburg on the birth of a granddaughter, a daughter to Meira and Yehudah Hammer Avi Aviner, on the birth of twin grandchildren, a grandson and granddaughter, to Shira & Yosi Selengut Condolences: CBY Community, on the loss of our member, Jerry Landau Darren Blackstein, on the loss of his beloved brother, Kenny Blackstein Susan Dworken Koss, on the loss of her beloved mother, Edith Haberman Barry Frank, on the loss of his beloved mother, Evelyn Frank Thank you to our candy bag sponsors: Sarah & Yoni Abenaim, Shira & Michael Ashendorf, Amy & Yoav Citron, Naomi & Boris Davidson, Chava & Jeffrey Gamss, Michelle & David Gellman, Sara & Moishe Grinfeld, Sora & Eli Grunstein, Shira & Binny Hahn, Sari & Shmuel Jacoby, Esti & Benyamin Kaminetzky, Deena & Saul Kaszovitz, Melissa & Ethan Keiser, Naomi & Robert Klinger, Shari & Yaakov Markovitz, Alisa & Stephen Levy, Elissa & Eric Melzer, Dave Norman, Mindy & Henry Orlinsky, Leyla & Daniel Posner, Dahlia & Michael Rosen, Tamar & Ross Rothenberg, Nechama & Danny Saks, Leah & A.J. Schreiber, Mugsy & Yudy Sheinfeld, Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld, Cheryl & Elliot Small, Arianne & Moshe Weinberger, Gila & Dovid Weinstein, Joanne & Ephraim Zayat, Felicia & Moshe Zwebner Thank you to Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld for sponsoring the Simchat Torah Flags. Thank You to Our Simchat Torah Men’s Club Kiddush Sponsors: Anonymous, Adam Becker, Lois Blumenfeld & Norman Sohn, Jessica & Meir Cismas, Karen & David Federbush, Linda & Milton Frank, Shelly & Henry Frisch, Tamara Heimlich & Steven Mermelstein, Adam Hirsch, Esti & Benyamin Kaminetzky and Family, Micol & Doron Katz, Binny Kohn, Linda & Leib Koyfman, Gail Landerer & Family, Sel Levine & Family, Rachelle & Steven Margulies and Family, Tova & Yosef Milgrom, Jennifer & David Miller and Family, Sharon & Shlomo Nadel, Michael Naiman, Nayowitz Family, Shani & Yitz Norman, Jonathan Rand, Ruth & Phil Roth, Tamar & Ross Rothenberg, Mindy & Muttie Stein, Gilla & Yitz Stern, Suzanne & Harold Tepler, Monique Victor, Zwebner Family Thank you to the Men’s Club for all the hard work they do throughout the year providing us with beautiful kiddushim. Thank you especially to Steven Appelbaum, Jonathan Fleischman, Danny Klein, and Neil Wermuth. Youth YOUTH HAKAFOT FOR GRADES 3 AND BELOW On Shmini Atzeret, the children will have their own Hakafot in the Social Hall, beginning at 4:30, with pizza and ice cream being served at 5:15. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join! Please note- there are no groups on Simchas Torah, Friday October 17th. Chag Sameach! Beis Medrash Program Mishna Yomit – Masechet Tamid Daily 7:45 AM, Shabbat 8:15 AM, Sunday 8:30 AM Shabbat Afternoon 4:30 PM Manny Freed z”l Parent & Child Learning Haftarah Shiur Haftarah shiur for kids Shabbat afternoon between late mincha and maariv in the back of the Beis Medrash. Monday, October 20 Rabbi Pruzansky’s Shiurim resume – 11:00 AM Women’s Shiur on Chumash, in the Beis Medrash 8:15 PM New Lecture Series “Emunah– Part I” TUESDAYS 10:15 AM Rabbi Zahtz’s shiur for women’s WEDNESDAYS Rabbi Michael Taubes’ Lunch & Learn Shiur for Seniors resumes after sukkot, on Oct. 22. Lunch at 1:00 PM followed by a shiur at 1:30 PM Please join us in the Beis Medrash from Monday – Thursday evenings from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM for the Night Seder. CBY Beis Medrash presents an opportunity to learn with a chavrusa from the YU smicha program. Learn any topic of your choice. For questions or to set up a chavrusa please contact Rabbi Jason Finkelstein at finkelsteinjason@gmail.com or (973) 493-1977. For sponsorship opportunities contact Henry Orlinsky henryo@654plaza.com, Jackie Feigenbaum jbf53@att.net or Danny Saks dsaks@genesiscm.com We are proud to announce that we will now be offering bat mitzvah classes! We'll meet about once a month and learn and have fun together! For more information and to register, please email mzahtz@gmail.com Karen Pruzansky Michal Zahtz Lost & Found - Woman’s raincoat – long, black, hooded, designer Carol Cohen, was taken from the Jefferson coat room on Shabbat. Please call 201-357-2590 or return to the shul office if you have it. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, October 20 7:30-9:00 PM COUNSELING FOR BETTER LIVING Invites You to a FREE Workshop TOUCHED BY DRAMA Workshop will be given at Congregation B’nai Yeshurun at 641 West Englewood Avenue in Teaneck Presented by Marlene Greenspan, MA, LPC, currently in private practice and the Director of Counseling for Better Living. For many years, Marlene Greenspan has created social skills programs, written weekly Counseling Corner articles, given workshops, taught classes, and published journal articles for professional organizations such as Nefesh, ACA, ASCA, and the OU. RSVP encouraged: counselingforbetterliving@gmail.com Thursday, October 23 8:00 PM PARLOR MEETING FOR FRIENDS OF THE IDF - Please join us for a Parlor Meeting to learn more about Friends of the IDF and hear from two IDF soldiers – Brit Koretzki and Eliran Naim who will recount some of their experiences. The meeting will take place at the home of Tamara Heimlich and Steven Mermelstein, 295 Rutland Ave Please rsvp to Arielle.kramer@fidf.org. Sunday October 26 9:15 AM Please join NJ Yachad's Bergen County Breakfast Reception at the home of Marcia & David Kreinberg. Honoring Joy and Barry Sklar, Bruce Prince and Amy & Yoav Citron. Yachad is dedicated to enhancing the life opportunities of individuals with disabilities, ensuring their participation in the full spectrum of Jewish Life. You can RSVP and donate at www.yachad.org/NJbreakfast14www.yachad.org/Njbreakfast14. For more information please contact Chani Herrman at herrmann@ou.org. NJ Yachad presents the Ruth Ulevitch Lang Inclusive Arts program Tuesdays-September 16-December 9, 2014 Open to local junior high and high school students and individuals with special needs -ages12+ All classes are taught under the guidance of Debbie Greenwald, director of the Art Place. Cost is $75 for all sessions .Class can be pro-rated. Please RSVP to Reva Judas at 201-833-1349 or judasr@ou.org 10:00 AM The Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation is hosting the 5K Walk for Life at Saddle River Park in Paramus. The proceeds from the Walk of Life will be used to add bone marrow donors to the worldwide registry. See here for more information: http://support.giftoflife.org/site/TR?px=1293644&pg=personal&fr_id=1150&et=cvjB4SH5RJ9LqIrpoS6dnA 11:00 AM Ben Porat Yosef invites the entire community to its annual family carnival for hours of fun. Rain or shine. $10/child 2 and older. See “America’s Got Talent’s” Elliot Zimet – Master Illusionist – at a 1PM show. Petting zoo, great new carnival games, blow up rides, arts & crafts, music, refreshments and more. Flu shots available for adults with insurance card. Blood donation on premises with complimentary glucose and cholesterol screenings. Bring a new or used stuffed animal for “Bears from Bergenfield” for donation. Contact Ruth Roth at ruthr@benporatyosef.org for info. 8:00 PM Rinat Yisrael Adult Education presents Gary Rosenblatt, Editor and Publisher of the Jewish Week, interviewed by Sandee Brawarsky, Jewish Week Culture Editor, on the topic: "The Challenges Of A Jewish Journalist: Covering One’s Community From The Inside." Gary Rosenblatt's new book, “Between The Lines: Reflections on the American Jewish Experience,” is a collection of some of Gary’s award-winning columns from The Jewish Week over the last two decades. They cover a wide range of topics, from hardhitting reporting to witty satire to warm remembrances of his childhood as “the Jewish rabbi’s son” in Annapolis, Maryland. Wednesday November 5 th 8:00 PM BEN PORAT YOSEF – OPEN HOUSE Prospective parents of children for grades Toddler (2.5) through 8 , are invited to learn about BPY, its outstanding and progressive academic program, child-centered environment, and extraordinary community. Contact Ruth Roth at 201-845-5007, x16, or ruthr@benporatyosef.org for information. RSVP appreciated, not required. Mondays 9:45 AM BMOB invites the women of our community to join us in participating in a weekly Nach shiur given by Rebbetzin Mirel Stavsky. The shiur will be part of the program of Matan’s Al Haperek. Join us this year and learn Trei-Asar and the Megillot. Once a week, Al Haperek participants receive an emailed sheet containing the weekly material, and Rebbetzin Stavsky will then give a shiur reviewing and discussing the material that has been learned independently. The program costs $130. Sponsorships are available. The shiur will be given at the home of Blanche Buchwald at 70 Van Valkenburgh Ave in Bergenfield. Please respond to Blanche Buchwald at blanchebuchwald@gmail.com or Annie Baron at abaron3@gmail.com to let us know if you are interested and able to join! Tuesdays 9:45 AM Yeshivat Noam’s Parent Education Committee invites the community to attend “Prophetesses, Queens, and Villains: th Exploring Women in Tanach,” a weekly shiur taught by Aliza Weinberg, 8 Grade Tanach teacher and Tanach Enrichment Coordinator. Dedicated to the memory of Rochi Lerner, z”l. The shiur is held in the Yeshivat Noam Middle School, 70 West Century Road, Paramus, NJ. The weekly shiur has been generously sponsored by an anonymous donor and is free of charge. For more information, please contact Amy Vogel, avogel@yeshivatnoam.org Wednesdays Tomchei Shabbos, located at 13 Foster St., Bergenfield is packing during the summer on Wednesdays at 1 pm, and needs weekly volunteers to help pack and dismantle boxes. For more info contact Karen Wagner at 201-314-1854 or Shoshana Halpert as at 201-417-0519.
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