we wish mazel tov to Joanna and Richard Lipman on the occasion of their son Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah notices BES Israel Solidarity Trip led by Rabbi Kanterovitz Thursday 30th April – Tuesday 5th May 2015 Itinerary will follow soon. Speakers include: Nir Barkat (Mayor of Jerusalem), President Rivlin, Mickey Rosenfeld (Police Chief), David Perel (Mayor of Gush Etzion), Col Peter Lerner (Defense & Iron Dome expert) and Dr Kedar. Places are filling fast - we can take another 5-6 couples so those who are interested need to contact Jonathan Taylor jonathan@investcare-vet.com www.borehamwoodshul.org/BESISraelTrip Horim Veyeladim Parents and Children’s Learning continues this Shabbat 45 minutes after Shabbat ends. For details please contact Hilary Newmark bes.horim@gmail.com. This is open to all children from years 1-6 and is for all levels of observance. They will learn at their own pace with fun worksheets and raffle prizes each week. www.borehamwoodshul.org/Horim BES presents the bar mitzvah adventure 2014-2015 borehamwoodshul.org/BarMitzvah BatMitzvah@BES borehamwoodshul.org/BatMitzvah welcome to our community service times Rosh Chodesh Kislev SUN 23 Shacharit 8.15am Mincha 3.49pm Ma’ariv Follows Mincha MON Shacharit 6.50am Mincha 1.30pm* 24 Ma’ariv 8.00pm TUE 25 WED 26 THU 27 FRI 28 We wish a warm welcome to all our members and visitors this Shabbat. 60 friday night 21st november Mincha & Ma’ariv 3.49pm at Croxdale Road*, Yavneh* and Ascot Close Shacharit 7.00am Mincha 1.30pm* Ma’ariv 8.00pm (* Gingerbread story time) shabbat 22nd november Shacharit 7.00am Mincha 1.30pm* Ma’ariv 8.00pm Shacharit 6.50am Mincha 1.30pm* Ma’ariv 8.00pm Shacharit 7.00am Mincha 3.42pm Ma’ariv Follows Mincha * Mincha takes place at Ohr Yisrael We would like to thank all those who have davenned and leined in all our services over Shabbat Parashat Toldot Mevarchim HaChodesh Machar Chodesh פרשת תולדות 22 November 2014 כ״ט חשון תשע״ה Candle lighting & Shabbat begins at PO Box 47, Croxdale Road, Borehamwood, WD6 4QF info@borehamwoodshul.org www.borehamwoodshul.org 020 8386 5227 3.49pm Shabbat ends at 4.54pm Hashkama 8.00am Main Shul, Limmud and Yavneh 9.30am Tephillah Club there is no club this week Children’s services 11.00am The Youth service commences at 9.45am in the Kol Rinah Hall The community are invited to Kiddush at the conclusion of the services The Kiddush has been sponsored by Joanna and Richard Lipman on the occasion of Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah Bnei Akiva 3.15 to 4.54pm Mincha on Shabbat is now after Kiddush and Ma'ariv is 10 minutes after Shabbat goes out at 5.04pm Horim Veyeladim 5.39pm BES IS ONE FAMILY Both Rabbonim and the HO's would like to remind the entire community that in Borehamwood and Elstree we are just one extended family. Should you need anything at all, please call either Rabbi Kanterovitz or Rabbi Boudilovsky. Both of them would be delighted to hear from you, even if it is just for a chat or to get to know you. what’s.on@BES - regular events Rabbi Kanterovitz’s Weekly Tanach Shiur and Parasha Shiur The next Parasha Shiur will take place on Wednesday 26th November and the next Monday Tanach Shiur will take place on Monday 1st December Messy Play with Bianca continues on Tuesday 25th November from 10 to 11am Entry £5 JACS continues on Wednesday 26th November at BES. Please contact Loretta Kay on 0208 953 2779 for further info. Opera Club continues on Thursday 27 November at BES at 2.00pm what’s.on@BES - upcoming events שבת 22 NOV FRI 28 NOV SUN 1 DEC שבת 5/6 DEC TUE 9 DEC CRP: www.borehamwoodshul.org/crp - CRP card collection from 10.15am to 11.00am weekly. The deadline for new registrations each week is 10.00am on Wednesday. If you registered after this time, you will not have a card this Shabbat. There is only one toddler’s service at 11.00am. For more details see the website. Bnei Akiva Family Friday Night Dinner. Contact Rosh BA, Abigail Rose on 07772304381 or via email on babe.ba@gmail.com. www.borehamwoodshul.org/BAFridayNight Women's Beit Midrash Pre-Chanukah Seminar 8.30pm at the home of Esther Boudilovsky. All women and girls welcome. www.borehamwoodshul.org/WomensChanukahSeminar Dr Mordechai Kedar, Israeli expert in Arabic literature and Arab affairs, will be joining us for Shabbat. For more information on where and when he is speaking please see www.borehamwoodshul.org/DrKedar Borehamwood and Elstree Ladies Committee and Chana present: "Is it my hormones or is it me?" An evening for women of all ages. 8.00pm at Yavneh, £7.50 Donation: www.borehamwoodshul.org/BESChanaWomen Limited spaces. To book your place, please call the Well Woman helpline on: 020 8201 7101 or email: info@chana.org.uk For more information, call Bianca Kanterovitz on: 07889 086 242. notices Guides In the New Year we will offer Guiding again for the 10+ & 14+ girls in our community on Mondays from 7-8.30pm. Please contact the District Commissioner, Penny, on 02084411202 for details or visit www.girlguiding.org.uk to register your interest online 3rd Elstree & Borehamwood Scout Group The very successful 3rd Elstree & Borehamwood Scout Group are looking for some new Leaders - full training and support will be provided. If you are interested or wish to discuss this further contact Karen Ainley on karen.ainley@btinternet.com. The CRP system - You can access the system at www.borehamwoodshul.org/crp If you need a letter from a previous year, or if you have any other queries about CRP, please email schooladmissions@borehamwoodshul.org. Please note that CRP queries cannot be dealt with on any other email address or by telephone. Community Support Rebecca Brummer: 0208 207 5741 or email care@borehamwoodshul.org Eruv - We need people to contribute to the Eruv’s ongoing financial stability. Subscribing to the Eruv will also ensure you receive regular weekly updates on its status. This can be done at www.eboreruv.org/donate.asp Contact info@eboreruv.org Latest BOD update: www.borehamwoodshul.org/BoD SUN 14 DEC Hellenism vs Judaism: the on-going clash with Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews’ Congregation at BES at 7.30pm. www.borehamwoodshul.org/RabbiDweck SUN 21 DEC Save the date: BES Children’s Chanukah Event for all children up to and including Year 6. Further details to follow. youth@BES SUN 18 JAN Baby Blessing Ceremony 10.00am in the Shul followed by brunch. Please click on this link for full details and to book: www.borehamwoodshul.org/BabyBlessing2015 Please contact bes@tribeuk.com Boys Davenning Group continues as usual, starting at 10.30am If you would like to host a Friday night Oneg, please contact the Shul Office. BES Mother and Toddler Group - Bianca Kanterovitz would like to revive this group and get it running again, if any mothers would like to help running this group, please call Bianca on 07889 086 242 or email biankavk18@gmail.com. BES Women’s Megillah Reading - Looking for new women leyners for Purim 2015 Are you over Batmitzvah? Would you like to leyn Megillat Esther next Purim? We can provide lessons, recordings and lots of support. If you would like to give it a go or find out more, please contact Jo at jo@groses.com we wish a ‘long life’ to all those observing a yahrzeit this week Hazel Belchak Hilda Belfer Elvira Berman Linda Black Amanda Bookatz Henri Brown Jennifer Caplan Beverley Cohen Brian Cohen Maxine Denton Geraldine Dubow Claire Fletcher Sandra Frankfurt Father Father Father Father Mother Father Brother Husband Father Grandmother Father Father Father Frances Gershinson Sister Shelley Gilbert Father Caron Gilbert Grandmother Esther Glassoff Father Helena Green Father Renee Lerner Father Philip Levinson Father Linda Marks Father Betty Marshall Mother Beryl Nickels Father Laurence Pinkus Father Rebbetzen Miriam Mother Plancey Michael Rink Kim Rosenfeld Laurie Scher Miriam Shaviv Frances Silverman Louise Tenzer David Waterman Gloria Wilder Mother Father Mother Mother Father Father Father Father Vivienne Winterman Grandmother Peter Wulwik Mother Toldot Stone page 124 Living Torah page 116 Hertz page 93 Cohen page 140
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