we wish mazel tov to service times Suzanne and Darren Werth on the occasion of their son Joshua’s Barmitzvah SUN Amanda and Tony Finestone on the occasion of Zara’s forthcoming Batmitzvah stone settings The stone setting of Richard Goldwater, brother of our member David Goldwater will take place at Bushey Cemetery on Wednesday th 11 March at midday. 8 MON 9 TUE 10 WED notices Old BES photos We're looking for old photos of BES events (anything pre-1990 ideally) for some publications for the 60th anniversary. Weddings, barmitzvahs, youth events, shows, quizzes, talks, meetings etc - all would be welcome. If you have anything that may be of use, please email Oliver and Sharon Ralph on linkeditor@borehamwoodshul.org All originals will be returned. Latest BOD update: www.borehamwoodshul.org/BoD 11 THU 12 FRI 13 welcome to our community Shacharit 8.30am Mincha 5.35pm Ma’ariv Follows Mincha Shacharit 6.50am Mincha 1.30pm* Ma’ariv 8.00pm We wish a warm welcome to all our members and visitors this Shabbat. 60 friday night 6th march Shacharit 7.00am Mincha 1.30pm* Ma’ariv 8.00pm Mincha & Ma’ariv 5.35pm at Croxdale Road, Yavneh* and Ascot Close (* Gingerbread story time: Yavneh only – now finished at Croxdale) Shacharit 7.00am Mincha 1.30pm^ Ma’ariv 8.00pm shabbat 7th march • • • Shacharit 6.50am Mincha 1.30pm* Ma’ariv 8.00pm • Shacharit 7.00am Mincha 5.47pm Ma’ariv Follows Mincha • • • * Mincha takes place at Ohr Yisrael ^ Lunch and Learn takes place at Croxdale Road at 12.30pm followed by Mincha. Parashat Ki Tissa פרשת כי תשא 7th March 2015 טז אדר תשעה View the latest version of the Link magazine online at www.beslink.org PO Box 47, Croxdale Road, Borehamwood, WD6 4QF info@borehamwoodshul.org www.borehamwoodshul.org 020 8386 5227 We would like to thank all those who have davened & leined in all our services this Shabbat Candle lighting & Shabbat begins at 5.35pm Shabbat ends at 6.38pm Main Shul, Limmud and Yavneh 9.30am Children’s services 11.00am The Youth service commences at 9.45am in the Kol Rinah Hall The community are invited to Kiddush at the conclusion of the services sponsored by Suzanne and Darren Werth on the occasion of their son Joshua’s Barmitzvah Bnei Akiva 3.30pm to 5.30pm Mincha will take place at 5.35pm followed by a Shiur Ma'ariv is at 6.38pm Security Appeal: Following on from the recent anti-Semitic attacks around Europe, we have conducted a security review with the CST and Hertfordshire Police. We have identified additional security equipment and changes in procedures, requiring a visible security guard whenever the site is in use. There will be significant additional unbudgeted costs, for which we are asking all members to make a voluntary security contribution. You should have received a letter in the post with a donation form, or you can donate online at www.borehamwoodshul.org/SecurityAppeal Purim Hardship Fund Appeal: Please donate to the BES Hardship Fund this Purim. Donations made on or before Purim will satisfy the Mitzvah of Matanot L'Evyonim. You can donate online at www.borehamwoodshul.org/HardshipDonations, or bring your wallets, credit cards, smartphones or chequebooks on Purim itself. You will help those most in need in our community, by putting hot food on tables and buying warm clothes for schoolchildren. Thank you in advance! what’s.on@BES hat’s.on BES - regular events • • Rabbi Kanterovitz’s Weekly Tanach Shiur takes place on Monday 9th March and the Parasha Shiur on Wednesday 11th March at the home of Efrat and Nick Arnold - all are welcome. Messy Play with Bianca continues on Tuesday 10th March from 10 to 11am Entry £5 • JACS continues on Wednesday 11th March at BES. Please contact Loretta Kay on 0208 953 2779 for further info. • Opera Club continues on Thursday 12th March at BES at 2.00pm what’s.on hat’s.on@BES on BES - upcoming events MON 9 MAR BES Women’s Bet Medrash presents Rebbetzen Lauren Levin, Britain’s first Yoetzet Halachah. More information at www.borehamwoodshul.org/LaurenLevin TUE 10 MAR LSJS at Borehamwood "Europe and her Jews" We are enjoying a fascinating, virtual tour of significant European cities and their Jewish heritages, lead by Richard Goldstein. Sessions are: Tuesday 10th March – Berlin; Tuesday 24th March - Cordoba and Seville; Thursday 16th April - Barcelona; Thursday 30th April - Poland; Thursday 12th May London. The course is at BES 8 -10pm in the Gilah Hall, and all are welcome, As with other LSJS courses, a £10 charge per session. For more information, please contact Aron Sager via the Shul. SUN 15 MAR se.ed Pre-Pesach Seminar. A one-day seminar featuring talks from se.ed and local Rabbis, including Rabbi Kanterovitz and Rabbi Boudilovsky. Children’s program also provided. More information at www.borehamwoodshul.org/seedPrePesach. THURS 19 MAR Batmitzvah@BES - Do you have a daughter currently in Year 6? If so, you may be planning a Bat Mitzvah and thinking about how to prepare your daughter for this. An Evening with Rabbi and Bianca Kanterovitz at their home at 8.30pm There will also be a presentation on the BatMitzvah@BES Programme commencing Autumn 2015. www.borehamwoodshul.org/Y6BatMitzvah שבת 21 MAR Uniform Shabbat to include an activity programme for all children of the community, whether belonging to uniform groups at BES, other shuls or not at all, followed by renewal of promises in Shul. Childrens' services as normal but at 11.20. Chief Rabbi and Rebbetzin Mirvis spending shabbat with us. Friday night dinner for Youth (and their parents), Shabbat afternoon programme/seuda/tea for children pre27/28 MAR bar/bat mitzvah and their parents. This Shabbat programme gives everyone an opportunity to hear the Chief Rabbi speak שבת THURS 4 JUN SAVE THE DATE – BES GALA DINNER www.borehamwoodshul.org/GalaDinner notices Guides for the 10+ & 14+ girls in our community. Mondays from 7-8.30pm. Please contact the District Commissioner, Penny, on 02084411202 for details or visit www.girlguiding.org.uk to register your interest online 3rd Elstree & Borehamwood Scout Group The very successful 3rd Elstree & Borehamwood Scout Group are looking for some new Leaders - full training and support will be provided. If you are interested or wish to discuss this further contact Karen Ainley on karen.ainley@btinternet.com. The CRP system has now been reset for 2015. If you are planning on doing CRP in 2015, for admissions in September 2016, you will need to register at www.borehamwoodshul.org/crp. Even If you have registered in previous years, you will still need to register again. Please note that the dates for CRP attendance recording haven’t been confirmed by the schools yet, but usually start in early May. If you have any queries, please contact schooladmissions@borehamwoodshul.org. Welfare and Financial Care BES has a confidential service available to support the community in welfare and financial matters. If you require any assistance or advice, or know someone in the community who could benefit from this, please contact Rebecca Brummer directly, in confidence, on 0208 207 5741 or email care@borehamwoodshul.org Eruv - We need people to contribute to the Eruv’s ongoing financial stability. Subscribing to the Eruv will also ensure you receive regular weekly updates on its status. This can be done at www.eboreruv.org/donate.asp Contact info@eboreruv.org youth@BES youth BES Please contact bes@tribeuk.com • Boys Davenning Group continues as usual, starting at 10.30am • If you would like to host a Friday night Oneg, please contact the Shul Office. we wish a ‘long life’ to all those observing a yahrzeit this week Abe Alperstein Wendy Appell Hazel Belchak Philip Belchak Jonathan Benjamin Malcolm Bermange John Blank Samantha Brattman Anne Brier Elizabeth Burke Angela Burns Barry Burns Doreen Cohen Frankie Cowan Helen Davis Malcolm Feldman Harvey Fox Fay Fromberg Rowel Genn Sue Gerrard Lilian Gold David Goldring Gilad Goodman Peter Graham Anne Hampton Shirley Henley Stanley Hirschfield Felicity Kaganas Hilary Katz Esme Landsberg Alice Lapp Barry and Lionel Leventhal Stephen Levey Alison Levy Judith Marks Maxine Mero Paul Moser Sybil Nathan Paul Ogus Barry Ries Michael Rink Kim Shore Frances Silverman Lisa Specterman Stanley Stankler Michael Stock Howard Wilder Graham Williams Brother Mother Uncle Mother Father Father Mother Father Father Father Father Father Father Father Father Mother Mother Mother Father Son Father Mother Sister Father Mother Husband Brother father Father Sister Brother Father Father Father Father Father Mother Mother Mother Mother Father Mother Mother Mother Father Mother Father Father Ki Tissa Cohen page 540 Hertz page 352 Living Torah page 440 Stone page 484
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