Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills March 21, 2015 Vayikra/Rosh Chodesh Parshas Hachodesh Candle lighting 6:49PM Mincha 6:59PM Davening Times Shabbos Schedule Minyanim Hashkama 7:30 AM (UNITY) Main Shul & Young Marrieds 9:00 AM Teen Minyan ( Z’man K’riat Shema 10:00 WE ARE PLEASED TO WELCOME ALL THOSE WHO ARE SPENDING SHABBOS WITH US. MAZEL TOV TO: SHABBOS SCHEDULE: Mark & Francine Kravitz upon the birth of a grandson, born to Rabbi Yitzchok & Melissa Schiff of North Miami Beach. Daf Yomi: 7:45 a.m. Avi & Nina Muller upon the birth of a baby boy. Igros Moshe shiur by at 6:05 p.m. Topic: “Life Insurance: Is it a Breach of Faith?” There is NO Halacha Shiur this week. 9:30 AM Shabbos Ends 7:49 p.m. Michael & Sarah Fulop upon the birth of a baby boy. Steve & Linda Brizel upon the engagement of their daughter Adina, to Noah Pollack of St. Louis, Mo. REFUAH SH’LEIMAH TO: Weekday Schedule Sunday: 6:15, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 Monday & Thursday 6:15, 6:20, 7:25 Tue, Wed & Friday 6:15, 6:30, 7:30 Isidore Pearlman Mechiras Chometz: Sunday 11 am - 1 pm, Mon - Thu 11 am - 5 pm, Mon, Wed & Thu after Ma’ariv (approx 7:35pm) Dr. & Mrs. Steven Jacobs Free Beginner's Hebrew class in our library Sunday night, 7:00-8:00pm. sponsoring the Ladies Halachic Household RSVP Linda Katz 718-261-3772 OR Shiur, in memory of her mother, Rebbetzin Neiss. email Thanks to Marc & Debbie Horowitz for Thanks to Darren Edelstein and his assistants for the very enjoyable wine tasting / buffet Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:05 p.m. Mincha at 6:50 p.m. followed by Shalosh Se’udos, sponsored by: (Last class of the season) WEEKDAY SHIURIM SCHEDULE dinner and hypnotist program. The wine sale deadline is approaching. Please drop off your forms by this Tuesday, March 24 at the shul office. All orders must be accompanied by full payment. You may pay online as well. Pick up of wine will take place at Suhag after March 29. It is advisable to call the office first. Thanks to Merav & Dov Goldman for hosting this year’s Ma’os Chitim Tea and thanks also to Karen Zimilover for arranging this successful program. Daf Yomi: Sunday 6:00 a.m., M-F: 5:30 a.m. Halacha Yomis at 6:00 a.m. Mishna Berurah M-F 8:15 a.m. Retirees Learning Program Weekdays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday morning Talmud Class at 10:00 a.m. given by Rabbi Ari Listowsky. Ladies Halachic Household Shiur, Sunday morning, 10:00 a.m., Halachos of Pesach Gemara Pesachim shiur by Rabbi Schonfeld, Monday night, 8:30 pm The Women’s Tehillim Group will meet Tuesday at 7:30 pm Gemara Makkos shiur by Rabbi Schonfeld Tuesday eve, 7:30 p.m.
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