SCHEDULE OF SHIURIM Shabbos Morning: 8:15am Halacha Shiur - Rabbi Tokayer Shabbos: 4:30pm Gemara Berachos - Rabbi Tokayer Sunday 8:00a.m. Medrash Rabbah - Rabbi Wolman Tuesday 9:00a.m. Tefillah Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer in Bais Medrash Tuesday 10:00a.m. Sefer Koheles Shiur - Rabbi Tokayer Wednesday 8:00p.m. Sefer Shemos - Rabbi Tokayer in Bais Medrash ELIAHU AND LEAH ABILEVITZ BEIS MIDRASH PROGRAM Monday 8:30 – 9:30p.m. Open Bais Midrash Sunday – after 2nd Shacharis Shiur - Rabbi Schiffman שבת פרשת כי תשא March 6th -7th Shabbos Candle Lighting before 5:33p.m. הדלקת נרות Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos & Maariv 5:45p.m. מנחה קבלת שבת ומעריב Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 8:15a.m. שעור Shabbos Shacharis 8:45a.m. שחרית End of Z’man Kriyat Shema 9:14a.m. סוף קריאת זמן שמע Stone Chumash Pg 484 - Hertz Chumash Pg 352 Teffilah for Israel – ArtScroll Page 450 Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 4:30p.m. שעור Mincha 5:30p.m. מנחה Seudah Shelishis sponsored by Jacklyn & Etai Lahav in memory of Etai’s beloved grandfathers, Varda & Jeff Grodko in memory of Jeff’s beloved brother, and Tova & Rabbi Kalman Shiloni in memory of Tova’s beloved father, Yisroel ben Levi Yitzchak. Maariv not before 6:34p.m. מעריב Shabbos Ends 6:39p.m. צאת השבת REMEMBER to move clocks FORWARD one hour Motzei Shabbos. CHEVRA TEHILLIM We will start at Chapter 111 ()קיא. Deborah & Michael Markowitz are this weeks sponsors in memory of Deena Grodko עה, To sign up please phone 718-3360251 or email Weekly Schedule Shacharis שחרית Mincha Maariv מנחה מעריב ANITA WEINSTEIN MEMORIAL BIKUR CHOLIM Community Hospital Shifra Lam * Judy Mikhly Ari Kinsberg * Ann Panzer Beth Israel Kings Hwy Hospital Sydelle Hudes * Ilana Adonolem * Miriam Klein Sun. Mon. - Fri Sun. – Thurs. Sun. – Thurs. 7:30/8:30a.m. 6:30/7:30a.m. 6:45pm. 7:10p.m. שבת פרשת ויקהל פקודי פרה WOMEN'S CHEVRA TEHILLIM The Women’s Tehillim will meet a half hour before Mincha in the Bais Medrash until further notice. We look forward to seeing you. Shabbos Parshas Ki Tissa 16 Adar 5775 March Shabbat Vayakhel Pekudei Parah -14th 23 Adar 5775 13th Shabbos Candle Lighting before 6:40p.m. הדלקת נרות Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos & Maariv 6:50p.m. מנחה קבלת שבת ומעריב Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 8:15a.m. שעור Shabbos Shacharis 8:45a.m. שחרית Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer 5:30p.m. שעור Mincha 6:30p.m. מנחה Seudah Shelishis שלישית Maariv not before 7:41p.m. מעריב Shabbos Ends 7:46p.m. צאת השבת FRIDAY NIGHT ONEG MARCH 6th at 8:00p.m. IN THE LAND OF SHUSHAN Opening Remarks by Rabbi Yosef Aryeh (Persian Minyan at KJC) and a discussion with our own Siroos and Homa Yousefzadeh who have graciously agreed to discuss the topic of Life for Jews in Iran. 2810 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn NY 11229 Tele: 718.-258-.3344 * Fax: 718-258-3349 Web: Email: R. Etan Tokayer - Rabbi R. Mordechai Schiffman - Asst. Rabbi R. Shlomo Wolman - Shamash R. Milton H. Polin - Rabbi Emeritus ב"ה Presidium: Yitz Elman & Jeffrey Grodko Board Chairman: Dr. Julian Seewald Board Vice Chairman: Jonah Meer PLEASE DAVEN FOR OUR CAPTIVE ISRAELI SOLDIERS! RABBI’S MESSAGE What You hear is what You Get What did I hear at AIPAC Policy Conference this week which gathered 16,000 (mostly) Jews in DC? I heard the true voice of American Jewry with all its multi layered diversity. Beneath the anxiety about Iran, I heard a voice of unity, community, camaraderie and family, lovingly united in support of our brothers and sisters in Israel. It’s hard for me to imagine another gathering of this size where Jews from the progressive left and the conservative right, from Reform and Chareidi and all the various flavors, could sit in harmony and listen to one another in mutual love and respect. Hashem instructs Moshe to descend the mountain; the people were up to no good. What were they doing? The Torah previously describes the nation “getting up to revel” before the Golden Calf. Yet when Moshe reaches the camp, Yehoshua relates that the people were making the “sounds of war.” Moshe himself describes what he hears as “sounds of distress.” But if the people were engaged in merrymaking, why would Yehoshua hear a battle cry and Moshe hear sounds of suffering? Rabbi Mordechai Kaminetsky offers that although the people were engaged in cheerful revelry, it was a jollity that masked confusion and anguish. Moshe had gone up the mountain and not returned at the appointed time, as they had calculated it. They became nervous and anxious. They turned to the Golden Calf to provide some assurance, and having found a poor stand-in for Moshe, they were euphoric. But all the noise and revelry merely masked the underlying distress. Were the people making sounds of revelry, war or anguish? Moshe and Yehoshua had the subtle sensitivity to listen beneath the sound to hear the truth. The people were in pain and needed direction. Listening is a hard skill to master but one worth trying. If we listen closely to our friends and family, we just might be able to hear their needs, comfort their pain and provide them a pathway towards true happiness. Good Shabbos. If you have an halachic question, email: I welcome your comments at LOX & LEARN - THIS SUNDAY @ 9:15 AM SEFER HACHINUCH STUDY GROUP SIYUM + SHIUR As part of the ELIAHU AND LEAH ABILEVITZ BEIS MIDRASH PROGRAM, this study group of Dr. Barry Panzer and Lazar Mikhly, led by Rabbi Mendy Borenstein, are completing a full cycle of learning the Sefer HaChinuch. Following the siyyum, Rabbi Schiffman will be giving a shiur on the Sefer HaChinuch's approach to the mitzvah of Veahavta Lereiacha Kamocha. The study group invites you to join them as they restart their learning on th Mon., March 9 from 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. THANK YOU PRESIDENT’S CORNER Purim 5775: Purim @ Kingsway this week was fantastic. A huge "Thank You" to Akiva Madnick, Ari Abrahams, Robbie Zeitz for their critical help and a special thank you and acknowledgement to Rabbi Schiffman for planning and coordinating as well as everyone who came to help run our Purim Carnival this past Sunday. Over 150 children attended and participated. Our Purim Chagigah was also quite successful. In case you missed it, the shul was packed Purim night with close to 600 people in attendance. We had our annual Children's Costume Parade, Megillah layning by the Shammas and the Chagigah after Megillah. Thanks very much to Tzvi Russel for having the forethought to suggest and then utilizing special effects lighting to further enhance our Chagigah. 3) A hearty yasher koach to Joyce Fruchter and Joyce Schreiber for coordinating our KPS packages. We also thank and acknowledge Dr. Gary Abberbock for stepping forward once again when Kingsway asked him to. Gary layned Megillah for us at the 2nd minyan on Purim day. We thank our Board of Directors for taking the lead and helping to off-set the costs associated with the Purim Chagigah. Mazal Tov- Bais Medrash Learning Program Siyum! It is an honor and a pleasure to inform you of a significant celebration taking place this coming Sunday at Kingsway. Barry Panzer, Lazer Mikhly and Rabbi Mendy Borenstein are making a siyum on Sefer Hachinuch. They have been learning this Mesechta for the last three and half years and are very excited to share this celebration with all of us. We thank Jake and Karen Abilevitz for their ongoing generous sponsorship of this is a wonderful learning opportunity which is in memory of Jake's parents, Eliahu ben Aba and Lea bat Avraham. Boruch Rofeh CholimWe are glad to have Mary Ann back at her post in the Kingsway office and wish her a continued recovery. Good ShabbosYitz Elman and Jeff Grodko- Presidium KASHER V'SAMEACH VOLUME II Announcing Kingsway's Second Annual Hagadah Companion. We are calling on all Kingsway members to submit your thoughts, Divrei Torah or artwork relating to Pesach for our publication. Deadline and details to follow. Rabbi Mordechai Schiffman for his exceptional organization skills and his enthusiasim in creating such a successful event. Alice Loubaton and Melanie Marmer for organizing the Purim Chagiga. Bricks donated in memory of Deena Grodko עה: Claire & David Nagel, Tova & Rabbi Kalman Shiloni, Adult Education Institute donations in memory of Deena Grodko עה: Fern & Sam Rosenfeld The Kingsway Mitzvah Fund donated a Siddur in memory of Moshe Cahane עה, beloved father of Charlotte Orrin, in lieu of a shiva meal. The Kingsway Mitzvah Fund donated a Siddur in memory of Nosson Isaac עה, beloved father of Shlomo Isaac, in lieu of a shiva meal. The Kingsway Mitzvah Fund donated a Siddur in memory of Herman Taub עה, beloved brother of Mel Taub, in lieu of a shiva meal. The Kingsway Mitzvah Fund donated a Siddur in memory of Billy Light עה, beloved father of Joel Light, in lieu of a shiva meal. Joel Light made a donation to Kingsway in memory of his beloved father, Billy Light עה. Sharon & Dr. Sheldon Retkinski joined the Rosh Chodesh sponsors. Helen & Gary lava donated a brick in honor of Netanyahu’s speech before Congress. Helen & Gary lava donated a brick in honor of our courageous Mayor Giuliani. Leslie & Dr. Aaron Berger who join the Purim Carnival sponsors in memory of Deena Grodko עה, and Allan Brown עה. Fern & Sam Rosenfeld made a donation to the Kingsway Adult Education Institute in loving memory of Helen Surick עה, beloved mother of Fern Rosenfeld on th the occasion of her 8 yahrzeit.. Faye & Dr. Dennis Wilbur donated a brick in memory of Allan Brown עה. Fran & Stephen Epstein join the Oneg sponsors for our Friday night Oneg. Fran & Stephen Epstein made a contribution to the Kingsway Air Conditioning Fund in honor of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's magnificent speech before Congress. Silence is NOT an option for Zionists. Michelle & Yigal Bergman made a donation to the Kingsway Adult Education Institute in honor of the forthcoming marriage of Gail & Milton Meller’s granddaughter, Shifra Avruch, to Noach Sadoff. Melanie & Tov Marmer made a donation to Kingsway in memory of Deena Grodko עה, and Moshe Cahane עה, WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Sorah & Shlomo Acoca & Family YOUTH CORNER Shabbos Groups - On Shabbos morning at 10:00 AM, regular groups will take place in the gym for 4-11 year olds. The 4-7 year old group will move to the Butterfly room at approximately 10:15. The Tot Room will be open at 10:00 AM for toddlers accompanied by a parent. Carnival Recap - Everyone had a great time at the carnival! The toddlers had their own separate carnival area where they bounced around on a moonwalk, played in a ball pit, rode a train roller coaster, and played kiddie carnival games. The bigger kids raced on an inflatable obstacle course, jumped and slid on their gigantic moonwalk/slide, played Nintendo Wii, basketball, hockey, bowling, archery, darts and other popular carnival games. We even had special visits from Elmo and Olaf! Please see the separate blurb for a list of all of the volunteers, Chagiga Recap - Purim night was a blast with the rabbis dressing up as Elmo and Olaf to lead the children's costume parade. Before the Megilla, all children were able to pick a noise maker of their choice. After Megilla, we broke our fast in style, and enjoyed a magic show from our good friend Omar the Magician. Please check out the Youth Board and our website for pictures. Thank you and a Request Thank you to all of our adult & teen, staff & volunteers who helped with the Carnival on Motzei Shabbos and Sunday afternoon. The Carnival would not have been successful without their help. With this in mind, we would like to encourage even more people, whether they are single, recently married, have little children, big children, grandchildren or great grandchildren to volunteer at our events. We need the help of the entire shul to continue to thrive. Adults: Ari Abrahams, Leslie Berger, Elmo, Eyal Goldberg, Jason Greenbaum, Joseph Grodko, Dani & Tani Guterman, Ariel Habshush, Holly & Mark Jacobovitch, Libby Josephs, Shea Josephs, Alice Loubaton, Akiva Madnick, Melanie Marmer, Olaf, Irene Pearlman, Sarah & Greg Pearlman, Frima Peters, Moshe Chaim Spitzer, Robbie & Stacey Zeitz. Teens: Elisheva Abilevitz, Moshe Adonolam, Ettie Berger, Yael Berger, Andy Ebbin , Carrie Ebbin, Josh Ebbin, Yoel Goldberg, Shlomo-Zalman Lava, Devorah Minzer, Yocheved Minzer, Rikki Orrin, Sara Sabo & all of the other volunteers from Derech Hatorah, Flatbush, Shalhevet, and Shulamith. POOL SCHEDULE Women Sun. 10:30 – 12:15p.m. Mon./Wed. 7:30 - 9:30 Men Sun. 8:30-10:15a.m. Tues./Thurs. 7:30 - 9:30 MAZAL TOV Dianne & Howard Jaison on the birth of a grandson born to their children Faige & Akiva Lefkowitz of West Hempstead. Tova & Rabbi Kalman Shiloni on the birth of a great grandson, Mordechai, born to their grandchildren, Sarah & Rafi Adler. Cheryl & Dr. Howard Spivak on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Rabbi Chanan & Meira Spivak SHUL REFURBISHMENT CAMPAIGN We have embarked on an important, ambitious campaign to make our shul a more beautiful and enjoyable place to daven. We thank our Dinner Honoree, Dr. Freya Schnabel, for launching this campaign with a most generous gift in memory of her father, Morris Schnabel עה. Please contact the Presidium to learn how you can participate. MEMBERSHIP We invite you to join our growing Kingsway family or to renew your existing annual membership at your earliest opportunity. New members: $42/month or a one time payment of $500. This includes two High Holiday seats or two seats at our Annual Dinner. Returning members: $92/month or a one time payment of $1100 (includes the $600 Building Fund). For more information, speak to our Presidium, Yitz Elman and Jeff Grodko or contact our office staff, Mary Ann Shakarchi and Phyllis Tanzer. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE RALLY SUN. MARCH 8TH 2P.M. ON THE STEPS OF CITY HALL (B’dway, Park Row & Chambers Sts.) Kingsway 87th Annual Dinner May 17th 2015 Guest of Honor - Dr Freya Schnabel Avodah Awardees - Joyce and Yankie Fruchter
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