Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills February 7, 2015 Parshas Yisro/Dibros Candle lighting 5:00PM Mincha 5:10PM Davening Times Shabbos Schedule Minyanim Hashkama 7:30 AM Main Shul 9:00 AM Young Marrieds 9:15 AM Teen Minyan 9:30 AM Shabbos Ends 6:02 p.m. Weekday Schedule Sunday 6:20, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 Monday & Thursday 6:15, 6:20, 7:25 Tue, Wed & Fri 6:15, 6:30, 7:30 Z’man K’riat Shema 9:34 WE ARE PLEASED TO WELCOME ALL THOSE WHO ARE SPENDING SHABBOS WITH US. TZEISCHEM L’SHALOM TO: Allen & Jacqueline Herman Miriam Gold MAZEL TOV TO: Myron & Lillian Mazurek upon the birth of a great granddaughter in Israel. Drs. Mordecai & Riki Koenigsberg upon the birth of a great granddaughter. REFUAH SH’LEIMAH TO: Barry Beigelman Isidore Pearlman WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Rabbi Yoram Gafni Eliyahu & Dora Siegel Deanna Huczel Mincha/Ma’ariv 5:15 p.m. Congratulations to Rabbi Efraim Glatt for predicting the exact score of the Superbowl last Sunday. Please see Rabbi Glatt for stock tips. ☺ Thanks to Phyllis Zelkowitz for sponsoring a week of learning for the Retirees program in memory of her husband, Rabbi Marvin Zelkowitz Friday evening Oneg Shabbos at 8:00pm with our Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Aaron Adler. There will also be a Chulent Bowl, to be combined with our Scholar-in-Residence program. Refreshments will be served. Motza’ei Shabbos Melave Malka at 8:00pm. Our Scholar-in-Residence program is sponsored by the World Zionist Organization. We will gain a perspective of the importance of registering to vote for Orthodox interests in the World Congress Zionist election. We thank YCQ for making their parking lot available for the Melava Malka. SHABBOS SCHEDULE: Daf Yomi: 7:45 a.m. Halacha Shiur by Yehoshua Konig at 9:00 a.m. in the Simcha room. Igros Moshe shiur by at 4:15 p.m. Topic: “May an Actor Have his Makeup Removed on Shabbos?” Mincha at 5:00 p.m. followed by Shalosh Se’udos, sponsored by: Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Finkel Mr. & Mrs. Lou Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Yitzi Katz Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Zimilover Dr. Samuel Schneider will speak. Free Beginner's Hebrew class in our library Sunday night, 7:00-8:00pm. RSVP Linda Katz 718-261-3772 OR email The Zayin Adar dinner for the Rabbi George and Rita Rushfield Chevra Kaddisha, will take place Sunday, Feb 22, 6:15pm, in our Simcha Room. We will be paying tribute to Jack Rapp and Rabbi George & Rita Rushfield who were active in the Chevra as well as a Hachansas Sefer Torah donated to the Chevra by Yechiel and Marilyn Schwartz. $40 per person, $75 per couple. WEEKDAY SHIURIM SCHEDULE Daf Yomi: Sun 6:00, M-F: 5:30 a.m. Halacha Yomis at 6:00 a.m. Mishna Berurah, M-F at 8:15 a.m. Retirees Learning Program Weekdays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday morning Talmud Class at 10:00 a.m. given by Rabbi Ari Listowsky. The Ladies Halachic Household Shiur Sunday morning, 10:00 AM. “Kosher Daze” – Practical Kitchen Kashrus Gemara Beitza shiur by Rabbi Schonfeld, Monday night at 8:30 PM. The Women’s Tehillim Group will meet Tuesday at 7:30 PM Gemara Makkos shiur by Rabbi Schonfeld , Tuesday eve, 7:30pm The Arnie Reich Family Learning Program takes place this Motza’ei Shabbos, at 7:00 pm, co-sponsored by Rabbi Sholom & Aviva Fried and Joseph & Elissa Rosoff. To sponsor future programs, please contact Orit Lax or the Shul office. Please be sure to call Senators Schumer and Gillibrand to urge them to vote for strict sanctions against Iran as it strives to assemble a nuclear bomb. Contact information has been sent in the previous electronic announcements.
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