This Weeks Bulletin - Assumption Grotto Church

JANUARY 25, 2015
Assumption Grotto
Parish - 1832 -
Our Lady of Lourdes
Shrine - 1881 -
A Pastor’s Descant
As he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he
saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea; they were fishermen. Jesus said to them, "
Come after
me, and I will make you fishers of men."Mk 1:16-17
very year I run into people who
attend the annual March for Life in
Washington. Some of these are our own
parishioners. I have long admired their
selfless dedication in making personal
sacrifices to be present for this
remarkable national gesture of solidarity
with those preborn infants who cannot
insist on their right to be born and to live
thereafter. I have never gone on these
trips myself (though I have, in years
past, participated in some local events on
a smaller scale). One comes to learn that
this yearly demonstration which takes
place in the Capitol is an event of
enormous proportion, the astounding
size of which makes it unconscionable
for the media to under-report the
numbers of the participants and to
underplay the significance of the march.
It’s well known that this deceptive
reporting by the media of such an
important event is calculated to
downplay the great swell of support of
our people to protect life from the deathdealing clutches of abortionists and their
politicians. This event is more than
simply a rally for human life, it is a time
for prayer for the conversion of minds
and wills of people who are pro-death.
This protest has been going on for a long
time–since 1973. There have certainly
been benefits from this annual
declaration and protest in favor of life in
many ways, encouraging the life-effort
and invoking divine help to combat the
horrendous crimes that have been
legalized. Will this tremendous effort
ever finally succeed in ending the
massive destruction of elective abortion?
The non-violent means, the convincing
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass
©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD
arguments, the stirring speeches, the
fervent prayers–surely these must be to
good effect. Yet one wonders whether
success will ever attend this laudable
work. It seems more probable that our
country, at least in the short term, will
continue to decline into turpitude, bent
as it is now on the acceptance of
homosexual practices, with euthanasia
already being practiced legally in some
places (and often by insidious and
surreptitious “health-care” institutions),
manipulation of embryos being already
practiced. Once the homosexual goal
will have been fully achieved, the next
stage of declination may be the legal use
of children for the sexual pleasures of
adults. Yet this cannot yet be the end.
The final stages of debauchery will be
the allowance of public nudity and–for a
grand finale–cannibalism. There can be
no stopping, it would seem, the relentless
demand to be allowed to do whatever
one may wish to do. Freedom has thus
been so regarded. Some may find this
trajectory of evils excessive, hyperbolic.
Yet who of my generation would have
thought it possible that the Land of the
Free would ever be in such a deplorable
state of immoral servitude as it now is?
Over time we have tended to grow
accustomed to iniquity, have made friends
with perversity, while becoming tolerant
of evil and evermore impatient with the
imposition of moral strictures from any
source–the Church included.
My estimate–not wanting to be
disheartening–is that we will not soon be
getting better, but continue to slide down
the way of debauchery. We simply do not
have the muscle to halt this moral
regression. By this I mean that our faith is
too weak, our confidence in the efficacy of
prayer, our trust in God diluted. Part of the
reason for this may be that too many
“good” people are themselves complicit in
some of the great evils du jour through a
soft acceptance of immorality in our
music, TV, internet, films, etc. Another
part of the reason is the decline in
practicing what our Catholic faith
demands in prayer, Mass attendance,
Confession and self-imposed penance.
And so, while the National Day of prayer
and (polite) protest is ever uplifting, I find
it hard to believe that there will be success
in overturning the allowance of abortion.
If we believe that some politicians will do
this for us we need only reflect on the fact
that they too as individuals may be
plagued by the same moral weaknesses as
others. This is an admission, often not
MONDAY, 5:00 p.m.
Monday, January 26, 2015
7:30 a.m. - Scribner Family (L&D)
7:00 p.m. - Gary & Susan Korb (L)
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
7:30 a.m. - Lies Family (L&D)
7:00 p.m. - Dr. Eugene Boyle (D)
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
7:30 a.m. - Palazzolo Family (L)
7:00 p.m. - Luke Steinhaus (L)
Thursday, January 29, 2015
7:30 a.m. - Christopher Orlando (D)
7:00 p.m. - Cynthia Menton (L)
Friday, January 30, 2015
7:30 a.m. - Kathleen Novak (D)
7:00 p.m. - Ray Donahue (D)
Saturday, January 31, 2015
7:30 a.m. - Mario & Nancy Viviani (64th
Wdg. An.
4:00 p.m. - People of the Parish
Sunday, February 1, 2015
6:30, 9:30 a.m. and Noon - People of the
For information on graves or our
cremation burial site, call the Rectory,
Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
4:00 p.m. D. Bastuba, , R & J. Praet, J.
& J. Williams
Sunday, February 1, 2015
6:30 a.m. R. Jacek, C. Kolomjec, M
9:30 a.m. K. Garavaglia, D. Schuster,
K., D. Dux, J. & E. Lang, J. Prevo, G.
Heffernan, R.& A. Santine, A., J. & S
Coates, J. & J Simpson, H. Wisniewski,
B. & J. Newby, R. Grado
12:00 p.m. B. & S. Sharp, J., P. I. & M.
Doyle, C. & M. Chambers, G & J.
Venditti, A. & M. Arrigoni, A. & J.
Kopke, F. & W. Remske, J. Gallagher, P.
Cooper, C. G. & J. Rochon, D & L
Gethsemane Eucharistic
Adoration Chapel
The Chapel, located in the Convent, is
open 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. Monday-Friday,
and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We need more people to be adorers. If
you can commit to one hour, or be a sub
when someone is absent, please call the
Convent at 313-527-4416.
Open Hours: Open Hours: Monday,
1:00 p.m., Wednesday, 1:00 p.m.,
Thursday, 11:00 a.m.
13770 Gratiot Avenue
Detroit, MI 48205
Pastor, Rev. Eduard Perrone
Associate Pastor, Rev. John Bustamante
Deacon James Wilder
Monday-Friday .............................. 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday-Sunday ........................... 9:00am-2:00pm
Evening hours ................................ by appointment
313-372-0762, FAX 372-2064
Assumption Grotto Gift Shop
Parish Council President
Anna Graziosi ................................... 586-775-3228
Organist, Ray Long ......................... 313-372-0762
SUNDAY MASSES: Saturdays at 4:00; Sundays
at 6:30, 9:30 (Tridentine), & Noon
HOLY DAY MASSES: 6:30, 9:30 (Tridentine),
Noon & evening at 7:00 p.m.
WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday-Friday 7:30
a.m. (Tridentine), . & 7:00 p.m. , Saturday. 7:30
a.m (Tridentine)
CONFESSIONS: Saturday 2:30-3:30 ., Sunday
9:00 & 11:30 a.m.
BAPTISMS: Every Saturday after the 4:00 p.m.
Mass or Sunday after the Noon Mass. Arrange at
the Rectory Office.
After the Noon Mass on the first Sunday of the
REGISTRATION: Come to Rectory 9-5 p.m.,
Mon-Fri. If not possible, call for a registration
form to be sent out to you.
HOLY CROSS - 313-884-1121
313– 527-1739 Office
313-527-4416 Sisters
Join us for refreshments in the vestibule
of the gym after Mass on Sunday
Weekly Holy Hours
Wednesday: after the 7:00 p.m. Mass,
“for all our Priests
Thursday: after the 7:00 p.m. Mass, in
commemoration of the Passio Domini
Friday: after 7:00 p.m. Mass - for the
souls in Purgatory
Saturday: after the 4:00 p.m. Mass - for
all our Military
First Sunday of the Month: K of C
Holy Hour after the Noon Mass, Benediction, prayers, Holy Rosary for vocations
Readings for the Week of
January 25, 2015
Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/
Mk 1:14-20
Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk
Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20
Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25
Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34
Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:3541
Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:3235/Mk 1:21-28
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Presidents Day 2-16
Groundhog Day 2-1
Legion of Mary, 7:45
25 Homeschool
Church History Class
6:00 pm,
Pre-Marriage 14 Annual Married
Class 7:00 p.m
Couples Anniversary
Mass 4:00 pm.
6 Pre-Marriage Class 7 Carmelites
7:00 p.m
St. Monica Sodality
First Friday
NFP Class #2, 1-4
23 Adult Catechism
Choir, CCD, Social
11 Homeschool
Church History Class
6:00 pm,
Legion of Mary, 7:45
4 Homeschool
Church History Class
6:00 pm
Legion of Mary, 7:45
Ushers Meeting 7pm
3 Feast of St. Blaise
16 Adult Catechism
17 K of C Meeting 18 Homeschool
Parish Council 7:30 7pm
Church History Class
Cotillion 6:30 gym
6:00 pm,
Presidents Day
Ash Wednesday
Choir, CCD, Social
9 Adult Catechism
2 Adult Catechism
Choir, CCD, Social
Pancake Breakfast
Choir, CCD, Social
To schedule the use of a room
in the school, you must
contact Janet at the rectory
office. 313-372-0762
Pastor’s Descant (Continued)
willingly made today, that the sins of
one adversely affect the welfare of all.
We are all worse off because of abortionists, pedophiles, pornographers,
lewd entertainers, no-fault divorcers, etc.
Sin is never a private affair, no matter
how secretly it may be done.
admit having a defeatist attitude at
times. Why not just let the whole western world go to hell? (I speak here of
literal, not rhetorical, hell). The answer
has to do with our responsibility. No one
can, before God, allow evil to triumph.
There must be resistance. Moreover
there are some things that can actually
be done to save at least some people
from moral death. The most important of
these is to become saints ourselves–one
by one–people who refuse to be mastered by their own tendencies to sin and
who make up to God, by prayer and
sacrifice, for the sins that are committed.
Pagan society was once converted to
faith and to goodness by the Catholic
faith. There is no reason why it can’t be
done again, except for the fact that many
in the Church are too weak, and the conviction of their faith has been compromised.
God bless the efforts of those who go
annually to Washington to pray and give
witness to the truth about human life’s
intrinsic goodness. (To quibble: I don’t
think the expression “sanctity of life” is
accurate, though it’s compelling). Unless each individual person makes up his
mind and changes his heart to conform
according God’s moral laws, our country will never awaken from the moral
nightmare of abortion-on-demand and so
many other attending evils.
For this reason we at the Grotto, doing
our small part, continue to pray the holy
rosary after every Mass. I hope you continue to do this together, recognizing the
power of fervent, communal prayer with
Holy Mary for the saving of many souls
from eternal destruction.
Fr. Perrone
The Chili Cool-Off is today in the gym
after the 9:30 and Noon Masses. Please
come and warm up as you try the many
chilies and side dishes. Cost is $5.00/
person and $25/family of 6 or more.
-----------------*************-----------Adoration Chapel News: The Chapel Reorganization Meeting was a Success and
we wish to Welcome Our New Adoration
Chapel Captains: Monday: Jim Kortes
Tuesday: Kay Moore, Wednesday: Phyllis
Bausano, Thursday: Cheryl Lingsch, Friday: Mary McGuckin, Saturday: Mary
Gable. Thank you for your commitments
If you have a new Holy Hour or are a long
time adorer, your new captains will be
calling you to remind you of your Holy
Hours and exchange contact information.
Please help them out by communicating
any difficulties and calling them if you are
unable to make your Holy Hours. This is
imperative since most of our Adoration
Hours have only one adorer scheduled and
we cannot leave Our Lord unattended.
Ideally we would like to have two people
for every hour but there are still some
hours that have no adorer. Please look
over the bulletin insert and see if you are
able to take a new hour of adoration. Remember Jesus rewards your sacrifices for
Him with eternal benefits for you and
those for whom you pray!
-----------------*************-----------The Grotto Knights will be hosting a
youth free throw competition this Sunday after the 9:30 and 12:00 Noon
Masses. It is open to all children in the
-----------------*************-----------The Knights of Columbus will host their
monthly Pancake Breakfast Sunday,
February 1st. In the gym from 10:00 am
to 12:30 pm.
-----------------*************-----------Monday, February 2nd, Candlemas
Day - Blessed candles will be offered for
a donation in the vestibule of the church
after all the Masses.
-----------------*************-----------Tuesday, February 3rd, is the Feast of
St. Blaise. Blessing of throats will take
place after the Masses.
-----------------*************-----------The Wedding Anniversary Mass for
couples married 25 years or more will be
celebrated at the 4:00 p.m. Mass, Saturday, February 14th. If you would like to
participate, please call the Rectory by
Thursday, February 12th. A reception
for the celebrating couples will follow the
Mass in the Shrine Lounge.
JANUARY 25, 2015
Annual Winter Cotillion - Fat Tuesday,
February 17th, in the gym. Music , traditional reels, old dance tunes of the Colonies and line dances from the late 1700’s
to mid 1800’s. Refreshments 6:30 p.m.,
dancing commences at 7:00 p.m. with the
Grand March. Tickets $7.00.
Bring your favorite Hors D’Oeuvre or
finger food and Pazki to pass. Beverages
will be provided. For tickets or information, call Mary McGuckin at (313) 243
----------------*************--------------The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Fish Fry and Lenten Reflection on
Fridays from 4-6:30 pm in the gym.
Cost for the event is $8.00. Speakers
will be announced.
----------------*************--------------Anyone who would like to offer the 30
Days’ Prayer leading up to the Solemnity
of St. Joseph on March 19th for a special
intention should begin the prayer
Wednesday, February 18th, or Thursday, February 19th. The Church also
encourages Catholics to venerate St. Joseph especially during March. Why not
offer the 30 Days’ Prayer for the entire
month? Copies of the prayer are in the
pamphlet rack in the church vestibule
----------------*************--------------We are in need of Lectors for the 4:00
p.m. Mass and the Noon Mass. We
would like to see some of the younger
men of the parish volunteer. Normally
we would have 4 men for these masses
so that it would only be a once a month
commitment. Call the rectory to volunteer.
--------------------********------------------What kind of Nation are you leaving to
your children? You can make it better.
Come and see what we have planned for
the Event entitled: “We Humble Ourselves – Turning a Nation Back to
God.” It’s a pep rally for God and Country; a musical, historical, inspiring tribute
to everything good and honorable in our
Nation, and a call to repentance for the
times we fail to live up to the standard set
by those who came before us. Get ready!
It’s coming August 29-30, 2015 at Ford
Field Park in Dearborn.
beloved Pastor, Rev. Eduard Perrone, will
conduct the symphony orchestra and 100voice choral group! Join us for an informational meeting. Thursday, January
29, 2015, 7 pm. Guardian Lutheran
Church, 24544 Cherry Hill, Dearborn, MI
48124. Enter through parking lot. Follow
signs to the meeting room.