Our Vision: Prayer is an essen al part of our journey seeking inspira on and guidance from the Holy Spirit. ♦ To build values of God’s kingdom into all our ministries. ♦ We welcome all peoples of the world regardless of social status joyfully, with love and the grace of God into our community. ♦ Everyone in the church have freedom to seek and use the gi$s that God has given them for his purposes in the world. ♦ Be known in the local community as Chris an people of compassion, care of those in need by our love and good deeds. ♦ Go out to local schools, hospitals and support agencies; to go with them mee ng the people where they are in proclaiming Christ in the world. ♦ To develop “Fresh Expressions” of worship. ♦ Learning and being involved with the Scriptures more deeply to understand ourselves and God’s purpose for us in the world. ♦ To be financially sustainable. ♦ Being joyful and full of grace in all we do. ♦ To have fun. Rector: The Rev Graeme Varvell Supporng Clergy: Rev Vernon Williams 9593 1008 Contact Details: Church: cnr Currie St and Parkland Drive WARNBRO WA 6169 Telephone: 9593 1640 Mobile: 0488 250 318 Web: www.stbrendans.com.au Post: PO Box 8208 WARNBRO, WA, 6169 ♦ St Brendan’s by the Sea Anglican Church Warnbro Sunday 18th January 2015 ‘We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the king of Israel!’ John 1 41, 49 Mission Statement: We, the Anglican Parish of Warnbro, bonded by grace, are called to serve the people and are commi#ed to share the knowledge and love of God. Photocopied with the assistance of Mark McGowan MLA for Rockingham Holy Communion: Second Sunday aer Epiphany President: LA: Welcomers: Musician: Opening Hymn: Reading 1: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Psalm: 139:1-5, 12-18 Reading 2: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Gospel Hymn: 8.30am 10.00am Rev Bryan Shaock Rev Milton Blanch Janet Blinston Pat Foord Kirsne McDonnell Kathryn Buhlmann CMP 790 - “You Are The King of Glory” Jan Peake Happenings for This Week: Tue 13th Thu 15th 8.30am 9am Praying for Our Church Holy Communion Service Leanne Doyle Janet Blinston Paul Doyle CMP 613 – “Spirit of the Living God Fall Afresh on Me” Gospel: John 1:43-51 Sermon: Prayers: Offertory Hymn: Creed Great Thanksgiving: Seasonal Preface: Post Communion Prayer Rev Bryan Shaock Rev Bryan Shaock Felicity Williams Tracy Noble CMP 575 - “ Rejoice the Lord is King” Apostle’s Creed APBA p128 APBA p150 APBA P 150 Closing Hymn: CMP 857 - “I the Lord of Sea and Sky” We acknowledge Noongar people as the original custodians of this land. NEXT WEEK’S SERVICE 25 January 2015 Third Sunday aer Epiphany Readings: Jonah 3:1-10 Psalm: 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 PEOPLE ON DUTY - 25 January 2015 President: Rev Graeme Varvell Flowers: 8.30am 10.00am LA: Graeme Mustow Tina Phizacklea Welcomers: Rona Garne Carla Denholm First Reading/Coun@ng Annee Bunney Tracy Noble Second Reading/Coun@ng: Ann Halsey Kirsne McDonnell Intercessions: Peter Aplin Janet Blinston Data Projector: Kath Seel Paul Doyle Morning Tea: Edna & Robin Ford Janet Blinston & Jenny Moodie Pray that God’s love, grace and comfort be on the following people whom we know and love. Send your Holy Spirit on them and restore them to full health of body and mind: Jean Goodchild, Brenda and Ron Hardisty, Ronda Carroll, Carolina Pangan, Geoffrey, Doreen, Honi, Margaret Nefdt, Graham C, Noel E, Helen Gould, Fred Halsey, Margaret Ward, Erin, Celia, Chris"ne Thomson, Jackie, Pat S, Mauro Pangan (Susana’s brother), Lisa, Amelia, Fred H, Judith P, Anne Rowe, John Kelly, Rob, Jane G, Pam, Jeff, Adrian, Helen and Billy Mason, Jim L, Beth, Ken D. Pray for those who are celebra ng anniversaries: Tony Co/en 19 January Birthday We give thanks for the memory of our beloved faithful departed: Laurene Sherlock (Marg Blanch’s mother) 22 January 2011 Pray for the following areas of ministry: Diocese: Provinces: North Midlands Oyster Harbour Dampier Sea Farers Chaplaincy Communion: Diocese of Eldoret (Kenya) Defence Force: Army Full Time Chaplains ABM: Rev Jill Gleeson and people Diocese of Bunbury Diocese of North-West Ziwa Parish Sarah Gibson (Tom) Kevin Booth (Anne) Catherine Fisher Thank God, that Jesus has found us and called us. Pray that like Philip we might invite others to come and see Jesus. Pray for the Anglican Church of Kenya, giving thanks for the work they do to further God’s mission in the world. LAST WEEK’S OFFERINGS: Plate: $1,019.00 Direct Debit: $1,184.72 Total: $2,203.72 Amount needed per week to balance our budget: - $2,423.00 No ces: Inser ons/Adver sing events into the Newsle6er In 2015 I will rely on everyone sending any informa"on they require in the newsle/er direct to Graeme Mustow. If you are adver"sing an event then you need to place it in the newsle/er for the first "me three weeks before the event. As you can also see there is a happening this week sec"on also. It is the coordinator of that ministry to ensure the ministry details are with Graeme Mustow for inclusion. Invita on to A6end Installa on of Dean of Perth: Rev Canon Richard Pengelly will be installed as Dean of Perth on Wed 4 Feb 2015 @ 7pm at St George’s Cathedral. Parishioners are invited to a/end. See invita"on posted on the no"ceboard. Shrove Tuesday–Pancake Dinner: Tue 17 Feb @ 6pm: We need someone who is willing to coordinate this evening. It will require you to facilitate people to make pancakes (dinner and dessert) and organise the evening as a whole. Please contact Rev Graeme if you are willing to take on this ministry.” Cost $15.00 per person $40.00 per family. Can You Help?: Sue Mustow will be holding a ‘Lucky Dip’ stall at the Fete again this year. She would appreciate any assistance you can give in the way of small items such as pencils, toys, etc. or a dona"on to enable the purchase of items. Lenten Study Leadership: Are you willing to lead a Lenten Study? Please contact Rev Graeme with day and me. Lenten Study: This year our Lent study will commence on the week of the Monday 16 February. The book is called “God is the God of Life.” It is no accident that the great “I Am” sayings of Jesus include the very staples of living: bread and water. And it is not an idle thing that we are invited at Holy Communion to feed on Christ spiritually, in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving. God desires us to live Christ-like lives. Lent has tradionally been a special season in the growth and development of a Chrisan’s life. Through looking carefully into our outer and inner lives, with reflecon and repentance, we find renewal. The Holy Spirit takes our prayers, thoughts, quesons and study me, and shapes our lives to deeper discipleship. A special focus on God’s work in us that enables us to experience life in its fullness is explored in each of these five studies: Study One: Creator of Life Study Two: Promiser of Life Study Three: Sustainer of Life Study Four: Rescuer of Life Study Five: Renewer of Life Study Six (Holy Week) ‘Ruler of Life’ is published on the web site. Cost is $10.00 per book. Each person should have a book for each study period. Please register in the Community Room. The Seasons of Our Church I have been asked a few mes about the seasons of the church and their colours. The different colours are drawn from creaon to remind those parcipang in a liturgy of the different blessings of God. The colours used are white (or gold), purple (or violet), green, red and rose pink. White: White (or gold), since it is a fesve, joyful colour, is used during the Christmas and Easter seasons, and on major feast days, such as, on the celebraons of the Lord other than of his Passion, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Holy Angels, and of Saints who were not martyrs, and on the Solemnies of All Saints. Because white symbolises the Resurrecon, it is also the colour o/en used for funerals. Purple: Purple (or violet) symbolises repentance and penance. Vestments of purple or violet are used during the seasons of Advent and Lent. The colour reminds us of the violet flower that bows its head and is a symbol of humility. Lent is the season of prayer, fasng and almsgiving. It is a quiet season of reflecon. The colour of Advent is more of a rose-purple, like the sky just before sunrise. This is the me of year when the Church waits in joyful hope to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Purple or violet dye was very expensive. An early Chrisan, Lydia from Thyara, made her living from the purple dye trade and was able to support St Paul in his missionary work (Acts 16: 14-15). Green: Green is a sign of life in nature and as such it represents growth, life and hope. Green is the colour worn most o/en during liturgies in Ordinary Time. It symbolises the graces that draw people into the life of God. Most of the Church's year is Ordinary Time. Red: Red symbolises both blood and fire. It is the colour that is used on Passion (Palm) Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, and for celebraons of the Sacrament of Confirmaon. It is also the colour that has tradionally been associated with martyrs – those who have shed their blood for their faith – and so it is worn on the feast days of martyrs. Rose Pink: Rose pink is an oponal colour that may be used on the Third Sunday of Advent and the Fourth Sunday of Lent. On both of these days, the Entrance Anphon calls us to rejoice, so the pink vestments mark a so/ening of the penitenal tone of the season. (from Wikapedia) Rev Graeme
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