NOTICE BOARD Monday October 13th Tues. Oct 14 Book Study 7:00pm Wed Oct 15 Open Table No Choir Mtg 7:00 pm Practice Cornerstone Practice 7:00 Readings for next Sunday: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 99 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Matthew 22: 15-22 Thursday Oct. 16 Friday Oct. 17 Saturday Oct. 18 Sunday Oct. 19th St. Thomas Anglican Church, Stittsville Diocese of Ottawa ✞Anglican Church of Canada 1619 Stittsville Main St. Box 1064, Stittsville, Ontario K2S 1B2 Phone (613-836-5741) e-mail Web page address: Bishop: The Rt Rev’d Dr. John Chapman Incumbent: The Reverend Jane McCaig Honorary Assistant: The Rev. Canon Michael McKinley The Rev. Sharron Rykdal-Bradley Churchwardens: Pat McNally (613-831-0968) Robin Tilgner (613-831-2709) Envelope Secretary: Bob Lomas (613- 836-5229 HOLY EUCHARIST With Thanksgiving in our Hearts we Remember in Prayer th (October 12 , 2014 Thanksgiving Sunday 10:30 a.m.) Processional Hymn # 262 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come The Children’s Talk – Greetings and Collect for Purity page 185 Kyrie Eleison page 186 Collect of the day page 385 First Lesson Deuteronomy 8: 7-18 Wisdom of Solomon 10:15-21 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 Gradual Hymn # 478 Almighty God, Thy Word Is Cast Holy Gospel Luke 17: 11-19 Homily Anthem: “Thanks Be to God” words by Fred Pratt Green music by Allen Pote The Creed Prayers of the People # 19 page 128 Confession and Absolution page 191 The Peace Offertory Hymn # 584 The Church of Christ in Every Age Prayer over the Gifts page 386 Eucharistic Prayer # 4 page 201 Holy, Holy, Holy page 198 The Lord’s Prayer page 211 Lamb of God Sentence for Breaking of Bread # 3 page 212 The Communion Hymns: # 81 Father, We Thank Thee Who Hast Planted # 601 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending Prayer after Communion page 386 The Blessing Announcements Recessional # 259 For the Fruit of All Creation Our Diocese: We pray for Bishop John, Rev. Jane, Canon Michael, and Pastor Sharron; The Parish of Eastern Outaouais; Christ Church, Poltimore; St George’s, Gatineau; St John’s in the Wilderness, Gen Almond; St Stephen’s, Buckingham; St Thomas, Silver Creek. Our Companion Diocese, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, we pray today for St George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem and for Educational Ministry of the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School, Ramallah. For those in our Diocese living under Religious Vows. The wider Anglican Community: Today we pray for The Church of the Province of West Africa Gambia. The members of our Parish Family: Sean, Julie, Jacen, Robyn & Maggie Clark; John & Merilee Clarke; Bill & Diane Clement; Susan Clow; Christopher & Keri-Lynne Cooper; Don & Joan Cooper; Bev & Dick Coote; and Nancy & David Cowper. We pray for the Sick: Georgina, Lynn, Doris, Ann, Shirley, Ryder, Judy, Jean, Lloyd, Lil, and Lynda. The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the Glory of God and In loving memory of Cecil, Miriam, Eunice, Dale & Allan Scharfe by Sylvia and Family. Linton, Pat & Ben McCoy by Roger & Beth Barden & Family Chalice: Server: Readers: Intercessions: Sides people: Projectionist: Altar Guild: Assisting in Today’s Liturgy William Passmore and Bonnie McNally Brooke Sullivan Barbara Bottriell and John Bottriell Pat McNally Sue Grahame and John Bottriell Audrey Robinson Sue Grahame, Hilary Shouldice, Doreen Bell, and Mary Passmore. Please join us for coffee/tea and fellowship in the Church Hall following the Liturgy. Our hosts today are Bob and Sue Lomas. NOTICE BOARD WANTED - Men & Women, young & old, willing and able to commit to a 2hr, planning meeting, monthly, and one Saturday every 3 months to put on our Open Table Community Dinner. Training and help provided. REWARD – Friendship, laughter, job satisfaction & the chance to do far more than you ever thought you were able to. Want to know more? Phone Judy Dallaway, 613-623-4501; Diane Clement, 613-825-6223; Pat Dalphy, 613-836-3803. NEXT OPEN TABLE MEETING - Wednesday, October 15, 7:00pm in the Council Room. FORWARD DAY-BY-DAY - copies of this Bible Reading Aid for November, December and January are now at the back of the Church. Daily readings follow the Anglican Lectionary with a different author each month providing daily meditations. A Word of Welcome We welcome you to our service today and hope that your spirit will be refreshed and strengthened as you join us for worship. Please check the appropriate item(s) and leave this form with a sidesperson or place it on the offertory plate. Thank you! I am: ☐ Newcomer ☐Visitor ☐ Parishioner I would like to ☐ be placed on the parish list ☐ have clergy call ☐ be remembered in prayer ☐ Other ☐ have my address changed October 26 , George, from Holy Feast Religious Articles will be selling olive wood carvings made in Bethlehem. If you are interested in purchasing Christmas ornaments, crosses, or carvings of angels or the Holy Family, the items will be available following both services. A portion of the sales will be donated to the Church. ☐ receive offering envelopes ☐ receive information about PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance) Name(s) ____________________________________ _____________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ PIES: Frozen Apple and Pumpkin Pies will be available for sale in October and at the Bazaar at $8 each for an 8" pie and $3 for a 4" pie. Please contact Sue Lomas if you wish to pre order. 613 836 5229 Children_____________________________________ th Pens are available for sale for $6.00. Please see Rev Jane. Snowflake Bazaar is coming November 1st 2014. Please think about crafts and baking items for the event. Community Events Tuesday, October 21, 7 - 9 pm. Managing Difficult Emotions Learning to Take Control. Dr. Gretchen Conrad, a Clinical Psychologist with The Ottawa Hospital, returns to discuss how caregivers can recognize and manage intense and difficult emotions. Free, no registration required. All welcome. Location: Glen Cairn United Church, 140 Abbeyhill Drive, Kanata. Address:______________________________________ email: __________________________________
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