bulletin - St. George's Round Church

Commentaries on the Prayer Book Lectionary
St Peter Publications produces commentaries with short explan
lanations of the
Prayer Book Lectionary readings for each day of the week. You
ou can purchase a
copy of these commentaries—as well as books, musical resourc
urces, and many
other materials that support the spiritual life of our community
ity and the use of
the Book of Common Prayer—through the St Peter Publicatio
tions website:
You can also contact St Peter Publications directly:
St Peter Publications Inc.
P.O. Box 713, Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 7L3
Phone & Fax: 1(902) 368-8442
E-mail: office@stpeter.org
To view a sample of the commentaries, contact the Parish Office.
St. George’s Anglican
2222 Brunswick St,, H
Halifax, NS B3K 2Z3
.ca 902-423-1059
The First Sunday after E
January 11th, 2015
Choir away today
Our choir is taking a well-deserved break today, following thee vvery busy season
of Christmas and Epiphany services. We are blessed with a woonderful group of
gifted and devoted choristers, who sing beautiful and demandi
ding music to
enhance our worship throughout the Church Year. We are ver
ery thankful to
them and of course to our Music Director, Garth MacPhee, wh
who rehearses and
conducts the choir so carefully and sensitively and with such gr
grace and good
Sunday School, Nursery, and Toddlers’ Church
Sunday School: Children leave the 10:30 service just after thee Creed and
return for a blessing near the end of Holy Communion. All chil
hildren in Primary
through grade 6 are welcome to join us.
held at the back of
For the younger children, Nursery & Toddlers’ Church are he
the church during the 10:30 service. There is a small nursery fo
for babies, and
down the stairs there is a toddlers’ room where Toddlers’ Chur
urch takes place.
Services today
8 am Holy Communion begins on page 67 of the Book of Com
ommon Prayer.
The Collects, Epistle & Gospel for today are found on pages 1223 & 124.
The Introit and Gradual Psalms are printed in this bulletin.
10 am Morning Prayer begins on page 6 of the Prayer Book.
Lessons: Isaiah 49:13-23; Matthew 17:1-13. Psalm 66.
5 pm Evensong begins on page 18 of the Prayer Book.
Lessons: Isaiah 61; Matthew 2. Psalm 119, Pts 1 & 2.
st Child Disputing in the Temple, Paris Bordone, 1545
Who are we? In response to the Gosp
ospel of Jesus Christ, the Parish of Saint
George offers a unique combination of
o traditional Anglican worship and a
commitment to Inner-City Ministry. Open
Op to the community that surrounds it,
Saint George’s dares to be shaped by the Inner City, yet seeks to transform our
neighbourhood by preaching, in Word
d and action, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Come join us in worship, fellowship and
d outreach ministry.
The Sanctus and Benedictus
10:30 am Choral Holy Communion
Mass setting: John Merbecke (1510-85)
Please stand for the entrance of the clergy
Litany in Procession
page 30
The Kyrie
page 70
Lord have mercy upon us, Christ have mercy upon us, Lord have me
mercy upon us.
The Collect
page 123
Please sit
page 81
Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord God of Hosts,
Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.
Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High.
Blessed is he that cometh
in the name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.
The Prayer of Consecration & Pax
pages 82, 83
The Prayer of Humble Access
pages 83, 84
The Agnus Dei
The Epistle (Romans 12:1)
page 123
Gradual Psalm 84:1-4
tone VI
page 84
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sin
of the world, have mercy upon us. (repeat)
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sin
of the world, grant us thy peace.
Holy Communion
O HOW LOVE-ly are thy dwell-ings,/ --- thou Lord~ off h
My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the cour
urts of the Lord:/
my heart and my flesh rejoice in the liv~ing God.
Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house,
and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young:/
even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and~ my God.
Blessèd are they that dwell in thy house;/
they will be al-way~ prais-ing^thee.
The Holy Gospel (St Luke 2:41)
pages 123, 124
The Nicene Creed
The Sermon
pages 71, 72
The Rev
ev’d Jim Purchase
Offertory Hymn 90 The heavenly Child in stature grows
After the biddings, please kneel
The Prayer of Intercession & Invitation to Confession
The Confession
The Absolution, Comfortable Words, & Thanksgiving
pages 75, 76
page 77
pages 77, 78
The Anglican Church of Canada welcomes comm
municant members of all Churches who have
been baptized with water in the Name of the Fat
ather, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to receive
Holy Communion in faith, hope and charity.
Communion Hymn 705 Wise men seeking
The Lord’s Prayer
page 85
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
pages 85, 86
Please stand
The Gloria in Excelsis
page 86
Please kneel
Closing Hymn 97 As with gladness men
m of old
The Choir is on a short holiday following
the Christmas season.
They will returnn nnext Sunday.
After the 10:30 service please stay for coffee
fee and tea in the Sunday School Room
in the hall, just out the door to the right off the
t pulpit and up the cement walk. There
is a wheelchair ramp off the Maitland Street
reet side of the hall.
St. George’s Anglican Church
St. George’s Anglican Church
2222 Brunswick St, Halifax, NS B3K 2Z3
www.roundchurch.ca (902)423-1059
parish office hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
Notices & Announcements
January 11, 2015
The First Sunday after Epiphany
Note : All phone numbers below are preceded by the area code 902
Rector: Fr Christopher Snook
Parish Admin: Elisabeth Kleven
Warden: Jane Mills
Warden: Gwynedd Pickett
Warden: Darren Dyck
Music Director: Garth MacPhee
Treasurer: Jan Connors
Finance Chair: Mike Himmelman
Sextons: Darren Dyck
Cathy Larsson
YouthNet: Alex Zachernuk
Envelope Secretary: Jennifer Dyck
Altar Guild: Tracy Lenfesty
Sunday School: Andrea Lee
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Sun – Langtang (Jos, Nigeria): The Rt Rev’d Stanley Fube
Mon – Lebombo (Southern Africa): The Very Rev’d Carlos Simao Matsinhe
Tues – Leicester (Canterbury, England): The Rt Rev’d Timothy John Stevens, and The
Rt Rev’d Christopher John Boyle, Assistant Bishop
Wed – Lesotho (Southern Africa): The Rt Rev’d Adam Mallane Taaso
Thurs – Lexington (IV, Episcopal Church): The Rt Rev’d Douglas Hahn
Fri – Liberia (West Africa): The Rt Rev’d Dr Jonathan Bau-Bau Bonaparte Hart
Sat – Lichfield (Canterbury, England): The Rt Rev’d Jonathan Michael Gledhill;
Shrewsbury: The Rt Rev’d Mark James Rylands; Stafford: The Rt Rev’d Geoffrey Peter
Annas; Wolverhampton: The Rt Rev’d Clive Gregory
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Prince Edward Island Region
Alberton, PEI: The Rev’d Andrew Mortimer at St Peter’s, St Luke’s, Christ Church, and
Holy Trinity
Christ Church, Cherry Valley, PEI: The Rev’d Dr David Morrison, Priest-in-Charge
In special need: Elsie, Myrtle, Fr George, Abby, Tanya, William, Rick, Shirley, Corrine,
Ann, Ann and Ian, Rev’d Debbie, Diane, Loretta, Judy, Karen, Tracy, Janel, Karen Anne,
Patricia, Alistair, Jessica, Matthew, George, Arthur, Fr Bruce, and Kyle.
For continuing prayers: Brian, Catherine, Lowell, Ernie, Steve, Dick, Alan, Abby, Rita,
Ken, David, Catriona, Ann, Charles, and Frank.
Faithful Departed: Gerald Smith (’07), Mollie Engram (’08), Amelie Taylor (’08), Paul
McCulloch (’09), Brian Start (’10), Fr Robert Crouse (’11), Katherine Pye (’12), Billy
Burns (’13), Jim Lotz (’15).
Worship schedule
Daily Offices (Round Church)
Morning Prayer: Mon – Fri, 9:00 am
Evening Prayer: Mon – Fri, 5:30 pm
Said Holy Communion: Wed, 10 am
Evensong: Sun, 5 pm
The Lessons appointed for the
Daily Offices for this week are
found on pages xviii and xix
of the Book of Common
Epiphany Potluck
Thank you to all those who helped with planning, food, setup, cleanup and
all the other details that made for a cozy and pleasant Epiphany potluck!
2015 Offering Envelopes
2015 Offering Envelopes are ready for pick-up at the back of the church.
Please check that the address information is correct for tax receipt purposes.
Any questions/corrections can be directed to Jen Dyck 902-404-6649 or
2014 Tax Receipts and Change of Address
To ensure your 2014 tax receipts are accurate, please inform the Parish
Office AND Envelope Secretary (information on the back of this bulletin)
of any address changes that have occurred since 2013.
Soup Kitchen Update
January 3rd: Team 6, led by Michal King and Michelle Gabriel. Food from
St John’s, Fairview.
Yesterday, January 10th: Team 1, led by Maxine Miles. Food from Feed NS.
This week, January 17th: Team 2, led by Mary Hills and Michelle Gabriel.
Food from Feed NS.
Pictures for the Annual Report
It’s that time of year again! If you have any pictures of St George’s events
and gatherings from 2014, please send them to the Parish Office
(office@roundchurch.ca) by February 2nd. We can also scan photos.
Watercolour of St George's Church
Welcoming a New Server
An original watercolour of St. George's, of which the picture in the 2015
Anglican Church Calendar is a reproduction, is available for a cost of $260
from St. Peter Publications, P.O. Box 713, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7L3 or
902 368 8442 / office@stpeter.org
Tovah Vom Hagen is the most recent member of our parish to join the
server's guild. Altar server's assist the worship of the Church on earth in
communion with the Church in heaven, modeling for us the heavenly
worship of the Saints and Angels around the Lamb's throne in heaven as they
serve at the Lord's altar on earth. Tovah was a tremendous addition to the
sanctuary party when she recently served for her first Sunday. On behalf of
the servers and parish, we welcome her and thank her for taking on this new
ministry. If you are interested in joining the servers or learning more, please
speak with Scott Connors or Fr Christopher.
Stay connected all week long
Our website: www.roundchurch.ca, for lectionary info, this week’s
bulletin, and other useful documents.
The parish email list: About once a week, on average, the Parish Office
sends out a few urgent announcements, reminders, or bits of news. If you
aren’t on this list and would like to be, please contact the Parish Office.
Note: We do our best, but the messages are still bounced occasionally by
spam filters. If you think you are on our list but haven’t been receiving the
notices, check your junk mail folder, and see if your email service gives you
the option to mark the office address (office@roundchurch.ca) “safe.”
Facebook group: “Saint George’s Round Church”. Take part in
discussions, jokes, funny stories, and announcements and view pictures
and events from our Parish life.
Twitter: @stgeoround Keep an eye on the wacky weekday goings-on as
Elisabeth tweets tales from the bulletin mines.
All thanks and praise to our Sextons and their helpers
We are tremendously grateful to Cathy Larsson, who took up duties as one
of our Sextons in early December, and to Darren Dyck, who has been
fulfilling the evening Sexton duties in addition to his considerable
responsibilities as one of our Wardens. We also offer great thanks to
Benjamin Lee, who has been covering Darren’s duties while Darren was
away for two weeks over Christmas.
Without these three St George’s would not continue to operate as smoothly
as it does, and each of them deserves our thanks and appreciation. We are
still looking for another Sexton to live in Trinity House and carry out the
duties that Darren has been taking care of. Let us continue to pray for a
successful outcome in helping fill this role.
Goodbye, garland! Thank you to all who helped!
We owe great thanks to Craig Savoury and his helpers for taking down the
garland, and to Jim Rawding and John Krell for their extra efforts keeping the
church clean during this season. Please wipe your feet well on the mats at the
doors to help keep as much salt as possible off our floors!
Further thoughts on the readings for Epiphany 1
The temptations to conformity are ever with us. The spirit of the age presses in
upon us; the claims of expediency, of common-sense, of majority opinion (or
majority sentiment) seem often very strong indeed; and we as individuals, and
we as a Christian community, often find ourselves puzzled and confused as to
just what is "that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God." All too often, we
are quite mindlessly carried along by the spirit of the age, blown hither and yon
by winds of alien teaching.
But the wisdom of God, the mystery hidden from the foundation of the world, is
now manifest in Christ, "For he has made known to us in all wisdom and insight
the mystery of his will, according to his purpose which he set forth in Christ as a
plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and
things on earth." (Ephesians 1.9-10) And that wisdom is ours, to believe, and to
understand, and to make our own, by the renewing of our mind, that we may
prove what is God's will.
In the series of Gospel lessons for the Epiphany Sundays, first comes the
Epiphany of divine wisdom, then the Epiphany of divine power in the miracles.
And that order is vitally important, for, as today's collect puts it, first we must
perceive and know what things we ought to do, and then we must have grace
and power to do them. The development of perception and knowledge
necessarily comes first, for power without wisdom, activity without perception
and knowledge, is vain. The tendency of our age, the wisdom of this world, and
the temptation of the Church, is towards such mindless and vain activity,
towards expediency, towards faddish and fashionable innovation. "Be not
The Incarnate Lord the enfleshed word of God shines forth as a light in the
darkness; and despite all our perplexities and confusions and perversities, the
darkness can never overcome that light. Let us then look to that light which is
"the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2
Corinthians 4.6) May our minds be renewed in that vision. "Lighten our
darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord." Amen. +
Robert Crouse