St Mary's South Baddesley - Boldre & South Baddesley Benefice

St John the Baptist, Boldre
St Nicholas, Pilley
Parish Priest: The Reverend Canon Andrew Neaum
Phone: 01590 718439 Mobile 07808057168
St Mary the Virgin, South Baddesley
A thought and a Prayer for the New Year
'Hope disposes the believer toward change. Hope is
orientated toward what is coming tomorrow. In hope
we count on the possibilities of the future and we do
not remain imprisoned in the institutions of the past.'
(Jürgen Moltmann, German Lutheran pastor & Theologian)
Parish Priest: The Reverend Lynda Mead
Phone: 023 8084 8901 Email:
Benefice Office (at St Nicholas Pilley)
Church Secretary: Tim Macaire
Office hours: Mon, Wed & Thurs: 9am-11am
Phone: 01590 673484 Email:
Benefice Website:
Today 28th December : Holy Innocents
St Nicholas’ Pilley
8.00 Holy Communion
St Mary’s Sth Baddesley
9.30 Said Matins
St John’s Boldre
10.30 Eucharist & Children’s Club
12.00 Baptism of Ella Harvie
St Mary’s Sth Baddesley *6.30 Nine Lessons & Carols*
Jesus said, "All things are possible with God."
FOR PRAYER TODAY: Holy Innocents’ Day
Diocese of Kushtia (Bangladesh). Diocese of Durham. Episcopal Church of
Scotland Diocese of Moray Ross and Caithness. Church of Norway Diocese
of Oslo; their bishops, priests and people. For all children caught
up in violence, poverty, homelessness and abuse. In Our Diocese: All charity workers and volunteers. Prayers asked for:
Colin Erne, David Balme, Janet, Yvonne. Rest in Peace: Mary Gray
(Mark 10, 27)
thankful, O Lord.
Activities This Week .
(Inactivity highly commended)
Wed 31 Dec - 10.30 St Nicholas’ Pilley. Holy Communion
Give us wisdom, courage and discernment in the face
Next Sunday 4th January: Second of Christmas
For all the possibilities ahead in this new year make us
of so much chaos, despair and fear in our world.
Help us to see how, in our circumstances, we can contribute to peace, justice, faith and love in all our world.
And give us the will to translate our desires and hopes
into action; through Him who is the Lord of Time and
Eternity, Your Son Jesus Christ.
St Nicholas’ Pilley
8.00 Holy Communion
St John’s Boldre
10.30 Matins & Children’s Club
St Mary’s Sth Baddesley 6.30 Group Evensong
Dates for the Diary
20 Jan Tue 1 Feb Sun 18 Feb Wed 15 Mar Sun 21 Mar Sat 5 Apr Sun 20 Apr Mon -
11.00 St John’s: Funeral Mary Eden Gray
10.30am Australia Day Service
Ash Wednesday
Mothering Sunday
7.30pm Classical Guitar Concert-Memorial Hall
Easter Day
7.00pm St John’s Annual General Meeting
At the Nine Lessons and Carol service in St John’s last Sunday evening, the congregation roared melodiously into my left ear
even more strongly than the harmonious fortissimo of the choir
into my right ear. It filled me with a sense of well being. A congregation in full throat signifies that all is well.
Macaronic doggerel
The church was nearly full, beautifully decorated, and spectacularly floodlit outside. There were moments of intense joy
during the service. I am addicted to descants. I suspect that this
is a sign of musical vulgarity, but I don’t care. To hear the sopranos in a choir soar off into the stratosphere thrills me beyond
telling. Especially if the descant is well known, as with “O Come
all ye Faithful.” The last verse of “Unto us a Boy is Born” also
O and A and A and O
Cantemus in choro
Voice and organ, sing we so,
Benedicamus Domino
Just to remind you that coffee is served after Sunday
morning Services at both St John’s & St Mary’s. All
are welcome to stay and chat to friends.
It is macaronic doggerel and I love it. Especially if the organ
thunders, as Adrian has the courage to let it.
Macaronic Vicar
Our conversation at the Vicarage is often macaronic. Possibly just because I am a hopeless linguist I arrogantly and inaccurately pepper my conversation with phrases from all the languages I have so ineffectively studied, as well as any others that I
happen to have come into contact with. In the morning I am
likely to greet Diana, the squirrels, the cold weather, the world
and the day with a macaronic jumble of nonsense: “Mangwanani
meine frau. Hoe gaan dit met u? Voetsak jou bliksem (to the
squirrels). This porridge is mushi sterek ek se. Ndinotenda.