St John the Baptist, Boldre St Nicholas, Pilley Parish Priest: The Reverend Canon Andrew Neaum Phone: 01590 718439 Mobile 07808057168 Email: Sunday 12 October 2014 A thought and a Prayer for the week Let us think only of the present, and not even permit our minds to wander with curiosity into the future. This future is not yet ours; St Mary the Virgin, South Baddesley Parish Priest: The Reverend Lynda Mead Phone: 023 8084 8901 Email: r Benefice Office (at St Nicholas Pilley) Church Secretary: Tim Macair e Phone: 01590 673484 Email: bsbbchur Office hours: Mon, Wed & Thur s: 9am-11am Today Sunday 12th Oct: 17th after Trinity perhaps it never will be. It is exposing our- St Mary’s Sth Baddesley: 8.00 Holy Communion selves to temptation to wish to anticipate God, St John’s Boldre10.30 Holy Communion & Children’s Club and to prepare ourselves for things which he may not destine for us. If such things should come to pass, he will give us light and strength according to the need. (Franço is Fénelo n) Jesus said, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it- 11.00 Harvest Festival, followed by HarvestLunch 12.00 Baptism of Zac Canwell St Nicholas’ Brockenhurst 6.30 Group Evensong FOR PRAYER TODAY: Trinity 17 The Church of the Province of West Africa, Archbishop Daniel Sarfo, Archbishop West Africa and Bishop of Gambia. Diocese of Liverpool, Bishop Richard Blackburn, Vacancy. Diocese of Monmouth, Bishop Richard Pain. ELC in Denmark, Diocese of Haderslev, Bp Marianne Christiansen. In our Diocese: The Diocesan IT team. Those for whom prayers are asked: Sue Bedingham, Colin Erne, David Balme, Mark, Louise . Pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have loved and been a part of our two church communities. Activities This Week . Tue 14 Oct - 10.30am Vintage fitness. Seated exercise to music at St Nicholas, Pilley & refreshments Wed 15 Oct - 10.30am Holy Communion St Nicholas’ Chapel Thur 16 Oct - 10.30 Vintage Fitness. As Tuesday. self." (Matthew 25, 34a) Prayer Next Sunday 19th October: Trinity 18 Eternal God and Father, help us to entrust the past to your mercy, the present to your love, and the future to your wisdom, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today and for ever. Amen LM WINTER BAZAAR BOLDRE WAR MEMORIAL HALL On Saturday 8 November St John’s will be taking 5 tables to raise funds on behalf of the church at this event, organised by Judy Uren on behalf of the Pilley Pantomime Players. If you are able to contribute to our tables please contact : Books & DVDs Graham Edmiston 678550 Bread, Cakes, Biscuits, pastries Janet Anderson 673858 Gifts – new or nearly new (not clothes) Carole Morris 623188 Jewellery & Scarves Carole Morris 623188 Jams, Chutneys etc Jean Gibbins 672755 If you are able and willing to help man a table on the day please contact Graham Edmiston at home on 01590 678550 or by mobile on 07810 862292 or by email at St Nicholas’ Pilley 8.00 Holy Communion St Mary’s Sth Baddesley 9.30 Holy Communion St John’s Boldre 10.30 Worship for All & Children’s Club St Luke’s Sway 6.30 Group Evensong Dates for the Diary 19 Oct Sun. - 3 pm Thanksgiving Service, Lymington Hospital 22 Oct Wed - St John’s. William Gilpin School Harvest Festival 25 Oct Sat - St Mary’s stall, Lymington High Street 30 Oct Thu - All Souls Service 2 Nov Sun - Group Advent Carol Service, St Luke’s Sway 8 Nov Sat - Winter Bazaar (St John’s Stalls) 9 Nov Sun - Remembrance Sunday 15 Nov Sat - Benefice Quiz 17 Nov Mon - 7.00pm Start of Advent Study Groups Vicarage 29 Nov Wed - St Mary’s Christmas Fair, Sth Bad. School Hall 13 Dec Sat– St John’s. Walhampton School Carol Service 15-16 Dec - St Nicholas Singers Carol Concerts 17 Dec Wed - St John’s. Hill House School Carols 24 Dec Wed - Crib Services “EVERYONE COUNTS” SURVEY This Sunday (and all week until Saturday), St Mary’s has been chosen to take part in the “Everyone Counts” Church of England survey. We would be grateful if everyone who comes to church (adult or child) could complete a survey form (at the back of the church). It should take only 2 or 3 minutes.
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