Linda Mazza, Principal Lisa Pagano, Assistant Principal October 9, 2014 Volume 6, Issue 4 PRINCIPAL’S NEWS BAGEL BITS A special thank you to all those parents who joined us at our first Bagel Bits. Our next Bagel Bits is scheduled for Wednesday, November 19. SCHOOL CLOSINGS Oct. 13 – Columbus Day Oct. 23 – Pre K non-attendance day Nov. 4 – Full Day Staff PD Nov. 11 – Veteran’s Day Nov. 13 - PTC-Half Day Nov. 27 & 28 --Thanksgiving RECESS Please be aware that all students Pre-K – 5 go outdoors for recess each day except during rain and snow. As the weather begins to change dress your child in layers so that he/she may comfortably play outside. In addition, please remember that if your child wants to participate in gym or play active games during recess they cannot wear high heels or wedged shoes. This includes sneakers with a high wedge. Flat sneakers are considered safe footwear for these kinds of activities. This year we have soccer available at each of our lunch periods. Mr. Borrero and Mr. Marko are the adults who are in charge of this activity. Due to lack of funding, we will not have Recess Coach this year. Unfortunately that removes Zumba from our available lunch activities. We are continuing to encourage organized games as an activity and are actively discouraging any game that involves fighting, pushing or grabbing. Children who continue to play in this manner will sit out during active play. WELCOME BACK We want to extend a warm welcome back to our school nurse, Joann Dolan. It is great to have her back helping our students manage their medical needs. PICTURE DAY Picture day is Monday, October 27th. Order forms were sent home already. Picture day is a PTA fundraiser so please order generously! SWIM FOR LIFE The ―Swim for Life‖ program at the YMCA will start on Monday October 20th. It is a 10week program and lessons will be on Mondays during the school day. Ms. Mackaman’s class (2-101) and Mr. Wohlleb’s class (2-106) will attend from October to January. The remaining two classes will attend from February to May. Transportation will be provided. While this program was available free in the past, schools must now pay a fee to participate. The cost is $50 per child, and we are asking parents to help us raise this money so that all students may attend. Two letters from the YMCA have been sent home and need to be signed and returned. The two forms, the release waiver of liability and the indemnity agreement need to be signed and so that your child can attend. The teachers have also sent home letters with important information. All students who are in swimming need to wear his/her bathing suit under their street clothes. They will also need a towel. If you have any questions, ask the classroom teacher or contact Sergio Borrero, our parent coordinator, at 718965-0390 ext. 4105 or at Please support this so that all children can enjoy this experience. Website: Yahoo Group: Facebook: Linda Mazza, Principal Lisa Pagano, Assistant Principal October 9, 2014 Volume 6, Issue 4 PTA NEWS & INFORMATION START COLLECTING YOUR HALLOWEEN DANCE-A-THON PLEDGES! FIELD DAY-OCTOBER 17th This year we will be having Field Day in October. Field Day has always been a community building activity and what better way to start the school year. The date is Friday October 17th and the location is Prospect Park. Field Day will include grades K – 5. All classes will travel by bus to the park and prepare for a day of funfilled activities. Parents are encouraged to join us. Check in with Ms. Higgins or your child’s teacher for more information. IMPORTANT DATES Oct. 17 – Field Day (K-5) Oct. 21 – PTA meeting Oct. 23 – Pre-K nonattendance day Oct. 24 – Cupcake Friday Oct. 25 – Halloween Dance-aThon Oct. 27 – Picture day Nov. 13 – Parent-teacher conferences Nov. 13—Book Fair Website: The pledge forms for this year’s Halloween Dance-a-Thon are included with this week’s bulletin! As a small school, PS 295 has to reach out beyond our community now and then for a little extra help. This event is a perfect opportunity for you to get your extended family and friends involved—and have some fun along the way. People can pledge a specific amount for each dance your child completes (50 cents/dance, $5/dance, or whatever they can spare), or just pledge a set amount for the evening. If each student collects $20 in pledges, we’ll be in great shape—but the important thing is just to do your best and enjoy the party! The Dance-a-Thon happens from 5 – 7:30 on Saturday, October 25. For more details, visit: If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Amanda Amport at 347.528.8440 / LAST CALL FOR DONATIONS FOR THE SILENT ART AUCTION Remember, all donations for the South Slope Silent Art Auction need to be in by next Tuesday, October 14 (we extended the deadline by a day)! All work will be displayed at Two Moon Art Café starting Oct. 17 and will be listed on the Gowanus Open Studio event, so this is great exposure for working artists. Please help us fill those walls with high-quality original artwork (preferably 2-D and ready to hang)! For details—or to help out with the event itself—please email the team at or talk to Frid Branham, Jenny Collins, or Juliet Terzian. For more details about the auction and what a great event it is, visit: ―Like‖ the auction on Facebook to see all the latest submissions! Visit (or just search Facebook for ―South Slope Silent Art Auction‖ if it’s easier). Please join us for the auction on Friday, Nov. 21! There’s no pressure to bid on the art, but if you do, you’ll find great stuff at affordable prices. Either way, you’ll have a great evening relaxing with other parents with no kids around (we love them, but everyone needs a break now and then). THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF THE MORRIS FAMILY! Last week’s benefit at Brooklyn Pub for John Morris was a big success—the family thanks you immensely! Meanwhile, the campaign continues. To make a secure donation to help with their expenses, please visit: Yahoo Group: Facebook: Linda Mazza, Principal Lisa Pagano, Assistant Principal October 9, 2014 Volume 6, Issue 4 DID YOU MISS MEET THE STAFF NIGHT? You can still get the handouts! They’re posted on the school website here: FOLLOW PS 295’S ART CLASSES ON INSTAGRAM Ms. Shen-Ribeiro has set up an Instagram account to share her classes’ creations with family members! The account is under the name ps295visualarts. This is a private account, so images will be viewable only by followers, not the general public. Ms. Shen-Ribeiro will approve follow requests from members of the community (and won’t follow people back). You don’t have to wait until the Spring Arts Fair to see our student masterpieces—get them delivered right to your phone or desktop! DONORSCHOOSE PROJECTS FOR MS. MEADE AND MS. SHEN-RIBEIRO is an online charity where people can post projects in need of funding. PS 295 teachers have met many needs this way, from coloring books to yoga mats to iPads. There are two PS 295 projects on the site right now—check them out, share them with family and friends, and please help if you can! Tablets for Ms. Meade’s class—help Ms. Meade get Kindle devices for her students to use! Visit Enter the code SPARK before Oct. 11 and DonorsChoose will match your gift for twice the support! Art supplies for Ms. Shen-Ribeiro’s studio—Ms. Shen needs a drying rack for student paintings! Visit Enter the code SPARK before Oct. 11 and DonorsChoose will match your gift for twice the support! CAN YOU HELP KEEP THE PS 295 GARDEN GREEN AND HAPPY? The gardens in our courtyard help our kids learn about gardening, the food cycle, healthy eating, and so much more. But they need your help! Parent volunteers build those planters; now we need more helpers to maintain them. this includes: keeping the garden clean and free of garbage; keeping the drains by the garden clear; occasional watering in the spring and fall when kids can’t get to it; maintaining the boxes; and helping get the hoop houses up and running for the winter. If you can help, please contact Susan Weseen at Thanks! Website: Yahoo Group: Facebook:
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