Current bulletin - St. John the Baptist Parish

To Discover, Equip, and Live Out
Pastoral Team
Rev. John P. Bergstadt – Phone Ext. 211
Manny Torres & Nicholas Williams
Business Administrator
Deacon Manny Torres – Phone Ext. 213
Pastoral Associate
Sister Kathy Lange, SCSC - Phone Ext. 214
Pastoral Minister
Ruth Holloway – Phone Ext. 209
Coordinator of Liturgy and Music
Karen Bernsteen – Phone Ext. 232
Director of Faith Formation
Sister Gretchen Krueger, O.P. – Phone Ext. 204
Faith Formation Facilitator Grades 1-6
Susan Casleton – Phone Ext. 205
Coordinator of HS Faith Formation/Confirmation
Amy Koehler – Phone Ext. 212
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Jody Engebos – Phone Ext. 215
School Principal
Vicki Marotz – Phone Ext. 223
Parish Trustees
Gary Lockstein
Bob Buss
Councils & Committee Chairpersons
Pastoral Council- Jeff Taylor
Meets first Thursday of the month
Finance Council- John Style
Meets third Monday of the month
Social Concerns- Lori Janowski
Site Advisory Council- Kelly Williams
Board of Faith Formation- Dave Wojcik
Stewardship- Roseann Mader
Welcoming - Vern Ruhland
Building & Grounds – Mark Heinzen
Councils & Committee Meetings are
open to all parishioners.
Parish Office 434-2145 Faith Formation Office 434-2417 School Office 434-3822
Parish Office fax# (920) 434-5015
School Office fax# (920) 434-5016
Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish – Howard, Wisconsin
This Week at St. John’s
O God, Hear Our Prayer
Saturday, January 24 4:30pm
Connie Brault
Sunday, January 25
8:00am People of the Parish
10:00am Joey Wesolowski
Tuesday, January 27
Liturgy of the Word
Wed., January 28
Darlene Verhaagh
Thursday, January 29 8:30am
Danielle Schwantes
Friday, January 30
Arlene Patek
Saturday, January 31 4:30pm
Sunday, February 1
People of the Parish
8:00am Christine Peters
10:00am Phyllis & John Lonchar
Monday, January 26, 2015
Adult Faith Formation – 9:30am & 6:30pm, Narthex
Faith Formation Gr. 1- 8 – 6:00pm, School
Catholics Returning Home – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Children’s Choir – 3:20pm, Church
Men’s CRHP – 6:30pm, Family Room
Men’s Club/Bible Study – 7:00pm, Conference Room
AA – 8:00pm, Corner Room
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Breaking Open the Sunday Readings – 6:30am & 6:00pm
Faith Formation Gr. 1- 8 – 6:00pm, School
High School Faith Formation – 7:30pm, School
RCIA/Adult Confirmation – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
Scripture Readings
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Reading II 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Gospel Mark 1:21-28
Stewardship of Treasure
From the week of January 18, 2014
Weekly Contribution Budget
Weekly Envelopes
Automatic Withdrawals
Loose Collection
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Coffee & Donuts after the Morning Masses served throughout
the school – Hosted by SJB School Site Advisory Council
Women’s CRHP – 4:00pm, Fireplace Room
Confirmation – 7:00pm, School
+ 947.50
Children’s Stewardship
Here are just a few of the many “offerings” to God from the
youth at St. John the Baptist.
*I cheered my brother on at his b-ball game.
*I fed my dogs dinner.
*By being there for others and being kind.
*I helped buckle my little sister in her car seat.
*I cleaned up a mess by myself.
*I was nice to my sisters.
***Spelling taken directly from the envelopes!
*34 youth envelopes were turned in for January 18.......$33.96
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Women’s Bible Study – 9:30am, Fireplace Room
Adult Faith Formation Team – 9:30am, Conference Room
St. John’s Prayer Group – 7:00pm, Sacristy
Baptism Class – 7:00pm, Fireplace Room
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Women’s Bible Study – 8:00am, Fireplace Room
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Women’s CRHP – 11:00am, Fireplace Room
Boy Scouts – 6:30pm, Ministry Center
Before you leave Church today…
Stop in the Sunday Office to purchase SCRIP.
Join us for Coffee & Donuts after the Morning Masses
served throughout the school – Hosted by SJB School Site
Advisory Council
Schedule of Worship
8:30am - Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Wednesday thru Friday 8:30am – Mass
4:30pm – Mass
8:00am & 10:00am – Masses
Holy Days As Announced
Stewardship Corner
January 25, 2015 - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” – Mark 1:17
Jesus’ call to “Follow me” is a call to all Christians!
Jesus asks us to help Him build his church on earth by
generously sharing all our gifts of prayer, talent and
treasure. Remember, Jesus calls us to generously develop
and share all our gifts, not just the ones we pick and choose.
9:30am – 10:30am (Or by appointment)
Baptism Class is held the last Thursday of each month.
Please call the Parish Office Center at 434-2145 to register.
Baptism will be celebrated on Baptism Sunday at any Mass.
By arrangement with Fr. John or Deacon Manny eight months in
Sacrament of the Sick
Individually, by appointment – Communally, as announced.
January 25, 2015
Announcing Spring CRHP Dates
Women’s Weekend: March 7-8, 2015
Men’s Weekend: March 14-15, 2015
Women’s Bible Study-Spring Session Openings!
Monday - begins Feb. 9 at 6:00p.m. & will be studying Galatians
- cost is $24.95 + shipping. Please contact Jean Payette @ for information (2 openings).
Tuesday - begins April 7 at 1:00p.m. & will be studying “Mary:
A Biblical Walk w/ the Blessed Mother”- cost is $26.95 + shipping.
Please contact Peggy Mason @ 434-5211 and she will provide you
with the information (5-6 openings).
Thursday – started Jan. 22 @ 9:30a.m. & will be studying
“Mary: A Biblical Walk w/ the Blessed Mother”- cost is $26.95 +
shipping. Contact Genny Jones @ (2
openings). There is still time to order materials for this session.
All sessions are held in the Fireplace Room
Breaking Open the Sunday Readings
The schedule for Breaking Open the Sunday Readings coincides
with the Youth Faith Formation Program on Wednesdays
evenings from 6 – 7:00 p.m. in the Narthex. The Wednesday
mornings sessions are from 6:30-7:30 a.m. in the Fireplace Room.
Everyone is invited. You only need to bring your curiosity and
faith. If you have a bible, please bring it along, but it isn’t
required. No need to sign up; just show up when you can. This is
the week to give it a try! For more information, feel free to call
Jerry Berg, 327-0515.
Current Food Pantry Needs
We thank you for your continued thoughtfulness and generosity
in helping to feed those in need. Our current needs are: canned
peas, canned fruit, mayonnaise, ketchup, peanut butter, jelly,
pancake syrup, frosting, and liquid hand soap and dish soap.
Scrip News
Grand Central Station and Express Convenience Center
are now available in inventory!
Express Convenience at 10% available in $50 and $100 cards.
Grand Central Station at 10% available in $25, $50 and $100 cards.
Volunteers for:
Jan 31 & Feb 1
Christine Williams & Mary Drzewiecki
Feb 7 & 8
Theresa Drevs & Pat White
Feb 14 & 15
Allyson Welnetz & Nancy Leurquin
The St. Vincent De Paul Society will sort bric-a-brac at the store
on January 28th from 2pm to 4pm with a short meeting to follow.
We welcome any new members. For more information call Dick
434-2783 or John 434-2745.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Who is a Steward?
I am! Us too! We are! Include us!
Count me in!
The call to serve begins with the Sacrament of
Baptism. From that moment on, the Spirit empowers
us with unique gifts to serve our families, church, and
communities. As you discern your ministry here at St.
John’s this year, remember,
In whatever way you are feeling called to serve, it is
Jesus calling you to serve Him.
As John 12:26 says:
"Whoever serves me must follow me, and where
I am, there also will my servant be. The Father
will honor whoever serves me.”
The Stewardship tree is back!
An Attitude of Gratitude
With gratitude for all God has
given us, we give thanks. A
steward is thankful for all God
has blessed them with and
gives back to God in
thanksgiving. This weekend,
we bring back the Stewardship
Tree. The Stewardship Tree
will offer you the opportunity to share your blessings in a
specific way. Suggestions on the tree are ways for each of us to
show an ‘act of stewardship’ in our families, community and to
each other. Make this a family project this winter! If we each do
something small, together we can make a difference. Please take
a tag off the tree and when your "act of stewardship" is complete
just return it and put it back on the tree for someone else to take.
Ministry volunteer forms can be returned in the gift bags located
in the narthex. Extra forms are available on the table by the gift
bags. You can also return the forms in the collection basket or
the parish office. Thank you for your service to our wonderful
parish. In the Service Booklet (located in the Kiosk or at, you will notice how many active ministries that
are available and waiting for you! Don’t wait. Sign up now!
Blessings, The Stewardship Committee
Helping Hands
Let Us Help - Are you ill or recovering from surgery and
finding it difficult to prepare meals or get to appointments? Do
you no longer drive but would like to attend Mass or run
errands? Then Helping Hands can help. We are a group of
caring volunteers eager to help you during a difficult or
challenging time. Help is only a phone call (or e-mail) away! If
you or someone you know could use a Helping Hand, please
contact Roseann Mader 434-3732 (; or
Sherry Van Helvoirt 434-4997 (
January 25, 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
School News
St. John’s annual auction on
Saturday, April 25th!
Don’t miss this night of fun!
Exciting raffles, games, food, a huge silent and live auction –
doors open at 5pm. More details coming soon.
National Catholic Schools Week is an opportunity for us to come
together as a community and celebrate the value of Catholic
education! This faith-focused celebration extends beyond
GRACE and is shared with Catholic schools and parishes all over
the nation. Join us for one of our school Open House events.
Bring a neighbor, family member or friend to share in the
celebration. All Open House events are listed at the GRACE
website. Visit for more details on this
year’s Catholic Schools Week events.
The fruit sale will run from Jan. 14th to Feb. 4th. We will sell
cartons & ½ cartons of fresh pears, apples, oranges, and
grapefruits. The fruit comes from California, Texas, Washington,
& Oregon. Order forms are available in the school office or
parish office. The fruit will be delivered on February 25 th and
must be picked up, from the SJB Commons, from 12pm until
5pm. Please contact Carla at or 920-6558475 with questions. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Our SJB Tennis Team (Grades 5th – 8th) is in need of a Head
Coach for the 2015 spring season Requirements include: basic
tennis knowledge, good organizational skills and an interest in
having a positive impact on young people. If interested, please
contact Dale Klimek – SJB Athletic Director at 920-655-2177 or
Young Adult Ministry Upcoming Events
Serving individuals 18-39 in the Diocese of Green Bay
February 5, 2015 Young Adult Catholic Professionals
Luncheon. Robert Atwell, CEO, Nicolet National Bank will
discuss "Incorporating Faith into Professionalism" with Catholic
young adult professionals over lunch at St. Brendan's Inn &
Restaurant, Green Bay.
February 13-15: YA Retreat “Into the Heart of Jesus.” For more
info visit:
March 21: ENCOUNTER @ St. Jude in Oshkosh. Join other
young adults at a night of Eucharistic Adoration, Praise & Worship
Music, Reconciliation, Reflection by a priest and fellowship.
April 24: Christopher West “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex and the
Universal Long-ing” @ Sacred Heart in Shawano.
Event Contact - Phil Lawson, Young Adult Ministry
Discipleship and Formation Coordinator: (920) 272-8304
SJB Youth Group
Jody Engebos 920-737-7357
J.O.Y. – Jesus for Our Youth recommitment
This January the West Side Youth Ministry team will be
asking you to commit or recommit to praying for our
youth. As a JOY Prayer Partner you will receive quarterly
updates as to the monthly happenings of WSYM youth
grades 6-12! And you are asked to keep youth and their
concerns in prayer.
Please recommit – its so easy and so good.
Please know we pray for you as well!
5TH annual Middle School LATE IN is coming!!!
Friday, February 6 from 5-11:30pm
At the Kroc Center in Bellevue
Mass, Pizza, swimming, dodgeball, Karaoke, BIG
games & board games, crafts, snacks, basketball,
volleyball, prayer…
ALL THAT COOL STUFF! And no mess in your
house! Only $15 for youth 6-8th grade
(HELP!!! I need chaperones and HS helpers!)
2014 ‘Feed My Starving Children’ results are in!
We needed $102,663 to pay for the 466,650 meals
that were packed. We are at $104,217! That gives
our 2015 Mobilepack seed money of $1554 so
far. The meals are in route to their destinations –
feeding many children!
So amazing! Praise be to God.
Be creative - start saving your coins!
January 25, 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Area Happenings
St. John’s and SS Edward & Isidore invite you to
join us for an evening of: Visio Divina
Visio Divina is reflecting, through artwork, on Scripture. We will
explore this type of prayer through spiritual art by listening to
Scripture, meditating on a Creation illustration, sensing what
God desires us to know, and praying for understanding.
Presenter: Timothy Johnston-Director of liturgy at Marquette
When: Feb. 9, 2015 6-7:30 pm
Where: SS Edward and Isidore, Resurrection Hall
RSVP by January 30 to Ruth 434-2145 ext. 209 or
This is a great follow up for those who experienced the Oremus
prayer study and anyone else who is looking for another way to
experience prayer!
Looking for a weekend away, for just the two of you?
A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers you this experience. It's
a time to renew your relationship, away from the everyday
distraction of life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your
communication and promote greater intimacy in your life
together. You don't need a Marriage Encounter Weekend, but
you DESERVE one. “Discover Each Other Again”, more deeply,
honestly and warmly.
The weekend retreat options are:
Feb. 6-8 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere
March 21-22 at Saint Pius Parish in Appleton,
April 17-19 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere,
May 16-17 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere.
For more information, contact Sue & Dennis Amtmann (920-5445166 / or visit
Wow, it’s the Chilirific Musicpalooza!
A fundraiser of the Pulaski Music Boosters
Music that’s as tasty as the chili!
Sunday, January 25, 2015
11:30 am – 3:30 pm
Pulaski High School Commons
Adults: $6 in advance/$7 at the door
Children (2-7 years): $2
Children (under 2): Free
For advance tickets, contact:
Elaine Gajewski 920-822-2560
All-you-can-eat homemade chili, sandwiches,
desserts, milk, coffee
Take-out chili also available (while supplies last)
Cost $90.00
Sweet Rolls will be provided.
Call Vicki at Nativity Parish @ 499-5156 for reservations and
more details. Thank You for traveling with Nativity Parish.
Let the Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play strengthen your spirit
and lift your soul through Holy Week and beyond! Witness the
baptism by John, the calling of the apostles and the glory of the
resurrection. This profoundly moving production can be shared
by the entire family.
7pm March 26, 27 & 28
1 pm March 28 & 29
Xavier Fine Arts Theatre
1600 W. Prospect Ave, Appleton
Our March 28th matinee will be interpreted for the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing. For more show information or to purchase
tickets, please visit: or call the Xavier
box office at 733-8840.
KC Council #6279 - St. John the Baptist
Cribbage Tournament
February 17, 2015 7:00pm
Townline Sports Bar & Grill
2544 Lineville Rd., Green Bay
Doors open at 6:00pm for food and
The entry fee is $40.00 per team ($20.00 per person)
Entry fee includes food and refreshments.
Bring a non-perishable item &
be entered into a door prize drawing.
Make checks payable to KC Council #6279 and send to:
Chuck Johnson
Phone: (920) 865-7517
1945 Sylvan Dr.
Green Bay, WI 54313
Blanketing Brown County
Our parish participation in the Brown County Blanket Collection
ends January 27, 2015. Thanks to all who have helped those in
need by donating new and gently used blankets for distribution
to area shelters and agencies. Your generous donations have
been appreciated.
The Reality of Human Trafficking
Modern Day Slavery
Thanks to all who have been praying daily with the named
intention on the calendar in the efforts to eradicate human
trafficking. There are still some calendar sheets at the kiosks in
the Narthex. The prayer calendar runs through February 8, 2015.
Rosebud Program
This is just a reminder to take a look at the vase of
silk roses in the back of church near the vesting
sacristy. You will find colored roses that represent
various situations—pregnancy, birth, adoption,
miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, and more. You
are invited to place a rose into the vase signifying a
particular situation, and prayers will be offered for your
intention. Coordinating prayer cards are available there as well.
January 25, 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Article written by Mrs. Gayle Fritsch
8th grade teacher at St. John the Baptist School
This Sunday is the kick-off to Catholic Schools Week. In the
gospel, Jesus continues to gather his apostles. They will journey
with him, learn from him and then continue his work after he
ascends to the Father. Catholic Schools are a vital link in
continuing the story of the good news. The apostles were set aside
for a special mission. Our Catholic Schools are set aside for the
same objective. We pride ourselves on the high and successful
academic standards we set and rightly so. But if we were only
about academic standards, then there would be no reason for our
existence. We are called to something more. We are called by the
Spirit to educate the soul.
My husband is a product of a Catholic elementary education. I
am not. In fact, my first experience with a Catholic institution was
at the college level. It was in that environment that I encountered
the Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Family. As instructors, they
had a joy and an ability to connect with their students on a level
that was new to me. I was raised in a devout Catholic family, but
my college experience opened a new door in what it meant to be a
Catholic. As Matthew Kelly puts it in his book, Rediscover
Catholicism, I was not authentic. Through a strange set of
circumstances, my first teaching position was in a Catholic school
and thirty-eight years later, I am still there. I remember my first
principal, Sr. Mary Janet, saying at a faculty meeting, “Always
remember, it is NEVER about you. It is ALWAYS about the
children.” I hope that it is what sets us apart.
I am often asked when I decided to become a teacher. In
truth, I’m not sure I ever did. It was never considered through
grade school or high school. I entered college and for two years
did not know what I wanted to do with my life. I did not choose
being a teacher. It chose me. In the spring of 1974, Jesus asked
me to cast aside my nets and follow him. I have been privileged
to be part of faith communities that nourish the whole childmind and soul. Just as Jesus saw something in each of the twelve
men he called, I believe and hope that teachers in a Catholic
school see something special in each of the children they interact
with. Your support of Catholic education is critical to our
continued success. I thank you for supporting our school and
working with us. We are indeed “Companions on the Journey”
with our destination being a child that will grow into adult being
the person God created him or her to be.
Liturgical Ministries
The complete schedule is online at
January 31
February 1
February 1
Eucharistic Minister
Colleen Pamperin
Debbie Baranczyk
Erin Murphy
Francis Neis
Jane Phelps
Jim Baranczyk
Peggy Neis
Roseann Mader
Carol Gagan
David Schlegel
Don Martens
Fern Martens
Liz Beyers
Mike Carlson
Sherise Carlson
Donna Hansford
Eileen Breitrick
Kathy Yaggie
Katie Drust
Marc Fry
Roseann Raupp
Terence Raupp
Tony Yaggie
Victoria Torres
Yvonne Duffek
1-Cathy Ault
2-Celine Goessl
Logan Winkelman
Margaret Winkelman
Peyton Winkelman
Vern Ruhland
Bill Hendricks Jr
Dede Rife
Frank Burkel
John Plumb - Head
Marilyn Bardwell
Sam Plumb
Bill Wulf
Dave Destache
Sarah Wulf
Benjamin Stratman
Bob Gagan - Head
Eric Stratman
Jacob Stratman
Joe Bertrand
Michael Stratman
Bob Cavender
Dianne Cavender
Victoria Torres
Yvonne Duffek
Craig Gezella
David Bjorkman
Gene Luedke
Jacob Meyer
Joan Brusky
Mary Lou Bartoletti
Peter Mueller - Head
Ronald Treml
Bob’s Group
Altar Servers
Jack Plumb
John Williams
1-Sr. Kathy Lange
2-Diane Stepien
Altar Servers
Allen Maresh
Morgan Maresh
1-Kathleen Krause
2-Gloria D'souza
Altar Servers
Hannah Weslow
Nathan Weslow