Trauma Informed Care and Adverse Childhood Experiences

CESA 6 Professional Development Opportunities
The educational catalyst for an ever-changing world
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February 2015
Trauma Informed Care and
Adverse Childhood Experiences
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
This event is presented by the CESA 6 Safe and Healthy Schools
and Communities Center and Special Education Services
Trauma Informed Care is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves
understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. Trauma
Informed Care also emphasizes physical, psychological and emotional safety for both consumers and providers, and helps survivors rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.
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GC = Graduate credit. For details on
obtaining graduate credits, please
contact the program assistant listed
with the particular workshop.
Additional information about CataList
events is available on the CESA 6
website,, including
registration information, times, dates,
locations and cancellations.
Schedules are subject to change.
Thank you for considering CESA 6
for all your training and professional
This training is an opportunity to assist educators, families, caregivers and other social
service providers in fostering greater understanding of trauma informed care and child
traumatic stress, help providers understand the effects that trauma can have on child
development, behaviors, and functioning, as well as recognize, prevent and cope with
compassion fatigue.
Featuring Keynote Speaker Dr. Dipesh Navsaria
Toxic Stress and Childhood Adversity in Early Brain Development
Dr. Dipesh Navsaria will present on the science behind toxic stress in
early childhood and its effects on developing brain architecture that
can lead to lifelong problems in learning, behavior, and both physical
and mental health.
Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public
Health. He practices primary care pediatrics at Access Community
Health Center. He is also the founder and director of the Pediatric
Early Literacy Projects at the University of Wisconsin, and is also the founding medical
director of Reach Out and Read Wisconsin.
Workshop Objectives
• Realize the widespread neurological, biological, psychological and social impact of
trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACE)
• Recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma and ACE in students and families
• Respond by integrating knowledge about trauma and ACE into policies, procedures,
and practices in schools
• Seek to actively resist “re-traumatization”
2935 Universal Court
Oshkosh, WI 54904
(920) 233-2372 phone
(920) 424-3478 fax
Who Should Attend?
• Regular and special education professionals, paraprofessionals, administrators, school
counselors, social workers, psychologists and other educational specialists.
For additional information, contact:
Jenny Evrard-Larson, RSN Coordinator CESA 6 – or 920.236.0598
Sheltering Instruction for English
Learners (GC)
March 4, 2015
Contact: Tere Masiarchin
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
Need valuable, ready-to-use strategies for teaching
your ELs? This guided demonstration workshop will
combine research with ready-to-use strategies for
sheltering your instruction with English learners!
You will practice each strategy and determine how
to incorporate it into your instruction.
PBIS Tier 2 Secondary Training S300
March 6, 2015
Contacts: Michelle Polzin and Stephanie Skolasinski
Assistant: Paula Starr
Day 3 and Day 4 will provide an introduction to the
concepts and systems of functional assessment and
behavior intervention planning to support individual
students’ behavior. This session will focus on simple
functional assessment tools, brief intervention
planning, and progress-monitoring of plans.
Comprehension Focus Group Series
March 9-10 and April 15, 2015
Contact: Michelle Amend
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
Comprehension Focus Groups (CFG) are designed
for students in third through secondary level
grades who need to learn how to consistently
use knowledge of text genres and text structures
in order to read for a specific purpose and to use
appropriate strategies to construct meaning.
Social Relation Skills and Strategies
for Students with High Functioning
Autism and Asperger Syndrome:
Kindergarten through High School
March 11, 2015
Contact: Susan Stokes
Assistant: Paula Starr
This training will provide participants with an
in-depth focus on the primary area of difficulty
for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD),
social relation skills. Particular focus will be given
to “social understanding”, a significant feature
of social development which is often absent or
developmentally delayed in highly verbal students
identified with ASD. Numerous tools and resources
will be provided to address the various social
thinking (learning) needs of people with ASD.
LLI 3-6 Word Study and Vocabulary!
Oh My!
March 11, 2015
Contact: Anne Pagel
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
Objectives: Exploring Tier 1, 2, and 3 vocabulary
words; understanding how to derive the meaning of
words; deriving words from context; and analyzing
student needs and planning lessons.
District Administrator Performance
Evaluation System (DAPES) Training
March 12: CESA 1 Region; April 21: CESA 7 Region;
April 24: CESA 6 Region; April 28: CESA 11 Region;
May 14: CESA 2 Region; May 14: CESA 5 Region;
May 19: CESA 9 Region
Contact: Dr. Keith Fuchs
Assistant: Anne Kirk
All DAPES training models will engage the district
administrator/superintendent and school board in a
process that will: unite the school board and district
administrator/superintendent in a partnership for
district administrator evaluation and professional
growth; enhance the district administrator and
school board’s understanding of the research-based
DAPES standards, indicators, and rubrics; identify
the time line for implementation of the DAPES and
the responsibilities of the partners; and inform
the district administrator and school board of the
ongoing support they will receive from CESA 6 in
order to sustain and improve the use of DAPES.
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention –
Refresher Course
March 12, 2015
Contact: Diane Braker
Assistant: Paula Starr
Educators recognize the need for timely, effective
nonviolent intervention with students who
exhibit challenging behaviors. They know that
such intervention improves the physical safety
of all participants and creates a more trusting
and caring learning environment. Anyone who
may have to manage verbally or physically
aggressive individuals will benefit from the review
of skills and techniques learned in Nonviolent
Crisis Intervention. The content of this workshop
addresses the Act 125 requirements regarding the
appropriate use of seclusion and restraint.
iPads for Teaching and Learning
March 18, 2015
Contact: Paula Walser
Assistant: Paula Starr
Do you or your students have iPads that they
are beginning to use within the classroom? The
iPad (or iPod touch or iPhone) opens many new
opportunities for learning. This workshop will
provide you with the necessary skills to implement
iPad/iPods within the classroom.
2015 Next Generation Schools
Symposium (GC) – Transforming
Today’s Classrooms: It’s Their Future
March 18-19, 2015
Contact: Dan Hanrahan
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
Districts throughout the region have joined together
to form a network of Next Generation Schools
implementers. Here, educators share and collaborate
initiatives leading towards the Next Generation
Schools framework. By collaborating and sharing on
first iterations, districts are able to learn from and
with each other as engineers of the future of public
education in CESA 6.
Pre-Conference Workshop
Make Learning Personal: The What, Who and Why of
Personalized Learning? Facilitated by Barbara Bray,
co-author of “Make Learning Personal”.
SMART Board™ Introduction
March 25, 2015
Contact: Paula Walser
Assistant: Paula Starr
Do you or your students have iPads that they
are beginning to use within the classroom? The
iPad (or iPod touch or iPhone) opens many new
opportunities for learning. This workshop will
provide you with the necessary skills to implement
iPad/iPods within the classroom.
Title I: Literacy Focus Workshop
March 25, 2015
Contact: Mary Ann Hudziak and Anne Pagel
Assistant: Sue Christensen
This workshop is designed to learn and practice
effective literacy strategies. Many of these
strategies can be used with students of all ages and
the activities will be adapted for the grade levels
taught by the participants.
Literacy Beginning for 4K –
Supporting Emergent Readers
March 27, 2015
Contact: Nicole Lehr
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
Three critical areas of learning in prekindergarten:
story awareness, language awareness, and print
awareness. This session will also support teachers
in building an understanding of the reading process
and of how the literacy that children experience in
prekindergarten and kindergarten contributes to
their long-term development as readers.
Literacy Link: A Multi-Sensory
Approach to Sound Symbols
Connection – A Phonological
March 30 and 31, 2015
Contact: Peggy Northrup
Assistant: Paula Starr
This course will present a kinesthetic, hands-on
approach for bridging the gap between phonological
awareness, reading and written language.
Attendees will learn specific hand symbols for
consonants and vowels that will assist in teaching
rhyme, alphabetic code, sound-symbol relationships,
phoneme segmentation and blending. Attendees
will also gain an understanding of the phonological
awareness continuum and which activities should
be taught when. Attendees will learn many songs
and over 50 phonological awareness activities that
can be implemented immediately into the classroom
with any language arts curriculum. Phonological
Awareness Assessment will also be covered. The
children will “love” this method of teaching literacy.
LLI K-2 Fluent Reading! And YES, it’s
not just rate!
April 8, 2015
Contact: Nicole Lehr
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
Objectives: Understand the change in fluency over
time; the role of fast processing; implementing the
six dimensions of fluency; and teaching for fluency.
Spring Title I Coordinators Meeting
April 14, 2015
Contact: CESA 6 Title I Team
Assistant: Sue Christensen
This meeting will provide support for Title I
coordinators related to ESEA application and budget,
working with private schools, family engagement,
Title I law, programming, reporting requirements,
school improvement strategies, monitoring
information, and form completion.
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention –
Full Initial Training (GC)
April 21 and 22, 2015
Contact: Diane Braker
Assistant: Paula Starr
Educators recognize the need for timely, effective
nonviolent intervention with students who
exhibit challenging behaviors. They know that
such intervention improves the physical safety
of all participants and creates a more trusting
and caring learning environment. Anyone who
may have to manage verbally or physically
aggressive individuals will benefit from the
skills and techniques learned in Nonviolent
Crisis Intervention. The content of this workshop
addresses the Act 125 requirements regarding the
appropriate use of seclusion and restraint.
Year-End: Title I Data and Program
April 22, 2015
Contact: CESA 6 Title I Team
Assistant: Sue Christensen
This workshop session will include general sessions
and break-out sessions, all designed to support the
Title I Pathways of attendees. Objectives for the
sessions will include: End of Year Data Collection –
evaluate and summarize the data; Program Efficacy
– draw conclusions about the Pathway Plan and
develop recommendations for 2015-16 QPS Title I
Pathway; and Increase your knowledge, skills and
dispositions specific to your Title I Pathway. This
workshop is only for schools receiving QPS Title I
services. All teachers and leaders involved in the
school’s Title I Pathway are invited to attend.
LLI K-2 Genre Study and LLI
April 29, 2015
Contact: Nicole Lehr
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
Objectives: Gain an understanding of how readers
process texts; understand the twelve systems
of strategic actions as an integrated, complex,
cognitive network in which readers engage flexibly
and simultaneously as they process text; understand
the systems of strategic actions for processing text
through the lens of genre understanding; and
understand how to analyze the potential demands
of texts on readers by looking at the ten factors
related to text complexity.
LLI 3-6 Genre Study and LLI
April 29, 2015
Contact: Anne Pagel
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
Objectives: Gain an understanding of how readers
process texts; understand the twelve systems
of strategic actions as an integrated, complex,
cognitive network in which readers engage flexibly
and simultaneously as they process text; understand
the systems of strategic actions for processing text
through the lens of genre understanding; and
understand how to analyze the potential demands
of texts on readers by looking at the ten factors
related to text complexity.
State Speech and Language Meeting
with Sheryl Thormann
April 29, 2015
Contact: Sheryl Thormann, DPI
Assistant: Paula Starr
State Speech and Language Spring Meeting
Trauma Informed Care
Featuring Dr. Dipesh Navsaria
May 5, 2015
Contact: Jenny Larson
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
Trauma Informed Care is an organizational
structure and treatment framework that involves
understanding, recognizing, and responding to
the effects of all types of trauma. Trauma Informed
Care also emphasizes physical, psychological and
emotional safety for both consumers and providers,
and helps survivors rebuild a sense of control and
empowerment. This training is an opportunity to
assist educators, families, caregivers and other social
service providers in fostering greater understanding
of trauma informed care and child traumatic stress,
help providers understand the effects that trauma
can have on child development, behaviors, and
functioning, as well as recognize, prevent and cope
with compassion fatigue.
State Speech and Language Meeting
with Sheryl Thormann
April 29, 2015
Contact: Sheryl Thormann, DPI
Assistant: Paula Starr
State Speech and Language Spring Meeting
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention –
Refresher Course
May 14, 2015
Contact: Diane Braker
Assistant: Paula Starr
Educators recognize the need for timely, effective
nonviolent intervention with students who
exhibit challenging behaviors. They know that
such intervention improves the physical safety of
all participants and creates a more trusting and
caring learning environment. Anyone who may
have to manage verbally or physically aggressive
individuals will benefit from the review of skills and
techniques learned in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention.
The content of this workshop addresses the Act
125 requirements regarding the appropriate use of
seclusion and restraint.
Summer 2015
Save the Dates!
ELD Standards in Action:
Unit Planning Workshop (GC)
June 22-24, 2015
Contact: Tere Masiarchin
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
During this workshop participants will utilize
resources from the WIDA ELD Standards Framework
to plan units of instruction which integrate
content and language standards. In school
teams, participants will engage in identifying
the academic language demands embedded in
state content standards, planning and designing
a custom unit of instruction, identifying ways
to support and differentiate for language
development; and planning and designing
methods for formative language assessment.
Registration is limited to 30 participants and this
workshop will fill up quickly. Please make your
reservation early!
Teaching with Poverty in Mind:
What Being Poor Does to Kids’ Brains
and What Schools Can do About It
Featuring Eric P. Jensen
August 24, 2015
Contact: Jackie Schoening
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
During this workshop participants will get an
overview of Eric Jensen’s new book Teaching with
Poverty in Mind. Are students from poverty really
different? The research says, “Yes!” But, HOW are
they different and what can you do about it? This
powerful workshop explores both the science and
the specific classroom strategies to reach students
from poverty.
Allies in Autism Education
Recruiting for Cohort 4!
Join the AAE by sending a team from your
district to partner with over 50 other districts
as they work to increase and improve their use
of evidence-based practices for students with
autism spectrum disorders. Interested?
Contact Ellen Franzone at
or Lisa Lesselyong at
Network Meetings
Network for Read 180 Teachers
March 3, 2015
Contact: Anne Pagel
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
ELL Network
April 30, 2015
Contact: Tere Masiarchin
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
Speech and Language Network
March 5, 2015
Contact: Kimberly Caul
Assistant: Paula Starr
Safe and Healthy Schools and
April 24, 2015
Contact: Jackie Schoening
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
Early Childhood Network
March 6, 2015
Contact: Gail Cismoski
Assistant: Paula Starr
School Psychologist Network
March 9, 2015
Contact: Holly Rabe
Assistant: Paula Starr
School Nurse Network
March 11, 2015
Contact: Deb Kuenzi
Assistant: Paula Starr
RtI Coach and Coordinator Network
March 17, 2015
Contact: Dan Seaman
Assistant: Paula Starr
PBIS Coach Networking –
RtI Coach and Coordinator
Networking Integrated Networking
Sessions and Technical Assistant
March 17, 2015
Contact: Michelle Polzin
Assistant: Paula Starr
Transition Network
March 24, 2015
Contact: Wendi Dawson
Assistant: Paula Starr
Network for Read 180 Teachers
May 2, 2015
Contact: Anne Pagel
Assistant: Mary Ann Schwandt
Technology Coordinators Network
May 7, 2015
Contact: Tammy Thiem
Assistant: Debbie Pinkerton
PBIS Coach Networking –
RtI Coach and Coordinator
Networking Integrated Networking
Sessions and Technical Assistant
May 8, 2015
Contact: Michelle Polzin
Assistant: Paula Starr
School Nurse Network
May 13, 2015
Contact: Deb Kuenzi
Assistant: Paula Starr
Transition Network
May 19, 2015
Contact: Wendi Dawson
Assistant: Paula Starr
RSN Netowrk
May 20, 2015
Contact: Jenny Larson
Assistant: Paula Starr