PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK A M O S A L O N Z O S TA G G H I G H S C H O O L 111 th Street and Roberts Road Palos Hills, IL 60465 (708) 974-7400 Charger Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. Rick Nogal, President Patrick O'Sullivan, Vice President Kathy Quilty, Secretary Susan Dalton A M O S A L O N Z O S T A G G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 Melissa Gracias Kate Murphy-Peterson Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Eric Olsen, Principal "An equal opportunity employer" Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber December Students of the Month 1st row (l. to r.): Fierra Walker (Science), Ebony Jackson (Family and Consumer Science), Alaa Awad (ELL), Pimpagee Wisanwanit (World Languages) 2nd row (l. to r.): Bairbre Connolly (Music), Brian Losiewicz (Applied Technology), Olivia Piotrowski (Math), Diane Arroyo (Art), Katherine Pluister (Social Studies), Aiste Drukteinyte (Physical Education), Jacob Puente (Business), Adam Salah (English) 2O14-15 School Calendar January At A Glance 5 6 7 8 8 12 13 14 14 19 20 20 21 21 26 28 29 31 Institute Day (no student attendance) Classes reconvene Late Start Athletic Booster Meeting Education Committee Meeting SCO Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Student Services Meeting Late Start Mid-year Graduation Ceremony at Sandburg Martin Luther King Day - no school Music Booster Meeting Building and Finance Meeting Late Start Incoming Freshman Pre-Registration Market Day Late Start Board of Education Meeting, Sandburg, 7 p.m. Incoming Freshman Registration The many faces of Stagg High School... Stagg High School is a collage of amazing students doing amazing things. A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOUGHT MEANING ACTION Principal’s Message What’s Inside Charger Pride: JANUARY 2015 PAGE 2 Principal’s Message PAGE 3 Learning Art Department News PAGE 4 Guidance Careers – Sophomores Revisit Career Cruising Course Selection and Registration Process Stagg High School Staff Recognition PAGE 5 Learning Business Students Take Part in Interview Workshop Health Services Department PAGE 6 Learning Deans’ Office Catch a Rising Star PAGE 7 Learning / Community Involvement What’s Playing In The Music Department Track & Field Season is Upon Us! Candlelight Bowl Parent Group News PAGE 8 School Calendar Learning / Community Involvement Dear Stagg Chargers, Happy New Year! On behalf of the administration and staff at Stagg, I hope that everyone had an enjoyable, refreshing winter break! With the New Year comes a new semester. The beginning of 2015 is a very busy time for students and staff at Amos Alonzo Stagg High School, and it is important to approach this time of year with a sense of renewal. We have made some slight changes to Period 2 Intervention Days in order to continuously improve the programming offered to our students. Beginning second semester, any student who has received multiple failures during the first semester will be required to attend an intensive study program and will not be able to attend either larger group study areas including the Commons and the PAC. Parents of students who will be participating in this program will be notified in the first weeks of the semester. Stagg High School continues to make safety our number one priority as we enter the New Year. As always, all of our safety procedures are reviewed with students at the beginning of each semester. In addition, we work closely with emergency services including Palos Hills Police and North Palos Fire Protection District on our emergency plans and procedures. We ask that students and parents remember that school safety is everyone’s responsibility. The following guidelines will help ensure a safe place for your children to learn and grow: 1. Review Stagg High School’s Student Handbook with your child. 2. Report any concern regarding school safety to the school immediately, even if you are unsure if it is rumor or hearsay. 3. Utilize Stagg’s Anonymous Safety and Security Tip Line at 708-974-7400, ext. 7222. 4. Please call the school and arrange an appointment if you need to see school staff. Drop in or unannounced visits are discouraged. 5. Remind your child that they must never prop open any school doors or open doors for ANYONE in the school. 6. As in the past, all visitors during the school day must present a valid form of identification. 7. Remember that 111th in front of Stagg High School is now a School Zone and speed limits have changed. Please be extra careful when driving around our school to help keep our students safe. 8. Remind your child of safe behavior when they leave the school, including crossing at the crosswalks and on the bus. 9. Please discuss with your child the dangers and repercussions of the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Research shows that children, whose parents discuss these topics with them, are less likely to abuse them. 10. Students must keep their school ID on their person whenever at school or at a school function. Many of our seniors have been anxiously awaiting acceptance letters to colleges, universities, and career preparation programs. Freshman, sophomores, and juniors are beginning the course selection process for next year. The Class of 2019 have completed their EXPLORE placement exams and will begin to select their classes next month. Students and staff are also focused on high-stakes tests such as the ACT, PARCC Assessments, and Advanced Placement. Pay close attention to deadlines. Information contained in the school newsletter, daily announcements, and the school and district websites contain important information. Students will continue to receive information regarding graduation and events surrounding their senior year. Please pay attention to the information sent home this semester so you are aware of all the requirements surrounding this process. The course selection process will begin shortly for current freshmen, sophomores and juniors. We believe that the course selection process should be a collaborative experience between students, their parents, and the school. We ask students to challenge themselves in making future decisions and stretch themselves when selecting courses of study…an “easy semester” is a wasted semester. Finally, we encourage parents to participate in your child’s high school experience by becoming involved in one of our parent organizations. Stagg Community Organization (SCO), Music Boosters and Athletic Boosters are a few examples of organizations that positively impact our students on a daily basis. Resolve to get involved! Sincerely, Eric Olsen Principal What’s Playing In The Happy New Year! Music Department ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Thanks to all who volunteered their time at the POMS competition. It was a great success. Our 3rd Annual Spectrum Concerts were held on Tuesday, December 9th and Wednesday, December 10th, respectively. What better way to get into the holiday spirit than to hear our fine musicians at Stagg spread their holiday cheer! Attention: any and all basketball parents - we need your help in running the concession stand during all home basketball games. Stop in concessions and sign up or e-mail the Athletic Booster club to sign up. Thank you! IMEA (Illinois Music Educators Association) auditions are but the beginning of what culminates with the IMEA All State Festival taking place January 28-31, 2015 at the Peoria Civic Center. This year, those students who have advanced to the State Festival include: On behalf of the Athletic Boosters, we hope everyone had a good holiday. Thank you to all who have assisted us this semester!!! Andrew DeAngelis Dominic Demma Anthony Hansen Warren Wudtke Senior Senior Senior Senior Band Honors Chorus All-State Chorus Band French Horn Tenor 1 Bass 2 Trombone This is quite an honor for the students to be selected, given that Stagg is part of District I, which is the largest of the nine districts in the state of Illinois. District I encompasses a large portion of the southwest suburbs, and the entire city of Chicago. Since it is the largest district in the state, it is the most competitive, with over 2,000 students auditioning for positions in one of the district ensembles! Congratulations to these fine musicians! Jazz Band is in full swing! Upcoming Jazz events include the New Trier Jazz Festival on Saturday, February 7th, a performance at Hackney’s on February 18th, and a performance at a recording studio in Nashville! In addition, the Jazz Band and Business Casual will be performing at the annual Pops concert on March 4th. Come out and enjoy some wonderful entertainment by our talented musicians! Thanks to all for your continued support of our programs! Track & Field Season is Upon Us! Track and Field is one of the few sports at Stagg that does not have tryouts so it is a perfect sport for those who are die hard “trackster’s,” those who are in transition from another sport, and those who are looking to join a new sport. The first day of the season is Tuesday, January 20th and all grade levels and athletic abilities are welcome to participate! To be eligible for participation, every athlete must have an updated physical and parent permission form. Both of these documents can be found on If you have any questions, please see Coach Gaido in Room 321 or Coach Smith in Room 537. Candlelight Bowl Tickets should be purchased by January 15th for the candlelight bowl that benefits the SCO’s scholarship fund. Registration begins at 9:30 p.m., and bowling starts at 10 p.m. on February 14 at Oak Forest Bowl. The $25 per person fee includes two games of bowling, rental shoes, a buffet and desserts. Non-bowlers pay $15 per person. Cash bar, split-the-pot raffle and raffle baskets will be available. Teachers, staff, parents and community members are invited. Those who cannot attend may donate a raffle prize. Buy tickets online at For information, e-mail Vicki Sladowski at SCO The Stagg Community Organization is working to keep parents informed and connected with a January 12 meeting focused on Twitter and its role at Stagg, and a candlelight bowl benefit set for Valentine’s Day on February 14. The SCO is also partnering with local boutique Elegant Couture to raise money for its scholarship fund. The meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, January 12, features District 230 technology director John Connolly who will discuss Twitter and its role in communication at Stagg. Although e-mail and all-calls continue to be important tools, Twitter is increasingly being used to communicate, thanks to its ability to provide brief information quickly. Teachers, coaches and music groups use Twitter to alert parents and students about practices, meetings and competitions, and school officials can provide information about emergencies such as extended evacuations. John Connolly will show parents how they can sign up for Twitter using devices at the meeting. Those without smart phones can learn how to set up Twitter on their computer to receive alerts via e-mail. Parents who already use Twitter can follow @StaggHighSchool to receive tweets from Principal Eric Olsen. Mark your calendars for the February SCO meeting on February 9th at 6:30 p.m. in Room 605. Boutique Benefit Elegant Couture is offering a special opportunity for the SCO to benefit from sales from their boutique at 12236 S. Harlem Ave. in Palos Heights. The store is donating a dress worth up to $400 for the senior party raffle and is donating 5% of purchases by Stagg students to the SCO (just show a student ID). All senior girls on a varsity sports team can have a $25 gift card toward their purchase of a dress, and layaway is available. A special Stagg event will take place January 25 at the store so students can see styles from the collection modeled and set up an appointment to try on dresses another day. Elegant Couture specializes in prom and special occasion dresses, and carries shoes, clutches and accessories. The boutique’s specialty is “red carpet service” for customers, and the store registers dresses so no two appear at the same prom. For information, visit or call (708) 671-8682. Spirit Scarves Keep warm with bright orange spirit “SCOrves” sold in two sizes, small and regular, for $20. They feature the Stagg logo and pockets to keep hands warm or hold cell phones. Order forms are at the North Door (N1) entrance, via e-mail at or at Delivery takes two to three weeks. Learning Learning Deans’ Office Catch a Rising Star Welcome Back! Dear Friends of Stagg High School: In an effort to make 2nd semester run smoothly for you and your student, here are a few reminders from the Deans’ office… “Evening with the Stars” is a recognition program unique to Stagg High School and a complement to the various other end-of-the-year celebrations. The purpose of this program is to recognize individuals (teacher, staff, administrator, student, or community member) who have helped to make Stagg High School a great place. ● Please remember that 111th Street outside of Stagg is a 20 mile per hour school zone. Use caution before and after school. ● The deans will present a video to all advisory classes the first week of semester 2 to remind students of our expectations and the handbook. ● Please remind students to always lock their belongings while at school. Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to school as the District is not responsible for loss or theft. We highly encourage families to take advantage of GPS trackers that may be available on many cell phones in case a phone is lost. ● Please plan accordingly when driving to school during inclement weather. Allow extra time to arrive to school safely and on time. ● If you ever have a safety related concern, please contact the Deans’ Office at 708-974-7494 so that we can assist you immediately. School Closing Information In the event that District 230 needs to close school because of inclement weather or for some other emergency, check these sources for information between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Radio: WGN AM 720 and WBBM AM 780 Art Department News The following lists of criteria are examples of reasons individuals have received this recognition in the past: Students: Staff: Community Members: 夝 Exceptional student effort and/or exceptional improvement in life-long learning skills 夝 Be creative thinkers and have problem solving skills 夝 Organizational effectiveness and leadership 夝 Interpersonal skills 夝 Good team player/ cooperative 夝 Positive role model for both staff and students 夝 Works outside the boundary of regular school day 夝 Undisputed positive attitude towards others 夝 Exceptional teacher mentor 夝 Life-long learner, risk taker 夝 Someone who loves helping others, never thinking twice about it 夝 Volunteers unconditionally: committees, sports, boosters, etc. 夝 Shares in the growth of Stagg High School 夝 For distinguished work Parents can nominate staff and vice-versa. Students can nominate staff and vice-versa. Once the “nominees” have been selected, a reception will be held on Wednesday, April 15th to recognize them. Honorees are encouraged to invite their families to join them during the evening. The “nominator” will present a one-minute speech sharing the reason for this person’s contributions to Stagg High School! Sincerely, The Evening with the Stars Committee Nominations are due to the Main Office by Tuesday, March 24th by 1 p.m. (no exceptions)! The reception will be Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Amos Alonzo Stagg High School “Evening with the Stars” Person being nominated: ____________________________________________________ Television: CBS 2, NBC 5, ABC 7, WGN 9, FOX 32 and CLTV News Nominee’s address: ________________________________________________________ Online: Please give a detailed explanation about this person’s exceptional contributions to making Stagg High School a better place! You are not limited to this space. School Activities: or A decision to cancel athletic competitions, co-curricular contests, concerts and other events scheduled on a day when the school has been closed will be made later that day. PROM PARENT MEETING Mark your calendars! If your son or daughter is planning to attend the Prom, a parent must attend the Prom Parent Meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 7 p.m. We look forward to using that evening to share important information with you! ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Nominator’s Name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone Number: Home_________________________ Work___________________Cell ________________ Email ______________________________________ Nominations can be mailed to: Amos Alonzo Stagg High School 8015 W. 111th Street Palos Hills, IL 60465 Attn: Mary Ventura Nominations can also be dropped off in the Main Office or sent as an email attachment to The Recognition Reception will be Wednesday, April 15th Fall Art Festival On Friday November 21, 2014 the Art Department hosted its first ever Fall Art Fest in the Performing Arts Center Lobby from periods 1-8. The festival was open to students in advisories and study halls during the school day. Students had the opportunity to view artwork created by their fellow students and view live demonstrations. Student work was on display from the various art courses taught at Stagg. The demonstrations were given by students in ceramics, jewelry, painting and photography. Refreshments were served. Student Artwork on Display in the Community On Thursday December 4, 2014 the Craig Moore State Farm Agency held an art reception for Stagg and Sandburg students. Artwork from both schools will be on display until February 6, 2015. The State Farm office is located at 12726 S. Harlem Avenue in Palos Heights. Art Department Courses at a Glance The Stagg Art Department offers a variety of courses which include: ● Art & Design ● Black & White Photography ● Advanced Black & White Photography ● Color Photography (Digital Photography) ● Ceramics ● Advanced Ceramics ● Computer Art ● Advanced Computer Art ● Drawing, Advanced Drawing ● Illustration ● Interdisciplinary Art & Geometry ● Advertising Art ● Jewelry ● Painting ● Sculpture ● Independent Study 2015 Art Department Events: Annual 8th Grade Art Day January 2015 McCord Gallery Stagg Student Art Show dates to be announced Moraine Valley High School Art Show March 2015 Stagg Spring Art Show May 2015 Guidance Careers — Sophomores Revisit Career Cruising The Guidance Department revisited Career Cruising with sophomores during the months of November and December with students assigned to Career Cruising Lab during Advisory period 2. A 4-year course plan was developed with each student. Career Cruising is an Internetbased career exploration and planning tool your child uses to explore career and college options and develop a career plan. Career Cruising can be accessed from school, from home, or wherever your son or daughter has access to the Internet. Features of the program include: ● Interest and Skills Assessment – a world-renowned career assessment tool to help people identify suitable career options based on their interests and skills ● Career Profiles – thorough and up to date information about hundreds of different occupations, including direct links between careers and college programs ● Multimedia Interviews – interviews with real people in each occupation, which add depth and realism to career profiles ● College and Financial Aid Information – comprehensive college and financial aid information, with a number of useful search tools to help students find the right college and the right scholarships ● Electronic Career/Education Portfolio – available online, so students can develop their education and career plans from wherever they access Career Cruising ● Resume Builder – integrated with the portfolio to help students format and print professional looking resumes quickly and easily To find out more about Career Cruising, we encourage you to login using the school’s access information: Login at: Enter Username: Stagg Enter Password: Careers Click on “Start Career Cruising” to begin Students login through their personal portfolio. Username: D230-“Student ID #” Password: 8 digit birthdate. Learning Pre-Registration/Information Night Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Incoming Freshmen and Parents The Pre-registration/Information Night for the Class of 2019 will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21st for parents and students of incoming freshmen. Students will receive their placement test results and course recommendations for freshmen year. A presentation is scheduled to address questions. There will be opportunities to ask individual questions and hear information about Stagg Honors and AP Programs from teachers and students. This is a very important evening that you don’t want to miss. Course Selection and Registration Process The Guidance Department has begun preparing students for the registration process for the 2015-16 school year. Prior to registration, students attend a curriculum fair and general registration meetings given by their counselors and are also given their Course Registration Sheets. Parents receive registration information from Stagg in the mail early in January. Included in this mailing are course level recommendations in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages as well as sample of the course selection sheets. During January or February each student will meet individually with his/her counselor to register for next year’s courses. Updating the student’s four-year plan, reviewing credit status, checking graduation requirements and evaluating educational goals are important components of the registration process. All students maintain their 4-year course plan in Career Cruising. “My Course Plan” allows students to search careers and Stagg courses to lead to those careers. Registration is a very important process, and it is imperative for students to be prepared at the time of registration. We highly encourage all parents to be involved in the course selection process. Parents are asked to sign the registration forms prior to registration appointments showing their approval of their student’s course selection. Questions regarding your student’s course recommendations should be directed to the specific teacher. Business Students Take Part in Interview Workshop On Tuesday, November 18th, students from Ms. Kuyper’s Career Planning class and Mr. Duffy’s Career Internship class participated in an Interview Workshop aimed at preparing students for life after high school. The workshop was an opportunity for the students to use many of the skills they have been learning about in their business classes. The skills include things like learning about the power of a strong resume and the importance of making a positive first impression with a strong handshake. These are some of the important skills required as students get ready to enter a very competitive job market. Students had a chance to practice their interview skills as they sat for a series of mock interviews with a number of volunteers. The volunteers came from a variety of different professions including bankers, an insurance broker, a financial planner and a restaurant owner. During each of their interviews, the students were evaluated on how well they were prepared and how they presented themselves. Following their interviews, the volunteers offered the students some feedback about how to be successful going forward. In addition to practicing interviews, the conference also allowed the business students an opportunity to see different presentations focused on some of the skills they will need Health Services Department Attention Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2016 Junior Parent College Information Night “Gearing up for College!” The Guidance Department will host a college information night in our Stagg Auditorium on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Topics to be discussed include: ● Navigating the College Search ● College Applications ● Visiting a College Campus ● How to Make Your College Application Standout This presentation is geared towards the Class of 2016. However, all parents and students are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there. Financial Aid Attention Senior Parents: Back by popular demand, the Guidance Department along with ISAC is once again proud to host FAFSA Completion Night on February 10, 2015. This is a great opportunity to get one-on-one assistance filing your online FAFSA. There will be two time slots to choose from: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Space is limited and a reservation is required to attend. If you are interested, please contact Erin Samec, Guidance Counselor, at 708-974-7445 or email to reserve your spot. Stagg High School Staff Recognition Each month, a “Charger Pride” award is given to one certified and one non-certified staff member. They are selected by nomination from their peers and are eligible to receive the annual “Jack Doyle Charger Pride” award at the end of the school year. In addition, a staff member is selected as “Someone You Should Know.” This individual is recognized for their important contribution to the students, staff, and Stagg community. Staff recognized for November Certified Staff Nevien Shaabneh English Department Non-Certified Staff Debbie Ragan Stagg Food Service Supervisor Someone You Should Know Margaret Lading Speech Pathologist to be successful professionals. A representative from Men’s Warehouse spoke to the students about how to “Dress for Success” and the importance of making a positive first impression. A second speaker was the owner of a local business that specialized in marketing. He shared with them some of his experiences as a small business owner. He also coached them on interview skills, the basics of selling, and the importance of effective communication. Beginning with the school year 2015-2016, any child entering 12th grade in the State of Illinois will be required to show proof of having received one dose of Meningococcal (Meningitis) conjugate vaccine on or after their 16th birthday. If your child received a dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine before the 16th birthday, he/she will need a second dose. A letter with this information was mailed to all Class of 2016 students in November 2014. The following action is needed from you at this time: ● If a dose of Meningococcal vaccine was given on or after your child’s 16th birthday, take the letter to your doctor and ask that they verify your child has received the Meningococcal vaccine and the date it was given. The bottom section of the letter must be filled out by your health care provider to verify the date. ● If your child did not receive the required Meningococcal vaccine on or after their 16th birthday, they will be required to have that immunization prior to the start of school in August 2015. Proof of having received the Meningococcal vaccine is required and should be submitted to the School Nurse as soon as the vaccine is given and prior to June 1, 2015. It is important to note that your child will not be able to receive a schedule, begin the school year on the first day of class or participate in Athletics until proof of having this vaccine is received in the Nurse’s Office. Attention Incoming Freshman - Class of 2019 Health packets will be distributed on Saturday, January 31, 2015. Each incoming ninth grade student must have a completed physical with updated immunizations and a pink emergency sheet turned in to the Nurse by June 1st, 2015. Students will not be able to receive their class schedule or start school until this information is received by the nurse and in compliance with the State of Illinois requirements. Please make your doctor or clinic appointments early as appointments tend to fill up quickly. As always, if you have any questions, please call the nurse’s office at 708-974-7426. Parents and Students - As We Enter Second Semester Here is What You Can Do to Avoid Colds and Flu AVOID CLOSE CONTACT – Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, avoid contact with others to protect them from getting sick STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK – Stay home from work, school, or day care when you are sick, especially if you have a fever (A fever is a temperature of 100 degrees and higher.) You need to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Advil or any fever reducing medication. Following these guidelines will help prevent others from catching your illness. COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE – Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, it will help to prevent others from getting sick. WASH YOUR HANDS – Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH – Germs are often spread when a person touches things that are contaminated with germs and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth.. Other ways to stay healthy during flu season and all year round: ● Get plenty of sleep ● Exercise regularly ● Manage your stress level ● Drink plenty of fluids ● Eat healthful foods These guidelines are recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidance Careers — Sophomores Revisit Career Cruising The Guidance Department revisited Career Cruising with sophomores during the months of November and December with students assigned to Career Cruising Lab during Advisory period 2. A 4-year course plan was developed with each student. Career Cruising is an Internetbased career exploration and planning tool your child uses to explore career and college options and develop a career plan. Career Cruising can be accessed from school, from home, or wherever your son or daughter has access to the Internet. Features of the program include: ● Interest and Skills Assessment – a world-renowned career assessment tool to help people identify suitable career options based on their interests and skills ● Career Profiles – thorough and up to date information about hundreds of different occupations, including direct links between careers and college programs ● Multimedia Interviews – interviews with real people in each occupation, which add depth and realism to career profiles ● College and Financial Aid Information – comprehensive college and financial aid information, with a number of useful search tools to help students find the right college and the right scholarships ● Electronic Career/Education Portfolio – available online, so students can develop their education and career plans from wherever they access Career Cruising ● Resume Builder – integrated with the portfolio to help students format and print professional looking resumes quickly and easily To find out more about Career Cruising, we encourage you to login using the school’s access information: Login at: Enter Username: Stagg Enter Password: Careers Click on “Start Career Cruising” to begin Students login through their personal portfolio. Username: D230-“Student ID #” Password: 8 digit birthdate. Learning Pre-Registration/Information Night Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Incoming Freshmen and Parents The Pre-registration/Information Night for the Class of 2019 will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21st for parents and students of incoming freshmen. Students will receive their placement test results and course recommendations for freshmen year. A presentation is scheduled to address questions. There will be opportunities to ask individual questions and hear information about Stagg Honors and AP Programs from teachers and students. This is a very important evening that you don’t want to miss. Course Selection and Registration Process The Guidance Department has begun preparing students for the registration process for the 2015-16 school year. Prior to registration, students attend a curriculum fair and general registration meetings given by their counselors and are also given their Course Registration Sheets. Parents receive registration information from Stagg in the mail early in January. Included in this mailing are course level recommendations in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages as well as sample of the course selection sheets. During January or February each student will meet individually with his/her counselor to register for next year’s courses. Updating the student’s four-year plan, reviewing credit status, checking graduation requirements and evaluating educational goals are important components of the registration process. All students maintain their 4-year course plan in Career Cruising. “My Course Plan” allows students to search careers and Stagg courses to lead to those careers. Registration is a very important process, and it is imperative for students to be prepared at the time of registration. We highly encourage all parents to be involved in the course selection process. Parents are asked to sign the registration forms prior to registration appointments showing their approval of their student’s course selection. Questions regarding your student’s course recommendations should be directed to the specific teacher. Business Students Take Part in Interview Workshop On Tuesday, November 18th, students from Ms. Kuyper’s Career Planning class and Mr. Duffy’s Career Internship class participated in an Interview Workshop aimed at preparing students for life after high school. The workshop was an opportunity for the students to use many of the skills they have been learning about in their business classes. The skills include things like learning about the power of a strong resume and the importance of making a positive first impression with a strong handshake. These are some of the important skills required as students get ready to enter a very competitive job market. Students had a chance to practice their interview skills as they sat for a series of mock interviews with a number of volunteers. The volunteers came from a variety of different professions including bankers, an insurance broker, a financial planner and a restaurant owner. During each of their interviews, the students were evaluated on how well they were prepared and how they presented themselves. Following their interviews, the volunteers offered the students some feedback about how to be successful going forward. In addition to practicing interviews, the conference also allowed the business students an opportunity to see different presentations focused on some of the skills they will need Health Services Department Attention Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2016 Junior Parent College Information Night “Gearing up for College!” The Guidance Department will host a college information night in our Stagg Auditorium on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Topics to be discussed include: ● Navigating the College Search ● College Applications ● Visiting a College Campus ● How to Make Your College Application Standout This presentation is geared towards the Class of 2016. However, all parents and students are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there. Financial Aid Attention Senior Parents: Back by popular demand, the Guidance Department along with ISAC is once again proud to host FAFSA Completion Night on February 10, 2015. This is a great opportunity to get one-on-one assistance filing your online FAFSA. There will be two time slots to choose from: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Space is limited and a reservation is required to attend. If you are interested, please contact Erin Samec, Guidance Counselor, at 708-974-7445 or email to reserve your spot. Stagg High School Staff Recognition Each month, a “Charger Pride” award is given to one certified and one non-certified staff member. They are selected by nomination from their peers and are eligible to receive the annual “Jack Doyle Charger Pride” award at the end of the school year. In addition, a staff member is selected as “Someone You Should Know.” This individual is recognized for their important contribution to the students, staff, and Stagg community. Staff recognized for November Certified Staff Nevien Shaabneh English Department Non-Certified Staff Debbie Ragan Stagg Food Service Supervisor Someone You Should Know Margaret Lading Speech Pathologist to be successful professionals. A representative from Men’s Warehouse spoke to the students about how to “Dress for Success” and the importance of making a positive first impression. A second speaker was the owner of a local business that specialized in marketing. He shared with them some of his experiences as a small business owner. He also coached them on interview skills, the basics of selling, and the importance of effective communication. Beginning with the school year 2015-2016, any child entering 12th grade in the State of Illinois will be required to show proof of having received one dose of Meningococcal (Meningitis) conjugate vaccine on or after their 16th birthday. If your child received a dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine before the 16th birthday, he/she will need a second dose. A letter with this information was mailed to all Class of 2016 students in November 2014. The following action is needed from you at this time: ● If a dose of Meningococcal vaccine was given on or after your child’s 16th birthday, take the letter to your doctor and ask that they verify your child has received the Meningococcal vaccine and the date it was given. The bottom section of the letter must be filled out by your health care provider to verify the date. ● If your child did not receive the required Meningococcal vaccine on or after their 16th birthday, they will be required to have that immunization prior to the start of school in August 2015. Proof of having received the Meningococcal vaccine is required and should be submitted to the School Nurse as soon as the vaccine is given and prior to June 1, 2015. It is important to note that your child will not be able to receive a schedule, begin the school year on the first day of class or participate in Athletics until proof of having this vaccine is received in the Nurse’s Office. Attention Incoming Freshman - Class of 2019 Health packets will be distributed on Saturday, January 31, 2015. Each incoming ninth grade student must have a completed physical with updated immunizations and a pink emergency sheet turned in to the Nurse by June 1st, 2015. Students will not be able to receive their class schedule or start school until this information is received by the nurse and in compliance with the State of Illinois requirements. Please make your doctor or clinic appointments early as appointments tend to fill up quickly. As always, if you have any questions, please call the nurse’s office at 708-974-7426. Parents and Students - As We Enter Second Semester Here is What You Can Do to Avoid Colds and Flu AVOID CLOSE CONTACT – Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, avoid contact with others to protect them from getting sick STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK – Stay home from work, school, or day care when you are sick, especially if you have a fever (A fever is a temperature of 100 degrees and higher.) You need to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Advil or any fever reducing medication. Following these guidelines will help prevent others from catching your illness. COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE – Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, it will help to prevent others from getting sick. WASH YOUR HANDS – Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH – Germs are often spread when a person touches things that are contaminated with germs and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth.. Other ways to stay healthy during flu season and all year round: ● Get plenty of sleep ● Exercise regularly ● Manage your stress level ● Drink plenty of fluids ● Eat healthful foods These guidelines are recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Learning Learning Deans’ Office Catch a Rising Star Welcome Back! Dear Friends of Stagg High School: In an effort to make 2nd semester run smoothly for you and your student, here are a few reminders from the Deans’ office… “Evening with the Stars” is a recognition program unique to Stagg High School and a complement to the various other end-of-the-year celebrations. The purpose of this program is to recognize individuals (teacher, staff, administrator, student, or community member) who have helped to make Stagg High School a great place. ● Please remember that 111th Street outside of Stagg is a 20 mile per hour school zone. Use caution before and after school. ● The deans will present a video to all advisory classes the first week of semester 2 to remind students of our expectations and the handbook. ● Please remind students to always lock their belongings while at school. Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to school as the District is not responsible for loss or theft. We highly encourage families to take advantage of GPS trackers that may be available on many cell phones in case a phone is lost. ● Please plan accordingly when driving to school during inclement weather. Allow extra time to arrive to school safely and on time. ● If you ever have a safety related concern, please contact the Deans’ Office at 708-974-7494 so that we can assist you immediately. School Closing Information In the event that District 230 needs to close school because of inclement weather or for some other emergency, check these sources for information between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Radio: WGN AM 720 and WBBM AM 780 Art Department News The following lists of criteria are examples of reasons individuals have received this recognition in the past: Students: Staff: Community Members: 夝 Exceptional student effort and/or exceptional improvement in life-long learning skills 夝 Be creative thinkers and have problem solving skills 夝 Organizational effectiveness and leadership 夝 Interpersonal skills 夝 Good team player/ cooperative 夝 Positive role model for both staff and students 夝 Works outside the boundary of regular school day 夝 Undisputed positive attitude towards others 夝 Exceptional teacher mentor 夝 Life-long learner, risk taker 夝 Someone who loves helping others, never thinking twice about it 夝 Volunteers unconditionally: committees, sports, boosters, etc. 夝 Shares in the growth of Stagg High School 夝 For distinguished work Parents can nominate staff and vice-versa. Students can nominate staff and vice-versa. Once the “nominees” have been selected, a reception will be held on Wednesday, April 15th to recognize them. Honorees are encouraged to invite their families to join them during the evening. The “nominator” will present a one-minute speech sharing the reason for this person’s contributions to Stagg High School! Sincerely, The Evening with the Stars Committee Nominations are due to the Main Office by Tuesday, March 24th by 1 p.m. (no exceptions)! The reception will be Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Amos Alonzo Stagg High School “Evening with the Stars” Person being nominated: ____________________________________________________ Television: CBS 2, NBC 5, ABC 7, WGN 9, FOX 32 and CLTV News Nominee’s address: ________________________________________________________ Online: Please give a detailed explanation about this person’s exceptional contributions to making Stagg High School a better place! You are not limited to this space. School Activities: or A decision to cancel athletic competitions, co-curricular contests, concerts and other events scheduled on a day when the school has been closed will be made later that day. PROM PARENT MEETING Mark your calendars! If your son or daughter is planning to attend the Prom, a parent must attend the Prom Parent Meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 7 p.m. We look forward to using that evening to share important information with you! ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Nominator’s Name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone Number: Home_________________________ Work___________________Cell ________________ Email ______________________________________ Nominations can be mailed to: Amos Alonzo Stagg High School 8015 W. 111th Street Palos Hills, IL 60465 Attn: Mary Ventura Nominations can also be dropped off in the Main Office or sent as an email attachment to The Recognition Reception will be Wednesday, April 15th Fall Art Festival On Friday November 21, 2014 the Art Department hosted its first ever Fall Art Fest in the Performing Arts Center Lobby from periods 1-8. The festival was open to students in advisories and study halls during the school day. Students had the opportunity to view artwork created by their fellow students and view live demonstrations. Student work was on display from the various art courses taught at Stagg. The demonstrations were given by students in ceramics, jewelry, painting and photography. Refreshments were served. Student Artwork on Display in the Community On Thursday December 4, 2014 the Craig Moore State Farm Agency held an art reception for Stagg and Sandburg students. Artwork from both schools will be on display until February 6, 2015. The State Farm office is located at 12726 S. Harlem Avenue in Palos Heights. Art Department Courses at a Glance The Stagg Art Department offers a variety of courses which include: ● Art & Design ● Black & White Photography ● Advanced Black & White Photography ● Color Photography (Digital Photography) ● Ceramics ● Advanced Ceramics ● Computer Art ● Advanced Computer Art ● Drawing, Advanced Drawing ● Illustration ● Interdisciplinary Art & Geometry ● Advertising Art ● Jewelry ● Painting ● Sculpture ● Independent Study 2015 Art Department Events: Annual 8th Grade Art Day January 2015 McCord Gallery Stagg Student Art Show dates to be announced Moraine Valley High School Art Show March 2015 Stagg Spring Art Show May 2015 Principal’s Message What’s Inside Charger Pride: JANUARY 2015 PAGE 2 Principal’s Message PAGE 3 Learning Art Department News PAGE 4 Guidance Careers – Sophomores Revisit Career Cruising Course Selection and Registration Process Stagg High School Staff Recognition PAGE 5 Learning Business Students Take Part in Interview Workshop Health Services Department PAGE 6 Learning Deans’ Office Catch a Rising Star PAGE 7 Learning / Community Involvement What’s Playing In The Music Department Track & Field Season is Upon Us! Candlelight Bowl Parent Group News PAGE 8 School Calendar Learning / Community Involvement Dear Stagg Chargers, Happy New Year! On behalf of the administration and staff at Stagg, I hope that everyone had an enjoyable, refreshing winter break! With the New Year comes a new semester. The beginning of 2015 is a very busy time for students and staff at Amos Alonzo Stagg High School, and it is important to approach this time of year with a sense of renewal. We have made some slight changes to Period 2 Intervention Days in order to continuously improve the programming offered to our students. Beginning second semester, any student who has received multiple failures during the first semester will be required to attend an intensive study program and will not be able to attend either larger group study areas including the Commons and the PAC. Parents of students who will be participating in this program will be notified in the first weeks of the semester. Stagg High School continues to make safety our number one priority as we enter the New Year. As always, all of our safety procedures are reviewed with students at the beginning of each semester. In addition, we work closely with emergency services including Palos Hills Police and North Palos Fire Protection District on our emergency plans and procedures. We ask that students and parents remember that school safety is everyone’s responsibility. The following guidelines will help ensure a safe place for your children to learn and grow: 1. Review Stagg High School’s Student Handbook with your child. 2. Report any concern regarding school safety to the school immediately, even if you are unsure if it is rumor or hearsay. 3. Utilize Stagg’s Anonymous Safety and Security Tip Line at 708-974-7400, ext. 7222. 4. Please call the school and arrange an appointment if you need to see school staff. Drop in or unannounced visits are discouraged. 5. Remind your child that they must never prop open any school doors or open doors for ANYONE in the school. 6. As in the past, all visitors during the school day must present a valid form of identification. 7. Remember that 111th in front of Stagg High School is now a School Zone and speed limits have changed. Please be extra careful when driving around our school to help keep our students safe. 8. Remind your child of safe behavior when they leave the school, including crossing at the crosswalks and on the bus. 9. Please discuss with your child the dangers and repercussions of the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Research shows that children, whose parents discuss these topics with them, are less likely to abuse them. 10. Students must keep their school ID on their person whenever at school or at a school function. Many of our seniors have been anxiously awaiting acceptance letters to colleges, universities, and career preparation programs. Freshman, sophomores, and juniors are beginning the course selection process for next year. The Class of 2019 have completed their EXPLORE placement exams and will begin to select their classes next month. Students and staff are also focused on high-stakes tests such as the ACT, PARCC Assessments, and Advanced Placement. Pay close attention to deadlines. Information contained in the school newsletter, daily announcements, and the school and district websites contain important information. Students will continue to receive information regarding graduation and events surrounding their senior year. Please pay attention to the information sent home this semester so you are aware of all the requirements surrounding this process. The course selection process will begin shortly for current freshmen, sophomores and juniors. We believe that the course selection process should be a collaborative experience between students, their parents, and the school. We ask students to challenge themselves in making future decisions and stretch themselves when selecting courses of study…an “easy semester” is a wasted semester. Finally, we encourage parents to participate in your child’s high school experience by becoming involved in one of our parent organizations. Stagg Community Organization (SCO), Music Boosters and Athletic Boosters are a few examples of organizations that positively impact our students on a daily basis. Resolve to get involved! Sincerely, Eric Olsen Principal What’s Playing In The Happy New Year! Music Department ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Thanks to all who volunteered their time at the POMS competition. It was a great success. Our 3rd Annual Spectrum Concerts were held on Tuesday, December 9th and Wednesday, December 10th, respectively. What better way to get into the holiday spirit than to hear our fine musicians at Stagg spread their holiday cheer! Attention: any and all basketball parents - we need your help in running the concession stand during all home basketball games. Stop in concessions and sign up or e-mail the Athletic Booster club to sign up. Thank you! IMEA (Illinois Music Educators Association) auditions are but the beginning of what culminates with the IMEA All State Festival taking place January 28-31, 2015 at the Peoria Civic Center. This year, those students who have advanced to the State Festival include: On behalf of the Athletic Boosters, we hope everyone had a good holiday. Thank you to all who have assisted us this semester!!! Andrew DeAngelis Dominic Demma Anthony Hansen Warren Wudtke Senior Senior Senior Senior Band Honors Chorus All-State Chorus Band French Horn Tenor 1 Bass 2 Trombone This is quite an honor for the students to be selected, given that Stagg is part of District I, which is the largest of the nine districts in the state of Illinois. District I encompasses a large portion of the southwest suburbs, and the entire city of Chicago. Since it is the largest district in the state, it is the most competitive, with over 2,000 students auditioning for positions in one of the district ensembles! Congratulations to these fine musicians! Jazz Band is in full swing! Upcoming Jazz events include the New Trier Jazz Festival on Saturday, February 7th, a performance at Hackney’s on February 18th, and a performance at a recording studio in Nashville! In addition, the Jazz Band and Business Casual will be performing at the annual Pops concert on March 4th. Come out and enjoy some wonderful entertainment by our talented musicians! Thanks to all for your continued support of our programs! Track & Field Season is Upon Us! Track and Field is one of the few sports at Stagg that does not have tryouts so it is a perfect sport for those who are die hard “trackster’s,” those who are in transition from another sport, and those who are looking to join a new sport. The first day of the season is Tuesday, January 20th and all grade levels and athletic abilities are welcome to participate! To be eligible for participation, every athlete must have an updated physical and parent permission form. Both of these documents can be found on If you have any questions, please see Coach Gaido in Room 321 or Coach Smith in Room 537. Candlelight Bowl Tickets should be purchased by January 15th for the candlelight bowl that benefits the SCO’s scholarship fund. Registration begins at 9:30 p.m., and bowling starts at 10 p.m. on February 14 at Oak Forest Bowl. The $25 per person fee includes two games of bowling, rental shoes, a buffet and desserts. Non-bowlers pay $15 per person. Cash bar, split-the-pot raffle and raffle baskets will be available. Teachers, staff, parents and community members are invited. Those who cannot attend may donate a raffle prize. Buy tickets online at For information, e-mail Vicki Sladowski at SCO The Stagg Community Organization is working to keep parents informed and connected with a January 12 meeting focused on Twitter and its role at Stagg, and a candlelight bowl benefit set for Valentine’s Day on February 14. The SCO is also partnering with local boutique Elegant Couture to raise money for its scholarship fund. The meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, January 12, features District 230 technology director John Connolly who will discuss Twitter and its role in communication at Stagg. Although e-mail and all-calls continue to be important tools, Twitter is increasingly being used to communicate, thanks to its ability to provide brief information quickly. Teachers, coaches and music groups use Twitter to alert parents and students about practices, meetings and competitions, and school officials can provide information about emergencies such as extended evacuations. John Connolly will show parents how they can sign up for Twitter using devices at the meeting. Those without smart phones can learn how to set up Twitter on their computer to receive alerts via e-mail. Parents who already use Twitter can follow @StaggHighSchool to receive tweets from Principal Eric Olsen. Mark your calendars for the February SCO meeting on February 9th at 6:30 p.m. in Room 605. Boutique Benefit Elegant Couture is offering a special opportunity for the SCO to benefit from sales from their boutique at 12236 S. Harlem Ave. in Palos Heights. The store is donating a dress worth up to $400 for the senior party raffle and is donating 5% of purchases by Stagg students to the SCO (just show a student ID). All senior girls on a varsity sports team can have a $25 gift card toward their purchase of a dress, and layaway is available. A special Stagg event will take place January 25 at the store so students can see styles from the collection modeled and set up an appointment to try on dresses another day. Elegant Couture specializes in prom and special occasion dresses, and carries shoes, clutches and accessories. The boutique’s specialty is “red carpet service” for customers, and the store registers dresses so no two appear at the same prom. For information, visit or call (708) 671-8682. Spirit Scarves Keep warm with bright orange spirit “SCOrves” sold in two sizes, small and regular, for $20. They feature the Stagg logo and pockets to keep hands warm or hold cell phones. Order forms are at the North Door (N1) entrance, via e-mail at or at Delivery takes two to three weeks. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK A M O S A L O N Z O S TA G G H I G H S C H O O L 111 th Street and Roberts Road Palos Hills, IL 60465 (708) 974-7400 Charger Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. Rick Nogal, President Patrick O'Sullivan, Vice President Kathy Quilty, Secretary Susan Dalton A M O S A L O N Z O S T A G G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 Melissa Gracias Kate Murphy-Peterson Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Eric Olsen, Principal "An equal opportunity employer" Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber December Students of the Month 1st row (l. to r.): Fierra Walker (Science), Ebony Jackson (Family and Consumer Science), Alaa Awad (ELL), Pimpagee Wisanwanit (World Languages) 2nd row (l. to r.): Bairbre Connolly (Music), Brian Losiewicz (Applied Technology), Olivia Piotrowski (Math), Diane Arroyo (Art), Katherine Pluister (Social Studies), Aiste Drukteinyte (Physical Education), Jacob Puente (Business), Adam Salah (English) 2O14-15 School Calendar January At A Glance 5 6 7 8 8 12 13 14 14 19 20 20 21 21 26 28 29 31 Institute Day (no student attendance) Classes reconvene Late Start Athletic Booster Meeting Education Committee Meeting SCO Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Student Services Meeting Late Start Mid-year Graduation Ceremony at Sandburg Martin Luther King Day - no school Music Booster Meeting Building and Finance Meeting Late Start Incoming Freshman Pre-Registration Market Day Late Start Board of Education Meeting, Sandburg, 7 p.m. Incoming Freshman Registration The many faces of Stagg High School... Stagg High School is a collage of amazing students doing amazing things. A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOUGHT MEANING ACTION
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