here - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

Zion’s Tidings
A bi-monthly publication of
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
265 North Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025
January - February 2015
Edition # 2015 - 1
The Autumn leaves were at their peak, and it made
me appreciate the beauty of those Appalachian
7. The Christian church is alive and well, as
worshipping communities gather weekly in
large numbers to be spiritually (and sometimes
physically) fed with the Gospel. However, many
of them neither recite the Apostles' Creed nor pray
together the Lord's Prayer on a regular basis, which
I found both shocking and disturbing.
Happy New Year! It is great to be back among you
all after enjoying the first part of my sabbatical in
October and November. Thank you for making it
possible. It was a wonderful time of both
refreshment and learning, and I look forward to the
second half this spring.
At our Thanksgiving Dinner, my first Sunday back
in November, I shared with the group my TOP 10
particular order). I have expanded on them a bit for
this article. Enjoy!
10. Heinz Field in Pittsburgh is an awesome
place to be, especially when the Steelers are
playing at their best. With my sister April, our
secretary Durene and her husband Carl, I got to
attend my first Steelers game on October 26 when
they played (and beat soundly!) the Indianapolis
Colts. It was great to be part of Steeler Nation.
9. There is a LOT of contemporary Christian
music that I know nothing about (and frankly
don’t really want to know about). Most of the
worship services I attended (on purpose) had a
band and vocalists singing music I was completely
unfamiliar with. And it saddens me that so much of
the church has completely abandoned more than
500 years of Christian song.
8. The mountains of Pennsylvania, Virginia and
North Carolina are equally beautiful, especially
in the fall. I traveled through western Maryland,
Virginia and North Carolina to attend a conference
at a retreat center near Asheville, NC, then west on
the PA turnpike to Pittsburgh for the Steelers game.
6. You can waste an awful lot of time playing
video games and watching mindless television.
Yeah, I did that.
5. I discovered that I am much more productive
if I plan out my day ahead of time. Lists and
structured days are really good for me.
4. People outside the church view Christians
very differently than we view ourselves. As I
learned at a conference on reaching the religiously
unaffiliated, people outside the church view us as
anti-gay, judgmental, hypocritical, old-fashioned,
too involved in politics, out of touch with reality,
insensitive with others, boring, and not accepting of
other's faiths. But it seems to me that their views
might change if we were actually living the way
Christ wants us to - or they got to know us better.
3. Worshipping in other places and in other
styles helps you appreciate your own
worshipping community and how important
hospitality is to members and visitors alike.
During my six weeks off I attended at least one,
and in many cases, two or more worship services
each weekend in various places - mostly nonLutheran. Most of these experiences were not very
fulfilling for me. But it was clear that these
churches were drawing in lots of folks of all ages,
races and creeds who appreciate loud
contemporary Christian music and dramatic,
passionate preachers.
2. I love and missed my Zion family! Enough
continued on next page
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 2
Pastor's Message (continued)
1. I am thankful that God is still active in the
world and in the church, and that the church's
future is not all up to me. I was hoping to learn
something on my sabbatical about how to attract
people to our church - and I did. But in many ways
we are already doing that - well, the Holy Spirit is
doing that! Of course, we can always be more
attentive to the language we use and the hymns we
sing and whether our bulletins and our demeanor
are open and welcoming to those unfamiliar with
the (Lutheran) church. I will continue to explore
ways in which we can attract those who are not in
church on Sundays, including going out to meet
them where they are. I hope you will join me in
these efforts. Stay tuned!
An "All You Can Eat" Spaghetti Dinner (eat in or
take out) to benefit Zion will be held on Saturday,
January 24 (inclement weather date is January
31) from 4:00-7:00 pm. Tickets are $8.00 for adults
and $5.00 for children 6-12 years. Advance tickets
are available from any Zion member or call Pat
(737-9187), or you can "pay at the door."
Donations for marinara sauce, grated cheese,
spaghetti (regular) and fixings would be
appreciated. Monetary donations for perishable
items (bread, salad, dressing, etc.) will also be
accepted. If you are aware of businesses that
might be able to donate items, we will have a letter
available which will explain our needs. We will also
have a sign-up sheet for dessert donations. A
container will be in the rear of the church for your
donations. We're looking forward to a successful
fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner. Let's all share our
enthusiasm and upbeat spirit with the community!
Meeting Highlights
November 17, 2014
♦ Approved transfer of membership of Laars
Staaby, Jr. to Zion.
♦ Approved recommendation by Finance
Committee to begin using Paychex for Zion's
♦ Approved request by Shirley Wiest to hold a
birthday party in the Fellowship Hall on January 11
♦ Approved dates of January 24 (January 31
inclement weather date) requested by Pat
Braddock to hold a Spaghetti Dinner
December 15, 2014
♦ Approved membership requests of Donovan
Hollinger, Melony Smith, and Marie Lombardi
♦ Approved keeping safe deposit box and paying
the $40 fee from current expenses
♦ Approved putting funds Zion received as
beneficiary of insurance policies of Hazel Priest into
money market account
♦ Approved request of National Sexual Violence
Resource Center to park in Zion's parking lot during
their open house on Thursday, July 16, 2015
♦ Approved request by a non-member to hold a
child's birthday party in the Fellowship Hall on
Saturday, May 23, 2015.
♦ Set date for election of officers to the 2015
congregation council for Tuesday, January 8.
The next meeting of the Congregation Council will
be held Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
The following persons were elected to positions of
leadership at the annual congregation meeting on
Sunday, December 7, 2014:
Congregation Council (3-year term) - Jill Bailey,
Helga Jensen, Brenda Manigault
2015 Nominating Committee (1-year term) Joann Baltozer, Marlene Engle, Lynn Placzek,
Scott Smith
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 3
≈ Our fantastic kitchen and clean-up crews for our
annual Thanksgiving Dinner, especially head chef
Lynn Placzek.
≈ The members of the Pictorial Directory Task
Force, Barbara Hardy, Debbie Loope (chair), Judy
Patno, Emily Stambaugh, Pastor Gwenn, and Barry
Unger, for their great work in producing our new
pictorial directory. A special thanks to Barry Unger
and Richard Zerbe who provided most of the
photos used on the covers and activity pages.
≈ Those who provided food and/or helped serve for
Jerome Martin's funeral luncheon
≈ Our Director of Music, Suzanne Klinedinst, and
members of the choir who put in extra time
preparing music for our Christmas Eve service
≈ All the wonderful bakers who provide sweet
treats for our fellowship hour each Sunday and on
Christmas Eve
≈ All who had their hands in decorating our church
for the Christmas season, including Bruce &
Rethea Deveney and their grandchildren who set
up the Christmas tree
≈ John Frymire, Debbie Loope and Sandy Olley as
they complete their terms on Congregation Council
≈ Nancy Hileman and her Sunday School class
and others who helped make these adorable Soap
Reindeer. More than 100 reindeer were
assembled, and they were distributed to New Hope
Ministry clients and to attendees at community
meals sponsored by Grace Lutheran Church, Camp
Hill and St. Stephen Lutheran Church, New
Kingstown. (see photo below)
St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 30 W. Main Street,
New Kingstown is participating in our synod's "One
Synod, One Book" initiative, in which worshipers in
every congregation are invited to read and discuss
a common book. St. Stephen invites Zion to join
the conversation on Tuesday, January 27 at 10:00
am and 7:00 pm. The first book is Finding God in a
Bag of Groceries, by Laura Lapins Willis.
This easy-to-read and remarkably moving book
describes Laura's transformative experience of
working in a food pantry. Through her work, Laura
discovers a "world of neighbors she never knew:
the lonely, unemployed, chronically poor families,
and middle-class folks surprised to be struggling in
a great recession. To each, she offers a bag of
groceries, a compassionate ear, and a heart of
love. From each, Laura learns about her own
hunger for God, realizing her calling card - a bag of
groceries - could change lives, including her own."
This time of conversation, growth and learning will
allow us to consider our own hunger for God, the
unexpected ways and places God satisfies our
deepest longings, and the ways we are called to
serve and share with the world. You can order the
book on or by calling the Hearts and
Minds bookstore (717-246-3333). If you have any
questions, please contact Pastor Caitlin Glass at or 766-2168.
Offering Income
Other Income *
$ 14,692.26
$ 2,854.10
$ 17,546.36
$ 11,051.90
$ 6,494.46
Yr. to Date
$ 132,209.17
$ 160,263.77
$ 159,120.00
* Includes hunger and fellowship events.
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 4
Join Tree 4 Hope and LutheranHANDS this
summer as they travel to Guatemala to serve at the
Hogar Miguel Magone and Hogar Maria Auxiliadora
orphanages. Housing 80 boys and 20 girls
respectively, these orphanages take in children
who have been victims of physical and sexual
abuse. Service work will include manual labor
projects as well as assisting with VBS, art, and
Team JoinHANDS will be departing on Saturday,
June 27 and return the following Sunday, July 5.
The total cost for this trip is $1,400, which includes
the transport, lodging, food, and all the priceless
memories you will make! Registration is limited to
25 seats. Registration forms and a $150 deposit is
needed to secure your spot. For more information,
send an e-mail to or visit
at or Tree 4 Hope's
Our synod celebrates the diverse gifts of its
members and asks that members consider sharing
those gifts in leadership roles in this church.
The Nominating Committee of this synod is seeking
volunteers who are willing to be nominated for
election to the following ministries:
 Synod Vice President
 Synod Secretary
 Synod Council
 Synod Council-Youth
 Gettysburg Seminary Board of Directors
 Discipline Committee
Voting Members and Alternate Voting Members of
the Churchwide Assembly Elected by Synod
 Youth Voting Member
 Young Adult Voting Member
 Person of Color or Of Primary Language
Other Than English
 Lay Female
 Lay Male
 Clergy
Nomination forms are due January 15. Visit the
synod assembly Web page at for more information.
Winter Events
January 2-4, 2015
Winter Youth Retreat at Kirchenwald
For youth in grades 3 through 9. Enjoy Kirchenwald
in the Winter! Play broom hockey and other games
on the frozen pond. Have fun sledding, playing
snow soccer and other winter games. Creative
Bible studies and worship experiences led by our
summer camp counselors are an important part of
this retreat. Meet new friends and catch up with
your summer camp friends. Other indoor and
outdoor activities may be included, as the weather
dictates. $135.00 per person.
For more information on these and other camping
programs, check out their website at
or call 717-677-8211
Year Round Stewardship
Does your congregation need a financial boost?
Plan on coming to the synod's Brown Bag
Leadership Lunch on Thursday, January 8, when
the topic will be "Year-Round Stewardship." We
will explore strategies and resources to help make
stewardship a 12-month effort that emphasizes how
we use not only our financial gifts, but the
cornucopia of abundance that God gives us.
Assistant to the Bishop Rob Blezard will lead
discussion and give all participants a DVD copy of
the ELCA stewardship resource "Make It Simple"
and other handouts. We gather at 10:00 am, work
for a couple hours and then eat at about noon as
we finish up our discussion. All congregational
leaders are welcome. Registration is not required
but it would be great if you could let Cathy Deitrich
of the synod office ( know if
you're attending so we can make sure to have
enough materials.
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 5
Lower Susquehanna
Synod Assembly 2015
Friday, June 5 - Sunday, June 7, 2015
Messiah College, Grantham, PA with a NEW
VENUE: Parmer Hall of the Janet & Calvin High
Center for Performing Arts
What’s New this Year?
Pre-Assembly “Envisioning the Future of Faith
Formation” Event – Friday, June 5
You’ve heard the buzz words “faith formation,” yet,
you’re not quite sure where to start. Faith formation
are the practices and opportunities—such as
praying, worshiping, learning, celebrating, and
serving–that engage an entire community in lifelong
Christian formation and ongoing spiritual growth. It
is not a trendy program, a one-stop-shopping
curriculum, or a quick fix. Assembly keynote
speaker, John Roberto of Lifelong Faith Associates,
comes early to help us envision the future of
Christian Education as faith formation at our preassembly faith formation event the afternoon of
Friday, June 5th.
NEW VENUE Inside the
Janet & Calvin High Center for Performing Arts
of Messiah College
Parmer Hall is the new venue for Assembly
business on the campus of Messiah College. This
state-of-the-art worship and performing arts space
offers a sacred setting for assembly business.
Theater-style seating and professional sound and
projection reduce overall event costs and improve
our environment.
Intergenerational Concert
Featuring Rachel Kurtz – Saturday Evening,
June 6
Back by popular demand! This time… live in
concert! During last year’s Assembly, Bishop
Dunlop introduced Rachel Kurtz’ “Make A
Difference” song. Your positive feedback inspired
us to bring her live in concert! Rachel brings her
spirited musicianship for a full-length concert
Moving the Assembly to a Friday through
Sunday Timeframe, Lay Voting Membership and
Diversity Increase
In November, Synod Council adopted a continuing
resolution to allow congregations with 500+
baptized members to appoint a third voting
member. The resolution encourages youth, young
adult or person of color or whose primary language
is other than English be considered the third voting
member. Moving to Friday through Sunday
provides opportunities for those who work full-time
throughout the week to participate as voting
We Are Church Together - Sunday Morning
Worship Brings Bishop’s Gospel Message to All
On Sunday, June 7, 2015, congregations
throughout the Lower Susquehanna Synod
together hear a united Gospel proclamation from
Bishop Dunlop. Eucharistic Worship with the Rite
of Ordination using the Land & Seasons liturgy will
be live-streamed for use in Lower Susquehanna
Synod congregational worship. Several
alternatives to the live-stream option include
advanced print copy of pre-recorded video of
Bishop Dunlop’s sermon, calling on retired pastors
or ecumenical partners to celebrate communion,
utilizing lay leadership, reserved sacraments or
coordinating cooperative services with neighboring
congregations. The Assembly will conclude by
1:00 p.m. on Sunday. Bishop Dunlop encourages
up-front conversations with your Congregational
Church Council to determine the option best suited
for your context.
Zion Lutheran Church
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Zion Lutheran Church
Page 7
Happy New Year! It is great to be back among you all after enjoying the first part of my
sabbatical in October and November. Thank you for making it possible. It was a wonderful time
of both refreshment and learning, and I look forward to the second half this spring.
At our Thanksgiving Dinner, my first Sunday back in November, I shared with the group my TOP
10 THINGS I LEARNED ON SABBATICAL (in no particular order). I have expanded on them a
bit for this article. Enjoy!
10. Heinz Field in Pittsburgh is an awesome place to be, especially when the Steelers are
playing at their best. With my sister April, our secretary Durene and her husband Carl, I got to
attend my first Steelers game on October 26 when they played (and beat soundly!) the
Indianapolis Colts. It was great to be part of Steeler Nation.
9. There is a LOT of contemporary Christian music that I know nothing about (and frankly
don’t really want to know about). Most of the worship services I attended (on purpose) had a
band and vocalists singing music I was completely unfamiliar with. And it saddens me that so
much of the church has completely abandoned more than 500 years of Christian song.
8. The mountains of Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina are equally beautiful,
especially in the fall. I traveled through western Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina to
attend a conference at a retreat center near Asheville, NC, then west on the PA turnpike to
Pittsburgh for the Steelers game. The Autumn leaves were at their peak, and it made me
appreciate the beauty of those Appalachian mountains.
7. The Christian church is alive and well, as worshipping communities gather weekly in
large numbers to be spiritually (and sometimes physically) fed with the Gospel. However,
many of them neither recite the Apostles' Creed nor pray together the Lord's Prayer on a regular
basis, which I found both shocking and disturbing.
6. You can waste an awful lot of time playing video games and watching mindless
television. Yeah, I did that.
5. I discovered that I am much more productive if I plan out my day ahead of time. Lists
and structured days are really good for me.
4. People outside the church view Christians very differently than we view ourselves. As
I learned at a conference on reaching the religiously unaffiliated, people outside the church view
us as anti-gay, judgmental, hypocritical, old-fashioned, too involved in politics, out of touch with
reality, insensitive with others, boring, and not accepting of other's faiths. But it seems to me
that their views might change if we were actually living the way Christ wants us to - or they got
to know us better.
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 8
3. Worshipping in other places and in other styles helps you appreciate your own
worshipping community and how important hospitality is to members and visitors alike.
During my six weeks off I attended at least one, and in many cases, two or more worship
services each weekend in various places - mostly non-Lutheran. Most of these experiences
were not very fulfilling for me. But it was clear that these churches were drawing in lots of folks
of all ages, races and creeds who appreciate loud contemporary Christian music and dramatic,
passionate preachers.
2. I love and missed my Zion family! Enough said.
continued on next page
Pastor's Message (continued)
1. I am thankful that God is still active in the world and in the church, and that the
church's future is not all up to me. I was hoping to learn something on my sabbatical about
how to attract people to our church - and I did. But in many ways we are already doing that well, the Holy Spirit is doing that! Of course, we can always be more attentive to the language
we use and the hymns we sing and whether our bulletins and our demeanor are open and
welcoming to those unfamiliar with the (Lutheran) church. I will continue to explore ways in
which we can attract those who are not in church on Sundays, including going out to meet them
where they are. I hope you will join me in these efforts. Stay tuned!
An "All You Can Eat" Spaghetti Dinner (eat in or take out) to benefit Zion will be held on
Saturday, January 24 (inclement weather date is January 31) from 4:00-7:00 pm. Tickets are
$8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 6-12 years. Advance tickets are available from any Zion
member or call Pat (737-9187), or you can "pay at the door." Donations for marinara sauce,
grated cheese, spaghetti (regular) and fixings would be appreciated. Monetary donations for
perishable items (bread, salad, dressing, etc.) will also be accepted. If you are aware of
businesses that might be able to donate items, we will have a letter available which will explain
our needs. We will also have a sign-up sheet for dessert donations. A container will be in the
rear of the church for your donations. We're looking forward to a successful fundraiser Spaghetti
Dinner. Let's all share our enthusiasm and upbeat spirit with the community!
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 9
Meeting Highlights
November 17, 2014
♦ Approved transfer of membership of Laars Staaby, Jr. to Zion.
♦ Approved recommendation by Finance Committee to begin using Paychex for Zion's payroll
♦ Approved request by Shirley Wiest to hold a birthday party in the Fellowship Hall on January
♦ Approved dates of January 24 (January 31 inclement weather date) requested by Pat
Braddock to hold a Spaghetti Dinner
December 15, 2014
♦ Approved membership requests of Donovan Hollinger, Melony Smith, and Marie Lombardi
♦ Approved keeping safe deposit box and paying the $40 fee from current expenses
♦ Approved putting funds Zion received as beneficiary of insurance policies of Hazel Priest into
money market account
♦ Approved request of National Sexual Violence Resource Center to park in Zion's parking lot
during their open house on Thursday, July 16, 2015
♦ Approved request by a non-member to hold a child's birthday party in the Fellowship Hall on
Saturday, May 23, 2015.
♦ Set date for election of officers to the 2015 congregation council for Tuesday, January 8.
The next meeting of the Congregation Council will be held Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 6:30
The following persons were elected to positions of leadership at the annual congregation
meeting on Sunday, December 7, 2014:
Congregation Council (3-year term) - Jill Bailey, Helga Jensen, Brenda Manigault
2015 Nominating Committee (1-year term) - Joann Baltozer, Marlene Engle, Lynn Placzek,
Scott Smith
≈ Our fantastic kitchen and clean-up crews for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner, especially head
chef Lynn Placzek.
≈ The members of the Pictorial Directory Task Force, Barbara Hardy, Debbie Loope (chair),
Judy Patno, Emily Stambaugh, Pastor Gwenn, and Barry Unger, for their great work in
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 10
producing our new pictorial directory. A special thanks to Barry Unger and Richard Zerbe who
provided most of the photos used on the covers and activity pages.
≈ Those who provided food and/or helped serve for Jerome Martin's funeral luncheon
≈ Our Director of Music, Suzanne Klinedinst, and members of the choir who put in extra time
preparing music for our Christmas Eve service
≈ All the wonderful bakers who provide sweet treats for our fellowship hour each Sunday and
on Christmas Eve
≈ All who had their hands in decorating our church for the Christmas season, including Bruce &
Rethea Deveney and their grandchildren who set up the Christmas tree
≈ John Frymire, Debbie Loope and Sandy Olley as they complete their terms on Congregation
≈ Nancy Hileman and her Sunday School class and others who helped make these adorable
Soap Reindeer. More than 100 reindeer were assembled, and they were distributed to New
Hope Ministry clients and to attendees at community meals sponsored by Grace Lutheran
Church, Camp Hill and St. Stephen Lutheran Church, New Kingstown. (see photo below)
St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 30 W. Main Street, New Kingstown is participating in our synod's
"One Synod, One Book" initiative, in which worshipers in every congregation are invited to read
and discuss a common book. St. Stephen invites Zion to join the conversation on Tuesday,
January 27 at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm. The first book is Finding God in a Bag of Groceries, by
Laura Lapins Willis.
This easy-to-read and remarkably moving book describes Laura's transformative experience of
working in a food pantry. Through her work, Laura discovers a "world of neighbors she never
knew: the lonely, unemployed, chronically poor families, and middle-class folks surprised to be
struggling in a great recession. To each, she offers a bag of groceries, a compassionate ear,
and a heart of love. From each, Laura learns about her own hunger for God, realizing her
calling card - a bag of groceries - could change lives, including her own."
This time of conversation, growth and learning will allow us to consider our own hunger for God,
the unexpected ways and places God satisfies our deepest longings, and the ways we are
called to serve and share with the world. You can order the book on or by calling
the Hearts and Minds bookstore (717-246-3333). If you have any questions, please contact
Pastor Caitlin Glass at or 766-2168.
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 11
Offering Income
Other Income *
$ 14,692.26
$ 2,854.10
$ 17,546.36
$ 11,051.90
$ 6,494.46
Yr. to Date
$ 132,209.17
$ 160,263.77
$ 159,120.00
LutheranHANDS this summer as they
travel to Guatemala to serve at the
* Includes hunger and fellowship events.
Hogar Miguel Magone and Hogar
Housing 80 boys and 20 girls respectively, these orphanages take in children who have been
victims of physical and sexual abuse. Service work will include manual labor projects as well as
assisting with VBS, art, and music.
Team JoinHANDS will be departing on Saturday, June 27 and return the following Sunday, July
5. The total cost for this trip is $1,400, which includes the transport, lodging, food, and all the
priceless memories you will make! Registration is limited to 25 seats. Registration forms and a
$150 deposit is needed to secure your spot. For more information, send an e-mail to or visit the LutheranHands' website at or Tree
4 Hope's website,/
Our synod celebrates the diverse gifts of its members and asks that members consider sharing
those gifts in leadership roles in this church.
The Nominating Committee of this synod is seeking volunteers who are willing to be nominated
for election to the following ministries:
 Synod Vice President
 Synod Secretary
 Synod Council
 Synod Council-Youth
 Gettysburg Seminary Board of Directors
 Discipline Committee
Voting Members and Alternate Voting Members of the Churchwide Assembly Elected by Synod
 Youth Voting Member
 Young Adult Voting Member
 Person of Color or Of Primary Language Other Than English
 Lay Female
 Lay Male
 Clergy
Nomination forms are due January 15. Visit the synod assembly Web page at for more information.
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 12
Winter Events
January 2-4, 2015
Winter Youth Retreat at Kirchenwald
For youth in grades 3 through 9. Enjoy Kirchenwald in the Winter! Play broom hockey and other
games on the frozen pond. Have fun sledding, playing snow soccer and other winter games.
Creative Bible studies and worship experiences led by our summer camp counselors are an
important part of this retreat. Meet new friends and catch up with your summer camp friends.
Other indoor and outdoor activities may be included, as the weather dictates. $135.00 per
For more information on these and other camping programs, check out their website at
or call 717-677-8211
Year Round Stewardship
Does your congregation need a financial boost? Plan on coming to the synod's Brown Bag
Leadership Lunch on Thursday, January 8, when the topic will be "Year-Round Stewardship."
We will explore strategies and resources to help make stewardship a 12-month effort that
emphasizes how we use not only our financial gifts, but the cornucopia of abundance that God
gives us. Assistant to the Bishop Rob Blezard will lead discussion and give all participants a
DVD copy of the ELCA stewardship resource "Make It Simple" and other handouts. We gather
at 10:00 am, work for a couple hours and then eat at about noon as we finish up our discussion.
All congregational leaders are welcome. Registration is not required but it would be great if you
could let Cathy Deitrich of the synod office ( know if you're attending so
we can make sure to have enough materials.
Lower Susquehanna
Synod Assembly 2015
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 13
Friday, June 5 - Sunday, June 7, 2015
Messiah College, Grantham, PA with a NEW VENUE: Parmer Hall of the Janet & Calvin High
Center for Performing Arts
What’s New this Year?
Pre-Assembly “Envisioning the Future of Faith Formation” Event – Friday, June 5
You’ve heard the buzz words “faith formation,” yet, you’re not quite sure where to start. Faith
formation are the practices and opportunities—such as praying, worshiping, learning,
celebrating, and serving–that engage an entire community in lifelong Christian formation and
ongoing spiritual growth. It is not a trendy program, a one-stop-shopping curriculum, or a quick
fix. Assembly keynote speaker, John Roberto of Lifelong Faith Associates, comes early to help
us envision the future of Christian Education as faith formation at our pre-assembly faith
formation event the afternoon of Friday, June 5th.
NEW VENUE Inside the Janet & Calvin High Center for Performing
Arts of Messiah College
Parmer Hall is the new venue for Assembly business on the campus of Messiah College. This
state-of-the-art worship and performing arts space offers a sacred setting for assembly
business. Theater-style seating and professional sound and projection reduce overall event
costs and improve our environment.
Intergenerational Concert Featuring Rachel Kurtz – Saturday
Evening, June 6
Back by popular demand! This time… live in concert! During last year’s Assembly, Bishop
Dunlop introduced Rachel Kurtz’ “Make A Difference” song. Your positive feedback inspired us
to bring her live in concert! Rachel brings her spirited musicianship for a full-length concert
Moving the Assembly to a Friday through Sunday Timeframe, Lay Voting Membership
and Diversity Increase
In November, Synod Council adopted a continuing resolution to allow congregations with 500+
baptized members to appoint a third voting member. The resolution encourages youth, young
adult or person of color or whose primary language is other than English be considered the third
voting member. Moving to Friday through Sunday provides opportunities for those who work
full-time throughout the week to participate as voting members.
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 14
We Are Church Together - Sunday Morning Worship Brings Bishop’s Gospel Message to
On Sunday, June 7, 2015, congregations throughout the Lower Susquehanna Synod together
hear a united Gospel proclamation from Bishop Dunlop. Eucharistic Worship with the Rite of
Ordination using the Land & Seasons liturgy will be live-streamed for use in Lower
Susquehanna Synod congregational worship. Several alternatives to the live-stream option
include advanced print copy of pre-recorded video of Bishop Dunlop’s sermon, calling on retired
pastors or ecumenical partners to celebrate communion, utilizing lay leadership, reserved
sacraments or coordinating cooperative services with neighboring congregations. The
Assembly will conclude by 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. Bishop Dunlop encourages up-front
conversations with your Congregational Church Council to determine the option best suited for
your context.
Immigration Statement
November 20, 2014
ELCA Conference of Bishops
As people of faith and leaders of the church, we
support public policy that protects children, reunites
families, and cares for the most vulnerable,
regardless of their place of birth.
The treatment of immigrants is a core religious
value. To welcome the stranger is to welcome a
child of God. In the New Testament, Jesus tells us
to welcome the stranger, for "just as you did it to
one of the least of these... you did it to me.’”
(Matthew 25:40)
Each day in our congregations and in our service to
the community, we see the consequences of this
broken immigration system: separated families,
children returning home to find their parents have
undocumented workers.
By removing the threat of deportation for many
people, we are showing compassion for people
who have been here for years, working hard to
provide for their families, obeying the law, and
contributing to the fabric of our community.
While today’s action addresses a pressing need, it
does not provide a path to citizenship, establish
policies that prioritize family unity, or create more
efficient channels for entry of new migrant workers.
Our hope is that congress will address these and
related issues, including the practice of family
detention, which undermines our values as a
people of faith and a nation of welcome.
The Scriptures consistently show a significant
concern for immigrants: When a foreigner resides
among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The
foreigner residing among you must be treated as
your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you
were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
(Leviticus 19:33-34)
The positive role of immigrants in our history,
economy and our community is unmistakable. We
support this compassionate first step toward
reforming an immigration system that is flawed and
requires many of our neighbors to live in the
shadows in fear.
Are you interested in what is going on in your
Synod? Do you want to learn about events going
on in our church community? Do you want to find
out about new church-related educational
opportunities? Do you want to join other Lutherans
in prayer for others in our Synod? If so, the Lower
Susquehanna Synod has an on-line newsletter,
Carings and Sharings, that will provide all this and
more! Just go to the LSS website:, then scroll to the bottom and click on
"sign up for e-communications." It's that simple!
LIKE Zion's Facebook page and find out what's
going on in the lives of our members. Upcoming
events and photos from recent activities are posted,
so be sure to take a look. If you have photos of
church members or events to add to our page,
send them to Debbie Loope, page administrator.
Check out Zion's website at
Webmaster Donna Jacobs is working to keep it up
to date and attractive to visitors. If you have any
suggestions or photos to include on the website, email Donna at
Check out the ELCA website at
The site offers a wealth of information on what's
happening around our church, as well as resources
for congregations and individuals alike.
At you will find fresh,
daily content and conversation on what it means to
"live Lutheran." It is a great way to see what is
happening in other congregations and ministries, as
well as a source of thought-provoking reflections on
scripture and the life of discipleship.
Want to explore a daily practice of thanks? The
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg's
Stewardship of Life Institute sponsors an
"Adventures in Thanks-Living" blog written by
Pastor Sharron Blezard.
Go online at
A monthly Bible study series led by The Rev.
Robert Hoover and based on Richard Foster's work
on Christian spirituality, "Celebration of Discipline,"
is being held at The Wittel Farm in Elizabethtown.
Following is the remaining schedule:
 Wednesday, February 11
 Wednesday, March 11
 Wednesday, April 8
Sessions begin at 10:00 a.m. and conclude at 2:00
p.m. Refreshments are available at 9:30 a.m.
Registration fee of $15 includes lunch. Register at or call the LCC
office at 677-8211.
The following organizations have expressed a need
for volunteers and/or donations. To learn more,
please contact the organization at the address or
number listed.
* Family Promise of Harrisburg Capital Region;
contact Krissy Marshall at 432-3037, or email
* Bethesda Mission in Harrisburg; contact Deb
King at 257-4442, ext. 222 or e-mail
* New Hope Ministries; contact
or call Joanne Fortney, Volunteer Coordinator, at
766-7333 for more information.
* Enola Meals on Wheels; contact Terry Magaro
at 732-0448 to volunteer; to order meals, call Karen
Stine at 697-5011.
If you cannot attend worship due to illness, bad
weather, work schedule or travel, offering
envelopes and other donations can be mailed to
the church office, and they will be included in
Sunday’s offering.
Did you know that you can now sign up to
contribute to Zion electronically? No more having
to write out a check or find your offering envelopes
in a hurry on Sunday mornings! Simply complete
the registration form and your monthly or bi-monthly
donations will automatically be transferred to Zion's
checking account. See any member of the Finance
Committee for the proper paperwork.
Do you pay your mortgage, utility or other bills
online, electronically? If so, you can set up a billpayer account for Zion. When paying other bills
weekly or monthly, simply include your weekly, biweekly or monthly offering as a "bill" to be paid
from your account and the check will be mailed
from your bank directly to Zion. To assist our
offering counters and ensure that offerings are
credited properly, include your offering envelope
number as the account number in your bill-payer
Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, January 2014
Dear Ones,
Blessings with love to all at Zion Lutheran Church.
We still miss you! It doesn't seem possible we've
been in Florida 4-1/2 years!
The Lord has been more than gracious to us. Ernie
still has that buzzing in his ear due to his
Eustachian tube, but we thank Him it is not pain!
We attended a Halloween Party at the Palms where
I was a judge, and a nice young man transported
Ernie in his wheelchair.
If we can't be back with you and living on the creek,
this is next best, and we enjoy being close to our
Ernie and June Weirick
Dear Zion Lutheran Church,
Thank you for your generous gift to ELCA World
With this gift, we seek to support
sustainable solutions to care for those most
affected by hunger and poverty.
Thank you!
Linda Catalano
ELCA World Hunger
Following is the current wish list for New Hope
Ministries West Shore Center:
Canned Tuna
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Instant Potatoes
Peanut Butter
In addition, fresh produce is always welcome.
Please place donations on the social ministry table
in the rear of the sanctuary, or drop them off at the
West Shore Center at 5228 E. Trindle Road,
Mechanicsburg, telephone 766-7333.
Our pool of worship assistants for both ushers and
acolytes is diminishing. This would be a wonderful,
non-time-consuming way to contribute your time
and talent to the church. If interested in serving as
an usher, contact Pat Braddock (737-9187 or; if you would like to
become an acolyte, contact Linda Frymire (7326177 or john.linda.frymire @
February 8 - February 15
May 3 - May 10
July 26 - August 2
December 6 - 13
Holy Communion Service
with the imposition of Ashes
7:00 pm
Zion is seeking a volunteer to serve as Coordinator
for the Family Promise hosting program here at
Zion. If you are looking for a way to serve your
church and the families of Family Promise, please
contact Debbie Loope. Zion's next hosting week is
December 28 - January 4.
sponsored by the
Upper West Shore Ecumenical Ministerium
The Christians of East Pennsboro Township and
Enola will once again gather on the Wednesdays in
Lent at local churches for lunch and a message
from the host pastor. Cost of lunches will be $5 per
person, and lunch will be served at noon.
The schedule of locations and speakers is as
February 25 - Summerdale United Methodist
March 4 - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
March 11 - Enola Church of God
March 18 - St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
March 25 - West Shore Brethren in Christ
Volunteers will be needed to help prepare and
serve food for Zion's hosting day on March 4. See
Pastor Gwenn if you are interested.
Micki Priar oversees Zion’s very active Prayer
Chain. These Zion members have agreed to pray
for those persons and concerns on our prayer
chain. We are seeking additional members to be a
part of this important ministry. The power of prayer
is wonderful! If you feel called to help, or if you
would like to add a name to the prayer list, contact
Micki Priar at 732-1669. If you would like persons
to be included on the prayer list for worship, please
contact Pastor Gwenn or Durene Archer. Names
are not automatically placed on both lists.
Please let the church office and/or Pastor Gwenn
know when you or a loved one becomes a patient
in the hospital or other health care facility. The
federal HIPAA regulations do not permit health care
providers to release personal information such as
this without your expressed permission. Not all
health care facilities have chaplains on staff to
contact us about your admission. A phone call to
the church office at 732-9652 and/or Pastor
Gwenn's home (564-1034) or cell phone (6029913), will help us respond to you with pastoral
care for a time of change in your life.
begin Wednesday, February 25
6:00 pm
Worship 7:00 pm
The holy city of Jerusalem, January 2014
Evan Alexander Madera
Mia Lynn Madera
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Son and Daughter of Alicia Rovin-Madera &
Nathan P. Madera
Lars B. Staaby, Jr.
106 College Hill Road
Enola, PA 17025
Jerome Martin
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Services were held December 16 at Zion with
interment in the Zion Cemetery
Dorothy Kirkessner
Apt. 225, Country Meadows
4837 E. Trindle Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Evelyn Miller
Stonebridge Health and Rehabilitation
Room 35
102 Chandra Drive
Duncannon, PA 17020
Beverly Peffer
36 Sherwood Circle
Enola, PA 17025
Phone: 717-732-1950
Rose-Anna Behr
140 Highland Circle
Etters, PA 17319
Patt Saxton
2985 Four Mile Drive
Montoursville, PA 17754
Matthew M. Deveney
47 Bentz Mill Road
East Berlin, PA 17316-9114
Ben and Marie Shumaker
228 Salt Road
Enola, PA 17025
Phone: 717-732-0481
Derrick McQuay
1806 Penn Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Please remember to inform the church office of any
changes in your contact information so you may
continue to receive mailings in a timely manner.
William Schmick
Claremont Home Rehab. Center, Room 318
1000 Claremont Drive
Carlisle, PA 17013
Ernie & June Weirick
545 NW Cashmere Blvd., Apt. 103
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986-1956
Phone 772-344-5344
OUR PRAYERS and the comfort of the Christian
faith are extended to:
 The family and friends of Jerome Martin, Zion's
oldest member, who died at the age of 101 on
Thursday, December 11, at Holy Spirit Hospital,
surrounded by family
Worship during our annual picnic at Adams-Ricci Park
Stephanie Hostetler 16 John Ramsey
Connie Bahn
18 Allen Mundis
Sandra OIley
18 Kayla Placzek
Adam Smith
19 Kevin Keys
Sherry Berrier
19 Seth Smith
Stephen Bittinger
21 Margaret Zerbe
Virginia Arter
23 George Erford
Christopher O'Shell 24 George Brewbaker
Gavin Deveney
28 Brenda Manigault
Marlene Engle
31 Edwin Rickenbach
Kelsie Myers
18 Deborah Loope
Joey Sheibley
19 Janine O'Shell
George Brougher
21 Harrison Patno
Hailey Patno
22 David Carswell
Helga Jensen
22 Megan Frantz
Cadyn Shumaker
25 Amanda Lubold
Morgan Miller
27 Michael Williams
Donna Lubold
28 Twila Hawbaker
Donta Evans
28 James Hetrick
The cold drinks we handed out during the EP
Sports Parade were a big hit.
Our youth and their friends gather at the Smiths for a
bonfire in June. The fire felt good on a chilly night, and
the s'mores were yummy!
This is what our new communion chalices look
like, purchased with Memorial Fund monies and
dedicated on Christmas Eve.
Vacation Bible School registration
A Son Remembers His Father’s Example
When I was a very young boy, a young Lutheran, it was hard not to notice my Dad was involved with the
church. He would leave home once or twice a week after dinner for a committee or council meeting and stay
until well past my bedtime. I’d see him the next morning.
Come Sunday morning as we were walking up the sidewalk to the church, he’d often stop to pull a few weeds
he saw sticking up from the lawn. I’d be sent running back shouting, “C’mon Dad, the organ music has already
started! ” Even at my young age, I observed these signs of commitment.
I think of Dad when I hear the phrase, “ Good works don’t make a man good, but a good man does good
works.” You know, my Dad possessed three things he share with his family, his church and his friends: his
time, his talents and his treasures. I know my father always felt blessed. Because of his 40 year membership
in the Lutheran Laity Movement for Stewardship, his vision for stewardship still lives on. As Luke wrote :
“ Give and it will be given to you in good measure. "
(Taken from Faith in Action newsletter)
A New Year - - A New Resolution and A Commitment Renewed
Did you make a New Year’s resolution for this new year? Sometimes it is difficult to determine the right
combination of challenge and realism for a resolution. Should I do more or do less? Should I share more or
share less?
The New Year is a time to remember our renewed commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ. It is another
opportunity to start fresh, to help others, to be bold and volunteer, to be thankful and return some of what God
has first given us.
As the weeks of the New Year begin, let’s give thanks for those little things that will make a difference in our
daily life and the lives of those we love. Take moments for prayer. Take a few minutes to read scripture with a
family member or friend. Take the time to express appreciation to those who help us. When the opportunity
comes along, give a little extra to a ministry that has a special meaning to you. It is by taking these steps that
we grow in our individual faith and set an example for others. It is by taking these steps that we become better
stewards of God’s grace and God’s love.
Faith Reflection :
“Remember that you do not have to have great faith before you tithe,
but instead it is really the adventure of tithing that is a faith-building experience.”
Retired ELCA Bishop H. George Anderson