NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY RFP- 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM LARGE FORMAT VIDEO WALL SYSTEM PROPOSALS DUE: February 11, 2015 3:00 pm CST At the following location: NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY Attn: Procurement Services 5900 West Plano Parkway, Suite 100 Plano, Texas 75093 PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING: January 20, 2015 2:00 pm CST At the following location: NTTA Boardroom 5900 West Plano Parkway, Suite 200 Plano, Texas 75093 Vendor Information Page Please Print or Type FIRM’S NAME: FIRM’S PHYSICAL ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: FIRM’S MAILING ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: The undersigned affirms that he or she is authorized to submit the firm’s response to this RFP and execute a contract between the firm and the North Texas Tollway Authority. The undersigned further affirms that all of the statements and representations made in the response were made based on reasonable inquiry and are complete and accurate to the best of the knowledge of the undersigned. The NTTA reserves the right to reject any response found to contain false, misleading or inaccurate information. By signing and submitting this response the firm certifies that it understands the terms and conditions of this RFP and that it agrees with such terms and conditions except those to which it specifically objects in writing. FIRM’S AUTHORIZED AGENT AUTHORIZED AGENT’S SIGNATURE TITLE Acknowledgement of Addendum (please initial for each addendum) Addendum #1 Addendum#2 Addendum #3 1 Addendum #4 Addendum #5 REQUIRED RESPONSE CHECKLIST The following checklist is provided as a convenience to aid Proposers in responding to this RFP. The items shown in the checklist must be included in your response. Vendor Information Form Attachment A – Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Statement Attachment B – Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Affidavit Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Statement NTTA Supplement to Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Debarment, Litigation and Termination Declaration Form Attachment C – Diversity Compliance Forms (Commitment Form NTTA 4906) Attachment E – Cost Proposal & Performance Statement Comprehensive Technical Proposal as described in Section II; C; 4 Addenda acknowledgements, if applicable (the signed acknowledgement form must be included in the response to the RFP) Questions about the RFP should be directed via e-mail to Reggie Sanderfer, Senior Buyer, at no later than January 28, 2015 at 4:00pm CST. 2 I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND The North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) is a regional tollway authority governed by Chapter 366 of the Texas Transportation Code authorized to acquire, construct, maintain, repair and operate turnpike projects in the North Texas region. The NTTA serves its member counties of Collin, Dallas, Denton and Tarrant and is responsible for the NTTA System, consisting of the Dallas North Tollway, the President George Bush Turnpike, Sam Rayburn Tollway, Addison Airport Toll Tunnel, Lewisville Lake Toll Bridge and the Mountain Creek Lake Bridge, and the NTTA Special Projects System, consisting of the President George Bush Turnpike – Western Extension and the Chisholm Trail Parkway. NTTA is governed by a nine-member board of directors (Board) with two members appointed by each of the four NTTA member counties. A ninth member is appointed by the Governor of Texas. The following individuals currently serve on the NTTA Board of Directors: Chairman Kenneth Barr (Tarrant County) Vice Chairman Bill Moore (Collin County) Mojy Haddad (Tarrant County) Jane Willard (Collin County) Gary Kloepper (Denton County) Matrice Ellis-Kirk (Dallas County) George “Tex” Quesada (Dallas County) Michael R. Nowels (Denton County) William D. Elliott (Governor’s appointee) More information on the NTTA can be obtained by visiting the NTTA’s web site at NTTA's mission is to provide a safe and reliable toll road system, increase value and mobility options for our customers, operate the Authority in a businesslike manner, protect our bondholders, and partner to meet our region's growing need for transportation infrastructure. B. INTENT The purpose of this request for proposals is to solicit proposals for a Large Format Video Wall System. Sealed proposals marked 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM Large Format Video Wall System will be received by Reggie Sanderfer, Senior Buyer, North Texas Tollway Authority, 5900 West Plano Parkway, Suite 100, Plano, TX, 75093. Proposals will be accepted until February 11, 2015 at 3:00pm CST. Proposals submitted after this date and time will be returned unopened to the submitting firm/individual. The Authority will require strict compliance with the sealing, marking and timely delivery of all submittals. NTTA is not responsible for delays caused by the U.S. Postal Service, the internal mail delivery system of the NTTA, or any other means of delivery employed by the Proposer. Similarly, 3 NTTA is not responsible for, and will not open, any proposal responses which are received later than the date and time indicated above. The time stamp device in the customer reception lobby is the official time clock used for the purpose of the due date and time of the proposals. Any discrepancies between this official time clock and any other time keeping devices are not the responsibility of the NTTA. NTTA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to waive any technicality in a response to this RFP, provided such action is in the best interests of the NTTA. Where NTTA waives minor technicalities in a Proposal, such waiver does not modify the RFP requirements or excuse the Respondent from full compliance with the RFP. Notwithstanding the waiver of any minor technicalities, NTTA holds all Respondents to strict compliance with the RFP. C. TELEGRAPHIC/ELECTRONIC PROPOSAL RESPONSES Proposal responses sent by facsimile machines or email are not acceptable and will be rejected upon receipt. Vendors will be expected to allow adequate time for delivery of their proposal responses either by airfreight, postal services, or by other means. D. TERMS OF CONTRACT The contract will become effective upon final execution of contracts by both parties. The contract period will be for five (5) years. This contract may be terminated by the NTTA with a thirty (30) day written notice to the other party regardless of the reason. E. INQUIRIES Questions about this RFP should be directed via e-mail only to Reggie Sanderfer, Senior Buyer at , no later than January 28, 2015 at 4:00pm CST. The subject line of any email should include the following: “Question - 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM” Correspondence with individuals other than those listed herein will not be allowed: From the issuance date of this RFP until a firm/individual is selected and the selection is announced, firms are not allowed to communicate regarding this RFP with any NTTA officer, employee or consultant. Any inquiry regarding this RFP must be directed to the contact listed above. NTTA reserves the right to disqualify any Proposer who is found in violation of this provision. No questions other than written via email will be accepted, and no response other than written will be binding upon the Authority. Written responses to questions will be provided to all recipients of the RFP. 4 F. INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA No interpretation or modification made to any respondent as to the meaning of the RFP will be binding on the North Texas Tollway Authority unless submitted in writing and distributed as an addendum by NTTA. Interpretations and/or clarifications must be requested in writing and directed to Reggie Sanderfer, Senior Buyer, at the address or e-mail noted above. Information obtained otherwise will not be considered in awarding of contract. All addenda will become part of the RFP. G. LANGUAGE, WORDS USED INTERCHANGEABLY The word AUTHORITY, Authority or NTTA refers to the NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY throughout this document. Similarly, Respondent, Vendor, and Proposer refer to the person or company submitting an offer to sell its goods or services to the Authority. The words Proposal and, Quotation, are all offers from the Proposer. NTTA has established for the purposes of this RFP that the words “must” or “will” are equivalent in this RFP and indicate a mandatory requirement or condition, the material deviation from which will not be waived by the Authority. A deviation is material if, at the sole discretion of the Authority, the deficient response is not in substantial accord with this RFP’s mandatory condition requirements. The words “should” and “may” are equivalent in the RFP and indicate very desirable conditions or requirements but are permissive in nature. Deviation from, or omission of, such a desirable condition or requirement will not in and of itself cause automatic rejection of a proposal, but may result in being considered as not in the best interest of the Authority. H. SCOPE The scope for this project is Attachment D for this solicitation document. II. RESPONSE TO THIS RFP A. EXAMINATION OF RFP DOCUMENTS Failure of any Proposer to receive or examine any form, instrument, addendum or other document will in no way relieve any Proposer from any obligation with respect to their proposal or to any contract resulting from this proposal. The submission of a proposal will be taken as conclusive evidence of compliance with this condition. Failure to meet this condition may result in rejection of any offering on this proposal. B. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Any proprietary information contained in the Response must be so indicated with the following notation in BOLD letters at the top and bottom of the page, THIS PAGE CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. A general statement that the entire content or major portion, of the Response is proprietary will not be honored. Firms should be aware that all information submitted is subject to public disclosure under the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act (Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code) 5 C. PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL GUIDELINES Proposals should be as brief and concise as possible, providing relevant information and excluding marketing materials. Responses are limited to 20 pages (8.5x11), single sided and will included typed text, graphics, charts and photographs. Charts and Exhibits may be a larger size but must be folded to the standard size when submitted. Each proposal must include all of the following content in each of the following sections: 1. Cover Letter: A brief one-page cover letter should summarize key elements of the proposal. The cover letter should include the name, address and telephone number of the proposer and all key personnel that will assist in providing the requested equipment and service. The letter should be signed by an individual authorized to submit the required information to the NTTA. 2. Table of Contents: Describe the contents of the proposal (one page) 3. Vendor Information Page: An individual authorized to bind the consultant’s firm must sign the vendor information page. Indicate the address and telephone number of the contact person for this assignment. (This does not count against your total of 20 pages) 4. 5. Technical Proposal addressing the following elements: • All items described in the Scope of Services • All areas described in Section E; 1) Firm Experience and Qualifications: a. A brief descriptive statement indicating the Proposer’s credentials to deliver equipment and services sought under this RFP. b. Areas of specialization. c. A brief description of Proposer’s background and organizational history. d. List of all awards, certifications and recognitions received that are applicable to the. e. Years in business. f. Location of offices. g. Form of business (i.e., individual, sole proprietor, corporation, non-profit, joint venture, Limited Liability Company, etc.) h. A statement as to whether Proposer or any of the Proposer’s employees, agents, independent contractors, or subcontractors have been convicted of or plead guilty to any felony; and if so, an explanation providing relevant details. i. A personnel roster of key staff who will be assigned by Proposer to perform with equipment services under the agreement 6 j. Details of any failed agreements, and/or refusal to complete an agreement within the last (5) years. If an agreement has been cancelled or terminated, provide name, address and phone number of the client who terminated the agreement. Explain reasons for cancellation. 6. References: Provide the names and contact person(s) of your firms’ five (5) most relevant references for which your firm has provided equipment and services comparable to the equipment and services described herein over the past three (3) years. At a minimum, the following information should be included for each reference: a. Name, address and contact information of references, including email address (reference should be the appropriate staff member that was associated with that project) b. Description and scope of work c. Explanation of perceived relevance of the experience to the RFP. 7. Added Value Technology or services: a description of any added value your firm will provide if selected that distinguishes you from your competitors. If there is an additional cost to the added value you provide indicate the costs as part of the description. 7. Cost Proposal Please utilize the cost matrix located in Attachment E. Do not make any changes to the cost matrix. III. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS The proposer must submit one (1) original hard copy and five (5) additional hard copies of the complete written proposal to: Procurement Department – Reggie Sanderfer, Senior Buyer North Texas Tollway Authority 5900 West Plano Parkway, Suite 100 Plano, TX 75093 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM The respondent should clearly mark the outermost envelope of the submittal with 03802-NTT00-GS-SM Large Format Video Wall Systems. The NTTA is not responsible for submittals received but not clearly marked. It will be the responsibility of each bidder to deliver its proposal to the NTTA Buyer at the above listed address before or by the time listed above for its bid to be considered. The NTTA customer receptionist will stamp the date and time on the proposal envelope upon receipt and this will serve as the official date and time used for the bid opening purpose. Any discrepancies between the official time and any other time keeping devices will 7 not be the responsibility of the Authority. Faxed, oral, or telephoned bids will not be accepted. Late bids will be returned unopened. B. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Public notification/advertisement January 9, 2015 January 16, 2014 January 20, 2015 2:00 pm CST January 28, 2015 4:00 pm CST February 11, 2015 3:00 pm CST Pre-Proposal Meeting Deadline for submitting questions RFP Responses due Questions concerning the RFP are due in writing via e-mail to Reggie Sanderfer Senior Buyer at All responses to such questions will be distributed to all potential respondents. C. OFFICIAL TIME CLOCK The time stamp device in the customer reception lobby is the official time clock used for the purpose of the due date and time of the proposals. Any discrepancies between this official time clock and any other time keeping devices are not the responsibility of the NTTA. Late proposals will be returned unopened to the submitting firm. D. PROPERTY OF NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY All copies and contents thereof of any proposal, attachment, and explanation thereto submitted in response to this RFP, except copyrighted material, will become the property of the Authority regardless of the proposer selected. All copyrighted material must be clearly marked indicating the copyrighted status. NTTA will be held harmless from any claims arising from the release of proprietary information not clearly designated as such by the proposing firm. 8 E. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS The award of the contract shall be made to the responsible proposer(s) whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous and provides the best overall proposal to NTTA. 1) BEST VALUE EVALUATION During stage I evaluations, proposals deemed responsive will be evaluated based on the following criteria listed below: Best Value Scoring A. Understanding and General Approach to the Project Scope as described in your Technical Proposal B. Methodology for Installation and Maintenance of the Video Wall as described in your Technical Proposal C. Added Value Technology or Services as described in your response to this RFP D. Cost Proposal E. DBE and M/WBE Performance Plan Points 30 25 25 10 10 1. DBE and M/WBE Performance Plan describing the methods to be employed for achieving NTTA’s goals for meaningful and significant DBE and M/WBE participation Total 100 Upon completion of stage I evaluations, NTTA reserves the right to shortlist proposers based on ranking from stage I in order to conduct presentations with shortlisted firms reasonably susceptible of being selected for award. During the evaluation process, NTTA reserves the right to enter discussions with proposers in order to clarify responses. All proposers will be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussions and revision of proposals. Revisions to proposals may be permitted after submission and before award for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers as determined to be in the best interest of the NTTA. 2) STAGE TWO EVALUATION In stage two, the short-listed respondents will make a formal presentation to the evaluation committee. The evaluation committee will interview the respondents at the time of the presentation. The evaluation committee will score each presentation/interview utilizing the criteria listed below. Experience and Qualifications Methodology Cost Proposal Business Diversity Component 40% 40% 10% 10% All short-listed firms will be notified by Procurement Services via letter of the date, time, and location of interview/presentation as well as the format for their presentation. IV. ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS A. OPEN RECORDS Respondents are advised that information included in a proposal is subject to the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code (the Act). Information a third party submits to or prepares on behalf of NTTA is subject to the Act and must qualify for an exception provided by the Act to be withheld from public disclosure. Information is not confidential under the Act simply because the party submitting the information anticipates or requests that it be kept confidential. NTTA cannot bring information within an exception to disclosure under the Act merely through a contract or agreement to keep the information confidential. Accordingly, a Respondent whose proposal may include information that the Respondent believes in good faith to be proprietary or commercial information and that the Respondent otherwise keeps confidential for competitive reasons is responsible for identifying and proving that such information qualifies for an exception to public disclosure under the Act. Each item of such information must be separately and conspicuously labeled “Confidential Proprietary Information.” NTTA, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and attorneys will not be liable for any disclosure of any information submitted in a response to this RFP. By submitting a proposal, the Respondent waives any claim against, and releases from liability, NTTA, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and attorneys with respect to disclosure of any information included in the proposal, including information labeled as “Confidential Proprietary Information.” The Respondent also authorizes NTTA, at its sole option, to submit any information contained in the proposal, including information the Respondent has labeled as being proprietary, to the Office of the Attorney General for a determination as to whether any such information submitted by the Respondent may be excepted from public disclosure under the Act, either by its provisions alone or in conjunction with other law. For the purpose of asking the Office of the Attorney General to determine whether an exception to disclosure exists for information the Respondent deems to be proprietary, NTTA will submit to the Attorney General only that information the Respondent has specifically labeled “Confidential Proprietary Information.” B. AWARD NON-EXCLUSIVE NTTA may award one or more contracts to each Proposer. There will be no minimum amount of services awarded any Proposer under this RFP. The successful Proposers will assume total responsibility for all deliverables awarded to them. Further, the NTTA will consider the successful Proposers to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of all charges resulting from the contract. No sub-contractor will be paid directly by payment of all charges resulting from the contract. No sub-contractor will be paid directly by NTTA. The successful Proposers will be solely responsible for the success of any portion of and the entire project awarded to them under this RFP. Unless expressly stated otherwise all proposals shall be considered valid until the proposal evaluation, award, and contract execution process is completed (estimated 90 – 150 days). C. INVOICING All invoices must agree with the purchase order in description and price and must include a Purchase Order Number and a Ship-to department name and address. If the invoice does not agree with the purchase order, credits or a correct invoice will be required in order for the Authority to process payment. Invoices that do not reference an authorized Purchase Order will be returned to the Vendor. In order to ensure prompt payment, ALL ORIGINAL INVOICES MUST BE SENT TO: North Texas Tollway Authority Accounts Payable Post Office Box 260729 5900 West Plano Parkway Suite 100 Plano, TX 75093 D. THIRD-PARTY “REMIT-TO” If a Proposer has a third-party “remit-to” company, that information must appear on the Proposer’s response. NTTA will send payment to the company designated on the Proposer’s. However, the Authority will not be responsible for resolving payment issues should the Proposer change payment processing companies after a payment has been mailed or without 45-day written notification to the Purchasing and Accounting divisions of NTTA. E. TAX EXEMPT AUTHORITY All payments to be made by the Authority to the Vendor pursuant to the Contract are inclusive of federal, state, or other taxes, if any, however designated, levied, or based. The Authority is a tax-exempt entity under Sections 151.309, et seq., of the Texas Tax Code. Title to any consumable items purchased by the Vendor in performing the Contract will be deemed to have passed to the Authority at the time the Vendor takes possession or earlier, and such consumable items must immediately be marked, labeled, or physically identified as the property of the Authority, to the extent practical. F. STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY Proposer agrees that any information accessed or gained in performance of those duties will be maintained in absolute confidence and will not be released, discussed, or made known to any party or parties for any reason whatsoever, except as required in the conduct of duties required, or where disclosure is required by law or mandated by a court of law. Proposers must submit 11 the “Confidentiality and Non-disclosure Statement, Attachment A and return it with their proposals in a section labeled “REQUIRED NTTA FORMS”. G. LAWS AND REGULATIONS All applicable State of Texas and federal laws, ordinances, licenses and regulations of a governmental body having jurisdiction will apply to the award throughout as the case may be, and are incorporated here by reference. Any contract executed based on award of this RFP must stipulate that governing law will be the State of Texas. H. INCURRING COSTS All costs incurred in preparing the Proposal, or costs incurred in any other manner by the respondent in responding to this Request for Proposal, will be wholly the responsibility of the respondent. All materials, supporting materials, correspondence and documents submitted in response to this Request for Proposal will become the property of NTTA and will not be returned. I. NEGOTIATIONS NTTA reserves the right to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract with any of the evaluated Proposers. Should the successful Proposer and NTTA fail to come to an agreement, the Authority may at its sole discretion award services to any of the remaining Proposers. The Proposer to whom the contract is awarded will be required to enter into a written contract with NTTA in a form approved by legal counsel for the Authority. This RFP and the proposal, or any part thereof, will be incorporated into and made a part of the final contract. J. CLARIFICATION Respondent may be requested to provide additional information and/or clarify contents of their proposal package. Other than information requested by the Authority, no proposer will be allowed to alter the proposal or add new information after the final filing date. K. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Proposer agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless NTTA and its DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AGENTS and employees from any and all costs, claims, and damages of every kind and nature made, including attorneys’ fees, rendered or incurred by or in behalf of every person or corporation whatsoever, including the parties hereto and their employees that may arise, occur, or grow out of any acts, actions, work or other activity done by the Proposer, its employees, sub-contractors or any independent contractor working under the direction of either the Proposer or subcontractor in the performance of this contract. L. CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST & DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT A Conflict of Interest Questionnaire and Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Affidavit are attached as Attachment B, and incorporated herein for all purposes; both must be signed and returned 12 with Respondent’s completed proposal, additional the affidavit must be notarized. These completed forms must be included in the section labeled “REQUIRED NTTA FORMS”. M. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Each Proposer submitting a proposal agrees not to refuse to hire, discharge, promote, demote, or to otherwise discriminate in matters of compensation against any person otherwise qualified solely because of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, national origin, ancestry or physical handicap. N. BUSINESS DIVERSITY POLICY INFORMATION The Business Diversity Department (BDD) information related to this procurement can be found in Attachment C. O. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The Authority will NOT hold harmless or indemnify any successful Proposer for any liability whatsoever. P. INSURANCE The insurance requirements for this solicitation are located as Attachment F. If selected for this project the selected firm will be required to provide proof of all coverage and waivers described in Attachment F. Failure or inability to provide proof of these insurance requirements will render the proposers submittal for this project to be deemed non-responsive and the NTTA will reject the proposal in its entirety. Q. LICENSES/CERTIFICATES NTTA reserves the right to require documentation that each Proposer is an established business and is abiding by the Ordinances, Regulations, and Laws of their community and the State of Texas. If you are required by any regulatory agency to maintain professional license or certification to provide any product and/or service solicited under this RFP, the Authority reserves the right to require you to provide documentation of your current license and/or certification before considering your proposal and/or before awarding a contract. R. GENERAL NTTA expressly reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part; or to repropose; and to make the award on merit and/or features of design, quality, delivery, and service as determined to be in the best interest of the Authority. 13 S. GUARANTEE Proposer certifies by proposing, that he is fully aware of the conditions of service and purpose for which services included in this RFP are to be purchased, and that his offering will meet the requirements of service and purpose to the satisfaction of the NTTA and its Agent. T. CONTRACT AND BONDING The selected firm will be required to provide a signed contract and bonding within 14 calendar days of receiving notice of award from NTTA. The contract forms and bond form can be found in Attachment G of this RFP. Bonding amounts are as follows: • • • U. Payment Bond in an amount equal to the full value of the contract Performance Bond in an amount equal to the full value of the contract Warranty Bond in an amount equal to the 25% of the value of the contract REVOLVING DOOR NTTA has adopted an Employee Ethics Policy that includes the following “revolving door” provision: “An employee after leaving NTTA employment will not participate on behalf of any third party in a matter involving the NTTA in which the employee participated while employed at NTTA. For purposes of this subsection, an employee participated in a matter if the employee made a decision or recommendation on the matter, approved, disapproved or gave advice on the matter, conducted an investigation related to the matter, or took similar action related to the matter.” Absent express written approval from NTTA, Contractor will not direct or allow a former NTTA employee to do any work on behalf of the Contractor that might put the former employee in violation of this provision. V. VENDOR POLICING OF EMPLOYEE ETHICS POLICY NTTA has adopted an Employee Ethics Policy, which, among other things, directs employees to avoid conflicts of interest or appearances of impropriety, comply with the law, and use NTTA property for only NTTA purposes. Contractor is expected to be aware of these requirements and must promptly report to the NTTA any conduct by an employee that the Contractor reasonably believes may be in violation of the Policy. W. PROCUREMENT PROTESTS NTTA encourages respondents to bring questions and concerns relating to this RFP to the NTTA’s attention promptly pursuant to the process set forth in Section V. Any formal protest relating to this RFP or the contract award thereunder must be made in writing and submitted to the Senior Director of Procurement and Business Diversity no later than five (5) business days after the earlier of the (i) date the protestor was or reasonably should have been aware of the matter giving rise to the protest or (ii) the date the contract award was made by the NTTA Board of Directors. Any protest submitted outside this deadline will not be considered. Each 14 protest must include the following: 1. the name and address of the protester, and the respondent it represents, if different; 2. the title and number of the RFP to identify the procurement in question; 3. a statement of the grounds for protest; and 4. all documentation supporting the protest The Senior Director of Procurement and Business Diversity will review the information relevant to the protest and render a decision on the protest no later than twenty (20) business days after the bid protest was received. The decision will describe the action taken and the reasons for such action, and will be mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the protestor at the address set forth in the bid protest. The protesting party may appeal the decision of the Senior Director of Procurement and Business Diversity to the Executive Director. The appeal must be in writing and must be received in the Office of the Executive Director no later than five (5) business days after receipt of the decision of the Senior Director of Procurement and Business Diversity. The appeal must include the original protest, the decision of the Senior Director of Procurement and Business Diversity, all information contained in the original written protest, as well as any new information supporting the protest that was not reasonably available to the protester when the original protest was filed. The Executive Director will render a written decision not later than thirty (30) business days after the appeal of the protest was received. The decision of the Executive Director will be mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the protestor at the address set forth in the bid protest. The protesting party may appeal the decision of the Executive Director to the Board of Directors. The appeal must be in writing and must be received in the Office of the Secretary for the Board of Directors no later than five (5) business days after receipt of notice of the Executive Director’s decision. The appeal must include the original protest, the decision of the Senior Director of Procurement and Business Diversity, the decision of the Executive Director, the original protest, all information contained in the original written protest, as well as any newly discovered information supporting the protest that was not reasonably available to the protester when the original protest was filed. The Board of Directors will review the information relevant to the appeal and will render a written decision within sixty (60) business days after the appeal of the protest was received. The decision of the Board of Directors will be final. The final decision of the Board of Directors will be mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the protestor at the address set forth in the bid protest. Respondents understand and agree that in light of NTTA’s operational needs and customer service obligations, the filing of a protest or any legal action challenging any aspect of this RFP or the contract award thereunder will not prevent the NTTA from proceeding with the RFP process, a contract award thereunder or utilization of the services requested through this RFP. To the fullest extent allowed by law, respondents waive any claim for injunctive relief pertaining to this RFP, the contract award or the commencement of services thereunder. By submitting a 15 response to this RFP respondents unconditionally and irrevocably acknowledge that adequate remedies exist at law, without resort to injunctive or other equitable relief, to fully redress any potential claim against arising in connection with this RFP. X. FORCE MAJEURE NTTA will not be liable for defaults or delays due to acts of God or the public enemy, acts or demands of any governmental agency, strikes, fires, floods, accidents, or other unforeseeable causes beyond its control and not due to its fault or negligence. 16 ATTACHMENT A CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 17 CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Respondent agrees that it will not disclose to any unauthorized person, association, firm, corporation or other party any proprietary or confidential information relating to the Authority. The Confidential Information includes all information directly or indirectly furnished, obtained or acquired directly, indirectly or by inference in the course of providing services to the NTTA, or other information that the receiving Party should reasonably know is of a confidential nature. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, security operations, equipment, measures, plans, policies, procedures or devices, intellectual property, ideas, inventions, processes, know-how, techniques, business methods, financial data and information, accounting and control procedures, information or data concerning the parties’ products, services, policies, violation enforcement system, patrons, Toll-Tag customers, personnel and any other aspect of its operation and the like, whether such information is tangible or intangible, or transferred, maintained or obtained orally, visually, electronically or by any other means. Respondent confirms that such information constitutes the exclusive property of the Authority. All confidential and proprietary information will be held in strict confidence. Respondent will protect the confidentiality of all related records, data and information, with the same degree of care given toward the protection of Respondent’s confidential information. Respondent agrees to be responsible for the negligent or willful release or unauthorized use of the Confidential Information by its employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, subcontractors, contractors, or any other third party which will gain access to Confidential Information via Respondent, its employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, subcontractors or contractors that results in any damages to the NTTA, including loss to persons, property and revenues. Respondent agrees that this Non-disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement is important and material to the RFP process and subsequent contract award, and disclosure of said confidential and proprietary information would significantly affect the successful conduct of the business of the Authority, as well as its reputation and goodwill. Any breach of the terms of this Agreement is a material breach, from which Respondent may be enjoined and for which the Respondent also must pay to the NTTA all damages which arise from said breach. Respondent understands and acknowledges that its responsibilities under this Agreement will continue in full force and effect after the award of the contract for an independent performance review services and after termination of Respondents contractual relationship with the Authority ends for any reason. IN WITNESS THEREOF, executed this ______ day of ________________, 201_____. RESPONDENT: (Signature) Name/Title:_______________________________ _______________________________ Company Name:___________________________ 18 ATTACHMENT B CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE AFFIDAVIT CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT NTTA SUPPLEMENT TO CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE DEBARMENT, LITIGATION AND TERMINATION DECLARATION FORM 19 20 21 AFFIDAVIT CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Project RFP Number LARGE FORMAT VIDEO WALL SYSTEM 03802-NTT-00-GS-MA THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF______________ Before me, the § undersigned, on this day personally appeared ______________________________________ who, being by me duly sworn, upon oath says: he/she is duly qualified and authorized to make this affidavit for and on behalf that of _______________________________________ (“Contractor”) and is fully cognizant of the facts herein set out; that Contractor covenants and agrees that Contractor’s officers, employees, agents or board members have no interest, and will acquire no interest, either direct or indirect, which will conflict in any manner with the performance of the services called for under this Contract; and that Contractor’s officers, employees, agents, or board members have not and will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from the Authority, employees, board members, agents, and representatives other than that which is the required compensation for services rendered or to be rendered pursuant to Contract. Contractor’s acknowledges that one or more of the items listed below are applicable to Contractor officers, its employee(s) agents or board member. Please check all that apply. I have no business or familial relationship with a board member, employee, consultant or agent of the Authority, one of its member counties or another toll agency. I have a business relationship with a board member, employee, consultant or agent of the Authority, one of its member counties or another toll agency which is as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ I have a familial relationship with a board member, employee, consultant or agent of the Authority, one of its member counties or another toll agency which is as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ I have other interest in the Authority which is as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 22 By signature of this Agreement, Contractor acknowledges to the Authority that Contractor has made full disclosure of any existing conflicts of interest and that Contractor will disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including personal financial or real property interests, direct or indirect, which develop after signature of the contract and prior to completion of the contract. ____________________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Title SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME by the said ____________________________ this ________day of _________________, 20___, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ____________________________ Notary Public in and for My Commission Expires: ___________________________ Please Print Name of Notary __________________________ 23 NTTA SUPPLEMENT TO CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION I: INSTRUCTIONS Please complete and submit the NTTA Supplement to Conflict of Interest Questionnaire below. This requirement also applies to any proposed sub consultant(s). Failure to comply with this requirement may cause your proposal to be declared nonresponsive. In order to answer the questions contained in this form, please review NTTA’s Conflict of Interest provisions, the list of the NTTA’s Board of Directors and member counties. Any questions regarding the information required to be disclosed in this form should be directed to the Senior Director of Procurement and Business Diversity and Business Diversity. Name of Firm: Name of Preparer: Date: SECTION II: QUESTIONS 1. During the last twenty-four (24) months, has your firm provided a source of income to a director, officer or employee of the NTTA, one of its member counties or other toll agency, or have any director, officer or employee, of the NTTA held any financial interest in your firm (including real property)? YES NO If “yes,” please list the names of the person(s) and the nature of the financial interest: Name: Nature of Financial Interest: 2. Have you or any members of your firm served as a director, officer or employee of the NTTA within the last twelve (12) months? YES NO If “yes,” please list name, position, and dates of service: Name: Position: Dates of Service: 3. Are you or any of the owners, partners or officers of your firm or any employee who you anticipate working on this contract related by blood or marriage/domestic partnership to a director, officer or employee of the NTTA? YES NO If “yes,” please list name and the nature of the relationship: 24 Name: Relationship: 4. Does any director, officer or employee of the NTTA hold a position at your firm as a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or any position of management? YES NO If “yes,” please list name and the nature of the relationship: Name: Relationship: SECTION III: VALIDATION STATEMENT This Validation Statement must be completed and signed by at least one General Partner, Owner, Principal, or Officer authorized to legally commit the proposer. DECLARATION I, (printed full name) _________________________________, hereby declare that I am the (position or title) ______________________________ of (firm name) ______________________________, and that I am duly authorized to execute this Validation Statement on behalf of this entity. I hereby state that this NTTA Conflict of Interest Form dated ___________________ is correct and current as submitted. I acknowledge that any false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements on this Validation Statement will result in rejection of my contract proposal. __________________________________________ Signature of Person Certifying for Proposer ___________________________ Date (Original signature required) NOTICE A material false statement, omission, or fraudulent inducement made in connection with this NTTA Conflict of Interest Form is sufficient cause for rejection of the contract proposal or revocation of a prior contract award. 25 NAME OF FIRM (PROPOSER) Debarment, Litigation and Terminations 1 2 3 4 YES NO YES NO During the last five (5) years has any federal, state or local governmental entity issued an order, judgment or decree of any kind barring, suspending or otherwise limiting respondent’s right to contract with any governmental entity or to engage in any business practice or activity? Are there any current, pending or threatened litigation, administrative or regulatory proceedings or similar matters that could affect respondent’s ability to perform the required services? During the last five (5) years has any customer terminated a contract with respondent for cause or accepted damages in lieu of termination? Is there any reason why the NTTA might be legally prohibited from doing business with the respondent or the respondent legally prohibited from doing business with the NTTA? Each of the persons or entities identified in (1) above must identify any of the following that occurred with respected to the person or entity within the previous 5 years: 1 Debarment from contracting with any governmental entity 2 Professional licensure discipline 3 Adverse civil judgments or administrative findings 4 Criminal felony convictions If any of the answers are in the affirmative, please explain the nature and circumstances of the matter and what relevance if any to the NTTA’s consideration of respondent’s proposal. Explanations if any 26 ATTACHMENT C Business Diversity 27 ATTACHMENT C BUSINESS DIVERSITY PROGRAM NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY “DISADVANTAGED, MINORITY, WOMEN-OWNED, AND SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM” Professional Services, Consulting and Goods/Services Contracts, and Special Provision for Construction and Maintenance related projects 1. General The North Texas Tollway Authority (the Authority) is committed to providing contracting opportunities for disadvantaged, minority, women-owned, and small business enterprises (D/M/WBE). In this regard, the Authority maintains DBE, M/WBE, and SBE programs in order to facilitate contracting opportunities for these businesses. The programs are implemented in accordance with the NTTA’s Disadvantage, Minority, Women-Owned and Small Business Enterprises Policy (Diversity Policy), originally adopted by the NTTA Board of Directors under Resolution No. 10-19 on January 20, 2010, and any revisions thereafter. The following document outlines: • • • • • Criteria regarding commercially useful function Factors to determine good faith efforts Contractor responsibilities Monthly reporting and compliance requirements Noncompliance enforcement The Business Diversity Department Contracting and Compliance Manual (CCM) outline the procedures, provisions and compliance requirements to support and comply with the Authority’s Diversity Policy. The CCM is approved and incorporated into the contract by reference for all purposes by the Authority. The CCM and the Diversity Policy may be obtained online at the NTTA website at or by contacting the Business Diversity Department at (214) 461-2007. 2. Commercially useful function criteria A commercially useful function (CUF) is when the D/M/WBE is responsible for the performance, management and supervision of a distinct element of work, in accordance with normal industry practice. The criteria utilized to determine a commercially useful function is set forth in the CCM (page 18). 3. Factors to determine good faith efforts All prime contractors are required to demonstrate a good faith effort toward achieving a D/M/WBE goal. A good faith effort can be demonstrated by actions which, by their scope, 28 intensity, and appropriateness to the objective, can reasonably be expected to, either individually or collectively, achieve the goal. If a prime contractor does not meet the designated goal, it shall nevertheless be eligible for award of the contract if it can demonstrate to the NTTA that it has made a good faith effort to meet the goal. The factors that determine if a good faith effort has been met are set forth in the CCM (page 23). 4. Contractor’s responsibilities All responding firms, including D/M/WBE certified firms, must submit documentation regarding all subcontractor utilization and how they will meet or exceed the established goal using certified D/M/WBE firms for this project on the Commitment Agreement Form (Form 4906) provided. Commitment Agreement Form (Form 4906), good faith effort documentation and supporting information must be submitted to the Business Diversity Department for all contracting opportunities in accordance to the CCM. Form 4906 must be submitted to the Authority with the proposal. Information for construction and maintenance related projects For all construction and maintenance related projects, Form 4906 must be submitted to the Authority no later than 5:00 pm on the 14th day after written notification of the conditional award of the contract. Additional questions and/or clarification can be obtained by contacting the Director of Business Diversity at Please copy the Procurement Services Department at on all correspondence. Form 4906 must include a brief description of the type of work to be performed and the dollar value or percentage of utilization of work that will be assigned to the subcontractors including D/M/WBEs and must be signed by both the prime contractor and subcontractor. All compliance forms may be obtained online at the NTTA website at 5. Monthly reporting and compliance requirements NTTA PRISM contract compliance software (NTTA PRISM system) is the Authority’s web-based computer system that tracks the monthly subcontractor payment reporting for NTTA contracts. NTTA PRISM system has been fully implemented and replaces the manual subcontractor payment reporting with a more efficient online reporting process. Prime contractors are required to submit their information into the business diversity contract compliance tracking system by the 15th of each month. Prime contractors will have a designated User ID & password to login to the contract compliance tracking system via the following link 6. Noncompliance enforcement All participants of the D/M/WBE business process must comply with the requirements set forth in the Diversity Policy and are subject to noncompliance enforcement as set forth in the NonCompliance Enforcement section of the CCM. 29 NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY “D/M/WBE GOAL” Contract No: 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM Project: LARGE FORMAT VIDEO WALL SYSTEM The following goal is established for DBE, MBE, and WBE subcontractor participation: DBE __________% of total contract amount M/WBE __________% of total contract amount Total D/M/WBE Goal ____15______% of total contract amount Pursuant to the Authority’s Disadvantaged, Minority, Women-Owned and Small Business Enterprises Policy, and as outlined in the “Business Diversity Department Contractors Compliance Handbook”, SBE utilization will continue to be tracked, reported, and monitored in its procurements. However, SBE participation will be counted independent of D/M/WBE participation goal and tracked separately. Women-owned minority firms certified as WBEs will count towards NTTA’s MBE participation. Minority firms certified as DBEs will count towards NTTA’s DBE participation. DBE = Disadvantaged Business Enterprise MBE = Minority Business Enterprise WBE = Women-Owned Business Enterprise SBE = Small Business Enterprise 30 Information related to Business Diversity scoring Business Diversity Evaluation Criteria (10 points) 1. Respondent demonstrates that the business diversity plan meets or exceeds the established goal (6 points) • • • The D/M/WBE firm(s) to be utilized to meet or exceed the diversity goal on the project. The business diversity plan submitted meets or exceeds the diversity goal percentage established by the business diversity department for the procurement The business diversity plan submitted incorporates meaningful work and significant project roles for D/M/WBE firm(s). The D/M/WBE firm(s) has the opportunity to be exposed to experiences that allow for professional growth and the development of marketable skills. (Examples of meaningful work and significant project roles include participation as team lead or project manager) 2. Respondent demonstrates subcontractor participation on previous/similar projects (4 points) • • • Demonstration that the D/M/WBE participation has been a part of the normal business practice. Demonstration that subcontracting level of D/M/WBE firm(s) reflect meaningful and significant roles. (Examples of meaningful work and significant project roles include participation as team lead or project manager) Participation in a teaming or partnership arrangement with certified D/M/WBE firm(s) in the last two years. (Examples of teaming or partnership arrangement can include contractor/subcontractor relationship, participation in a mentorprotégé program or a joint venture relationship) 31 NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY SPECIAL PROVISION IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS “NTTA BUSINESS DIVERSITY PRISM CONTRACT COMPLIANCE TRACKING SOFTWARE” 1. Introduction The NTTA PRISM contract compliance software (“PRISM system”) is the Authority’s web-based computer system that tracks the monthly subcontractor payment reporting for NTTA contracts. The PRISM system has been fully implemented and replaces the current manual subcontractor payment reporting process with a more efficient online reporting process. As outlined in NTTA’s Business Diversity Department Contracting and Compliance Manual (CCM), if a contract includes a D/M/WBE subcontracting commitment, the prime contractor shall submit Monthly Subcontractor Payment and reporting activity to the Business Diversity Department (BDD) via PRISM. The Monthly Subcontractor Payment and reporting activity reflects actual payments made for the specific month indicated. Information provided is utilized to monitor and track the percentage of work performed by all subcontractors and to confirm whether the contract-specific goal established is fulfilled. 2. NTTA Contractor’s Obligations The Contractor shall utilize the PRISM system for monthly subcontractor payment reporting and other reporting compliance as outlined in the CCM. Contractors will have a designated User ID and password to login to the PRISM system and may access the PRISM system over the internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week via the following link: The PRISM system is an official record of communications between the Contractor and the NTTA Business Diversity Department. Information provided in the PRISM system is utilized to monitor and track the percentage of work performed by all subcontractors and to confirm whether the contract-specific goal established is fulfilled. The Contractor shall understand the procedures listed in the Pre-Award and Post-Award Compliance sections of the CCM which can be found on the NTTA website at: Within 14 days after the Contract is awarded, the Contractor shall submit a list containing the name, company, role/title, telephone number, and e-mail address of individuals who will attend the training sessions for the use of the PRISM system. Training will be provided by the Authority at no cost. All PRISM system users shall complete the training prior to receiving access to the PRISM system; no exceptions will 32 be granted. The Contractor shall agree to comply with all terms and conditions associated with its use of the PRISM system. At any time during the contract, the Contractor may request for additional PRISM system training as a refresher course for existing PRISM system users or to add new individuals who will require use of the PRISM system. 3. Equipment The Contractor shall obtain the necessary computer equipment, at its own expense, to access the PRISM system. Please refer to the General Notes in the plan set regarding the list of computer equipment and software required for this project to meet the requirements set forth in the Special Provision 0.19, “Important Notice to Contractors – NTTA Enterprise Project Delivery System”, if applicable . This same list of computer equipment and software required will suffice for the PRISM system. The Contractor will be able to access the PRISM system via the internet from any location 24 hours a day using their designated user ID and password via the following link: In the event that the PRISM system becomes inoperable or unavailable to the Contractor, the Contractor shall contact the Business Diversity Department to have the software repaired and for directions of processing required documentation until the PRISM system is operational. Once the PRISM system is in operation again, the Contractor shall upload the required documentation through the PRISM system. 4. Documentation The Contractor shall understand the procedures listed in the Pre-Award and Post-Award Compliance sections of the CCM and submit all required documentation. 5. Noncompliance The Contractor shall understand and be required to comply with the procedures listed in the Pre-Award and Post-Award Compliance sections of the CCM which can be found on the NTTA website at: 6. Measurement and Payment The work performed, materials furnished, equipment, labor, tools, and incidentals required for compliance with this special provision will not be measured or paid for directly, but will be subsidiary to the various bid Items. 33 BUSINESS DIVERSITY REPORTING FORMS FORM 4906 FORM 4908 GFE Form (if applicable) Form NTTA 4906 COMMITMENT AGREEMENT FORM FOR ALL SUBCONTRACTORS (Please complete one form for each subcontractor) This commitment is subject to the award and receipt of a signed contract from the North Texas Tollway Authority for the subject project. Project Description: County: Corridor/Project: Segment/Section: Contract No: Items of work/service to be performed* (attach a list of work/service items, if more room is required): Work/Service Description Unit Price Total Per Item Quantity/Percentage $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ - IMPORTANT! The signatures of the prime contractor, the subcontractor, and the total commitment amount must always be on the same page. Name: Prime Contractor: Title: Contact Name: Signature: Address: City: ST, Zip: Phone: Fax: Date: Email: Name: Subcontractor: 8(a) DBE MBE WBE SBE Non-Minority Title: Certification Entity: Signature: Contact Name: Address: City: ST, Zip: Phone: Fax: Date: Email: 2nd Tier Sub: 8(a) Name: DBE MBE WBE SBE Non-Minority Title: Certification Entity: Signature: Contact Name: Address: City: ST, Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: Date: The NTTA maintains the information collected through this form. With few exceptions, upon request you may be informed of the information that is collected about you. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you are permitted to receive and review the information. Under Section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are also permitted to have the NTTA correct information about you that it is incorrect. To ensure prompt and efficient handling of your project file, we are requesting that all commitments be presented to the NTTA's stakeholder using this form. Revised August 2010 Form NTTA 4908 NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY SUBCONTRACTOR FINAL REPORT Original Contract Amount: $ Contract No.: number SA/WA/ETC#: number Final Contract Amount: Contractor: Name D/M/WBE Goal Amount: D/M/WBE Goal: 0.00% Name of Subcontractor/Supplier - $ - $ Goal Amount Attained to Date: $ - SBE, DBE, MBE, WBE, Non-Minority Final Amount Paid To Subcontractor to Date D/M/WBE Certified Firms: Total: MWSDBE Totals: SBE Firms: Total: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Non-Minority Firms: Total: Non-Minority Firm Totals: * Include payments to all NON-MINORITY and certified DBEs, WBEs,MBEs and SBEs. This is to certify that 0.0% of the work was completed by D/M/WBE firms, as stated above. IF THE GOAL WAS NOT ATTAINED, THEN ATTACH DOCUMENTATION THAT EXPLAINS THE REASONING. Signature of General Contractor: __________________________________________ Date: ____________ AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said ___________________________, this the _______ day of ________________, 20____, to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of Notary Public: ___________________________ Printed Name of Notary Public: ___________________________ The NTTA maintains the information collected through this form. With few exceptions, upon request you may be informed of the information that is collected about you. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you are permitted to receive and review the information. Under Section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are also permitted to have the NTTA correct information about you that it is incorrect. Revised January 2012 GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM If you have failed to secure D/M/WBE participation and you have subcontracting and/or supplier opportunities or if you’re D/M/WBE participation is less than the NTTA’s project goal, you must complete this form. Prime Company Name (please print): NTTA Contract Number: NTTA Contract Goal: D/M/WBE: % Check applicable response to describe prime: (yes ) Certifying Entity: (no ) If the bidder’s method of compliance with the D/M/WBE goal is based upon demonstration of a “good faith effort”, the bidder will have the burden of correctly and accurately preparing and submitting the documentation required by the NTTA. Compliance with items 1 through 6 as it appears on the Good Faith Effort Form, in its entirety shall satisfy the good faith effort requirement upon verification from Business Diversity staff and confirmation of no counterfeit information, intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts or intentional discrimination by the contractor. Failure to complete this form, in its entirety with supporting documentation, and received by the Business Diversity Department, will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specifications. Please list each and every subcontracting and/or supplier opportunity for the completion of this project, regardless of whether it is to be provided by a D/M/WBE or nonD/M/W/SBE. (DO NOT LIST NAMES OF FIRMS). 1. Please list each and every (subcontracting and/or supplier opportunity) for the completion of this project, regardless of whether it is to be provided by a D/M/WBE or non D/M/WBE (DO NOT LIST NAMES OF FIRMS). List opportunities only. (Use additional sheets, if necessary) List of Subcontracting Opportunities: List of Supplier Opportunities: Good Faith Effort Page 1 of 3 2. Did you obtain a current (not more than 60 days old from the initial response to the NTTA’s solicitation due date) list of D/M/WBE subcontracts and/or suppliers from the NTTA’s Business Diversity Department? (yes ) (no ) D/M/WBE listing request date to the NTTA’s Business Diversity Department: / /20 3. Did you solicit bids from D/M/WBE firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed by mail? (yes ) (no ) Attach the D/M/WBE mail listing including a dated copy of the letter mailed, or email correspondence showing proof of solicitation to D/M/WBE firms. If you did not fulfill, please write the following statement: “I did not comply” _ 4. Did you solicit bids from D/M/WBE firms within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed by telephone? (yes ) (no ) Attach D/M/WBE contact list to include: D/M/WBE firm, person contacted, telephone number, date and time of contact. If you did not fulfill, please write the following statement: “I did not comply” NOTE: A facsimile may be used to comply with either 3 or 4 but may not be used for both. If a facsimile is used, attach the fax confirmation, which is to provide: D/M/WBE name, date, time, fax number and documentation faxed. NOTE: If the list of D/M/WBE firms for a particular subcontracting/supplier opportunity is ten (10) or less, the contractor must contact the entire list to be in compliance with item 3 and 4. If the list of D/M/WBE firms for a particular subcontracting/supplier opportunity is ten (10) or more, the contractor must contact at least two/thirds (2/3) of the list within such area of opportunity, but not less than ten to be in compliance with items 3 and 4. 5. Did you provide plans and specifications to potential D/M/WBE firms or information regarding the location of plans and specifications in order to assist the D/M/WBE firms? (yes ) (no ) 6. Submit documentation if D/M/WBE firms were rejected. The documentation submitted should be in the form of an affidavit, include a detailed explanation of why the D/M/WBE firms were rejected and any supporting documentation the contractor wishes to be considered by the NTTA. In the event of an actual dispute concerning quotes, the contractor will provide for confidential access to and inspection of any relevant documentation by NTTA Legal personnel. (Please use additional sheets, if necessary and attach) Good Faith Effort Page 2 of 3 Company Name Telephone Contact Person Scope of Work Reason for Rejection ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please provide additional information you feel will further explain your good and honest efforts to obtain D/M/WBE participation on this project. The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the NTTA upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed on this contract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized NTTA employee. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from NTTA work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under laws concerning false statements. Any breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating in NTTA work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the listed was/were contacted in good faith. It is understood that any D/M/WBE firms listed on the Good Faith Effort Form will be contacted and the reasons for not using them will be verified by the NTTA’s Business Diversity Department. Authorized Signature: Printed Signature: Title: Contact Name and Title (if different): Company Name: Phone Number: Street Address: Email Address: City/County/State and Zip Code Date: , Business Diversity Director Authorized Signature: 20 Date: ______ , 20 The NTTA maintains the information collected through this form. With few exceptions, upon request you may be informed of the information that is collected about you. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you are permitted to receive and review the information. Under Section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are also permitted to have the NTTA correct information about you that it is incorrect. To ensure prompt and efficient handling of your project file, we are requesting that all commitments be presented to the NTTA's stakeholder using this form. Good Faith Effort Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT D SCOPE OF SERVICES NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY GENERAL SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE, INSTALLATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF A LARGE FORMAT VIDEO WALL SYSTEM Request for Proposal - 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM I. Purpose: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is the purchase, installation, and maintenance of a Large Format Video Wall Systems for the North Texas Tollway Authority’s (NTTA) traffic management and police dispatch center. The equipment projected for use shall allow for future expansion. NTTA intends to use the Large Format Video Wall Systems as needed to view current and emerging traffic conditions, safety issues and concerns, and the security of NTTA owned facilities, equipment and personnel. This procurement consists of the monitors and mounting system; installation of the video wall panels including cabling network monitors together and to the NTTA network/PC/Server; installation of management software, power management, and any other elements of installation needed to ensure proper working order and system integration, training and maintenance II. Plans See Attachment H for the floor plans and sections associated with this project. These drawings are to be used for reference only and are not included in the contract scope of work for this project. III. Specifications: The video wall will utilize twenty-one (21) Mitsubishi VS-72WEF78 (or approved equivalent) illuminated rear projection cubes, configured in a 7-wide by 3-high array, mounted on a custom pedestal. The cubes will be front serviceable. This shall create a viewable space of 427.4” x 114.4” and a total resolution of 13,440 pixels x 3,600 pixels. A network based video processor with failover capabilities to a secondary video processor or other redundant device. The video processor with a client application capable of running on Microsoft version 7 or 8.1 Professional X64 Operating System, and capable of displaying video content directly through the video wall as required. The network based video processor preferred is the Jupiter Systems Catalyst 400 but other equipment with equivalent design and capacity may be bid as alternatives. Manufacturers proposing alternative products to the Mitsubishi specifications herein must provide documentation that their product meets the Mitsubishi specifications or exceeds the Mitsubishi specifications. The final acceptance of alternate products is at the sole discretion of NTTA. Firms may be asked to provide references to establish equivalency and NTTA may additionally seek to observe their alternative product in an operational environment in order to satisfy this requirement. 1) The display wall must have the following functionality: a) The video wall should provide a mechanism to continually and automatically color balance itself, without external probes or technician interaction or an external PC/CPU. b) Each LED rear projection cube must automatically communicate with the other rear projection cubes and must calibrate its own brightness level to ensure that each cube in a video wall has the same brightness level. c) Each LED rear projection cube shall be accessible from the front d) Each LED rear projection cube shall be capable of four (4) Brightness Levels – Adv. Eco Mode, Eco Mode, Normal Mode and Bright Mode to allow the user to select a level based on LED illumination or LED life span. e) Each projection cube LED Illumination unit shall have an estimated life span of 80,000 hours in Eco Mode, Normal Mode or Bright Mode and 100,000 hours in Adv. Eco. f) Each LED rear projection cube shall have a replaceable/upgradeable engine such that the engine can be replaced or upgraded to a higher resolution in the same cabinet without having to install a new cabinet. This means that the display wall can be upgraded at a later date by replacing the engines. g) Each LED rear projection cube shall utilize an air-cooled solution. h) Each LED rear projection cube shall utilize the same type/model number of cooling fan throughout the entire cube. This shall be a variable speed fan with an MTBF of 100,000 hours. i) Each LED rear projection cube should be able to switch between Eco Mode, High Brightness mode, Normal mode and Adv. Eco mode through the remote control or serial interface without having to power the cube down or throw a mechanical switch (i.e. done via remote control). j) Each LED rear projection cube shall have automatic on-screen diagnostics. These onscreen diagnostics should be easily viewable from any operator position. The projection cube should also have viewable error codes for further diagnostics. k) Each LED rear projection cube shall have the capability for automatic, motorized 6-Axis Adjustment that can be performed with remote control so that one technician can mechanically adjust/align the 6-Axis adjustments for each cube in the entire display wall. l) Each LED rear projection cube shall have the capability for motorized mirror adjustments for precise mirror alignment. m) Each LED rear projection cube shall have 3 slots for input cards. The input cards shall consist of a Dual DVI-D input Card, a Dual RGB Analog Card, a Dual Composite/SVideo Card, an SDI Input Card and a Daisy Chain Card. n) Each LED rear projection cube must be capable of displaying up to 6 windows per cube. With the addition of the Daisy Chain card, images can be spread over multiple cubes. o) Each LED rear projection cube shall have automatic input switching between inputs and cards in different card slots. If signal is lost to the first input, the cube will automatically switch to input two. If there is no signal on either input 1 or 2, the cube will automatically switch to another input card. When signal is restored to the very first input, the cube will automatically switch back to that input. p) Each LED rear projection cube shall be RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and WEEE compliant. q) Respondent/Proposer will specify in the proposal documents the number of ownersupplied computers needed to drive the video wall. r) The video wall shall be mounted atop a custom pedestal, designed and installed by the respondent/proposer. The pedestal shall be 5’-0” tall and the same width as the video wall assembly. The pedestal shall be designed to support the weight of the 21 cubes and shall have custom millwork built into it. This millwork will consist of cabinets and shelves for storage. The exterior of the millwork shall be an NTTA approved plastic laminate, selected by NTTA’s Architect. All doors will be affixed using adjustable hinges. The interior shall be white melamine. Provide shop drawings of the structural pedestal and custom millwork for approval. Installation of the pedestal, millwork, and video wall equipment shall be coordinated with NTTA’s Architect and the General Contractor conducting the renovations to the space that the installation will be in. IV. Cost Proposal Form In addition to completing the cost proposal, the respondent/proposer must indicate in the form provided, whether or not their proposed video wall will fully meet the configuration, customization, and/or specifications listed below. 1) Mounting Systems a) Wall equipment racks to mount the various components of the audio, video, and remote control systems b) Custom Pedestal c) Routing/Switching/Cabling 2) Operating System a) Running the display is a network based video processor with failover capabilities to a secondary video processor or other redundant device b) Processor with client capable of running on Windows version 7 or 8.1 Professional X64 c) d) The windows can be moved and sized in the same manner that you manipulate objects on a computer desktop e) Be able to send any source (video, computer, and/or audio) to any compatible destination in the room (video projectors, monitors, speaker systems, etc.) f) 21 outputs and expandable a) Be able to send any source (video, computer, and/or audio) to any compatible destination in the room (video projectors, monitors, speaker systems, etc.) b) 21 outputs and expandable c) 8 DVI (Computer video) inputs and expandable d) 8 Ethernet Ports e) 32GB memory or more supplied in processor 3) Service and Deliverables V. a) Weekly status reports to provide project updates b) Detailed commissioning , training and final sign off plan c) Operating instructions d) Training documentation Project Delivery Requirements To ensure the success of the project, NTTA will expect detailed project checklists, weekly status reports, documentation of project flow, timelines, and milestones, change management processes, and documentation, schedule management, and detailed commissioning, training and final sign off plan, checklists, and status reports. 1) General Notes In summary, the following general notes are items that must be met on this project: a) Be a certified manufacturers installer for the Large Video Wall System listed in your proposal. b) Coordinate with NTTA’s Architect so that the video wall system works with the design of the renovations to the MLP-7 facility. c) Coordinate with the General Contractor NTTA selects to perform the renovations of the MLP-7 facility d) Coordinate with NTTA’s IT department to verify that their system will be compatible with the video feed coming from the roughly 2500 cameras NTTA has on their system. e) Provide setup and programming of the system so that it preforms as intended f) Provide software to manage the video wall g) Meets the power consumption targets set by the engineers on the renovation, as the entire system has to be powered by the on-site generator in the event of a power failure. 2) Project Documentation NTTA requires documentation on the installed system. This may include as applicable the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) As-built CAD Documentation, diagrams and details Architectural coordination drawings Equipment lists with serial numbers Completed Quality Assurance Checklists Control system software code (source code, see exceptions ) Equipment user manuals Operating instructions 2) Training/Qualifications a) Provide sufficient operating instructions as well as training personnel in the proper set up and operation of the system. Training will be offered to two essential groups: Users and System Administrators/Support Staff. b) Provide system Administrator training for the individuals who are charged with the control, support, and maintenance of the system. At a minimum, training will include basic maintenance tasks and the use of monitoring software. i. The trainer must be specifically trained/certified to install the proposed brand of LED rear projection cubes. b) The respondent/proposer must demonstrate a minimum of three successful video wall installations in a similar application over the last two (2) years. 3) Warranty a) Installation services will be free of defects in workmanship for a period of not less than 12 months following first beneficial use of the equipment. b) The vendor will be required to provide 24x7 technical support of the software and hardware for a period of five (5) years. c) The vendor will be required to respond within 1 hour by telephone for a service call and will be onsite within 4 hours unless otherwise agreed to by the NTTA. ATTACHMENT E COST PROPOSAL MATRIX COST PROPOSAL MATRIX Firms must complete the Cost Proposal, for items that are free of charge either $0.00 on N/C must be entered in the Cost Proposal Line Description Quantity 1 Mitsubishi (or approved alternative product) VS72WEF78 rear projection cubes 21 $ $ 2 Mounting custom pedestal 1 $ $ 3 Network based video processor 1 $ $ 4 Redundant Network based video processor solution 1 $ $ 5 Equipment racks $ $ 6 Cabling/wiring 1 $ $ 7 Connectors/materials/miscellaneous hardware 1 $ $ 8 Installation costs/interconnectivity/training 1 $ $ 9 Maintenance costs/technical support for 5-year term 1 $ $ TOTAL COST PROPOSAL AMOUNT Principal or Authorized Agent NAME PRINTED SIGNATURE Unit Price Extended Price $_________________ PERFORMANCE STATEMENT The following table details project specifications. Each Respondent/Proposer must clearly mark if the equipment proposed will fully meet the specification. For items that do not meet the specifications the proposer may propose an Alternate solution: • Fully Meets specification • Does not meet specifications • Alternate solution or explanation Feature Wall equipment racks to mount the various components of the audio, video, and remote control systems Or Alternate Solution: Custom Pedestal Or Alternate Solution: Running the display is a network based processor Or Alternate Solution: Processor with client capable of running on Windows version 7 or 8.1 Professional X64 Operating System Or Alternate Solution: The windows can be moved and sized in the same manner that you manipulate objects on a computer desktop Or Alternate Solution: Be able to send any source (video, computer, and/or audio) to any compatible destination in the room (video projectors, monitors, speaker systems, etc.) Or Alternate Solution: Fully Meets Does not Meet Feature Fully Meets Does not Meet 21 outputs and expandable Or Alternate Solution: 8 DVI (Computer video) inputs and expandable Or Alternate Solution: 8 Ethernet Ports Or Alternate Solution: 32GB memory or more supplied in processor Or Alternate Solution: Weekly status reports to provide project updates Or Alternate Solution: Detailed commissioning , training and final sign off plan Or Alternate Solution: Operating instructions Or Alternate Solution: Training documentation Or Alternate Solution: RESPONDENT/PROPOSER: COMPANY NAME _________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ______________________________________________________________ NAME OF AUTHORIZED AGENT (PRINTED) ___________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT ________________________________________________ DATE ________/_________/ 2015 ATTACHMENT F INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS NORTH TEXAS TOLLWAY AUTHORITY Special Provision Addressing Insurance Requirements Contract No.: 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM Project: Large Format Video Wall System Laws to be Observed. The Consultant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to the performance of the Services. THE CONSULTANT SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE AUTHORITY AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES AGAINST ANY CLAIM ARISING FROM VIOLATION BY THE CONSULTANT OF ANY LAW, ORDINANCE, OR REGULATION APPLICABLE TO THE SERVICES. The Agreement is between the Authority and the Consultant only. Except with respect to claims arising from the Consultant’s indemnity obligations owed to the Authority’s directors, employees, and consultants, no person or entity may claim third-party beneficiary status under the Agreement or any of its provisions, nor may any non-party sue for personal injuries or property damage under the Agreement. Insurance. The Consultant shall not commence performing the Services under the Agreement until it has furnished the Authority with satisfactory proof that the Consultant has obtained insurance of such character and in such amounts as set forth below. The Consultant shall submit complete policies or certificates evidencing the policy coverage’s and stipulations. The certificate submittals shall be provided on forms adopted by the Association for Cooperative Research and Development (ACORD). The Consultant shall purchase and maintain in full force and effect, until completion of the Services and the expiration of all applicable Texas statutes of limitations, with respect to claims that could arise out of the Services or the Consultant’s performance of the Services, such insurance as will cover the obligations and liabilities of the Consultant and its agents, employees, and subconsultants which may arise from the Services or the Consultant’s performance of the Services under the Agreement. All such insurance shall be written with companies having an A.M. Best Financial Strength Rating of A- or better, and be in a Financial Size Category of X or greater. The Consultant hereby agrees that all policies shall be on an ACORD Form. Except for professional liability insurance, occurrence-based policies are required. Any professional liability policy written on a claims-made basis must include coverage for an extended reporting period of not less than five years from the termination of the coverage period under the policy. The Consultant hereby agrees that the Authority has the right to review the insurance providers, and that all companies must be acceptable to the Authority. Each of the required policies (1), (2), (3), and (4) listed below shall be endorsed to reflect a “Waiver of Subrogation” in favor of the Authority and the Additional Insured. Until the expiration of all applicable Texas statutes of limitations, the Consultant shall secure and maintain, in the Consultant’s own name, the following: 1) Workers’ Compensation Insurance in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and Employer’s Liability Insurance with minimum limits of: $500,000 Each Accident $500,000 Disease Policy Limit $500,000 Disease Each Employee 2) Commercial General Liability Insurance on a per project basis covering the Consultant with minimum limits of: 2004 ISO, CGL or Equivalent Limits for Bodily lnjury and/or Property Damage: $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $50,000 General Aggregate Products and Completed Operations Aggregate Personal and Advertising lnjury Each Occurrence Fire Damage 3) Business Auto Liability lnsurance with minimum limits of $500,000 Combined Single Limit for Bodily lnjury and/or Property Damage, including Owned, Hired and Non-Ownership Liability Coverage. This policy shall not contain any limitation with respect to a radius of operation for any vehicle covered, and shall not exclude from the coverage of the policy any vehicle to be used in connection with performance of the Services. 4) Umbrella Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate annually, as applicable, within the underlying policies. The Umbrella Policy shall contain the provision that it will continue in force as an underlying insurance in the event of exhaustion of underlying aggregate policy limits. 5) Professional Liability lnsurance in the amounts normally carried for its own protection in the practice of providing architectural/engineering services, but in no event less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 per aggregate. 6) The Authority shall be included as additional insureds by endorsement to all policies required under the Agreement, other than Workers’ Compensation and Professional Liability Insurance policies. 7) Insurance for Subconsultants. Insurance for any Subcontractor hired to work on this Contract will be the responsibility of the Primary Consultant and may be addressed by one of the following options: (a). Option 1: The Contractor shall secure and maintain, until the expiration of the applicable Texas statute of limitations, Certificates of Insurance from all subconsultants, evidencing the proper types of insurance coverage’s for the work to be performed by the Subconsultant. The Consultant shall also ensure that the Subconsultants required insurance coverage’s are in amounts sufficient to cover the type of work assigned to the subconsultant, which coverage’s will be approved by the NTTA; or (b). Option 2: The Consultant shall take responsibility for the subconsultants insurance coverage by including the subconsultant as an additional insured under their required insurance coverage’s. (c). Insurance Certificates of subconsultants and subsubconsultants will be maintained by the Consultant for the duration of the project. Required Addendum. The insurance carrier shall include in each of the insurance policies required under the Agreement the following statement: “This policy shall not be canceled or materially changed nor non-renewed during the period of coverage without at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the North Texas Tollway Authority, 5900 West Plano Parkway, Suite 100, Plano, Texas 75093, Attention: Insurance Program Administrator.” Payment of Deductibles. The Consultant shall be responsible for any deductible stated in any policy required under the Agreement. Duration of Coverage. The Consultant shall carry the insurance specified above until all of the Services required to be performed under the terms of the Agreement are satisfactorily completed, as evidenced by the formal acceptance thereof and final payment of all amounts owed to the Consultant by the Authority, or provide, prior to the end of coverage, a new certificate of insurance. If, for any reason, the required insurance coverage is not kept in force, the Consultant shall stop all work until it provides acceptable documentation to the Authority. The Consultant shall notify the Authority, in writing, by certified mail or hand delivery of any material change in the insurance coverage of the Consultant or any subconsultant or sub-subconsultant within ten (10) days of such change. Certification by the Insurer. On all policies, the insurer shall certify that the aggregate amount shown on insurance limits is in full force and has not been diminished. No Special Payments. No special payments shall be made for any insurance that the Consultant may be required to carry, but all costs thereof shall be included in the price bid for the various items included in the proposal. Bidders shall determine all the kinds and costs of insurance that may be required before submitting their bids and shall submit acceptable evidence of same to the Authority. No Waiver by the Authority. Neither the approval by the Authority of any insurance supplied by the Consultant nor the failure to disapprove that insurance shall relieve the Consultant from full responsibility for any liability as set forth herein Waiver by the Consultant. The Consultant hereby waives any and every claim which arises or may arise in its favor against the Authority, the Engineer, the Construction Manager, the Section Engineer, and the Consulting Engineers and their respective owners, directors, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, and agents pursuant to the Agreement which is covered, in whole or in part, by insurance provided or to be provided pursuant to the terms hereof. Such waiver shall be in addition to, and not limitation of, any other waiver or release contained in the Agreement. Inasmuch as such waiver shall preclude the assignment of any aforesaid claim by way of subrogation or otherwise to an insurance company (or any other person), the Consultant hereby agrees immediately to give to each insurance company which has issued policies of insurance pursuant hereto written notice of the terms of such waiver and to cause such insurance policies to be properly endorsed, if necessary, to prevent the invalidation of such insurance coverage’s by reason of such waiver. ATTACHMENT G CONTRACT AND BONDS CONTRACT – 3802-NTT-00-GS-SM This contract made this day of , 20 , by and between North Texas Tollway Authority, a regional tollway authority and a political subdivision of the State of Texas authorized and existing pursuant to Chapter 366 of the Texas Transportation Code, hereinafter referred to as the “Authority”, and , a , whose address is , hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”. WHEREAS, the Authority desires to enter into a contract for the Project construction as shown and described in the plans, Texas Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, thereto and Special Specifications, and General Notes and Specification Data included herein and all addenda thereto, and WHEREAS, the Contractor has been engaged in and now does such work and represents that it is fully equipped, competent, and capable of performing the desired and herein outlined work, and is ready and willing to perform such work in accordance with the prices in the proposal and the provisions of the herein included Texas Standard Specifications as amended by the special provisions and special specifications, the proposal, the plans, and all addenda thereto. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the prices in the proposal, said proposal being made a part of this contract for all purposes, the Contractor agrees to do, at its own sole cost and expense, all the work necessary for the Project improvement shown and described in the plans and in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Standard Specifications, the Special Provisions thereto, and Special Specifications, General Notes And Specification Data, and the Proposal, and all addenda thereto, such addenda being all of which are a part of this contract, and to render all services, deliver all materials and furnish all equipment and labor required for the performance thereof. The work to be constructed under this contract shall be completed in full in 180 calendar days from the commencement of time charges. The work schedule will be coordinated with NTTA staff and the Contractor assigned to the remodel of the Command Center. The Authority, in consideration of the full and true performance of said work by the Contractor, hereby agrees and binds itself to pay the Contractor for the quantities of work performed in compliance with this contract at the respective unit prices set forth in the proposal, subject to adjustment as herein provided. The Contractor expressly warrants that (a) to the best of Contractor's knowledge, no member, employee, or agent of the Authority has any interest, direct or indirect, in this contract, and (b) it has employed no third person to solicit or obtain this contract on its behalf, or to cause or procure the same to be obtained upon compensation in any way contingent, in whole or in part, upon such procurement, or in compensation for services in connection therewith, any brokerage commission or percentage upon the amount receivable by it hereunder; and (c) in estimating the price demanded by it hereunder, it has not included any sum by reason of any such brokerage, contract, commission or percentage, and that all moneys payable to it hereunder are free from all obligations of any other person for services rendered, or supposed to have been rendered, in the procurement of this contract. It further agrees that any breach of this warranty shall constitute adequate cause for the annulment of this contract by the Authority or for the deduction from any sums due or to become due thereunder an amount equal to any brokerage, contract, commission, or percentage so paid or agreed to be paid or both. The undersigned signatory for the Contractor hereby represents and warrants that he/she has complete authority to execute this contract on behalf of the Contractor. The above-stated representation and warranty is made for the purpose of inducing the Authority to execute this contract. It is acknowledged and agreed by both parties hereto that this contract and the documents referenced herein constitute the entire agreement between such parties for the construction of the work contemplated herein. Upon execution, this contract will supersede all prior discussions and agreements of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, by and between the Authority and the Contractor. This contract (including the Plans, General Notes and Specification Data, Texas Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, Special Specifications, Proposals, and Contract Bonds referenced and all addenda and change orders herein or exhibits, schedules and other attachments hereto) constitutes the final, complete and exclusive understanding between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, whether oral or written, in regard thereto. This contract cannot be amended or waived except by an agreement in writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties and specifically referring to this contract. This contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Authority, the Contractor, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and permitted assigns, including without limitation any successor agency to the Authority. Standard Provisions: Governing Law; Venue. This contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. The parties hereto acknowledge that venue is proper in Collin County, Texas, for all disputes arising hereunder and waive the right to sue or be sued elsewhere. Counterparts. This contract may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Severability. If any provision of this contract shall be determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid and unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of said provision and of this contract shall not be affected thereby, and each provision of this contract shall be valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent provided by law, unless such provision or the application of such provision is, in the sole determination of the Authority, essential to its rights hereunder, in which event the Authority may terminate this contract in accordance with the optional termination provisions herein. Non-Discrimination Policy. The Authority is an equal opportunity employer. In conducting business with or on behalf of the Authority, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any person because of race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran status, ancestry, national origin or place of birth. Captions Not A Part Hereof. The captions and headings of the several sections, paragraphs, and divisions of this contract are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit, or describe the scope of this Agreement or the scope or content of any of its sections, paragraphs, divisions, or other provisions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to become effective as of the date first set forth above. THE AUTHORITY: ATTEST: North Texas Tollway Authority, a regional tollway authority and a political subdivision of the State of Texas By: Secretary Executive Director Gerald Carrigan ATTEST: THE CONTRACTOR: a By: Secretary CONTRACT NO. BOND NO. 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM IN THE STATE OF § TEXAS § § § COUNTY OF § COLLIN § PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we hereinafter referred to as “Principal” and as Principal, , a corporate surety/sureties, duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Surety (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the North Texas Tollway Authority, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as “the Authority” in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Plano, Collin County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain contract with the Authority, dated the day of , 20 , attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment labor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract. NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform said contract and shall in all respects duly and faithfully observe and perform all and singular the covenants, conditions, and agreements in and by said contract, agreed and covenanted by the Principal to be observed and performed, and according to the true intent and meaning of said contract and the plans and specifications therein referred to, and as well during any period of extension of said contract that may be granted on the part of the Authority, as during the original terms of same, then this obligation shall be and become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lie in Collin County, Texas. 2004 Specifications Revised: Jan-09 1 of 2 PERFORMANCE BOND (Continue) 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM AND, that said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications, drawings, etc. accompanying same shall in any way affect its obligation on this Bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder. This bond is executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the principal and the surety have signed this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers and affixed corporate seals hereto on the day of , 20 . Principal By: Title ____________________________ Surety (Print First Name and Seal) Surety (Print First Name and Seal) *By: *By: (Title) (Title) TEXAS RESIDENT AGENT Address City/State/Zip *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If signed by an Attorney-in-Fact, we must have a copy of the power of attorney for our files. 2004 Specifications Revised: Jan-09 2 of 2 CONTRACT NO. BOND NO. 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM IN THE STATE OF § TEXAS § § § COUNTY OF § COLLIN § PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we as Principal, hereinafter referred to as “Principal” and , a corporate surety/sureties, duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Surety (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the North Texas Tollway Authority, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as “the Authority” in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Plano, Collin County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain contract with the Authority, dated the day of , 20 , attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment labor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Principal, shall pay all sub-contractors, workmen, laborers, mechanics, furnishers of material and claimants (as defined in Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended) supplying labor and material to him or sub-contractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, all monies to them owing by Principal for sub-contracts, work, labor, and materials furnished for the construction of such improvements for the North Texas Tollway Authority, then this obligation shall be and become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lie in Collin County, Texas. AND, that said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work 2004 Specifications Revised: Sep-10 1 of 2 PAYMENT BOND (Continue) 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications, drawings, etc. accompanying same shall in any way affect its obligation on this Bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed hereunder. This bond is executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers and affixed corporate seal hereto on this the day of , 20 . Principal By: Title Surety (Print First Name and Seal) Surety (Print First Name and Seal) *By: *By: (Title) (Title) TEXAS RESIDENT AGENT Address City/State/Zip *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If signed by an Attorney-in-Fact, we must have a copy of the power of attorney for our files. 2004 Specifications Revised: Sep-10 2 of 2 CONTRACT NO. BOND NO. 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM IN THE STATE OF § TEXAS § § § COUNTY OF § COLLIN § WARRANTY BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we as Principal, hereinafter referred to as “Principal” and , a corporate surety/sureties, duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Surety (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the North Texas Tollway Authority, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as “the Authority” in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Plano, Collin County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain contract with the Authority, dated the day of , 20 , attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment labor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract. WHEREAS, by furnishing this warranty bond, the Principal is obligated to protect the Authority against any defects in the portion of the work under said contract that is described below, expressly including, but not limited to, defects in materials and workmanship. THE OBLIGATION TO PAY SAME is conditioned as follows: The Principal shall repair or replace any defects in the work under said Contract that are discovered to be defective in materials and/or workmanship at any time within two (2) years from the date of final acceptance. NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if upon receiving written notice of a defect in the Warranty Work, the said Principal shall begin to correct the said defect and/or replace the defective Warranty Work within seven (7) days after the Authority gives the Principal such notice (or within such other time as may be stipulated by the Engineer in writing delivered to the Principal), and the said Principal shall 2004 Specifications Revised: Nov-09 1 of 3 WARRANTY BOND (Continue) 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM thereafter diligently and continuously prosecute such repair and/or replace such defective Warranty Work to a completion satisfactory to the Authority, then this obligation shall be and become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, IF, the Principal shall fail so to correct and/or replace defective Warranty Work, it is agreed that the Authority may cause any and all such defective Warranty Work to be remedied and/or replaced, with all associated costs thereof being borne by the Principal and the Surety under this Warranty bond. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lie in Collin County, Texas. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that this bond shall automatically be increased by the amount of any change order or supplemental agreement which increases the Contract price related to the Warranty Work or any component thereof, but in no event shall a change order or supplemental agreement which reduces the Contract price decrease the penal sum of this Bond. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications, drawings, etc. accompanying same shall in any way affect its obligation on this Bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder. 2004 Specifications Revised: Nov-09 2 of 3 WARRANTY BOND (Continue) 03802-NTT-00-GS-SM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have signed this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers and affixed corporate seals hereto on the day of , 20 . Principal By: ` Surety (Print First Name and Seal) Title Surety (Print First Name and Seal) *By: *By: (Title) (Title) TEXAS RESIDENT AGENT Address City/State/Zip *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If signed by an Attorney-in-Fact, we must have a copy of the power of attorney for our files. 2004 Specifications Revised: Nov-09 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT H FLOOR PLANS PROJECT LOCATION MAP S A.F.F ALT. ALUM ARCH BM. BD. BLK. BOT. BLDG B.U. R CLG. COL. CONC CMU CONS CONT CONT C.J. DET. DIA. DR. D.S. EA. E.W. ELEC E.W.C EL. ELEV EQ. E.J. EXT. FIN. FRL. F.D. GALV G.I. GA. GYP.B HARD HT. H.M. HOR. HR. I.D. INSUL INT. (21) MITSUBISHI VS-72WEF78 ILLUMINATED REAR PROJECTION CUBES CUSTOM MILLWORK WITH BRUSHED NICKEL PULLS AND LOCKS OVER VIDEO WALL STRUCTURAL SUPPORT SYSTEM. COORDINATE W/ CONTRACTOR. D.P.S. LT. OFFICE BREAKROOM 1'-7 1/4" 233 223 6'-6 1/2" 5'-0" COMMAND CENTER 9'-6" 5'-0" 8'-10" 10'-8" 132 10'-0" 149 CONFERENCE ROOM 9'-6 3/4" 10'-0" 16'-2" FIELD VERIFY 3'-0" 8" 8" (21) MITSUBISHI VS-72WEF78 ILLUMINATED REAR PROJECTION CUBES 06/A3.01 07/A3.01 COORDINATE MILLWORK DETAILS WITH STRUCTURAL FRAME PROVIDED BY VIDEO WALL VENDOR.
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