ABRIDGED CURRICULM VITAE1 Prof. ALAN F. FOWLER DPhil January 2015 RÉSUMÉ Bridging diverse types of institutions, my background has turned me into a ‘pracademic’ involved in both the theory and practice of international development. Formal education includes studies in: politics and political-economy, the organisation and management of non profit organisations involved in development, rural extension, vocational training, education and electronic engineering. Over forty years of professional work as a project manager; an adviser to a range of development organisations; as a Visiting Fellow at the World Bank Washington, D.C. and with the Society for Participatory Research in Asia, New Delhi: as well as a programme officer in the Ford Foundation. This practical knowledge is complemented by academic appointments as affiliate and now emeritus professor, Erasmus University, the Netherlands; as visiting fellow at, Centre for Civil Society, University of Natal; and as a visiting Senior Research Fellow at Oxford Brookes University. I have additional working experience in French, Dutch and Arabic speaking countries as a teacher, a manager in transnational companies and as an engineer. Practical initiatives include co-founding the International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) based in Oxford, U.K, in 1991 and, in 2005, Inter-Mediation International, a US registered NGO dedicated to enhancing the (inter-)relational capabilities of development actors. In addition, I have acted as convenor of the NGO Study Group of the Development Studies Association of the UK and Ireland and served as a mentor to young professionals. Voluntary service includes an elected board member and past president of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) and as a board member of CIVICUS, the World Alliance for Citizen Participation. Current professional activities centre on: 1) civic driven change and citizen engagement in multicentred systems of governance, allied to social accountability; (2) (re-)design of CSOs/NGOs involving their governance, strategy, accountability, transparency, impact evidence and internal conflict management; 3) aid effectiveness and system reform; 4) innovation and performance measurement in social investment and enterprise; 5) capacity development and its evaluation, particularly of multi-stakeholder initiatives. Research focuses on interlocutors, civic innovation, new forms of activism and applying complexity theory to development. _______________________________________________ PERSONAL DATA Full Name: Born: Nationality: Ol Donyo Rongai P.O. Box 32 Herbertsdale 6505 South Africa 1 A complete CV is available on request. Alan Frederick FOWLER. 3rd February 1947, London, England. British alan@alanfowler.org Tel: +27 (0)28 735 2174 Fax: +27 (0)28 735 2178 www.alanfowler.org EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy. 1993 Certificate in Rural Extension. 1977 Diploma in Education. 1976 Higher National Diploma in Electrical Engineering. 1968 Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. Thesis on the role of non-governmental organisations in Kenya's democratisation. Higher Vocational Training Institute "Nieuwe, Rollencate" and the Royal Tropical Institute, The Netherlands. Netherlands Institute for Vocational Teacher Training. Watford Polytechnic (England). Specialisation in computing and telecommunications engineering. PROFESSIONAL COURSES Tavistock Institute, England. March-April, 1995. New Economics Foundation, 1997. ‘Leicester Working Conference’ on Authority, Leadership and Organisation. Introduction to Social Auditing and Ethical Accounting. WORK EXPERIENCE SINCE 1990 Currently Independent development adviser and analyst. Advisory services related to international development, governance and civil society. Emeritus Professor, Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, The Hague. Member, Civic Innovation Research Initiative Member of the Expert Roster, UNDP Oslo Governance Centre. Visiting Scholar, Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu Natal. Research support and analysis, academic supervisor and examiner. Co-Founder Inter-Mediation.org, USA. Innovation and provision of methods and advisory services that enhance ‘collaborative competence’ and effectiveness of relationships within and between multiple development actors. 3/94 – 5/97 Senior Research Fellow (fractional appointment), Oxford Brookes University, UK Research on NGO leadership in Kenya. 2 - 3/95 Visiting Fellow, Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), New Delhi. Providing training to senior NGO staff from South Asia and strategic orientations to Indian NGO support organisations. 7/94 - 1/95 Independent consultant, development analyst and writer. 1/94 - 6/94 Visiting Fellow, Human Resources Vice Presidency, the World Bank. Policy advice and analytic support to the Bank's learning in the areas of people's participation, governance and interacting with NGOs. 9/90 - 12/93 Post-graduate studies, University of Sussex. Part-time consultant. Co-founder and interim co-director, INTRAC. 1/88 - 8/90 Programme Officer. The Ford Foundation, office for eastern and southern Africa. Responsible for a regional programme in Governance and Public Policy, involving support to the NGO sector, civic participation, capacity building and governmental reform. LANGUAGES Language English Dutch French Swahili Speaking Fluent Fair Fair Reading Native speaker very good Fair - Writing very good Weak - Curriculum Vitae - Alan F. Fowler DPhil PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE AND AFFILIATIONS President, International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) 2003-2004. Board Member and Chair of Programme Committee, CIVICUS, World Alliance for Citizen Participation, 2001-2007. Member of the Management Committee of the Institute of Development Studies Alumni Association 1997-2001. Council Member, Development Studies Association of Great Britain and Ireland, 1992-1995. Member of the Society for International Development. Vice Chairman Kenya, 1989 - 1990 Convenor, NGO Study Group of the UK Development Studies Association, 1990-1993. ONGOING RESEARCH AND STUDIES Survey of INGO internal conflict management Investigation of Multi-stakeholders initiatives. Civic Innovation Research Initiative, commencing 2013 IMI and Amnesty International CSO Task Team, SIDA/DGIS Institute of Social Studies MENTORING AND COACHING Person Idil Sheytanoglou, North Cyprus. EU Person to Person Scholarship. 2010-2011 Louis Dorval, Canada. McDonald Foundation Scholarship. 2008 Focus Area/Topic(s) Organisational development of non-profits and social economy. NGO accountability and learning in West Africa. SELECTED RECENT COMMISSIONS Adviser assignments Activity or Title Commissioned By Strategy and Analysis of Theory of Change, 2014. Hivos, Netherlands Adviser on organisational alignment around Child Centred Community Development. 2013-2014 Adviser, governance reform and strengthening processes. 2014 Plan International Input to organisational strategy and futures workshop. 2014 Centre for African Family Studies Heifer International Approaches to intra-organisational conflict of International NGOs Amnesty International Study on the nature and value of Social Innovation. Hivos, Netherlands Member, working group on design and governance of international civil society organisations. 2012 Adviser on self-evaluation of partnership and relational competence. Berlin Civil Society Centre Adviser on connecting evidence, transparency, governance and accountability. January 2011 ongoing. Adviser on civil society, partnership and governance. May 2011ongoing Member of external review team for governance and human resources. 2010 Member of advisory committee of an evaluation of capacity development by Dutch NGOs, 2009-2010 World Vision International 3 Plan Australia 2102 Plan International ActionAid International DGIS, Inspectorate for Operations and Policy Curriculum Vitae - Alan F. Fowler DPhil Mid Term Review, Civil Society Support Mechanism, Mozambique, May 2010. Annual Review, Southern Africa Trust, Johannesburg, March 2010. DFID Mozambique. Organisational Development Review, Centre for Social Accountability, Rhodes University. January-May, 2010. Swiss development Cooperation DFID, Southern Africa. Assessments of NGOs and evaluations of their capacity, programmes and projects Assessment of rights in Child Centred Community Development, June Plan International, 2012 Bangladesh An evaluation of the Postgraduate Diploma in Nonprofit Leadership and BRAC, Bangladesh Management. January 2005. (Inter-)Governmental Consultancy Adviser on the future of Civil Society assessments. Programme development adviser to the Ministry of Capacity Building, Civil Society Unit, Ethiopia. 2003-2004. Drafting of a revised corporate policy statement on partnership with civil society organisations. December, 2000. Study on an enabling environment for civil society. May 2000 UNDP, New York DFID, Ethiopia. UNDP, New York. World Bank, NGO Unit. BOOKS AUTHORED AND (CO-)EDITED The ACORD Transformation 1976-2010: Overcoming Uncertainty, Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development, Nairobi. NGO Management: The Earthscan Companion, Earthscan, London. 2010 (co-edited with Chiku Malunga) Capacity Development in Practice, Earthscan, London. 2010 (Co-edited with Jan Ubels and Naaaku Acquaye-Baddoo) Civic Driven Change: Citizen’s Imagination in Action, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, October 2008. www.iss.nl/cdc (Co-Edited with Kees Biekart). Spanish translation: Biekart, K. and Fowler, A. (eds), 2011, El cambio dirigido por la acción civica, Icaria, Madrid. Indigenising Foreign Seed on African Soil: The Story of K-Rep, Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme, Nairobi, May 2004. (Co-authored with Kabiru Kinyanjui) International Development Frameworks, Policies, Priorities and Implications: A Basic Guide for NGOs, Oxfam Canada, Ottawa. 2003. www.oxfam.ca (Translations in French, Spanish and Amharic) The Earthscan Reader in NGO Management, Earthscan, London, May 2002. (Co-edited with Michael Edwards) The Virtuous Spiral: A Guide to Sustainability for NGOs in International Development, Earthscan, London, 2000. Striking a Balance: A Guide to Enhancing the Effectiveness of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Development, Earthscan, London, 1997. (Translations in Russian) Institutional Development and NGOs in Africa: Policy Perspectives for European Development Agencies, NGO Management and Policy Series, International NGO Training and Research Centre and NOVIB, Oxford/The Hague, 1993. (With Piers Campbell and Brian Pratt) OTHER PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS Publications since 2010 (full list available) 4 Curriculum Vitae - Alan F. Fowler DPhil Fowler, A. and Biekart, K., 2014, “Navigating Polycentric Governance; A View from the Middle”, paper presented at a conference Responsible development in a Polycentric World, Bonn, 2316 June. Fowler, A., 2014, "Innovation in Institutional Collaboration: The Role of Interlocutors", Working Paper, 584, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/51129 Fowler, A., 2014, “Changing direction: Adapting foreign philanthropy to endogenous understandings and practices”, in Mottiar, S., Ngcoya, M. and Maharaj, B. (eds), Philanthropy in South Africa, Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu Natal, University of KwaZulu Natal Press, forthcoming. Fowler, A., 2013, Civic Driven Change: Where From? Where Now? Where Next?, Valedictory Lecture, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, October. <http://www.iss.nl/fileadmin/ASSETS/iss/Documents/Academic_publications/Fowler__Valedictory_Final_Oct_2013.pdf> Fowler, A., 2013, Social Innovation: New Game, New Dawn or False Promise?, Hivos, The Hague. <http://hivos.net/Hivos-Knowledge-Programme/Publications/Publications/Social-InnovationNew-Game-New-Dawn-or-False-Promise> Fowler, A., 2013, Social Innovation: A Way of Reinventing Hivos for Humanism in the 21st Century?, Hivos, The Hague. Fowler, A., 2013, “Improving NGO governance: practical applications of the GATE approach”, Development in Practice, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 137-144. Biekart, K. and Fowler, A., 2013, “Transforming Activisms 2010+: Exploring Ways and Waves”, in Biekart, K. (ed), Development and Change Forum 2013, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 527-546. Fowler, A. and Biekart, K., 2013, "Relocating Civil Society in a Politics of Civic Driven Change", Development Policy Review, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 463-483. Fowler, A. and Wilkinson-Maposa, S., 2013, “Horizontal Philanthropy Among Poor People in Southern Africa: Grounded Perspectives on Social Capital and Civic Association”, in Aina, T, and Moyo, B. (eds), Giving to Help, Helping to Give: The Context and Politics of African Philanthropy, pp. 105-130, Amalion Press, Dakar. Fowler, A., 2013, “Civil Society and Aid in Africa: A case of mistaken identity?” in Obadare, E., (ed), Handbook of Civil Society in Africa, pp. 417-438, Springer, New York. Costa, D., Fowler, A, Gnaerig, B., Jayawickrama, S., MacCormack, C., Parchman, W. and Struven, P., 2012, Taking a Strategic Approach to Governance Reform in International Civil Society Organisations (ICSOs): A proposal for Global Boards and CEOs on how to conduct reform in their organisations, Berlin Centre for Civil Society, Berlin. Fowler, A. and Jayawickrama, S., 2012, “Strengthening ICSO Governance: walking the talk before it is too late”, in Global Futures: How international civil society organisations can make a real difference, pp. 38-39, Berlin Civil Society Centre, Berlin. Fowler, A., 2012, “Are foundations more risk-averse than necessary?, Alliance, Vol. 17, No. 2, p. 40. Biekart, K. and Fowler, A. 2012, “A civic agency perspective on change”, Development, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 181 -189. Fowler, A. and Biekart, K., 2012, “Citizenship and the Politics of Civic Driven Change”, in Petty, D. and MacFarland, C. (eds), Citizenship: Practices Types and Challenges, pp. 78 – 94, Nova Publishers, New York. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=27608 Fowler, A., 2012, “Measuring Civil Society: Perspectives on Afro-Centrism”, Voluntas, Vol. 23, No. 1. DOI 10.1007/s11266-011-9239-8. Fowler, A. 2011, “Integrated (rural) development in the 21st century: venture philanthropy – connecting economics, technology, sociology and politics”, in van der Velden, F., (ed) New approaches to development cooperation, pp. 27-37, Context International Cooperation, Utrecht. 5 Curriculum Vitae - Alan F. Fowler DPhil Keijzer, N., Spierings, E., Phlix, G. and Fowler, A., 2011, Bringing the invisible into perspective: Reference paper for using the 5Cs framework to plan, monitor and evaluate capacity and results of capacity development processes, European Centre for development Policy Management, Maastricht. http://www.ecdpm.org/5Cs Fowler, A. and Biekart, C., 2011, “Civic Driven Change: a narrative to bring politics back into civil society discourse”, Working Paper, 529, International Institute for Social Studies, the Hague, November. http://repub.eur.nl/res/pub/30559/wp529.pdf Fowler, A. and Biekart, K., 2011, “Citizenship and the Politics of Civic Driven Change”, in Petty, D and MacFarland, C. (eds), Citizenship: Practices Types and Challenges, Nova Publishers, New York. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=27608 Fowler, A., 2011, "Beyond Civil Society: Civic Driven Change and Governance in Africa", paper presented at the Africa Civil Society Network Research Conference, Stellenbosch, 24-26, August. http://www.istr.org/networks/africa/index.htm Fowler, A., 2011, "Perspectives on Afro-Centrism in Civil Society research", paper presented at the Africa Civil Society Network Research Conference, Stellenbosch, 24-26, August. http://www.istr.org/networks/africa/index.htm Fowler, A. and Biekart, K., 2011, "(Re)locating Civil Society in the Politics of Civic Driven Change", paper presented at the Development Studies Association and European Association of Development Institutions Conference, York University, 19-22 September. Fowler, A., 2011, “From Sectors to processes; Understanding Civil Society in Action”, in Anheier, H., Fowler, A., Holloway, R. and Kandil, A., 2011, The Future of Participatory Civil Society Assessments: A Conceptual Analysis, pp. 10 – 22, Civil Society Division, United Nations Development Programme, New York. Fowler, A., 2011, “Development NGOs”, in Edwards, M. (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society, pp. 42 -54, Oxford University Press. Fowler, A. and Wilkinson-Maposa, S., 2011, “Horizontal Philanthropy Among Poor People in Southern Africa: Grounded Perspectives on Social Capital and Civic Association”, in Moyo, B. and Opuku-Mensah, P. (eds), The State of Philanthropy in Africa, forthcoming. Fowler, A. and Ubels, J., 2010, “The Multi-Faceted Nature of Capacity: Two Leading Models", in Ubels, J., Acquaye-Baddoo, N-A. and Fowler, A. (eds), Capacity Development in Practice, pp. 1124, Earthscan, London. Greijn, H. and Fowler, A., 2010, "Effective Capacity Development: The Importance of Connecting Time Frames, in Ubels, J., Acquaye-Baddoo, N-A. and Fowler, A. (eds), Capacity Development in Practice, pp. 244-257, Earthscan, London. Ubels, J., Fowler, A. and Acquaye-Baddoo, N-A., 2010, "Learning about the Field of Capacity Development: Characteristics, Practitioner Challenges and Future Perspectives", in Ubels, J., Acquaye-Baddoo, N-A. and Fowler, A. (eds), Capacity Development in Practice, pp. 291-302, Earthscan, London. Acquaye-Baddoo, N-A, Ubels, J. and Fowler, A., 2010, "A Professional Field in Formation?", in Ubels, J., Acquaye-Baddoo, N-A. and Fowler, A. (eds), Capacity Development in Practice, pp. 319-324, Earthscan, London. Fowler, A, 2010, “Behaviour of the boundary spanners”, Capacity.Org, No. 39, pp. 8-9, <capacity.org> 6
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