From our Principal are our current Year 13 students. Along with the graduation dinner our final recognition to the Year 13s will be at our final assembly on the last day. We should also be mindful that the completion of another academic year encapsulates so much for every girl. It marks another transition Tēnā Koutou Katoa in her learning journey and is full of commitFor us, this time of the year is an exciting but a ment and festivities. demanding time. We are in the midst of planAs such, I warmly invite you to join with us in ning for 2015 as well as pursuing the responsicelebrating at our end-of-year prizegiving cerebilities of now. It can also be a mixed time mony. This year it is to be held again in the emotionally, as our sadness for our leavers’ Wellington Michael Fowler Centre on Tuesday departure mixes with our joyful expectation of 9 December at 7.30 pm. There will be plenty of the newness of another cohort: after all “Every seating so all family members are welcome. A new beginning comes from some other beginreminder to Year 13 Families to please RSVP if ning’s end”. There is no doubt that relationyou haven't already done so as we need numships and experiences are cyclic and interconbers for seating and catering for the Leavers’ nected. In anticipation of a new year, last week supper. we had a delightful “Orientation Day” for the 2015 Year 7 cohort. These students symbolise I look forward to you joining us in paying tribthe perpetual linking of one year group to an- ute to another fine year at St. Oran’s College. other. As we welcome them as part of our Tēnā rāwā ātu koutou school community, a new chapter in their lives begins for them. Dawn Ackroyd Equally anticipating a new chapter in their lives ISSUE 20 14 November 2014 Inside this issue Upcoming Events Congratulations 2 Chaplain’s Comment 2 From the Library 2 Week 7 25/11 - Jnr Teams Tennis Finals - Year 8 Gardasil Immunisations 26/11 - Parents’ Association Meeting 27/11 - Board of Proprietors Meeting Orientation Day 3 Careers Corner 4 Golf Day 2015 3 Week 8 2/12 - Year 7 & 8 regional athletics 3/12 - Old Girls and Friends of St Oran’s College Meeting 4/12 - Christmas at St Oran’s 4/12 - Year 13 Graduation Dinner 5/12 - NZSS Athletics Arrangements for Junior Students Final Week 5 Arrangements for Senior Students for End of Year 6 Week 6 18/11 - Year 7 Marae trip 19 - 21/11 - Year 9 Camp Week 9 8/12 - Senior Book Return 11am - Advent Service 1.30pm 9/12 - Prizegiving 7.30pm Michael Fowler Centre 11/12 - Final Assembly - Last Day Year 13 Mentors Morning Tea 4 550 High Street Boulcott, Lower Hutt P O Box 31-043 Lower Hutt 5040 Phone 04 939 1260 ISSUE 20 Congratulations to... Olive Pearce who competed in the Associated Ballet & Theatre Club Inc Competitions in Lower Hutt over Labour weekend. Olive’s results: 1st Classical Ballet 11 yrs 1st Junior Championship 10 and under 12 1st Point 12 years 1st Character dance 11 years 1st Barefoot ballet dance 11 years 2nd Demi-Character 11 years All the best to Amelia Walshe who is off to China this weekend to join the ‘Sound of Music’ Tour. They will perform in 5 major cities including Shanghai and Beijing - performing a total of 77 shows! To the following Year 7 girls who celebrate their birthdays in November Emma McEwan Lia Patel Ella Tennent Abbey Want From the Library Ebooks There is a new eplatform app that makes borrowing easier. If you have a Kindle Fire you can now borrow our ebooks via the kindle app. Check out the apps and the new ebooks that have been added to our ebook library. To sign in you will need your library borrower number (same as your school ID number) and the password is your date of birth. See the password hint for the format. eBooks may be borrowed over the summer holidays. Library books Please return all library books by the 1st December to enable us to carry out the stocktake and sign your clearance forms. Page 2 Chaplain’s Comment This week my Year 9 class read and discussed the story of Mary (the Mary who gave birth to Jesus). Her story is pivotal to Christian understanding and belief. Parenting can be a challenge to anyone. But the news that Mary heard this day would be like no other challenge! As a young woman this maternal news would've been more than a surprise to her. Luke 1:28 ‘the angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you." 29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. It would not be a daily appointment to have an angel visit, especially with this sort of news! I love the message to Mary that she is highly favoured and the lord is with her.....then her 'human nature' unfolds in verse 29, 'Mary was troubled and concerned as you or I would be. With all these big events happening in Mary and her cousin Elizabeth's life, I am sure they thought they were in for a roller coaster ride and wondered what was round the corner. Verse 30, 31 says ‘do not be afraid, Mary. You have found favour with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.’ The promise was to be fulfilled that a messiah was to come. As we begin the countdown to Christmas, may our lives be filled with the words of the angel......." The lord is with you"...... Joce Kearney Chaplain ISSUE 20 Year 7 of 2015 Orientation Day Page 3 ISSUE 20 Year 12 morning tea for the Year 13 Mentors: Careers’ Corner This year the Year 12 hospitality class was fortunate enough to be mentored by the year 13’s for our barista’s course. As part of saying ‘thank you’ we decided to put on a morning tea for them all. We made a variety of foods and it was a successful gesture. Thank you to the Year 13 mentors, the staff who attended and Mrs Macfarlane for helping to make it so successful. Year 12 hospitality class, 2014. Registrations for Golf Day 2015: The date has been booked for Golf Day 2015 and registrations will be open from Saturday 15th November (that’s tomorrow!). You can find the registration form on the Parents Association page of the school website. This year there were 41 teams wanting to play, but we can only host 32 teams. If you would like to play next year, gather your team and get in quick! As there is a large demand for entries, places can only be confirmed once a completed registration form and payment are received. St Oran’s College Parents’ Association Page 4 I wish all the students the very best for exams. All current information is on the SOC Website including links to other information. Job Vacancies: There are positions coming available for over Christmas. Scholarships: Victoria University Foundation Trustees' Scholarship: Please note that the closing date for this scholarship has been extended to the 30 th November 2014. Lee Bell Dip Car Guid Careers Advisor - Junior Students -Years 7-10 ISSUE 20 Page 5 Arrangements for the Final Week - Monday 8 December to Thursday 11 December 2014 Monday 8 December Usual classes all day: Students to have books and writing materials in all classes. 8.30am: Students to collect CLEARANCE FORMS at Tutor Group time to take home and get signed by a parent. Form to be returned Tuesday. Students will be invoiced for any lost school property. Tuesday 9 Students to be impeccably presented in full winter uniform December Cont. All other students to wear long sleeved winter blouses – with all buttons on, esp cuffs. Junior Advent Service 1.30pm – compulsory Yr7-10. Any jewellery held in the school office can be collected Mon 8-WED 10. NOT on Thurs 11. Tuesday Prizegiving Day – Attendance Compulsory 9 December All students (including years 11, 12 & 13) to attend at 8.30 as usual – in perfect uniform as usual. Performers (music etc) for Prizegiving to go to Michael Fowler Centre for a practice and then return to school. Interval for ALL. Singing practice for all students/staff in School Hall. Students will be dismissed from St Oran’s around 12 noon. School buses (except Eastbourne) will go their usual routes (Eastbourne students to make own arrangements). Students are not expected to be down the Hutt/Queensgate on Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that kilts and ties are pressed and shoes cleaned. No Jewellery or make-up and hair tied back. The prizegiving will end 9.15ish. Students need to have made their own arrangements for getting home. Wednesday 10 December Attendance Compulsory – all Y7-10 students. Students to wear summer uniform. Students should take home any of their personal things still in their locker. Lockers need to be cleared and clean. Everyone else - a longer Tutor Group to enable students to clear their lockers/classroom and get Clearance forms finally signed off. Short Assembly – with random prizelist read out. These students will then stay for a short practice: rest of school returns to Tutor Groups. All Year 13 & All Prizewinners at all levels must wear blazers. (Prizewinners names will be randomly read out on Thursday morning at assembly). NO jerseys. Thursday 11 December Last school day for 2014: 8.30 am –12noon: Attendance Compulsory for all students. All students to attend Tutor Group usual time – 8.30 am. NO usual classes – students will be in TG and then final assembly. Magazines will be issued only to those who have completed Clearance Forms appropriately/paid for lost property. Students will be dismissed before 12 noon. Usual buses on usual routes (except the Eastbourne bus) will depart St Oran’s at 12 noon. For any student now in Y9 or 10 (Y10/11 next year) who wishes to change any subjects for 2015. 7.10 pm – Students to be at the Michael Fowler Centre – where they will assemble inside upstairs in the RENOUF FOYER & await If for any reason you wish to change your subject choices, you will need to contact seating instructions. Mrs Seabrook. Please email by 26 January. Mrs Seabrook will Attendance is compulsory for ALL students then arrange an appointment with you by email. Appointments will be made for either Wed Jan 28 OR Thurs Jan 29. Senior Students - Years 11-13 ISSUE 20 Page 6 Arrangements for End of Year - Thursday 4 December to Thursday 11 December 2014 Thursday 4 December Graduation Dinner: Yr13 and their parents: Silverstream Retreat: 611pm Wednesday 10 Monday 8 December am Choir Practice- 9am to 11am : all those singing at prizegiving must attend. Book Return - 11.30am – 12.00 pm - Attendance Compulsory Thursday 11 Final Day – 8.30 am – Attendance Compulsory. December All students to attend Tutor Group normal time – 8.30 am. All students to report at 11.30 with their textbooks etc to the Hall. Senior students not required at school. December There will be a Final Assembly. Collect your “Clearance Form” from the table at the entrance. Students will then go to Tutor Groups and magazines will be issued to those who have completed Clearance Forms. Fill in the details and then return your books to the staff members who will be arranged around the Hall. Usual buses will come at 12 noon (except the Eastbourne bus). It is your responsibility to get the rest of the required signatures – sports, library, office: music if applicable and give to your Tutor Group teacher by the morning of Thurs 11. COURSE CONFIRMATION for Y11, 12, 13 2015: Junior Advent Service - Attendance optional. To be held at Knox 1.30pm. Optional for seniors – school uniform. Tuesday 9 Prizegiving Day – 8.30 am – Attendance Compulsory. December All students to attend TGroup 8.30am as usual – in correct uniform. Clearance Forms can be completed and signed off. Assembly/prizegiving practice for all in school hall so to be ready for Prizegiving 2014 at the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington 7.30pm. Students to be dismissed from St Oran’s 12 noon. Buses will go normal routes – except Eastbourne (catch the public bus). 7.10 pm: Students to be at Michael Fowler Centre – to assemble upstairs in RENOUF FOYER & await instructions on seating . Attendance compulsory for ALL students. Winter uniform to be worn. No jerseys. All Year 13 and prizewinners at other levels must wear blazers. You will need to contact Mrs Seabrook if you wish to change your subjects for any reason or particularly if you have not met the pre-requisites in the NCEA exams that will allow you to do your choices. Please email by 26 January. Mrs Seabrook will arrange an appointment with you by email by 27 January. Appointments can be made for either Wednesday Jan 28 or Thursday 29 Jan. If you do NOT email in by Jan 26, there can be no guarantee that you will get the timetable you prefer. From Wed 28 January, you can contact Mrs Seabrook at school. ISSUE 20 From The Finance Department Prize Giving Parking 2014 Fees/Donations Paid by Regular Installments: Prizegiving for 2014 is to be held at the Michael Fowler Centre on Tuesday 9th of December commencing at 7.30p.m. (Students need to assemble at 7.10pm). Options for parking are limited due to the closure of the James Smith and Reading carparks. We recommend that you park in the Lombard carpark or at Te Papa. Please find below parking options in the Wellington CBD within proximity of the Michael Fowler Centre. Queen’s Wharf: Jervois Quay, CBD, Wellington - Night Fees $3.00 per half Hour St James Theatre (Middle Tory Street): 84 Tory Street, Wellington, New Zealand - Night Fees $3.00 Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington Town Hall, Opera House: Parking for approximately 88 car parks with three disability spaces is available at the Michael Fowler Centre car park. Opening hours for MFC Carpark are Monday - Friday 6pm to Midnight - $2 per hour. The above car parking options are also suitable for visitors to the Wellington Town Hall and Opera House (walk through Opera House Lane from Wakefield Street) or take a five minute walk to get to the St James Theatre. Page 7 For those families that pay the fees/donations by automatic bank payments or regular installments, a calculation of the expected overpayment/shortfall will be advised to you soon. The process will take into account all regular payments expected up until the end of December 2014. Any shortfall will need to be paid to the college by Tuesday 9 December 2014. Capital Deposit Refunds All Year 13 parents/caregivers by now would have received a letter advising them how to request their Capital Deposit refund. Instructions received in November will be refunded in December. Parents/Caregivers of students leaving at the end of this year in Year 7-12 level must complete the required form or send a request in writing to the college to receive their refund. Scholarships for 2015 The St Oran’s College Foundation are have two scholarships that students can apply for: 1. A Music Scholarship for study of a nominated orchestral instrument through our music itinerant program 2. A Speech and Drama Scholarship to study speech and drama through our itinerant programme. Both scholarships will cover a years tuition fees. For more information please download the form from our website here.
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