Newsletter 9: November, 2014 Otamatea High School Te Kura Tuarua o Otamatea ASB Northland Secondary School Sports Awards Principal’s Comment The senior prizegiving was a wonderful celebration of student success; the increased student participation in terms of musical items was certainly well received. Congratulations to all the prizewinners and to the newly appointed prefect leadership team for 2015. The seniors are now busy preparing and sitting their external exams; some are also meeting with teachers for last minute study advice. Over the next month there are a number of trips and activities on offer for all junior students. Year 10s are off to Kai Iwi Lakes for Girls’ Camp and Boys’ Camp (Sunday 7th December – Wednesday 10th December). This is often cited by senior students as one of the most memorable times of their schooling so I would encourage all Year 10 students to get involved. The Year 9 students have planned activities to Waipu Cove and Langs Beach (Monday 8th December), Whangarei Museum, Heritage Park and Aquatic Centre (Tuesday 9th December) and Adventure Forest Ropes Course (Wednesday 10th December - numbers are limited to 40 for this trip so it is important to get money and permission slips in early). Year 8s are off to Waiwera Hot Pools (Monday 8th December) and Matakana Military Arts Academy (Tuesday 9th December) and the Year 7s have the opportunity to go to Ruakaka Beach (Monday 8th December) and Kensington Stadium for an ‘All Stars’ day (Tuesday 9th December). Please ensure that the money and permission slips for these activities is brought to the school by the due date as this enables the trip to go ahead smoothly. Please also indicate if you would like to be involved as a helper. On Tuesday 25th November we welcome the Year 6s from the local primary schools to Otamatea High School for The OTA Fun Day. Some selected Year 7s will be ambassadors for the day and selected Year 8s will be helpers will be helping to run this day. This is the final newsletter for 2014. As we are coming to the conclusion of the first year of our new communication format (newsletters and Te Panui weekly e mail updates) I encourage you to contact the school with any feedback that you have. All families will be receiving a complimentary copy of the school magazine; this has been sponsored for this year and next by Fuji Xerox, who supply our photocopiers at the school. These will be distributed to junior students and any senior students or family members can collect their family copy at the school office. I hope that you enjoy reading this exciting publication which is a celebration of Otamatea High School student success throughout the year. Rachel Clothier-Simmonds, Principal Senior Prizegiving 2014 Otamatea High School's senior prize-giving took place on Tuesday November 4th at 1.30pm. The students were very well presented in their school uniforms and the Year 13 students demonstrated sartorial elegance with their attire. Congratulations to all of the prize-winners and to those who have the honour of representing the school next year as student leaders. Particular recognition goes to Ruby-Rose Hallamore and Nina Linnell who were the top academic achievers in Year 11 and Year 12 respectively. The highest accolades go to Jordan Hyland who was Dux Ludorum after being promoted to Level 3 from Level 2 earlier in the year and well done to James Finlay who was Proxime Accesit. The afternoon ran very smoothly. We listened to the students comments from previous years and as a result there were more items and shorter speeches. Thanks also to the performers Monica Jaques, Jasmine Sampson, and Elizabeth Harris. Particular mention goes to James Finlay who accompanied Elizabeth and Jasmine as well as singing the lead for the Vybes. Matt McRae and Elias Giles are the other members of the Vybes trio. I was very impressed with our guest speaker, Phillip Tana, who shared some of his life experiences and some of his wisdom about coaching. It was not hard to see why he has coached some very successful teams. He had magnificent blend of humour and inspiration which helped to add to the enjoyment of the afternoon tea. Thanks also to the PTCA who are all great supporters of the school and they provided the afternoon. Events like these involve the actions of lots of people behind the scenes so a final huge thank you to all of the staff, the Principal, the Board of Trustees, parents, whanau and most of all the students whose endeavours throughout the year are honoured at prizegiving. Otamatea High School is enrollng now for 2015 Please contact the school office to secure your enrolment interview Senior Prizegiving Special Prizes and 2015 Student Leaders Kia Maia – Be Brave in Learning Jessie Vaughan Trophy for Senior Citizenship Exceptional School Supporter Fair Play & Sportsmanship Trophy Outstanding Sporting Achievement Peer Support Award Senior Victrix Ludorum Senior Victor Ludorum First in Year 11 Student exhibiting School Spirit First in Year 12 Excellence in Year 12 English & Science Most Promising Student Returning to School Best Aggregate of Science Subjects in Year 13 (Te Uri o Hau Development Ltd) (Ferguson and Oldham Trophy) General Excellence by a Senior Student Best All Round Maori Pupil Proxime Accessit (D A Finlayson Cup) DUX OF THE SCHOOL (Mr & Mrs L Mitchell Trophy) Head Boy Head Girl Deputy Head Boy Deputy Head Girl BoT Representative Manukura Tane Manukura Wahine Arts Environmental Teaching and Learning Sports Senior Welfare Community Service Whatua House Captain Ngapuhi House Captain Arawa House Captain Maniapoto House Captain Cameron Gill Jasmine Sampson Dylan Sims Tayla Perkinson Samantha Allen Te Whakakotahitanga Jenkins Tashae Paikea Anna-Marie Southern Murphy Linehan Nina Linnell Kalem Tana Michelle Schimanski Ayla Wehi Jamie Manuell Bianca Slimo Haydn Dyer Emma Garnett (K & N Trophy) (Engraving Systems) (Haydn & Mary Hutching Cup) Sophia Butler Shelby Ata/ Briahna Dawson Jacob Webster Bayley Coates Cullen Curtis (Kaipara District Council) Celia Bailey (Karen McNay Cup) Michelle Schimanski (Webster Brothers Cup) Dylan Sims (OHS Board of Trustees Cup) Ruby-Rose Hallamore (Te Jay Cup) Ashton Coates (Neil McKay Trophy) Nina Linnell (R & F Tornquist Trophy) Nina Linnell (Thompson Trophy) (Fonterra Cup and Scholar (Rennie Trophy) (J Morrison Cup) Dylan Sims Jordan Hyland James Finlay Shelby Ata James Finlay Jordan Hyland OTA Arts – Visual Arts News Yes it is the end of the senior working year for Visual Arts. All internal and external standards are done during the course of the year. The great thing is that.. at this stage of the year we have a whole lot of fabulous work to look at and to show you. Here are some of the level 3 folios made with blood, sweat and tears. Students would lead me to believe that. A huge effort made by painting students Izzie Porter, Ly Sang Kim. Also Krystal Reyland who was proficient enough as a year 12 student to undertake level 3 photography a year early. In other news, Anna-Marie Southern was announced Arts Prefect for 2015 at our recent senior prize giving. Her first task next year will be forming a committee to work with her and help divvy up the tasks on the ‘to do’ list for next year. Our Arts prefect was a recent innovation and we think a worthwhile compliment to the student body. Jim Bokma held that position this year and will be known in OTA history as the first! The team promotes the arts in school assemblies, through writing articles in the newsletter and attending and working behind the scenes in various arts events. We think it is very important that the Arts department (Art, Music, Drama, Maori Performing Arts) get to hear the student voice, and we want to cultivate that as much as possible. To end this little snippet… I will leave you with a print that year 9 art student Anthony Kim has made in the last week. As you know the juniors are trucking on and a lot of project completion is about to happen. Unfortunately not all of our wearable arts supreme award winners were reported accurately in previous publications. There were four girls involved in the winning group. The winners were Laurinda Bokma, Holly Brunt, Rebecca Robertson and Tyler Porteous. Many apologies for making that error. Rebecca Clist Imaginative designs in Textile Technology Eri Kojima is an international student from Japan who is attending our school for the year. She has not done any sewing before. Starting at the beginning of the year she made herself a complete costume to wear when playing in an all-girl band. She used a basic pattern to make the pink dress and then the jacket, but as she went along, she changed the pattern to the vision she had in mind for her creation. The panelled skirt was all made up from a picture she had seen. Eri also designed more ideas of what the costumes could look like. The first set shows a variety of concepts and in the second set the chosen concept is developed into various possibilities. Northland Badminton Association Tournament On Tuesday 11th November Otamatea High School Year 9 girls’ and boys’ teams took part in the Northland tournament in Whangarei and competed with spirit and determination, the boys’ team eventually coming 3rd against very strong opposition. Both teams acquitted themselves very well on the day and proved to be excellent ambassadors for the school and were a pleasure to support. Thanks to Tina Holst for the organisation and to Pete Hames who came along in welcome support. Teams were: Girls’ Team Holly Brunt Laurinda Bokma Zelda Sims Stacey Walker Boys’ Team Simon Parker Ryan Owens Corey Slimo Samuel Stephens John Laue Junior Prizegiving – Friday 11th December starting at 10.30pm School Closing for tuition at 12.30pm Silver Ferns Farms Kaipara District Sports Awards I was incredibly proud of these talented young sports students at the Awards night in Dargaville. Youth Achievement Awards Congratulations to the following students for their youth achievement awards. These students made up three out of only seven students selected from junior nominations of all sporting codes in the Kaipara District. Cullen Curtis - moto-cross. Rhys Shadbolt - rugby. Ocean Shadbolt - multisports. ASB Code Awards Code awards – these students are competing in the open age category in the Kaipara Sporting Community. Congratulations to the following students: Dylan Sims for swimming. Tyler Porteous for equestrian. Annmarie Holst for squash. Kodi Foster for squash. Danyon Tana for tennis. Connor van Dalsum for tennis. Team Club Awards Congratulations to Otamatea Netball team 5 Year 7/8 This team was a finalist for the Noel Radd Motor’s Junior Team of the Year. Team Members - Jayme Curtis, Portia Wehi, Tasha Perrett, Brigette Hosford, Blossom Connelly, Emma Millard, Maddy Lemuelu, Ocean Shadbolt and Julianne Cunningham. Subdivideit Team of the Year Open Category Congratulations to our students Michelle Schimanski, Shawna Hawken, Bayley Coates and Jessie Allen who were part of the Maungaturoto Squash Club E Grade Team who won this award. Congratulations also to the following students who were finalists in the Service Award section. Bayley Coates for netball refereeing. Te Whakakotahitanga Jenkins for leadership in the Special Olympics. A well rewarded thank you to an amazing volunteer for sports at Otamatea High School. Thank you Robyn Bruce for the many, many hours over many years that you have put into coaching hockey at Otamatea. For going the extra mile and taking students away to tournament weeks all over the country. Thank you also for the huge amount of time and effort you put into voluntarily running the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award program in which Otamatea currently has approximately 50 students involved in. Robyn helps make this work in so many ways – from organising many sausage sizzles, working bee fundraisers to baking every week for the canteen so that the costs can be kept down as much as possible for our students. ASB Northland Secondary School Sports Awards Congratulations to our six students who travelled to the ASB Northland Secondary Schools Sports Awards as finalists for their sporting codes. It was a huge achievement to succeed over so many other students in Northland to become a finalist. To top this off four of our finalists went on to be announced as the winners for their codes. Congratulations to Jasmine Sampson – finalist in Netball, Connor van Dalsum – finalist in Tennis. Congratulations to Shuntel Rika – winner of girls tennis, Danyon Tana – winner of boys tennis, Cullen Curtis – winner of motocross and Tyler Porteous – winner of showing in equestrian. Reports will be available for collection after junior prizegiving. Any uncollected reports will be posted. Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions October 31st – 2nd November saw 18 silver/gold students travel to the Tangihua for their training with bushcraft instructor, Stephen Orchard. The Tangihua Lions lodge became their base and the tracks were trained along on Saturday. Bush bashing to stream junction proved to be challenging and the river crossing and stream walking was a highlight. Saturday night saw bivvys of various designs ‘pop up’. These students will now complete their pre-expedition to the Tongariro Northern Circuit, February 26th - March 1st. November 1 – 2 saw ‘my group of boys’ travel to Breamhead / Beach cove with Miss Parkinson and Llew Smart to complete their bronze pre-expedition. These boys will now complete their qualifying expedition to Cape Brett November 15 / 16. November 1 - 2 saw a large group of 20 students complete their pre-expedition to the Waterfall / Tanekaha Circuit Track, King Road and to the Mangawhai Coastal Walkway. Lunches were cooked on cookers. These students will now complete their qualifying tramp to Mt Pirongia, November 15/16. Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Peach Cove Trip Last week the bronze Duke of Edinburgh group travelled to the Whangarei Heads to climb over Mount Lion and Bream Head for their pre expedition. The students, Ms Parkinson and Llew Smart started at Urquharts Bay and walked over to Oceans Beach for a swim. The group then walked up the road and up to Peach Cove hut. Kharnse, Moshe, Kalani and Rhys found some seafood and we all ate kina and crabs for afternoon tea! After a cosy sleep in the tents the group tramped out and over Mount Lion and walked around smugglers before a well-deserved ice cream. The bronze group would like to thank Mrs Bruce for her organisation and Llew Smart for accompanying the group. Lana Parkinson Year 10 Leadership at Maungaturoto Primary School This year the students of 10E have been lucky enough to have Leela Hauraki from Sport Northland to come down to Otamatea High School to teach them about Ki-o-Rahi. This game is native to New Zealand which and is similar to rippa rugby where you have to tag the opposition before they score a try. At the start of Term 4 the students from 10E went down to Maungaturoto Primary School where they taught the Year 5 and 6 students the game of Ki-o-Rahi. The tournament was a huge success and the 10E class showcased their fantastic leadership skills. We would like to thank the students and teachers of the Year 5 and 6 classes at the primary school for allowing us to come and teach Ki-o-Rahi. Lana Parkinson Māori Art Drawing Techniques - Kowhaiwhai One of the courses offered in Term 4 was Māori Art Drawing Techniques – Kowhaiwhai. This course was delivered by Brian Mitchell from Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and is part of the school’s initiatives to raise Māori achievement. The course took place one day per week over three weeks and the 15 students not only learnt about kowhaiwhai, they gained traditional knowledge, representation of identity and meaning. Students also gained 4 Credits at Level 2 and have the opportunity to continue into Kawai Raupapa – Introduction to (Māori) Art Level 3 or at tertiary level undertake Toi Paematua – Diploma in Māori Art Level 5. Career opportunities from this course can lead to a practising artist, cultural art educator, stage, theatre and television work, and restoration work. Student Voice... “Being able to take part in this course was an experience I'd love to give to others, the stuff I learnt in the short time was amazing, being able to produce a piece of art work with great meaning behind it is not an opportunity you get often so it was great to be a part of this group” Latina Te Awa (Y10) “I got to learn about different designs and patterns and their meaning.) For example my design signifies strength and bravery. I also got to interact in my own environment”. Crishla Kemp (Y12) The course proved very popular with the students and there is already a waiting list to get on the course next year. An extension of this course is the Whakairo which will be offered again next year to those who completed the Kowhaiwhai course this year. For further information please contact Fiona Kemp 021 885 863 IMPORTANT DATES FOR START OF YEAR 2015 PTCA 2ND Hand Uniform Sales Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th January School Hall 9.00am – 3.00pm New Uniform Sales Paparoa Drapery stock a full range of Otamatea High School uniform Phone 09 431 7306 Year 13 Dress Uniform is available from Bethells Uniforms, The Strand, Whangarei. Phone 09 438 6566 Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th January Year 13 Leadership days and Year 13 course confirmation Thursday 29th January (Buses will be running) School starts for Year 7, new Year 9, Year 13 and all new students to OHS. Friday 30th January Whole school to attend (All Years) On the first day of school students should bring pen, paper, togs and towel. Meet the Teachers Evening – Tuesday 17th February (TBC) A chance to meet the Board of Trustees, the teachers and welcome new teachers to our school. Please phone the school office 09 4318230 or 0800 682 628 for appointments, enrolments, senior option changes and further information. Otamatea High School PTCA Second Hand Uniform Shop Would you like to donate your unwanted school uniform to the PTCA. We are looking for any size shirts, shorts, skirts, jumpers etc. All money raised by the PTCA goes back into our school for our children. Donations can be left at the school office or ph/txt Karen 021 128 1670 Otamatea High School 120 Bickerstaffe Road, Maungaturoto Office Hours: 8am – 4pm Telephone: 09 431 8230 Freephone: 0800 682 628 Facsimile: 09 431 8229 Email:
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