Newsletter 1 (Term 4) – 24 October 2014 Dear Parents and Caregivers This is the first newsletter since last term and in the hiatus there have been plenty of newsworthy events involving the College and its students. I had the pleasure to travel with the School Basketball team to Palmerston North where they competed in the New Zealand Secondary School championships. The team performed well against some taller and well drilled opposition and improved (7th place!) as the tournament went on. After competing in local tournaments and competitions it was a wakeup call for our boys on what was required to compete at a National level. The same applies to school work. It is easy to think that you are doing Ok if you compare yourself to classmates or friends that go to schools down the road. These days, however, you are also competing against students around New Zealand and the world. To measure yourselves against the best is often a catchphrase that minnow rugby teams use when they play the All Blacks. At Huanui College we want our students to measure themselves against the best in the class and we want the students who are the best in the class to measure themselves against the best in New Zealand and the world. This means the standard of everyone improves and students start achieving beyond their original expectations. Curriculum As the school grows we are constantly refining what subjects are offered to meet the ever changing needs of our students. This year saw the introduction of Te reo Maori in Years 7 – 9. In 2015 we will introduce NCEA Level 2 English for certain students in Year 12. This will involve a small group of students who will be given the opportunity to opt in. The vast majority of students in Year 12 will be doing Cambridge AS English Literature. In the junior school we will be introducing Agriculture as one of the option subjects available in Year 9 and 10. There will initially be a small group of students invited to study agriculture, but it will not be an option open to everyone. This will obviously be in consultation with parents. At Year 7 and 8, Technology currently consists of a rotation between Food and Textiles Technology during the year. In 2015 Robotics will be added to the technology syllabus and all students in Year 7 and 8 will take part in a taster course in Robotics during the year. If you have any queries or feel strongly either way about these proposed curriculum changes, please do not hesitate to contact me. Option forms will be given to students in Years 7, 8 and 9 shortly and there will be a subject information evening for parents and students on 4 November at 4.30pm Examinations The Year 11 to 13 students have started their IGCSE and A level examinations and those students will be on study leave from Friday 24th October. These last few days before an exam can make a significant difference and I trust all our students will be using that time wisely. On that note, I wish all our examination candidates the very best and to remember that if they are well prepared they will do themselves credit and reap the rewards later. Year 7 – 10 examinations are scheduled for the 12 – 14 November. Teachers will complete their course of study shortly and students should be starting a revision programme for these exams. Year 13 2014 Today (Friday) is the last formal school day for our current Year 13 and I would like to thank them for their contribution to the school and wish them all the best for their future. We will formally farewell our Year 13 at our Leavers dinner and the School Prizegiving on the 4th December. Peter Ackers - PRINCIPAL Merits are awarded by teachers for good work etc (criteria vary from subject to subject). To achieve Gold, students have previously been awarded Bronze (20 Merits) and Silver (30 merits), so they have earned these plus an extra 50 merits for Gold (100 merits in total!). Two such students are: Samantha McBeth and Sarah Gover – Well done! 1 Congratulations to.... ... Rufaro MANJALA was voted Player of the Year for the Marist Soccer Club 13th Grade at Prize giving on 12/9/14. Rufaro also competed in a tennis tournament in Auckland first week of the holidays and he was runner up in the boys 12 doubles, runner up under 14 Consolation Doubles and under 14 plate Singles. ...Shana GORDON, Harriette BAXTER, Chanel EDWARDS and Monica BOOTH all took part in the Northland Performing Arts Vocal with varying success. Shana and Harriette were part of a vocal group who won their section and then they went on to also win a different section as a duet. Shana and Chanel also competed in solo sections and came second for two of these. ...Tarquin GORDON, Jak KELLY and Seb SHI were selected for the Northland Weir Rose Bowl tournament last holidays. This effectively meant that they were part of a team representing Northland U-12 Football. Vincent von Mulert-Carvell was non-travelling reserve. ...Kayla SINCLAIR passed her recent NZ Speech and Drama exams with Honours. Grade 5 – Module 2. ...Zoe DYKZEUL continues to achieve on the Squash front. In the holidays Zoe was runner-up in the U15 NZ Junior Age group nationals. This makes her No 2 in New Zealand! Needless to say, the NZ selectors have their eye on the talented Junior and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is chosen in the NZ development squad in 2015. Watch this space! …Pippa BENTON and Zoe ESPIE were part of the Northland Gymastic team that competed in the Nationals during the holidays. The Northland team brought home 3 medals from Nationals this year, which was the best result Northland has had in many years. Both Zoe and Pippa successfully competed on their first day to qualify to compete in Finals. Zoe placed 5th on Bar and 6th on Vault, in Finals Zoe finished 28th out of the top 85 competitors Nationally at Step 6. Pippa placed 3rd on Floor, which earned her a Bronze medal, and 4th on Beam, and in Finals placed 10th out of the top 59 competitors Nationally at Step 7. At Mangapai Hockey Prizegiving recently…… …Richard REDFEARN was awarded Premier Mens Player of the Year, was top goal scored for the entire competition and was the oldest player! …LeiHan ZHANG – Most improved Player JMC Quick Sticks 2 …Chris BULL - Coaches Choice Div 3 Collegiate, All Round Achievement Div 1 Men. …Oliver HAWKER - Most ConsistEnt Player Div 1 Huanui/Mangapai Collegiate …Ethan CODLIN – Most Improved Player Div 1 Huanui/Mangapai Collegiate …James AGNEW – Player of the Year Div 1 Huanui/Mangapai Collegiat …Kelsey EATON – Mangapai Hockey Club Most Promising Player of the Year. …Justine MILINA - Player of the Year Collegiate Div 3. SPORTS: Huanui College Sports Prize Giving – Years 9 – 13: You are warmly invited….. An occasion to acknowledge and celebrate the Huanui College Sports Community. This includes the teams (Netball x5, Football x 2, Basketball x 4, Hockey Tournament Team x 1), students who have gained Northland/NZ Representative 2014 selection and the many volunteers and officials who keep the cogs oiled and working. WHEN: Friday 31st October VENUE: Hockey Northland clubrooms (Kensington Park Hockey Turfs) TIME: 17.30pm Food and Beverages: We ask that you bring a ‘Plate’. Coffee/tea and Soft Drink provided RSVP: To Office by 29 October 2014. Huanui College Band Take 2 have been successful in their audition for Christmas in the Park at Toll Stadium on the 13th of December they will take the stage alongside the winners of the Smokefree Regional Final as well as the other main acts they have that day. Take 2 have also been invited back to play for the 2nd LOUD Concert at the Old Library as one of the main bands of the night. Your support as audience is vital as the band with the most cheers of the night is going to win recording time at New Zealand Media Services. Please come along...... Community Service As 2014 draws to a close, it is imperative that your child completes at least 2 hours of community service. If they have completed it and they have not returned their form, please return it as soon as possible. Also, if you have any photos of your child completing their community service, we would love to see these! Please forward them to Miss Cebalo at as it would be great to use these in the Huanui College end of year magazine. Family & Friends Huanui College – are holding a barbeque at the College on 30 November commencing at 4.00pm. This barbeque is held to introduce new families (2015 enrolees) to our community and we welcome our existing families to participate and help them feel at home. As you know, it is a hugely popular event and well supported, so we hope you are able to come along on the night. More info will be sent out to families nearer the event. There will be music! AFTER SCHOOL TUITION AND PREP: Students are welcome to take advantage of the After School Tutorials and Prep that are listed below. There is no cost, however it is vitally important that if your child is doing a Tutorial that you collect them by 4.30pm. Prep students are to be picked up by 5.00pm. Please don’t be late as it intrudes on staff personal time. After School Tuition: After School Prep: Tuesday English Year 11 English Year 8 and 9U Maths Year 11 – 13 English 7H Science Y12 – 13 History Y11 Mrs Smith Mr Copeland Mr Waenink Mrs Irwin Science Dept (to 5pm) Mr Gardiner Wednesday Maths Year 7 – 11 Art Year 7 – 12 Bus.Studies Y11 – 13 Science Y12 – 13 Geography Y11 Mr Waenink and Mr Dodd Mrs Evans Mrs Young Science Dept (to 5pm) Mr Gardiner Thursday Art Year 7 – 12 Graphics Senior EnglishYear 10 Spanish - all levels EnglishYears 12 & 13 English 9H Science Y12 – 13 Mrs Evans Mrs Cole Mrs Topper Srta Peredo Mrs Smith Mrs Irwin Science Dept (to 5pm) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ) ) ) Staff and rooms on rotational basis. Please check notices for room number. Parents – Please remind your child to sign in at the office before attending tutorials or prep This is very important as it is a record of the students on the school grounds should there be an emergency of any sort. By the way: The tutorial and prep times are listed above. There really is no excuse to be later than these, but several staff have mentioned that they have been held back by late parents on several occasions. PLEASE respect the voluntary time these staff are putting in and adhere to the times. Thank you. Please tell your child that students are not permitted to walk along Glenbervie Road to Huanui Orchards after school on Prep and Tuition days. This road is extremely dangerous with little, or no, verge in places and cars travel very fast along this road. (And at certain times of the day, sun strike can virtually blind drivers who are travelling either way past our school.) Chewing gum and littering has been noted as being on the increase. Chewing gum is not permitted at Huanui College and an immediate detention will be given. All wrappings and fruit remains etc must be taken home by students. MURAL PAINTING: A number of our students had the opportunity to really help the community out last term by painting a mural in the Alzheimer's Northland new building in Corks Road, Tikipunga. The mural took a total of 20 hours to complete. On the first Sunday Summer Quinn, Sam Callaghan, Ruby Reed, Therese Nagel, Christina Bone, Jameela McLean Saad, Summer Campbell, Jared Taube and two exchange students from Pompallier College arrived ready to work at 10am and left covered in paint at 3pm. It was a tight space and everyone worked really well together to produce the amazing artwork. From Monday to Thursday a number of students worked with myself and Ms. Rouse after school and in their art class time to ensure it was completed for the official opening on that Friday. Everyone involved should be very pleased with their efforts and hard work. It was wonderful to see our students willingly helping others out for no personal rewards. Habitat for Humanity have asked if Huanui College would be interested in doing a mural for them. We plan to complete this by the end of Term Four. OUTDOOR PURSUIT CENTRE: On Sunday the 21st of September 30 Year 10 students left full of hope and with some anxiety around what OPC was really going to be like. They had heard great things from the Year 11s but they also knew they were going to be challenged and pushed to their limits. On arrival at the camp site students were full of sugar with loads of energy to burn due to the eight hour journey. Even though there were at times tears, sweat and a feeling of helplessness all students found they loved every second. Who would not enjoy activities like snowboarding or skiing, caving, abseiling, hiking, flying foxes, high ropes, team challenges and an overnight camp without teachers? My favourite part of the camp was on the Wednesday evening when we bonded together as a group. Every child was asked to tell the group what was the highlight for them so far and one positive thing they had seen someone else from the group achieve. It was wonderful to hear our students talk so positively about themselves but more importantly about their peers. I was very proud of them. A huge vote of thanks to both Mr. Cook and Mr. Waugh for their support on the camp and for taking time out of their busy schedules to help supervise this camp. It was greatly appreciated. (Selection of photos on next page). Vernice Young – HOD Commerce COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Five groups from the Year 10 Business Studies class are working on their entries for the EPIC (Enterprising Primary Industries Career Challenge) contest. This is a project which combines the theoretical aspects of the Business Studies with the practical application of these concepts in a real world challenge. There are many exciting ideas being developed into creative advertising campaigns to encourage careers in the primary industry. I am looking forward to seeing the final products on 18th November. Year 12 and 13 Business Studies students were introduced to the real life of entrepreneurship by Dr. Jeffrey Stangl, Director of Engagement and Enterprise, School of Economics and Finance, Massey University. Dr. Stangl visited the College and spoke to the students about goal setting, business, learning from failure and embracing opportunities in the business world. He emphasised the importance of creating lifelong networks with friends and colleagues in order to have support throughout all the different phases of life. INTERNATIONAL DEBATING VISIT Last week Huanui College hosted its first international visitors! We had nine students from Tereora College in Rarotonga here to debate against us and other schools in the North. The visiting group arrived on Tuesday and were billeted by Huanui families for the week. After a powhiri led by our students on Wednesday morning, competition began in earnest… Huanui College debating teams won two of the three debates, with every team performing creditably. Amongst the hard work and competition, there was a lot of fun to be had, culminating in a ‘Kiwi BBQ’ and social evening at the college on Friday night for all students involved through the week, and their families. Mrs Smith would like to thank all those families who so generously billeted our guests and looked after them so well. A huge thank you, also, to those parents and students who contributed in various ways to making the Friday evening such a success. ITINERANT MUSIC TEACHERS Piano: Carol Martin Guitar: Dave Meredith Violin: Michal Pearse Bass Guitar: John Fraser Can you help??? 4277 401 or 021 837 740 4343 459 or 0273 832 633 0274 689 0192 021 446 699 Our students are moooving on........ Mathieu Poot, one of our Year 13 students, is off to Massey University next year to do a Bachelor of Agricultural Science. He is keen to get work on a dairy farm in Jan and Feb in preparation for his studies next year. (He has some experience with sheep and beef farming, but very little in dairy farming.) If you know of anyone who might have use for a student on their farm over the holidays, please contact Mathieu on 438 0152. WIDER COMMUNITY Kamo Swimming Club – 2014/15 Season of Stroke Improvement lessons for children who can swim 10m in basic strokes without stopping. Held at Kamo High School Pool, Wilkinson Ave Kamo from Monday 3 rd November at 4.30pm and thereafter Mondays & Fridays. Club nights also held regularly. Registration day Friday 31 st October at KHS Pool, come and enrol. Cost per swimmer only $85 for the season – very reasonable cost to ensure your child is swim safe and competent. Contact Karena Nesbit – 027 470 7955. The very popular Maunu School Country Fair will be held on 1November 2014 from 10am to 2pm , corner Austin Road and SH14. Lots of parking and eftpos available. All welcome to this very popular annual event! Shackleton Sea Scouts Bake-off competition on Sat Nov 29th. Enter your plate of best baking for a chance to win 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize in your age category (Junior, Intermediate & Open) some fantastic prizes to be won. Limited to 90 entries total. Pre-book your entry by 21st Nov – only $20 per entry. All baking is then donated to be sold with afternoon tea & coffee in our Marque from 2pm, so join us then too. For more information, contact Jan Bull in school office or 0272524264. IMPORTANT CALENDAR DATES – TERM 4, 2014 (Please be aware that some dates may be amended or added to, as required.) October (where it states Exams – please check your examination timetable for subjects and times) 24 Senior Exams continue to 28 November 2015. 24 Last official day for Year 11 – 13 27 Labour Day November 3 Senior Exams continue to 28 November 2015 4 Junior (Yrs 7, 8, 9) Subject Option Evening 12 – 14 Junior Exams 15 – 21 Duke of Edinburgh Silver (Cape Reinga) 21 Five Year Celebration dinner 24 – 25 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze (Northland) 24 – 27 Year 9 camp – Whangarei Heads 28 – 30 Duke of Ed Gold Qualifier @ Mt Ruapehu 30 Friends & Family BBQ at Huanui College December 3 Senior Students Clearance day/Interhouse Quiz/Talent Quest 3 Leavers Dinner 4 Last day for students. Clearance. Prizegiving for All Students and parents 5 Teacher Only Day PLEASE URGENTLY RETURN ANY TROPHIES THAT YOU RECEIVED AT 2013 PRIZEGIVING TO THE OFFICE. HUANUI COLLEGE CONTACT EMAILS: Apart from sending emails to, probably the easiest way to contact a staff member is by email: Principal: Admin/Finance/Enrolments: Assistant Principal: Head of Languages Faculty: Y13 Form room Head of Science: Head of Humanities Y11U Form room Head of Junior English: Y7U Form room Head of Phys Ed: Junior Dean Head of Commerce: Joint Head of Mathematics: Y9H Form room Joint Head of Mathematics: Y8H Form room Year 7/8 Specialist: Y7H Form room TIC Art Y12 Form room TIC Computing: Y9U Form room TIC Graphics: TIC Music: Y8U Form room TIC Spanish TIC Technology: Assistant Teachers: English Maori Lang. Science Science Science Student Liaison Admin Support Staff: Sports Staff: Sports Coordinator Sports Administrator Senior Dean Y10U Form room Y10H Form room Y11H Form room;;
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