Pak Tung Ho Department of Mathematics Sogang University Seoul 121-742, Korea Website: Email: Office Phone: +82-02-705-8876 EDUCATION • Purdue University Ph.D. in Mathematics West Lafayette, Indiana, USA August 2010 – Advisor: Professor Sai-Kee Yeung – Thesis title: Results on geometric flow • Chinese University of Hong Kong M.Phil. in Mathematics Hong Kong 2004 • Hong Kong Baptist University B.Sc. in Mathematics Hong Kong 2002 EMPLOYMENT • 09/2014-present: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sogang University • 09/2010-08/2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sogang University GRANTS, AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS • NRF grant “Results on prescribing curvature", 2012-2015. • 2012 Faculty Members of the Year, Best Research Award, Sogang University. • 2011 Faculty Members of the Year, Best Teaching Award, Sogang University. • Sogang University, Research Support Program for Foreign Professors, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. • Purdue University, College of Science Graduate Student International Travel Award, 2009. • Purdue University, Gerald R. MacLane Memorial Award, Outstanding Graduate Student in Mathematics, 2006. • Purdue University, Frederick N. Andrews Fellowship, 2005-2007. RESEARCH INTERESTS • differential geometry, geometric analysis, partial differential equations and graph theory. PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS In Differential Geometry: 1. A note on compact CR Yamabe soliton. J. Geom. Phys. accepted. 2. Differentiable rigidity of hypersurface in space forms. Manuscripta Math. accepted. 3. Rigidity in a conformal class of contact form on CR manifold. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 353 (2015), 167–172. 4. The Webster scalar curvature flow on CR sphere. Part II. Adv. Math. 268 (2015), 836–905. 5. The Webster scalar curvature flow on CR sphere. Part I. Adv. Math. 268 (2015), 758–835. 6. Almost Schur lemma for manifolds with boundary. Diff. Geom. Appl. 32 (2014), 97–112. 7. Results related to prescribing pseudo-Hermitian scalar curvature. Internat. J. Math. 24 (2013), pp.29. 8. Result of prescribing Q-curvature on S n . Arch. Math. (Basel) 100 (2013), 85–93. 9. (joint with H. Jacobowitz and P. Landweber) Optimality for totally real immersions and independent mappings of manifolds into C N . New York J. Math. 18 (2012), 463–477. 10. Prescribed Q-curvature flow on S n . J. Geom. Phys. 62 (2012), 1233–1261. 11. The long time existence and convergence of the CR Yamabe flow. Commun. Contemp. Math. 14 (2012), pp.50. 12. Prescribed curvature flow on surfaces. Indiana U. Math. J. 60 (2011) 1517–1542. 13. Q-curvature flow on S n . Comm. Anal. Geom. 18 (2010), 791–820. 14. The structure of ϕ-stable minimal hypersufaces in manifolds of nonnegative P -scalar curvature. Math. Ann. 348 (2010), 319–332. 15. Eigenvalue estimates for minimal hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space. Diff. Geom. Appl. 27 (2009), 104–108. 16. A remark on complete non-expanding Ricci solitons. Arch. Math. (Basel) 91 (2008), 284–288. 17. A first eigenvalue estimate for embedded hypersurfaces. Diff. Geom. Appl. 26 (2008), 273–276. In Number Theory: 1. Squares in (12 + m 2 ) · · · (n 2 + m 2 ). Integers, 9 (2009), 711-716. In Graph Theory: 1. The crossing number of K 2,4,n . Ars Combin. 109 (2013), 527–537. 2. The projective plane crossing number of the circulant graph C (3k; {1, k}). Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 32 (2012), 91–108. 3. The crossing number of K 1,1,3,n . Ars Combin. 99 (2011), p461–471. 4. On Ramsey unsaturated and saturated graph. Australian J. Combin. 46 (2010), 13–18. 5. On the crossing number of some complete multipartite graphs. Util. Math. 79 (2009), 125–143. 6. The toroidal crossing number of K 4,n . Discrete Math. 309 (2009), 3238–3248. 7. The crossing number of K 1,m,n . Discrete Math. 308 (2008), 5996–6002. 8. A note on the total domination number. Util. Math. 77 (2008), 97–100. 9. The crossing number of K 2,2,2,n . Far East J. Appl. Math. 30 (2008), 43–69. 10. A proof of the crossing number of K 3,n in a surface. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 27 (2007), 549–551. 11. The crossing number of C (3k + 1; {1, k}). Discrete Math. 307 (2007), 2771–2774. 12. On groupies in graphs. Australian J. Combin. 38 (2007), 173–178. 13. The crossing number of K 4,n on the real projective plane. Discrete Math. 304 (2005), 23–33. 14. The crossing number of K 1,5,n , K 2,4,n and K 3,3,n . Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 17 (2004), 491–515. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE • Princeton University invited and financially supported by Prof. Paul Yang New Jersey, USA August 2011 SELECTED TALKS • Geometric Analysis Seminar, Purdue University, IN, September 2009. • Midwest Several Complex Variables Conference, Purdue University, IN, October 2009. • Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Korean Mathematical Society, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, December 2009. • Seminar, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, October 2010. • ASARC Seminar, KIAST, Daejeon, Korea, October 2010. • Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, December 2010. • Geometry Seminar, HKU, Hong Kong, January 2011. • 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Complex Geometry, Korea, August 2011. • 2011 KMS Fall Meeting, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, October 2011. • Workshop on Complex Geometry, HKU, Hong Kong, July 2012. • Seminar, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2013. • Seminar, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, April 2014. • International Conference on Complex Analysis and Geometry, Wuhan University, China, May 2014. • Colloquium at CMC, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, October 2014. • Geometric Analysis Seminar at KIAS, Seoul, Korea, November 2014. • Scalar Curvature in Manifold Topology and Conformal Geometry, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, December 2014. • 2014 Taipei workshop on Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2014. • Workshop on Geometric Analysis, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, January 2015.
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