Mebane United Methodist Church 2015 SUN 4 Pastor Johnnie Vacation Guest Speaker: David Pate 9:45 am Confirmation Class 11 Pastor Johnnie Vacation—Guest Speaker, Rev. Donna Banks 9:45 am Confirmation Class 18 9:45 am Confirmation Class 5 pm—Trustees 6:30 pm—MRC January MON TUE 5 10:30 am Children’s Writers Group 6 10 am-Esther Circle Rev. Johnnie Vacation 6 pm—Trinity Handbell practice 10:30 Hawfields Worship 6:30 pm-Boot Camp Fellowship Hall 12 Rev. Johnnie @EHS 6:30 pm Covenant Circle Planning mtg, room 212 19 Rev Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday Office Closed MUMS Open 2-4 pm Damascus Ridge Bluegrass Concert 26 6 pm MUMS Board Mtg Room 212 7 No Morning Glories All Choir Rehearsals resume tonight Rev. Johnnie Vacation 2015 JANUARY 2015 THUR FRI SAT 1 Office Closed MUMS Closed 2 Pastor Johnnie— Vacation 3 Scouting Trip (VAN) 8 6:30 pm Boot Camp Fellowship Hall 9 Rev. Johnnie Vacation 10 10 am Women’s AA meeting 7 pm Cub Scouts 20 6 pm—Trinity Handbell practice 21 10 am—Morning Glories Bible Study 6:30 pm Bootcamp 6 pm—Handbells 6:45—Praise Team 7:30 pm—Chancel Choir 27 ELYH Meeting 6:30 pm Bootcamp 7 pm Scouts 28 10 am—Morning Glories Bible Study 6 pm—Handbells 6:45—Praise Team 7:30 pm—Chancel Choir The Grapevine Making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Rev. Johnnie Vacation Rev. Johnnie Vacation 14 15 16 13 10 to Noon 10 am 8 am-Rev. Johnnie @ EHS 10 am—Morning Glories Bible Study Rev. Johnnie @ Rev. Johnnie— 9 am– Singles & Single Bishop’s Day Raleigh Again Breakfast 6 pm—Handbells Apart—White 6 pm—Trinity Handbells Noon-until 6:45—Praise Plains Rev. Johnnie at 6 pm—Finance mtg, 212 Team 6:30 pm Bootcamp Duke Memorial 6:30 pm-Bootcamp 7:30 pm—Chancel for dCom 7 pm—Helping Hands mtg Choir 7 pm—Book Club 7 pm—Scout mtg 7 pm—Boy Scouts 25 9:45 am Confirmation Class WED Website: www. ~ Office: (919) 563-4301 ~ Fax: (919) 563-4326 22 6:30 pm Bootcamp 23 17 10 am Women’s AA meeting Mebane United Methodist Church 200 S. Fourth Street ~ Mebane, NC 27302 Return Service Requested 24 10 am Women’s AA meeting Staff 9 am Golden Chain mtg All Members Ministers 9am Sandwich Ministry Rev. Johnnie Wright Pastor 10 am Women’s AA meeting Non Profit Org. US Postage PAID Mebane NC Permit No. 35 Mr. Tom Fifer Duke Intern Mrs. Sue Modlin Director of Music & Accompanist Mrs. Sherry Ashley Administrative Assistant VISION: Mebane United Methodist Church is a community of the faithful who: Gathers to worship God. Nurtures one another in the love of Jesus Christ. Serves God and others in word and deed. Your acts of kindness, gifts and love during this Blessed time of year is really appreciated. As we begin new endeavors always remember that Jesus is the true reason for this season. We hope that you had a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Love and Hugs, Pastor Johnnie, Annette and Family Sunday Evenings 8:45am 9:45am 11 am 5 pm Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service Youth Wednesday Evenings 6:00 pm Handbells 6:45 pm Praise Team 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Message from the Senior Pastor O Give Thanks to the Lord” Thank you, Lord for a new beginning and another New Year as we usher in 2015. This newsletter might be a little premature, but I want to get my thanks in to Almighty God and Jesus Christ who is my Lord and Savior, for the many blessings in 2014 that he gave to Mebane UMC, the community and the city of Mebane. Within this newsletter I would like to make three references: First reference is, Psalm 105:1-4 writer wrote, “O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people. 2 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works. 3 Glory ye in his holy name; let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.” (KJV) The second reference that I would like to make comes from Mark 8:38 “Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” I truly believe and trust Jesus’ this teaching and his firm criteria he had laid out for those who are, followers, believers, doers, servers, and proclaimed of the Good News and their responsibilities both physically and mentally to share his message openly to all. The New Years and it beginning is a perfect time to start with a simple thanks to our Lord. I do not know how you celebrated the ending of 2014 or how you brought in 2015. More importantly, 2015 start and your total disposition could positively impact your life over next twelve months and your faith in the Lord. I must warn you that just because you gave God a big time thanks, that this 2015 will be challenged free. What, I am saying to all, that challenges and disappointments will come in the mixture sadness, illness, death, but triumph shall come with blissful joys and overwhelming happiness.. Therefore with some expectations and unexpectations of life’s journey we all need to be covered daily with the love of Christ. Indeed, coverage is important during this beginning of 2015 and giving thanks to the Lord. The third reference of giving thanks comes Cont. on next page ~ JANUARY USHERS ~ Angie Bartis Jim Hill John Payne Johnnie Wright III Jan 4 Jan 11 Jan 18 Jan 25 Counters BJ Smith, David Weislak & Pam Saunders Ron Wilson & John Payne Bernice Wilson, Ben Saunders & Kevin Matthews Gary Brant & Jane Johnson Flowers The Albright Family Ted & Linda Zeller Ann Sykes Peggy Ray Millie Stielper & Sherri Buckner Millie Stielper & Carson Seagroves Acolytes/ Crucifers Chloe Scott & Mil- Norah Harbold & lie Stielper Patrick Forrest The Mebane Ringers Youth (9-12) & Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 6:00-6:45 pm The Trinity Ringers for children 3rd grade—8th grade. Rehearsals Tuesdays, 6:00-6:45 pm. First rehearsal will be January 6th. Message from the Senior Pastor cont. t r i B s y a hd January 1 January 11 Chyrise Bradley Ashley McClain Lisa Stanley January 2 January 12 January 25 Marie Ashley Audrey Hill Susie Sanford Carol B. Payne Robert Wolf Joan Henderson Laura Huntley January 13 January 26 January 3 Pam Saunders Katharine Weislak January 4 Janet Wilkinson Hunter Wilson January 14 January 22 Brenna Kerins January 27 Deborah Hill Alex Baptiste Cara Hill Emily Philipps January 7 January 15 Joseph Auditori Addison Hoover Debra Grener January 8 January 16 January 29 Gregory Hupman Carolyn Loy Sydney Ramey Larry Teague Myra Warren January 30 Angie Bartis Colin Belangia Emory Hill January 9 Libby Born January 17 January 10 Kathryn Miller Anna Gail Workman Kenneth Wilkinson January 19 Evelyn Eaves January 28 Ann Wood January 31 Dale Ramey Sarah Nelson for the Epistle of Apostle Paul. Apostle Paul spoke in detail about have the total armor of God on in Ephesians 6:11,14-17 “11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil… 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the word of sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.” What I a purporting that we all need to be protected daily with the word of God. The of God is so vast and covers to many thing, especially referring to a man/woman who is in the Lord and that give thanks daily. Thus, it take more than a “word of thanks” it take serious and committed action. In review, of the above statement for 2015 on “O Give Thanks” I am calling you to remember three things. First, acknowledge our Lord this New Year and simply thank him to where you are in life. It might not be in the best place, best job, or best health, but still give the Lord a shout out of praise and thanks. Next, acknowledge to yourself that you love Jesus, and you are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Carefully, let me suggest, that I am not asking you to go and be a pastor, preacher, or evangelist, but if you are approached by believers or non-believer give thanks as a follower and do not be ashamed of Jesus’ teachings. Finally, keep your full armor on for the Lord in all seasonal of experiences. Apostle Paul laid out six particular covering in being suited for the task and you are not to take off any parts of this armor covering. O Give Thanks to the Lord… Have a Great New Year. THANK YOU... Luminaries on Christmas Eve Our youth once again sponsored a fund raiser for luminaries. The luminaries lined the sidewalks on Christmas Eve. They were placed in honor and in memory of our friends and loved ones. A list of those honored can be found in the newsletter. The youth would like to express their thanks to all who helped with this fundraiser through donations, volunteering to put together the luminaries, set them out and to light them. It has become a beautiful addition to our Christmas Eve service. ~Thank you MUMC Youth OVATIONS & THANK YOU’S Dear Church Family & Friends, We would like to thank you for many acts of kindness during the holidays. We love and cherish each and every one of you. ~The Staff of MUMC Johnnie, Sue, & Sherry “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” to quote a very favorite song of mine. It’s cold outside and family celebrations are being planned. Wonderful things are happening at MUMC!! Let’s celebrate!!! Congratulations to Hannah Hawks for making “A” Honor roll for the first nine weeks at Woodlawn Middle School. Also congratulations for making the school musical “Sound of Music”. Congratulations to Luke Hawks for making “A/B” Honor Roll for the first nine weeks at Woodlawn Middle School and for making the basketball team. HONORARIUMS & MEMORIALS In Honor of Thank you for your cards, food, visits, and especially your prayers during my illness. The Lord surely takes care of us and has given us a wonderful, caring church family. Pastor and Annette's visits at the hospital were priceless! With love and gratitude, Sara Miesner Jane Johnson Memorials By Esther Circle In Honor of Mae Edla Shaw By Suzanne & Mike Niver In Honor of Linda Zeller By Helping Hands Circle In Honor of B. J. Smith By Workers’ Bible Class In Ho nor of Peg Kueider In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of John Albright Sr. Polly Roberts By John Ward III C. T. Pope Arthur Snead Terry Case Thomas Doug Smith Marta & Butch McKenzie George Tyson Curtis & Kay Chandler B. J. Smith Peg Kueider Mebane Business Association By David & Julia Walker By Workers’ Bible Class ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS MORNING GLORIES BIBLE STUDY Please join us on Wednesday mornings at 10 am for “Morning Glories” bible study. The meeting is held in room 212. We hope to see you there! The Mebane Industries Blood mobile will be Thursday, January 8th at Mebane Arts Center, 9 am to 1:30 pm. Please consider giving at this time. There is a great need for blood. Please contact BJ Smith at 919-563-6531 or Colleen Payne at 919-5631776 to schedule an appointment. In Honor of Kitty Hupman By Workers’ Bible Class In Honor of In Loving Memory of Joyce Snyder By Peg Kueider In Loving Memory of Christine Thomas By Jim & Sandi Bagby Peg Kueider In Loving Memory of Joe Carroll By Florence Funk George Tyson Peg Kueider Margaret Bullard By Ann & Scott Seibert The Coffee Café invites you to join us between the services each Sunday. Have a cup of coffee, a (normally) homemade treat), and some good conversation with others. Also, Sally MacDonald. has made some beautiful creations which she has donated to the Coffee Café. We have them priced for sale and the sales proceeds will go toward our operating costs. Please stop by between the early and late service and join us. UNITED METHODIST MEN (UMM) Please join us in the church fellowship hall on Sunday, January 25th at 8 am for wonderful food and fellowship. Missions Thank you to all who participated in our Saturday Sandwich Ministry through donations, lunch preparations, deliveries, and prayers during the past year. You are vital to this outreach and we are grateful for your support—we could not do it without you! As we begin this new year, 2015, we would appreciate your continued support and invite you to join us on the fourth Saturday of the month in the Fellowship Hall at 9 AM to help us assemble the lunches. Saturday Sandwich Ministry SIGNS OF HOPE, FAITH AND COURAGE IN THE MIDST OF EBOLA Warm greetings from Liberia where I arrived November 7. I am humbled to be your missionary assigned to Liberia serving in a special six-month role to assist the United Methodist Church (UMC) Liberia Ebola response effort. Ebola messaging and heightened awareness is everywhere! Upon arrival at the airport, we sanitized our hands with a Clorox solution. Next, our temperatures were taken as we entered the arrival area. Billboards, posters, leaflets, pamphlets, car stickers, and other visual and written Ebola messaging is seen throughout Monrovia and other large cities and towns. Though diagnoses of Ebola continue on a daily basis, the national health authorities currently notes a substantial decrease in its spread and prevalence. A constant state of fear and despair is gradually being replaced by a state of hope and expectancy. Ebola has invaded the normal spirit of community! Cultural practices of touch, sharing a meal, burial preparations and ceremonies, etc. are laid aside. The traditional, heart-warming Liberian greeting of a handshake and a hug is no longer the norm. The ripple effects of Ebola are ever present. More than seventy percent of the population is dependent upon subsistence farming activities. Restricted movement within the country has compromised subsistence farmers’ ability to plant their farms. Restricted movement throughout the country caused closure of schools, offices, and businesses. People aren’t receiving salaries. School age children aren’t in school. Health care centers are strained in their attempts to provide general medical services to an economically challenged public. A recent United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Disaster Response grant will provide food assistance for the economically challenged Topoe Village community in Monrovia. Another UMCOR grant is targeted to respond to food scarcity and Ebola education and sensitization needs of three communities in southeastern Liberia. medical school. I warmly invite you to support me with prayers. Please pray for my safety and pray for Ebola to be eradicated from Liberia and throughout the West Africa region. I am humbled and thankful for this opportunity to be your hands and feet in Liberia and to experience your spiritual, material and financial support which gives me courage and strength. I hope to hear from you by emailing me at . Above all, I solicit and depend upon your prayers! Blessings, Mary Zigbuo Advance # 10721Z B efore You Blink and it is a New Year Again... How many of us are guilty of making New Year's resolutions that never come to fruition? I for one love to spend time deciding what I vow to accomplish, as January 1st brings excitement and promise of all things new. Very quickly however, January fades to February, February fades to March, and by April the crazy pace of keeping up with the daily rat race leaves your once well thought out goals in a blur. Before long, the year has passed, and you have not accomplished anything remotely close to the original vision. Maybe instead of spending so much time deciding on what our resolutions need to be, we should make an even more important resolution to seek Christ more in our everyday lives. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." ~2 Corinthians 5:17. Christ has given us the promise of all things new-as if we have our own personal January 1st each and every day of the year!! Make a resolution to turn to the One who can give everyday beauty in all things new, before you blink and it is a new year again... MUSIC MINISTRY EXPANDS! The Trinity Ringers for children 3rd grade—8th grade. Rehearsals will be Tuesday, 6:00-6:45 pm. First rehearsal will be January 6th. See you there! MEBANE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Presents in concert Damascus Ridge Bluegrass Gospel Band January 25, 2015 2:00—4:00 pm Held in the sanctuary of Mebane UMC Ticket Prices: Advance Purchase: $10 Adult $5 Child (Child: 12 and under) At the Door: $12 Adults $7 Child (Child: 12 and under) To Purchase: 1. See concert sales rep after church. 2. Stop by the church office 3. Go on line Go online at and click “Give Online”; click “other” and enter the total for the number of tickets you wish to purchase. In the comments filed type “tickets”. Tickets will be mailed to you. Nursery will be available with advance notice. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN (UMW) PURPOSE of United Methodist Women The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. 2015 Officers Gloria Glenn, Spiritual Growth Shelby Kueider, Pres. Sherri Buckner, VP & Comm. Pam Saunders, Secretary Sue Bell, Treasurer Annette Wright, Membership Nancy Graves, Social Action Linda Zeller, Program Resourc. 2015 Circle Leaders Pam Saunders, Covenant Jane Johnson, Esther Allison Weislak, Golden Chain Anita Vick, Helping Hands Norma Herman, Helping Hands 2015 Mebane UMW Theme Today, Tomorrow and Beyond, God is Calling Us to Protect “Because they love me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue them; I will protect them, for they acknowledge my name.” ~ Psalm 91:14 January 1 January 6 February 3 February 19 February 20-21 CALENDAR New & Returning Officers Assume Duties Hawfields Worship, Hawfields Presbyterian Home – Leader, Shelby Kueider -10:30 a.m. Hawfields Worship, Hawfields Presbyterian Home – Leaders, TBA -- 10:30 a.m. Mebane UMC Book Club, 7 p.m., Room 212 NC Conference “Women in Mission” Event, Wake Forest UMC, Wake Forest, NC 2015 Mebane United Methodist Women Circle Leaders Esther Circle – 1 st Tuesday, 10 am, at Mebane UMC Leader – Jane Johnson : or 919-384-2112 Helping Hands Circle – 2nd Tuesday, 7 pm at Various Homes Leaders -- Norma Herman ( or 919-563-4106) & Anita Vick ( or 919-568-8413) Covenant Circle – Various Days & Times Leader -- Pam Saunders; or 919-619-6699 Hawfields Worship – 1st Tuesday, 10:30 am at Hawfields Presbyterian Home Leaders – Various TBA, (Contact -- Shelby or 336-684-5343) Golden Chain Circle – 4th Saturday at 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall; Leader -- Allison Weislak— or 919-304-2307 Mebane UMC Book Club All men and women are invited to the Mebane United Methodist Church Book Group. We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in room 212. On January 15, we will discuss Sum It Up: A Thousand and Ninety -Eight Victories, a Couple of Irrelevant Losses, and a Life in Perspective by Pat Summitt and Sally Jenkins. Then on February 19, we will discuss The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. If you have any questions about the book club, please contact Allison Weislak at or 919-304-2307. Membership As the year 2014 comes to an end, we would like to recognize those dedicated UMW who have gone beyond. These faithful women were Maxine Blair, Polly Roberts, Joyce Snyder, Christine “Chris” Thomas, Jean Tyson and Amanda “Bunny” Wilkinson. We will always have a special memory of each of them in our hearts. The year 2015 is approaching. We have new ways to develop membership, nurture and be involved with outreach. We encourage you to give UMW a chance and come to one of our events this year. I challenge you to do so. In 2015, we would like to take a trip or two to learn more about our heritage as UMW and Methodists. One of our trips could possibly be to Brooks-Howell, a residence for retired deaconesses and missionaries located in Asheville, NC. Please check your emails and the Mebane UMW Facebook Page for information. This trip is open to all. Thank you for your faithfulness to God, your church and UMW. Annette Wright, Membership, Nurture & Outreach Coordinator NC Conference “Women in Mission” Event NC Conference UMW is sponsoring a new event on February 20-21 at Wake Forest UMC! This is event is so named because no matter where we are, no matter what we do, we have the potential to carry out mission. The word mission has many different meanings: it’s not just about sending funds overseas; it’s not just reaching out to those in need. It’s all these things and much more. It’s about being engaged in mission and advocacy work in response to God’s calling on our lives. The church is located on South Main Street in Wake Forest, NC. In our new event, we will be celebrating Ubuntu (which means “I am human because you are human”), an opportunity for hands-on mission work. Ubuntu will begin at 11:30 am, where we will gather to pray before beginning our work. There will be a Friday night session and workshops on Saturday. Paper registrations are now available on the UMW bulletin board. On-line registrations will be available soon through email and at through the NC Conference UMW Website. The deadline for early registration is January 20 and all registrations must be in by February 11 to avoid a late registration fee. WATCH FOR MORE DETAILS FROM A MEBANE UMW CONTACT FOR THIS EVENT!
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