CANTEEN K.C.B.C. ROSARY This weekend’s canteen will be hosted by member of the “Marine Drive NCC Group”. Bring your family and friends for a sumptuous breakfast after the 7.15am & 9.15am Masses. Next weekend, members from the “Lectors” will be hosting the canteen. A new book written by Fr. Guillaume Arotcarena entitled “PRIEST IN GEYLANG” is now available at the Katong Catholic Book Centre. Fr. Arotcarena was once a Priest serving in the Church of the Holy Family. PRAYER The Rosary Prayer for the month of January will be held on Monday, 26th January in the home of Pat & Desmond Magness at Block 2 Marine Terrace #12-290 at 8.30pm. All are welcome! PARENTS’ FORMATION WORKSHOP Calling ALL FAMILIES i.e. parents and children! Parents’ Formation Group will be conducting the next workshop on Saturday, 31st January in the Function Room on the 4th floor from 4.00pm to 5.00pm. Registration starts at 3.45pm. For more information, please contact Connie Yeo @ 9001 2773 or Gwen Andres @ 9731 5447. ASH WEDNESDAY Day of Fast and Abstinence Ash Wednesday will be celebrated on 18th February 2015. Mass Times: 6.15am & 4.00pm (There will be no 6.15pm Mass) Blessing and imposition of ashes at all Masses. Fasting and Abstinence can take place on Ash Wednesday itself or another day to be decided by the individual. PERANAKAN MASS The Holy Family Church Peranakan Community invites ALL to usher in the Year of the Goat by participating in the Peranakan Mass on Wednesday 18/2/2015 at 11 pm in our church. Come and attend the mass which will be celebrated in Baba Malay with your family dressed in sarong kebayas and baju lok chuan. Satu Taon Satu S’kali kita berkompol di Gerejar Sambot Kepala Taon Baru mintak Tuanallah popi anak beranak kita semua.” CHINESE NEW YEAR MASS TIMES Wed 18 Feb—CNY Eve: 11pm (Peranakan Mass) Thu 19 Feb– CNY Day 1: 8am & 10 am (Eng), 6pm (Mandarin) There will be distribution of Blessed Oranges at All the Above Masses Fri 20 Feb– CNY Day 2: 8.30am (Stations of the Cross), 9am Mass No Evening Mass as it is a Public Holiday PRIEST, PROPHET, KING STUDY PROGRAM The Sojourners’ Companions will be conducting The WEEK OF GUIDED Week of Guided Prayer at the Church of the Holy PRAYER Family from 1st to 7th February. This is a non stay-in (Praying with Scripture) retreat. Registration & further enquiries can be made on Saturday/Sunday 24th & 25th January with members of the Sojourners’ Companions who will be present at all masses. More information can also be obtained from our website: or email: The Biblical Apostolate Team is organising a DVD-based study program on Jesus, the Anointed One - the ultimate priest, prophet and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Join them as they explore the biblical archetypes of priest, prophet and king and see how Jesus is the ultimate fulfilment of each one. Understand who Jesus really is and also realize your own priestly, prophetic and kingly mission. Deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through Fr. Robert Barron’s DVD to be held on Tuesdays, from 8:00pm to 9:45pm from 24th February to 7th April (6 sessions, no session on 3 March). Venue: Holy Family Church’s Function room on the 4th level. Cost of study guide: $32 per set. Registration by email at: or sign up at the Parish Office. Closing date for registration is 8th February. PARISH OFFICE & COLUMBARIUM HOURS– CNY CATHOLIC NEWS CNY Eve, Wed 18 February: CNY Day 1, Thu 19 February: CNY Day 2, Fri 20 February: 9am to 12 noon CLOSED 9am to 12 noon In our parish, the Catholic News is offered free, and the cost is defrayed through quarterly 2nd collection at the weekend Masses. The cost of this publication has increased 40% since Jan 2015. Please be generous. CURRENCY NOTES It has been noticed that some parishioners donate paper currency which they fold elaborately. While we appreciate the artistic intentions, it does make it harder for the volunteers who count the weekend collection. In some cases, the folded currency tends to tear when its opened up. In view of this, please refrain from donating folded currency. Thank you. A WEEKEND GETAWAY WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER invites you to a private getaway weekend with your spouse. Coming Weekends: 6-8 Mar, 1-3 May and 5-7 June. To register, call 96705390 or go to our website at: GOD’S EXTRAVAGANCE CANA invites you to an insight into Franciscan Fr John Quigley OFM Spirituality: 27/1– Introduction to Franciscan Thought 28/1– Stories of Francis of Assisi 29/1– The Franciscan Presence Venue: CANA, 55 Waterloo St, #02-00 @ 7.30pm Please register online at: or call 96949110 / 63384080 CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY 6 Chapel Road, Singapore 429509 Tel: 6344 0046; Fax: 6348 0552 Rev. Fr. Patrick Goh (Parish Priest) 63485842 Rev. Fr. Damian De Wind 63448468 Rev. Fr. Donatien Davaine 63466240 Secretariat: Andrew Teo / Pamela Govinden ( 63440046 Catechetical: Jennifer Tan 63465357 ( Youth Co-Ordinator: Mark Abraham 64407217 ( H/P: 91476962 Columbarium: Ronnie Yeo 63465248 Holy Family Kindergarten 64404344 Katong Catholic Book Centre 63451413 Adoration Room Columbarium Infant Baptism (monthly) Liturgy of the Word for Children Elders Catechism (Dialect) Meditation Classes Weddings Mass Times Weekdays: 6.15 am (Mondays to Saturdays) 6.15 pm (Mondays to Fridays) 8.30 am (Public Holidays) Saturday Sunset Masses: 6.00 pm (English) 8.00 pm (Mandarin) Sunday Masses: 7.15, 9.15 & 11.30 am & 6.00 pm (Confession 15 min. before weekend masses) Novena: 5.00 pm Saturday Mon– Sat 7am to 10 pm , Sun / Public Holidays: 7am to 8.30pm Mon-Sat: 9.30am to 6pm - Sunday: 8.30am to 6pm 9.00am to 12.00pm - Public Holidays Preparation last Sunday at 3pm; Baptism 1st Sunday at 4pm Every Saturday, 6pm Mass or Every Sunday, 11.30am Mass Every Thursday, 1pm to 3pm @ Meeting Room, Priest House Tuesdays/Thursday 8pm : Wednesdays 7.30pm Apply at Parish Office at least 6 months in advance 3rd Sunday in Ordinary DISCIPLES AND APOSTLES Time “Come after me,” said Jesus, “and I will make you fishers of people.” January 25, 2015 – Year B Those are two functions, two sides of the same coin. Following the Sunday Missal Page No: 711 path of a master is the work of a disciple, student or apprentice. Going fishing for people, however, is the work of a person sent in the name of another. The Twelve were fishers of people for Christ Jesus. Are not we also both disciples and apostles for Christ Jesus? Yes. In his name we proclaim the Gospel of God. The time is now; God’s reign is breaking in! We proclaim that Good News in word and deed to all because we love them. Sunday Missal Readings for next weekend - 1st February Dt 18:15-20 1 Cor 7:32-35, Mk 1:21-28
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