Rotary Club of Morialta Inc. District 9520 P.O. Box 121 ATHELSTONE SA 5076 Secretary - Di Potter Home 8278 1424 Mob 0400 736 408 Email Website THE COG - RCM Meeting 1515 Bulletin 21 January 2015 Calendar & Scheduling – Rotary Club of Morialta JANUARY IS ROTARY AWARENESS MONTH Wed 21 January 2015 - Normal Meeting - “Who Am I?” a club member, David Lloyd to organise REZZ 6pm for 6.30pm Wed 28 January 2015 – Pizza Night at the Community Workshop Ken Vear/Kevin Jacka (to be confirmed) Tuesday 3 February 7.00 pm Board Meeting at REZZ Wed 4 February – Normal Meeting – committee night and planning for Moonlight Market (Friday 6 February) – Adel and Graeme REZZ 6pm for 6.30 pm Wednesday 11 February – Normal Meeting – Speaker Bruce Richardson Chair District 9520 Foundation Committee 2014-2015 REZZ 6pm for 6.30 pm Wednesday 18 February – Normal Meeting – Speaker Mark Huddleston – Rotary Club of Edwardstown – D9520 Membership and Public Relations Chair REZZ 6pm for 6.30 pm Wednesday 25 February – 6.30pm – Chinese New Year – “Moon Restaurant” 267 Payneham Road Royston Park. Banquet cost: $30 – Licensed but BYO is available with corkage of $9. Payment to Katarina will be required by 18 February. contact person Marian Jennings BOARD MEETINGS – first Tuesday of the month – 7.00 pm at the Rezz Current News President’s Corner – David Lloyd Apologies for no President’s report this week. David Another great BBQ for our first meeting. Many thanks to those who set up, prepared food, cooked, served and packed up. Thanks everyone for coming along and having fun. This week will be “Who Am I?” I wonder who it will be? Page 1 LOTS TO READ IN THE ATTACHED “HERALD”: Vale Albert Russell Mead OAM Make a New Years’ resolution to take advantage of Rotary’s online tools! Go to My Rotary to find time-saving resources for all your Club’s needs: New Assistant Governors for 2015 - 2016 A Major Breakthrough Against Polio Nominations for District Governor in 2017 - 2018 Rotary’s 110th Birthday The Rotary Foundation Film Night Ballarat District Conference – April 16th - 19th 2015 Australian Rotary Health Movie Bush Fire Victims Murray Bridge Art Show Outback Tag-along Adventure Rotary Club of Holdfast Bay – Film Night Rotary Club of Somerton Park – Quiz Night Rotary Club of St Peters Inc. – Shed Sale Youth Exchange Update MY ROTARY Have you looked at “My Rotary”? the following might help. Welcome to Rotary’s new website. This site reflects valuable input from Rotary members like you – plus new ideas we’ve developed to help you get more out of the site. The result is a faster, cleaner, state-of-the-art site. We’ve organized the site around your needs, making it easier for you to find what you’re looking for and get your Rotary business done. Check out the resources below to help you get started. Where to begin Take a tour of the new with three new videos: Choose a quick overview or spend more time and explore the new and My Rotary sites in-depth. Learn how to create an account, join a discussion group, find a document, and more by visiting our frequently asked questions. President-elect of Rotary International K.R. "Ravi" Ravindran has just announced the annual theme for his Presidential year at the International Assembly in San Diego. The 2015/2016 Rotary International Theme is "Be a gift to the world" Page 2 Editor’s Note: I have copied this from Rotary Club of Kent Town Newsletter, there will be further discussion at our own club. What is being planning: - A District Event to celebrate Rotary's 110th Birthday, to be held on Sunday, February 22nd 2015 - The proposed venue is Elder Park and the new Torrens footbridge - this has been booked - Time of the Event - early evening to dusk - 6:00pm to 8:30pm Suggested program: - Entertainment - music provided in the Elder Park Rotunda e.g. Army, Police or Council Bands - Rotary picnic event - Rotary catering at a reasonable cost e.g. BBQ's, doughnuts - Some form of activity to promote the "End Polio Now" campaign e.g. sale of balloons, pins, T-shirts - At twilight, Rotarians walk onto the Torrens footbridge carrying electric candles and flags, forming a display to "Light Up Rotary” in the early darkness - Rotary information to educate non-Rotarians about who we are and what we do e.g. pamphlets and displays - Media coverage to make the event memorable and well attended We need your help: By attending a family picnic event in Rotary attire, listening to the Bands Inviting your non-Rotarian friends to join you in a beautiful park Take part in a twilight "Light Up Rotary" walk on the footbridge Distribute Rotary information to the general public Consider how your Club could advertise this event in your local community and encourage people to attend Let us know if you have media contacts that we could use. This will be a great opportunity to promote Rotary and our Clubs Who to contact: Indications of your attendance should be sent by February 7th to AG Bob Cooper or President Brian Huffen Page 3 Message from Mary Vincent from Rotary Club of Campbelltown Hi fellow Rotarians The Rotary Club of Campbelltown is having its annual bowling night on February 9, at 6 for 6.30 pm at the Tranmere Bowling Club. Your club has sent a few members for this fun night out. It is $25 per person for dinner and the game. Please contact me, Mary Vincent, with the numbers if you are coming. Regards, Mary Vincent Message from Wendy Gaborit PDG (on facebook) Join me 4 March 2015 at the National Wine Centre, North Terrace. 7.00 am for 7.15 start and be inspired by the stories of women in service. $40pp. Indulge in a full breakfast, great goodies bag and lucky table raffle. Proceeds from the raffle will support "Days For Girls" promoting independence through enabling girls to attend school or employment during their menses. International Women’s Day breakfast. The Voice of Rotary Broadcast on 1197AM RPH Adelaide each Tuesday 7.30-8.00 pm From each Wednesday the broadcast program can be heard on-line at February 2015 Feb 3rd PP Bill Goodes (R.C. of Prospect Sunrise) “Group 5 Dinner/Club 20th Birthday” (Speaker: Marion McCall) Feb 10th AG Bob Cooper (R.C. of Burnside) “Rotary International’s 110th Birthday” (“See you at the Bridge”) Feb 17th Rtn. A.N. Other (R.C. of Golden Grove) “Club Film Night – March 7th” Feb 24th DG 9520 Jerry Casburn (R.C. of Unley) “District Conference, Ballarat in April” Information available from Chris Hughes 8379 4633 0418 835 977 WEBSITE What do you use the website for? What would you like to use the website for? Have you looked at the “STORIES”? All dates are available here on our Google Calendar How to print diary dates from the Google Calendar Open website – - Go to Calendar On the google calendar click on Agenda - Then click the Print icon - Click on Print Range and select dates you require - Click on Save As (if you choose print it may be quite a few pages - Choose Open with (it will usually be Adobe Reader) - Document can then be saved to your computer or printed. Page 4
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