The McComb Re ader Home of the Panthers The McComb Local School District 328 South Todd St. • McComb, Ohio 45858 419-293-3979 • Fax: 419-293-2412 Website: Issue 1 • January 2015 From the Office of the Superintendent Happy New Year! It hardly seems possible that almost half of the school year has passed. This month (January), teachers will have a waiver day, where important training will take place. Students will not have school that day (Friday, January 16). Hopefully, this will help them feel better about having to attend on a previously scheduled holiday. Students WILL have school on Monday, January 19, to make up for the day school was closed for the state semi-final volleyball game. This month the first semester will end, and the second semester will begin. or more years. With aging buildings, it is important for us to continue to make updates and/or repairs to things like heating systems, roofs, windows, and so forth. Some infrastructure and technology upgrades may also be necessary to allow students to transition to the state’s new assessments, as they soon will all be taken on computers. In December, the Board of Education approved a resolution to place a RENEWAL LEVY on the ballot. This levy is only a renewal of a five year tax that originated in 1990 and has been renewed every five years by McComb School District tax-payers. This levy is a 3.36 mill levy, which amounts to 33.6 cents for each one hundred dollars of property valuation (property tax). Upon approval, the levy will be in place for a period of 5 years. This levy will not cost property tax payers any additional taxes. Because this particular levy is a PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT levy, monies generated through it may not be used for general operations, such as salaries or utilities, but rather can only be used to make improvements to the structures, buildings, and systems, or to purchase equipment that would have a life expectancy of five While it is only January, if you are the parent of a high school senior (as my husband and I are), the senior year seems to fly by. So, before I close, I do want to remind you of two dates that are important to our seniors (class of 2015) and their families. Senior Recognition Assembly will be on Friday, May 22, 2015, at 9:00 A.M. in the Herb Aldrich Gymnasium. Graduation will be on Sunday, May 24, at 2:00 P.M. in the same location. All community members are invited to celebrate the accomplishments of our Seniors and give them a proud Panther send off to the next chapter of their lives. As I write this, girls’ and boys’ basketball seasons are underway, and wrestlers have had some contests as well. Students in all grades have participated in many philanthropic and service opportunities. Families and children received gifts through the Angel Tree project, Veterans were honored at an assembly, senior citizens were served lunch and entertained, all through an emphasis on service by our students. McComb Local School Published by McComb Local School Return Service Requested The community has been generous over the length of this levy, and the Board of Education has determined that they will not ask for any additional funds, but rather continue to operate within its means, despite cuts from the state and federal governments over the last few years. In the next Reader, we will answer questions that you might have about this levy, prior to the May election. If you have questions, please call the office and let us know what they are, so we may include them in our next issue. If you are wondering something, it is likely others are as well. Until next time, Mrs. Skilliter NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID McCOMB, OH 45858 PERMIT NO. 2 Page 2 WHEREAS, on the 12th day of November, 2014, this Board adopted a Resolution determining to submit to the electors of this district the question of the renewal of an existing tax levy in excess of the tenmill limitation in the amount of 3.36 mills for five (5) years for the purpose of general permanent improvements, a copy of which Resolution was certified to the County Auditor of Hancock County, Ohio; and WHEREAS, the County Auditor has certified to this Board that the total current tax valuation of the District is $103,600,240, and that the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated annually by 3.36 mills is $205,773, calculated in the manner provided in O.R.C. §5705.03; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the McComb Local School District, County of Hancock, State of Ohio, two-thirds of all members of the Board elected thereto concurring, that: Section 1: This Board desires and determines to proceed with the submission to the electors of the McComb Local School District of the question of the renewal of an existing tax levy in excess of the tenmill limitation in the amount of 3.36 mills for a period of five (5) years for the purpose of general permanent improvements. Section 2: The question of the renewal of an existing tax levy in the amount of 3.36 mills for the purpose of general permanent improvements for five (5) years beginning with the tax list and duplicate for the year 2015, the proceeds of which levy would be available in the calendar year 2016, shall be submitted under the provisions of O.R.C. §5705.21 and §5705.25, to the electors of the McComb Local School District at an election to be held on the 5th day of May, 2015, as authorized by law. Said election shall be held at the regular places of voting in the District as established by the Board of Elections of Hancock County, or otherwise, within the times provided by law and shall be conducted, canvassed, and certified in the manner provided by law. Section 3: The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify to the Board of Elections of Hancock County copies of this Resolution and the Resolution of the Board and the Certificate of the County Auditor referred to in the preambles hereto. This Board requests the Board of Elections to prepare the ballots and make other necessary arrangements for the submission of this question to the electors of the District, all in accordance with law. Section 4: The form of the ballot to be cast at the election on the question of this tax levy shall be substantially as follows: PROPOSED TAX LEVY (RENEWAL) McCOMB LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT (A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.) A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the McComb Local School District for the purpose of general permanent improvements at a rate not exceeding 3.36 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 33.6 cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a period of five (5) years, commencing in 2015, first due in calendar year 2016. General Information DECEMBER REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING SUMMARY 12-10-14 December Regular Regular Board Board of of Education Education Meeting Meeting Summary Summary 12-10-14 12-10-14 December BUILDING PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL REPORTSREPORTS- Mr. Mr. Herr, Herr, high/middle high/middle school school principal, principal, coordinated coordinated with with Mr. Mr. Davis Davis BUILDING and Connie Connie Cawley, Cawley, technology technology supervisor supervisor for for testing testing with with an an option option to to use use computer. computer. Winter sports are computers.Winter Wintersports sports are and up and and running. running. Last Last night night was was the the Christmas Christmas concert concert and and itit sounded sounded great. great. up elementary principal, Mr. Davis, Davis, Elementary Elementary principal, was was in in Columbus Columbus for for new new principal principal training. training. Mr. Mrs. Meri Meri Skilliter, Skilliter, superintendent, superintendent, reported reported that that when when Mr. Mr. Davis Davis was was Dean Dean he he was was the the test test coordinator; coordinator; Mrs. so now now he he is is the the District District coordinator coordinator and and he he also also has has experience experience so so he he will will be be aa big big help. help. Principals Principals this this so year are are both both using using IPad’s IPad’s on on walk walk throughs. throughs. year Reported at at the the end end of of the the meeting meeting by by Mrs. Mrs. Skilliter, Skilliter, McComb McComb Community Community Organization Organization working working on on aa Reported economic development development grant grant and and they they will will be be meeting meeting here here at at 7:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. Prinicpals Prinicpals really really involved involved as as economic well as as student student youth youth leaders leaders and and student student groups groups have have been been writing writing letters letters of of support. support. Friday, Friday, the the leadleadwell ership team team will will be be meeting meeting to to go go thru thru Ohio Ohio Improvement Improvement progress progress and and will will help help us us set set academic academic goals. goals. ership Blood drive drive was was today today at at school school and and the the National National Honor Honor Society Society helped helped out. out. FCA FCA went went caroling, caroling, JH JH Blood Society helped with Angel Tree and Christmas box andhelped helpedout outwith withVeterans Veteransand andThanksgivThanksgivHonor Society Society help help with with anan Angel Tree and Christmas box and helped out with Veterans and ThanksgivHonor an Angel Tree and Christmas box and ing Dinner. Dinner. She She is is back back from from aa training training and and working working with with religious religious leaders leaders to to help help them them get get training. training. The The ing sign is is aa nice nice way way to to communicate communicate but but not not able able to to dim dim it. it. HS HS musical musical here here in in March March and and has has been been cast: cast: sign director Tom Tom Bolton, Bolton, director director Holly Holly McConnell, McConnell, music music Lynne Lynne Gobrogge, Gobrogge, props props Erika Erika Oates, Oates, lights lights Cole Cole && director Joe Wasson. Wasson. Capital Capital Conference Conference Mr. Mr. Rode Rode and and Mrs. Mrs. Skilliter Skilliter attended. attended. Both Both attended attended separate separate sessesJoe sions. sions. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT/RECOMMENDATIONSREPORT/RECOMMENDATIONSSUPERINTENDENT’S A. Approved the contract for Luke Luke Ewing, Ewing, Transportation/Maintenance Transportation/Maintenance Supervisor, Supervisor, as as amended; amended; A. Approved the contract for copy on on file. file. copy B. Employed Employed all all staff staff for for after after school school tutoring/intervention tutoring/intervention as as needed needed during during the the 2014-15 2014-15 school school B. year as as per per the the salary salary schedule. schedule. year C. Adopted Adopted the the following following policies: policies: C. New: 3138, 3138, 5336, 5336, 7540.01, 7540.01, 4138, 4138, 4139, 4139, 4214, 4214, 4210, 4210, 5114, 5114, 8142 8142 New: Number Correction: Correction: 3122.03 3122.03 (number (number correction correction of of 3122.02) 3122.02) Number Revised: 1530, 1530, 2210, 2210, 2430, 2430, 2430.02, 2430.02, 2510, 2510, 3220, 3220, 5223, 5223, 5330, 5330, 5830, 5830, 6144, 6144, 7540.02, 7540.02, 8325, 8325, Revised: 8330, 8400, 8400, 8500, 8500, 8510, 8510, 8540, 8540, 8550, 8550, 8660, 8660, 9211, 9211, 2421, 2421, 2464, 2464, 3120.09, 3120.09, 3139, 3139, 3214, 3214, 4120.09, 4120.09, 8330, 4140, 8141, 8141, 3210, 3210, 2111 2111 4140, Replaced: 2220, 2220, 8315, 8315, 8351 8351 Replaced: Deleted: Deleted: D. Adopted Adopted aa resolution resolution of of commendation commendation to to the the McComb McComb High High School School Varsity Varsity Volleyball Volleyball team team D. for an an undefeated undefeated regular regular season, season, aa Blanchard Blanchard Valley Valley Conference Conference Championship, Championship, aa Sectional Sectional for Championship, aa District District Championship, Championship, aa Regional Regional Championship, Championship, and and aa state state runner-up runner-up volvolChampionship, leyball title. title. leyball E. Approved Approved Monday, Monday, January January 19, 19, 2015 2015 (previously (previously MLK, MLK, Jr. Jr. Holiday), Holiday), as as aa make-up make-up day day of of school school E. due to to the the day day cancelled cancelled on on November November 6, 6, 2014, 2014, for for the the state state volleyball volleyball game. game. due Appointed the the Hancock Hancock County County Educational Educational Service Service Center Center as as McComb McComb Local Local School’s School’s BusiBusiF.F. Appointed ness Advisory Advisory Council Council per per requirements requirements of of HB HB 59. 59. ness G. Passed Passed aa resolution resolution of of appreciation appreciation for for Mrs. Mrs. Audra Audra Oglesbee’s Oglesbee’s leadership leadership as as board board president president for for G. 2014. 2014. H. Set Set the the 2015 2015 Organizational Organizational board board meeting meeting and and budget budget hearing hearing on on January January 14, 14, 2015 2015 at at 6:30p.m. 6:30p.m. H. and to to designate designate Audra Audra Oglesbee Oglesbee as as president president pro-tem pro-tem to to open open the the meeting. meeting. and TREASURER REPORTREPORT- The The board board approved approved the the following: following: TREASURER Financial report report as as presented presented by by the the Treasurer. Treasurer. ßß Financial Minutes of of the the November November 12, 12, 2014 2014 meeting meeting as as written. written. ßß Minutes Transfer $2,408.19 $2,408.19 from from 200-9714 200-9714 Class Class of of 2014 2014 to to 001 001 General General Fund. Fund. ßß Transfer Then and and Now Now list list of of purchase purchase orders orders over over $3,000.00 $3,000.00 for for the the month month of of November, November, 2014: 2014: ßß Then Purchase Order Order ## Vendor Amount Fund ## Purchase Vendor Amount Fund 2600713 Scholastica Travel Travel 6,200.00 300-9750 2600713 Scholastica $$ 6,200.00 300-9750 2600707 Manna Group Group $17,743.73 300-9553 2600707 Manna $17,743.73 300-9553 Approved the the following following resolution resolution to to submit submit to to the the electors electors the the Permanent Permanent Improvement Improvement renewal renewal ßß Approved levy: levy: day of of November, November, 2014, 2014, this this Board Board adopted adopted aa Resolution Resolution determining determining to to submit submit to to WHEREAS, on on the the 12 12thth day WHEREAS, the electors electors of of this this district district the the question question of of the the renewal renewal of of an an existing existing tax tax levy levy in in excess excess of of the the tenmill tenmill limitation limitation in in the the the amount of of 3.36 3.36 mills mills for for five five (5) (5) years years for for the the purpose purpose of of general general permanent permanent improvements, improvements, aa copy copy of of which which Resolution Resolution amount was certified certified to to the the County CountyAuditor Auditor of of Hancock Hancock County, County, Ohio; Ohio; and and was WHEREAS, the the County CountyAuditor Auditor has has certified certified to to this this Board Board that that the the total total current current tax tax valuation valuation of of the the District District WHEREAS, is $103,600,240, $103,600,240, and and that that the the dollar dollar amount amount of of revenue revenue that that would would be be generated generated annually annually by by 3.36 3.36 mills mills isis $205,773, $205,773, is calculated in in the the manner manner provided provided in in O.R.C. O.R.C. §5705.03; §5705.03; calculated NOW, THEREFORE, THEREFORE, BE BE IT IT RESOLVED RESOLVED by by the the Board Board of of Education Education of of the the McComb McComb Local Local School School District, District, NOW, County of of Hancock, Hancock, State State of of Ohio, Ohio, two-thirds two-thirds of of all all members members of of the the Board Board elected elected thereto thereto concurring, concurring, that: that: County Section 1: This Board desires and determines to proceed with the submission to the electors of the McComb Local School District of the question of the renewal of an existing tax levy in excess of the tenmill limitation in the amount of 3.36 mills for a period of five (5) years for the purpose of general permanent improvements. Section 2: The question of the renewal of an existing tax levy in the amount of 3.36 mills for the purpose of general permanent improvements for five (5) years beginning with the tax list and duplicate for the year 2015, the proceeds of which levy would be available in the calendar year 2016, shall be submitted under the provisions of O.R.C. th : : FOR THE TAX LEVY : : : : : : : : AGAINST THE TAX LEVY : : : : : : Section 5: The Treasurer of this Board be and is hereby authorized and directed to give or cause to be given notice of said election as provided by law. Section 6: It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Board and of any of its committees concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were taken, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were held, in meetings open to the public, or otherwise in compliance with the law. The January Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria. No School Friday, January 16, 2015 ~ Waiver Day Make-Up Day! Monday, January 19, 2015 Athletic Booster December winners: Jeff Bryan and Jason & Alecia Glaser January winners: Randy & Kathy MacDonald and Hartley-Lehtomaa Funeral Home Page 3 School Delays & Closing Information Weather Delays and Cancellations are a part of our daily routines during the school year. Just a reminder that the safety of our students is our primary consideration when we delay or cancel school or an activity. We will try to have our decision made by 6:30 a.m. Following are the forms of media used to broadcast this information. Radio Stations WFIN - 1330 AM WKXA - 100.5 FM WBUK - 106.3 FM WCKY - 103.7 FM WPFX - 107.7 FM WBVI - 96.7 FM WFOB - 1430 AM OhioAlerts T.V. Stations Channel 11 Channel 13 Channel 24 Websites Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mrs. Lynne Gobrogge, elementary teacher, and her family on the death of her father. Our heartfelt thoughts are with you and your family. NAMES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS YOU SHOULD KNOW Central Office 419-293-3979 Meri Skilliter Superintendent Rindi Schaublin Secretary Linda Clymer Treasurer Lisa Kryling Assistant Treasurer Luke Ewing Transportation Director High School Jeremy Herr Marlene Barker Melissa Day Kristine Kern Elementary School 419-293-3286 Matt Davis Principal Shawn Woolf Julie Buck Secretary Alyssa Neumeyer Guidance Counselor 419-293-3853 Principal Secretary HS Guidance Counselor MS Guidance Counselor 419-293-3161 Athletic Director Mark Your Calendars! Harlan’s Chicken BBQ Dinner Friday Feb. 27, 2015 (Boys Basketball Senior Night) Cost $ 9.00 High School Cafeteria Includes ½ BBQ Chicken Au Gratin Potatoes Corn Roll w/ Butter Cookies Drink All profits benefit the 2015 Prom & After Prom. See any junior, Mrs. Palmer or call the High School Office FREE Mini Panther Girls Basketball Sessions WHEN: Saturday Mornings 9-10 a.m. January 24, 31 and February 7, 2015 WHO: Girls in 3rd through 6th grade WHERE: High School Gymnasium Learn basic basketball skills and play during halftime of the Varsity game on February 7! Ice pops for every participant. NO SCHOOL February 16, 2015 President’s Day Page 4 Coach Roth Honored Kindergarten Registration McComb Title I Readiness Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten registration will be held FEBRUARY 17, 18, 19, 20 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Parents are asked to call the elementary office one of these days to set up a time for kindergarten screening. The Elementary office number is 419-293-3286. Upon completion of registration, parents may choose an appointment time for screening. The child must attend the screening. When you come for your appointment for screening, please bring your child’s Original Birth Certificate, not the Birth Record from the hospital; Social Security Card; and Immunization dates. We must have complete dates: the month, day, and year of your child’s immunizations. Children will need five DPT, four polio, and two measles, mump, rubella (MMR). In order to register for kindergarten, a child must be five years of age by August 1, 2015. Perhaps you have a child of your own to register for the 2015-2016 school year, or you may know a friend or neighbor who has a child to register. Please pass this information along to them. Also H.B. 140 now requires all children to have successfully completed kindergarten before being admitted to the first grade. Kindergarten attendance is now mandatory. If you have any questions or concerns please call the elementary office at (419) 293-3286. On January 30, 2015, at halftime of the varsity boys’ basketball game vs. Van Buren, we will be honoring former Panther Basketball Coach Aaron Roth. We would like to invite any former players that were coached by Mr. Roth to the game on this night to celebrate his honoring and then stay after the game for a small get together in the cafeteria after the game. If you could RSVP to Mr. Woolf by email or phone it would be greatly appreciated as we would like to have a list of former players returning for this night. Please contact Mr. Woolf at 419-293-3161 or email Thanks and hope to see you all there for this wonderful occasion. Registering for 2015-2016 If you have a child or you know someone who has a child who could benefit from being in a high quality pre-kindergarten program, the McComb Elementary Title I Readiness PreKindergarten might be a good fit. The child must be 4 before June 1st or 5 after June 1st. Classes will be held 4 half days per week, providing students with fun and meaningful learning experiences designed to develop valuable kindergarten readiness skills. Bus transportation will be provided for those families that live outside of town. Class space is limited, so interested parents should call the elementary office 419-293-3286 and submit your name and number. A screening will take place in April, and parents will be notified of the date and time prior to the screening. 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR McCOMB ELEMENTARY McComb/ HCESC Preschool Openings: Do you ever wonder if your child’s language or speech is on track for his/her age? Do you ever worry that your child’s social or behavioral skills could impact his/her learning? Does your child have trouble using scissors, drawing, or writing? Does your child struggle to jump, run, hop, balance on one foot, or a catch a ball? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or if you have any other concerns with your preschool aged child (ages 3-5) please contact the Hancock County Preschool Supervisor. We can schedule a home visit or set up an appointment at the school to complete a developmental screening for your child. Please call Donna Losiewicz (419-422-7525 ext. 208) if you have any concerns for your preschool aged child, or if you have questions about the Hancock County preschool classroom at McComb Elementary School. Page 5 Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Senior Citizens Since 1985 the senior citizens in the McComb School District have been invited to a complimentary Thanksgiving Dinner in the school cafeteria. The number of guests varies from over 30 to a high of 75. This year 59 senior citizens came to our school for dinner. The elementary, middle and high school students were involved in honoring our seniors. The cafeteria staff prepared a traditional Thanksgiving feast. The Junior National Honor Society Members served them dinner. The high school National Honor Society students helped in the kitchen and clean up. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Gobrogge’s 1st grade class, Mrs. Forney and Mrs. Baird’s 2nd grade classes, and Mrs. Shenise’s 4th grade Mrs. Gobrogge’s 1st grade class. class. The Kiwanis Kids, under the direction of Mrs. Neumeyer, provided the centerpieces and Alyssa Herr serving our senior citizens. Mrs. Simons’ 4th grade class made the handmade placemats. This is an annual event when Board of Education members, administrators, students, faculty and staff work together to express their gratitude to the senior citizens in our Allen Thepsourinthone serving. school district. Students from Mrs. Baird and Mrs. Forney’s classes. Kelly Lause serving. Mrs. Shenise’s 4th grade class. Page 6 The McComb Musical Moment... Your source for McComb Music Department News BECOME A McCOMB FINE ARTS BOOSTER MEMBER Calling all parents, grandparents and fine art enthusiasts, show your support by becoming a member today. Any donation gets your name in all Band, Chorus and Drama programs. Please complete the attached and return to one of the Fine Arts Teachers or Tina Liebrecht at 3418 County Road 96, McComb, 45858. Please make checks payable to McFAB. Thank you! NAME ___________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER _________________________________ Military Care Packages Many McComb students helped make the holidays a little brighter for service members stationed in Africa. The McComb American Legion Auxiliary contacted the school to see if students might help out by making cards to go along with their care packages which are being sent to soldiers who don’t receive anything during the holidays. The Auxiliary found McComb natives helping in Africa as well as other soldiers who are helping build hospitals needed for the Ebola outbreak. McComb American Legion Auxiliary Pancake Breakfast January 25 from 9 am-2 pm McComb American Legion McCOMB FINE ARTS BOOSTER MEETINGS Everyone is welcome to come to our meetings. All meetings start at 6:00 p.m. at the McComb Public Library. January 13 • February 10 Attention Parents! The McComb Fine Arts Boosters, affectionately known as McFAB, is looking for help. If you are a parent or guardian of a student in the McComb School District and your students enjoy the wonderful programs offered by our Art, Music, and Drama programs here at McComb, we are looking for your help! McFAB is looking for more members to help out with raising money for our Fine Arts Departments and working to provide the things our students need in order to have opportunities that can influence the rest of their lives. If you are interested in helping, please contact any of the Fine Arts teachers here at McComb, and we can get you in touch with McFAB and find you a place to be involved! Page 7 High School Information CREDIT FLEXIBILITY OPTIONS: HS Quiz Bowl Continues! The HS Quiz Bowl team had its second meet of the season on December 3rd at Van Buren High School. We finished the night at 2-2. Here are the scores: We defeated Arcadia 21-16 and Cory-Rawson 2-19, and then we lost to Van Buren 8-30, and lost eventual league champs Riverdale 4-28. Thanks to all who came out and supported us including the Rode, Smith, and Simons families! It was greatly appreciated. Our tournament meet will be at Liberty-Benton HS on Wednesday, January 14th at 4:30. It is a double elimination tournament and we start off against Arcadia. Come out and cheer us on to a win! McComb Musical Moment... Mark Your Calendars The elementary students in grades 1-3 will present “Circus Circus” by John Jacobson & John Higgins on Thursday, February 5. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend both the 1:00 p.m. (dress rehearsal) and 7:00 p.m. evening performance. 4th grade students will showcase their talents on the recorders during the program as well. Please see below for a quick summary of the storyline for “Circus Circus.” “The circus is in town and there’s excitement in the air! But wait…the Ringmaster has come down with a case of laryngitis and they need to find a substitute fast! Join the clowns, jugglers, dancing bears, lions and a host of other hilarious performers as they help one very sad clown smile again (Jacobson).” Post-Secondary Options (PSO), Dual Enrollment (DE), Advanced Placement (AP®) McComb High School continues to offer Credit Flexibility Options to high school students and is pleased to announce there have been a few additions over the past few years. We would like to take this opportunity to speak to interested families about the three different options in which students may be eligible to receive college credit while in high school. The informational meeting is open to all families who will have students in grades 9-12 in the 2015-2016 school year and will take place on Monday, February 23rd at 6:00 pm in the high school cafeteria. In case of inclement weather, the make up date will be Wednesday, February 25th at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. If students/families are interested in participating in PSO for the 2015-2016 school year, this meeting is mandatory. (See below) Post-Secondary Options (PSO): Senate Bill #140 provides the opportunity to qualified high school students in grades 9-12 to enroll in college courses and earn high school credit. PSO is designed to give students an increased academic challenge. Each college has established criteria for admitting high school students. Ohio has set up three eligibility criteria: 1. Must enroll in a nonsectarian course or courses. 2. Must meet enrollment requirements established by the college: For example: At Owens Community College all students must have at least a 3.0 in the subject area and achieve certain scores on the ACT (ex: Reading score 22) or SAT (425 Verbal) and/or certain scores on the college’s placement test. 3. Parent must inform the school (through the guidance counselor) of their interest in their child participating in the PSO program by March 31st. There are certain benefits and risks involved in the PSO program (ex: PSO grades could affect class rank and athletic eligibility). To express interest in the program, contact the high school guidance office and complete the PSO section on your child’s class registration form for the 2015-2016 school year. Interested families are required to attend the informational meeting on Monday, February 23rd at 6:00 PM in the high school cafeteria. Once you have expressed an interest in the program, both parents and students must attend a counseling session at the high school and prospective college to discuss further details. When a decision has been reached to continue the (Continued on page 10) Page 8 Middle School Information MMS Students of the Month Academic Students of the Month 7th grade – Jacob Dillon Jacob is an absolute pleasure to have in class. He is attentive and hard working. He works cooperatively with others and always exhibits patience Jaylyn Spitnale and Jacob Dillon. and kindness. Congratulations Jacob! 8th grade – Jaylyn Spitnale Jaylyn is a hard worker in all her subjects and always has her homework done. She has a kind-hearted spirit and tries her best in and out of the classroom. Congratulations Jaylyn and keep up the good work! Arts Students of the Month 7th grade – Bo Bishop Bo is a role model student that is a pleasure to have in Hannah Davidson and Bo Bishop class. He is doing very well playing his trumpet. He is a hard worker and is consistent when playing his part. Keep up the good work Bo! 8th grade – Hannah Davidson Hannah does a great job in class and being a leader in the percussion section. She is also doing great playing the drum set for band and is setting an example for others to follow. Congratulations Hannah! First Positive Panther Trip At the conclusion of the first trimester, students who qualified for this trip headed out to the Bluffton Movie Theater to watch Alexander and the Terrible,Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Students enjoyed watching this comedy while hanging out with their friends and eating good movie theater popcorn and candy. In order to participate, students have to have 93% attendance rate, no incidents of discipline, no more than 6 missing homework assignments, and all fines and fees paid. The second trip will be sometime in February. Thank you to Mrs. Cortez, Mr. Honse and Mrs. Kern for chaperoning. Page 9 Middle School Fall Dance Student Council sponsored a dance for all 7th and 8th graders to attend the night of November 14th in the middle school cafeteria. The students came looking nice and danced the night away, enjoying some refreshments and listening to the DJ. We hope you enjoyed the evening and thanks to everyone who made the night possible! Cherokee Wildman, Katelyn Sheeks, Tyler Garringer & Jake Simons. Panther Pride Winners Tyler Garringer – Someone that can always be counted on Katelyn Sheeks – Being a good, reliable friend Jake Simons – Courteous to others Cherokee Wildman – Finding the positive in things Page 10 Elementary School Information Students of Month On Friday, December 5th, McComb Elementary held its Student of the Month celebration. In order to help build positive character, every month has a designated character trait. Each teacher has the opportunity to choose one student who has shown that month’s character trait. CITIZENSHIP was the character trait for the month of November. Congratulations to the following students who were chosen as Student of the Month. First Grade: Natalie Long and Ryleigh Felgar. Second Grade: Jon Ayers, Haiden Ebright, Octavian Gonzales, Jasmine Smith, and Evan Barringer. Third Grade: Iris Schorsch and Owen DeWeese. Fourth Grade: Grant Dishong and Ivy Bell. Fifth Grade: Leia Grubb, Robert Rodman, Zach Romero, and Chloe Amburgey. Sixth Grade: Sam Morse, Fidelia Velasquez, 1st and 2nd Graders and Gabe Bell. Congratulations! Credit Frexibility Options (Continued from page 7) program, the student and parents must sign a form indicating appropriate counseling was provided, and the responsibilities are understood. Please call Mrs. Day if you have further questions. Dual Enrollment (DE): The Dual Enrollment Program (DE) permits qualified students in participating high schools to take college/university courses at their high school for college credit. Consistent with the Ohio Transfer Module and Transfer Assurance Guides (TAGS), dual enrollment credit is commonly transferable to other accredited colleges and universities. The DE Program is an early-college initiative offered by most colleges and universities. The DE program complements, but is separate from, the Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSO) 3rd and 4th Graders Program. Currently McComb High School is working with Tiffin University. McComb High School may work with additional colleges/universities based upon the services provided and which college/university best fits the needs of McComb High School. HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration for 2015-2016 will begin the end of February/beginning of March. All students will receive a registration form that must be completed, signed by a parent/guardian, and returned by the due date. Students not returning a properly completed registration form will lose their right to choose classes and a schedule will be completed for them. Your student will bring home a registration form for your approval and signature. The registration form is a commitment. Once all registration forms are complete, a master schedule will be created, books and supplies ordered, and teacher assignments made. **Please note the master schedule is subject 5th and 6th Graders to change** Page 11 February 2015 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday BBK-Boys Varsity Basketball FBBK-Freshman Boys Basketball GBK-Girls Varsity Basketball W-Wrestling JHBBK-Junior High Boys Basketball JHGBK-Junior High Girls Basketball Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday JHBBK-H-Vanlue 6:00 pm JHGBK-H-Vanlue 5:00 pm FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 Rm 131 JHGBK Tournament GBK-A-HN 6 pm Elementary Operetta 7 pm BBK-H-LB 6 pm BBK-A-Ada 6 pm GBK-H-Holgate 12 pm W-A-Carey 10 am JHBBK-A-LB 5 pm FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 pm Rm 131 Market Day 3-5:45 pm Café FBBK-A-Leipsic 5 pm JHBBK-H-Arcadia 5 pm GBK-H-Arl 6 pm Senior Night FBBK-A-Arl 5 pm KKids 7:45 am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BBK-A-Leipsic 6 pm JHW-A-VB (BVC)9 am W-A-VB (BVC) 9 am No School President’s Day JHBK-Tournament GBK-A-Otto 7 pm BBK-A-Otto 6pm FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 pm Rm 131 GBK-A-Vanlue 7 pm BBK-A-Arlington 6 pm BBK-H-New Rie 6 pm PSO Mtg. 6 pm cafe FBBK-A-Cardinal Stritch 4:30 pm FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 Rm 131 KKids 7:45 am BBK-H-HN 6 pm Senior Night Jr. Class Chicken BBQ Dinner BBK-H-LP 4 pm Plus 5 Fitness! Each morning, the elementary students and teachers participate in Plus 5 Fitness giving an extra 5 minutes of physical activity each day! Students learn the exercise routines in physical education class. Each morning the music is played over the PA system in their classrooms where they perform their routines after announcements. At right: Mrs. Miles and her class marching Mrs. Gobrogge’s class doing the Frankenstein move At right: Mrs. Hunsberger and her 5th grade class are excited as they are getting ready for Plus 5 Fitness! Page 12 FEBRUARY 2015 MENU Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 Grilled Cheese (w/ American or Swiss), Tomato Soup, Salad Bar, Green Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk BBQ Chicken Sandwich or Spicy Popcorn Chicken, Salad Bar, Carrots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Loaded Beef or Chicken Nachos, Salad Bar, Refried Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Mini Cheeseburger or Mini Corn Dog, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk South of the Border Pizza or Cheese Pizza, Salad Bar, Black Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Hot Dog or Sloppy Joe Sandwich, Salad Bar, Green Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Mini Blueberry Pancakes or Cheese Omelette, Sausage, Hashbrown, Yogurt, 100% Juice Choice, FF Milk *NOTE: NO SALAD BAR* **SOUP DAY** Chili, Vegetable, or Wisconsin Cheese Soup, Corn Bread, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Chicken Strip or Popcorn Fish Basket, Salad Bar, Tater Tots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk No School President’s Day Breaded Chicken Chicken Alfredo or Sandwich or BBQ Pork Tuna Noodle Casserole, Sandwich, Salad Bar, Salad Bar, Green Peas, Carrots, Fruit Bar, FF Fruit Bar, FF Milk Milk Crispitos or Beef & Bean Burrito, Salad Bar, Refried Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Chicken Nuggets or McRib Sandwich, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Chicken Breast or Breaded Veal Sandwich, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Chicken Strip or Fish Sandwich Basket, Salad Bar, Tater Tots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Bacon Cheeseburger or Popcorn Chicken, Salad Bar, Tater Tots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Popcorn Chicken or Mini French Garlic Bread Cheeseburger, Salad Bar, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Salad Bar, Carrots, Green Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Fruit Bar, FF Milk Hamburger or Shredded Chicken Sandwich, Salad Bar, Baked Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk January 19th Make-Up Day Menu Chicken Breast OR Breaded Veal Sandwich Salad Bar • Carrots • Fruit Bar • FF Milk Breakfast.................... $1.25 Lunch 1-5................... $2.25 Lunch 6-12................. $2.55 Adult........................... $2.75 Side Salad................... $ .50 Additional Milk............ $ .50 Students in Grades 1-12 who will be paying for lunches will use the following procedures: Teachers will not be collecting lunch money. Parents and students who wish to pre-pay may pay on Mondays only. Up to 20 lunches can be purchased on Mondays and your Hot Breakfast (Omelets, Scrambled Egg and Bacon Pizza, Sausage Bagels, Biscuits and Gravy, Cinnamon Glazed Bars, Breakfast Burritos), Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk OR Cereal, Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk OR Breakfast/Cereal Bars, Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk OR Hot Asst. Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat, Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk. All grain products are WHOLE GRAIN unless otherwise noted. SALAD & FRUIT BAR Salad Bar consists of fresh mixed greens, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and choice of fat free dressing. Fruit Bar consists of fresh apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, canned unsweetened applesauce, pears, mandarin oranges, peaches, and mixed fruit. Note: A second veggie option of choice will be offered most days. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer LUNCH PRICES BREAKFAST MENU Breakfast served daily from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Stop in and see us to get your day off to a good start. child will receive a ticket that can be used any time that they buy. These tickets are kept at the school. Students may still pay daily. Parents are requested to keep lunch money separate from workbook money. Place lunch money in an envelope with the child’s name, teacher’s name and grade on the outside of the envelope. Parents are responsible to provide either money for their child’s lunch or a packed lunch. Forms for free or reduced lunches may be picked up in the Central Office.
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