The McComb Re ader Home of the Panthers The McComb Local School District 328 South Todd St. • McComb, Ohio 45858 419-293-3979 • Fax: 419-293-2412 Website: Issue 2 • February 2015 From the Office of the Superintendent As the meteorologists were debating this fall whether this would be a milder winter than last, I certainly took the optimistic stance that it would be. I’m sure it doesn’t feel that way now, but I remain hopeful. One way, though, that we are ahead of the game, is by having a clear contingency plan to help us make up some days in a couple of different ways, before we have to tack them on to the end of the school year. By the time you read this, we (hopefully) will have made up the day we took for state volleyball on Monday, January 19. As I write, we have assigned “Blizzard Bag Day 1” on the sixth absence due to weather. We are allowed to make up days 6, 7, and 8 through this means. We understand that work students are doing independently cannot equate to education in the classroom with the teacher, but nonetheless, we want to take advantage of this option to reduce the time after testing we have to make up, especially in the hotter month of June. After we have exhausted our Blizzard Bag days, the rest of the calamity days must be made up. If we find ourselves in that situation prior to the February Presidents’ Day holiday, we can use that day, or prior to the last waiver day, April 6, we can use that day. IF we do use one or both of those days, much communication will be utilized to make sure everyone is aware. We will use text alerts, social media, notes home, The McComb Reader, the school sign out front, etc., to be sure students and parents know. WHAT ARE THE TERMS OF THIS RENEWAL LEVY? This levy is 3.36 mills to be renewed for a period of five years, and approving it will NOT raise your taxes. It will raise roughly $205,773 annually, as calculated in the manner provided in ORC §5705.03. IS THIS A NEW OR ADDITIONAL LEVY? No, this levy was first passed in its current form in 1995 and has been renewed every five years since. WHY A RENEWAL AND NOT A REPLACEMENT OR HIGHER RATE LEVY? While some would say the economy is rebounding, that is not the experience of many of our residents and property owners. We remain committed to living within our means, which leads us to NOT ask for higher taxes or greater millage. WHAT IS THIS MONEY USED FOR? This money can only be used for “permanent improvements,” such as buildings and grounds, facilities, equipment, or capital improvements lasting for at least five years. We use it to maintain our structures – roofs, heating systems, classroom equipment, computers, technology and technology infrastructure, bleachers, tuck pointing brick, chimney repairs, As I mentioned in the last Reader, the McComb Board of etc. It may NOT be used for salaries and daily operations. Education voted to place a RENEWAL levy on the May ballot. If you have further questions, please send them to me at I asked in that article for folks to forward any questions you my email or give me a call at the office (419) 293-3979. might have about the levy. Following are the questions I Until next time, have received and answers, a sort of “Frequently Asked Questions,” or FAQ page: Mrs. Skilliter McComb Local School Published by McComb Local School Return Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID McCOMB, OH 45858 PERMIT NO. 2 Page 2 General Information January Organizational Board of Education Meeting Summary 1-13-15 January January Organizational Organizational Board Board of of Education Education Meeting Meeting Summary Summary 1-13-15 1-13-15 The The Board Board approved approved the the following: following: A. Elected new officers: officers: Jim Jim Rode, Rode, President; President; Johnny Johnny Dee, Dee, Vice-President. Vice-President. A. Elected new nd B. Set Set the the 2 Wednesday of of each each month month at at 6:30 6:30 p.m. p.m. in in the the McComb McComb High High School School Cafeteria Cafeteria for for their their B. 2nd Wednesday regularly scheduled scheduled monthly monthly meetings. meetings. regularly C. C. The The treasurer treasurer to to pay pay bills bills as as received received provided provided that that funds funds are are available. available. D. D. The The superintendent superintendent as as official official purchasing purchasing agent agent from from the the 2015 2015 organizational organizational meeting meeting to to the the 2016 2016 organization meeting year. organization meeting year. E. The treasurer and superintendent to apply for all pertinent federal and state grants and monies E. The treasurer and superintendent to apply for all pertinent federal and state grants and monies and and to to abide abide by by all all regulations. regulations. F. F. The The superintendent superintendent to to employ employ temporary temporary personnel. personnel. G. The superintendent G. The superintendent as as designee designee of of suspension suspension appeals. appeals. H. Designated Designated the the superintendent superintendent as as the the Public Public Records Records officer officer as as per per O.R.C. O.R.C. Section Section 149.43 149.43 (E) (E) (1) (1) H. effective January January 1, 1, 2015 2015 to to December December 31, 31, 2016. 2016. effective I.I. Adopted Adopted a a resolution resolution directing directing the the treasurer treasurer to to invest invest interim interim funds funds during during the the calendar calendar year year 2015. 2015. J. J. Authorized Authorized the the President President or or Vice-President Vice-President and and the the Treasurer Treasurer to to sign sign and and countersign countersign the the necesnecessary documents to secure the semi-annual tax settlements during fiscal year 2015. sary documents to secure the semi-annual tax settlements during fiscal year 2015. K. K. Appointed Appointed Board Board committee committee assignments: assignments: Athletic Athletic Board Board Rob Rob Quiroga Quiroga Johnny Dee Johnny Dee Negotiations Negotiations Jim Rode Rode Jim Audra Oglesbee Oglesbee Audra Buildings Buildings & & Grounds Grounds Rob Rob Quiroga Quiroga Johnny Dee Johnny Dee Scholarship Committees Committees Scholarship Jim Rode Rode Jim Finance Finance Jim Jim Rode Rode Andy Andy Schapson Schapson Technology Technology Andy Schapson Schapson Andy Audra Oglesbee Oglesbee Audra January Regular Regular Board Board of of Education Education Meeting Meeting Summary Summary 1-13-15 1-13-15 January TREASURER’S TREASURER’S ITEMS-The ITEMS-The Board Board approved approved the the following: following: ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß Financial Financial report report as as presented presented by by the the Treasurer. Treasurer. Minutes Minutes of of the the December December 10, 10, 2014 2014 meeting meeting as as written. written. Then and Now list of purchase orders Then and Now list of purchase orders over over $3,000.00 $3,000.00 for for the the month month of of December December 2014: 2014: Purchase Order # Vendor Amount Fund Purchase Order # Vendor Amount Fund # # 2600852 US Bank Equipment Finance $5,857.02 001 2600852 US Bank Equipment Finance $5,857.02 001 2600878 Great American Opportunities $6,532.30 018-9020 2600878 Great American Opportunities $6,532.30 018-9020 2600851 Casey’s $3,604.90 001 2600851 Casey’s Sales Sales $3,604.90 001 2600783 Pepple & & Waggoner Waggoner $6,633.50 001 2600783 Pepple $6,633.50 001 Quarterly cash cash reconciliation reconciliation of of the the financial financial statements statements as as reviewed reviewed by by the the Finance Finance ComComQuarterly mittee. mittee. The The following following investment: investment: 001 The $300,000.00 1.44% 3 001 Fund Fund The Citizens Citizens National National Bank Bank CDARS CDARS $300,000.00 1.44% APY APY 3 Year Year The 2015-16 Budget as presented presented by by the the Treasurer. Treasurer. The 2015-16 Budget as SUPERINTENDENT’S SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS-The RECOMMENDATIONS-The Board Board approved approved the the following: following: A. A. Approved Approved the the Revised Revised Classified Classified Salary Salary Schedule Schedule for for 2014-2015, 2014-2015, effective effective January January 1, 1, 2015; 2015; copcopies on on file. file. ies B. Authorized Authorized Family Family Medical Medical Leave Leave (FMLA) (FMLA) for for Kristen Kristen Starr Starr from from approximately approximately April April 6, 6, 2015 2015 B. through May May 29, 29, 2015. 2015. through C. C. Employed Employed Amy Amy Dreier Dreier as as part part time time Kindergarten Kindergarten aide aide as as needed needed per per the the salary salary schedule schedule accordaccording ing to to time time sheets sheets for for the the 2014-2015 2014-2015 school school year. year. D. Accepted the resignation of Nick Siferd as Junior High Wrestling Coach from July 1, 2014 D. Accepted the resignation of Nick Siferd as Junior High Wrestling Coach from July 1, 2014 through through June June 30, 30, 2015. 2015. E. E. Issued Issued an an extra-curricular extra-curricular contract contract as as per per the the salary salary schedule schedule from from July July 1, 1, 2014 2014 through through June June 30, 30, 2015: 2015: Dave Dillion Junior High Wrestling Coach Dave Dillion Junior High Wrestling Coach F. Approved Approved Brock Brock Wilson Wilson as as High High School School Wrestling Wrestling volunteer volunteer for for the the 2014-2015 2014-2015 school school year. year. F. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT- Last month we recognized Audra Oglesbee as our 2014President and we also want to recognize the board for all their service, they received a certificate from OSBA. McComb is in the final 2 for a revitalization Heart & Soul grant. January 26th will be a visit and tour including a bus tour by the judges. Mr. Herr asked Mrs. Skilliter to report all seniors have passed the OGT & the majority of the juniors have passed. EXECUTIVE SESSION- Met in executive session at 7:03 p.m. for the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of an employee or the investigation of charges or complaints against an employee, official, licensee or student, unless the employee, official, licensee or student requests a public hearing; matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes; and specialized details of security arrangements. The meeting was opened to the public at 8:29 p.m. The President declared the board meeting adjourned. The February Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria. NO SCHOOL Monday, February 16, 2015 President’s Day SPRING BREAK No School March 30-April 3 Mark Your Calendars! Harlan’s Chicken BBQ Dinner Friday Feb. 27, 2015 (Boys Basketball Senior Night) Cost $ 9.00 High School Cafeteria Includes ½ BBQ Chicken Au Gratin Potatoes Corn Roll w/ Butter Cookies Drink All profits benefit the 2015 Prom & After Prom. See any junior, Mrs. Palmer or call the High School Office at (419) 293-3853 Page 3 School Delays & Closing Information Weather Delays and Cancellations are a part of our daily routines during the school year. Just a reminder that the safety of our students is our primary consideration when we delay or cancel school or an activity. We will try to have our decision made by 6:30 a.m. Following are the forms of media used to broadcast this information. Radio Stations WFIN - 1330 AM WKXA - 100.5 FM WBUK - 106.3 FM WCKY - 103.7 FM WPFX - 107.7 FM WBVI - 96.7 FM WFOB - 1430 AM OhioAlerts T.V. Stations Channel 11 Channel 13 Channel 24 Websites Youth Baseball & Softball Sign Up Monday, March 2nd, 2015 6:30-8:00 pm McComb Cafeteria All boys age 7 and up interested in summer baseball and all girls’ ages 7-18 interested in playing fastpitch softball are invited, along with their parents, to this informational and sign-up meeting. Please come to the cafeteria anytime between 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm on March 2, 2015. Fees vary by division. Any questions please call Jason Glaser at 419-348-1246. Kindergarten Registration 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR McCOMB ELEMENTARY Kindergarten registration will be held FEBRUARY 17, 18, 19, 20 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Parents are asked to call the elementary office one of these days to set up a time for kindergarten screening. The Elementary office number is 419-293-3286. Upon completion of registration, parents may choose an appointment time for screening. The child must attend the screening. When you come for your appointment for screening, please bring your child’s Original Birth Certificate, not the Birth Record from the hospital; Social Security Card; and Immunization dates. We must have complete dates: the month, day, and year of your child’s immunizations. Children will need five DPT, four polio, and two measles, mump, rubella (MMR). In order to register for kindergarten, a child must be five years of age by August 1, 2015. Perhaps you have a child of your own to register for the 2015-2016 school year, or you may know a friend or neighbor who has a child to register. Please pass this information along to them. Also H.B. 140 now requires all children to have successfully completed kindergarten before being admitted to the first grade. Kindergarten attendance is now mandatory. If you have any questions or concerns please call the elementary office at (419) 293-3286. Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mrs. Holly McConnell, music teacher, and her family on the death of her father. Our heartfelt thoughts are with you and your family. NAMES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS YOU SHOULD KNOW Central Office 419-293-3979 Meri Skilliter Superintendent Rindi Schaublin Secretary Linda Clymer Treasurer Lisa Kryling Assistant Treasurer Luke Ewing Transportation Director High School Jeremy Herr Marlene Barker Melissa Day Kristine Kern Elementary School 419-293-3286 Matt Davis Principal Shawn Woolf Julie Buck Secretary Alyssa Neumeyer Guidance Counselor 419-293-3853 Principal Secretary HS Guidance Counselor MS Guidance Counselor 419-293-3161 Athletic Director Page 4 McComb Title I Readiness Pre-Kindergarten Registering for 2015-2016 If you have a child or you know someone who has a child who could benefit from being in a high quality pre-kindergarten program, the McComb Elementary Title I Readiness PreKindergarten might be a good fit. The child must be 4 before June 1st or 5 after June 1st. Classes will be held 4 half days per week, providing students with fun and meaningful learning experiences designed to develop valuable kindergarten readiness skills. Bus transportation will be provided for those families that live outside of town. Class space is limited, so interested parents should call the elementary office 419-293-3286 and submit your name and number. A screening will take place in April, and parents will be notified of the date and time prior to the screening. Reverse Raffle The 2015 reverse raffle will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the American Legion in McComb. The meal will be at 5:00 p.m. and the raffle will begin at 6:30 p.m. We are selling 350 tickets this year. Each ticket is $50 and an extra meal is $20. The first early bird drawing will be on Friday, January 30 at the Van Buren boy’s basketball game. The second early bird drawing will be on Saturday, February 28, against Lima Perry. The winner of each drawing will receive $100.00. Most all of the varsity coaches have received tickets or people can purchase tickets from one of the Athletic Boosters or at the 50/50 table prior to the boy’s varsity basketball games. Anyone interested in purchasing tickets or becoming involved with the Athletic Boosters may contact Troy Steinbrook at (419) 422-4177. 50/50 Ball Drop Raffle An additional fundraiser coming up in February is the 50/50 Ball Drop Raffle. Only 100 balls are being sold. The price is $20 per ball, with the winner receiving $1,000*. (*$1,000 if all balls are sold, otherwise the prize money will be based on the total number of balls sold.) The ball drop will be February 27 at the Hardin Northern varsity boy’s basketball game. Each ball will be numbered 1-100. Individuals are buying a number, with the ball closest to the target wins (measure-off if necessary). Individuals do not need to be present to win. Numbers may be purchased before the boy’s home basketball games at the 50/50 table or by contacting an Athletic Booster or Troy Steinbrook at (419) 722-4177. McComb High School Presents: You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown (Revised) Based on The Comic Strip “Peanuts” by Charles M. Schulz Book, Music and Lyrics by Clark Gesner Additional Dialogue by Michael Mayer Additional Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa Original Direction for this version of “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” by Michael Mayer Originally Produced in New York by Arthur Whitelaw and Gene Persson March 20, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. March 21, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. March 22, 2015 @ 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $8.00 For tickets, please call 419-293-3853, X306. Check out the photo below of our awesome cast rehearsing! Page 5 Outstanding Alumni Award The Outstanding Alumni Award was established three years ago. It is an award to honor a past graduate of McComb High School. Our school has a rich and storied tradition of students who have gone on to lead highly successful lives and careers. Our goal is to recognize at least one outstanding graduate per year. Please fill out the nomination form if you would like to nominate a McComb Outstanding Alumni and return it to the superintendent’s office. Past applications are on file and will be considered. We will look to honor our recipient at the Senior Recognition Program in May. McComb High School Outstanding Alumni Award Nomination Form Nominee Name:___________________________________ The McComb Musical Moment... Your source for McComb Music Department News BECOME A McCOMB FINE ARTS BOOSTER MEMBER Calling all parents, grandparents and fine art enthusiasts, show your support by becoming a member today. Any donation gets your name in all Band, Chorus and Drama programs. Please complete the attached and return to one of the Fine Arts Teachers or Tina Liebrecht at 3418 County Road 96, McComb, 45858. Please make checks payable to McFAB. Thank you! NAME ___________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER _________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Class of:_________________________________________ Biography/Achievements: McCOMB FINE ARTS BOOSTER MEETINGS Everyone is welcome to come to our meetings. All meetings start at 6:00 p.m. at the McComb Public Library. February 10 • March 10 Attention Parents! (Add Additional Pages if Necessary) Submitted By:_____________________________________ Daytime Phone #:__________________________________ The McComb Fine Arts Boosters, affectionately known as McFAB, is looking for help. If you are a parent or guardian of a student in the McComb School District and your students enjoy the wonderful programs offered by our Art, Music, and Drama programs here at McComb, we are looking for your help! McFAB is looking for more members to help out with raising money for our Fine Arts Departments and working to provide the things our students need in order to have opportunities that can influence the rest of their lives. If you are interested in helping, please contact any of the Fine Arts teachers here at McComb and we can get you in touch with McFAB and find you a place to be involved! Page 6 Hancock County Choir & Band The Hancock County Choir and Band concert will be February 22 at 3:00pm at Riverdale High School. The Hancock County honors groups have been performing for over 50 years. Participating schools are Arcadia, Arlington, Cory-Rawson, Liberty-Benton, Riverdale, Van Buren, Vanlue, and McComb. The students auditioned in December and will have two rehearsals before the performance with guest conductors. Students that were accepted into the band are Abigail Kreh on clarinet, Connor Hoverman on trombone, and Emily Clark on percussion. Students that were accepted into the choir are Carrigan Gomez as an alto, Alex King as a bass, Brooke Metzker as a soprano, Rachel Liebrecht as a soprano, and Ashley Philipp as a soprano. Congratulations to all these students!!!! District III Jazz Band, Choir & Band The District III Jazz Band, Choir, and Band concert was January 11, 2015 at Van Wert’s Niswonger Performing Arts Center. Ditrict III consists of students from Findlay, Van Wert, St. Marys, Lima, and all the high schools in between these schools. The students auditioned in November and attended 3 to 5 rehearsals. Kendall Newcomer on Alto Sax and Connor Hoverman on trombone were accepted to the jazz band, Brooke Metzker as a soprano and Alex King as a bass were accepted into the choir, and Connor Hoverman on trombone and Logan Gerdeman on french horn were accepted into the band. Congratulations on a great performance and for being accepted into the ensembles!!!! Chicago Band Trip The band took a trip to Chicago November 22 to November 24. While in Chicago the band attended the musical Million Dollar Quartet, toured the Museum of Science and Industry, Shedd Aquarium, Museum of Natural History, Willis Tower, and shopped at the Navy Pier and Magnificent Mile. We also enjoyed lots of great food at Ed Dubevics, Hard Rock Café and enjoyed a great show at Medieval Times. The trip was a great success. Thank you for all who helped chaperone. Page 7 High School Information Middle School Information Parents of 8th Grade Students Hancock County Quiz Bowl Tournament Runners-Up: front row l to r: Aaron Smith, Abby Kreh, Aaron Rode, Grace Buckland, Emily Clark; back row l to r: Emily Welch, Caylei Retting, Shelby Simons, Dakota Stanfield, Beckie RaderAdvisor, and Rachel Liebrecht. Not pictured: Kirsten Long and Jose Canales. It is time to begin the high school registration process for 2015-16. The registration meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. You will be receiving your child’s registration packet, which is needed in order to register for 9th grade classes. It is very important that the child and at least one parent attend to have the materials explained. We appreciate your participation at this important time in your child’s life. If you have registration questions, you can call the high school guidance office. In the event of inclement weather and school is cancelled on February 18th, the meeting will be rescheduled for Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:00 p.m. The meeting for the Washington DC meeting will follow this meeting in the cafeteria to discuss the upcoming trip. Mrs. Melissa Day Mrs. Kristine Kern High School Counselor Middle School Counselor HS Quiz Bowl Finishes as Runners-Up at Tournament! The HS Quiz Bowl team concluded its season on January 14th at Liberty-Benton High School with the Hancock County Tournament. We finished as the Runners-up to winner Van Buren. Here are the scores: We defeated Arcadia 26-24 in round 1 and then beat Liberty-Benton 19-17 in round 2. In round 3 we narrowly lost to Van Buren, 21-18, which put us in the Loser’s Bracket. We worked our way out of that by defeating Liberty-Benton AGAIN 20-15 to put us in the finals where we lost to Van Buren 29-16. We received a plaque as our piece of hardware!! Thanks to all who came out and supported us including Jim & Sara Rode, Dean & Karen Smith, Jerry & Sue Smith, Jeff Simons, Jennifer Long, John & Karen Sunderman, and Mrs. Skilliter! It was greatly appreciated and nice to see. Look out next year, as we lose only 1 senior and will have 5 returning seniors!! Congratulations on a great season! National Junior Honor Society The National Junior Honor Society members collected donated gifts for the Salvation Army Angel Tree, helping about 40 Hancock County children have a happier Christmas. After delivering these gifts to the Salvation Army on December 15, the students had a chance to play Santa. They filled bags full of toys for children, matching up wish lists with the toys available at the Salvation Army. We were all impressed and touched by the generosity of the donors who provided piles and piles of wonderful gifts and toys for children in our community. Page 8 MMS Students of the Month Academic Students of the Month 7th Grade – Riley Metzker Riley is a very conscientious student. She pays attention in class, offering answers and par- Tessa Hankin and Riley Metzker ticipating in discussions. Her school work is meticulously done. She is willing to help others and can work with anyone. Congratulations Riley! 8th Grade – Tessa Hankin Tessa is a role Kaplan Threet and Andrew Smith model student. 7th Grade – 8th Grade – She is attentive in class, tries her Kaplan Threet Andrew Smith best, and will volhas Andrew Smith is unteer answers. Kaplan stepped up and is improving his playShe takes her studies very seri- being a leader in ing ability on a ously and it reflects class. He enjoys daily basis. He is in her grades. playing his instru- a great player Keep up the good ment and is reli- musically with a able with knowing lot of potential. He work, Tessa! his part. He has a always comes to good sense of class willing to too. learn. Keep up Arts Students humor C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s the good work of the Month Kaplan! Andrew! Builder’s Club About 50 6th, 7th, and 8th graders dedicated their time during the day to come and make Christmas cards that were given to the elderly at a senior citizen home in Findlay. This is our 3rd annual community service project done at Christmas time. It brings good cheer to someone who may be lonely over the holiday season, and it’s our way of giving back to the community. Thank you to those who participated! Your enthusiasm is contagious and we look forward to your other contributions in the year 2015! Page 9 Elementary School Information Tournament Winners On December 20, 2014 the McComb 6th Grade Girls Basketball team won the “Santa Slam” basketball tournament in Antwerp. Pictured from left to right: Breana Panning, Malorie Schroeder, Cayla Pitz, Olivia Miehls, Haylie Jenkins, Alexis Shoop, Tayler Gayhart and Shayla. Middle School Information McComb Food Bank Donations Every year, in place of a classroom gift exchange, the fourth grade students collect donations for a charity. This year our students collected food and toiletries for the McComb Food Bank. You can see in this picture how generous our fourth graders and their families were during the season of giving. The students enjoyed helping others and spreading the Christmas spirit. Mrs. Simons, Mrs. Shenise, and Mrs. Miles would like to thank all the fourth graders and their families for their donations. Alex Kreh, Jacob Dillon, Olivia Babcock, and Olivia Adams Panther Pride Winners Olivia Babcock – Offering to volunteer her time Jacob Dillon – Helping others Olivia Adams – Always trying to do the right thing Alex Kreh – Being kind and supportive to others Thank You McComb Local School would like to send our appreciation to the McComb Community Partnership for donating the new sign. It has been a wonderful addition to the school! Thank You Community Partnership!! Page 10 Grandparents’ Day The kindergarten classes want to thank all the grandparents for coming to celebrate with us. We loved spending the day with you. Mrs. Strahm’s 1st Grade Christmas Party Front row left to right are Bryson Lause, Ryleigh Felgar, Judy Acosta, Aiden Hendren, Ashton Rosebrook, Kaden Barringer, Ashley Pesnell, Rozie Hansen. Back row left to right are Lilley Mull, Rowan Conley, Preston Kuhlman, Jeremy Thatcher, Kennedy Babcock. Page 11 March 2015 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday BB-Boys Varsity Baseball SB-Girls Varsity Softball Wednesday Thursday FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 Rm 131 Something Different Concert 7 pm FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 Rm 131 KKids 7:45 am T-Varsity Track JHT-Junior High Track Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MS Quiz Bowl 4:30 BB/SB Youth Sign up 6:30-8 pm 5th & 6th Archery Competition FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 Rm 131 HS Musical 1:30 pm 8th grade DC Trip 8th grade DC Trip 8th grade DC Trip No School Spring Break SB/BB-A-Bluffton 5 pm No School Spring Break 8th grade DC Trip FCA 7-7:45 am Rm 373 Art Club 3-5 Rm 131 End of 3rd 9 weeks HS Musical 7 pm HS Musical 7 pm 8th grade DC Trip Elem Spring Conferences The Elks “Hoop Shoot” Free Throw Contest The Findlay Elks held their local competition for the “Elks Just Say No To Drugs Hoop Shoot Free Throw Contest” on January 5, 2015 at the Koehler Fitness Center at The University of Findlay. The winners representing McComb Elementary were: 8-9 year olds: Vada Schorsch & Grady Schaublin Left to Right: Vada, Grady, Canaan, Callie, Jared & Malorie 10-11 year olds: Callie Sudlow & Canaan Griffith 12-13 year olds: Malorie Schroder & Jared Dillon Jared and Malorie placed second at the Free Throw Contest in their age groups. They both received a medal. Congratulations to all that participated! Important Information to All Parents!! It is very important to notify the school office whenever there is a change in your household. Please let us know when there is a change of address, custody, home telephone number, cell phone number, work phone number, work schedule, etc. Help us make sure that we can notify you in case of an emergency with your student. Thank you for understanding. Page 12 MARCH 2015 MENU Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 NO SCHOOL 30 31 – SPRING BREAK Coney Island Hot Dog w/All the Fixins or BBQ Chicken Sandwich, Salad Bar, Green Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Sweet & Sour Chicken or Loaded Beef or Chicken Mongolian Beef, Nachos, Salad Bar, Salad Bar, Asian Blend Refried Beans, Fruit Bar, w/Baby Corn, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Fortune Cookie, FF Milk French Toast Sticks or Mini Pancakes, Sausage, Hashbrown, 100% Juice Choice, Fruit Bar, FF Milk **NO SALAD BAR** Grilled Cheese (w/ American or Swiss), Tomato Soup, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza, Salad Bar, Carrots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Chicken Nuggets or BBQ Pork Sandwich, Salad Bar, Green Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Mac-N-Cheese and MORE Cheese or Grilled Chicken w/ side of Mac-N-Cheese, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Breaded Chicken Sandwich or Corn Dog, Salad Bar, Baked Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Chicken Strip or Popcorn Fish Basket, Salad Bar, Tater Tots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Bacon Cheeseburger or Popcorn Chicken, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Mini Cheeseburger or Mini Corn Dog, Salad Bar, Green Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Hot Dog or Turkey Burger, Salad Bar, Spicy Curly Fries, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Crispitos or Enchiladas, Salad Bar, Refried Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Build Your Own Sub Day w/ All the Fixins, Salad Bar, Salty Snack, Fruit Bar, FF Milk McRib or Sloppy Joe Sandwich, Salad Bar, Broccoli, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Mini Blueberry Pancakes or Cheese Omelette, Sausage, Hashbrown, Yogurt, 100% Juice Choice, FF Milk **NOTE: NO SALAD BAR** BBQ Chicken Sandwich or Spicy Popcorn Chicken, Salad Bar, Carrots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk Chicken Strip or Fish Sandwich Basket, Salad Bar, Tater Tots, Fruit Bar, FF Milk South of the Border Pizza or Cheese Pizza, Salad Bar, Black Beans, Fruit Bar, FF Milk USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer ~ School Breakfast Available ~ Research has shown that starting the day with a nutritious breakfast helps students stay alert and perform better in school. Our school participates in the School Breakfast Program. Breakfast is served daily from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. in the McComb Cafeteria. Stop in and see us to get your day off to a good start. BREAKFAST MENU Breakfast served daily from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Stop in and see us to get your day off to a good start. Hot Breakfast (Omelets, Scrambled Egg and Bacon Pizza, Sausage Bagels, Biscuits and Gravy, Cinnamon Glazed Bars, Breakfast Burritos), Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk OR Cereal, Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk OR Breakfast/Cereal Bars, Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk OR Hot Asst. Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat, Juice Choice, Muffins, Fruit Choice, Yogurt, V-8 Juice, Fat Free Milk. All grain products are WHOLE GRAIN unless otherwise noted. SALAD & FRUIT BAR Salad Bar consists of fresh mixed greens, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and choice of fat free dressing. Fruit Bar consists of fresh apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, canned unsweetened applesauce, pears, mandarin oranges, peaches, and mixed fruit. Note: A second veggie option of choice will be offered most days. NO SCHOOL Monday, April 6, 2015 Teacher Waiver Day
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