News Sheet for Sunday 25 January 2015 THIRD

News Sheet for Sunday 25th January 2015
All Saints with Ss Philip & James
Welcoming all in our community
into the love of Christ
All Saints
8.00am Holy Communion (1662)
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) with
Junior Church and Crèche
11.45am Baptism Service
Ss Philip and James
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) with
Junior Church and Crèche
6.30pm Taizé prayer
Genesis 14.17-20 ● Psalm 128 ● Revelation 19.6-10 ● John 2.1-11
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY The story of the water and the wine is all
about change, just as weddings, or the beginning of a new ministry, are.
Water for washing feet is converted into fine wine. It is a symbolic miracle:
Jesus is about to turn ordinary people with dirty feet into the greatest
vintages in the Kingdom of heaven. And although he tells his mother Mary
that his time has not yet come, this is, for John, where it all begins. It is
one of the three great ‘revealings’ of the Epiphany season, which
resonates with Christ’s passion at the end of his ministry now beginning.
TODAY’S COLLECT Almighty God, whose Son revealed in signs and
miracles the wonder of your saving presence: renew your people with
your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your mighty
power; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns
with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Almighty Father, whose Son our Saviour
Jesus Christ is the light of the world: may your people, illumined by your
word and sacraments, shine with the radiance of his glory, that he may be
known, worshipped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; for he is alive
and reigns, now and for ever.
The FPCC Coffee Bar is open Monday - Saturday, 10.00am - 12.30pm
Monday 26th January
Lady Chapel
9.00am Morning Prayer
Lady Chapel
11.45am Holy Communion (1662)
All Saints School
2.30pm School/Church Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 27 January
Lady Chapel
9.00am Morning Prayer
Ss Philip and James
9.00am Coffee and Play
All Saints & FPCC
10.00am Praise and Play
Lady Chapel
11.00am Prayer group
7.30pm Craft Group
Wednesday 28th January
Lady Chapel
9.00am Morning Prayer
Ss Philip and James
9.30am Eucharist followed by coffee
The Vicarage
7.30pm Pilgrim Course
Thursday 29 January
Lady Chapel
9.00am Morning Prayer
Ss Philip and James
9.00am Coffee and Play
Ss Philip and James
4.30pm JINK (Junior Youth Group)
Ss Philip and James
5.00pm Senior Youth Group
Ss Philip and James
7.00pm Choir Practice
Friday 30th January
Lady Chapel
9.00am Morning Prayer
10.00am Parent and Toddler Time
All Saints
8.00pm Choir Practice
Saturday 31 January
Ss Philip and James
6.30pm Beetle Drive
All Saints
Ss Philip and James
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW)
8.00am Holy Communion (1662)
11.30am Holy Communion (1662) 10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) with
Junior Church and Crèche
Please note that items with headlines underlined are new this week.
RON DYER - After many years of fruitful ministry in the Parish, Ron is
stepping back a little from the regular leading of services. Thankfully we
will still be benefitting from his ministry from time to time. We would like
to mark his years of ministry and show our appreciation - so there will be
a reception at 11.30am on Sunday 1st February in FPCC. Please do
come and help us to say thank you to Ron. If you would like to
contribute to a gift for Ron please give it to one of the churchwardens.
SCHOOL PRAYER MEETING - Our next school/church prayer meeting
is on Monday, 26th January, 2.30-3pm in All Saints School. Please join
us to pray for our school - all welcome. For more information please
contact either the Parish Office (812114) or the School Office (615428).
BEETLE DRIVE - Saturday, 31st January, 6.30pm in Ss Philip & James
Hall. Tickets £3.50 adult, £2.50 child, including a family supper with an
evening of friendly competitive beetling. Bring your own drinks - glasses
will be provided. Tickets from the Parish Office, Sue Benham (All
Saints) and Karen Kite (Ss Philip & James, 613251).
FAMILY ACTIVITY AFTERNOON - Saturday 7th February, 2-4pm,
Ss Philip & James Hall and Church. Games, Craft, Afternoon Tea - fun
for all ages and free! Offers of help welcomed. Please contact Hannah
Moore (612414) or the Parish Office for more information.
Alive - an evening of reflection, commemoration & prayer, Church on the
Heath, 27th January, 8-9.30pm. Marking the 70th anniversary of the
liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the 20th anniversary of the
genocide in Srebrenica, Bosnia.
January, 9.15am-1.30pm at Guildford Cathedral, Stag Hill, Guildford,
GU2 7UP. The Diocesan Team of Discipleship, Vocation and Ministry
will be hosting a session with speakers on gay issues and a chance to
write questions and comments, allowing everyone to have a say.
CLARINET RECITAL - Saturday 7th February, 7.30pm, All Saints
Church. Clarinet music from the Twentieth century. Helen Pysanczyn clarinet; Shelley Morgan - piano; with guest soloist: Anoushka Morse recorder. Tickets £6 on the door, profits to the Red Cross Ebola Appeal.
CAP MONEY COURSE - A short, practical course run by Churches
Together in Fleet & Crookham that will help you manage your finances.
7.30 pm, Tuesdays 3rd, 10th and 17th February, Church on the Heath.
Book through the CAP Money website or contact Will Parker (622491).
OPEN THE BOOK - Could you spare an hour a week on a Tuesday
morning to help with our Open the Book presentations in Fleet Infant
School? No acting skills required! Please speak to Hannah Moore
(612414) or Brian Meeres for more information.
PUBLIC EXHIBITION - On Wednesday, 21st January, 3.15pm-7.35pm
in the Church on the Heath, there is a public exhibition regarding the
plans for a residential development at Brickyard Plantation (a piece of
land at the northwest corner of Elvetham Heath, bounded by the road
from the south side M3 services, the A323 road to Hartley Wintney, and
the M3). All welcome to drop in and speak to the developers.
STEP BY STEP THANK YOU - On behalf of the staff and clients at Step
by Step, I would like to say a huge heartfelt thank you to all of you who
gave Christmas gifts and goodies and for providing donations of
toiletries, money and other gifts throughout 2014. Step by Step could not
provide the services they do without support from people like you.
SOMETHING FOR THE SOUL - Friday 6th February, 7.30 pm, St.
Peter's Church, Frimley, renowned singer-songwriter Garth Hewitt is
giving a concert as part of his 'Something for the Soul' Tour. Proceeds
will be shared between the Amos Trust and Frimley Parish charities.
Tickets are now available from Frimley Parish Office, 01276-27855.
PHYLLIS TUCKWELL EVENT - Saturday 7th February, 7.30pm at the
Church on the Heath. The Band of the Hampshire Constabulary will be
performing their usual mix of marches, music from the shows and big
band sound Tickets, £12, available from the Hospice Shop, Fleet,, Judy Keep or 01252 683540/612527.
BIBLE SOCIETY EVENT - Celebrate the Chinese New Year at Church
on The Heath on Friday 13th February at 7.30 pm. Heather Clements will
be sharing stories from her recent Bible Society Vision Visit to China,
followed by a Chinese Takeaway meal together. The suggested cost is
£10 per person which will include the food and drinks – any profit will go
to Bible Society to provide Bibles for China . Further details from
Heather on 07887 688947.
LENT GROUPS - Churches Together in Fleet & Crookham is organising
Lent Groups across the town this year, studying the 2015 York Course
called Praise Him! looking at 5 glorious songs of praise in the New
Testament. The groups will meet on 5 consecutive Wednesday
evenings from 25th February to 25th March from 7.45-9.30 pm, with a day
time option for those who can't make the evenings. The groups will be
organised on a postcode basis to help everyone get to know their
Christian neighbours. The preferred way to sign up is through the
Churches Together website ( but there will also be a
list in church or you can go into the Parish Office. The closing date is
Sunday 8th February. When signing up you will be asked to indicate if
you are willing to lead or host a group - groups will be no bigger than 10
people. The course books will be bulk ordered through Livingstones and
group leaders will supply them (cost around £3). Your host or group
leader will contact you the week before the groups start. Any questions
to Kate Dashwood, the Parish Office or ring Will Parker on 622491.
MIDWEEK CONCERT - Our next Midweek Concert and Lunch will be on
Thursday 5th February, please sign up in church if you would like lunch.
Readings for Sunday 25thJanuary 2015
First Reading
Genesis 14.17-20
Lot, Abraham’s nephew, had been
kidnapped by the raider
Chedorlaomer whom Abraham
subsequently defeated in a
successful rescue mission.
Abraham’s grateful ally
Melchizedek, king of Salem
(Jerusalem), gives Abraham a
blessing. This is the first mention of
Melchizedek who is subsequently
regarded as the first High-Priest of
the Jewish race. There are no
references to Melchizedek’s
After Abram’s return from the
defeat of Chedorlaomer and the
kings who were with him, the king
of Sodom went out to meet him at
the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the
King’s Valley). 18And King
Melchizedek of Salem brought out
bread and wine; he was priest of
God Most High. 19He blessed him
and said,
‘Blessed be Abram by God Most
maker of heaven and earth;
and blessed be God Most High,
who has delivered your
enemies into your hand!’
And Abram gave him one-tenth of
Psalm 128
Here is a psalm that dwells on the happiness of a home that ‘fears the
Whoever fears the Lord shall indeed be blessed.
Blessed are all those who fear the Lord,
and walk in his ways.
You shall eat the fruit of the toil of your hands;
it shall go well with you, and happy shall you be.
Whoever fears the Lord shall indeed be blessed.
Your wife within your house
shall be like a fruitful vine;
your children round your table,
like fresh olive branches.
Thus shall the one be blest
who fears the Lord.
Whoever fears the Lord shall indeed be blessed.
The Lord from out of Zion bless you,
that you may see Jerusalem in prosperity
all the days of your life.
May you see your children’s children
and may there be peace upon Israel.
Whoever fears the Lord shall indeed be blessed.
Second Reading
Revelation 19.6-10
The idea of the faithful (and the
Church) being Christ’s bride is a
very early Christian concept; Christ
himself used the image of marriage
in His teaching. Much of this
passage takes its inspiration from
both the Old Testament and the
I heard what seemed to be the
voice of a great multitude, like the
sound of many waters and like the
sound of mighty thunder-peals,
crying out,
For the Lord our God
the Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and exult
and give him the glory,
for the marriage of the Lamb has
and his bride has made herself
to her it has been granted to be
with fine linen, bright and pure’ –
for the fine linen is the righteous
deeds of the saints.
And the angel said to me, ‘Write
this: Blessed are those who are
invited to the marriage supper of
the Lamb.’ And he said to me,
‘These are true words of God.’
Then I fell down at his feet to
worship him, but he said to me,
‘You must not do that! I am a fellow
-servant with you and your
comrades who hold the testimony
of Jesus. Worship God! For the
testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
Gospel Reading
John 2.1-11
This account gives us a very
precious insight into the
relationship between the adult
Jesus and His mother. She
obviously is very close to Him and
He in turn addresses her with
respect (‘Woman’ should be read
as ‘Oh Lady’). This intimate
exchange happens when another
act of intimacy is taking place,
namely a marriage ceremony, a
ceremony that Christ will refer to in
His teaching later.
On the third day there was a
wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the
mother of Jesus was there. 2Jesus
and his disciples had also been
invited to the wedding. 3When the
wine gave out, the mother of Jesus
said to him, ‘They have no wine.’
And Jesus said to her, ‘Woman,
what concern is that to you and to
me? My hour has not yet come.’
His mother said to the servants,
‘Do whatever he tells you.’ 6Now
standing there were six stone water
-jars for the Jewish rites of
purification, each holding twenty or
thirty gallons. 7Jesus said to them,
‘Fill the jars with water.’ And they
filled them up to the brim. 8He said
to them, ‘Now draw some out, and
take it to the chief steward.’ So they
took it. 9When the steward tasted
the water that had become wine,
and did not know where it came
from (though the servants who had
drawn the water knew), the steward
called the bridegroom and said to
him, 10‘Everyone serves the good
wine first, and then the inferior wine
after the guests have become
drunk. But you have kept the good
wine until now.’ 11Jesus did this, the
first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee,
and revealed his glory; and his
disciples believed in him.
Those being baptised Sophie Mason and Jack Williams.
Those in need, including Tricia Brinton, Patricia Bull, Allan
Butterfield, Angus Cairns, Peter Carr, Jane Cornall, Grace Dicker,
William Eddy, Fred Griffin, Jon Harrow, Kimberley Langrish-Dixon,
Bonnie Lewis, Helen Miller, Gill Page, Philip Partington, Ronald
Partington, Peter Pimm, Louise Purton, Kate Savage, Beryl Sherwell,
John Simmons, Rose Smithers, David Thompson, Tyler Thompson,
Pauline Vickery, Pam Whittle and Jennette Wickes.
Those who have died recently Jean Brown and Margaret Harrie.
Those from our two memorial books whose anniversaries fall at
this time Arthur Mabbutt, Ivy Hammond, Gladys Barraclough, Percy
Goddard, Dorcas Jewell, Margaret Silver, Tommy Atkins, Yolande
Pastoral Assistants:
Should you have a pastoral need or any other kind of a problem and
wish for a listening ear, there is a Pastoral Assistant available after the
10am service. Please ask the duty warden at the door for help.
Visitors and Newcomers:
If you are new to our church, we welcome you - please fill in one of
our contact cards (available from the duty warden at the door) so we
can be in touch.
Hospital and home visits:
If you know of anybody who is in hospital or housebound and would
appreciate a visit, please contact the Parish Office.
For any other need, suggestion or query, see contacts below:
Revd Mark Hayton  01252 219281 
Revd Pauline Moyse  01252 671382 
Revd Ron Dyer  01252 621457
Revd Garth Kellett  01252 642940
ADMINISTRATORS - Chantelle Gardner & Elly Wilson
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 1.00pm
 Parish Office, Parish Community Centre, Church Road, GU51 4NB
 01252 812114 
Or visit our Parish website: