Parish Diary 1. Monday 26th January: 7.30 pm, Pilgrim Course on the Lord’s Prayer at the vicarage. 2. Monday 26th January: 7.45pm, Margaret Voysey’s home group at 39 Mark Anthony Court. 3. Tuesday 27th January: 8pm, Tony Turner’s home group, at 15 Avenue Road. 4. Friday 6th February: 7.30pm, Scrabble Evening at St Andrew’s hall. 5. Monday 9th February: 10am – 11.30am, Contemplative Prayer Group at 43 Fathoms Reach (home of Maureen Davis). All welcome. 6. Saturday 14th February: Valentine’s Day Evening at Hayling College from 7.30pm until 11.30pm. Hot buffet and disco and bar – all proceeds to St Andrew’s projects. Tickets £15 each from Vicky Macey, telephone 02392 363599 or 07775 936436. This is not just for couples but for all to celebrate together and raise some money at the same time. 7. Wednesday 18th February: 10am, Ashing Service at St Peter’s. 8. Saturday 21st February: 1.30pm, Film and Tea at St Andrew’s – “The King and I”. Admission free but donations welcomed. 9. Wednesday 25th February: 7.30pm, Lent Course at St Andrew’s church for five weeks until Wednesday 25th March. The course will include the DVD “The Bible narrated by Robert Powell”, showing Jesus’s life and the growing conflict which led to his arrest, trial and death. 10. St. Peter's Church Library - Books can now be borrowed again and there is an alphabetical list in the Ark of all books available. These have been catalogued and sorted into categories. Under each category the books have been listed, with a synopsis of each and some reviews, to help your choice. If you wish to borrow a book, please enter the following details in the notebook provided: your name, date and the book you are borrowing. When returning your book please enter the date of return. This information can also be found on our website to enable you to peruse at leisure. If anyone needs further information please see Avril. THE PARISHES OF ST ANDREW’S AND ST PETER’S 25th January 2015 Conversion of St Paul Welcome to our worship If you are here for the first time, please make yourself known to the vicar or to any member of the congregation; and do join us for coffee after the service. For your prayers this week Today's team St Peter’s 9.15am St Andrew’s 11am Celebrant Ann Leonard Ann Leonard Preacher Ann Leonard Ann Leonard Organist Debbie Robin Cole Reader Mike Jones Judith Cameron Prayers Henry Thurstan Sidesmen/women Henry & Jane Thurstan Duty Wardens Colin Cooke-Priest Judith Cameron David Smith Vicky Macey & Audrey Cladd Services this week 27th January Evening Eucharist St Andrew's 28th January Eucharist (BCP) St Peter’s ___________________ Next Sunday: 1st February Candlemas Readings: Malachi 3:1-5, Hebrews 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40 9.15am Holy Communion St Peter’s 11am Holy Communion St Andrew’s Tuesday 7pm Wednesday 10am Vicar: Revd. Ann Leonard 9246 1980; Associate priest: Revd. Tim Wood 9246 1575 Licensed Lay Minister (Reader): Jenny Salisbury 92464430; Parish office phone: 9235 1496 and e-mail addresses: & Website: Facebook: Hayling St Andrew’s and St Peter’s Twitter: follow us @haylingstastp POSTCODES: ST PETER’S PO11 0RT ST ANDREW’S PO11 9QL ALL information for the weekly sheet should be sent to Michael Cayley (, 9246 0169) or Ann by email or phone message, or to Jacqui Wilson (administrator) at Deadline 4pm Wednesday. o o o o o o o o o o o o For Syria and Iraq: for the injured and maimed, the bereaved and for all refugees. For peace in Northern Nigeria and South Sudan. For those affected by Ebola. We pray for the Church of England and the Anglican Communion: for Archbishop Justin, Christopher our Bishop, Archdeacon Joanne Grenfell and our Area Deans Karina Green and Andy Wilson. For our link parishes in Ghana: St Andrew, Assesewa, and the congregation of Ayiesu and their priest Fr Edward. Also for St John the Divine, Nuaso with Sapor - for the congregation and their priest, Fr Samael. In our deanery we pray for Blendworth with Chalton with Idsworth and the ministry of Rosemary Donald, Ruth Loveman, Wendy Kennedy, John Shepherd, Terry Louden and Gareth Denby. We pray for our other sister churches on Hayling Island and the work of Churches Together. Today we especially pray for Elim Church and their leader Rod Greenwood. We pray for our schools, especially for Hayling College and Mengham and Mill Rythe Infant schools. In our community we pray for St. Leonards Rest Home and The Wedge residential homes. We celebrate with Christopher Meatyard, Vicky Macey and Tina Clapham whose birthdays are today and tomorrow. Please note that unless otherwise requested, names will remain on the sick list for three weeks only: We pray for those who are sick especially for: (St. Andrew’s) Grace Young, Debra Durrell, Monica Bennett, Andy Baldwin, Joan Gibson. (St Peter’s) Shirley Parker, Ken Mulford, Eileen Favron, Eve Jones, Roy Wheeler, Pat Hampton, Peter Hemmens, Jan Wallis-Rees. For the bereaved and for those who have died recently.
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